• Published 13th Jun 2017
  • 13,157 Views, 3,276 Comments

My Own Wings - Tatsurou

Fox McCloud raises Sunset Shimmer as best he can while protecting the Lylat System from Andross.

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Adventure: Excitement

Sunset decided the best way to go as far as making a ruckus was to make her way to the Sky Dock, as that would give her a good look at everything that was going on so she could address it. The problem there was that the Sky Dock stuck out the edge of the Fortress, since it was where young Cloudrunners learned to fly. The only way in from within the Fortress was in plain sight of anyone walking along the Dock...so if she was to approach unnoticed, she would need to crawl along the underside of the Dock before going along the edge, peeking up over the edge whenever she could risk it.

Moving quickly but carefully, Sunset made her way there before gripping the edge of the platform extending out from the Fortress, only empty sky below her until the edge of the mystic shield that contained the atmosphere that protected the Fortress. Huh, she thought curiously as she looked that over. The Krazoa must have designed these portions to separate like this if the Spellstones were removed. They really did plan ahead. Guess that's why Gatekeepers are needed to get in and out of these sectors when the planet separates.

Turning her gaze away from contemplating ancient magitek, she peeked over the edge of the platform. Seeing a Sharpclaw pursuing an infant Cloudrunner that was just barely keeping itself aloft, Sunset grabbed the Sharpclaw's tail as it turned away from the edge, yanking back hard and sending it falling away with a despairing scream.

"Shut up, Wilhelm!" another Sharpclaw snarled before turning back into the Fortress.

Glancing down, Sunset watched as Wilhelm fell to the edge of the atmosphere...only to burst apart as he left the boundary and went from one atmosphere to zero instantly and all the air in his body tried to escape all at once. Swallowing convulsively, Sunset thanked her lucky stars that it was far enough away she did not see details, and prayed she would never be close enough to examine the phenomena in detail.

The young Cloudrunner landed happily, making happy cheeps Sunset's way. Sunset quickly gestured for it to stay put, and it did so. Moving around the platform, she found three other young Cloudrunners being similarly tormented by Sharpclaws who sought their capture. Those that moved close enough to the edge of the platform, she calmly jerked off the platform to let them fall, not looking down to see what happened to them when they reached the edge of the area. Two of them were being tormented in areas without such drops, however, and Sunset was forced to improvise.

The first one was in the central area she'd been in when General Scales had captured her Dad, being pursued by two Sharpclaws. While there was nothing she could use to finish them off quickly, their position did allow for a way to get the kid to safety. Ducking behind some rubble, she charged a fireball between her hands, focusing it until it was nearly solid. Waiting for her shot, she arced it around so it struck one of the Shapclaws where his tail met his back, sending him leaping forward from pain and kinetic impact. He slammed into his compatriot, knocking them both off the platform and to the level below. With a few quick gestures, she sent the young Cloudrunner to join his brothers on the outer platform.

The next one was on an upper level of the entrance area of the Fortress, being tormented by three Sharpclaws who sought to capture it. Rather than confront the Sharpclaws directly, she made her way to the top of the domed entrance above the area they were struggling in, and drew the youngster to her by imitating the voice of a Cloudrunner, making the sounds to call a youngster.

Once she had all four young Cloudrunners gathered, she looked them over. Despite them all being smaller than Tricky, she could see that they were siblings and aware enough to think critically, even if their vocal chords weren't developed enough yet for the Dinosaur Language. That meant she could talk to them, even if they couldn't talk back. She sat back to figure out what to do next...and sat up in shock as slipping into her magic revealed Gatekeeper energies in all four of them. "You're the Queen's kids," she breathed in shock. "Do you know where your Mom is?"

All four pointed one wing towards a central area...one that had only one path to it that wasn't by flying, and where all walls were in plain sight of patrolling Sharpclaws.

Sunset frowned, biting her lip as she looked it over. "Not sure how I'm going to get there..."

The four youngsters hopped up onto her. One gripped each of her arms, and one gripped each of her legs. All four began flapping frantically, carefully lifting her off the ground.

Sunset's eyes widened in shock. "Okay...did not see this coming!" As a wide grin crossed her face, she focused her magic to levitate herself. Not enough to illuminate her whole body and draw attention, but enough to lessen her weight so the four youngsters could carry her to the Royal Quarters, where she saw the Queen's perch had been transformed into a cage.

The Queen smiled broadly as she caught sight of Sunset. "You have done me a great favor, young Sunset," she greeted warmly as her children took perches around the cage. "But where is your father? Is he not with you?"

"Last I checked, he was in the prison as bait for a trap for me," Sunset pointed out thoughtfully. "Though I'm sure he's broken free by now. He's clever, too." Focusing her magic, she pulled the pillar beneath the perch/cage down, collapsing the floor and letting the Queen fly free.

"I fear he may be in danger, then," the Queen observed worriedly, tilting her head as the youngsters cheeped at her. "Massive explosions rocked the prison very recently, and one of my children saw a Sharpclaw leaving there heading for the Wind Lifts. I fear he may be up to mischief." She then blinked against a blaze of light as Sunset vanished. "...I did not know she could teleport..."

Fox moved carefully along, the holographic disguise Slippy had sent him making him look like a rather short Sharpclaw. He'd managed to get out of the prison with a few well placed explosive fuel barrels, and had managed to figure out how to get to the Wind Lift controls and found the keys needed to reactivate it. He now moved to do so warily. After all, once he did the Sharpclaws would know that he had escaped and would be hunting him actively, and without Krystal's staff he had no way to protect himself. He just hoped he found Sunset before too much longer- "WAAGH!"

His thoughts were interrupted as something slipped between his legs out of nowhere, sending him tumbling before feeling a hard strike right to the small of his back that sent him flying, slamming into the wall with his arms pinned as he felt the point of a staff at the back of his head, the crystal digging in. "You have ten seconds to tell me what happened to the prisoner before I send enough lightning through this staff to leave you a vegetable," Sunset growled angrily.

Chuckling, Fox managed to disengage the disguise. "Those hand-to-hand lessons did you good, Sunset," he managed to croak out. "I should have paid attention to them."

Sunset gasped in shock. "Dad!" she cried out before throwing herself at him and pulling him into a crushing embrace.

"Gack!" Fox gasped out. "Sunset, that's where you just kicked me!"

"Sorry!" Sunset squeaked out, though she didn't let go.

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