• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,347 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Six: Measurements and Recon

Kanathara silently pushed her way into the cottage, glancing around the relatively empty interior curiously. She would have entered with Pear Butter, but the wrath demon had remarked that she needed some time alone and had gone around back in search of the garden Velvet had mentioned. That left Kanathara to enter the abode alone and face down the grinning vengant who all but leapt into her face the moment she arrived.

“You two were adorable,” gushed Rainbow Dash.

Kanathara chuckled and gently pushed her familiar to hoof’s length. “That was private, you know.”

The other demon shrugged. “I didn't catch anything specific, just that it went well and that y'all got mushy.”

“Well, I’m glad everything worked out,” Velvet announced, stepping up next to the pair. “Tirek is downstairs by the way. He’s said something about completing the anti-scrying enchantment so you don't have to keep refreshing the one you have on now.”

“Oh, that's good,” Kanathara muttered, raising an eyebrow. “How was everything here?”

“Boring,” declared Rainbow Dash. “Everyone went off to sulk or plan, and l can't even go flying because were supposed to be laying low.”

Kanathara chuckled. “I’m sure it won't take long for Tirek to get everything ready so we can leave without having to worry about anyone peeping in on us. At least the wards on this place are such that we don't have to worry about being found while we’re here.”

“Speaking of plans. I will be going back to Canterlot shortly, as there are a few things that need my attention,” Velvet announced.

“I assume you got some sorta teleporty thing in the basement?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Velvet rolled her eyes and sighed. “I do indeed have a teleporty thing, but it is usable only by myself, I’m afraid. That, and it only goes to one place.”

“Understandable. We were going to fly to Cloudsdale anyway,” Kanathara remarked.

“Before we do either of those things, I was hoping to get your measurements,” Velvet exclaimed, reaching into her bag and procuring several tapes and a pad of paper. “I had a project that I’ve been working on which may aid you two.”

“Ooh, is it as awesome as my armor?” Rainbow Dash asked, banging a hoof against her metal-clad chest.

Velvet chuckled. “I don't know about that, but it will definitely be useful to you both.”

“Do we get a hint at least?” Kanathara inquired curiously.

“I’m afraid not. Now stand still, this will only take a moment,” Velvet claimed, extending her tape and turning to Rainbow Dash.

The demon stood tall, squaring her shoulders and raising her nose ever so slightly in order to better tower over the unicorn. Who extended the tape from the ground up to the tip of Rainbow Dash’s head, only to adjust it slightly when she realized that Rainbow Dash was standing on the tips of her hooves. The unicorn jotted down the height before extending the measuring instrument from the demon’s nose to the start of her flaming tail.

“As I thought, you’re nearly as tall as Celestia, though not quite as long,” Velvet murmured, her gaze lingering on the vengant’s hard black scales and enormous leather wings.

“Damn. I wanted to be taller than her,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

Velvet chuckled. “Give it time, she's had a several thousand year lead on you after all.”

Rainbow Dash smirked. “I’ll catch up. Is that all?”

Velvet shook her head. “Just a few more things here.”

The unicorn lit her horn and used it to ruffle the crimson flames that were the vengant’s mane, noting that it was relatively short and cool to the touch. Before Rainbow Dash had time to react from getting her mane played with, the unicorn grabbed her by the chin and forced their eyes to meet. Velvet noted that the demon’s eyes were a deep red and that within them was a slitted, draconic pupil.

“Hmm, not bad. Your form must be adjusting to this plane’s natural mana,” Velvet muttered, releasing her surprisingly strong hold on the demon.

“Warn me before you do something like that,” Rainbow Dash murmured, running a cloven hoof through her mane.

“Fairly well-muscled as well,” Velvet remarked, smacking the thick black scales which covered Rainbow’s side, causing the demon to twitch. “Even if it isn't noticeable at first.”

“Hey, it is so noticeable! I work out a lot!” Rainbow Dash declared, flexing dramatically.

Kanathara sighed and rolled her eyes. “She's talking about your scales, ya dummy.”

“Oh. I knew that.”

“Sure you did.”

Velvet nodded slowly and made a few more notes. “Excellent, that is all. Kanathara, if you don't mind?”

