• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,347 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Eight: Sibling Scuffle

Kanathara’s patience was growing thinner each time they took another turn, only to end up with no exit in sight. The tunnel dipped, ascended, and even branched off at a few places, yet they remained within the field’s area of affect. With no teleportation magic, or other extradimensional alteration at her disposal, Kanathara was growing increasingly claustrophobic.

Knowing that she couldn't simply port out if things went poorly was becoming quite bothersome to the demon. The knowledge that she couldn't even leave this plane of existence only made her more irritated, making her feel as though she were being chained down against her will. The endless grey walls and stale air didn't help her poor mood either.

In front of her, Rarity was beginning to slow, the unicorn’s grubby coat growing slick with sweat. Rainbow Dash was, of course, unbothered, though she had at least reduced her armor back down to a breastplate. Kanathara herself had yet to feel the strain of physical exertion, but that didn't mean she didn't feel emotionally and magically drained from it all.

She wondered if her recent time spent flying with Rainbow Dash had made her feel an increased affinity for the open skies. Pushing those thoughts aside, she focused on her familiar, feeling their connection intuitively.

What do you make of our situation? Kanathara asked.

I think this does indeed lead out, but it also seems to parallel the other tunnel somewhat, Rainbow Dash replied without turning around.

Which means we may run into some paladins, Kanathara inferred.

Unlikely, but not impossible. We will have to stay moving if we are going to have a hope of getting out of here without getting bogged down in needless fights, Rainbow Dash added.

For once I am not looking forward to the opportunity to kick some pally butt, Kanathara reluctantly admitted.

“I think… we’re coming… up to something,” Rarity exclaimed between breaths.

“Feels like it, the breeze you sensed before is far more noticeable now,” Rainbow Dash stated.

After rounding a short bend, Kanathara could feel it as well, sensing the slight disruption in the air quite acutely. It didn't feel like it was coming from a singular source, though the keeper of secrets knew she didn't have enough experience to know that for certain. Thankfully her question was answered a few seconds later, but before that could happen, a new question popped into her head.

“Wait, how have you been able to see in the dark?” Kanathara inquired.

Rarity chuckled, tapping the side of her head. “Enchanted contacts.”

“Ooh, I just assumed you were part diamond dog or demon,” Rainbow Dash remarked.

The fashionista scoffed. “Pardon me, but I am no demon. Nor am I one of those ruffians!”

“Well, you got the gem sniffing down pat,” Rainbow Dash retorted, flashing the unicorn a smirk over her shoulder.

Rarity seemed ready to offer a retort before her eyes went wide. “This is quite something.”

After a short turn, the tunnel opened into a much larger chamber, one with multiple exits, levels, and pits. By the looks of it, three lava tubes had, for whatever reason, converged on this one point, the walls between them having crumbled some millenia ago. Water could also be heard flowing beneath them, and a peek down one of the shafts allowed Kanathara to observe a fast-flowing stream.

There were also a few circular shafts that went straight up into the gloom, though all were far too small to ascend through without first turning to smoke. The new area was also massive, easily coming in at about half the size of the town of Ponyville in width alone. A softly growing green mold lit the entire space in an eerie light, immediately setting the keeper’s nerves on edge.

“Which way do we go?” Rainbow Dash inquired, glancing from one exit to another.

“I’m not sure,” Kanathara murmured, turning to Rarity.

Who was doubled over and breathing heavily. “Just give me a minute, darling,” exclaimed the mare.

“Well, hurry, ‘cause I don't think we are going to be alone for long,” Rainbow Dash added. “This place seems to be something of a crossroads for the lower levels.”

“Rainbow Dash, recon the area while I try a few scanning spells. If I’m far enough from the field’s point of origin, I can find us a way outta this place,” Kanathara commanded.

“Right away, boss,” Rainbow Dash retorted before leaping into the air.

For a moment Kanathara merely watched as the winged demon ascended up to the level twenty or so feet above them. After approaching the nearest tunnel entrance, Rainbow Dash ascended higher still, where she landed and continued her inspection. There she stopped, her ears perking up while Kanathara tried a spell to no avail, her magic flickering and dying a second later.

