• Published 3rd Dec 2015
  • 506 Views, 67 Comments

From the Ashes: Ember's Story - Zoljen

A changeling's adventure in fleeing from a war between drakes and griffins.

  • ...

Rebuilding Trust

Ember slowly woke up to the feeling of being warm. She knew she had a fuzzy griffin to her back, but this small fuzzy lump to her front was new. She tried to move a little, only to find the lump was across one of her arms and tucked up under her. She slowly opened her eyes and was greeted with the sight of a blue and pink striped mane.

She blinked and craned her head up, looking at her surroundings and saw that Magenta had joined her and Quicktail in bed. She was sleeping peacefully on one side, and Quicktail was snoring softly on Embers other side.

“Stuck between two heaters,” Ember mumbled to herself as she slowly and very carefully extracted herself from the pile. As she did, she used her pillow in the place of an arm, and scooted Magenta closer to Quicktail for added warmth. Once she was finally free, she sat back and grinned at the pair. Maybe something could be done about Magenta, she thought.

She shrugged and left the room, not fully closing the door as she made her way to the kitchen. She stopped about halfway, noticing that Opal, Lode, and Feather had done the same, curled up and laid with each other to add to the warmth of the blanket. She chuckled softly as she resumed walking towards the kitchen.

She hummed quietly, putting up a bubble around the kitchen as she started to cook up some eggs and bacon for breakfast for everyone present. It wasn't long before she heard some grumps and groans as the three slowly woke up. She watched them stretch and yawn as she resumed making breakfast, lowering her bubble and letting the scents of breakfast cooking flow into the small house.

“Mmmm, what smells good?” Opal asked, sitting up after stretching out.

“That would be breakfast, and yes I am making enough for six,” Ember chuckled, barely glancing over her shoulder.

“Wondered if you forgot about Magenta,” Lode yawned and grinned at Ember as the pair moved to sit by the couch.

“Hard to forget her when I woke up with a face full of her mane,” Ember shook her head, hiding the grin from the others.

“You’ll make a good mother,” Opal said softly, just loud enough for them to hear. Ember shrugged slightly.

“Perhaps, but that would mean a full house for now,” Ember shook her head. “I think we can manage anyway. Don't want her to be alone for now.”

A soft squeaky yawn alerted the four, as they each looked towards the bedroom to see Magenta yawning and stretching out. She sat and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, slowly looking about the room. Ember grinned and turned to face her.

“G’morning sleepyhead, hope you don't mind eggs for breakfast,” Ember chuckled as she watched Magenta shake her head, stand up, walk over to Opal and sit by her and lean on her. Opal glanced down at her, and grinning softly, put an arm over her.

Magenta nuzzled gently into Opal, closing her eyes as Ember went back to cooking breakfast. After a bit more, and getting the others their plates, Quicktail finally joined them in the living room.

“It got cold in there,” He mumbled as he yawned widely, flopping down by the mantle.

Ember floated a plate over to him, “Well, you're just in time for eggs and bacon. Sorry it's not the same as Rusty’s though.”

“S’fine,” Quicktail yawned out, then proceeded to dive into his food. Feather Dust glanced at the griffin for a moment, before looking down at his food, then back to the griffin.

“Hey Quicktail,” he said, making the griffin look at him with a eyebrow raised slightly.

“Yes?” He asked slowly.

“I'm sorry… about yesterday,” Feather stared at his food.

“It’s fine. We haven't met face to face before, as I was out of town when you came visiting, along with Scope and Topaz. They have yet to meet me too, but at least with Topaz I’ve had some contact. So really it’s my fault you didn't know who I was,” Quicktail grinned as he watched Feather nod back to him.

Ember was the last one to get her meal, and finish it too as after everyone finished it, she was halfway through it and poking at it.

“Is something wrong, Ember?” Lode asked as he gathered up everyone's dishes.

“Yeah, not sure I want to go back to the hospital,” Ember poked at her eggs again.

“But isn't that where you work, Miss Haze?” Magenta spoke up, looking at Ember.

“I kind of… ran from it. A few days ago,” She sighed. “I, er…” She looked up at Magenta for a moment before looking away and scrunching her face.