The keeper of secrets stood next to her familiar. “Like this?” she asked.

Velvet raised an eyebrow. “So you are taller than her. Interesting.”

Rainbow Dash blinked, and took a step back, staring at the keeper with wide eyes. “No way! I’ve always been taller!”

Kanathara rolled her eyes. “That's because I spent most of my life as an imp while you adjusted to Tartarus relatively quickly.”

Velvet put herself between the two, glaring at Rainbow Dash. “You can save the squabbling for later, this will only take a minute.”

“Yeah whatever,” murmured Rainbow Dash while pouting.

“So…” Kanathara began, looking down at Velvet as she magically measured the demon. “What could you possibly be making that needs this much information about us both?”

“It's a secret,” Velvet replied, shooting the keeper a wink before rolling up her tape. “Three centimeters taller than Princess Celestia herself. With legs that would make a supermodel green with envy.”

Kanathara blinked and looked down. “Huh, I didn't think I was that tall. I guess adjusting to this plane has helped me out a little.”

Rainbow Dash sat on the floor, muttering bitterly to herself. “You can adjust to the back of my hoof.”

Velvet pretended to ignore her and stared into the demon’s eyes, studying them closely. “Iris is fully developed, unlike your familiar, and is an interesting shade of purple. Pupil is slitted like that of a cat’s and light mana bleed has caused a colored smoke to billow from the edges.”

Kanathara blinked, and after Velvet shifted her attention, the demon summoned a mirror. “Huh, well would you look at that. I guess the mana of this plane agrees with me.”

Velvet pursed her lips as she ran a hoof over the keeper’s hard leathery side, noting the thin silver chains which bound the black grimoire around her neck. Running her magic through the demon’s hair, Velvet noted the way that the purple ethereal mane seemed to ignore her entirely. The flowing black to purple starry expanse seemed unaffected by both gravity and external stimuli alike. As did her tail which was the same coloration and appearance, though it was slightly longer, billowing out behind her while the demon’s mane hung mainly to one side of her face.

“Is it sharp?” Velvet inquired, gesturing to the keeper’s long, khopesh-shaped horn.

“Quite,” Kanathara replied simply.

“Huh,” Velvet smirked, “I don't suppose you could let me in on your secret, eh? I’d love to have a horn as long as yours.”

“Is this a sex thing?” interrupted Rainbow Dash.

Kanathara rolled her eyes. “It is not a sex thing. The length of one’s horn is often a source of pride for a unicorn as it is indicative of their overall ability and amount of mana they can wield.”

Velvet lit her horn and cast a quick spell, causing the two demons to float an inch off the floor before falling back down a second later. “Well, Rainbow Dash, at least you exceed Princess Celestia in the weight department. Something that is not an easy feat, trust me.”

The vengant’s flaming mane flickered angrily. “I wouldn't be if it wasn't for this stupid breastplate.”

“Actually the spell she used takes that into account,” Kanathara retorted. “Speaking of which, how much do I weigh?”

“Only twenty pounds more than me, which is surprising considering just how much of a height difference there is,” Velvet replied.

“That makes sense, a keeper is built for spell casting, not frontline combat,” Kanathara exclaimed.

“Exactly,” Velvet agreed, adding a few more notes before putting away the pad of paper. “With that being said my work here is done. I’ll see you soon, my dear.”

Kanathara smiled and wrapped a hoof about the mare’s shoulders, surprising her with a short hug. “We’ll be safe. I promise.”

Velvet relaxed slightly and gently patted the other female back as best as she could considering the height difference. “See to it that you do. I would offer you some insight into Cloudsdale, but I’m afraid most of our operatives have been focusing their sights elsewhere.”

“Is there anything you do know?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Velvet pursed her lips and took a step back. “The only thing I can really tell you is that paladins have been seen in the area, and that the old warrior families have begun to band together. What that may mean is up for interpretation, though I’d say that it has to do with the next element you’ve been sent after.”

“Perhaps we can get some information out of these paladins…” Kanathara muttered to herself.

“Right, so when do we roll out of here? I’m getting antsy,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, shifting from hoof to hoof.

