• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,347 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Nine: Twisted Machinations

Come on, don't give up so easily. The window is right there. If we just bust it open, we can get outta here! Rainbow Dash pressed, dragging the keeper by her shoulder.

“There are a ton of wards on it, and without my horn I can't break them. I can manage maybe a shield spell by channelling through my hoof, but that's about it,” Kanathara retorted. “Save your strength, Rainbow. We aren't getting out of this one.”

“Listen to your friend and just give in. I promise I’m here to help you,” Shining Armor exclaimed as he stalked towards the pair.

Like I believe that. Come on, boss, use that acid spit to melt a hole in this window, Rainbow Dash offered, hauling the other demon next to the lone source of light in the room.

Kanathara grunted, and for a moment considered it, but quickly found the last remnants of her power eaten by the slowly advancing orb. She could barely even move at that point and just staying conscious was beginning to grow difficult for her. Rainbow Dash wasn't much better off, though she at least had the strength to pound her hoof against the window several times. Each impact caused a slight ripple of gold energy to emanate from the point, seemingly negating the strike completely.

With a final sigh, Rainbow Dash toppled to the ground in a disorganized heap. Damn it all. We were so close!

Kanathara frowned and glanced over to the nearby pedestal, her gaze settling on the two pieces of jewelry contained within. They had indeed nearly grasped their prize, yet it seemed as though even that had been part of her brother’s plan.

“What now?” she asked, turning to the male.

“Simple. You sit in that bubble, and I use the Elements to redeem you,” Shining Armor replied, pulling the black orb away. “I’d appreciate it if you did this yourself, as I’d rather not use force.”

“Yet you didn't seem to have any qualms with dismembering us,” Kanathara deadpanned, waving a hoof over the spot her horn should be.

The stallion winced. “That was… an unfortunate series of events. Don't worry, as soon as you're returned to normal, I’ll heal any injury you may have. Provided the Elements don't do that naturally.”

What is this guy talking about? Rainbow Dash thought. Couldn't he at least heal my messed up face first?

Kanathara glanced over to her familiar and winced at her ruined features that were further marred by the shattered remnants of her metal which had been her helmet. “I’m sorry, Rainbow Dash. I should have known this was a trap,” Kanathara murmured sadly.

“You knew it was a trap the moment you walked in here,” Shining Armor remarked. “Making these traps obvious is the only way I’ve ever gotten you to walk into them.”

“What are you talking about?” Kanathara asked.

“Have you still not recovered your memories? My spies said you have,” Shining Armor replied.

“I, err…” Kanathara paused, flashes of board games played with Shining popping into her mind. “You pandered to my ego with a seemingly predictable plan and then sprung your actual trap once I disarmed the first one.”

“You were always smarter than me, but were blind to the bigger picture when there was a problem directly in front of you,” Shining Armor continued, gesturing towards the Elements. “Now come on. I need you in that circle so I can heal you.”

Kanathara grunted. “Let's just do what he says. I don't have the strength to reform my legs, and not being able to stand up is incredibly unpleasant.”

Fine, but I still don't think it was this guy who came up with everything. It had to have been Celestia, Rainbow Dash declared, jabbing a hoof at the stallion.

“What did she say?” Shining Armor inquired.

“She doesn't think you came up with everything and thinks this was a plot of Celestia,” Kanathara replied.

Rainbow Dash grunted before hauling the keeper into the circle and flopping down next to her in front of the pedestal which held the Elements.

“Celestia doesn't know about any of this. She doesn't need to,” Shining Armor answered, lighting his horn and causing a bubble of purple light to enclose the two demons. “She wouldn't approve of what I intend on doing, nor would she have allowed me to send most of my ponies away in order to create the opening you exploited.”

Kanathara’s frown deepened. “Then it was you who has been causing all this chaos with the paladins.”

“Yes and no,” Shining Armor replied, levitating the black hunger out of its effective range. “The Nightmare is active again, and Celestia is intent on stopping her since the Elements are out of reach. I merely threw extra resources her way in order to assist.”

“Let me guess. The spy told you what we were after, and that we would take your bait,” Kanathara offered.

