• Published 18th Jan 2016
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Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 8: Vivid Storytelling. (Edited)

[Goku's Ship - Ponyville 12:30 p.m. - Third Person POV]

"So, what was the other task you had to complete?" Twilight asked.

"After the knock-knock jokes, King Kai charged me with catching a wily little monkey named bubbles," Goku said as Fluttershy's ears perked.

"Oh, a monkey! I love them. They're rare here in Equestria. Do you happen to know what species he was?" Fluttershy asked with sparkling eyes.

"Eh? If I had to guess, he might have been a chimp. However, he certainly wasn't a common chimp by any means. He moved so fast that I swear he had a fire under his feet. No matter how hard I tried to catch him, he would always seem to slip right through my fingers. It also didn't help that I had weighted training clothes on, hindering my speed. I did take them off, but King Kai said it would better with them. Then I got to thinking: if I couldn't catch bubbles, then I had to outsmart him. So, after chasing him around all day long, bubbles went to a nearby tree for a snack after he thought I'd finally called it quits. Little did he know that I was hiding in the very tree he was eating beside. Before he had a chance to react, I jumped down and grabbed by the waist, thus completing my second task." Goku said. He couldn't help but notice the small frown forming on Fluttershy's face.

"I bet you looked real silly chasing around a monkey-like that," Applebloom said while giggling.

"You can say that again," Goku replies with a chuckle. "But the next task proved far more challenging. King Kai instructed me to bop a cricket by the name of Gregory on his head using a mallet--"

"WHAT?!?!" Goku was cut off by a surprisingly angry Fluttershy. "How could you agree to such a horrible thing and harm a cute little cricket. What do you have to say for yourself?" Fluttershy sternly said while Goku continued to feel confused.

"Hey, relax, there's no need to be angry; it was all a part of my training after all, and Gregory wasn't like regular crickets. He could talk and fly incredibly fast, which is why this task was so challenging. He moved so fast that he made bubbles look like he was crawling. It was clear that I had to outsmart him just like bubbles, so I took the mallet and threw it as hard as possible. Then, turning swiftly, I booked it in the opposite direction as Gregory was coming for another flyby. We pass each other, and Gregory looked confused while I managed to catch my mallet from the rotation. While Gregory was still distracted, I came up in front of my mallet, poised for a strike. He turned forward just in time to watch as I bopped him on the head and completed my task."

"Just a moment, darling, how is it you caught the mallet if you threw it in the opposite direction?" Rarity asked.

"Right, I forgot to mention that King Kai's planet is much much smaller than yours or mine, so it's easy to lap the entire world," Goku explained.

"That would also mean the gravitational field would be strong enough to keep the mallet from flying off the world," Twilight added before she paused. "But then how could you maintain equilibrium, let alone calculate the necessary force to throw the mallet so it would ultimately revolve around the planet to sync back up with it."

Goku didn't reply for a few moments as he stared at Twilight blankly. The rest of the group was quiet as well, and Twilight's cheeks started to flush from embarrassment. Finally, Dr, Briefs decided to save the lavender princess from further scrutiny.

"What she means is how did you withstand the gravity pulling you to the ground as well as throw the mallet hard enough to go around the planet completely?" Dr, Briefs elaborated.

Rainbow sucked her teeth in annoyance. "Only you would understand a word of that - Eggheads," she said, earning a glare from Twilight and Dr, Briefs.

"Oh, that makes more sense. I just had an idea, and I went with it; the gravity was an issue at first, with it being ten times stronger than Earth's. Thankfully, after one month with King Kai, I got used to it. Training with King Kai was rough. I had to practice all my techniques day in and day out. Perform many exercises, including sit up, push-ups, squats, and ten kilometers running. I would engage in mediation after each workout session and the break time was pretty good; King Kai's a mean cook." Goku said as he patted his belly. "After a long year, my training was complete, and I learned two of King Kai's greatest techniques; the Kaio-Ken and the Spirit Bomb,"

"The Spirit bomb and Kaio what?" Spike asked.

"The Spirit Bomb gathers all the ki energy from every living thing around you and turns it into a ball of energy capable of destroying anything with an evil essence," Goku said, much to the group's dismay.

"D-destroy?" Fluttershy and the fillies said. Everyone glance at Goku warily.

"I should hope that you don't use such a technique callously Goku," Celestia said with a warning tone as she slightly narrowed her eyes.