There is someone coming, Rainbow Dash remarked. Sounds bipedal and large.

Probably a fleeing dog, Kanathara reasoned. Be prepared to capture it. Maybe we can force it to guide us out of here.

On it, Rainbow Dash replied, the demon standing next to the entrance, armor encasing her almost completely.

“Get down,” Kanathara whispered to a confused Rarity.

Who did as she was told, crouching down next to the keeper of secrets. Together they waited silently as the sound of thumping feet rapidly approached them. Each step clanked slightly. Judging from the creature’s gait, it was armored, injured, and was indeed bipedal. All of which made Kanathara think that her initial assumption had been correct.

Sure enough, a familiar face appeared after a few seconds, though she was now sporting a few burns, a dozen shallow cuts, and a large gash on her leg. Despite her injuries, the commander Kanathara had seen only a half hour ago looked battle ready, though she had lost her primary weapon. Now wielding only a short dagger, the dog didn't even have a chance to put her backup to use before Rainbow Dash slammed into her.

The diamond dog was clearly caught unaware as the breath was immediately knocked out of her. By the time she managed to fill her lungs with oxygen, she was pinned face down on the ground with paws bound against her back. A hoof was pressed against the base of her skull, promising swift death if she did something foolish.

“What the hell? Who are you, people?” she shouted angrily.

“We’ll be asking the questions here!” Rainbow Dash barked.

“Gods above, not more ponies,” muttered the diamond dog bitterly.

Kanathara reformed in front of the fallen creature, her ethereal mane flowing behind her. “Do we look like ponies to you?” asked the demon.

The diamond dog frowned. “Is that a trick question?”

“Just tell us how to get out of here,” Kanathara demanded.

“Sure, whatever, now let me up. They were right behind me a second ago,” replied the diamond dog.

Kanathara gave her familiar a nod, prompting the vengant to hoist their prisoner back onto her feet. Though allowed to stand, the armored demon kept the dog’s paws bound securely against her back, her grip tight and unrelenting.

“Great, now you’re going to guide us towards the closest exit, and if you run, I will ensure that you suffer a fate so horrible that even the lowest of pit fiends shall look upon you with pity,” Kanathara stated with a shocking calm.

The diamond dog’s confident facade slipped from her features, and she bobbed her head earnestly. “It's straight across from here, honest,” she muttered.

“My partner here is going to let you go, but don't get any funny ideas, you’ll still be in fireball range,” Kanathara stated.

“Fine, but hurry, I think I can hear them,” retorted the diamond dog.

Kanathara gave Rainbow Dash another nod.

“What about me?” shouted Rarity from below.

“I got you, just don't move,” Kanathara shouted before trotting over to the ledge.

Summoning her magic, the demon gripped the unicorn around the barrel, doing her best to not squeeze too tightly. Though clearly uncomfortable with the situation, Rarity stifled any complaints and remained motionless as she was lifted from the ground. Slowly, the pony rose into the air, her legs dangling uselessly beneath her as she clutched the Element tight against her chest.

Behind her, Rainbow Dash peered nervously past their captive, her gaze lingering on her mistress as she slowly raised Rarity up to their level. So distracted was the demon that their diamond dog prisoner was able to leap away before Rainbow Dash had the chance to react. Rather than flee, however, the dog sprinted over to the defenceless demon and kicked the keeper hard in the barrel, sending her flying over the side.

Rainbow Dash cursed and for a split second wondered if she should go after the now fleeing diamond dog or her partner. Somehow she knew that the other demon wouldn't be able to catch herself in time, and so Rainbow Dash unfurled her wings. She jumped over the ledge and flew after her.

Kanathara was forced to make a similarly snap decision at about the same moment as well. She could leave Rarity to her fate and allow the unicorn to fall into the raging rapids of the underground river. Or the demon could focus on depositing her on solid ground first before finally turning to mist and hopefully saving herself.