“We’ll check with Tirek first, but I assume it shouldn't be more than an hour,” Kanathara remarked, glancing at Velvet curiously.

Who nodded. “Sounds about right.” She turned and was about to walk away only to pause and glance over her shoulder. “Oh, and happy hunting, ladies.”

Rainbow Dash wiggled her now feathery wings after emerging through a low-hanging cloud. “This feels weird,” she murmured to herself.

Oh, would you quit whining? I managed to adjust your perception of self this time so the disguise shouldn't even be that uncomfortable, Kanathara thought back.

“No, not that. The anti-scrying enchantment feels weird,” Rainbow Dash muttered as her wings extended and she began to ride a thermal higher into the sky.

Ah, that. Tirek didn't have the time to craft it perfectly, but at least it should be better than the rather haphazard and frankly rushed versions of the spell we’ve been using until now. It should also give us a bit of extra protection in case someone tries to dismiss either of our disguises, Kanathara explained.

“I guess that's good.” Rainbow Dash frowned as she leveled out, her gaze lingering on the clouds around her and the forest which spread out below her. “Soooo. Are we going to talk about what happened back there or are we both going to keep guarding our thoughts against each other?”

I suppose we could, Kanathara admitted after a brief pause. Though I’m curious as to what exactly you’re referencing.

“That whole thing with Tirek and his contracted demons,” Rainbow Dash began, banking around a rather nasty-looking black cloud and leveling out again. “Plus that whole thing with Pear Butter and your sort of brother, but that stuff can wait, I guess.”

What exactly do you mean when you talk about Tirek and his contracted demons? Kanathara thought pointedly.

“Well, it's just…” Rainbow Dash frowned as she glided lazily, “I’ve been thinking about it a lot and about how we talked about our relationship.”

I remember that, go on, Kanathara urged

“So don't be mad, but I talked to your pony mother about it, and she really helped me figure some of this stuff out,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Like what exactly? Kanathara replied, a sliver of worry beginning to worm itself into her mind.

“It's nothing bad, but I guess I just realized how weird it is that we’re supposed to be partners and stuff, but you could like make me kill myself or something,” Rainbow Dash remarked, wincing at the end.

Kanathara wished she had lungs so she may sigh. You know I’d never do that.

“Not now you wouldn't, but like, what if in thirty years we have a big argument and something ya know… happens,” Rainbow Dash continued.

I guess I can see where you’re coming from, Kanathara admitted.

“Yeah, plus that kind of power thing is hot and all in the bedroom, but not when were talking about regular stuff.” Rainbow Dash wiggled her wings. “You know what I mean?”

I do, Kanathara replied. And though I can't promise anything, I’ll try doing some research into a way to break the contract or at least give you more freedom.

“T-thanks, boss.” Rainbow Dash gulped. “Sorry if that was awkward, and don't take this the wrong way, it's just-”

Trust me, Rainbow Dash, I know exactly what you mean.

The vengant let out a breath she had been accidentally holding. “That's a weight off my shoulders.”

Mine too, actually, Kanathara mused, her attention shifting to a floating speck on the horizon. I did some research into it years ago, but with no easy way out and no real push to seek an answer, I didn't pursue it.

“I should have known you already did your homework,” Rainbow Dash quipped, a smirk on her face.

Kanathara doubly wished she had a body, as she would have really liked to roll her eyes right at that moment. My studious nature aside, is there anything else you wanted to bring up? I can feel a little bit of resentment still coming from you.

Rainbow Dash winced, and her smile fell away. “Look, I know you said that we would find out what happened to my parents right away, but we could do that later.”

No. A promise is a promise. We’ll start by doing a little bit of recon in order to start figuring things out and then while I’m coming up with a plan, we can investigate your parents, Kanathara declared. I have a feeling this won't be an easy riddle to figure out anyway.

“Is it ever?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Depends. If the question is whether or not you’re going to give a smartass response, then the answer is always yes, Kanathara retorted.

Rainbow Dash laughed aloud. “Hey! Every part of me is smart, which includes my ass!”

You are the worst.

“And you love it.”

Shut up and fly.

“Yes ma’am.”

