• Published 16th Jan 2018
  • 1,737 Views, 17 Comments

My Little Pony: and the Adventures of Indiana Jones - ShagPony

What if Daring Do had a sibling? What if that sibling was Indiana Jones? Well adventure and comedy like hijinks would ensue of course. Drop your sack and grab your hat genius, it's time for an adventure!

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Prologue: From The Beginning

Author's Note:

Holy shit what a facking disappointment is what I'm thinking right now.

Being a senior towards the 2nd semester is facking hard man. Like it seriously takes a tolll on you. Not to mention I have to rewrite my senior paper and I have to make a schedule where I can balance making more videos for my YouTube channel and writing stories for you lovelies. I'll tell you one thing I have never felt more tired in my life and knowing me, that's saying something.

Anyways I'll try to get in more chapters for this story and anymore to come along with the ones I wrote so stay awesome and stay lovelie. HAVE A PIE~

Also a big thank you to Gravestone for giving me some ideas that allowed me to hit this story off. Thanks man!

In a temple that is in the middle of an unknown jungle, is a giant stone room with torches here and a little bit of ancient writing over there. In the middle of this room we're two occupants. One being a pegasus pony with tan fur and a greyscale mane and tail with bored looking dark pink eyes. What this pegasus also had was a green shirt and a pith helmet, along with an image of a compass on her rump.

The other occupant of the large stone room was a mythical creature called a Ahuizotl. You know, the things that look like a gorilla with a weird muzzle and a third hand on the tail. Ironically, his name was Ahuizotl, go figure right?

Anyway, this Ahuizotl guy with dark and light blue fur with red and gold bracelets adorning his arms, neck, and one on the ear as his green eyes mischievously and victoriously went over the room that him and his “companion” occupied, lolled about with hands waving like he was part of a drama group as he went about a speech.

The pegasus whose none other than Daring Do was tied to a wall having to be forced to listen to this guy’s ranting. A large sigh came from her as he continued to talk about how he was going to use the idol for his own desires and so on and so forth. Don't get her wrong though, she loved the thrill that she and this guy have when they fought over an ancient treasure that had mystical powers. You know the song and dance. She would come for the treasure and then meet this guy, they exchange insults and have a massive throw down with his goons, she gets captured and then here we are.

But she really wishes that he would change his speech every once in a while or at the very least make it shorter. It was just so boring have to listen to him go on and on and on without stopping. Worst of all, she couldn't use her hooves to cover her ears. Another large sigh came from the pegasus and this one actually gaining the ugly buggers attention.

“Do you mind Miss Do, I'm on the best part of my little victory speech here.”

Daring shrugged her bound shoulders as she nonchalantly looked about the room. “No, please, do go on. I just loooooove to listen to the same bucking thing every time we do this.”

The gorilla thing shook his head with a roll of the eyes. “I'll have you know that I put my heart and soul into these speeches and I put them in great length just to rub it all in your face.” Ahuizotl ended with a grin.

Daring rolled her own eyes as she looked of to the side. “Yeah sure, rub it in my face. Then you will be balling your eyes out when I somehow get out of these ropes and take the treasure from you.” Thinking about how the tables would turn, like they always have, brought a small smile to the treasure hunter’s lips.

Ahuizotl sneered in annoyance as he looked at the pegasus. “I can assure you, that you will not be escaping this time Daring Do, for I-”

“Yes I will.”

Ahuizotl’s ear twitched in agitation as he glared at the smug looking pegasus, who avoided eye contact as if she were innocent.

Making a clicking sound with his tongue, Ahuizotl inched closer to the bound mare. “Ehehe, Miss Do, I don't think you know what kind of predicament you are in. You-”

“Yes I do.”

“Yooouuu, are bound in an ancient temple with nothing and I mean nothing to help you escape with a Whatchamacallit totem-”

“The Devil’s Totem.”

“THAT! Can unleash an undead army at the control of the one who handles it, according to Whosawhatshisname-”

“Neighthys by the way. And it wasn't a he, it was a she.”

“THAT WILL ALLOW MY VICTORY IN THIS VERY MOMENT!” Ahuizotl shouted with twitchy eyes and bared teeth. Deep breaths came from his nose as he glared at the pegasus -who nonchalantly looked at the ground as if she did nothing wrong- with great anger.

Ahuizotl closed his eyes and heeded a sigh. Taking a deep breath through his nose, he began to calm his nerves as he thought about the sweet victory that would actually come to him this time.

“And for the record, I took into consideration about you boundfullness. I have cleared a radius of one-hundred feet of anything sharp or flammable and put in a few extra ties to make sure you stay bound.”

