• Published 18th Jan 2016
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Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 12: Gravity of the situation part 2. (Edited)

[Goku's group - Market Place - Third Person POV]

Goku, Spike, Starlight, and Twilight had left Castle Friendship in hopes of reaching the marketplace to have lunch. Instead, they made their inside of Twilight's favorite eatery and were talking about what to order.

"So what will you all be having? I have been craving a hay-burger for a while now." Twilight said.

"I'll have some hay fries and crystals nuggets," Spike said.

"I'll just have the new rainbow smoothie." Starlight said.

"Hmm." Goku pondered as he looked over the menu. Once again, he found the selection lacking to his tastes. But he figured that there wouldn't be a wide variety, to begin with, since this is a fast-food joint. Goku finally settled on the fruit salad. "I guess I'll have the fruit salad please," Goku said.

"That's great. You all go find us a seat while I wait for the food," Twilight said as the others found a table by the window. Soon enough, Twilight came with their orders and took a seat. Then, spike, Starlight, and Twilight began to dig in while Goku looked out the window. "Goku, is there something wrong? You seemed troubled."

"Hmm? Oh, it's nothing. I thought I felt something." Goku said dismissively. "Anyway, time to dig in." he proclaimed. However, just as he was about to take a bite, his eyes widen in shock, and he shoots up from the table. This action causes all the restaurateurs to jump in surprise and watches Goku nervously. "I felt something that time. Someone's in trouble." Goku said to himself.

"Um, Goku, is everything ok? You're kinda scaring everypony." Spike said as he gestured the room filled with trembling occupants.

Goku never took his eyes away from the window as he addresses his group. "Someone's power level is fading!" was all he said as everyone looks perplexed.

"What do you mean by power levels?" Starlight asked.

"I mean someone's Ki energy is slowly decreasing; 6 to be exact," Goku informs. Starlight still looks lost, whereas Spike and Twilight were somewhat getting a handle on things.

"Goku, what does it mean when some ponies Ki energy fades or decreases?" Twilight asked.

"It can mean two things. 1: someone's seriously hurt and 2: someones could be-- Dying!" Goku said hesitantly, much to his groups' horror.

"WHAT?!! But who's hurt? Who's in danger? And where are they?" Twilight frantically asked. Goku focused a little harder and discovered who the power levels belong to.

"It's Rainbow Dash and the fillies! They're on my ship. We need to go now!!" Goku ordered. Twilight needed no more prompting after that. She quickly charged a teleportation spell and moved Spike, Starlight, and herself to the ship. Unfortunately, the sudden bright flash momentarily blinded Goku as he was left behind. When he recovered, he found that his group was gone. Goku then proceeded to run out of the restaurant and toward his ship using rapid movement.

[Outside Goku's ship - Twilight's POV]

I brought us all in the form of Goku's ship and started to assess the situation. That was when I heard screaming coming from inside. We quickly ran up and saw Rainbow Dash lying on the ground, squirming in pain. We saw that the fillies were in the same boat as Rainbow. But for the life of me, I couldn't piece together why they were just on the ground like this. Did somepony do this to them? Who would be cruel enough to harm a bunch of fillies? I pushed these questions aside and started to enter the ship. However, before I reached the first step, a familiar voice called out.

"STOP THIS INSTANT!!!" Dr. Briefs commanded as we all stop in our tracks.

"Dr. Briefs! What happens here?" I asked as my friend's scream caused me discomfort.

"I can't go into details at the moment, but the artificial gravity is crushing Rainbow Dash and the fillies." Dr. Briefs tells me. I couldn't but wonder what he means by that.

"But that doesn't make sense. The gravity is normal out here, and I'm not sensing any magic tampering." I stated.

"There will be time for questions and answers later. But, right now, I need to know if Goku's with you!" Dr. Briefs asked urgently.

"Yes, he's right- Oh No, where's Goku?" I said as I started to panic.

"I don't know? I thought he was here with us!" Spike said. This situation was getting worse by the second.

"Did the teleportation spell somehow failed?" Starlight asked as I shook my head.

"No, I made sure to bring us all..." I trailed off as I just realized something. "Oh my Luna, I forgot that Goku is somewhat resistant to magic because of his Ki."

