• Published 16th Jan 2018
  • 1,737 Views, 17 Comments

My Little Pony: and the Adventures of Indiana Jones - ShagPony

What if Daring Do had a sibling? What if that sibling was Indiana Jones? Well adventure and comedy like hijinks would ensue of course. Drop your sack and grab your hat genius, it's time for an adventure!

  • ...

Chapter 2

In Canterine, there was a two-story white building that sat between neighboring houses, with its little flower beds in the front and small backyard. If one were to walk into this house, they would first enter its small living room. The living room was basically like a square space. In the middle of it was a couch that could fit three full grown ponies, along with a coffee table in front of it that had discarded magazines on its surface.

In front of this couch was an old-style, indoor furnace. And near the furnace was a cushioned resting chair. Resting next to the chair was a small circular table with a box and a glass of whiskey next to it.

Against the light grey walls of the little home were many photos of its two occupants together, along with some showing them with their friends. There was even a table against one of the walls that had a few old looking trinkets on them and next to that, a small bookshelf.

From the entrance to the home, there was a opening to the far wall that led to the kitchen and dining room. Nothing really special about that except that the kitchen was to the right and the dining was off to the left. From the opening to the kitchen going to the right was a hallway. In this hallway we're five doors. One door was a closet, the other a bathroom, the other a master bedroom, and a fourth door that led to the basement. The last door at the end lead to the second floor.

From behind the basement door, muffled hoofsteps started to gradually become more pronounced. The owner of these hooves eventually opened the door and was no other than our dear pony, Yearling Do. Yearling came out of the basement, along with the strange creature in her hooves, who was looking at his new surroundings with curiosity.

A small sigh escaped the mare as she closed the door with an audible click. Ruffling her wings a bit, she looked down at the baby with a small grin as he continued to look around her house.

“Well, now that that's over with. How about we get you something to eat.”

A few moments ago, after Yearling safely brought the baby inside her home, had gone down into her basement that consisted of many maps, books, a large desk full of papers and trinkets, and even some studying equipment for any work brought to her humble abode.

When she had entered the somewhat dusty place, which prompted the baby to sneeze making her giggle, she had gotten her equipment out and began doing tests on the creature. It wasn't anything painful or disgusting, just small snips of his hair, a bit of his saliva, and some measurements like his weight and height.

She also learned that it was a boy. For when she had to take his measurements she had to take off his blanket, revealing him to be in nothing but a white diaper. After taking his weight and height -with some difficulty- she decided to find out what it's sex was. But that resulted in her quickly covering him up with a faint blush.

She also found out that he has no sheath.

She would have taken more tests but decided against it. Mainly because she couldn't do anything much more without either hurting him or doing something bad since she didn't know what he was. Besides, she could get much more information from a hospital after a unicorn scans him.

It was also because his stomach growled making him become a little fussy.

With a dissatisfied sigh, she packed up what little she got and wrapped him back up in his blanket, but left his arms a little open which made him open his mouth in a few coo’s and ah’s. That also gave her the chance to see that he had maybe two or three tiny teeth barely poking out of his gums.

Now she was upstairs with another dilemma. How was she going to feed him?

Judging by how young he looked and for the fact that he hardly had any teeth -or barely growing out for that matter- she would estimate that he couldn't eat solids or even mashed up food just yet. Of course, it was just an assumption but it was the best she got. So only milk would have to do for now.

Adjusting the youngster in her hooves, Yearling made her way into the kitchen to see if she could make something for the hungry creature.

“I guess you're going to make good practice for when my youngster comes along, huh?” Yearling commented while glancing at the baby who made no sign to reply. Not that he could of course.

Making it to her kitchen, Yearling approached the fridge and sat upon her haunches in front of it. Raising a hoof she opened it up….

To reveal no milk. Actually, there wasn't much of anything in her fridge making the mare raise an eyebrow. She stared at her almost empty fridge with confusion until her ears fell and she groaned.

“I forgot that me and Anty need to restock after coming from that business trip three days ago.”

Yearling rubbed her face with a hoof as she glared at the fridge. The only thing that was edible was a few apples, a quarter of orange juice, some yogurt, and a box that probably had some leftover restaurant food.

Sighing in agitation, Yearling looked to the baby again who had its sights on her. Closing the fridge, she raised a hoof and gently pressed it to the child’s up lips. He tried to move his head away but she was persistent, always following it wherever it went.

The baby eventually kept his head still, long enough for her to raise his lip and see the tiny teeth slightly poking out so his gum. She hummed in thought and took her hoof off of his lip. She couldn’t exactly estimate how old he was but if she compared him with a foal, she would say that he’s no more than maybe eight months.

