• Published 18th Jan 2016
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Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 4: Goku, Friend or Foe?! (Edited)

[Everfree clearing - Third Persons POV.]

"Uh?" was the only response the ponies, dragon, and ghoul could give to this strange new arrival. The Everfree Forest is home to many creatures, some known and some unknown, so it's easy to assume that this fabulous orange and blue-clothed, spiky-haired monkey falls in the hidden category.

Goku had surveyed each of the beings a little before his eyes landed on the downed dragon by the tree. 'Wow, I never saw a dragon-like him before. Maybe he's like Shenron and grants wishes.' Goku thought. 'Then again, he's a bit on the small side; he might be too young. Whatever the case, I better help him fast.' he said as he steadily walks up to the dragon and the ghoul.

The initial shock was replaced by irritation and anger as it turned to face this new threat. "Hairless monkey better leave. We found our prize; first, those are ours. YOU NO TAKE!!" the ghoul warned. Goku, however, was undeterred and continued his moderate pace. The monster, enraged, charged at Goku while aiming his razor-sharp claws right at his jugular vein. The fillies in the background tried to yell out a warning, but the ghoul was too. It slashed it's clawing at its target and--

Nothing. What should have been the sounds of screaming or blood splattering was nothing but a whooshing sound; the ghoul's attack somehow hit empty air.

At this point, both the ponies and the ghoul were looking for the strange creature that vanished into thin air. However, their search quickly ended as they heard a voice behind them. "Geez, that's a pretty nasty scrape. Let's fix that up, shall we?" Goku said as he took a brown pouch from his belt and dug inside it.

After a few seconds of digging, Goku pulled out a green-colored bean and offered it to the dragon. "Here you go, eat this; I promise this will help you."

Spike didn't know what to make of this thing in front of him. First, it appeared in an orb of light. Next, it causally strolls right up to him, ignoring the ghoul and dodging its attacks(somehow), and now it's offering him a strange bean he's never seen before, promising it will help him.

"Just what the hay is this thing? Where did it come from, and does this thing seriously expects me to eat some random BEAN? Why does he have a friendly smile on his face? Even Pinkie Pie wouldn't laugh at a time like this--Aah" Spike was cut off from his inner monologing when the sting from his wounds resurfaced. He looked at his bloodied palm, then back to the bean before his gaze settled on the being eyes, trying to find traces of deceit in them. Finally, when he knew he was sincere, Spike submitted and took the bean and proceeded to eat it. "How's this bean suppose to help slash wounds....." Spike trailed off.

What happens next was even more bizarre. The bean Spike ate washed over him. His muscles tighten and bulge out. Then, finally, he swore he grew another foot, and the stinging sensation completely vanished. He sat up and patted his stomach, and, much to his and everyone else's surprise, there was no slash wound as if it never happen at all. There wasn't even a trace of a scar.

"Wha- How? What are you?" Spike said as he shakily pointed at Goku.

Goku's response was to give a soft chuckle at the bemused dragon before speaking. "Ha Ha, you're welcome." He said.

All jaws were hitting the ground as the dragon made a miraculous recovery. But before another word is uttered, the ghoul lets a piercing scream that causes everyone, save for Goku, to cover their ears. It charged once again, intending to bisect both the dragon and monkey with one swipe. It neared its targets, extended its claws, and attacked. It manages to hit its mark. However, the ghoul saw that it split the tree in half rather than its prey. Again, it missed, and yet the monkey thing vanished without a trace. It whipped its head around to find the animal thing crouch down with its back turned on it.

"Whoa, how'd we get here?" Spike asked as the fillies swarmed him, giving him hugs and grateful he's ok.

"Spike, you're ok!!" Sweetie Belle said.

"We thought you were a goner for sure!" Silver Spoon said.

"Say, how'd you got all better, Spike?" Apple Bloom said.

"HOW DID YOU MOVED THAT FAST?" Scooterloo said, her mouth still agape. "I mean, it wasn't as fast as Rainbow Dash, but still, that was incredible!!!!"

"It wasn't me; it was him..." Spike said as he pointed to Goku, standing up with his fist close to both hips, wearing a cheerful smile. The fillies then remembered the being in front of them and got a good look at him. He had no fur, tail, horn, or wings. Instead, he wore pointy boots for some reason, and he was as tall as Celestia.