I could see Rainbow struggle to speak. "Will you two eggheads think of something? I don't know how much the girls can take?" Rainbow Dash reminded us of the situation at hand.

"Ms. Sparkle, is there any way for you to hit the button on the lower-left corner of the console. That should turn it off." Dr. Briefs informs us. I spot the button in question and prime an offensive spell. I launch the magic at the console, but to my shock and horror, the beam just dispersed the moment it entered the ship. The whole predicament was frustrating to the point of pulling my mane out. Why would anypony increase the flow of gravity?

"Maybe I can teleport to the console and hit the button before the gravity can affect me." Starlight offers. At this point, I'm willing to try anything.

"Alright, give it a try," I tell Starlight. She prepared her spell and vanished from our side. But, just as she reappeared, I noticed a counter of some kind with the number 4 written on it. I saw the count go from 4 to 5, and from there, things got a lot worse. Starlight instantly fell to her knees and hit the horn on the machine. There was a sickening crack that followed. "Aaaaaah?" Starlight bellows in pain. She was lying prone on the ground as I saw a large crack going down the middle of her horn.

"Oh no, no no no!!!!" I said. I began to hear multiple bones groan and creaking from the pressure applied. I lit my horn again, but this time I place domes over my friends in hopes of alleviating the pressure. Unfortunately, that wasn't the best idea as I could feel the weight crashing against the shields. My legs buckle and shake as if I'm inside the room with the others, and cracks are already forming on the shields. "I. Can't. Hold. It. Forever!!" I struggle to say. I can feel my nose starting to bleed, and the aura around my horn is diminishing. I saw the girls inside my shields look at me with fear and resignation.

"R-rainbow, I'm scared," Scootaloo said fearfully. Then, finally, I see Rainbow Dash fight back the pain long enough to give Scootaloo a reassuring smile.

"D-don't worry, Scoots. Twilight's pretty awesome; she'll think of something." Rainbow told her as she looked at me expectantly.

"Can't you just teleport them out?" Spike asked desperately.

"The weight is too strong! I can't focus!!!" I strained out. My magic was about to falter, and the full weight of the gravity was going to bear down on my friends again. Was there nothing I could do?

"TWILIGHT!!" A new and familiar voice called. I slowly turn my head to see Goku appear behind us.

Spike runs up to him and explains what's happen. "Rainbow, fillies, Starlight, gravity, weight, crushing, HEEELP!!!!" Spike rapidly said as he entered full-blown panic.

"GOKU!!! TURN OFF THE GRAVITY MACHINE, NOW!!!" Dr. Briefs yelled. Goku then ran inside his ship. I tried to warn him, but then something even more shocking occurs. Goku ran inside his craft and was completely unfazed by the gravity as if it was normal. He also flipped in the air, over our friends, and reached the console. He slammed his hand down on the button, and gravity returned to normal. We all let out a sigh of relief, and I collapsed to the ground. I was going to have words with Goku and Dr. Briefs.

[Third Person POV]

With the crisis now passed, Twilight and Spike rush inside the ship to check on their friends. The Fillies, Starlight, and Rainbow Dash were all twitching in agony. Twilight performed a magic scan to grasp the extent of the damage better.

"This is bad! The girls here all have fractures running throughout their bodies. Rainbow and Starlight have it worse. A crack horn like this could mean that she will never perform magic again, and Rainbow's wing broke at the radial joint. That injury could seriously put her flying ability at risk. We have to get them to the hospital." Twilight informs.

"I have just the thing to help them out," Goku calmly said as he pulled out a brown bag from his Gi. He dug into it and revealed to the group a green bean. "This outta do the trick."

"H-how the hay a measly little bean gonna help?" Rainbow said.

"Hey, isn't that the same bean you gave me when I was hurt?" Spike asked.

"Yep, this is called a Senzu bean. It's able to heal virtually any wound completely. Trust me; it saved me weeks of recovery time. And it got me out of the hospital quickly." Goku explains. Twilight looked unsure for a moment.

"Don't worry so much, Twilight. These beans work as Goku said, and they're not half bad." Spike reassures.