Shining Armor nodded. “The turncoat is close to our dear mother and fed her the exact information she wanted to know.”

“It's that weird haughty unicorn, isn't it?” Kanathara retorted, jabbing a hoof at the male.

“I’m not going to give you that information, now please lie still and try not to resist. The process is much less strenuous if you don't fight it,” Shining Armor continued.

What exactly is he planning? Rainbow Dash thought. Lemme guess, he's going to redeem us by cutting off our heads or something equally as messed up.

“What do you plan on doing?” Kanathara inquired. “You don't intend on making us into those golden suits of armor, do you?”

Shining Armor snorted as his horn began to glow with magic. “They were noble soldiers, but I don't intend on making more underlings. I intend on getting my sister back.”

“But I’m already here. What are you talking about?” Kanathara shouted, waving her forehooves over her head.

The stallion’s face twisted into a grimace, and his spell collapsed. “You are not my sister! You are a demon, a creature of the blackest pits born of suffering and sin. Twilight was everything you are not, and I will bring her back.”

Please tell me this guy knows that becoming a demon is a one-way street, Rainbow Dash muttered.

“You can't be serious,” Kanathara deadpanned, gesturing to her darkened form. “There is no magical force in existence capable of undoing this.”

“That's where you are wrong,” Shining Armor retorted. “The Elements are capable of banishing a prime evil, and with the correct bearers they can even purify someone possessed by a demon. Celestia herself confirmed this.”

“But you don't have the bearers,” Kanathara pointed out, rising into a slightly less uncomfortable sitting position. “They won't work.”

“I think we both know that isn't true. Or do I need to remind you of our shared experience with a certain pegasus cult?” Shining Armor replied, casting a quick spell and swapping the black hunger for the Elements.

Kanathara and Rainbow Dash both winced, bracing themselves for the feeling of having their very essence torn from their bodies. However, that never happened, and the two demons peered at the glass container curiously.

“How does that work?” Kanathara questioned.

“Celestia’s skill with enchantments is considered legendary for a reason,” Shining Armor replied.

She probably designed it to contain the hunger, and this pansy stole it, Rainbow Dash remarked bitterly, rubbing a hoof over her ruined cheek.

“Don't we have a say in this matter?” Kanathara exclaimed, gesturing towards her familiar. “We rather enjoy being demons, and honestly, even if you could turn me back into a pony, I wouldn't wish to.”

Yeah! I look cool as heck and am like, super ripped, Rainbow Dash thought, flexing a hoof only to wince when her tired muscles ached even more intensely.

Kanathara rolled her eyes.

Shining Armor’s nose crinkled, and his brow furrowed in disgust. “Of course you would say that. Without your hosts you will be forced to return from whence you came.”

“We aren't-”

“Silence!” Shining Armor shouted, stomping a hoof. “I will heal you both, and with Twilight’s return, my family will finally be complete once more.”

Before Kanathara could offer a word in edgewise, the unicorn lit his horn with a deep purple and green magic that crackled with black lightning. The magic flashed like a miniature storm, flickering as it enshrouded the stallion’s horn in its unholy energy. With a grunt, he forced the foul power into the Elements he held aloft in an open hoof, causing them to immediately lose their resplendent shine.

Both artifacts seemed intent on rejecting Shining Armor’s attempts to alter them, but were soon beaten down. The brilliant purple starburst turned a deep green while the bright red lightning bolt became an almost sickly crimson color. With the ancient devices now broken to his will, Shining Armor raised the jewelry up, pointing the pair of them at the confused demons.

A second later, a beam of twisting energy shot from the headwear and flew across the room, piercing the containment barrier. It did not, however, manage to breach Kanathara’s own protective wall of magic she had only just barely conjured with a glowing hoof. With a loud pop and fizzle, the two warring forces clashed, with the powerful energies splitting and wrapping around the smaller dome.

“Stop this madness at once!” Kanathara shouted, raising her glowing hoof high. “I am your sister, and I don’t want this!”

Shining Armor gritted his teeth as he continued to pour more and more magic into the artifacts. “Begone, fiend! You have no claim on Twilight’s soul or her body!” he shouted back.