Goku, ever oblivious to the tense nature, continued. "Course not, That technique takes some time to charge up and only used as a last resort." the group relaxed a bit, but the princess shared a knowing glance.

"And what of this 'Kaio-Ken' technique?" Luna asked.

"The Kaio-Ken act as a power multiplier. It increases your fighting abilities depending on what multiplier your using. However, there is a drawback. Using the Kaio-Ken puts an enormous strain on your body, so it's best to use it sparingly." Goku advised.

'A power multiplier? It's already hard to gauge his strength as it is now, and yet he can go further. Even if the elements deemed him noble, evil has a way of swaying hearts, and he has already proven more than a match against our guards. I must devise a way to witness his full potential.' Celestia thought as she gave the nod to her sister.

Meanwhile, Twilight was far too preoccupied to catch her senior Princesses trepidation. She was writing down notes faster than a typewriter and already filled up half the textbook she conjured. "This is amazing. Look at all the notes we're getting." She chirped. "Goku, can you demonstrate these techniques? I want to get an in-depth analysis for scientific purposes." This suggestion got everyone's attention. The fillies huddle together, eagerly awaiting to see what else their alien friend. The elements watched with interest save for Rainbow Dash, who seems to hold a small scowl on her face. Spike's tail twitched anxiously, and Zecora watched calmly. The Royals remained silent while a stoic expression was on their features to hide their growing curiosity.

"Sure, no problem," Goku said. However, as he got up Dr, Briefs spoke up.

"As much as I would like to see you in action, my boy, I'm afraid I must advise against this. Even without the diagnostic results, I can see that the ship is in a sorry state. This ship is your only means of space travel, and I hate to see you stranded because you wanted to show off." DSo r. Briefs concluded, much to everyone's dismay. But, of course, this was only half the reason why he stopped Goku. "For now, let's move things along. I'm our audience would the conclusion your tale."

Goku pouted slightly and continued his story. "Ok, Dr, Briefs. Anyway, with my training complete, I was ready to head back to Earth. My friends had already revived me with the Dragonballs so I could leave Otherworld without any problems. Unfortunately, I did have a major issue. The Saiyans arrived on Earth ahead of me, and I was a day late. However, my new speed allowed me to get back to the check-in station in record time. Kami was there to meet me, and we teleported back to Earth. I hopped on the nimbus cloud with no more time to spare and made a beeline to the battlefield, but what I found was shocking. My friends laid scattered on the ground, prone and unresponsive. Tien Shinhan, Yamcha, Chaotsu, and even Piccolo all fell to the might of the Saiyans. The only ones that were still alive were my best friend Krillin and my son Gohan." Goku paused for a moment. The memory of his friend's battered forms still fresh in his mind. Goku took a look at the group and saw that they were shaken up.

"How could anypony be so cruel? What did they have to gain from it?" Shining Armour said.

"From what I learned from Krillin, they wanted to use the Dragonballs to gain immortality," Goku answered as everyone gasps.

"Thou means to say Shenron can grant everlasting life?" Luna said as shock plastered on her face.

Goku nods in confirmation. "Immortality and eternal youth are well within Shenron's power to grant. I even fought against beings that made those wishes, but I'll tell you about it later. After I had made sure Krillin and Gohan were ok, I turned and faced one of the Saiyans. His name was Nappa, and he was twice my size, even larger than that monster we ran into last night. He celebrated how he was responsible for most of my friend's death and said I was next in line. Sadly for him, hurting my friends is the last thing you should do. He may have been big, but to me, he was just a lumbering blockhead. Every blow he launched, I was able to counter with a dodge which added to his frustration. Finally, I took the offensive; I made sure he felt every blow that he dealt out to my friends. He tried to surprise with a blast from his mouth but quickly countered, and we were in a stalemate, that is until Vegeta got tired of waiting."

"Who's Vegeta?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Vegeta was the leader of the two. Where Nappa was large and brutish, Vegeta was small yet more refined. He commanded Nappa to step down so he would take care of me. Nappa started to back off when Killin and Gohan caught his attention. He went for one more attack, but I stopped him with a powerful strike to his spine. He was paralyzed and could no longer fight, so I tossed him over to Vegeta and told him to take his friend and leave, but then Vegeta did something I wasn't expecting. He reached out and took hold of Nappa's hand, but then he hurled him into the air, calling him a disgrace, and blasted him to Otherworld. I told Krillin and Gohan to leave, and I led Vegeta to a new location. Out of all the opponents faced, Vegeta was easily the most prideful. He announced that he was the prince of all Saiyans, making him an elite warrior that someone like me could never hope to beat." Goku said.