"Alright, if you're both sure, it will help," Twilight said. Goku proceeds to hand everyone a Senzu, and they went on to eat them. The result was instantaneous as the girls shot up from the ground. They patted themselves down and discovered all their wounds completely healed.

"Hey, I'm all better." Sweetie Belle beamed.

"Me too. I could buck all of Sweet Apple Acres by myself." Applebloom stated.

Starlight tentatively taps against her horn to find that the mind-numbing pain was gone. "That's amazing!! What was in those beans?" she asked while Goku grins.

Rainbow gave her wings a tent flap to see if everything was in order. She knew the consequences of a radial injury. They were the type of injuries that not only ended potential flight carriers but the ability to fly altogether. She was relieved to find out that her wing was ok. "I'm doing awesome. I feel 20% more awesome than usual." Rainbow said as she hovered in the air.

Twilight was astounded at the miraculous recovery her friends made. "That's uncanny." was all she could say at the moment. Twilight lit up her horn and scanned everyone for further clarification. "You're all ok, completely and fully healed, but how? Those injuries would've had you all bedridden for months. Goku, do you have any more? I must study them." Twilight said with a manic gleam in her eye.

Spike let out a groan while Goku dug into his bag again. He frowned when he discovered that he only had one bean left. "That's not okay. I didn't count on going through these so quickly while I was here." Goku said.

"There's only one left? Can you make more? These beans could revolutionize medical science." Twilight insisted, but Goku shook his head.

"I couldn't even if I wanted to Twilight. The Senzu beans can only grow from a particular type of soil that Master Korin has access to back on Earth." Goku stated, much to Twilight's dismay. She turned attention to Dr. Briefs and gave him a pleading look.

"Sorry, Ms. Sparkle. I'm a scientist, not a botanist." Dr. Briefs said.

Applebloom came up and tugged on Goku's pant leg. "Say, Mr. Goku; I bet Zecora could help. She knows loads of stuff about herbs and plants," she suggests as Twilight beamed anew.

"Yes, Zecora, she can aid us. We should go right now." Twilight said.

"Before you go, I think it would best if we leave the door shut from now on. To prevent any more incidents like this from happening again." Dr. Briefs said.

Twilight frowned at this. "That reminds me. What in Equestria happen here in the first place?" she asked.

"It was those two colts from our class; Spoiled Brat and Rotten Core." Silver Spoon spat out the last part.

"Yeah, they followed us when we were coming to visit, and we found them inside messing with Guru." Diamond Tiara said.

"I tried to use my magic to get him back, but Spoiled used his magic, and we ended fighting over him until we lost our grip and Guru hit that machine, and that's when- You know." Sweetie Belle said meekly.

"I can confirm their story. I tried to persuade those boys from any reckless actions, especially around delicate equipment. But, unfortunately, they seem intent on causing mischief and are very crass and rude." Dr. Briefs huffed.

Twilight made a mental note to visit their homes personally after this. "Which brings me to my next question; why would you make a gravity machine in the first place?" Twilight asked as she fixed a hard scrutinizing glare at Dr. Briefs.

A lone bead of sweat drips down Dr. Briefs' head. "Why, for Goku's benefit, of course." He offers, but everyone remains unconvinced.

"How exactly is getting crushed under all that weight is suppose to be beneficial?" Starlight asked, visibly irritated. Goku stepped in to explain things further.

"Haha, you'd be surprised. Think of it like this; to build muscle, you would use weights, right?" Goku asked as everyone nodded. "So the same principle applies here with the gravity machine. Only I wasn't just building muscle. I needed to improve in all areas; strength, speed, techniques, and Ki. Everything I could think of to prepare me for Namek." Goku explains.

"Are you crazy? I may like to push myself, but even somepony as awesome as me wouldn't mess with gravity. I couldn't make it past the door frame before all that weight pulled me down." Rainbow pointed out.

"She right, whatever training you did cannot have been worth nearly getting crushed over," Twilight added.

"Well, I won't lie and say it was a cakewalk, but..." Goku trailed off as he picks up a piece of damaged rubble and gestures everyone to watch him. He chucked the rubble to the door frame and caught it before it left the ship. He opened his palm and revealed the rubble to the group as he reduced it to mere dust. Everyone but Dr. Briefs was awestruck at the display of speed and strength. "... I'd say the results were worth it." He said with a toothy grin.