"STOP IGNORING US!!!!" The ghoul said, finally snapping. "You, tricky monkey, scared to fight us."

Goku turned to face the ghoul while dropping his peaceful expression for a calm and focused one. "You all stay here while I'll handle this guy," Goku said.

Spike jumps onto his feet at that remark. "Are you crazy? Thing's a Ghoul, the scourge of the Everfree. The only thing they like more than treasure is eating flesh and drinking blood, and they can shapeshift. WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!" Spike finished his rant, trying desperately to convince Goku to leave. But, to his shock, Goku looked back at him with a confident smile.

"No way. Why run from something that doesn't scare you? Besides, I can tell by looking at him. He can't beat me." Goku said, leaving the ponies and dragon speechless. He walked right up to the ghoul, placing himself mere meters in front of it, never once dropping his smile.

The Ghoul let out a chilling raspy laugh. "So monkey not scared. The monkey should be, we will rip monkey apart and feast on animal's bone!!" the ghoul threaten. It flashed its jagged, sharp fangs. Its teeth stained black by blood.

"Sorry, but you won't lay a finger on me," Goku said.

Deciding that enough was enough, the feral demon launched a flurry of rapid claw slashes at Goku. However, Goku read each attack easily, and he dodged effortlessly. The ghoul continued its assault, growing more agitated with each failed attempt to kill Goku. Finally, the devil jumped back and decided to use its terrain to its advantage. It started to jump from tree to tree, gaining speed until he seemed like a blur. The ghoul rebounded off the tree in front of Goku and shot straight towards him. Its claws had extended to three times their regular length. And it slowly got closer. "DIE!!" the Ghoul yelled, only this time, Goku did not vanish. This time, the ghoul just phased right through Goku as if he was a ghost. Spike and the fillies were more confused than ever as they watch the battle unfold.

"Say, Sweetie Belle, what type of magic is that thing using?" Silver Spoon asked.

"I don't know. It's nothing I ever seen Twilight or Rarity do." Sweetie said.

"Yeah, how can some monkey thing do all this without a horn," Diamond said.

"Well, it wasn't magic while he was dodging the swipes," Scooterloo said excitedly.

"It must be magic. How else is he making the ghoul fly right through 'em like that?" Apple Bloom asked as the demon came around for a strike too, yet again, phase through Goku. "What do you think, Spike? Spike?" She asked as she stared up at Spike, who stood motionless.

'What is going on here?" Spike thought.

The ghoul was panting and exhausted, yet it did not know why. So far, it has been the one attacking, but it couldn't even land a scratch against Goku. He just stood there in that one spot and hasn't made a move to attack or defend. The ghoul figured Goku was mocking it, so it decided that if speed weren't enough, then raw power would be. So, it used its natural magic to harness its shape-shifting abilities. Its magic took hold and morphed its body; it grew a head taller than Goku. Its muscular frame matched that of a minotaur. Its fangs protruded out of its mouth, and claws grew to the size of butcher knives.

"NOW WE KILL DUMB MONKEY!!!" the ghoul stated. The ponies huddled behind Spike with new fear as they witness this grotesque transformation. Spike, on the other hand, kept his eyes on Goku.

The ghoul ran up to Goku. Its speed was much slower, but each step left a strong imprint on the ground. It clenched its massive claws into a fist and raised them above its head. It was going to crush the monkey thing and end this fight once and for all. "WE BREAK YOU--" the ghoul got cut off from the hit and double over from sudden agony. It let out short, quick gasps, its arms and legs jutting forward, and its entire body trembled. None of the ponies had any idea what just happened. One second, it was going to end its fighting, and the next, the ghoul was racked with pain. The ponies then turned their gazes downward and were shocked beyond all measure. They saw Goku under the ghoul with his elbow buried deep into its sternum.

"Sorry, but you had an opening that screams 'Attack,' so I did, Haha," Goku chirped.

The ghoul slowly back away, clutching its midsection, its pained expression never leaving its face. "N-not f-funny!!!" the devil said. With that, it fell forward to the ground unconscious.

Silence once again surrounded the area. The fillies and dragon stood still while trying to process what they just witnessed. Finally, Goku turned back and arched his brows at them.

"What, is something wrong?" he said. "You guys are not hurt, are you?" The fillies all looked at each other and then back at Goku.

