• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 7,389 Views, 81 Comments

The Blue Blur - MetalJrock

Sonic the Hedgehog finds himself on another world and has to defeat Eggman once again.

  • ...

Super Sonic Racing

The Tornado flew in the sky, able to see the Egg Carrier from the distance. Rarity and Spike were buckled into the backseat of the plane while Twilight wrapped her hooves around the handle, keeping her still throughout the relatively comfortable flight. Though she had a levitation spell ready just in case, not that she doubted Tails so far.

But a few questions lingered in the alicorn's mind and the silence that droned among them was a little strange, "So, Tails... Can we talk about your world? Is this... Is this something that happens often? Having to use this machine to fight Eggman?"

Despite their altitude, Tails did in fact hear her, "Huh? Yeah, it does. Though he doesn't have an airship like this one and hasn't for a long while, Usually it's just me and Sonic that are after Eggman whenever he has something planned also. Until it escalates that is. At first he tried to turn animals into robots and now he's usually looking to esclate his schemes on a more grand level, like now."

Spike frowned, "I know Fluttershy's not gonna be happy if she finds that out."

"Escalates?" Rarity wondered, "Are the three of you the only ones who must stop him? That sounds tiresome."

The fox replied, "No, but we're the first to know most of the time. We have Amy, Shadow, Blaze, The Chaotix, Silver, Rouge and Omega to count on when the three of us alone can't handle things."

Spike said, "The three of you act like this happens a lot. That's actually pretty cool, you're like superheroes!"

The fox chuckled, "I wouldn't go that far, Spike. We just don't want Eggman getting his way. And yeah... this happens a lot."

"So you fight all these advanced robots? Our world's barely advanced in technology enough to even consider half of what I've seen and now we're sitting in a flying machine." Twilight pointed out, the alicorn growing curious by this other world's capabilities now. "And these Chaos Emeralds... Are they really powered by chaos?"

Tails nodded, "They are."

Rarity chimed in, "If I may, Tails... We've had a few, er, bad experiences with chaos as it were... How are they able to aid you if they are powered by chaos?"

"Chaos in unpredictable, it is the anti-thesis to harmony after all." Twilight added, "And we were barely able to handle Discord's shenanigans before he reformed, if he really did."

Tails responded, "Well, the power of the emeralds go to the users. It can be used for good and evil, positive and negative energy alike. In our experiences, we use it for good and thwart whatever Eggman has planned. And this time should be no different. Eggman has used it for hid own goals, but we always reverse the effects by the end." he assured, elaborating for the ponies.

"But that does make me wonder... How would the Elements of Harmony do against the Chaos Emeralds? We're dealing with two polar opposte types of equal magic from what I understand." wondered the alicorn to herself mostly, "Would they actually be able to negate this force field you mentioned?"

The fox hummed, "I'd like to think so. From what Eggman described to us, they are powerful artifacts, and he's using negative chaos energy. From what I can deduce, the supposed positive energy from the elements should be enough to negate the emeralds' dark power that he chose to harness around his Egg Carrier."

"That makes sense." Twilight replied.

Spike put a hand to his head, "Now this is starting to become a science tangent..."

"Oh let them, Spike." Rarity playfully hushed, "Twilight seems to be enjoying the conversation at the very least."

Knuckles groaned, holding the side of his head in annoyance, hearing Pinkie droning on about while seriously trying not to... he wasn't even sure at this point, but he did not like it one bit.

"So, are you rougher than the best of them? The best of them? Are you tougher than leather?" Pinkie asked.

Fluttershy tapped the pink mare's in hopes to silence her, but her efforts were pointless. "Uh, Pinkie, I don't think--"

Pinkie continued anyway, "Were you born on an island in the heavens? Does the blood of your ancestors flow inside you?"

Applejack tilted her head, "The heck is she talkin' about? Now yer startin' to not make sense."

Lowering an arm to the leather chair, Knuckles gripped it, a light squeak sound heard as he calmed himself to no avail. His teeth gritted as Pinkie continued, "I think I can make a rap out of this! Just give me a minute and... Aha! I know just what to call it!"

"Shut... Up!" shouted Knuckles, causing the ponies around them to look at the echidna confusingly. He saw Pinkie's saddened expression, and Fluttershy's surprised face and he sighed when he realized he was about to start a scene, "Sorry, it's just... I'm under a lot of stress right now. And how did you figure out where I'm from?"

"Lucky guess." Pinkie said, lightening up.

Applejack raised a hoof, "Under a lot of stress? Stressed from?"

"Not so much this... It's the fact that I'm away from Angel Island... Farther from the Master Emerald than usual." Knuckles revealed. "I was destined to guard it as it's a symbol of my race, the echidnas, and if someone, like a certain bat thief, got their hands on it the island would fall, and someone would potentially have infinite power in their control. And maybe unleash an angered god."

Fluttershy put a hoof to her mouth, "W-What?"

The echidna shook his head, "It's nothing to be concerned about here. It's my responsibility. This is only a minor distraction."

"Well, it does look like it's botherin' you, sugarcube." Applejack pointed out, "This here Master Emerald and island mean a lot to you, hm?" she asked.

Knuckles nodded, "Like I said... It's nothing to concern yourself with. It's my business only as the guardian."

Applejack lightly tapped a hoof on her chair, "Now that there is a lie. Ya mentioned a god? That's somethin' to be darned concerned with, and Ah don't care if we're not from yer world. Just sayin'... You'll be better if ya talk about it and not keep it to yerself. Ah know a thing or two about bein' a little stubborn."

Pinkie gagged at the memory, her face turning a slight shade of green, confusing Knuckles. "So long as Chaos isn't angered, we'll be fine. Like I said, it's nothing to be concerned with in this dimension. The island and Master Emerald are my responsibility." he added.