A surge of energy crashed against Kanathara’s barrier, causing a great spiderweb of cracks to appear all along its exterior. Worse yet, the demon herself was beginning to grow weaker by the second, exhaustion sapping the last remnants of her strength. Seeing this all happen before her, Rainbow Dash made a snap decision, one she hoped her mistress would forgive her for.

The keeper’s final defence fell, but the corrupted energy did not hit its target. It was intercepted by a three-legged vengeant who threw herself in the way of the beam, opening her wings wide and catching the magic destined for her mistress. For a moment both Shining and Kanathara gaped in silence, shocked by the sudden movement.

“No!” Kanathara cried, reaching out for the rapidly shifting form of her familiar.

Rainbow Dash grunted. Don't worry, boss, I’ll protect you!

“Your attempts at bravery are irrelevant. In the end you both will return to your natural forms and be healed,” Shining Armor exclaimed through gritted teeth.

Kanathara reflexively raised her foreleg and tried to create another barrier, but the limb was never meant to channel such power. The energy she gathered quickly fizzled, and the demon was left lying there, unable to do anything to save her familiar whose entire body now pulsed with the twisted magics coursing through it, changing her from the inside out.

The first thing Kanathara noticed was the familiar red of her familiar’s mane had become brighter and was starting to change color. In seconds it had gone from the intimidating hellfire Kanathara knew and loved to a strange wavy mane of rainbow that danced on an unseen breeze. It wasn't the first thing to be altered, however, as the vengeant’s hard, almost scaly flesh softened, and it wasn't long before teal hair began to sprout from it.

The process was not a pleasant one, as the demon could hear her familiar groan in pain as her body was forcibly shrunk down. Bones cracked and flesh shifted like clay beneath a cruel potter’s touch. The demon’s jaw, which had already been damaged during the fight, began to grow looser, as if it were ready to fall from her face.

Then it shifted, suddenly clicking back into place as flesh covered the damage. Even her missing limb began to grow back. Kanathara wished that was all that happened, but as they shared a connection deeper than mere passion, the keeper could sense further changes occurring. Within the altered demon’s head Kanathara could sense that her very nature was beginning to be replaced by something else.

The demonic magic all foul creatures of Tartarus had access to was waning, and, worse yet, she could feel Rainbow’s mind warping. The more disturbed and curious part of the keeper wanted to wait and study this effect further, but Kanathara refused that impulse. She was losing her closest companion right in front of her, and she was going to be twice damned before she let that happen without a fight.

Her hooves scrambled against stone, the demon using what little strength she could muster to throw herself at her familiar. Dragging her to the ground, Kanathara covered her lover with her own body and braced herself for what she knew was coming.

“I- but you… I was trying to save you,” Rainbow Dash muttered in shock, her jaw having just managed to fully heal.

“It's my turn to play the hero,” Kanathara whispered.

“This is ridiculous. I am healing you! Can't you see it?” Shining Armor shouted, his magic intensifying as the beam moved down, striking Kanathara on the back.

The keeper winced as she felt the foul magic begin to twist its way beneath her skin and into her very soul. The pain was excruciating, and just putting it into words was a struggle she could not bear at the moment. It was all too much, yet she couldn't enter the welcoming embrace of unconsciousness as some force ensured she stayed fully aware of her surroundings.

Her leathery hide quickly lost its coarse, rough exterior, while becoming lighter and growing a fine layer of purple hair. Limbs shortened, while her entire body compacted, rearranging her very essence to fit someone else's definition of herself. Even as she felt her very being alter and change, Kanathara could also sense that her horn had returned, though it was far smaller.

The two demons gazed into one another’s souls, embracing their shared pain.

“I’m sorry I couldn't protect you,” Rainbow Dash whispered. “I guess that makes me a liar, huh?”

“Even if we end up as twisted as those poor ponies we found in Cloudsdale, at least we’ll still be together,” Kanathara whispered back. The vengant gritted her teeth as feeling returned to her formerly missing limbs.