She didn’t know if he was eight months. For all she knew, he could be younger than that or perhaps older depending on how his species aged. She continued to hum in her thoughts, wondering if it would be good to feed him some of that yogurt.

Yearling was brought from her thoughts when the child grabbed her hoof with his hands, which she was going to call them since he closely resembled a monkey, but without the opposable thumbs or tail, and brought it to his mouth to suckling on it.

The mare cringed slightly from the feeling of the baby suckling on her hoof, as if it was a meal for him. She kept that cringe on her face for a few moments until she dropped it to a neutral look and shrugged. To be honest with herself, she’s had worse with the job she has.

Like that one time with the plant in that jungle she went to.

Yearling shivered in disgust. “Yeah, not my plan to get eaten by one of those.”

A small sob brought her from those disturbing thoughts as the baby let go of her hoof and gave another small sob. Yearling cringed as she wiped her hoof on her fur and used both to rock him back and forth.

“Hey, don’t cry now. I’ll find something for you to eat.” Yearling reasurred as she pat the child’s back. It seemed to calm him down, but Yealring didn’t need to have experience in babies to know that he wouldn’t stay like that for long.

I need to decide on what to feed him or I’m gonna be dealing with a very loud and grumpy baby.’ Yearling thought while reopening the fridge and look about its few contents.

I guess I could give him that yogurt, but I don’t know if he could eat that or not. But wait, didn’t Coal say that a neighbor of his fed their six month old foal yogurt?’

Another sob, this one louder than the last reached her ears making them fall against her head.

“Yogurt it is then.”

Hastily, Yearling grabbed a cup of strawberry flavored yogurt and closed the fridge with her wing. With great skill, she balanced the yogurt on her wing and trotted over to the table. Her hooves stopped walking when she realized that she didn’t have a high chair or anything to hold the baby up at the table.

With a grunt, she tossed the yogurt on the table and secured the baby with both hooves. With a quick flap, she gently propelled herself and her passenger into the air and on top of the table.

“Alright little guy, you stay nice and snug on this table while I get you a spoon.” Yearling said as she gently laid the baby on the wooden surface, using a portion of his blanket to cushion his head. The baby however gave a long wail as the mare began to move again, prompting her to go faster.

Getting to one of the drawers, she searched through its contents looking for a decent sized spoon. Another cry from the baby caused her to go faster.

“Hang on, I’m coming.”

Another cry was the only response to her. She gave a exaggerated sigh as she grabbed a spoon that seemed decent to her and a napkin from a different drawer.

Turning around to the table she began her way over to it and climbed on top.

“Geez, picky much?”

She didn’t get a response instead a sniffle from the small creature making her roll her eyes. Sitting on her rump, she position the baby so his back was against her chest and opened the little cup. His tiny hands tried to grab it but she moved it out of his reach.

Getting a small amount on the very tip of the spoon, she brought it near his mouth, causing the little tyke to look at it. She watched the creature expectantly as he stared at the spoon and beamed with a smile when he opened his mouth, allowing her to feed him the yogurt. The baby smacked his lips as he swallowed his meal, looking at her hoof for more.

She smiled a little brighter at this, dipping the spoon in the cup and bringing it to his mouth again.

“For a second there, I was worried you weren’t gonna eat it.”

Her answer was a quiet ‘nom’ from the baby as he took another spoon of the dairy product. Yearling sat on top her table for a few more minutes feeding the baby and occasionally wiping his mouth with the napkin.

Before she could feed him another small portion of yogurt, a knock came to her door making her ears perk up. She swung her head at the opening of her kitchen with her ears jerking to listen for it again. When another knock sounded, Yearling gave a quick, silent ‘oh’ and put the yogurt and spoon to the side.

The child was quick to sound his disapproval at his source of meal being taken away while trying to grab for it. He didn’t get far as his little body was turned around to face the pretty mare who picked him up and patted his back in a comforting manner.

“Don’t worry little guy, I’ll give you more food after I see who's at the door.” Yearling said to keep the baby from crying. He still tried to reach for the cup but didn’t make any move to cry about it which was alright to Yearling.

Adjusting the youngster, she flapped her wings to gently bring herself from the table down to the ground. When her hooves hit the kitchen tile, she began her trek to the door that gave another knock, only louder this time.

As she came to the door, she adjusted the baby so that whoever was behind it wouldn’t see him and reached for the knob with her unoccupied hoof. Before her appendage could wave touch the knob, a shrill voice came from behind the door.

“Oh Dooooo, you couldn’t hide the good news from us for long. So you certainly won’t be hiding from us now~”

Yearling’s eyes widened considerably as she stared at the door with horror. She shook her head as she eyed the entrance with panic.