Rainbow Dash peeked out from behind a white pillar of hardened cloud and down the short alleyway that lay between the two stores which flanked them. Finding that it was as empty as it had been a few seconds earlier, Rainbow Dash popped back behind the collumn.

“It's clear,” she whispered.

“Good,” Kanathara replied, straightening her spine and tucking her new wings against her back. “How do I look?”

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow as she eyed the disguised demon. “Extremely forgettable,” stated the similarly disguised demon.

“That's good,” Kanathara replied, using her hoof to flatten her now two-toned straw-colored mane. “You know, these things are surprisingly easy to get used to.”

Rainbow Dash smirked, ruffling her white hoof through her long electric yellow mane, making it look more like her natural hair style. “That's just ‘cause you’ve spent so much time inside of me,” she quipped.

Kanathara rolled her now teal eyes. “Remember, my name is Meadow Flower, and you're Surprise, got it?”

“Yeah, I got it the first time,” Rainbow Dash replied, turning to the side. “My cutie mark is of a popped balloon and my name is Surprise. Your cutie mark is of a sunflower and your name is Meadow Flower. We’re here as prospective home buyers, though I’m the one with the money.”

“And if anyone tries to figure out anything more about us, just act shy and I’ll take over,” Kanathara continued.

Rainbow Dash waved a dismissive hoof. “Yeah whatever. Now can we get going already? People are going to start thinking we’re getting naughty back here, so unless you-”

“No,” Kanathara declared, planting a hoof in the other demon’s face and pushing her out of the way before walking past her.

Rainbow Dash chuckled to herself as she followed after her mistress. “So, where do we start?”

“We just walk and listen,” Kanathara replied after slipping out of the alley. “We need to locate some paladins, but we also need some more basic information.”

“Sounds good to me, though I don't know how much good I’ll be,” Rainbow Dash shivered. “It feels really weird being back here after so much time has passed.”

“That's fine, just do your best,” Kanathara exclaimed, pausing as she looked out over the wide lane lined by shops and thronged by ponies both winged and otherwise. “You know, I always knew this city was partially rebuilt in order to better allow those without wings to live and work here, but I never really thought much about it before,” Kanathara exclaimed as she watched a pair of earth ponies laugh as they trotted past them, full shopping bags slung over their shoulders.

“It really ruffled the feathers of the old warrior houses who used to rule everything but in the end all they could do was whine,” Rainbow Dash remarked flippantly. “It's still not perfect though. Most of the old parts of town are inaccessible to those without wings, and there is a bit of resentment about that. Or at least there was anyway, they may have fixed that while I’ve been gone.”

Kanathara nodded slowly as the pair trotted up the street. “I suppose there would be a bit of resentment there too, though I’m curious about these warrior houses you and Velvet mentioned. I haven't done much reading on them.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “They were the houses formed around the first great generals and ruling sky marshals. Though they functioned a lot like a unicorn noble house, there are some small differences. Not like any of that matters these days as the majority of them went bankrupt and disbanded hundreds of years ago.”

“Still…” Kanathara paused as she noticed a pair of armored paladins standing outside of a cafe and scanning the crowd warily. “It may be worth checking out these houses. The loss of one’s power can breed generations of indignation, trust me.”

“You would know more about that than me,” Rainbow Dash quipped, her gaze flicking past the paladins. What are they doing here?

“I don't know, but there are more of them. See?” Kanathara whispered, pointing out two other patrols who were trying to be sneakier than their cafe counterparts.

They seem to be searching for something, and that one keeps looking at that rock around his neck, Rainbow Dash pointed out, mentally indicating a pair of unicorns who were standing in front of a candy store and looking down.

I wonder what they are looking for. You don't suppose they are here for the same reason we are, do you? Kanathara asked.

If old Snooty Booty wants those things, then chances are anyone who doesn't like her would want them too, Rainbow Dash replied.

Like a group of demon slayers, Kanathara concluded, smirking slightly. What do you say we put our new training to work.

I like it, though we should try and find a pair that are a little more isolated. It would take a single yell for things to go sideways, Rainbow Dash added.

Kanathara nodded slightly. Good thinking. Let's observe them for a few hours and then head somewhere with less guard patrols.