When his ranting was done, the archaeologist finally looked at the gorilla looking creature with a yawn.

“You done yet honey?”

A snort was her only answer as the mystical creature mumbled under his breath. Bringing a hand to his chin, he put on his thinking face.

“Now where was I…..oh yes, my plan to take over the world with my undead army. After I have gotten rid of you, I will go throughout the lands of Equestria and through the hills of Saddle Arabia and over the great seas of-”

“UUUUUGGGGGHHHH! Just get it over with already!”

Daring gave a little jump as she looked at the monkey man that gave a shout with his hands on his head. With a smug expression, she watched him stomp his way to the golden totem and snatch it off its glorious pedestal.

“No what? FINE! I have the damn totem in my hands. Now I will be able to control the undead and there's nothing you can do to stop me!”

As he ended his small victory, a rumble sounded around the room of the temple as a large groan of wind and dust went throughout the ancient structure.


Daring’s ears perked up as the howl died down and was followed by a large groan coming from the entrance to the room. She shifted uncomfortably as the smell of death reached her nose and the faint sound of something coming.

Ahuizotl smirked as he stood proud and tall, waiting for his undead army to arrive and obey his command. From the corner of his eyes, he could see the treasure hunter who squirmed in her bounds which made him smile.

“Once my army arrives to bow before me Miss Do, I think I will have my first command be to get rid of you. I think I will rather enjoy watching my one pain in the rear get eaten by the undead.”

The momentary squirming ended abruptly as his words registered in her ears and made her reel back in disgust. “Well that's a little dark, even for you Ahuizotl.”

The mythical being shrugged as he waved a hand around. “Well when your beaten from repeated mistakes in the few years you tend to go past some limits. I will be damned if I don't repeat this one.”

Ahuizotl’s attention was brought back to the entrance as the steps and ground got louder in numbers, giving Daring the time to stuggle in her binds. It was true that there wasn't any items for her to use but she had a faint idea on how to get out of them.

Geeze, what kind of guy puts a knot over the one the he just tied? It just loosens up the rope.’ Daring thought as she took one of the ropes in her mouth and began to tug on them.

“Or maybe I'll take someone else instead…”

Her momentary tugging was cut short however when she registered those next few words. Spitting out the rope in her mouth, she quirked an eyebrow at the being in front of her.

“What do you mean...somepony else?”

A feeling of uneasiness began to wash over the tan pegasus. Daring could swear that she could see a grin on that ugly mug of Ahuizotl.

“Well it's just that a little birdie told me that you were not the only filly of your family, so I began to think. Why not keep you alive long enough just to see him suffer under my army.”

Daring flinched from the last sentence as her eyes widened. She began to worry a little but also felt a pang of anger rise in her.

“How did you-”

“Oh we shouldn't be thinking on how I did get that little piece of information, but what I will do with it.” Ahuizotl finished with a sinister smile.

The pegasus clearly began to struggle more in her bounds as she bared her teeth at her archenemy. “You won't bucking touch him Ahuizotl.”

A hand shot up to Ahuizotl’s mouth in mock shock as he looked at the glaring pegasus. “Oh, struck a nerve did I? You know I never knew that the great Daring Do had siblings. Heck, I never took you for a sister to such a, bizarre creature that is your brother.”

Daring was now very clearly struggling in her binds as anger filled her every being. “You bucking sorry sack of-”

“SHH! My army arrives.”

Daring was about to give another insult until her gaze was brought to the first undead creatures to come through the door. Daring began to become more uneasy as more of them came in. Ten became twenty, twenty became forty, forty became seventy, and soon over a hundred of them were coming through the door to surround the two occupants in the middle of the room. Daring silently gulped in fear as she saw dead griffons rison from their slumber surrounding all escape routes.

Buck, there's a lot more than what I thought there was going to be.’

The treasure hunter’s thoughts were cut short as Ahuizotl began to walk near some of the hoard with the statue held high in his grasp.

“Behold your new leader! I, Ahuizotl shall command you to my every bidding, for I hold the totem that has rendered you asleep! Rise my undead army, and together we shall take over Equestrian until we rule all!”

Ahuizotl’s words echoed around the stone room, being heard through the corridors, rooms, and so forth. He held his pose with the totem now grasped in a fist and his head held high. Said pose was short lived as the undead didn't make any sign to move. They all just stood there staring.

Ahuizotl looked around the room with confusion. Confusion became anger as he held the totem towards them. “Well? Didn't you hear me? I now command you, do my bidding!”

Every word that was said was either ignored or not heard as the dead began to stare, not making a single sound.

“Ooh what the blast?!”