“She revealed a big secret about herself as she defended the hospital from those nasty ponies,” Quicktail stated calmly, looking down at Magenta who looked back at him. “And she is scared that she has no job to go back to.”

Magenta looked at Ember again, tilting her head slightly. “Why would you be scared? Aren't the ponies at the hospital your friends?”

“They are, but it was a secret I kept from them too,” Ember let out a soft sigh. “Do you remember that attack during the wedding, a year or so ago?” Magenta nodded, making Ember wince slightly. “I'm a…” she hesitated, looking towards the door. “I helped defend those ponies at the hospital a few days ago, by taking on a different form. I’m a changeling,” She winced as she heard Magenta gasp, looking towards her.

“You’re a changeling? But you’re so nice! Not like those nasty ones that attacked!”

Ember nodded slowly. “I was out of town when they attacked, and I was worried when I came back.”

“Can I see what you look like?”

Ember nodded, and in a flash of fire revealed herself. Magenta gasped and just stared, looking her over as Ember gauged her reaction. Shock at first, then surprise, which turned to curiosity. Ember grinned softly, as she watched Magenta stand up and slowly walk towards her.

“Did everypony here know about you?”

“We’re one big family,” Opal said with a warm grin as she watched Magenta reach out and touch Ember. “Except Quicktail here, he’s all griffin, and all Ember’s too.”

Magenta rested a hoof on Ember’s leg, looking up at Ember as she grinned weakly down at her. For a moment nothing happened, then suddenly Magenta hugged her around her midsection. Ember hugged her back softly and closed her wings around her as well.

“Thank you,” Ember said softly, closing her eyes and hugging the foal beneath her.

“You have to go back to the hospital, and tell them you're not evil. You are far too nice to be mean,” Magenta squeaked out, sniffling softly. “And if they say otherwise, I’ll show them!”

“Does that mean you're going with me?”


“And I am to,” Quicktail thumped his chest as he stood proudly.

Ember grinned up at Quicktail, then looked back to Magenta and held her at arm's length. “What did I say about shedding tears?” She brushed them away, as Magenta sniffled, looking up at her.

“That far too many have been shed,” She mumbled softly as Ember nodded.

“I can let these slide though, as they are tears of joy,” The pair embraced in a hug again.

Ember tentatively stepped into the hospital receiving area slowly, peering around nervously at the injured ponies who were either asleep at the time, or didn't care. She took a few steps in, carefully looking around before getting pushed in by a griffin paw.

“Seriously Ember,” Quicktail said calmly as he pushed her in, making her squeak and stumble forward. “They aren't going to bite when I am right behind you.”

Ember straightened up and turned to face Quicktail, poking him in the chest. “Yeah well, I have a good reason to be-”


Ember stopped her rant and looked over her shoulder, seeing Light Gaze standing there, staring at her. She gulped and took a step towards him.

“I…” She didn't get any farther as he ran forward and hugged her tightly.

“Thank Celestia you're okay!” Gaze almost screamed as he hugged her tightly, her eyes going wide and her jaw slack as she sat there. Quicktail chuckled softly as he watched before looked past the pair, seeing a few other ponies look in their direction, some of the injured grinning at them, while a few scowled.

“Where is Faith Cure?” Quicktail asked, as Light released Ember, still keeping his hooves on her shoulders.

“In her office, along with a few of the other nurses. Everypony was worried about you, Ember,” He never let his gaze leave her. “Seeing you run off, especially after what all has happened. We were afraid you decided to leave town.”

“So you…” She trailed of as he hugged her again.

“Don't ever do that again!” He gave her a tight squeeze, earning a squeak, before releasing her. “Go straight to her office, I am sure there is still plenty of work to do, and we need every hoof we can get.”

Ember nodded slowly as Light Gaze gave her a solid nod, then grinned and returned to his work. Ember glanced back at Quicktail, who was grinning smugly at her.

“Wipe that grin off your beak mister,” She got up and started towards the offices, with Quicktail and another two sets of hooves walking. Magenta and Opal followed along behind them, Lode had left to go check with building inspectors to see where he could be of use and Feather Dust had gone off to check in the medical teams to see where he could be of use.