"That was AMAZING!!!!" The girls screamed in unison. Then, they rushed toward Goku and started bombarding him with questions and praise. Spike, however, stays behind.

"So cool!!" Silver Spoon said.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" Diamond asked.

"That was so brave~," Sweetie Belle said with a dreamy-eyed expression.

"How did you make him go through ya like that?" Apple Bloom said as she poked Goku's leg.

"Yeah, that was weird but super cool! You were like, "You can't beat me," and the ghoul was like, "Yes, I can," and it was jumping and leaping around trying to get you. But, you stand there like a statue, and then he got all big and said: "I crush you!" and *POW* you beat it that nasty old ghoul in one hit!!!" Scooterloo said as she mimics each action while she described them before taking a deep breath. "Can you teach me?" she asked with a broad, hopeful smile.

Goku couldn't help but laugh at the antics. "Sure, I would love to teach you a few things, but right now, I'm on an important mission. Did any you of spot anyone like me?" Goku asked.

The fillies all had quizzical looks on their faces as they thought about his question. "What are 'people'?" The Fillies asked.

"Sorry, Mr. Goku, but, aside from you, we've never seen any 'peoples' running around." Apple Bloom said much to Goku's disappointment.

As they had their conversation, Spike focused his attention on the ending of the battle. He was sure he kept his eye locked on Goku. But, he manages to lose track of him, and before he knew it, the fight was over. The ghoul was knocked out, and Goku walked away unscathed. Plus, he did it all without magic. He caught bits and pieces of the conversation he was having with the fillies. He was looking for more of his species. With all the information before Spike, he took the only reasonable action he had.


Spike fainted.

Goku and the fillies turn to see Spike on the ground, his feet twitching in the air, with spirals in his eyes.
"Huh, guess all the excitement must have gotten to him," Goku said as he walks over to Spike. He picks him up and slings him over his shoulders.

"Shouldn't you all be at home? This forest seems dangerous for kids to be out at night." Goku said.

"Well, we were enjoying the meteor shower before some mommas colt, and his lackey stole my tiara," Diamond said with a frown. "That colt's gonna wish he was never born when I'm through with him. Thanks for helping get it back." Diamond said gratefully.

"No problem," Goku said. "In any case, we need to get out of here before something else shows up," Goku said as he was sensing several ki signatures approaching their position.

"That's a good idea, but we've been out here for a few minutes, and now it's too dark to see the path back to Ponyville." Sweetie Belle said, worry evident in her voice.

"Hey, don't worry. I happen to know where I left my ship. It's not too far from here, so let's get moving." Goku said.

"Alight - wait - you live in a ship?" Scooterloo asks as they followed Goku. "Why would you have a boat in the middle of the forest?"

"No silly, not ship as in 'boat.' I mean ship as in 'spaceship.'" Goku said a matter-of-factly.

As the fillies stared at their new friend in confusion, none of them notice a figure watching their departure.
"Son Goku, just who or what are you?" the figure said as she ran off into the shadows.

[10 minutes later, Goku's ship]

"So. This thing is your ship?" Diamond asks skeptically. "It looks like a big metal ball."

"Spaceship, and yep this is it. Now let's head inside." Goku said.

The fillies looked slightly hesitant before they relented and went inside the spherical abode. The inside was very space-ish, but there was much in the room. There was a strand metal cylinder attached to an oval in the middle of the chamber. There was one chair to the far left. In front of it was some strange joystick. Over on the far right was a flight of stairs leading down somewhere.

"Whoa!" Scooterloo exclaimed.

" It's big." Silver Spoon said.

"It's empty," Diamond said dryly.

"It's kinda droll," Sweetie Belle said as everyone looked at her. "What? That's what Rarity would say."

"Excuse, Mr. Goku. What is that thing?" Apple Bloom asked while Goku walked to the gravity machine.

"This is my gravity machine. I use it for training." Goku said. 'now, which one was it again?' he said as he looked at the buttons on the console. 'Here it is.' he said, then he pushed down the button that caused six beds to pop up.

"Cool, beds!" Scooterloo said as Goku laid Spike down on one bed. "But, how'd you get them on the floor?"

"You'll have to ask Doctor Briefs. He's the one that built it, and he's a good friend of mine." Goku said.

"Ok," Scootaloo said as she looks at the weird joystick in front of the chair. "Hey, Goku, why do you have a great joystick over there? Do you have any games to play?" She asks.