This is the worst time for them to come! If they see him they’ll spread the news about it like wildfire. The last thing I need is ponies giving him attention that is unnecessary or worse, having ponies come to take him to a zoo or for scientific study!’ Yearling exclaimed in her thoughts.

Her ears fell slightly as another voice, this one smooth but just as excited as the other, came from behind her ‘barricade’ of an entrance.

“Come on Yearling, we know about the results at the hospital. Come on out so we can celebrate with you!”

The mare used her wings to shield the baby -who gave a small coo at the attention- as if somepony was going to attack it. Her panic-filled eyes looked to and fro around the house, trying to find a way out.

Her plans on escaping were demolished as another voice reached her pinned ears, this one a little deeper than the other two, and had a bit of a posh accent to it. This voice was also followed by rampant knocking on the her door.

“Yearling! Yearling dear, if you don’t come out of this door in the next five seconds, we’re gonna come in there after you! And you won’t like it!”

Now the pegasus was really freaking out as she looked for a way to hide the baby encased in her wings, as he giggled lightly at her expression. Another knock sounded behind the door, causing her to give a sigh and look at the cushion chair near the fireplace.

With great elegance, she flew to the chair and sat the baby on it and positioned him in a way he wouldn’t fall off, nor be uncomfortable. She quickly went to the couch to grab a blanket and went over to the baby and unfolded. Looking away from the blanket in her hooves, she smiled gently at the baby who stared back at her.

“Now I’m gonna cover you up real quick so the triplets don’t see you. Don’t make any noise because I don’t want them finding you right now-”

Before the mare could continue, her ears perked up at the sound of the shrill voice counting the number five. Her eyes widened as she leaned in close to the baby who giggle.

“Now don’t make a sound and stay still okay?” She didn’t get a response but she would just have to wing it for now. Gently putting the blanket on the child, she turned the chair away from the door.

The posh voice drawled out the number two. Yearling gave one last look at the covered baby and quickly flew to the door. Fixing her messy mane, she quickly opened the door to reveal three mares behind it, each in a pouncing position with two of them having their wings outstretched and the other having her horn lit.

Yearling chuckled as she gave an awkward smile and rubbed her neck with a hoof. “Uh, hey girls, sorry I couldn’t come to the door. I was-”

The poor mare didn’t get to finish as a light brown aura covered her body, making her give a light ‘eep’. Said aura picked her up and quickly brought her into the bone crushing hooves of three mares who squealed excitedly.


“Yeah that’s...ooh….nice,” Yearling wheezed from the crushing hooves of her friends, “girls...I...can’t breathe.”

A chorus of ‘oops’ and ‘sorries’ reached her ears as the crushing appendages let her go. Yearling gave a big breath of air that was squeezed from her lungs as she tried to get her bearings back in order.

She wasn’t given the time to do so, as a pair of hooves grabbed her cheeks and directed her head to a very excited pair of chocolate brown eyes. Said eyes blinked as the owner of them giggled.


Yearling blinked as the mare directly in front of her face, squished her cheeks together. “Yesh?”

Chocolate eyes giggle again as she brought Yearling closer and spoke in a quiet but excited shrill voice. “Your pregnant.”

“I know dat Coca, I was at da hospiwal afder aw,” Yearling said through her squished cheeks, “now coud you pwease wed go of me.”

The mare known as Coca giggled again as she let go of her friend and backed up to stand beside the other two mares. The mare to Coca’s right was her sister, Cocolatte Caramel, who was a pegasus. Coco, had chocolate brown fur with a curly caramel mane and tail, along with a Cutie Mark of a delicious looking caramel latte. Her mane and tail also had one streak of dark red which could be seen amongst the curls of her mane. Her eyes were also that of a caramel color.

Coca, or Cocala Shake, was also a pegasus. Coca was basically the opposite of her sister, with caramel fur and a chocolate colored mane and tail. Her Cutie Mark was a chocolate milkshake with whipped cream and a cherry on it. Her mane and tail looked like it had been styled by a strong breeze going to the left and amongst that messy mane and tail, one would be able to see a dark purple streak going through it. Her eyes were obviously chocolate brown.

To Coca’s left was the oldest sister of the three. Her name was Delilah Azure and she was the complete opposite of the other two sisters. The other two had gotten most of their traits from their dad while Azure had gotten most of hers from her mother, making her a unicorn instead of a pegasus.

Her fur was a royal blue and her neatly styled mane and tail were a shade of azure. In her mane, were two streaks of both a lighter red and purple. Although most of her traits were that of her mother, she still had some from her father, that being her light brown eyes and brown magic. On her rump was a Cutie Mark of a piece of paper and a quill with ink on its tip.

Yearling looked amongst the three ponies who each had a level of excitement on them. Clearing her throat, she gestured to the three.

