• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 7,388 Views, 81 Comments

The Blue Blur - MetalJrock

Sonic the Hedgehog finds himself on another world and has to defeat Eggman once again.

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Epilogue 2: Join the Resistance

Giant robots terrorized the city. Everything was in flames, and each of them shot lasers out of their one eye, towering over even the tallest buildings. They only left destruction in their wake with each little movement. The darkest of times have come, and in its darkest hour, the world needed a hero.

Standing near a mansion was a blue hedgehog, his fist clenched, and a scowl evident on his features. He had enough. It was about time he acted and saved his world. Sonic the Hedgehog knew that he had to go and make things right.

So with determination, Sonic curled into a ball and jumped down, landing on a knee as he gritted his teeth while looking up, running as fast as he could, right as a giant piece of debris was about to fall on him, leaving it to shatter once he vanished in a blue blur. He slid underneath an obstacle in his path and side-stepped past each billboard and debris that came so much as near him.

He leaped quickly and turned his head back in front of him, seeing a shadow coming towards him, a giant boulder. He looked surprised for a second, wondering if he could do something get rid of it in time before it dug him in the streets. Sonic was about to act, his arms and legs already stretched out.

However, another blue blur jumped into the scene, catching Sonic off guard. Once the ball uncurled, Sonic realized it was his younger self, evident by his chubbier body, black eyes and smaller stature. The young Sonic seemed to have kicked the debris away, and blue sparks surrounded him for a strange reason. Despite the grim circumstances, he still had a smile on his face, glad to have helped his older self. Taken aback, but still happy, by his younger self's appearance, the older Sonic gave himself a proud thumbs up. He was certainly glad to have some help beyond the Resistance. And who better than himself?

The two Sonics landed, running as fast as they could as one of the giant robots saw them, shooting a giant laser to the floor and missing as the blue duo passed the corner.

Six mares and a dragon stood on top of a building, surprised by the destruction that was around them. Twilight squinted her eyes, "Where in Celestia's name are we?" she wondered.

"I have no idea! One minute we were just sitting there, and then woomp! We were just warped here!" Pinkie explained.

Applejack tilted her head, "But why? Where the hay is here anyhow?"

Fluttershy gulped, nervously pointing to one of the giant robots, "I-I think I know what that is..." the girls and Spike instantly recognized the design and although it was larger than they remembered, they knew that it was something they haven't seen in an while: an Eggman robot. But that could only mean one thing...

"Look down there!" Spike said, halting the girls' thoughts. What they saw down there confirmed their theory. They saw a blue blur speeding by the road... No, two blue blurs. "Is that... Sonic? Does that mean we're in his world now?"

Rainbow looked down, "Who's the smaller one? He kinda looks like Sonic too! What the heck is going on here?" she wondered.

"Perhaps it'd be wise to ask Sonic and his... company, whoever he might be." Rarity suggested.

"With all the giant robots still there?" Fluttershy whimpered.

Twilight sighed, "We just have to evade them. I'm sure Sonic and the smaller Sonic can do this. We just need to see what happened here and if there's anything we can do to help."

Standing in the smoke was a new figure, he growled as he looked over the towering robots. It was a red wolf wearing glasses with a headset, metal gloves and boots, strapped to his back was a gun, his Wispon, able to convert the Hyper Go-On energy of Wisps into a weapon, which they seem to be okay with considering the harsh circumstances and he was glad they accepted his assistance.

It was time for a new hero to rise to the occassion.

The wolf ran forward straight for the giant Death Egg Robot, he looked to his left and right once he heard footsteps and saw the two Sonics, giving them a nod of acknowledgement. The lasers from the robots shot at them and the three instantly jumped, the Sonics readying a Spin-Jump and Homing Attack as the new guy extended an arm.

The robot kept its scanner on the wolf as he ascended and flicked his wrist, releasing a wire that wrapped around the robot's shoulder. The laser barely missed the new guy as he swung away, moving as fast as he could to get the three bots as close together as possible. Once he saw they were close, he released his grapple and gave the blue blurs a thumbs up as a signal.

