• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 7,378 Views, 81 Comments

The Blue Blur - MetalJrock

Sonic the Hedgehog finds himself on another world and has to defeat Eggman once again.

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Flying in the skies of Canterlot were two alicorns, seeing the giant airship that covered part of the city in shadow. Coming from it were an army of mechanical beings of various forms. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna looked in awe at the arriving army. The Princess of the Sun noticed the beings wreaking havok as soon as they touched the ground and acted instantly.

"Is this Canterlot, I assume?" asked Eggman.

Celestia gritted her teeth, "Who are you? And what do you want with our kingdom?"

Eggman replied, "Ah, my apologies. My name is Dr. Eggman, and I seek something of importance here. The Elements of Harmony! If you hand them to me, your kingdom will be spared my wrath and I will rule it. Quite a simple deal."

"Our subjects will never bow to a being like you." Celestia declared. Her horn flared and she shot a stream of magic, destroying a Motobug in one shot.

Eggman hummed, "You have made your choice. Minions, find the elements at any cost!"

Luna growled, using a magic field to lift an Egg Pawn upward, using it as a shield from a Buzz Bomber's stingers. "What are these mechanical beings?!"

"I have no idea, sister!" Celestia answered, noticing the ponies around the city panicking, she dove down and erected a shield as she landed, blocking an Egg Pawn's laser from hitting them. She also deflected a Motobug, watching it explode as it made contact with her field. "We cannot give him the Elements!"

Luna nodded, "Then we shall destroy this army!"

Sonic and Rainbow Dash ran up the mountain, finally arriving at the town located right on the side of it. The hedgehog clenched his fists, "Looks like Eggman got here before us, and he isn't wastin' time!" he noticed, watching the Badniks move all around.

"More bots?" Rainbow snarled, "Ugh! Guess we better go smash 'em!" she decided, her wings flared out still. However, Sonic held her hoof, keeping her still. "What's the big deal, Sonic? I thought you were all about this stuff! We gotta make sure he doesn't get the Elements!"

Sonic nodded, "Yeah, I am. But we at least gotta think about this, Dash. But it's just us two against Eggman's entire armada this time. He's not holding anything back. If we just reveal ourselves now, then we're gonna be outnumbered. We should at least handle some bots down here before the others arrive."

Rainbow narrowed her eyes, "Yeah, right. I can handle myself just fine, thank you very much."

"Like it will do you any good, rodents!" Eggman shouted from the Egg Carrier.

Sonic looked up, "Wow, doc. I thought your ears would'a been covered in mustache hair. How the heck did you hear us?"

"My bots have eyes and ears all over, my old foe!" replied the scientist, "I am aware of your every move and conversation!"

The hedgehog clapped loudly, "Wow, Egghead. You sure know how to be a creep!" Rainbow let out a snicker at that comment, "So, uh, are you just gonna sit there? Or are ya gonna face me like a man?" he wondered aloud proudly.

A slam could be heard from the other end of Eggman's microphone, no doubt annoyed from the hedgehog's constant quips, "Just wait, you blue pincushion! I have something in store for the two of you now!" he shouted in near rage.

Sonic replied, "We'll be waitin' doc!" Rainbow noticed a bystanding Buzz Bomber and flew up, kicking it so hard that it shattered on the ground, ending the conversation. "Nice one, Dash." he complimented.

"So, do ya still want to wait around? Or do you wanna go see what this guy has for us?" Rainbow questioned.

"Not like we have any other choice. Let's meet ol' Eggman and see what he has in store for us now!" the two zipped off, destroying any robot that stood in their way in a blur, leaving their destroyed remnants all over the place.

As they pushed forward, they noticed two ponies taking care of the army. The blue blur raised a brow at that, "Huh... Who are those two supposed to be? And why do they have wings and a horn like Twilight?" he asked Rainbow.

"Princess Celestia and Luna?" Rainbow gasped, getting the two mares' attention, "The two of you are actually fighting? Awesome!"

Celestia tilted her head, "Rainbow Dash? I did not think to see you here so soon. Where are Twilight and the others? And who is this with you? He does not look to be an equine like these beings."