“So, who told you the news.”

“Coal did, and it was kinda hard to not notice your level of excitement when you were shouting it all over the place.” Coco replied in her smooth voice.

Azure nodded as she gave Yearling a knowing look. “And I don’t think we need to remind you about the only time you were that excited.” She commented in a slight posh accent.

Yearling quickly averted her eyes from the smirking trio as her cheeks became a light shade of pink. “That was because it was my first time okay, and I was a little drunk.”

“A little is putting it lightly Yearly.” Coca said with a giggle.

Yearling pouted at her friend which cause her to laugh a little bit. Her ears fell as she grumbled a bit, but perked up when she heard noises from inside her home, coming from a particular guest of hers. Yearling gave a fake smile to her friends who came down from their laughing fit.

“Well it was nice seeing you girls and having you get the news but I need to get ready for you know who and tell him the news.”

Yearling slowly inched her way back into her house but was stopped as Coca got in front of her face again.

“Well we could at least help you spruce up a bit, because to be honest, you're not looking your best right now.” She said with a gesture to Yearling’s mane.

Azure nodded as she used her magic to fix a crazy strand back in place. “I would have to agree with my sister, you could use some help in getting yourself ready for your husband.”

Coco nodded as she looked behind the mare’s shoulder to see around your house. “And your place could use a little decoration, nothing that we can’t handle for you Yearling.”

Coco flapped her wings to get started on the house but was stopped by Yearling suddenly unfurling her wings.

“No!” Yearling shouted causing the trio to reel back from her outburst. She was quick to clear her throat as she shot her wings back to her sides with a blush of embarrassment.

“No, it’s perfectly fine. I can handle sprucing up the place by myself, so you-”

The mare was cut off again as a light brown aura shut her lips together. Her eyes worriedly looked to Azure who gave her a calm gaze.

“Not to be rude Yearly, but last time you tried sprucing yourself up, you had your hair in so many knots and tangles that even I didn’t know how to fix it.”

Yearling’s cheeks puffed out as her nose scrunched up in a pout. “That’s because it was my wedding day and I was nervous as Tartarus. This day is different okay, I promise I’ll be fine.”

Coca groaned loudly, gaining Yearlings attention. “Come on Yearly, were your friends! Just let us help-”

Coca suddenly stopped as her years seemed to swivel around, trying to pick up a sound if her confusing gaze had anything to go by. Yearling looked at her friend confusingly until her years picked up a sound behind her, making Coca and her ears swivel towards it at the same time.

“You okay Coca?” Coco asked as she stared at her sister with confusion.

“Yeah, just thought I heard some-” Coca’s perked up, facing Yearlings house, or more specifically, the area that the baby was in.

Yearling began to sweat as she could here the baby making slight noises. She prayed to any deity or goddess above that he didn’t start crying.


Yearling froze as her eyes shrunk a bit. Her gaze slowly went to Azure who looked at her with great concern and worry.

“Yearling are you okay? You seem to be sweating a bit.”

Yearling swallowed a bit as she nodded. “Yeah, I’m perfectly fine, it’s just hot out here.”

Azure raised an eyebrow as she gave her friend a little bit of confusion. “Hot, it’s not even seventy-degrees outside.”

The mare’s wings ruffled a bit as she flicked her ears behind her, trying to keep tabs on the baby. “Yeah, well you know how I am in certain weathers. One moment it’s-”

She paused as her eyes caught the movement of Coco’s ears. Her eyes narrowed as her ears seemed to be searching for something behind Yearling. She gulped nervously as she looked beyond her front door.

“Yearly, do you have anything in your house?”

The nervous mare’s wings ruffled up as she glanced left and right. “Um...no, not that I know of. Why?”

Coco tried to look more behind Yearling but was stopped by her stepping in the way. “Because I keep hearing noises coming from in your living room.”

Coca looked to her sister with realization. “Your hearing that too?! I thought it was just me.”

“What are you two talking about? I don’t hear anything.” Azure pitched in as she swiveled her ears around the front door making Yearling shake in nervousness.

“Just listen, I can faintly hear something from the living room.” Coco said as her ears seemed to perk at one particular spot like Coca.

Azure stepped towards the door, causing Yearling to step back, as her ears went to and fro. They perked up as well when they stopped at a specific place as well.

“Yearling, what’s in you-”

Azure didn’t finish her sentence as Yearling roughly pushed her and her sister’s back and began closing the door, looking nervous as ever.

“Well it was nice talking to you girls but I need to go and get ready for Anty, so I’ll see you later!” Yearling said a little to quickly. Her friends tried to step in but she wasn’t having any of it as she started to close the door a little quicker.