"Whoah!" Scootaloo's eyes widen as her pupils sparkled. Rainbow turned her head and sucked her teeth.

Twilight shook out of her stupor and pressed further. "B-be that as it may, It's still incredibly reckless. I mean, the gravity was increasing till it got to 5, and by then, I heard bones start to breaking. There's no conceivable way you can withstand that!!" she asserted.

"You're never supposed to do more than what you're able to handle at the moment. Even I know that." Goku replies thoughtfully.

"And just how much can you handle?" Starlight asked incredulously.

"100 times Earth's normal gravity. Or, in this case, Equis normal gravity." Goku said nonchalantly. The new reveal caused everyone's mouth to fall agape and Twilight to faint. "Huh, I guess she's a bit overwhelmed." At that moment, Goku's stomach growled. "Argh, that's right, I never got to eat with all the excitement."

"Hey, we can head over to Sweet Apple Acres. It's almost dinner time, and Applejack should be finishing up. We'd love to have you over." Applebloom offers with a big smile.

"That sounds great. I needed to talk to your sister anyway." Goku said.

"Spike, Rainbow, and I will take Twilight and the girls home. I think we all could use some rest after today." Starlight said as she rubbed the phantom pain coming from her horn. The two groups parted ways as Goku and Applebloom head toward her family's farm, with Applebloom riding on Goku's shoulders.

[Later that day.]

Goku and Applebloom arrived at Sweet Apple Acres. Applebloom was thrilled to have Goku over for dinner. She jumped down from his shoulders to tell her granny to make room for an extra guest. "Y'all wait here while I tell granny what's happening. She'll happen that ya saved us again," she said.

"That so sounds good but do you mind if I go talk to Applejack instead of waiting here?" Goku asked.

Applebloom paused in thought. "Ok, do you want me to take you to her? She should still be in the north field," she said.

"Naw, that's ok. I can find your sister. You tell your granny and brother I'm here." Goku said as he walked into the field while Applebloom ran to her home. Goku continued down his path till he came across Applejack currently bringing down apples. "Hey Applejack." he greeted

"Howdy Goku. I'm just bucking down some apples for the harvest season. So what brings you around these parts?" Applejack asks.

"Twilight said this was a good place for a job to earn some bits. I kinda need them to buy some more food." Goku said.

"Well, luckily for you, I need some servicing ever since Big Mac hurt himself." Applejack glanced at Goku and couldn't help but snicker. "Alright, let's get a feel for ya. All ya need to do is buck the apples into that these buckets." She said she gave the tree a light kick, and a single apple fell into the bucket.

Goku placed his palm on the try and closed his eyes to get a read on it. "Looks easy enough. So how many trees do you want to harvest?" He asks.

"Since I'm got through half already, ideally, I was hoping to clean out the other half today to start fresh tomorrow. I would say try and get the other half before supper but, even with my help, we won't get it done in time. So get as much as you can before the dinner bell." Applejack instructed. Goku held a quizzical look before speaking.

"Ok, I got it. So you want half of this section done. That's no problem at all." Goku chirped.

Applejack eye Goku suspiciously. "Now hold on there, partner. Y'all saying' you can buck all them trees before supper time?" she asks as Goku merely grins and nods. "Hmph, If you're able to pull that off, then not only do ya got the job, but I'll provide a meal for ya whenever ya like," she said confidently.

Goku stood in front of a tree and closed his eyes in concentration. Then, he reared his fist back and launched it forward. He contacted the apple tree, and then he backed off and placed his fists on his hips. At first, nothing happened, and Applejack looked ready to rejoice.

"Haha, don't you worry none, Goku. Apple bucking is a time-honored, honed skill that takes years of practice. Course I did not expect ya to....." Applejack trailed off as all the apples from the tree neatly fell into the bucket. She turned her at the sound of many apples hitting the buckets, and sure enough, the entire remaining half of the northern section had been bucked(or in this case punched) clean off the trees.