"And the farm is mine, but that don't mean I ain't afraid to admit when Ah'm a little worried about somethin' or when Ah'm bein' too stubborn over it." the farmpony responded sternly to the echidna, "Learnt that lesson the hard way."

Knuckles folded his arms, "Fine, whatever. The Master Emerald being destroyed again... That's the last thing I want now. Sitting here, I have time to think about it. It and the island are the only remnants of the echidna tribe, and I swore to guard it with my life. Now I'm stranded in another dimension with no possible way to reach back to it for a while, and now it's starting to bug me. Happy?"

Fluttershy's expression softened, "So... The other echidnas are...?" she quietly gasped.

The echidna closed his eyes and he sighed out, "Yep. Driven to extinction by the water god Chaos. It's the truth and I've come to accept it for what it is."

"That's so sad..." Pinkie moaned, holding back a sniffle.

"Oh dear..." Fluttershy muttered, "That's terrible."

"You all wanted to know. There it is."

Applejack pursed her lips, "Ah had no idea it was that personal fer ya."

"Well, don't apologize." Knuckles insisted, "I have my duty..." a snicker escaped Pinkie, but he chose to ignore it, "and Sonic and Tails are with me now. I've sworn to not only protect the Master Emerald, but our world too. So I can't harp on it for much longer since Eggman is the bigger priority."

"That's noble of ya." complimented the farmpony.

Knuckles smiled and proudly said, "I like to think so. Someone's gotta keep those two in line when the going gets rough." he quipped, easing the mood he brought upon the ponies. "There are robots that need smashing and I'm the echidna for the job."

"I'll put in on your business card." Pinkie chimed in.

Applejack smiled as well, "Glad ya have that figured out."

Knuckles nodded, "So... about this farm, do you have any grapes?"

"Nope. All apples. It's the family business after all." Applejack proudly boasted with a wave of a hoof.

Fluttershy agreed, "Oh, they are good. You should try it one day."

"Maybe when this is all said and done, I'll stop by. I've survived by myself and I can show you a few tricks on farming." Knuckles decided.

Applejack chuckled, "Then Ah guess I'll have'ta put ya to work then. Show what you can do."

"It'll be no different from Sonic challenging me. You're on!" announced the echidna proudly.

Sonic looked to Rainbow Dash, who was flying next to him at a speed equal to his. "You're faster than I thought, Dash! But how long can you possibly keep it up before giving up?"

"Ha! I was gonna ask you the same thing!" Rainbow bragged, her wings flapping faster by the second.

"Here we... Go!" shouted Sonic, a blue aura covering the front of his body as he moved faster, his own legs moving in a blue underneath him, becoming a red figure eight in a moment's time. The forest surrounding him became all but a green tunnel as he sped by the locale as fast as he could.

Rainbow flapped her wings even more, "Oh no you don't!" with that, she sped ahead with a rainbow trail following her body.

Now neck and neck, Sonic and Rainbow spared each other a quick glance and faced ahead, "Not bad, Rainbow! And I thought Shadow and Silver were the only ones to give me a challenge! Heck, I might say you're faster than Metal!"

"You seen nothin' yet!" bragged the cyan pegasus. "Juat wait until I do a Sonic Rainboom! Now that'll blow your mind!"

Sonic chuckled, "Sonic Rainboom? It's got nothin' on my Sonic Boom! I called dibs on the name first anyway!"

Rainbow frowned, "It's a cool name! I'm the only pony in Equestria that can make one!"

"Oh, I'm not doubting your ability to do it. I just doubt it'll be faster than me!"

"Pft. You need directions to Canterlot, and I'm the only pony here who knows where it's at! Let me stick in front!" Rainbow reminded the speedy hedgehog.

Sonic smirked and responded simply, "I'm thinkin'... Nah!"

Rainbow shook her head, "Anyway, out of all the people you raced... I have to be the fastest, right?"

"Maybe. We'll see depending on who gets to Canterlot first. Last one there is a rotten Eggman!" quipped Sonic.

"It's on now!"

Eggman glanced over the Chaos Emeralds, their energy fueling the barrier around his Egg Carrier. The machine was doing its job just fine, but he looked out, seeing a city propped on the top of a mountain, and the doctor figured its importance. "That must be Canterlot. And I guarantee those annoying heroes are on my trail... I need the perfect distraction in order to harness the Elements' power..." he hummed, stroking his mustache with his index finger and thumb.

The scientist turned around and spotted a green capsule and an old bird-like mech he built. "A shame Orbot and Cubot are still back on Mobius guarding my other lair... I could've used their assistance for once. As stupid as that sounds."

"Egh. No matter... This should prove just as viable." he pressed a button and opened the capsule, revealing a certain blue robot that he often considered to be one of his best creations. "Wth the necessary modifications implanted, he will suffice."

Once it opened, the floating body of this robot remained still before it rose its head, it's black optic eyes flaring red pupils. It beeped before standing on the floor with its metallic red feet. Eggman folded his hands, realizing this would do just fine. "This would work... Now we shall go to the Egg Hawk, where the Elements shall be mine!"

Eggman glanced over his Badniks and other robots, "It's time to initiate the assault! Find the Elements of Harmony and bring them to me!" he ordered, ready to deploy his army.

Author's Note:

Random Sonic fun fact: In an interview, Jason Griffith (the previous voice of Sonic, Shadow, and Jet) said that he was dealing with strep throat while recording dialogue for Sonic Unleashed.

I consider that impressive considering his range in this game, which many consider to be his best performance in his time with the series. He had to scream, shout, and give the Werehog a gruff voice. And he nailed the role perfectly.