“But Yearly, don’t you hear-”

Yearling was quick to cut Coco off. “Nope! Don’t hear a thing! Must be that old fire place that we have.”

“But Yearly-”

Yearling yet again cut off the three as the door was a quarter of the way closed. “Sorrycanttalkgottagobye!”

Yearling quickly slammed the door shut and gave a shaky breath. Putting a hoof to her chest, she breathed slowly to stop her frantic heartbeat as her wings ruffled again.

Her breath hitched in her throat as another sound came from the child, causing her to give a tired groan. She rubbed a hoof on her face as she tried to get her nerves back together.

“It’s okay, it’s gonna be okay, nothing wrong has happened with the baby yet.”

She gave a sigh as she closed her eyes and turned around to pick the baby up but was stopped by something touching her nose. Yearling’s eyes widened as she looked to see glaring brown eyes at her.

“Your not getting away that easily my friend.” Azure said as her horn lit up, causing the pegasus to gulp. She was about to give a reply but was stopped by Azure’s magic opening her door and allowing her two pegasus sisters to tackle Yearling to the floor.

The mare frantically tried to fight back but was quickly pinned by her back and wings. She heard the door close as Azure stepped in front of her vision and leaned down towards her ear.

“What are you hiding darling?”

Yearling’s ear twitched from Azure’s warm breath on it. She turned her head so she was looking at the three mares looking down on her. Resting her cheek on the floor, Yearling gave a deep breath.

“I’m hiding nothing.”

It was plain as day that neither of them believed her. Her heart stopped when all of their ears swiveled towards the baby.

“I believe those sounds would beg to differ.”

Yearling helplessly watched as her friend began walking towards the chair that was slightly turned away from them. She tried to get up, but the hooves on her back and wings made it difficult. One hoof in particular was pressing down in a uncomfortable way.

“Ow, my wing Coco.”

The hoof immediately adjusted itself as Coco looked at her sheepishly.


Yearling ignored her apology as the sound of hooves stopped. She turned her gaze to Azure who was looking at the chair or more of the thing on it with confusion. She saw her mumble to herself as her magic grabbed the blanket. What was once confusion, quickly became shock as she dropped the blanket and reeled back with her ears pinned.


Her surprised shout was followed by silence and then quickly by a choked sob coming from the chair. The other two sisters looked at the couch with wide eyes as the sound of crying reached their ears. However, Yearlings ears perked up at the familiar sound as her eyes became pin pricks.

With great strength that startled the two sisters, Yearling threw them off and quickly flew to the couch. She stepped in front of it with her wings out in a intimidating manner and her eyes glaring at Azure who flinched at the gaze.

When she was sure she wouldn’t try anything, Yearling turned around and softened her gaze at the teary eyed baby that was reaching for her.

“Shhh...it’s okay baby, no one will hurt you.” The mare cooed as she picked the baby up. She was quick to cradle him in her hooves and rock him back and forth as he sniffled quietly. She continued to do this until a noise drew her attention to Azure.

The blue mare stopped in her tracks as she stared worriedly at Yearling who only gave a neutral expression. Azure swallowed before she spoke.

“Yearling, what...is that?”

The protective mare stared at her friend who made no move to get closer. She also eyed the other two who became beside her, giving shocked looks at the creature in her hooves.

Yearling blinked as she looked back at the creature who ceased his crying. “I...um...I don’t really know.”

Yearling saw movement in the corner of her eye and looked to find Coco slowly approaching while keeping her gaze on the baby, as if it would spring up and attack.

“It’s not, dangerous is it?” She asked as she flinched when the infant’s eyes met hers.

Yearling chuckled at her demeanor and fully turned to the triplets who eyed the infant with weariness and curiosity.

“I wouldn’t think he is since he’s so young.”

All three mares quirked an eyebrow as they stared at there friend who shrunk at there gaze in slight embarrassment.

“He? How do you know it’s a he?” Azure asked.

Yearling was about to answer until Coca suddenly filled her vision with the biggest smile on her face.

“D’awwwww! Look at how cute he is with his little button nose!” The mare squealed as she eyed the baby. Said baby gave a small coo at the mare in front of it which she responded with another d’aww.

“Well hello there cutie- oh!”

Coca flinched in surprise as the baby put one of his tiny hands on her snout and began feeling her fur. Coca gave a small ‘squee’ at the attention given to her by the small thing.

“He’s so adorable! How old is he?” Coca said with genuine curiosity.

Yearling blinked a little bit at Coca’s sudden interest in the small baby as her mouth hung agape, trying to form words.

“Uh...he’s….um….I don’t really know how old he is. My best guess is that he’s no more than eight months.” Yearling answered as Coca started speaking to the infant with baby words.

