• Published 16th Jan 2018
  • 1,738 Views, 17 Comments

My Little Pony: and the Adventures of Indiana Jones - ShagPony

What if Daring Do had a sibling? What if that sibling was Indiana Jones? Well adventure and comedy like hijinks would ensue of course. Drop your sack and grab your hat genius, it's time for an adventure!

  • ...

Chapter 1

In the bustling town of Canterine, ponies were traversing here and there with an occasion of a griffon, mule, or minotaur doing their business in shopping or a simple chat. It was such a peaceful and beautiful day in this quite large town. Citizens were even enjoying the wonderful park with its many trees and beautiful sites while the children enjoyed its fallen logs and sudden drops like it was an adventure park for their imaginative minds.

But our story does not start here. No, it starts at a very particular building near the bustling markets that sold food and many trinkets. It was just your ordinary red colored brick building that was a good 6 stories tall with a brown intersecting roof and a red plus sign on the front of it. The sun shined down upon this building in its peaceful glory as its patients and workers bustled about it thinking to themselves that it was a good day. And a good day it was indeed.

Truly peaceful and beautiful. Not a single noise could disrupt the chatting amongst friends and birds chirping in the trees.


Until the doors were burst open, almost to the point where they could come off their hinges, revealing a pegasus mare with light brown fur and a yellow, almost golden colored mane and tail with a Cutie Mark of what looked like an old relic with a magnifying glass studying it. Her mane was tied in a neat bun with one strand going down on the right of her face while her tail was combed straight, but for how she is right now, that's not really the case anymore for her very excited light purple eyes, almost the color pink, scanned over the buildings and some nearby ponies and other creatures who stared at the mare with confusion.

Said mare began to prance in place as her smile dared to split her head in half as the only thing she felt was utter joy.

“I'm pregnant! EEEEEE!” The mare squealed as she took off down the streets of the bustling market shouting with joy the entire way. Most of the passerbyers stopped to look at the crazy mare doing loops and twists while shouting like a maniac while others simply shook their head with a smile, clearly amused by the antics of the mare they knew as a friend.

As the mysterious mare did another loop, her eyes caught a watermelon stand with a light green earth pony stallion who had a shaggy dark green mane and tail along with a Cutie Mark of planting seeds.

With what sounded like a sadistic giggle, the mare did a nose dived down towards the stallion shouting with glee the entire way. Said stallion’s ears perked up at the sound of shouting and directed his light blue eyes towards the sound only for his eyes to widen when he saw the mare coming at full speed towards him.

He didn't get enough time to give a shout of shock as the mare crashed into the stand startling other occupants around it, including a timid looking mare who was coming along to get a nice melon. Some rummaging was heard as the mare popped out with the stallion grasped tightly in her hooves by the barrel. Said stallion, who had half of a melon over his head made no move to stop the mare, not that she cared of course.

“Yearling,” greeted the stallion who couldn't exactly see due to the melon on his head, “do tell me on what the occasion is.”

The mare giggled happily as her smile seemed to get brighter. “I'm pregnant!”

The melon head would have frowned at his friend for destroying his cart but couldn't and instead gave a small smirk. “Well it's about damn time you got a little youngster!”

Squealing with joy the mare known as Yearling dropped the stallion and shot into the air with a single flap. “I know right! I feel so alive!” Was what the stallion heard as she flew away.

Said stallion continued to smirk as he still sat in his seventh destroyed cart with all his melons gone and one still on his head. The mare who came by to buy one stared at the flying mare and back at the stallion before clearing her throat and speaking in a quiet voice.

“Um...is this a bad time sir?”

The mare only got silence as the stallion made no sign to move or speak. The mare glanced left and right until she raised a hoof to leave. Her actions were stopped when the earth pony slowly turned his head towards her and opened his mouth.

“I'm thinking about moving to a different city.”

Poor chap. Guy just wants to sell some juicy melons…...welp! Nothing to do about it now, so let's get back to our mare of the story.