This is going to be close, Kanathara thought to herself before turning and roughly tossing the unicorn up onto the upper level. It was a hard throw to make, but given how much momentum Rarity already had, it was easier than putting her back down again.

A second before she hit the water, a flaming demon caught her at the same time that Rarity landed, nearly dropping the Element in the process. Now wrapped in warm hooves, Kanathara felt her trajectory shift as her familiar managed to maneuver them closer to solid ground. Though an adept flier, not even Rainbow Dash could work miracles, and together they tumbled to the ground, landing in a heap of tangled limbs.

“Stupid ponies,” remarked the diamond dog before she vanished out of sight.

Kanathara groaned and rubbed her head. “I really shouldn't have underestimated her.”

Rainbow Dash scrambled back onto her own four hooves, before helping her mistress do the same. “That was my fault, I should have been paying more attention,” she replied.

“It was both our faults, but at least we know the way out,” Kanathara exclaimed.

“I suppose,” Rainbow Dash reengaged her armor. “Now then, let's get moving.”

“Right,” Kanathara agreed. One leaping into the air while the other turned to mist and proceeded back up to the second level.

By the time they landed and reformed however, the ponies who had been chasing their captive had caught up to them. Two of whom were standing protectively on either side of Rarity, while the other was standing in front, his horn blazing brightly. The instant Kanathara laid eyes on the stallion, her mood soured, and she immediately realized that this just got a lot harder.

“Shining Armor,” she muttered bitterly. “I don't suppose you’re going to just give us what we want and let us leave?”

The golden-armored stallion snorted. “Over my dead body.”

“That can be arranged, you know,” Rainbow Dash remarked.

Shining Armor’s eyes narrowed. “Golden Bulwark, go grab our ace. Steel Shod, protect the civilian.”

“Aye, captain!” shouted the two ponies, one of whom turned and ran back down the tunnel while the other remained close to Rarity’s side.

Who gave the demons an almost apologetic shrug.

Kanathara couldn't blame her, loyalty or no, there wasn't much of a chance of the exhausted seamstress getting past a trained soldier. The vengant leapt off the ground while armor crawled across her body, encasing her in enchanted metal. While this happened, the keeper of secrets was preparing her magic, readying herself for an opening to present itself.

She remembered well the lessons Twilight Velvet had taught her, and the remark she had made about Shining Armor.

“He's a shield master, but don't underestimate him. The boy has learned many creative ways to manipulate such a seemingly basic spell.”

Kanathara chose to test that assumption by firing off a scorching ray and leaping to the side, prepared for some manner of counterattack. Which never came, though her spell was rendered ineffective by a thick barrier that sprung up around the stallion, his underling, and Rarity. The deep purple barrier wasn't very thick, though it was made up of dozens of interlocking hexagon shapes.

The spell bounced harmlessly into the ceiling where it singed a small patch of stone before vanishing. Without a word being spoken, Rainbow Dash launched herself into an attack, dive-bombing the shield while building up for an explosive burst of fire. Her metal-clad hoof met the wall first, followed by the concentrated beam of hellfire, both attacks doing almost nothing.

Rainbow Dash barely had a moment to recover before one of the hexagons bent and flexed before turning into a spike and nearly running her through. The solid magic construct scraped noisily against Rainbow Dash’s armor before the vengant managed to roll away. Spreading her wings, she built up some speed, circling around while Kanathara tried to think up a way past the wall of magic.

“Give up, and I promise to redeem you without the need for violence!” Shining Armor shouted.

“Why don't you give up, so we don't have to kick those pretty teeth in!” Rainbow Dash yelled back.

“I don't need your redemption!” Kanathara spat before firing off a few more spells.

The first was a lightning bolt that upon hitting the barrier split in two and slammed against the walls, dissipating utterly. After that she conjured a small blob of acid, which, although did a decent number on the floor, did nothing to the unicorn’s barrier. Kanathara didn't have time to continue testing Shining Armor’s defences, however, as a giant purple hammer was swinging towards her face.