The mare stopped her baby blabber as she eyed her friend with a narrowed gaze. “You mean to tell me that you brought this cutie into your house and don’t know what or even how old he is?”

Yearling avoided her gaze as she used her free hoof to rub her neck. “I may be an archeologist Coca, but I have never seen something like him in my life.”

Azure came up from behind the caramel pegasus and eyed the infant in Yearlings hooves. “Where did you find him?”

“In that one dead-end alleyway across the street.” Yearling answered without thinking. She regretted her answer as all three mares gasped and they gathered around the infant with sympathy in their eyes.

“Poor thing was left in that alleyway all alone!” Coco exclaimed as she gently nuzzled the babies head, making him giggle.

“If I ever find the...um...whatever he is that left him there, I’ll buck them into next week!” Coca said with determination and unfurled wings.

Azure didn’t make a comment on the baby being left by its lonesome in the dirty alleyway, but was instead studying the baby over. Using her magic, she gently move the infant upper lip and looked at the few teeth barely poking past his gum and hummed.

“Has he eaten anything?” She asked Yearling as she hovered a hoof in front of the infant, allowing him to grab onto it.

Yealing used her hoof to scratch her head as she thought. “Not really, I was feeding him some yogurt but was cut short when you three came to my door.”

That comment caused them to freeze in their affection for the baby as they stared at their friend. Yearling grew a face of worry as she shined away from there stares with pinned ears.


“Why didn’t you tell us about him when we came?” Coco asked with a raised eyebrow and critical gaze.

“Yeah, I mean, I know he’s a little weird but that’s no reason to keep the cutie away from us.” Coca pitched in.

The light brown mare averted her gaze as she pawed at the tuft of fur on her chest. “Well I mainly did it for his benefit,” at their confused stairs she continued, “face it girls, your all the main line of spreading gossip and news. If I told you about him or even showed you, you three would spread it like wildfire. And I don’t think that someone such as him needs the kind of attention that it would bring him.”

Coca reeled back in offense with a hoof to her chest. “We certainly would not do that. What made you get that kind of idea!”

Yearling deadpanned as she stared at the pegasus. “I don’t know, maybe that one time when you girls thought Coal was dating that one mare, when really it was just his cousin visiting.”

All three mares blushed in embarrassment as they averted their gaze from their friend.

“Okay, touché.”

Azure shook off her blush as she pointed at the infant. “S-so, um...what kind of yogurt did you feed him?”

“Strawberry.” Yearling answered as she looked down at the infant.

Azure shook her head as she made her way to the kitchen. “I didn’t mean what kind, I meant what type, like whole milk yogurt or something like that.”

“Oh, uh...does it really matter?” Yearling asked while watching her friend walk to her kitchen.

Azure shook her head as she made it to the open doorway and used her magic to levitate the yogurt in front of her face. “If he’s anything like a foal, then no it shouldn’t matter. But if it’s yogurt your feeding him then he’s gonna need the whole milk type to have proper growth.”

“Oh, well I don’t think I have anything like that.” The mare said as she looked at Coca to see her with outstretched hooves.

“Can I hold the little guy.” She asked with puppy dog eyes and a come hither gesture.

Yearling eyed her and then the baby before sighing and gently handing him to the smiling mare. “Just don’t drop him okay.”

Coca rolled her eyes as she adjusted the cooing infant in her grasp. “I’ve handled babies before Yearly, I’ll be gently.”

The mare nodded as she went to go join Azure in the kitchen. When she stepped through the opening, she became confused at her friend when she saw her staring into her fridge. Yearling was going to ask her what was wrong before she flinched from her fridge being slammed shut and Azure glaring at her.

“Why don’t you have anything in your fridge!”

The archeologist flinched from her volume but gained back her confidence and stood against her glaring friend. “You know exactly why I don’t have anything in my fridge. It was because me and Anty went on that business trip.”

Azure averted her gaze as she thought about the response given to her. Her gaze then softened to a sheepish look.

“Oh, I forgot you went on that. But you could have at least gotten something from the market, it was only three days ago.”

“I know,” Yearling nodded as she grabbed the yogurt in her hoof, “But I didn’t think I was gonna be bringing a baby into my house.”

The blue unicorn nodded as she activated her magic and took the yogurt from Yearling. “I guess so, but we won’t be feeding him any of that. I may not know what he is but I can tell that he’s incredibly young so we’re gonna be feeding him something more beneficial.”

Yearling raised an eyebrow as she watched the blue mare put the yogurt in her fridge and walk out of the kitchen.

“And what exactly would that be?”

Her response was a wide smirk from the royal blue mare that made Yearling shiver uncomfortably. Her nerves skyrocketed when Azure giggled.

“Oh don’t worry Yearly, you will know when we start.”