Rarity let out a disgusted sneer. "This Vegeta character sounds an awful lot like a certain somepony that shall remain nameless hmph." She huffed and turned her head upwards. Celestia knew who this somepony was.

"BlueBlood may have his - flaws - but at the very least, he wouldn't take the lives of others so readily," Celestia said, although it felt strange defending her nephew.

"Ha, I bet you whoop that loudmouth Vegeta all over the place, right Goku?" Scootaloo said.

"Not at first. You could technically say Vegeta won the fight between us if Gohan and the others hadn't returned." Goku said as Scootaloo looked confused. "You see, just as I thought, Vegeta was far superior to Nappa in every way. He might have been arrogant, but he had the skills to back it up. He was one step ahead of everything I, and it was not looking great for me at the moment. I knew to win, I had to draw out more power, so I used the three times Kaio-Ken, and the battle shifted into my favor." Goku paused as the fillies wildly cheered. "I finally had Vegeta on the ropes, but he was persistent. Finally, overwhelmed with rage, Vegeta decided that he was going to going to destroy the planet and me along with it."

"Ha, yeah, right. You seriously expect us to believe that this dude was gonna destroy an entire planet to win." Rainbow said while she was in Goku's face, pointing the finger at his chest.

"You have to admit it does seem farfetched, not to mention reckless. Let's say Vegeta could destroy the entire planet, then what? He would float aimlessly in space where he would undoubtedly suffocate. Being angry shouldn't mean the total loss of common sense." Twilight argued.

"Ordinarily, I would be inclined to agree from a purely practical standpoint. However, this is not an exaggeration. Before Goku's compatriots intercepted them, the Saiyans manage to destroy an entire city filled with people in an instant." Dr. Briefs said, much to the disbelief of everyone.

Everyone turned to Applejack for some indication of falsehood in what they were saying. Sadly, she could not say otherwise and gave a shake of her head. After that, everyone went silent again until Cadence spoke up. "I-if that's true, then how in Equis did you stop him?" She asked, her breath hitching while she spoke.

"It wasn't easy, that's for sure. But, no matter how you slice it, Vegeta had me in a corner. I couldn't dodge, so my only option was to face him head-on. So I charged up my Kaio-Ken again and prepared one of my greatest techniques; the Kamehameha wave." Goku said dramatically.

"Kamehame-ka wave?" Diamond said.

"Kamel Hana wave?" Sweetie Belle said.

"Kamedame wave?" Applebloom asked.

"No, he said 'Kamehameha' wave." Spike had corrected before he realized something. "What the hay that even means?"

"It means turtle destruction wave. It's the greatest technique in the school of the turtle hermit. My Master Roshi spent 50 years developing it. He once used it to take out 100 enemy ships, blowing up the moon." Goku paused as he saw Luna's eye twitch. "He also put out a roaring fire that was burning down a castle. Although, he uh kinda blew up the castle in the process." Goku said sheepishly. The fillies and Spike looked enamored while the adults look apprehensive, save for Rainbow Dash, who was laughing on the ground at the silly name.

"Hahaha, worst name ever. I bet it moves slower than tank does." Rainbow guffs. Twilight looked like she wanted another demonstration but bit her lip as she remembered what Dr, Briefs requested.

"Yeah, I agree. Kamehameha sounds way cooler. How long it took you to use it, Goku?" Scootaloo asked excitedly.

"Oh, I learned it the first time I saw Master Roshi use it back when I was 12 years old," Goku said.

"Is this wave anything like the beam you used against Luna Goku?" Celestia asked curiously.

"Hmm? Oh no, that blast was one of the standard ones. The Kamehameha is much stronger. So it had to be for me to stop Vegeta. He jumped high into the air and took his stance to fire his Galic gun. I held my ground as I charged up my attack. We both launched our attacks at the same time; the collision blew away the surrounding rocks. Our two blasts pushed against one another, and we appeared to be dead even with neither of us gaining an inch. I could feel the strain gripping my muscles as we engage in this battle of wills."