And our leading mare at the moment continued to fly in happiness until she caught the site of a barber shop with an old looking stallion sweeping outside of it. Why did they do that anyway?

Well it doesn't matter as she did another nose dive right towards the old bugger with her hooves outstretched. When she got close she a gave a scream of surprise as the stallion moved out of the way, causing the hyper mare to miss and tumble a few ways down the sidewalk with bumps and crashes.

The old timer whistled a merry tune as he continued sweeping on a sidewalk that was continuously walked on and served no purpose to his job for a few moments until he heard rapid hooves approaching him. He stopped sweeping and turned around to see the mare looking at him with big sparkling eyes and a wide smile.

The unicorn stallion before her was probably in his late fifties. He had dark fur that was like charcoal with a light, short mane and tail and a Cutie Mark that had scissors cutting a mane on his rump. His eyes were a deep dark brown color as they looked at the mare with amusement.

He smirked. “Let me guess,” he said with a gruff voice, “the results came in positive.”

His only response was a tight hug from the mare which made him chuckle as she hopped in place.

“Geez. To think that under all this excitement you got going on, your nothing but a cocky, hard ass mare.”

He was earned another squeeze before Yearling ended the embrace and then lightly punched him in the shoulder which he chuckled at again.

“I still am a hard ass and cocky mare Coal, it's just that today is not a day for such buckery!”

Coal chuckled as he walked over to his shop and put the broom next to the door. “I would think so since you and your husband have tried so hard to get there. I reckon your gonna tell the guy aren't ya?”

Yearling nodded with a stomp of her hoof. “You're damn right I will!”

Without looking at the mare, Coal waved a hoof at his friend while opening the door to his shop. “Don't let me stop you then, cause you only got twenty minutes to beat him there.”

Yearling’s eyes suddenly shot open. Quickly opening her wings she took off down the street towards her house while kicking up dust around the shop.

Having felt a huge gust of wind from her take off, Coal looked at the area he just swept and saw all the dust on it. He raised an eyebrow as he rubbed his chin with a hoof thinking real deeply.

“Why the hell do I brother to sweep this?”

Anyway, back to Yearling who was rocketing down the streets creating a golden trail behind her as she weaved through the streets with great precision. Her hasty flight was brought to an abrupt stop as she came to a large alleyway that led to the street where her house was.

Yearling looked at the alley for a moment and then back at the way she was going while flapping her wings to keep her aloft. Bringing a hoof to her chin she began to weigh her options through the predicament she was in.

If I go down the rest of the block, I'll probably stop by the many houses my friends are at and quickly tell them the news which will probably only give me at least seven to ten minutes to get ready for my husband.’

Yearling scratched her chin as she looked down the many house that she would have to stop at to tell the good news before directing her gaze down the pathway.

But if I go down here, I can stop at the triplets house and tell them the news and I know for a fact that they will spread it to everyone, leaving me enough time to get ready to tell him I'm carrying.’

Looking back and forth a few more times, Yearling shrugged her shoulders and flew down the alleyway.

“I've always been a sucker for short cuts anyway.” The mare said to herself as she continued to fly through the passage of brick walls.

As she continued to fly, she came up to a turn that created an intersection of sorts on the path she was taking. This turn was no use to her as it lead down to a dead end where there was mostly trash. But for this story, there was something else occupying down the path.

Yearling was nearly about to pass the sudden turn when a sound reached her, making her ears swivel. Slowing down her flight a bit she turned her head towards the dead end and listened for the sound. When she heard nothing she shrugged her shoulders and angled her wings to continue forward.

However, the sound reached her ears for a second time, causing her to stop once more.

Raising an eyebrow, Yearling slowly descended to the ground. When her hooves touched stone she slowly inched her way towards the intersection of the back street and swiveled her ears for the sound again. Waiting a few moments while carefully searching the path with her eyes, the mare’s eyebrow raised higher when nothing happened.