"There we go, the last half of the apples ready for pick up," Goku chirped.


Another thud sounds as Goku turns around to find that Applejack had fallen. Her eyes resembled spirals, and her hands twitch slightly. Goku looks down at her as she came out of her stupor. "So, does this mean I get the job?" he asks as Applejack looks into his eyes. She then proceeded to give the nod and push herself back up.

"Well, I'll be ringworm in an apple core. Ya did it. But how did ya do it?" Applejack asked.

"It was pretty simple. All I had to do was feel the tree out to apply enough force to knock down the apples. Once that was down, The force of my punch was able to rebound off all the other trees since their roots intertwine with one another." Goku informs while Applejack blinks a few times.

"Well, we sure as hay can't argue with these results. Come on; let's round up these apples." Applejack said.

Goku and Applejack spent the next few minutes gathering all the apples and placing them in the barn. Then, with today's quota filled out, they both entered Applejack's home and made their way to the dining room where Big Mac and Applebloom were waiting.

"Applejack, Goku," Applebloom chirped as she ran up and hugged them. "Wow, you two finished early. Granny Smith just got dinner started."

"Y'all can thank our newest field worker for that. Cleared out the entire half of the north field with one punch." Applejack said with pride while Applebloom beamed at the news.

"That means Goku will be over here more often?" Applebloom asked as Applejack nods. "YAY!!" Goku went over to greet the red stallion.

"Hiya Big Mac," Goku said as he extends his hand to shake. However, Big Mac seems rather hesitant to return the gesture. "I heard you busted your hand recently. I would offer you a Senzu bean, but I'm pretty short right sorry." Goku said apologetically. Big Mac nods his head in understanding, albeit confused about what a Senzu bean is.

"Suppers on ya young whippersnappers," Granny announced as she brought everyone a plate. "I'm glad to see Applejack's colt friend over for dinner." She teased, causing Applejack to blush, Applebloom to giggle, Big Mac to smirk, and Goku to look confused.

"Granny...." Applejack said in a low tone.

"Oh hush child, I'm only teasing. By the way, Goku, why haven't you started eating? Don't tell me Y'all are allergenic?" Granny Smith asked.

"It's not that, Ms. Smith, but I guess I'm a little tired of only eating fruits, vegetables, and desserts. So I'm gonna need to find some meat soon." Goku said as the Apple siblings turned to Goku in surprise.

"Ya mean ya eat meat G-Goku?" Applebloom asked with slight apprehension. Goku nods, and the siblings shuffle in awkward silence. Granny Smith noticed this and cleared her throat.

"Goku, be a dear and open your mouth, please." Granny Smith asks politely, and Goku compiles. She squinted her eyes to get a good look. "Uh-huh, just as I figured. You're one of them omnivores critters. Unfortunately, we don't have too many of 'em in these parts."

"Omnivore?" The Apple siblings ask.

"That means Goku here can eat what's in front and meat at the same time." Granny Smith explains as the tension shifts to confusion directed at her. "Y'all mind your manners now. I may be a kooky old mare, but I know my stuff." She scolds them.

"Me eating meat isn't a problem, is it?" Goku asks.

"No way," Applebloom said vehemently.

"Nope." Big Mac only said.

"It ain't no problem at all, Goku; It's just a little surprising. But if you need meat in your diet, then you better talk to Fluttershy later. She cares for all types of critters, most of them carnivores, so I reckon she kind help." Applejack informs as Goku nods gratefully.

"Now, Y'all quit your gabbing and start eating." Granny Smith said as the rest of dinner went off without a hitch.

[Later that evening.]

"Thanks for dinner everyone, I'm stuffed." Goku proclaims happily.

"Are ya sure you're full? Because you were liable to eat us out of house and home at the rate you were going." Applejack said with a shiver as she recalled Goku quickly devouring five serving in one sitting.

"You sure you have to leave. We do have a guest room for ya." Applebloom pleaded as she gave Goku her best puppy dog stare. Sadly, it wasn't advantageous.

"I'd like to, but I want to see if Zecora can help with my Senzu bean problem before she turns in," Goku said.

