• Published 13th Jun 2017
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My Own Wings - Tatsurou

Fox McCloud raises Sunset Shimmer as best he can while protecting the Lylat System from Andross.

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Magical Excursion

Sunset grinned eagerly as the Warpstone's hand closed around her and Tricky. The magic gathered, and she felt herself flung through the ether as the very folds of space wrapped around her to shift her to a distant location. When the warp vanished, she found herself standing on a platform that glowed with light inside a cavern, a cold wind blowing in from the distant entrance. She started to move forward, but paused as she noticed someone missing. "Tricky?" she called out worriedly.

"Oh, sorry lass!" the Warpstone called out, his voice echoing around her. "Ah was so excited to have such a kind visitor that ah fergot ta tell ya. Ah can't warp dinosaurs."

Sunset's eyes widened in shock, than narrowed in determination. Stepping back onto the platform, she went through the Warp and returned to the Warpstone's hand. Wrapping her magic around Tricky, she called out, "Again!"

"But ah told ya, ah canna warp dinosaurs-" the Warpstone began.

"AGAIN!" Sunset shrieked out insistently.

"Alright, alright!" the Warpstone allowed, closing his hand around the pair. As he expected, only Sunset was warped. "Lahk ah told ya-"

To his surprise, Sunset returned almost immediately, her eyes now calculating. Her energy surrounded Tricky again, but it was different this time. "Again!" she insisted.

Shrugging his shoulders, the Warpstone complied, letting Sunset warp back and forth multiple times, surrounding Tricky with different energy each time. After the seventh time, she leapt off the Warpstone's hand and looked Tricky over for a time. After a time, she picked one of the bangles he wore and focused a beam of magic onto it, embedding a charged sunstone in the bracer. "Again!" she declared eagerly.

Curious, the Warpstone closed his hand around the pair...and to his surprise, both were warped. "Great Shiggy's Ghost!" he gasped in surprise.

Back at the cave, Tricky blinked in surprise, staring around at their location. Sunset beamed proudly.

"Sunset, how did ya manage ta let me warp a dinosaur?" the Warpstone demanded in wonder.

Smiling, Sunset picked up an oblong rock and split it into three pieces. She then picked up one end piece and the middle piece. "Warpstone!" she stated, holding up the end piece. "Me!" she added, holding up the middle piece. She then put them together, showing where they linked up. Setting the middle piece down, she picked up the other end piece. "Dinosaur!" she declared, before clacking the two end pieces together, showing they did not link up. She then picked up all three pieces. "Warpstone! Dinosaur! My spell!" she declared, labeling the middle piece her spell. She then fit the three pieces together.

The Warpstone laughed. "So th' reason ah can't warp Dinosaurs is because our magic danna interface, so ye made a charm that provides a linkage? Raght clever of ya lass! Have fun on Ice Horn!"

Sunset grinned eagerly as she and Tricky raced out into the snow. They both wound up diving face first into a snowdrift their first step outside the cave, but they promptly began to frolic with Sunset attempting to bean Tricky with handfuls of snow while Tricky used his tail to throw small spadefuls. This continued until they found their way into a tunnel. Looking around, they saw the tunnel sloped down into the distance very steeply.

The pair stared down the steep slope worriedly for a time, Sunset bracing herself on Tricky as she leaned over his shoulder...only for the snow Tricky's forelegs were on to sink, causing them both to slip forward and start sliding down the snow, Sunset clinging tightly to Tricky as she lay across his back as he slid rapidly on his belly.

Seeing a few obstacles along the path, Sunset did her best to steer by throwing her body weight to one side or the other as they slid down the crazy slide the slope had become, once even sending them spinning around the walls and roof of a tunnel before they reached the other side. The entire time the pair were screaming in terror, their screams increasing in pitch as they finally shot off a precipice, only to crash down in a hot spring with a massive splash.

The pair managed to swim to shore, panting for breath as what just happened raced through their minds. Being children, their final conclusion was quite predictable.

"AGAIN!" Sunset screamed out, Tricky's declaration teaching her how to say that in his language.

Much to their frustration, they found no way directly back up the slope from where they were. The fact this cut them off from the Warp platform back to the Warpstone didn't worry them, as they just saw it as a new adventure, and they happily set off together. The path led them across chasms over lava, through massive snowdrifts, and across frozen lakes. Sunset floated them over the chasms, while Tricky dug tunnels through the large drifts. When they came to the frozen lakes, however, both of them wound up slipping and sliding across the ice...at first on accident, but later times because they found it quite fun.

Eventually, they both grew bored of the ice - and wary of the reproachful gaze of some older Snowhorns (the woolly mammoth-like denizens of Ice Horn) - the pair moved past the ice and across another snowy area into a tunnel that lacked snow. Bat-like creatures dove to attack them, harrying the pair to rush through the tunnel until they splashed down in an aqueduct. The current sent them flowing around to the opposite side, where a quick levitation up a ladder led them out a high platform in Thorntail Hollow.

Since they were both wet, they eagerly leapt down and rushed over to a sunny spot in front of Shabunga's shop. As they flopped over to enjoy the sun and dry out, Slippy stepped out putting his slate away. "Oh, hey Sunset!" he greeted happily. "Did you two have fun-" Noticing their soaked state, he chuckled. "-playing in the river?" he finished his question.

The pair of children grinned happily, both nodding virtuously.

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