"Sonic the Hedgehog, your highness." Sonic bowed politely, "I didn't think I'd meet more princesses here. And the others are on their way, with some friends of mine. That guy in the ship is Dr. Eggman, a bald genius with an army of robots. He wants the Elements of Harmony."

Luna responded, "He has told this to us, but how can we trust you or your supposed friends in aiding us and not use the Elements for your own deeds?"

Sonic smiled and wagged a finger, "Cause trashin' Egghead's bots is what I do best, your majesties! Just watch us!" he curled into a ball and attacked a charging Motobug with a Spin-Dash, crushing it on impact like he was a rolling sawblade. "Plus, I don't like seeing others get hurt. It's not how I roll."

Celestia smirked, "Very well, Sonic. Perhaps your aid and experience could be valuable in this battle."

Luna put a hoof to her muzzle, "If thou are as experienced as you say you are, Sonic, then tell us how to destroy the airship he is using to supply this army."

"That's what we're tryin' to figure out, princess." Rainbow answered, "Twilight's usually the one with a plan!" she drove both of her hooves forward, knocking an Egg Pawn down. "And we don't know what else he got for us!"

Sonic agreed, "Yeah, his ship is covered in an aura of negative chaos energy." Celestia narrowed her eyes at that, "It's gonna be hard to get in unless we do somethin' about it."

The Sun Princess shook her head, "Chaos... Of course. How did one such as him get that type of magic? Was it the work of Discord?" she asked, shooting a beam of magic strong enough to paralyze a Slicer in its spot, allowing Sonic a chance to destroy it with a Homing Attack before it could even think to move.

"The seven Chaos Emeralds," answered the hedgehog, "Long story, but I'm sure my pal Tails and Twilight figured somethin' out about it. In the meantime, we should thin the amount of bots running around here." he chuckled.

Luna blinked, "So it wasn't Discord?"

Sonic shook his head, "Nope. I don't even know who that is." he replied simply, "Now let's get to smashin' some bots!"

"Not if I have anything to say about that, rodent!" the voice prompted the hedgehog and pegasus to groan. Sonic tapped his foot, looking at an imaginary watch before smashing an Egg Pawn to pieces thank to Celestia reflecting one of their laser blasts. "Feast your eyes upon your destruction!" Sonic yawned at that.

Lowering itself from the sky was a giant bird shaped robot, with Eggman in the seat. Rainbow tried to hold back a snicker while Sonic looked a little disappointed, "...Really, doc? The Egg Hawk again? Heh, I don't even need Tails or Knuckles to trash it this time!" he boasted. He ran up the side of a building and backflipped off of it, dodging some lasers shot out of the wings of the robot.

"Heh heh... Now I see why they call you Baldy McNosehair!" Rainbow Dash laughed.

Eggman shook his head, "Cursed nickname... I will destroy you all for that!"

"Wow. Moody much, doc?" Sonic curled into a ball and dented one of the Egg Hawk's cannons with a Homing Attack before landing on one knee. Celestia noticed a stray laser coming towards the hedgehog and leaped in front of him, erecting a forcefield in front of him. The hedgehog gave the Princess of the Sun a thumbs up, "Nice save!" he complimented.

"It seems you know of this foul creation, Sonic." Luna pointed out, "Does thou have any tips?"

The blue blur nodded, "Yep! This is one of the doc's starter mechs! So, it's a lot easier to trash! Just keep hitting it until it explodes!"

Eggman slammed his fists on the rim of the cockpit, "Do not give them help! They are my enemies too!"

"Don't care!" Rainbow shouted, flying past some shots blasting out of the Egg Hawk's mouth. "It just makes it all the more satisfying to trash that tin can!"

Sonic smiled, "Now you're talkin'!"

Celestia and Luna hovered next to each other, drawing more magic from their horns. Their magic was able to destroy any opposing Badniks within the area, lighting them up in bright flames. "We shall face you in combat as well, Eggman!"

Eggman pointed a finger at the princesses, "If you insist! Just prepare to be roasted!" he turned the jets on the wings of his Egg Hawk and aimed the mouth of the robot at the princesses. Luna growled and swiped her horn upwards, creating a small barrier strong enough to absorb the blast with ease.