Ember and Opal could feel some of the scowls that Ember was getting as she walked towards the offices. Ember shrugged them off, at least mostly. She stopped outside the office and held a hoof above the door hesitating again.

“Am I going to have to push you through this door as well?” Quicktail chirped at her, making Ember knock once on the door and turn around to face him again.

“No! I’ll knock this time!” She turned back around and lifted her hoof to knock again, making it halfway to the door before it opened. Her hoof stopped a few inches from a brown earth pony’s face. Ember squeaked and quickly retracted her hoof. “Sorry Natty.”

The pony just kept a semi flat look, making Ember’s ears go back against her head. Natty opened the door wider and stepped off to the side.

“Your nurse is back,” She said as Ember looked at who else was in the office. Faith stopped talking to a deep blue pegasus mare and looked directly at Ember.

“Welcome back, Ember,” Faith said calmly, glancing to see the reaction of the other two in the room. The blue mare looked Ember up and down, then nodded, signaling Faith to continue, “I… told everypony.”

Ember took a step into the office, keeping her ears flat as she looked down, “I suppose I should go…”

“Out and help those ponies,” The blue mare spoke making Ember look up at her. “And if any of them have problems, I can get Commander Amber Dawn down here to settle any disputes,” She nodded, glancing at Faith who also nodded.

“Thank you Perfect Night for what I was about to say,” She looked at Natural Remedies, “Anything you wish to add Natty?”

The earth pony kept her eyes on Ember, sighing softly. “Yeah, why didn't you tell us sooner? We find out from our boss that you're a changeling, and have been the whole time! I mean, we understand you keeping it a secret, but since the wedding? Really?”

“I, er,” Ember looked down, wondering if her ears could go any flatter. “Sorry, no more secrets from here on out. Okay?” The three others all nodded as she looked at each one.

“Good, you can show me what you look like underneath later, since Faith said you’re different,” Natty nodded. “Anyway, we have ponies to attend to.” She took a few steps towards the door, stopping and looking down at Magenta. “Er, hi.”

Magenta looked up at Natty and waved. “Does Miss Haze still have a job here?”

“Yes she does,” Natty nodded, looking back at Ember. “Going to have an assistant today?”

“Unless Faith here has need for a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders,” Ember turned partially to look at Magenta, then back to Faith.

“I could find a good, safe, job for her to do.”

“I will not be treated by a changeling!” The earth pony growled at the green unicorn before him, as Ember just stared flatly back at him. He already had most of his wounds tended to, and was getting new dressings.

“The other nurses are busy, sir,” Ember said in a rather flat tone, keeping her emotions in check so she wouldn't flee again.

“I can wait until one of the normal nurses is free then. I will not get my wounds tended to by some parasite,” He growled, glaring at Ember. “So begone gnat!”

“You realize, sir, that I have treated you seven times in the past 5 years. All of those times have been me, not somepony posing as me. All of those times you have come in with some form of minor complaint, and I treated you each time. One of those times you were complaining because you ate too much chili and didn't want the trots,” Ember leaned in close to the stallion, who was still growling, albeit not as much now. “And each time I have taken nothing from you, aside from a small portion of the bits you gave for bills.”

“I…” the stallion gulped, looking up at Ember, flattening his ears.

“And I treated your wounds from before the fighting broke out, and yet then you did not care that I was a changeling,” She paused, straightening back up. “So, are you going to let me tend to your wounds now? Or would you rather wait for who knows how long before some other nurse can come tend to you?”

The stallion looked down, sighing softly, “Sorry.”

“The sins of one can damn the many,” Ember said softly as she started to tend to his wounds. Off to the side a golden earth pony watched her work silently, waiting until she had finished with that stallion and moved off to the side to catch her breath. He picked this moment to move in, making himself known first before speaking.

“We really should stop meeting like this, Emerald,” The golden earth pony said calmly to Ember, who nodded back to him.

“Yes Admiral, we really should just meet on a pleasant day, on a beach, and stare at a boat,” Ember saluted Gold Star with a chuckle.

“That was a good day, wasn't it?” Gold Star sighed, then grumbled. “Put that hoof down!”

Ember snickered as Gold Star glares at her, “So, why are you here, Admiral?”