"Nope, those are my ship's flight controls. They helped me navigate through space." Goku answered.

"No offense Goku, but there's no way this big old ball can fly, especially without wings," Scootaloo said, and to emphasize her point, she flutters her wings. "Next thing, your gonna tell us if you can fly."

Before Goku could reply, he heard five distinctive growlings coming from the fillies. "Argh, I'm hungry?" Diamond Said. "We didn't get a chance to eat yet," she whines, gaining nods from the others.

"Wait here; I still should have some food left in the fridge," Goku said as he heads down the stairs. A moment later, he came back up with an assortment of fruits and vegetables. It was an excellent healthy choice, although he wished he hadn't eaten all the meat.

"There we go, you girls eat up, and then it's straight to bed." So Goku had said before realization struck. "Oh man, in all the excitement, I forgot to ask you all your names," Goku sheepishly said while rubbing the back of his head.

"I'm Silver Spoon."

"I'm Apple Bloom."

"I'm Scootaloo."

"I'm Diamond Tiara."

"I'm Sweetie Belle, and the dragon's name is Spike."

"Those are some funny names," Goku said, much to the ire of the fillies.

"Puh-lease, Like Son Goku, is any better," Diamond said as she crossed her arms and stuck her muzzle.

What shocks her the most was when Goku started chuckling. "I guess my name would sound weird to you, being that it's alien." he continued to laugh, which cause the fillies to join in. "Anyway, we should get to bed now," he said as he walked on to the console and hit the light switch, then proceed downstairs.

The fillies then tucked themselves in their beds. "Good Night Mr. Goku," they said.

"Night," Goku called out from below. He strips to his sleeveless white beater and striped white and blue boxers. He got into bed and stared up at the ceiling in deep thought. "I hope Gohan, Killian, and Bulma can keep out of danger till I find." With that, he drifted to sleep.

[Everfree Forest Entrance, Zercora's POV]

My heart began to race as I moved to Ponyville with a quickening pace. This being, Son Goku, is unlike any I have ever seen. I must hurry to Twilight's and hope she does not react with fright. What gives me great inquiry is this mission that's shrouded in mystery. Whatever the case may be, it's safer to bring the Calvary.

[Ponyville, Celestia POV]

Things could not have gone better tonight. I knew Twilight to host was a grand idea. It never ceases to amaze me how well she and her friends can pull through for one another. It truly is a welcome treat to see the delegates enjoy our meetings rather than act so serious and stoic. But, one thing kept bothering me though. I caught glimpses of Luna's face during this event, and at first, she was enjoying herself. Then, when the meteors started passing by, she held a perplexed look at them. I tried to follow her gaze to see what the problem was. There seems to be a meteor moving differently from the others, and then it fell toward the ever free. I don't correctly see a problem here that would confuse my dear sister. I will have to ask her privately once everypony leaves. I turned to see Twilight conversing with her friends, specifically, Pinkie Pie. She was flailing around and twitching while speaking rapidly, more so than to her usual standard. Sensing that there might be trouble, I got up and went over to see if there was anything I can do to assist.

"You girls have to listen. I just had the biggest doozy of doozies in all of the doozies, and it had something to do with that meteor that crashed into the Everfree!!" Pinkie said excitedly while still having body spasms.

"Pinkie, I do not doubt your 'Pinkie Sense'(not after last time), but I don't see how a wayward meteor can cause trouble," Twilight said. Now I was having doubts about the meteor if both my sister and Pinkie are wary of it.

"Maybe that's what it wants you to think," Pinkie said while shifting her small eyes back and forth with her hand up to her muzzle, whispering loud enough for the group to hear.

"Now, what the hay you're going on about Pinkie?" Applejack said. "Y'all not making a lick of sense."

Everypony turned to Applejack with a quizzical look at what she just said, which caused her to tip her hat over her face at the sudden attention. "I-I mean more than you usually do or don't. So Ima just shut my trap now," she said.

"Nooooo, it makes perfect sense. I bet the meteor was some weird ship that houses an even more mysterious pony. Only the stallion we're looking for is not a pony." Pinkie said. This time, all eyes fell on Pinkie as if she had grown a second appendage.

"Pinkie Aliens, I gotta say that's pretty out there even for you," Rainbow said.