Celestia scowled, "You will pay the consequences of your insane actions, doctor." she declared, "For harming our kingdom and subjects."

"I do not care. I am only here for the Elements of Harmony, princesses." Eggman revealed, clenching his fists, "With their power, I shall accomplish what I've desired for years!"

"Sorry, Egghead! No dice there!" Sonic announced.

Rainbow rolled her eyes, taking care of any Buzz Bombers that dared to halt their battle, "Is he always like this?" she wondered, driving her hooves directly into the metal bees before circling around another and causing it to short circuit.

The hedgehog ran up another building right next to the princesses, "Oh you have no idea..." he sighed and charged a quick Spin-Dash to gain some momentum as he kicked himself off the wall, before landing a Homing Attack on the jet again, noticing some flames bursting out of both wings. Eggman's eyes widened under his glasses, noticing the ever growing smoke around him.

"Yo, Celestia! Luna! How about a quick hoof!" Sonic shouted. Rainbow Dash grabbed his hand while he was in midair, helping in making sure he had a safe landing while flying. She lowered her flight trajectory and dropped Sonic on his feet, where he nodded approvingly. The hedgehog ran then slid, tripping a Motobug that was aiming its engine towards him and he trashed it.

Celestia looked to the jets on the wings of the robot, and knew what the blue hero meant. However, the Egg Hawk aimed more lasers at the alicorns, intending to end them. Luckily, the Princess of the Sun and Princess of the Moon hovered from their crossfire high in the sky, making Eggman hit dead air as a result. Celestia looked to her sister and said loudly, "It seems this mechanical beast is damaged. Shall we be rid of it for good?" she asked with a playful smirk.

"Indeed, sister." Luna said.

Rainbow Dash flew upwards and dove right for the mouth of the Egg Hawk, kicking it so hard that the metal beak dented. "Alright!" she cheered. "Now let's take this mustached buffoon down!"

"Impudent pegasus." Eggman growled under his breath, rubbing his amazing mustache.

Celestia and Luna each shot magic volts at the jet wings, watching as they burned in flames, causing the Egg Hawk to crash down. Eggman coughed, crawling out of the destroyed mech, covered in ash. He punched the ground, "Curses..."

Sonic ran forward and looked at the scientist lying on the ground, "Alright, Egghead! Looks like your little game is over!" he decided. "But I gotta admit, the Egg Hawk is still more menacing than the wrecking ball and chain you used when I was a kid, so some props there for not rehashing that again." he admitted.

Eggman coughed, "This isn't the end, you rodent!"

The alicorns and pegasus landed next to the hedgehog and ash-covered doctor as Rainbow scoffed, "Yeah! Call off your goons! Or we'll smash you into next week!" she threatened.

Eggman managed a smirk and then suddenly he turned into a puddle of grey goo, melting before everyone before him. Sonic took a step back upon witnessing that, "Woah..." he gagged.

"Is... Is that normal?" Celestia gulped.

The hedgehog's eyes widened, "No... I think I've seen that before."

"Where?" Luna asked.

Rainbow crouched down, noticing the grey goo moving about, suddenly growing into a lump. "What the hay is it doing?" she whispered in disbelief over what was happening. Sonic stepped forward, memories flooding back into his mind.

The goo took the form of a robot and gained color. Its metallic sheen was blue, its cold red optics scanned the heroes and it clenched a metal fist upon finishing his transformation, "Alicorn and pegasus data successfully copied." he announced in a dead robotic tone, its eyes glaring at the four.

Celestia and Luna scowled, "Who is this supposed to be? It seems to act like a changeling with its ability to change forms like that..."

Rainbow tilted her head, "Yeah. Why does it look like you, Sonic? What the heck is this bucket of bolts anyway?" she asked.

Sonic gritted his teeth and pointed at the new blue robot that nearly looked like him.

"Metal Sonic."

Author's Note:

Random Sonic Fun Fact: Sonic Mania was developed by fans for the fans, developed by the people who ported Sonic 1, Sonic 2 and CD to ios and music composed by Tee Lopes.

It released today for consoles. I'm still waiting for my Collector's Edition to ship.