The mare gulped as she looked left and right nervously. She was about to voice her thoughts until she saw the other two mares getting their faces a little too close to the baby.

“Um girls, you might not want to do that. He’s a little bit-“

“OW! He’s got my mane! Coco, he’s got my mane!” Coca squealed as the infant tugged on strands of her mane.

“Well maybe if you didn’t get so close, then he wouldn’t- OW! He’s got mine now!” Coco shouted as she kept hold of the giggling infant.

Azure and Yearling stared at the two mares, bickering with each other while trying to get the infants grabby hands out of their hair but with no success.

“We should probably hep them.” Azure said with a sigh.

Yearling nodded, momentarily forgetting about her friends plan. “Yeah.”

“I should have ran when I had the chance.” A cherry faced Yearling pouted as she held the infant in her hooves.

Azure rolled her eyes at her whining friend as she picked up the blanket from the resting chair and levitated it over to her. Using her magic, she straightened it out and laid it across Yearling’s body, who was squirming in place.

“Seriously, can’t we just do something else or at least have one of you girls get something from the market?” The mare pleaded.

Azure shook her head as she grabbed a pillow for Yearling to use and sat it next to her head. “Oh quit whining darling, it’s not going to be that bad.”

“Easy for you to say,” the archeologist retorted, “your not the one whose about to breastfeed an infant.”

Azure rolled her eyes again as she levitated the baby away from the tomato faced Yearling and gently sat him next to The brown mare’s teats .

She squirmed a little more as she watched Azure position the baby so he could feed and lay down comfortably next to her mounds. Her face was now as red as a tomato as she tried to think about other things to distract her from the amount of embarrassment she was having.

She didn’t know what she was getting into when she and Azure had gotten the little tyke off of Coco and Coca’s manes. It wasn’t until Azure had explained what they would be doing to feed the infant, and by they, they meant her. Her face had taken a red hue as she tried to talk her way out of it, but the three sisters weren’t having any of it.

Her fate was sealed when Azure used magic to inflate her two mounds full of milk and levitated her onto the couch so she was comfortable.

And here she was, waiting to breastfeed a child that was completely alien to this world.

“Why do you even have that spell anyway?” She asked as her friend put the blanket over the baby.

Azure shrugged as she stepped back a little to admire her work. “It was by accident really. As you know, Coco has taken some foal sitting jobs around the town and sometimes has done them at home. One of them was from a good friend of ours who needed us to watch her young colt.

“For some reason or other, Coco had lost the foal’s packages of milk for him to feed on. So I studied the spell and had her breastfeed him.”

Yearling listened to her friend’s tale with rapt attention. When Azure finished, she looked to Coco who only nodded in confirmation.

“It’s true. It was weird at first but I eventually got used to it.”

Yearling sighed in defeat as she positioned the pillow given to her and laid her head upon it. ‘Can’t believe I’m doing this. At least the baby will be fed.’

It was only a few minutes that had past but to Yearling, it seemed like forever. She raised her head to see the signs of the infant squirming under the blanket, but made no move to suckle on her mounds.

“Um, should he be doing something or do I have to help him?” She hesitantly asked to the three mares.

Coca came to Yearling’s side as she looked at the mound under the blanket. With a questioning glance, she used a hoof to lift it up to reveal the infant who only giggled at the mare.

“Azure,” Coca said as she looked at the baby questionably, “shouldn’t he be suckling on her teats by now?”

The mare in question came over and looked at the infant as well. She raised an eyebrow while rubbing her chin with a hoof as the infant sucked on his thumb.

“Yeah, he should be. Foals at eight months should be able to lift their heads to at least drink their mother's milk.”

Yearling thought for a moment about the predicament that she and her friends found themselves in. As she began to think, she failed to see Azure using her magic to lift the baby’s head towards her swollen mounds.

“What if we- OH! Oh! Ooooooh~”

As Yearling was about to voice her thoughts on why the infant wasn’t feeding until she was interrupted by the baby hungrily latching onto one of her teats and suckling the milk out of them. She gave a small groan as her face was blushing fully now.

“Wow, he’s really going at it, isn’t he.”

The mares eyes widened in alarm from seeing Coca still looking at the infant as he suckled on her mounds.

“Coca! Don’t just stand there and stare!”

Coca jumped with a small eep and immediately put the blanket back down as she gave a sheepish smile to the glaring mare.

“Sorry, I’ll just leave you to him.” She said while backing up.

Yearling nodded with a glare, which didn’t give much with the blush still on her face. “Please do.”

The three mares back away to save their friend any more embarrassment and went around to occupy themselves. Azure used her magic to grab a book from the bookshelf while Coco took the resting chair to get a nap on. Coca took to looking through the many pictures on the wall and observing the old trinkets on the desk.