Turning to mist, the keeper dodged out of the way, watching with a mixture of fear and curiosity as the enormous weapon left a small crater in the ground. Swooping in low, Rainbow Dash tried to distract their foe and allow Kanathara to escape by landing behind the stallion. She then breathed deep, and after focusing all of her energy into a single point, released it as a small beam of superheated fire.

The attack resembled a welding torch, and the second it hit Shining Armor’s shield, a small section of his barrier began to glow. Wincing briefly, the stallion’s horn shone brightly, which was all the warning Rainbow Dash got before a dozen spikes shot out at her. Not like the vengant cared though, as she released the last of her saved energy in an eruption of flames before turning to smoke once more.

Kanathara followed this up by slicing an enormous chunk of stone from the roof and watching as it slammed down against the pony’s barrier. Though it bent and flexed, the shield quickly adapted, with the hunk of stone rolling off of it without doing any permanent damage. The strain it put on Shining Armor was noticeable, but brief, with the stallion seemingly fully recovered only a few seconds later.

What do we do? We can't seem to hit this guy, and he's just biding his time, Rainbow Dash thought as she flew above the keeper’s head.

I don't know, to be honest. I have a few ideas, but I don't want to be here when this ace of theirs returns, Kanathara thought back

True. So, do we do something risky? Rainbow Dash replied.

That seems to be about the only way we are going to win this, Kanathara replied.

Shining Armor conjured his hammer once more, swinging it up at Rainbow Dash in an attempt to squish her against the ceiling. The attack never hit, as the vengant ducked and weaved through it, emerging out the other side unscathed. The paladin quickly abandoned his newest construct, allowing it to quickly fade to nothing before summoning forth a pair of lances and throwing them at the keeper of secrets.

Leaping out of the way of the first one, Kanathara was forced to become incorporeal lest the second skewer her through the middle. The constant shift from mist to back again was beginning to take its toll, and Kanathara could feel her muscles straining whenever she reformed. It wasn't unbearable yet, but it represented a ticking clock that Kanathara did not like.

Immediately, she took off running, summoning her magic as she moved and firing off another spell. The second it was complete, a tiny orb of deep green magic leapt from the tip of her horn and streaked across the battlefield. Rainbow Dash leapt backwards a second before the ball hit the shield and exploded into a twisting mass of churning green smoke.

It didn't seem to have any real effect on her enemies, as Kanathara couldn't hear any coughing or the sound of unconscious bodies hitting the ground. That didn't mean it was completely useless, as it completely hid the demons from sight while Kanathara enacted her next spell. Shining Armor didn't give her much time to do so. however, as he had quickly summoned a burst of wind which cleared the area of her gas.

With a smirk, Kanathara stomped her forehooves against the ground, pouring her magic into the stone. Spikes never burst from beneath the stallion, though the earth did bulge slightly in several places before being caught on Shining Armor’s shield. The keeper hadn't even noticed the thin layer beneath his hooves, and was so surprised by this that she nearly got her head cut off.

A conjured greatsword swung towards her neck, forcing Kanathara to duck, the tip of her horn being struck with enough force to make her cry out in pain. Though it wasn't difficult to quickly reform the bit that had been removed, the shock of the attack made Kanathara stumble back. This would have left her open, had Rainbow Dash not slammed into the shield, hooves clawing against the barrier while flames shot from her open maw.

The barrier bent inwards by the force of the hit, causing Rarity to wince and take a nervous step back from the enraged attacker.

“How dare you? I’ll gut you like a fish!” screamed the vengant before inhaling another lungful of fire.

Shining Armor grunted and quickly repaired his shield before firing back a counter of his own. A trio of hexagons turned to spikes and shot forth, nearly spearing Rainbow Dash clean through the middle. Two scraped off her armor while the final one managed to find a weak link near her back right knee, drawing forth a gout of deep blackened blood.

Lurching backwards, Rainbow Dash couldn't reform her leg as more and more spikes shot from the shield. It was easy enough to dodge the good majority of them, but in the end there were just too many of the things. Her armor took several of the hits, but Rainbow Dash could feel another shard of magic ram through her neck while another speared straight through her shin.