"Oh, what did you do? What did you do?" Pinkie asked as she bit her fingernails from the tension.

Goku had a massive grin on his face before continuing. "The only thing I could do, I had to take it further. Bracing myself, I multiplied the Kaio-Ken by four, considerably boosting my power level and Kamehameha. My blast overpowered him and launched him straight into the sky. I collapsed to one knee and took hard and steady breaths. Pushing my body that hard might have been risking, but at least I stopped Vegeta at the moment."

"Woo-wee, that's some fine storytelling there, Goku." Applejack praised.

"I must say I'm impressed." Shining Armour added.

"Congratulations are certainly due. I'm sure your friends were proud of you." Zecora said.

"Yeah, that was completely awesome, but I thought you said you lost against Vegeta," Scootaloo questions.

"I may have won that battle, but Vegeta wasn't about to give that quickly. He finally managed to free himself and came back. He had this confident grin like he won the fight already, and then he created this strange ball of Ki in his right palm. He told me I was a fool to lose my tail because a Saiyans true power comes from the light of a full moon." Goku said. Luna's ears perked up at this.

"Why would the light of the moon grant Vegeta power, and why would thy tail hold any significance?" Luna inquired. Although, she felt slightly honored at the reliance of the moon.

"At the time, I didn't know what he was saying. I did know that we no longer had a moon, so whatever plans he had with was bound to fail. Boy, was I ever wrong! The strange Ki ball in his palm was supposed to mimic moonlight or blasts wave as he called it. He hurled it into the sky, and it expanded to resemble a full moon. But that's where things took a turn for the worst. Vegeta looked at the new light source like he was in a trance; he started to twitch and groan as his body contorted. Soon enough, he took on ape-like features and began to grow until I became a flea to him. To my horror, he became the great ape monster. A massive, savage monster only made worse since he still had awareness. None of my attacks work against him while he was in this state, so I had to resort to my trump card, the Spirit Bomb. I needed time to gather the energy I needed, so I used the solar flare to blind him." Goku said.

"Much like you did against our guard's. It's a useful tactic, and I can appreciate the name." Celestia said as Luna rolled her eyes. "But I'm curious about how large this Great Ape Monster is?"

"Well, what's the biggest animal you have on this planet?" Goku asked.

"The biggest animal in the recorded history of Equestria is the Ursa Majors, standing a startling 50 feet tall; no other animal even comes close to that height." Twilight informed.

"Wow, neat, but the Great Apes is at least twice that size," Goku said nonchalantly, causing everyone's jaws to meet the floor.

"T-twice the size? You fought against something that was twice the size of an Ursa. That isn't possible; you are not possible." Twilight asserted while Goku nodded. Her face was manic, and her mane was in split ends.

"Twilight," Cadence called out and got her attention. "Just remember the breathing exercises and calm down." She advised. Twilight took a deep breath and waved her hand, thus calming herself. "Good, now continue Goku."

"Thanks to the solar flare, I was able to get enough time to form the spirit bomb." Goku paused as his expression went grim, causing everyone to worry. "However, just as I was about to throw it, Vegeta launched a blast from his mouth and made lose most of the energy I gathered. Things could not get any worse. I was out of options, and Vegeta had me dead to rights. He knocked me to the ground, and with one huge leap, he crushed both of my legs." Goku heard a gasp from everyone. "He was going to break my upper half next with his giant finger until I used the last of my energy to blow out his right eye. He let a primal scream and look at me with such hatred that it would leave babies crying. He picked me up and began crushing me in his grip; I yelled out screams of agony as I heard my bones crack--"

"GOKU MY BOY, STOP!!" Dr, Briefs yelled out, cutting Goku off.

"Huh? What is it, Dr, Briefs?" Goku asked as he had his hand mirroring Vegeta's actions.

"Don't you think you're a tad bit too graphic? We don't want to scare off our new friends." Dr, Briefs reprimanded as he gestures to the group that was visibly shaking at the story. Some were even turning green.

"Oh, oops, haha, maybe we should stop now." Goku nervously said with a sheepish grin.

"W-what no way, I wanna hear how it ends. How did you escape? Did your friends help? Did you *gulp* die again?" Scootaloo asked in rapid succession.

"Yeah, we not scared foals. So we can take it, right, Silver Spoon?" Diamond Tiara said while Silver Spoon nodded.