The gorilla man’s ears perked up as he heard laughing coming from behind him. Turning around he saw that Daring Do was lightly laughing as she swayed in her binds of rope.

“Just what is so funny to you Miss Do?”

Getting a few more chuckles out of herself, Daring blinked her eyes to get some of the fake tears out of them and looked at Ahuizotl with a smug smile. “Oh nothing, it's just that I forgot to mention one little detail about that totem you carry.”

Raising an eyebrow at the treasure hunter, Ahuizotl looked at the totem with a critical eye for a moment and then back to the mare. “And just what was that little detail.”

The mare chuckled a few more times as she looked around the room for an escape route. “Oh it's just that, when I was told to come check out the totem, I didn't exactly expect that much from it if I took it, thinking that all of its magical powers were wasted.

“How wrong was I when I actually looked at some of the writings on the walls to find out that it was given a curse.”

Daring silently cheered to herself when she saw the worried glances Ahuizotl gave to the undead surrounding them.

“A curse you say?”

Nodding, Daring continued her discovery. “Yes, it is actually told that whoever takes the totem does not command the undead army but instead unleashes them to roam the land around the temple, killing anything that comes near it until the totem is returned.”

Daring chuckled as all the color drained from Ahuizotl’s face as he shakingly looked at the totems in his hands. His looked became a small glare as he looked back at the pegasus who only smiled.

“Curse you Daring Do.”

As if a switch was turned on, the undead all shrieked a blood curdling scream and charged at the two occupants that had brought them from the eternal slumber. Ahuizotl yelled in fear and began to climb a nearby pillar to escape the undead.

The treasure hunter gave a fearful look to the zombies that were slowly creeping on her as they could tell she was an easy life to take. To bad for them though as Daring Do quickly took the ropes in her mouth and tugged on them. Eventually the rope got loose enough for her to shimmy her way out of the rest of them.

The undead coming closer to her shrieked as they saw their victim escaping. Sprinting the rest of the way to the pegasus, the undead leapt at their prey hoping to bring her down. Although they were quick, Daring was quicker. Quickly expanding her wings, the mare shot up into the sky, barely avoiding the talons of the undead griffons.

Flapping her wings to keep herself aloft, Daring scanned the ground for the totem but couldn't find squat. A shout brought the airborne pegasus to the pillar that her enemy so happened to hold on to for dear life. A smirk graced her face as she saw the totem still in his grasp.

Slowly flying over to the gorilla looking creature, she began to mockingly study his predicament with interest. Her flying caught his attention which brought a glare to his face.

“You insolent little brat!” Was what she got and a swipe to go with it. Said swipe was short lived as his grip almost lost the pillar, forcing him to bear hug it again. This brought a smile to the mare’s lips as she came in closer to the totem.

“Stay back!” Ahuizotl barked with another swipe. Daring easily dodged the swipe and came next to the hand holding the totem.

“I'll take that!” She said as she swiftly grabbed the golden statue with her hooves. However, she didn't fly away but instead came in closer to Ahuizotl who only glared back. His glare slowly became fear as Daring looked at him with a scowl.

“And this, is for threatening my brother.” Not wasting time, Daring delivered a swift hind kick to Ahuizotl’s face who grabbed it on instinct. Noticing his mistake one second to late, Ahuizotl fell with a loud yell into the horde below. When he hit the ground, the horde quickly jumped him, completely surrounding him in a pile of undead bodies.

Daring looked at the horde with a raised eyebrow and one hoof to her chin. “Ooo, perhaps I delivered that kick a little-”

The adventurous mare was cut short as Ahuizotl bursted out of the pile of undead bodies with a war cry. He was adorned with patches of fur missing as the undead tried to take his flesh with their rotting beaks. Not wanting to stay for long, he quickly swatted at the corpses with his powerful arms as he made his way out of the entrance with most of the undead following him, completely forgetting about the mare that was still in the room.

Daring tsked to herself as she watched her enemy cry and yell as he ran. Shaking her head, she looked at the totem in her hooves and then to the center of the room and saw that most of the undead left an open space around the podium.

Perfect.’ Daring thought as she quickly dived towards the podium, ready to return the celestia forsaken totem to its resting place.

As Daring began to draw near, she failed to see a body hurtling towards her, having still had its attention on the pegasus mare. The air was driven out of the adventurer’s lungs as she and the attacker hit the ground with a loud thump, which drew some of the other griffon’s attention.

Daring opened her eyes seeing stars as her head had smacked into the ground along with her body. Clutching the totem close, she slowly went to get up but was stopped as a body slammed into her, pining the dazed mare to the ground. Fear immediately went through her body as sharp talons gripped her shoulders and a groan sounded from above her.