Yearling meanwhile got herself comfortable while the infant fed. She winced as he gave a strong suck on her teat and squeezed it a little causing her to feel what little teeth he had.

Resting her head on the pillow, she sighed while adjusting her body once more and settling down on the couch. With her eyes closed, she could hear the suckling of the infant along with the small snores coming from Coco, the flipping pages from Azure, and Coca walking around.

As the minutes drag by, Yearling began to feel her body relax into slumber. Before she could fully go into dreamland, the sudden stop of Coca’s hooves made her flick her ear.

“Say Yearly, when is Anty coming here?”

Time seemed to take a pause for a moment as Yearling ran those words through her head. Her eyes shot wide open in a heart beat. Her head slowly came up as she looked at Coca with a scared expression.

“Oh no, I completely forgot about that.” Yearling hissed with panic.

Coca turned away from a picture of the couple and stared at Yearling’s scared expression with confusion. “Why do you say that like it’s a bad thing?”

Yearling didn’t answer as she worked her mouth back and forth. Taking a quick glance at the infant, she quickly brought her attention to Azure who stared at her just as confused.

“Azure what time-“

The sound of a door opening and closing cut the pegasus off completely. With an audible gulp she slowly turned to the door to find a stallion standing in front of it with a case in his mouth. Her ears fell as she immediately recognized the male that came through her door.

“Yearling, I’m home.” The stallion announced right after he discarded the brown leather case. His name was Anty Novel, or Anty for short, and he was an earth pony. His fur was a very light shade of grey with his mane and tail being black and dark grey. A distinct feature of him was the black stubble on his face and a tweed walking hat he wore atop his head, which he discarded right next to the leather case. On the stallion’s rump was a Cutie Mark of a golden totem standing in front of a book.

Anty’s tired Golden eyes scanned the living room until they fell upon the four mares occupying it. His eyes widened in in slight surprise in seeing the triplets occupying his home but lit when they fell upon Yearling, who looked at him with wide alarming eyes, which he either ignored or didn’t think much on it.

Said eyes became wider with panic as he happily trotted to his wife until he was in front of her. She nervously looked to and fro as his oblivious smile still graced his face.

“You just taking a nap there hon?” He asked, still oblivious to what was going on as he looked at her deserved mane.

Yearling put on a fake smile as she laughed awkwardly, causing him to quirk an eyebrow at not only her smile but the slight blush he just noticed.

“Uh, yeah, just getting a few naps in after a busy day.”

Yearling began to sweat profusely as Anty looked suspiciously at her. He dropped it though with a shrug and a slight smile.

“Well, I won’t keep you from having your beauty sleep and possible girl talk. It was nice seeing you though hon.”

“You to Anty.” Yearling replied as her husband came in for a quick smooch. She was going to meet him halfway until a small hum came from the blanket.

She began to get nervous again as Anty stopp with open eyes. His expression became confused as his ears swiveled around to find the sound. Movement from under the blanket grabbed his attention as he looked at the blanket.

When something moved under it, he raised an eyebrow in confusion. He was about to voice his thoughts until the sound of suckling reach his ears.

He donned a very confused face as he looked at the small lump with shock. Anty slowly turned his gaze to his wife who only smiled with an awkward chuckle.

“I...uh…..I can explain.”

Author's Note:

Now I know what your thinking, that is if your actually thinking it, isn’t Yearling supposed to be cocky and bad ass like I said last chapter? Well don’t you worry about that, that will come into play later.

As for Anty which will be playing the father of this story, his personality will be a bit different then Henry Walton Jones Sr. His name is also a combination of Antiqaurian and Novelist because Henry Walton was an author and did artifacty things I guess.

Comments ( 9 )

Hmm... Paying green to get something green... How ironic... Heh, sure, why not. Also, do you happen to have the limited edition Daring Do hat? I need it to complete my Explorer costume.

*Glances at the chair for a moment*

...Does it have a cupholder?

Ah, you can have the hat my good man and even better, you can have it for free. Don’t worry I have about two more of them.

As for the chair....no, we’re still trying to find room for the cup holders. But even though it doesn’t have a cup holder.....

*sits in chair and leans it all the way back at a perfect straight angle*


*Raises eyebrow from under the brim of my new swanky hat*

Hmm... Eh, not today. Maybe some other time. So, the totem costed how much?

Done. I'll take it.

*Hands over the wad of money(With a one dollar tip) then walks out with the shiny green totem*

Would it be too nerdy to quote Han Solo?

My stories will be primed with old quotes, jokes, and memes.....SO FIRE AWAY!

Okay then... In reference to my previous comment, 'I have a BAAAAD feeling about this.'

I just started reading the story and so far I am interested.

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