"I agree with Dr, Briefs. This story contains far too much graphic violence for fillies. 'Hay, it's too much for me.' Twilight had thought before Spike got her attention.

"Um, Twilight? Didn't the story get too violent when Goku and his brother died? Plus, it's not like we don't see our fair share of trouble." Spike reminded. "Besides, we can't just stop in the middle like this; I hate cliffhangers."

"Spike, we might have experienced our share of problems, but nopony had died during them. Cuts and bruises, yes, but nothing on this scale." Twilight lightly scolded, but Spike, as well as the fillies, had puppy dog eyes. Trying hard to resist, Twilight turned to her friends for backup. "Girls, back me up."

"We already come this far. Might as well finish what we started." Applejack said.

"Please, I've read more hardcore stuff from a Daring Do book," Rainbow added. Although, there was an undertone of hesitance in her voice.

"It would be rather rude to Goku not to allow him to finish his tale." Rarity commented.

"I would um really l-like to hear the end," Fluttershy said meekly.

"To stop now would be foolish; together, we can make it through this," Zecora spoke up.

"We gotta finish Twilight. It's getting fun, and we have to see if Goku makes it out ok." Pinkie implored while the others deadpan at her last remark.

The Royals, save for Twilight, all had nodded in agreement before Celestia spoke. "It would seem majority rules, Twilight. I'm also curious about how this story goes, although, Goku, can you try to be a little less descriptive with your words and tone it down a bit." Celestia requested as Goku nodded.

"As I sit there helplessly at Vegeta's mercy, I overheard someone talking to Vegeta. From the sound of the voice, I knew it was Gohan. But I had no idea what he was doing back here or how he would take on Vegeta's new form. Things were bleak until my other friend, Yajarobe, came to help. He managed to sneak up behind him and cut off Vegeta's tail. Without it, he lost his great ape form. Unfortunately, he was still far from beaten, and, even in his weakened state, he was still formidable. Gohan was the only one of us able to fight Vegeta still, so while he had him distracted, I called Krillin over to me. Thankfully, I was able to save some power for the Spirit Bomb and transfer it to Krillin. He perched himself on a cliffside and wanted for his moment to strike. He launched the Spirit Bomb right at Vegeta, but he jumped out of the way, and the attack was heading right toward Gohan. However, he could rebound it back to Vegeta since he had no evil in his heart. The Spirit Bomb impacted Vegeta and sent soaring into the sky." Goku said.

"Yeah, way to go, Goku," Scootaloo chirped. But, unbeknownst to anyone, Rainbow was quietly growing more agitated.

"I wish I could've seen it." Spike lamented.

"Spike!!" Twilight said aghast.

"I'm just glad everything worked out," Fluttershy said with relief.

"Guys, I'm not finished yet," Goku said as the others stared at him in disbelief.

"But ya said your friends hit Vegeta with the Spirit Bomb?" Applebloom questioned.

"You also said it destroys evil, so Vegeta can't be that tough," Spike said incredulously.

"To be honest, it was hard to tell whether Vegeta was that strong or if the Spirit Bomb was too weak to be effective. Either way, he came back, and he tried to wipe us all out with one shot. But, fate was on our side since it would seem that the Spirit Bomb damage Vegeta enough to weaken his attack. He attempted to pick us off one by one, starting with Gohan. Although, what none of us expected was for Gohan's tail to grow back. I told Gohan to look at the fake moon Vegeta made so he could become a great ape-like he did." Goku said.

"Goku wasn't that huge risk you took. You allowed your son to change into a monster. What if he attacked you and your friends?" Cadence chastised.

Goku held his head down in shame. "Yes, it was risky, but I was out of commission, Krillin was down for the count, and Yadjarobe was helpless. Gohan was our only hope at that point, and you could think of it as karmic irony since Vegeta created that moon in the first place, and now he had to face a giant ape. Sadly, I didn't count on the fact that Vegeta was far more adept at fighting great apes than I was. He knew all the weakness of the great apes, plus Gohan didn't have anywhere near the control Vegeta had. He managed to cut off Gohan's tail when he lunged at him, but that proves to be another mistake on his part. Gohan's great ape form landed right on top of Vegeta as he fell to the ground."

"Ok, that had to have stopped him if these great apes are as big as you say." Shining Armour said.