Applejack and Big Mac features morphed into a scowl, recalling the conversation at dinner. "I still can't believe those reckless troublemakers. Why, if they were my kin, I'd surely- Anyway, thanks for helping my sister again." Applejack said gratefully.

"Eeyup." Big Mac said.

"Alright, bye, everyone. See you all tomorrow." Goku waves goodbye as he ventures into the Everfree forest. The walk through the thick foliage had been peaceful, and he took this downtime to admire its beauty. "This forest is amazing when nothing is trying to eat you." Goku mused. However, he paused when he felt two familiar ki signatures near him. Goku stopped moving and stood perfectly still. He was trying to pinpoint their exact position. Once he found them, Goku instantly vanished using rapid movement.

[??? POV]

"Sir? SIR!! That weird monkey just disappeared." I said as panic crept inside me.

"I saw that private, try and remain claim." my superior told me.

"But sir, what if...what if it somehow found us. I mean, it withstood altered gravity. Who knows what other abilities it has? We really should report this now." I urged. It was bad enough that he insisted that we follow this thing in the forest, but now he's trying to play it off like this is a cakewalk.

"And how do you suggest we discover these abilities?" He said while condescending to me. "We sit here and perform our duties giving to us. Besides, you can't believe half of what we have seen so far. Smashing a bolder and walking through gravity like it's nothing. I'm beginning to suspect that this creature is nothing but--"

"Hey, what are you guys." A voice called out from behind us, and I felt my blood run cold. "Why are you in this dangerous forest at this hour?" That's right; it doesn't know what we are. Maybe we can salvage this and get--

"We're comprised-- ATTACK!!!" My superior yelled out and charged at the creature. Funny how he told me to keep a cool head, yet he jumps the Ursa the first chance he gets.

"Whoa!! Hey, calm down. I just wanted to know why you've been watching me." the creature in between dodging my superior's attacks. My eyes widened at what we heard it say. It knew we were watching it, and it found us effortlessly. My superior continued to launch claw strikes aimed at its head, but he never came close to hitting the mark. The way this thing moved was frightening. We had to disable it somehow.

"Help you, idiot! Don't just stand there!" My superior orders me as he pulled out his sword and tried to cut the creature in two. An idea flashes in my head as I pull out my sword. The beast was still skillfully dodging each of my superior's slashes as I creep up behind him. I then teleport in front of it. The flash seems to have surprised it, and stumbles back. I took this opportunity to shoot a wad of goop in its eyes.

"Aah, disgusting!! That was completely unnecessary!!" it screamed out as it tried to pry the goop from its eyes.

"Sir, let's leave now while we can." I urged.

"I make the orders here grunt!" my superior said as I groan. "Now that it's vulnerable, we can take it back to base for further study, and I can get out of this backwater town." My superior lunges forward to deliver the finishing blow, but just as his sword came down, the creature moved its head back and dodged the blade. It then landed a punch right into my superior stomach. His face froze in agony, and he dropped his sword and slowly backed away while clenching his sides. My ranking officer fell to his knees before finally hitting the ground face first. He laid there motionless as I'm sure that he was knocked out. I couldn't even process this; this thing took out my superior with one hit while blinded!!!! Although, what it said next actually scared me.

"Taking away my sight still leaves me with four very sharp senses," it said as he stood straight up. Only now can I feel how outclassed against this thing? It turned his head toward me, and I swear I could see its piercing gaze through the goop. "I don't know what you two are, but I suggest you leave and don't come back," it said as It radiates power. I didn't question its order, and I ran over to my superior. I lit up my horn and teleported back to base. It was the time they knew what we were facing here.

[Third Person POV.]

Goku could no longer feel the Ki of those two beings anymore, so he assumed they left. He placed his hand on the goopy substance on his face and charged up his Ki. The goop slid off his eyes, and Goku let out a sigh of relief. He paused in thought as he reflects on his encounter. "What were those things, and why were they so intent on watching me? And what was with those creepy blue eyes? Either way, I better keep a closer eye out from here on end." Goku said as he made his way to Zecora's hut.

Author's Note:

Things get even stranger for our hero as he comes in contact with a new species on Equis. Just what was their purpose here? And what did they want with our hero? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON DRAGONBALL MLP.

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