The two Sonics charged a Spin-Dash and sliced right through the giant Death Egg Robots, their mighty forms falling as the two landed on a knee. The wolf did the same as their back was turned away from the smoke. An explosion occurred when they stood up, making the moment more climactic than usual.

"Holy moly! That was super-duper amazing!"

The older Sonic recognized the cheery voice, his eyes widening. "Wait... Is it actually them?" he wondered to himself. The younger Sonic and wolf shrugged at each other. But they looked in the distance and saw six ponies and a dragon, all of which Sonic recognized. The taller hedgehog waved to them. "Girls? Spike? Man, am I glad to see you guys!" he shouted,

"Likewise, Sonic!" Twilight said in relief.

The younger Sonic tapped his foot and pointed a thumb, wondering who these newcomers were, "Oh right." Sonic introduced the Equestrians by name and debriefed his teammates. "...Now I'm wondering is how you got here."

"We are just as curious about this as you are, Sonic." Rarity replied, "Speaking of confusion, may we get an introduction to the little one and wolf? I do not believe we met before." young Sonic fumed at being called little and crossed his arms.

"Aw, he looks cute..." cooed Fluttershy. Young Sonic simply tapped his foot in annoyance.

Sonic gestured to his new friends, the first being the young Sonic, "Yeah, the one that looks like me actually is me. We met when Eggman and his younger self took control of a time god called the Time Eater and destroyed time, but the two of us kicked his butt. You should've been there. It was awesome." he then pointed to the wolf, "And this guy here is Buddy the Wolf. One of the top guys of the Resistance. He proved his worth and I'm letting him out on the frontlines with me while the rest of my friends and the Resistance dismantle Eggman's Empire across the planet." he introduced at last.

Twilight tilted her head, "Resistance? What happened? I thought Eggman couldn't do much! How could all of this happen?!"

Older Sonic put his hands on his hips, "I think we should explain everything back at HQ, and maybe you could explain how you girls ended up here. The short story, Eggman took over the world and we have to take it back. But first we should clean things up in the city before we finally head out. I was just on my way looking for Shadow when the three of us ran into those Death Egg Robots."

Rainbow raised a hoof, "Can I ask a question? How are we gonna be able to call you two separately? I don't blame him if he doesn't want to be called Little Sonic. But it is funny."

"Ooh ohh! I got an idea!" Pinkie chimed in.

The two Sonics rolled their eyes, with the older one speaking, "Yes, Pinkie Pie?"

"We can call you Modern Sonic, and the younger you Classic Sonic! Everypony reading will expect it and it'll be easier to tell you two apart now!" Pinkie decided. The Resistance members all shared a confused glance.

"Uh, sure. Let's go with that, Pinkie." Modern Sonic decided, scratching the side of his head in confusion.

Classic Sonic nodded with a light smile, "The two of ya don't talk much do ya?" asked Applejack, referring to Classic and Buddy.

"Back then, I usually let my actions speak." Modern Sonic explained for his younger self, who shook his head in agreement, "And Buddy's not much of a talker either. It doesn't matter to me honestly. At the very least, we can get things done together. The rest of my friends are on communicators as well, I may have to hand you some when we head back to the hideout."

Spike poked Twilight's hoof, "Speaking of friends... Do you think Starlight is here?"

"Who's Starlight?" Modern Sonic wondered.

"A pony who tried to rule over time, but she changed her ways and is living with me to learn friendship." Twilight explained. "She wasn't with us when we were warped here."

Modern smiled, "Awesome. Glad to see you girls are still doing alright beyond this. Maybe we can figure this whole warping thing out together. Perhaps it's how my young self ended up here?" he suggested with Classic Sonic pumping a fist at that. Buddy shrugged, thinking the same thing.

A small explosion caught the team off guard and they noticed something towards them. "Look out!" Twilight shouted, using a shield to cover her friends from the green beam. Modern Sonic, Classic Sonic, and Buddy jumped then crouched to a knee as they and the Equestrians looked up where the sudden beam came from. "Who shot that at us?" the alicorn asked herself. "Something about it seemed familiar."