Forced to become incorporeal once more, the demon fled backwards, abandoning her attack entirely. Thankfully the keeper of secrets had recovered enough to support her, conjuring a dozen bolts of force which rained down on the shield. The spikes retracted, and Shining Armor turned to face the newest threat, only to be surprised when the keeper ran hoof first into his shield.

Hooves glowing with a strange green energy, the paladin’s sudden burst of confidence waned the second he sensed magic get pulled out of his shield. Not only that, but it also felt akin to what a changeling was capable of, only different in a way he couldn't quite explain. Rather than his emotions, Kanathara was draining a small part of his very soul, depriving his spells of power and forcing him to choose between his shield or his life.

Stop it! You’re too open! Rainbow Dash exclaimed, the demon pumping her wings the second she reformed.

Entropy magic is the only way we are going to get past this barrier in a timely fashion, Kanathara replied, dodging a spike while keeping her forehooves pressed against the shield. We can't leave without the Element.

Rainbow Dash swooped down from on high, unleashing a burst of flames atop the dome. But you can't cast anything when you're like that. You can't even step away!

I am well aware of the risks. Keep him distracted so we can get through this, Kanathara retorted.

Inside the barrier, Shining Armor began to grow frustrated as the vengant continued to fly over him and unleash bursts of hellfire. Though his shield was strong, the keeper’s entropy-based attack was beginning to take its toll on him. Not only that, but having to reinforce both sides meant he couldn't focus long enough to launch a proper counter of his own.

Noting Rarity’s growing discomfort and his guard’s nervous looks, Shining Armor refocused himself. If he couldn't attack and defend properly, then he would at least do the first one well. Turning to the keeper of secrets, Shining Armor’s horn glowed brightly before his shield bulged, multiple spikes forming from it.

Seeing this, Kanathara desperately poured everything she had into her draining the pony’s magic. Rainbow Dash knew in an instant that it wouldn't be enough to stop the assault and though she doubted the pony was aiming to kill, she couldn't know for certain. Abandoning her assault, the vengant dove low, speeding towards the other demon as a dozen spikes shot out at her.

Her forehooves slammed into Kanathara’s side, pushing her out of the way of the attack. Though fast enough to save her mistress, it was not enough to save herself as well. Spears of magic hammered into her, most of which were unable to pierce her armor, while a few did just that.

Luck was not on her side, it seemed, as one of the spikes rammed through the thinner metal around her throat. Her momentum combined with the strength of the solid magic spear meant that she couldn't stop before it had already done an immense amount of internal damage. Not only that, but Rainbow Dash could feel something solid snap in her neck a second before the spike withdrew.

She tried to reform her body, but the damage was too immense, leaving the demon tumbling forward, unable to stop or heal herself. Kanathara, however, narrowly rolled away, and was about to charge back at Shining Armor before noticing her familiar wasn't moving. Skidding to a stop and throwing up a barrier of her own, Kanathara leaned down and scooped up Rainbow Dash’s head.

“Are you alright, what happened?” she pressed, her horn glowing faintly as she scanned the demon’s body.

Rainbow Dash tried to respond, but her words came out as little more than a weak gurgle. He got a lucky hit, but it's fine. I’ll just be outta the fight for a while.

Anger, indignation, and shame warred briefly in Kanathara’s heart before being roughly pushed aside. She had to focus, they had come too far, and sacrificed too much to leave empty-hoofed. Gently placing the vengant’s head back on the ground, Kanathara closed her eyes and pulled on the string which connected them.

Rainbow Dash hesitated briefly before answering the call, willingly giving up her body and turning to smoke. This time when she flowed into the other demon’s body, she knew there was no chance she could leave when she wanted. Her death meant that there was no escaping this place until she had enough time to heal her wounds and recover her strength.

Rising back to her hooves, Kanathara felt her familiar settle into the base of her very soul. Her eyes snapped open just as a large magical hammer crushed the thin barrier she had put up around herself. Rolling out of the way, the keeper pulled on her old and ill-used ability to utilize entropic magic.