"Haha, well, you would be wrong again." Goku replied as the group gave him their best 'are you a serious look. "I know it sounds crazy. Vegeta was that resilient, but he no longer had the strength to fight. He finally decided to cut his losses and called his ship. Unfortunately for him, Krillin wasn't going to let him slip away after all the crimes he committed. He grabbed Yadjarobe's sword and confronted Vegeta before he got on his ship. Right as he was about to deliver the final blow, I stopped him and asked him to let him. Naturally, he was confused by this and wonder why. I told Krillin that it wouldn't be justice but vengeance if he struck him down. I wanted Vegeta to learn that there was a better way of doing things; show him what it means to be merciful. I realized that it must have taken a great deal of courage on Krillin's part but resigned to my request and let Vegeta go." Goku finished as everyone tried to digest what was said.

Luna fidgeted a little before speaking up. "Was it truly a wise course of action to allow Vegeta to escape? Do you not find his actions irredeemable?" She asked once again, dropping her dialect. She waited with bated breath for Goku's reply.

"I won't sit here and defend Vegeta's actions, but, technically speaking, it was Nappa that did the damage. So in a sense, the only thing Vegeta did was rough us up a bit." Goku answered. However, it wasn't the answer Luna was expecting.


"Don't forget Luna; I'm a Saiyan just like he is," Goku responded sharply in a calm tone. Luna flinched back at his voice. Luna took a few more breaths before settling down. "And while you may be right about Vegeta, Striking him down would've made us no better than he is. That would mean he truly won against us." Goku said resolutely.

This time Celestia spoke up. "Do you honestly think Vegeta will be able to learn the lesson and reform himself?" She asked.

"Whatever Vegeta decides will be his choice. I don't know what he will do. But what I do know is that everyone deserves a chance to change their ways no matter who they are or what they have done," Goku said. Celestia locked eyes with Goku to test his resolve. Once she saw the firm determination in them, she gave him a small smile.

"Thank you, Goku." Celestia turned to Luna, who looked just as satisfied. "So I assume with Vegeta finally gone that this is the end of your tale." Celestia inquired

"Almost, my friends and I still had a major, and this has to do with the Earth's Dragonballs."

"How so?" Twilight asked while writing in another textbook she summoned. "With Vegeta gone, couldn't you use them to bring your fallen friends?"

"We would if Piccolo hadn't died," Goku answered.

"As horrible as this may sound, why would his - passing - stop you from using the Dragonballs?" Rarity asked.

"Do you all remember when I said Kami created the Dragonballs?" Goku asked as everyone nodded. "You see, Kami and Piccolo are the same just split apart from one another. And with different personas. Therefore, they are both connected. Since Kami created the Dragonballs and Piccolo, fell in battle..."

"That would mean the Dragonballs would no longer function without their creator." Shining Armour assumed.

"Then that would mean you can't bring back your friend." Pinkie Pie said as her mane went flat.

Everyone but Goku and Dr, Briefs looked down solemnly at this news until Dr, Briefs interjected. "No need for feeling depressed; this was why my daughter and Goku's friends set out for Planet Namek in the first place," he said as everyone perked up.

"That's right. We overheard that Planet Namek is home to the original Dragonball's. So my friends went ahead to ask the Namekians to use their Dragonballs to wish back our friends. Or at least that was the plan. Bulma contacted us and said that Vegeta was on Planet Namek too. Which is why I freaked out earlier and been so desperate to find them." Goku said.

"Not to discourage ya, Goku but didn't Vegeta mop the floor with ya back on your world." Applejack said.

"Haha, don't worry about me. I've been training non-stop on my entire Journey to Planet Namek. I'm a lot stronger now than I ever was on earth. Trust me; I'll be ready for Vegeta." Goku said confidently.

"Oh yeah, round two, I'm sure you'll whip the pants off him this time," Scootaloo said as Rainbow continued to fume.

"Well, well well, seems you have a fan, Goku." Dr, Briefs teased. Just then, another alert sounded. "Excellent, the diagnostic results just came back. So now let's see if your ship is still functional for flight, and you'll be on your way, my boy," he said, much to everyone's dismay.

"Whelp, looks I'll be leaving soon. It was great meeting all of you. Even if we did have a rocky start." Goku said as he addresses the group.