Modern Sonic's eyes widened once he saw a group of figures standing together over a pile of rubble. He saw a familiar blue robot designed like him, he saw a giant red and black beast with yellow eyes and black horns, there was a strange creature that looked to be made of water, and to his surprise, a black hedgehog with red stripes on top of his quills, someone he once called a friend. "No way..." Modern gasped upon the sight of the villains.

"I know Metal Sonic, b-but who are the others?" Rainbow wondered. Classic Sonic looked to his older self for answers, only recognizing two of them.

"Zavok... Chaos... And... Shadow...?" Modern replied, "I-I can't believe this, all my enemies and him banded with Eggman. But who shot that green beam?"

Three more figures stepped near the four, none of them familiar to Sonic, but the Equestrians' pupils shrank once they laid eyes on them. One was a black buglike creature with a mishaped horn, one was a black unicorn dressed in a red regal robe and a dull crown, but the third made the girls' jaws agape even more than the first two. She was a purple unicorn with a mane a shade darker and a mintgreen stripe in the center of it. Fluttershy gasped, unable to believe what she and her friends were witnessing.

Modern Sonic growled, "Who are they?"

"Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra... A-A-And Starlight...?" Twilight gasped out, unable to speak. "W-Why...?" she was taken aback by her student and friend's betrayal. Her eyes actually began to water, believing tha everything she did was a lie.

"I should'a known Chrysalis and Sombra would be back." Applejack hissed. "But Starlight... Ah can't believe this. We thought she was actually learnin' about friendship..." she wrapped a hoof around the saddened Fluttershy, who didn't want any part of this anymore.

Modern Sonic clenched a fist, "Something's definitely up then." Classic Sonic agreed with him as did Buddy. He raised his gaze and noticed something else once he saw the legion of villains looked to the sky as well.

In the sky was a mysterious figure covered in a red aura, his palms open and arms stretched. He wore a strange mask over his face, a hole in a lense, revealing an eye that looked like that of a serpent or demon, with something on his chest that looked to be a gem, which gave Classic Sonic deja vu. He had spikes on the back of his head and a bizarre taile. Buddy looked even more curious at this.

"Who in Celestia's name is that?!" Rarity gasped.

Modern Sonic gritted his teeth, "I have no idea."

The red floating being then summoned a barrage of red cubes. Classic Sonic silently gulped, recognizing the sound the being made when he summoned these objects, wondering if they were somehow connected to the very object that brought him here. Buddy stood up, readying a grapple for retreat. "Uh everybody... We may have to make a hasty retreat now!" Modern suggested, gesturing for the team to escape as fast as they could now.

Then, the stranger crossed his arms and brought down the cubes towards the heroes.

Author's Note:

No fun fact here. Instead it's about time I revealed something I want to do when the time comes, after the game releases; Sonic Forces: Resistance is Magic. Yep, I plan to do a Sonic Forces adaptation. The OC will be the character we've seen in promotional material, who I've decided to give the fanname Buddy the Wolf. And this scene will most likely not be in the proper story since I based it off the trailers.

But it won't be a carbon copy of whatever the game will be about. Yes, the story will mainly focus on the Sonics and OC with the ponies, but I wanna do something different with it if the game allows me to diverge like this. And I can't make a definite promise on this yet.

I want to focus chapters on the side characters and their part in the Resistance. Like, while the Sonics and Buddy are in Green Hill with Rainbow and Twilight, the rest are with Knuckles, Silver and Amy in Chemical Plant for instance. I want to show these characters off since I focused on the main trio in this story and don't just want to repeat the game scene by scene.

That's also why I added in the MLP villains besides giving the girls a part of the stakes, to create a diverse rogues gallery so I'm not repeating villains all the time.

I hope you all enjoy that when it comes out and I thank you all for reading this. I got a Sonic Boom story going on in the meantime that I wanna focus on now this is finished, so see you there?