The flats would be perfect. Plenty of tall buildings and deep alleys. Poor too, so there won't be any cops around, Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Let me guess, they were named after the fact that the area is flat in order to accommodate the flightless, Kanathara exclaimed.

Rainbow Dash nodded slowly. Yup. They weren't built the best either, so there are plenty of hidey holes for anyone who wants to lay low.

I brought some bits along, though I suppose squatting somewhere may help us get the information we need. Kanathara frowned as they continued a slow trot down the road, both demons carrying on a separate, verbal conversation at the same time. Either way, we need to keep our ears open and our head down. Let's go to that restaurant and have something to eat, I need to pick your brain for more details on the area.

Sure thing, but can we get some rainbow taffy while we’re here? Rainbow Dash asked.

Sure, I guess. We may as well try some local cuisine while we are in the area. I doubt we are going to have time to come back here anytime soon, Kanathara replied.

Rainbow Dash pumped a hoof in the air. “Fuck yeah. I know just the place.”

“Alright, but lunch first, otherwise you’ll ruin your appetite,” Kanathara replied, already smirking.

The vengant pouted at her mistress. “You do the whole mom thing a little to well.”

Kanathara raised an eyebrow. “You say that like you aren't into it.”

Rainbow Dash blushed and trotted past her friend. “You are also the absolute worst.”

The sun hung low on the horizon, barely illuminating the two disguised demons as they peeked out from atop a short, mostly abandoned apartment building. Below them, in a narrow alley stood a pegasus and a unicorn, both dressed in the armor of novice paladins. They were identical, as the rest of the paladins were, but their demeanor revealed that they were younger and relatively inexperienced.

The unicorn was staring down at a gem which hung from an amulet on her neck, the pink stone pulsing occasionally as the paladin turned slowly in place. While this happened, the pegasus looked around nervously, his wings extended as if he were ready to jump into the air at a moment’s notice. Though he had a brave look on his face, it was obvious that he wasn't exactly thrilled to be in the bad part of town.

“Hurry up, Petal Storm, someone is watching us,” whispered the pegasus.

The unicorn frowned. “This spell takes time, Windy. Now relax and let me concentrate, otherwise we’ll be here all night.”

“No way. The last time I heard of a pegasus staying overnight down here, he got stabbed and woke up dead,” replied the pegasus in a hushed tone.

The unicorn sighed. “How does one wake up dead anyway? If you’re dead, you can't wake up, and you know what, nevermind. I am not having this conversation with you right now.”

Kanathara had to stifle a chuckle, as did Rainbow Dash.

“You’re just saying that because you know I’m right,” retorted the pegasus, who poked the unicorn in the chest with a hoof.

Kanathara held up a hoof. As soon as I drop the dome, knock out the pegasus, leave the unicorn to me.

Right. Rainbow Dash rose and extended her wings. Ready when you are.

Kanathara’s disguise shimmered for a moment, the spell struggling to hide the demon activating her magic.

Below her, the unicorn stopped and looked up. “Wait, do you feel that?” she whispered.

“Feel what? ‘Cause all I feel is the eyes of someone watching us,” replied her companion in a hushed tone.

“I think-” was all she managed to say before a bubble of silence suddenly landed over them, snuffing out any attempt to speak or coordinate before the two disguised demons were already upon them.

Rainbow Dash was the first on the scene, having dove headfirst off the side of the building before opening her wings at the last second. Even with her impressive wingspan her momentum wasn't completely negated, though that was the point. In fact she was counting on it, as she landed hard against the guard’s back, knocking the wind out of him and dropping him to the ground.

Kanathara landed a second later and instantly fired off a counterspell to the flare cantrip that the unicorn had been attempting to conjure. Feeling her mana forcibly ripped from her spell, the paladin winced in pain, a hoof going to her horn and leaving her open for Kanathara to attack. Knocking the other forehoof out from under the female, Kanathara tore the helmet from the paladin’s head before backhoofing her horn.

The paladin’s second spell faltered before it could even get close to completion, and she winced in pain, backing up and attempting to get some distance between her and the strange pony. Her pegasus accomplice fared worse than she did however, as his helmet was gone and his body lay limp on the ground. A single quick punch to the back of the dome had been all that it took to knock the poor rookie out, and after seeing that she was alone, the unicorn’s eyes went wide.