"Yes, it certainly has been a welcome distraction from our routine," Celestia said with a smile.

"Who would have guessed we would meet an alien today?" Cadence added.

"We are just saddened that we could not properly finish our battle with thou Sir Goku." Luna lamented.

"Me too, but I'll be sure to come back and visit. Just be sure not to hold back the next time we meet cause I won't." Goku said as he went to shake Luna's hand.

"Verily Sir Goku, thou would be wise not to undermine the Princess of the Night." Luna proclaimed dramatically. She took Goku's hand and shook it. They both had a confident smirk on their faces as they held hands.

"Awww, if you leave now, we won't be able to throw you the Welcome to Ponyville. We discovered an alien, sorry you're on the wrong planet, and thanks for saving our friend's party." Pinkie Pie said in one breath. She looks at Goku with a sad puppy dog stare.

"Hey, I know, how about I bring my friends along so you guys can meet them too. A party is always better with more guests, right?" Goku chirped as Pinkie Pie gasps.

"You're right, but you gotta pinkie promise." Pinkie said as Goku became confused. He held out his Pinkie finger and waited for Pinkie. "Um, whatcha doing?"

"Making a Pinkie Promise, as you asked. Do you know how to do it?" Goku asked.

"That's not how you make a Pinkie Promise. You do it like this: cross your heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in your eye." Pinkie said as she performed the motions to a Pinkie Promise.

"Huh? well, on Earth, we lock our pinkies together and shake on it. But, hey, let's combine the two." Goku suggests as Pinkie nods feverishly with a wide grin.

The two then locked Pinkie's fingers and recites the phase. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," they said in unison and shook their Pinkies.

"Ooh, this is amazing. Our first cultural exchange, even if it was small scale. Do you have to leave right away? There still so much to learn; maybe you can stay a little longer." Twilight pleaded.

"We really shouldn't keep him much longer when his friends are in danger. If that's alright with you." Fluttershy said.

"Fluttershy right, the sooner he leaves, the better." Rainbow huffed, unable to hide the disdain in her voice.

"Now, what have your feathers ruffled, Rainbow?" Applejack asked.

"Nothing!" Rainbow said a little too forcefully. "I just wanna go home and take my nap since we have been out all night for no reason."

"That reminds me. Thanks ever so much for watching over little Sweetie Belle and her friends through the evening. I'll be sure to make you and your friends' elegant ensembles when you return." Rarity said gratefully

"Gee, thanks, I'm sure everyone will like it," Goku said. Then, he felt a tug on his leg and look down to see the fillies.

"Do you think we could come along and help?" Silver Spoon asked.

"That's right as The Cutie Mark Crusaders. We are honor-bound to repay our debt," Applebloom stated.

"Sorry, girls, but it would be far too dangerous. Vegeta is 100 times worse than that thing I fought last night." Goku said sternly. The fillies expressions quickly fell, causing Goku to frown. "How about this, when I come back, you girls will be the first to know about my adventure in Namek, sound right?"

"YEAH, IT DOES!!! Thanks, Goku." The fillies said as they tackled Goku and embraced him in a hug. They all shared a laugh until Dr. Briefs got their attention.

"Goku, my boy, can you come here for a moment?" Dr, Briefs ask as Goku got up.

"What's up, Dr, Briefs? What does the result say? Is the ship ok to fly?" Goku asked.

"Of course, the ship can still fly. As long as you don't plan on going more than 200 feet in the air." Dr, Briefs stated much to everyone's confusion. Then, he brought a visual diagram of the ship's schematics. "Now, when you look at these schematics of the ship, can you tell me if anything's alarming about them.?"

Spike suddenly felt a hole at the bottom of his stomach. He hesitantly opened up his mouth. "D-do all those red areas mean something is wrong?" he guessed as he saw the calm demeanor on Dr. Briefs form into a scowl.

"How very astute of you, young dragon." Dr, Briefs complemented before turning back to Goku. "Now Goku, my boy, I just have one question; What did you do to my ship?" he said grimly as his eyes bore a hole through Goku's head.

Goku nervously laughed while rubbing the back of his skull. "Err, nothing ha ha ha," he said innocently.

Author's Note:

It would seem Goku has manage to befriends most of the equestrians. However, now a new problem arises with the capsule corp ship. What grim news will Dr Briefs reveal to our hero? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON DRAGONBALL MLP

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