"It does seem farfetched if you don't mind me saying," Fluttershy added. However, even I had to admit that the likeliness of alien visitors was as plausible as discord abandoning chaos magic altogether. So where is he, I wonder?

"Well, Zecora can explain it better than me. She's coming now." Pinkie said, leaving us puzzled again. However, at that moment, a zebra came running from the Everfree entrance.

"Twilight, there is an emergency that you must come and see," Zecora said in true Zebraican fashion. I have yet to meet her in a pony but, according to Twilight and Luna, she is conscious and kind, and she has helped Twilight in more than one of her friendship reports. Therefore, I believe it's time to meet her formally.

"Greetings, Miss Zecora," I said, gaining her attention. "It's a pleasure to meet you finally."

She bowed her head and did a cutesy. "The pleasure is all mine, princess. Forgive my outbursts, as I did not mean to cause distress," she said.

"There's no need to bow to me. Any friend of Twilight is a friend of mine. Now, what is it that has you so concerned." I said.

"I bore witness to quite a strange sight. A being I've never seen before that knows how to fight. It battled a ghoul that it was able to make a fool." she said while we all stared wide-eyed at her. " It moved so fast that it vanished without a trace. Then, before it left, the ghoul fell flat on its face." She finished.

Rainbow Dash then blew a raspberry at that comment. "Ha, whatever this is, there's no way it's faster than me. No matter what magic trick it's using." Rainbow said with her trademark arrogance. She really must try humility once in a while.

"I'd advise not to underestimate it. Whatever trick this creature is using, it was not magic." She said as the girls and I were left more confused.

"Come now, darling; I'm sure you must've been seeing things. How can anything beat a ghoul without magic?" Rarity asked the question we all had in mind.

"A better question would be how can anything be crazy enough to challenge a ghoul," Twilight said skeptically. "It would take 10 of the elite royal guard along with one of this princess to defeat it."

This conversation was going nowhere. I raised my hand and silenced everypony. I wanted to know more about this creature. "Zecora, can you tell me any more about this creature? Is it sentient, and does it pose a threat to Equestria?" I asked

"All I can say is his name is Son Goku. I cannot say he isn't a threat to you. He speaks the same tongue as us. So, strategic action might be a must. He seeks to find his clan, but I do not know if that's his only plan. He left with Spike and some fillies in the toe. Although where they have gone, I cannot claim to know." she said as her ears splayed themselves against her head. We must wait for WHAT?!!

"WHAT?!!!" We all yelled in unison. Spike was out there along with fillies. I can only assume that it's the CMC.

"What do you mean Spike and some fillies are with it?" Rainbow said, boiling with anger. "Why did you wait so long to tell us? Why didn't to do anything to stop it?"

"Now hold your apples Rainbow," Applejack said as she put herself between Zecora and Rainbow. "Ya can't just expect Zecora to go hoof to hoof with a strange new creature. There isn't any point in fighting something that can be a ghoul. She's been telling the truth..." She paused as she looked at Zecora with trepidation. "But Zecora, I gotta know, Is my Kin safe out there?" She asked as she was trying her hardest to be understanding and not lash out.

"Although, his presence may have caused tension. I did not pick up any cruel intentions. He fought the ghoul in the foal's defense. He did not seem the type to spout pretense." She said. However, Twilight did not go for it.

"I'm sorry, Zecora, but you can't expect us to put our faith in this thing. For all we know, he merely saved them for his gains. We need to organize a search party of the most elite guards we have-"

"Nay!!" Luna said, cutting off Twilight. She's been quiet this whole time while trying to gather information. "It would be most unwise to venture into this hour of our night. We would be inviting peril to ourselves. We must wait for the blanket of the day." she finished stoically.

"But Princess-" Twilight began before I cut her off.

"I'm afraid my sister is right, Twilight. We will not be helping them if we are ourselves got hurt. We shall all stay at Castle Friendship and begin our search at daybreak. Meanwhile, Luna shall enter the dreamscape and gain their location." I said much to Twilight's disappointment. I looked over to Luna, who in turn gave the nod back to me. I hated doing nothing as much as the girls do. But, should any harm come to my subjects Son Goku, then you shall face the Sun's fury.

Author's Note:

Tensions are flaring as our heroes are on a collision course. Can the elements and the princesses truly put their stock in someone they don't know? Will their meeting end in calamity. FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON DRAGONBALL MLP

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