“Just checking in on everything after the riots. I heard you ran from the Hospital the other day and, well, I was worried,” Gold Star shrugged as he grinned at Ember. “Also, no titles.”

“Sorry, Admiral. I have to keep up some pretense that I don't know you as well as I do.” Ember grinned widely as a soft squeal started to sound. “But as you can see, Admiral, we are faring just fine.”

Gold Star nodded, twitching an ear as the squeal slowly got louder. “That is good to hear, though there seems to be some form of squealing off to the side,” He looked around, his eyes falling onto a griffin that is holding a box in one arm, and staring wide eyed at him and emitting the squeal. “Uh… hello?”

Quicktail shook his head vigorously, then stepped forward and extended a paw after setting the box down. “Q... Quicktail is my name, sir.”

Gold star extended his hoof, looking over the griffin, “Say… you wouldn't happen to be related to one Mr Gungnir, would you?”

Quicktails eyes went as wide as dinner plates. “You know my father?!”

“Yeah, throws a mean left hook,” Gold Star chuckled. “So, I noticed you the other day, but you were asleep. Why is a griffin here at the hospital? Not that I'm really complaining, but you don't seem the type to dress wounds.”

Quicktail grinned as he looked at Ember for a moment, then back to Gold Star, “No, I am a former Sky Wing and now a part of the Embassy, though I don't know if it still stands at this moment, I haven't really had a chance to go look, sir.” Gold Star looked between him and Ember a few times, then started to chuckle.

Ember caught on quickly and huffed as Gold Star started to laugh, “What was that about not finding somepony?” He leaned over and nudged Ember, who glared back at him with a blush.

“Oh hush you, that was a over a year ago!” Ember nudged him back, and Quicktail just watched the casual exchange.

“I still can't believe you’re friends with Admiral Gold Star!” Quicktail chirped as he watched Gold Star look back at him.

“Well yeah! Inspiring somepony’s crew during a sneak attack is something you don't forget,” Gold Star grinned widely. “Besides, she’s good company, even if she is enjoying a meal on me right now,” Gold Star leaned on Ember, chuckling and laying an arm over her shoulders.

Ember blushed faintly, looking back at Gold Star, “You don't seem to mind the gesture in public, do you?”

“I think you could use a high ranking official as a friend. I saw you handle that stallion and how others are still glaring at you. Pitiful really,” he paused to shake his head. “I heard from Bones that you went drake in front of everypony present,” Ember nodded slightly at that, hanging her head. “Showing the ponies that I trust you will give them food for thought.”

“As long as they don't choke on it. Besides, one would think me standing up to those armed ponies would show them that I wasn't afraid, even if I don't really remember it,” Ember murmured.

“Well, yes. I saw first hoof what you could do on that ship. If your goal wasn't getting to Canterlot, I would have asked you to stay on board and join McCoy,” Gold Star let her go and took a few steps from her, grinning.

“And I probably would have accepted. At that time I was just running,” She blinked and looked at Gold Star. “Wait, you would have asked me to stay? Even though I’m a changeling?”

“Well yeah! And given what I heard from Bones about you going all dragon and hacking up mercs!” He grinned, then winced as he noticed her expression changed from shocked to depressed, as she looked down. “Er, sorry. I understand you’re still getting over that, but…”

“No, no,” Ember shook her head. “It's just… I'm a nurse, a pony who mends ponies, not one who takes them apart in a fit of protective rage to protect the one she loves,” She said as she looked towards Quicktail, who just grinned back and moved to rest a wing on her.

Gold Star grinned as well. “Yup, you two will be a good couple,” Gold Star saluted the pair, making them salute him in return. “Well, I should go back to inspecting the grounds and making sure everything is good.”

“Thank you, sir,” Ember replied as she let her hoof drop. Gold Star turned and trotted a little from the pair. After a few steps, he stopped and glanced over his shoulder.

“Send me a letter when the wedding is, and if it's pony or griffin!” He grinned widely as he watched both of them stumble a little as they started back to work.

Author's Note:

Ember returning to the hospital the next day and getting the warmest reception she didn't expect. Guess she can really count on that 20+ years of building relationships to last her even beyond revealing herself as a changeling.