Acid pumped through her body, burning the demon from the inside, without doing any major damage to her. Her stomach churned as she sprinted towards Shining Armor’s shield, regurgitating a mass of bubbling green much as soon as she was close. The mass of sizzling liquid immediately began to hiss the second it hit the shield, causing a small section to fall fairly quickly.

She followed this up by slamming her glowing green hooves against another spot of his barrier, reaching deep and pulling hard at his magic. This time the combination was enough, and the seemingly indestructible wall fell, causing Shining Armor to stumble back as well as allowing Kanathara to leap towards Rarity. The nearby paladin was faster, however, and after raising a shield, he put himself between Kanathara and her target.

The keeper of secrets didn't care and grabbed the rapidly rusting piece of metal and tore it from his grip, tossing it aside. Stumbling back, the guard was shocked when the enchantments on his armor began to pop one after another. The leather straps holding his platemail together loosened, with some falling apart completely after mere seconds.

The strain channelling so much entropic magic put on the demon was immense, but she soldiered on regardless. The pony tried to swing his sword at her, but found that the leather grip had fallen apart, the weapon slipping out of his grip. With no defence and his fur rapidly falling off his body, the paladin stumbled backwards, panic filling his eyes.

Something heavy slammed into Kanathara’s side a second after the golden obstacle was out of her way, and she was sent flying through the air. It didn't hurt nearly as bad as the entropic magic coursing through her, however, and it was clear that her attacker wasn't aiming to kill. Kanathara righted herself quickly and found that she was facing Shining Armor once more.

This time the stallion was standing protectively between her and Rarity, who was still holding the Element tight against her chest. A worried look covered the fashionista’s face, though a single glimpse at the mare was enough to tell Kanathara that despite what had happened, the pony was not scared for her own safety, but rather the demon’s. Kanathara quickly put that thought out of her mind, as she could hear the clip clop of approaching hooves coming from back down the tunnel.

“Give the Element to me, and no one has to get hurt,” Kanathara stated.

“Surrender now, and no one has to get hurt,” countered Shining Armor.

Grumbling bitterly, Kanathara quickly weighed her options. The demon knew it would be a while before she would be able to use any other kind of magic due to her use of her entropic powers. Thus she had little option but to keep relying on that ability, or be forced to use only her hooves and no magic at all.

We really need weapons, Rainbow Dash remarked.

Tell me about it, Kanathara agreed before leaping forward, her eyes glowing a bright green.

A shield sprung up between them which Kanathara’s hoof slammed straight through. Chunks of magic went flying across the area before quickly dissipating into nothing, the stallion now visibly exhausted. Evidently the earlier fight with the dogs had not been quite so one-sided as it seemed, as Kanathara noticed he was heavily favoring his right foreleg.

Another barrier was batted aside with ease, the keeper of secrets barreling headfirst towards her enemy. The enchantments on his armor seemed to be more reinforced than his guard’s, as despite the demon’s close proximity, they had yet to falter. The fur around his face began to grow grey, however, and as Kanathara punched her way through another hastily conjured shield, she could tell the entropic effects were beginning to take their toll.

His golden armor was growing duller, losing its shine while rust began to creep in from the sides. A blast of force knocked Kanathara back briefly, allowing the stallion to bring up a proper shield while the demon recovered. Kanathara leapt into the air and brought her forehooves down hard against the top of the obstacle.

For a moment it seemed like the paladin’s barrier would win out, but after a second of nothing happening, a spiderweb of cracks emerged from the point of impact. He had just enough time to catch the demon’s hooves before they would have landed atop his head and no doubt brought him low. The magic in his armor blazed brightly, giving him strength no normal pony was capable of.

Even still, he could only just barely hold his own against the powerful demon whose maw dripped with acid, and whose hooves felt like lead weights. Their eyes met, and for a moment Kanathara considered letting up before remembering why she was here. Despite pleasant memories of the stallion suddenly coming to mind, she couldn't just leave, but that also didn't mean that she had to kill or maim the pony.