“Kiss me one final time while your mind is still your own,” Rainbow Dash whispered.

Kanathara uttered no words and instead leaned forward, pressing her lips against the other pony’s. While they embraced one another for what felt like the final time, Kanathara’s mind clutched tight to the love they held. In that darkest of moments she dared to hope that in the end when everything else had been wiped away, at least those feelings would remain.

“You should be thanking me!” Shining Armor shouted, his eyes flaring with chaotic energy. “I am doing you a favour, I’m right, this is… right.”

His anger wavered, and all the indignation which had driven him until this point began to wane. The pony’s gaze went down to the two creatures holding one another like they were on death’s doorstep. In that moment he could see the love they shared, though he did not notice that one of the Elements had begun to glow a faint prismatic light.

“I…” Shining Armor stumbled back a step, his magic flickering before dying suddenly. “I need to speak to Celestia. She’ll know if this spell works. Yes, she’ll be able to confirm that I’m doing the right thing.”

Kanathara pulled back and fell to the floor, the half-transformed demon grunting in pain as her new legs twitched and spasmed.

Kanathara turned to the unicorn, glaring daggers at him. “She’ll tell you what we did. This isn't right. You know this,” she exclaimed.

“Yeah, man. Forcing someone to change species isn't right,” Rainbow Dash added.

“It is! I am healing you both!” Shining Armor shouted, his eyes flashing dangerously.

“Like how Tirek healed me?” Kanathara offered.

“He made you into a demon! This is different!” Shining Armor weakly yelled, his shoulders falling slack.

“How is this not the same thing?” Rainbow Dash asked softly. “You tricked her and forced her into something she didn't want to be a part of.”

Shining Armor swallowed hard, his magic flickering and slowly regaining its natural purple glow. “I’m doing the right thing. I’m saving my sister. I’m fulfilling my promise, and I’m bringing her home.”

“I’m already home,” Kanathara whispered.

Shining Armor hesitated, the Elements toppling from his grip and clattering to the ground as his gaze lingered on the keeper’s outstretched hoof. “I…”

Whatever he had been about to say was cut off by a thunderous crack followed by dozens of smaller thundering booms that traveled up the tower. Smaller snaps and cracks could be heard from all around them, and diffused magic filled the air. For a single dreadful instant, the entire tower groaned, though after several long seconds, it had stabilized once more and the room’s occupants breathed a sigh of relief.

“Ha, I knew that bomb was useful,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as the barrier around them fell. “Goodbye wards, hello freedom!”

“That was you?” Shining Armor yelled. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”

Kanathara opened her mouth to reply, but found that a curious light had caught her eye, drawing her gaze to the Elements which were now both glowing faintly, their light seeming to stretch out towards her and her familiar, bathing them in its strange illumination. Shining Armor didn't seem to notice this, as he was already beginning to pace, a nervous expression crossing his face.

“If the wards are down, then I won't be able to get back-up, and the entire structure might…” the stallion muttered to himself, his words trailing off.

Kanathara ignored the frantic ramblings, her keen eye picking out the remnants of dark magic that clung to the edges of Shining Armor’s eyes. It was small, but the demon knew that such corrupting influence had likely already backfired and caused no small amount of confusion in the pony. Utilizing this moment of chaos, she reached with her magic and plucked the closest Element from the ground while her familiar did the same.

The second their hooves touched metal, the two demons felt a bolt of white hot energy explode through them. In an instant all the changes and alterations were undone, and their bodies returned to how they had been only a few minutes earlier. This time the transition was painless and instant, though it left behind two small, but noticeable differences. One was Rainbow Dash’s eye which remained a milky white, and Kanathara’s back legs which blazed with agony when she walked.

They were small problems in the grand scheme of things and were quickly tucked away. Just like the Elements were, their strange magic having dissipated by the time they had been dumped into Kanathara’s extradimensional space.

“Does it kinda feel like we could turn back when we want?” Rainbow Dash asked, prodding her scaly flesh once more.

“It feels like there is a switch or lever at the back of my mind now,” Kanathara replied, only to shake her head. “Now is not the time for such considerations however.”