She tried to speak, only for the muffling spell to stop that from happening, and she hardly had a second to think before something heavy settled around her horn. Looking up, the unicorn found that a piece of metal had been crudely wrapped around the delicate appendage, shutting off her magic. She tried to reach up and begin trying to remove the offending thing, but a quick kick to the back of the knee dropped her to the ground.

Where she was quickly pinned by a pair of dexterous cloven hooves.

Rainbow Dash nodded to Kanathara, who cast a quick spell, the area near where her horn would be shimmering for a brief moment. The unicorn paladin hardly even had a moment to struggle before one of the strange pegasi and her were teleported away. A second later the four beings appeared inside the basement of a clearly abandoned house, the magical dome of silence now gone.

There were no windows, and at points the surrounding cloud material had worked itself through the cracks of the wall. The treated magical wood that allowed the structure to even sit atop the clouds was in poor shape, and hunks of the ceiling had fallen away, revealing the floor above them. Boxes surrounded them on all sides, though most had been turned into little more than piles of splinters by the hooves of someone with too much time on their hands.

“W-what. Where are we?” the unicorn muttered, doing her best to look around while still having her forehooves pinned to her back.

“You don't need to know that,” Kanathara replied, her disguise falling away to reveal her true demonic nature. “All you do need to know is that if you and your partner want to leave this room with all four of your legs, you’re going to answer all my questions.”

The paladin’s jaw fell open. “Holy shit, you’re a k-keeper of secrets. Sweet Celestia, I’m so b-b-boned.”

Rainbow Dash scoffed and peeked her flaming head over in order to glare at the armored pony. “What am I then? Chopped liver?”

“And a v-v-vengant,” the guard added nervously, her entire body trembling in fear. “W-what do you want with me?”

“Like I said. We just want to ask you a few questions, but first let's get a little more comfortable,” Kanathara exclaimed, lighting her horn and causing the rotted wood which littered the floor to come together in the shape of three chairs, one of which was larger than the other two.

The paladin was about to begin begging for her life when she saw one of the chairs walk over to her and forcibly make her sit upon it. She tried to stand, but the hoofrests grew claws and gripped her wrists tightly, holding her firmly in place. Realizing the futility of it all, the unicorn slumped in her seat and merely watched as her unconscious partner was similarly seated next to her.

“There we are, much better,” Kanathara exclaimed while sitting across from the paladin, a small smile on her face. “Now then, are you ready to answer my questions?”

The unicorn gulped and watched as the vengant slowly circled them, staring hungrily at the paladin the entire time. “W-what do you want to know?” she muttered.

“The secret of what makes lucky charms cereal magically delicious,” Rainbow Dash stated.

“Uh, what?”

Kanathara sighed and waved her familiar away. “That wasn't funny the first time we took a captive and it certainly wasn't funny now.”

“It totally was, and besides, at least this one knows what I’m talking about,” Rainbow Dash retorted, pointing to the pony.

Kanathara slowly massaged her temples with her forehooves. “I am not having this conversation with you again.”

“Tell her, kid, that was funny, right?” Rainbow Dash asked, stepping close to the paladin and inadvertently blowing a small cloud of smoke into her face.

“Uh sorta? Kinda confused more than anything,” muttered the paladin weekly.

“You’re no fun,” Rainbow Dash remarked before walking away.

“Anyway,” Kanathara cleared her throat, “I was hoping to figure out what you and your fellows were looking for with those fancy rocks of yours.”

The paladin looked down to her neck where the small pink bauble was attached to a string of shining silver. “And if I refuse?” she asked hesitantly.

“I’ll have my friend here eat this guy’s soul,” Kanathara exclaimed, gesturing to Rainbow Dash who stood behind the unconscious guard, waving eagerly. “But I’d start with just his legs first, and work our way up from there.”

The unicorn gulped nervously and considered resisting for all of a second before sighing. “I guess I don't really have a choice in the matter, do I? I bet you could probably tear that information out of my brain anyway.”