Pushing hard, Kanathara tried to drain enough of the pony’s magic to knock him out, resisting the urge to spit a wad of acid in his face to be done with it. Shining Armor seemed to know that he was beat, though for some reason he continued to resist, even as his enchantments failed him. That was until the clip clop of hooves skidded to a stop nearby, and a glance in that direction told him that he had accomplished his goal.

“Use it, now!” he shouted to the pair of paladins standing nearby, a large black box held between them.

“But sir, it will disrupt the interdictor field, they could escape!” one of the golden armored guards retorted.

“Just do it!” Shining Armor yelled, his armor warping as rust consumed it.

Kanathara planned on using him as a hostage before she felt a familiar aura blanket the area. Turning towards the box, she was shocked to see a black stone with a burning red heart sitting within. It immediately flared to life, ripping the strength from Kanathara’s limbs and making her fall slack in the stallion’s grip.

Who lowered her to the ground before stumbling back, his injuries finally getting the better of him. The paladin didn't let that slow him for long, however, as he quickly cast a healing spell before turning towards one of the guards.

“Bring forth the manacles of Hades. I want this one secure and ready for transport right now!” Shining Armor demanded.

“But sir, your wounds-”

“Are not that bad, now hurry,” Shining Armor barked.

Kanathara heard it all, and though she knew she could slip away using the trick Twilight Velvet had taught her, she couldn't use it. Not yet, not while Rarity was standing a few feet away, the Element still clutched tight against her chest.

Give it up! If we don't leave now, we’ll be captured! Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

You know we can't leave without the Element! Kanathara retorted, reaching a hoof towards the shivering unicorn.

The risk of being captured is too great! Rainbow Dash all but shouted in the keeper’s mind.

If we don't, the Nightmare may be able to use the contract against us, and I will not make you a slave to anyone! Kanathara shouted.

Kanathara’s eyes met Rarity’s own, and for a moment the keeper felt every bit of fear and panic that her friend did. A second later a sort of understanding passed between the two, prompting Rarity to look down at the Element before glancing at Shining Armor. Who was too distracted to notice that the civilian he assumed was on his side had suddenly changed allegiances.

The jeweled necklace glowed brightly before being thrown at the fallen demon, nearly blinding the keeper in the process. Catching the magical artifact, Kanathara poured all the entropy magic she had within her before spitting it at the Black Hunger. The draining power of the magic item worked against itself, cleansing Kanathara of the fell energy left inside of her.

Now free to use a greater variety of spells, Kanathara opened a pocket dimension and stuffed the artifact within.

The guards yelled in surprise as the Black Hunger’s box and holder melted into a puddle. Shining Armor himself only spun around in time to see the Element vanish, along with his chances of capturing the demon. Who had coughed up a pure white orb, which immediately flew towards his ace, only to stop at the last second.

The demonic artifact was incompatible with a pure, undigested soul, yet the evil presence within craved it intensely. The effect was immediate, with the aura of weakness vanishing while the white orb began to spin around its much darker counterpart, bleeding soul energy with each rotation.

“Get her!” Shining Armor shouted, summoning his magic as he did so.

Kanathara turned and ran towards the nearest exit, only for a wall of familiar purple magic to cut her off. Thinking quickly, Kanathara turned to mist and made it look like she was going for another of the tunnels. Another wall of magic sprung up to block her escape, but the demon never intended to go that way.

Turning at the last second, she slipped through a narrow shaft in the ceiling, vanishing out of sight. Below her she could hear the frantic scramble of hooves and steel while in her soul she felt an intense heat begin to bloom. She would be in a lot of pain, but in the end she was free, and not only that, she had acquired the artifact.

I guess she was its Bearer, Rainbow Dash remarked in a slightly sad tone.

I guess so, Kanathara admitted, unable to focus her thoughts long enough to muster a more thorough response.

It would be many minutes before she maneuvered through the many narrow passageways and emerged onto the surface. It would be longer still that she was able to escape the badlands and slip soundlessly into the forest.

Two days of stalking the woods later, the pair approached a familiar cottage, exhaustion weighing heavily on the keeper’s body.

None of that mattered anymore. She was home, and here, she would heal.

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