“Right. We gotta get…” Rainbow Dash began, her jaw falling open when her gaze wandered to the window.

Following her familiar’s line of sight, Kanathara peered out at the normally empty, steep expanse of barren mountainside. It was now occupied by a small horde of demons and cultists, as well as a towering centaur standing nearly thirty stories tall and blazing with power. Upon his hand stood a familiar wrath demon and an equally as easily recognizable unicorn mare clad in a blackened mail.

Woah. That looks like your mom’s entire cult and all the imps Pear gathered up, Rainbow Dash remarked.

Tirek is really, really tall, Kanathara added lamely.

“Wh-what is going on?” Shining Armor stuttered, the last lingering effects of the dark magic leaving his eyes. “You're free? How is this possible?”

“Oh, right, now we can deal with this jerk. What do you say we do to him?” Rainbow Dash offered, stomping forward.

“Nothing,” Kanathara interrupted, extending a hoof across her familiar’s chest. “Like it or not, he's family.”


“But nothing,” Kanathara exclaimed, pointing towards the confused and defensive stallion. “He just needed to learn that I don't need his protection anymore.”

“I…” Shining Armor gulped down the lump in his throat. “I should fight you, you know.”

“You probably should,” Kanathara agreed. “Those artifacts are really rare.”

“Well, now that I think about it, those were probably the decoy ones I made. Plus I could never actually raise a hoof against my sister anyway,” Shining Armor offered.

“Totally useless, not even worth following up on,” Kanathara exclaimed.

“Right,” Shining Armor muttered.

“So that's it then?” Rainbow Dash asked, gesturing to the stallion. “Can I at least punch him or something?”

“Nah. Mom’s gonna do way worse once she hears about this,” Kanathara remarked, lighting her horn and shattering the window with ease now that it was not magically reinforced.

A brief rush of wind briefly cut off conversation, though the two demons could still see Shining Armor’s terror-filled expression.

“I don't suppose you could maybe not tell her about all that?” Shining Armor weekly asked.

“I’ll think about it,” Kanathara remarked with a smirk, turning to her familiar. “Get us out of here, Rainbow.”

The vengant chuckled as her mistress turned to mist, slipped through her armor, and settled into the back of her mind. “You got it, boss lady,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, opening her wings, only to stop just before she jumped. “Oh, and soldier boy? She might have forgiven you, but I definitely haven't. We are going to be having words soon, buddy.”

Shining Armor sighed. “Would it help if I told you I approve of your relationship?”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “It couldn't hurt.”

She then turned and leapt from the tower, her wings pumping hard as the demon quickly leveled out.

Looking down from the destroyed window, Shining Armor noticed that his forces were beginning to gather on the ground below. Frantic, disorganized, and utterly outmatched, the paladins had yet to be engaged, the enemy having backed off unexpectedly. Where a second earlier they looked ready to invade the tower no matter the cost, now they just seemed confused.

A second later when Rainbow Dash landed atop Tirek’s hand, the entire army came to a stop. A moment passed where Shining Armor wasn't quite sure if the towering centaur was about to attack or not. Then it was gone, and the entire mass of demons and cultists turned away, scrambling back along the many ridges like a great mass of spiders.

With their disappearance, Shining Armor let out a long, low sigh.

“Well, I guess this is it then,” he muttered. “Now I’ll never get that promotion.”

Author's Note:

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: John, MestreJ, Starless, Gear Change, DioKyo, Tacocat598, Canary in The Coal Mine, Ceepert, Doomgoey, Tiwake, Vigilant Watch, Joshua, Nfreak, Facinus, M, John, Rhys, Corey, Blade Tech, Mephia, Peter, Apollyon, Nightwing, 浩民 簡, Hannibal, Dragon's Sheperd, BeenMcsqueen, Mop Hop, Dale, Xvos, Nathan, Octavia and Lowbar, Lich lord krosis, Prysm, Mike, Astor, Travis, Soundtea, Menthol Qtip, Craig, Mirvra, Ivar, Pacsik, Kali, Makani, Steven, Fiamgoku, free, GruB, Todd, Megatyrant.

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