“Oh yes. The paladins' mental wards are good, but they don't bother using the best ones on grunts like you,” Kanathara exclaimed, gesturing to the guard. “And it would be much easier for both of us if you simply told me what I wanted to know.”

“But if you don't want to, that's cool too,” Rainbow Dash added with a smirk which displayed her sharp, dagger-like teeth. “I am pretty hungry after all.”

“We…” The unicorn swallowed again and hastily turned to the demon seated across from her. “We are looking for an artifact. We weren’t told what it does, only that the higher-ups believe the old warrior houses have it and are using it for something bad.”

“Like, what exactly?” Kanathara replied, raising an eyebrow.

“I don't know,” the guard replied. “There are rumours that it's some kind of mind control, but the only thing we’ve been told is that it's some kind of dark magic.”

Kanathara’s piercing gaze remained fixed on the unicorn for several seconds, making the pony feel increasingly uncomfortable. “You haven't lied yet, good. Keep that up and you and your companion will live to see another day,” Kanathara stated after a short pause.

“Y-yes ma’am.”

Rainbow Dash frowned, the large demon draping herself over the limp form of the unconscious guard and resting a chin on his shoulder. “Oh, this is no fun at all. First you hardly put up a fight and now you’re just telling the truth right off the bat? How lame can you guys be?”

The keeper chuckled. “I rather enjoy it when our little good cop bad cop routine works so well. Now then, onto the next question. What do you know of these warrior houses?”

“Only that the ones that managed to hold onto some wealth and power have taken in the smaller, weaker houses and that they seem to be up to something,” the guard declared, only to perk up a second after she had finished speaking. “Oh yeah, and they have a bunch of support from earth ponies and unicorns for some reason, but we don't know why.”

Kanathara raised an eyebrow and glanced over to her familiar. “Really now? Well that may give some credence to your assumption of mind control.”

“Agreed,” remarked Rainbow Dash. “Though the houses have always been proud. It makes me wonder why they are lowering themselves to work with the races they consider lesser.”

“That's what my superior said,” added the guard.

“Huh. Well then. I have one final question for you.” Kanathara leaned closer. “Do you have any leads?”

The guard hastily shook her head. “N-no. I picked up something in the area, but then again I’ve been getting faint readings all over the city.”

“Do you know how those necklaces work?” asked Rainbow Dash, pointing to the pink gem.

The guard shook her head once again. “No. I barely even know how to use the stupid thing.”

Kanathara flicked her chin towards the unicorn. “Bring it to me.”

Rainbow Dash nodded and did just that, gently removing it from the terrified mare’s neck before dropping it in her mistress’ hooves.

The keeper turned the stone in her hooves several times before casting a few quick spells. “Interesting. It's attuned to the Element. They must have had it in their possession at one point,” Kanathara whispered to herself.

“So, um, what happens now?” asked the paladin nervously.

“You’ll be restrained and left here along with your partner. After our business is concluded, the wards keeping you here will be lifted and you will be allowed to leave,” Kanathara replied without looking up from the necklace.

“R-really?” asked the guard, her eyes going wide.

“Are you calling the boss a liar?” Rainbow Dash asked, her eyes narrowing as twin smoke trails drifted from her nostrils.

“N-n-no,” replied the terrified, cowering mare.

“Heh, ponies are so easily scared,” Rainbow Dash remarked, smirking to herself.

Kanathara chuckled and stood up from her chair. “It is true. Your memories of your time spent here will be erased though, I’m afraid. We can't have you giving any information to your little order.” The demon stepped forward, horn glowing. “Now then, it is time for you to sleep, and when you wake this will all be little more than a bad dream.”

The paladin immediately slumped in her seat, her eyes closing and her body falling limp.

The keeper’s horn dulled and she smiled faintly. “Well, that was easier than I would have anticipated.”

“Yeah, it was a good thing these guys were in town, otherwise it would have taken forever to find the next element,” Rainbow Dash remarked. “We are definitely looking for the same thing though, right?”

Kanathara nodded slowly. “We are. The magical signature inside this gem is nearly identical to the one given off by the first element. I just need a few minutes to reverse engineer their spell and we can set out.”

“Perfect. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can find out what happened to my parents,” Rainbow Dash hopefully proclaimed.


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