As soon as the stars left her vision, she turned her eyes to see a smelly, rotting beak nearing her face, ready to tear into her flesh. Not wanting to see how that would go, the mare quickly shot a hoof to the zombie’s neck stopping its advances but was still close with the amount of strength it had.

When Daring saw that she stopped its advances she brought her focus on getting the bucking thing off her. Her focus was cut short when she heard more groans coming from the left of her. Turning her head, the mare gasped in fear as she saw more of the undead drawing closer, ready to consume her.

Fear of having a painful death, the pegasus thrashed under the zombie on top of her, trying to throw him off but gained no advantage in doing so. Looking at the corner of her eye, she could see the small zombie horde drawing closer to her. Taking a deep breath, Daring dropped the totem and used both her hooves to push the griffon off of her giving her the moment to put her hind hooves under it.

“Get the BUCK OFF!”

Without a moment's hesitation, the adventurer bucked the dead griffon off her, throwing him only a few feet back but just enough for her to get on her hooves and grab the totem. As the undead picked up their pace, Daring Do wasted no time in running to the podium with the undead hot on her tail. When she got close enough she slammed the totem on the podium and tensed her muscles waiting for the horde to crash into her.

When she felt nothing she turned her head to see the undead zombies inches from her body. Daring drew in a quick breath but quickly coughed it out as the smell from the zombies invaded her nose. She used a hoof to cover nose as she looked at the mass of zombies in front of her, waiting for them to do something.

Her breath was caught in her throat when all of the undead lowered their heads and slowly began to shuffle they're way out of the room. The adventurous pony continued to watch all the undead shuffle out of the room until the last one left. When she was the only one present she put a hoof to her chest and let out a huge breath.

A few chuckles followed as she used a hoof to wipe some sweat that had accumulated on her forehead. As she wiped the sweat away she felt around her head to find that her hat wasn't present. Looking around she found it lying in the dirt a few feet away from the podium. Giving a sigh, she walked over to her hat and picked it up. Instead of putting it on she just stared at it looking it over, finding some dust and dirt on it.

Her body then gave out as her rump hit the hard stone and her shoulders slumped as she gave a few more chuckles with baited breath.

“Hehe...I really bit the bullet this time now didn't I.” The mare said as she waved her hat to get the dirt off it and plopped it on her head. Getting a few more breathes of air, the pegasus looked around the room finding nothing of interest. A small pain brought her attention to her shoulders and found obvious signs of bruises on both sides where the griffon had pinned her down.

A tired sigh escaped her lips as she stared at the bruises and brought a hoof up to rub her forehead. ‘I know for a fact I'm going to be seeing him tonight and if he sees- no, when he sees them, he’s going to get it out of me on how I got them and proceeed to kick my ass for it.’

The tired mare brought a hoof over her face as a small groan cam from her. “Just another thing that I have to put on my plate.”

Her thoughts were disrupted however when a pop sounded around the stoney tomb of death along with a flash of light. Opening her eyes, Daring glared at the object that had just materialized in front of her. It was a piece of paper and what adorned this paper was sigial of the one pony that sent her here in the first place.

It was a stamp of a sun and the one pony who has that stamp is Princess Celestia.

Giving a snort of agitation, Daring marched up to the letter that was in front of her with her glare hardening. When she got close she abruptly stopped and stomped a hoof kicking up dust around it. She lowered her head to continue glaring at the small parchment as if it had insulted her.

Which was impossible because it's paper and paper can't insult people, only the person behind it. Paper cannot insult nor hurt a person.

Except for a paper cut. Stupid paper cuts.

Daring continued to glare at the parchment in front of her until she heaved, what was probably for the hundredth time today, another sigh. Picking it up she began to unfold it to read its contents.

“You better know damn well what you got me into here Celestia.” Daring said as her eyes scanned the parchment. Her anger didn't dominish and she became uninterested when the paper gave her the first name of the pony of her family. But that quickly changed into confusion and then concern when it explained about one pony that she was quite closed to and the one that she cared deeply about.

Eyes going left to right, she re-read the letter and then dropped it as she took off down the many corridors and rooms of the temple. When she finally made it outside she took off into the air and flew as fast as she could go towards Equestrian with one thought on her mind that gave her mixed emotions.

What did that no good father, crazy uncle, and strange brother get themselves into this time.’

Now, just a little heads up my dear readers. I bet your all wondering what's happening and what's the story behind this yes? Liked whose her uncle? Who is her brother or when did they meet? Why does she hate her father? Is the monkey her uncle?!

Well sit back and enjoy yourselves lovelies, because we're gonna go back a little bit to shed you some light on this adventure of ours.

So let's start from the beginning.