• Published 13th Jun 2017
  • 13,158 Views, 3,276 Comments

My Own Wings - Tatsurou

Fox McCloud raises Sunset Shimmer as best he can while protecting the Lylat System from Andross.

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Sunset stared around in awe as Bookface brought them to Thorntail Hollow. The place was absolutely gorgeous, with bright green grass, flowers of all colors, and odd shaped growths Sunset instinctively knew not to approach closely, sensing the fire contained inside them. Two ancient walled structures rose, one to either side of the river running through the center of the Hollow, giving the whole area the appearance of a restful, ancient home.

The Thorntail's were dark brown dinosaurs who walked on four legs, had plates on their backs, and - unsurprisingly - thorns on their tails. They smiled indulgently as they saw Sunset and Tricky running around to explore once they climbed off Bookface's Face, but did not interfere in any way.

Eventually, Sunset decided to investigate the temple-like structure that looked in less of a state of disrepair. The path inward dropped and curved a few times, but Sunset was able to use her magic to gently guide herself and Tricky down each floor. Eventually, they entered a large chamber with several paths leading out of it, each path with a marking above the door.

Before Tricky or Sunset could explore further, a strange creature floated into the chamber. It had the green skin and upright body of a carnivorous dinosaur, but instead of legs it only had a curling tail, as though it were a ghost. It was garbed in a long flowing robe that was primarily purple, and had a large green scarab hanging around its neck. "Welcome to my store," it greeted in a nasally voice. "Feel free to look at the many wonderful items within these walls. They are all for sale...if you have enough Scarabs."

"Who you?" Sunset demanded worriedly as she clung to an equally scared Tricky.

The figure looked at them and sighed. "Children..." Shaking his head, he focused on Tricky. "<You know me as The Trader, or have heard your parents speak of me as such, yes?>" he asked in flawless Earthwalker dialect.

Tricky blinked in surprise, then nodded as he relaxed somewhat.

The figure turned back to Sunset. "I am Shabunga the Shopkeeper," he explained. "I gather useful items from wherever I find them in the world, and sell them to whoever has need. This includes food, medicine, mechanical oddities, tools, and maps. My preferred currency is Scarabs, which can be found under rocks in the Hollow and elsewhere on the planet." He held up his pendant. "They look like this."

"...sell?" Sunset asked in confusion.

Shabunga reassessed his judgement of Sunset's knowledge. "You give me scarabs," he explained carefully, "and I give you a treat from my shelves. Understand?"

Sunset gasped happily and vanished in a flare of light.

"Ah, a teleporter," Shabunga mused.

After a time, Sunset staggered back in carrying a single Scarab, which was nearly as large as Tricky. "Treat?" she asked hopefully as she held it up.

Shabunga shook his head. "I'm sorry, but even with haggling there's nothing in the store I would sell for a single scarab, ever."

Sunset started to tear up. "But...heavy..." she whimpered as she struggled to hold up the Scarab.

Shabunga blinked in surprise. "No scarab pouch, and only big enough to carry one?" When Sunset nodded, he sighed. "I wouldn't do this for just anyone...but I can't stand crying children. Tell you what." Reaching into his robes, he took out a large pouch and attached it to a nearby wall. "Say your name, and put the scarab in here."

"Sunset Shimmer!" Sunset declared proudly, dropping the Scarab into the pouch. Above the pouch, a slate appeared. On it was Sunset's name with the number 1 underneath.

"I'm going to run you a line of store credit," Shabunga explained readily. "Just drop any scarabs you gather into there, and I'll keep track of it for you. Of course, in exchange I want no haggling on prices, understand?"

"Okay!" Sunset declared happily before warping back out.

Shabunga watched in mild amusement as Sunset came back in with one scarab at a time until the slate read 10. "Would you like a faster way to earn scarabs?" he suggested curiously.

"Faster?" Sunset asked in surprise.

"Come, follow me," Shabunga explained, sweeping down towards a lower floor. Sunset and Tricky eagerly followed.

Once on the lower floor, Shabunga presented an arena. "How about a little game?" he suggested. "I will throw your ten green scarabs and ten of my purple scarabs into this arena. They will scramble around as a timer ticks down. You have until the timer runs out to try and grab all the green scarabs. My magic will port them away when you touch them. The game ends when time runs out, when you grab a purple scarab, or if you grab all your green ones. At the end of the game, you keep whatever you collected...and if you collected them all, I'll double it. Care to give it a try?" Sunset nodded eagerly. "Alright then...begin!" He tossed the scarabs into the arena.

Sunset leapt down racing around to lightly touch the green scarabs. Between her natural speed and a bit of magical assistance, she was easily able to grab all ten before time ran out and without touching a purple scarab.

"Well done, well done," Shabunga praised as a slate in the corner showed 'Sunset Shimmer: 20'. He turned to Tricky. "<Would you like to try, Highness?>"

Tricky bounced eagerly, and Shabunga let him play. Unfortunately, Tricky wasn't as agile as Sunset and wound up getting hit by a purple scarab almost immediately. He drooped over to Sunset, who patted him gently to reassure him.

"I suppose it's not everyone's game," Shabunga allowed...only to be surprised as Sunset leapt into the arena again. "Want to play again? Alright."

When Sunset's ledger once more read 20, she turned an innocent smile up at Shabunga. "...double or nothing?" she asked, remembering a phrase from when the adults on the Great Fox had played cards.

Shabunga tilted his head thoughtfully. "Oh, a risky player, are you?" he asked curiously. "Alright, but I'll need to up the challenge then. An extra purple scarab each time?"

"Okay!" Sunset declared happily. Tricky hid a wicked grin.

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