“Huh, I could have sworn that I-”

Her words were caught in her throat when her ears perked up and actually picked up a faint sound from the slightly dark path. It was definitely coming from something in the alleyway, but what it was she couldn't tell.

Narrowing her eyes a bit, the pegasus snorted and slowly crept through the dead end with tense muscles and slightly flared wings. Gone was the excitement and joyful mare and in its place was a hard ass mare that was readying herself for a fight. Her head looked left and right as she chose her steps carefully, going deeper into the other alley. Her ears were constantly swiveling as she listened for any sound that came to her while her nose took in a few sniffs to give her an idea on what was down here.

When she was a good ten feet away from the wall that was the dead end, she made one last check to see if she could find that noise but only got sounds of the chatting ponies and other creatures from outside, the sight of trash, and the smell of it all as well. But to be honest she's smelt worse.

Shaking her head, she turned around to walk away with her ears down and mumbling under her breath that she wasted precious time to get to the house ready for her special pony.

“Was probably just a damn rat or something.”

That guess was completely demolished when the sound happened again but was much more clear this time. She froze like a deer caught in headlights as her ears perked up high as they could for she knew damn well what the sound was.

It was the sound of a young child. A very young child.

Quickly turning around, the mare swiveled her ears to and fro trying to find out where it came from. She didn't have to do it for long as the noise made her ears go to the right of her. Glancing that way, she saw a few cardboard boxes that were stacked on top of each other. Some were full of discarded trash and others were empty.

Quickly trotting over to the boxes, she began to move them with ease not caring if any of them tipped over, spilling trash on the ground. The sound that she heard once before came to her ears again, but more clear this time and was most definitely the sound of a young child which doubled her efforts. When the last box was removed, she caught the site of a small rectangular shaped box that had a blue blanket over it.

And something inside of it was moving.

Shaking her head in disgust, Yearling marched her way over to the box ready to see what kind of child it was.

“What kind of bucking sicko just leaves a child at the end of an alleyway.” Yearling mumbled angrily as the noises from the small box seemed to stop as if it sensed her presence.

The mare wasn’t even fazed as she thought it was some abandoned minotaur or griffin or even a pony. Not wanting to waste anymore time, she grabbed the blanket with her teeth and began to take it off the box.

It annoys me to no end that somepony would actually do this to a….a…...child…..

The angry mare’s thoughts came to a sudden and forceful halt as what lied before her was something that she definitely wasn’t expecting. It was something….strange. Completely bizarre, even to somepony such as her and her occupation was an archeologist!

Yet here she was, frozen in place with the blanket still in her mouth like an idiot while the, baby, stared right back at her with curious brown eyes. It had no fur whatsoever on its body as it was completely showing pale skin with a bit of baby fat on its chest and arms with probably the same for its legs but those were covered by a brown blanket. The only place that was covered was the little bit of mane that was on top of its head. It had its ears on the side of its head, and its eyes were small yet held huge amounts of curiosity. It’s...claws….or paws? She couldn’t tell but had five tiny digits. The thing didn’t even have a muzzle. Truly a very strange creature to her.

She continued to stare wide eyed at the young creature before her as it did more or less of the same. She suddenly dropped the blanket with a flinch as it made a curious coo with a little movement of its arm.


The sound of childish giggling reached her ears as the creature stretched its tiny arms towards the mare while making happy coo’s and laughs. She blinked a few times until she shook her head and turned her shocked look into one of curious thinking.

“Geez Yearling, what are you so afraid of? It’s just a little baby.”

However her stance began to become one of caution as she inched closer to the mysterious thing in front of her with its arms still stretched out to her.

“A very, strange baby.”

She was now standing at the foot of the box with her head just out of reach for the little thing as it still made happy coo’s and ah’s as it tried to reach for the mare. She would have touched it or try to get a closer look but last experiences of touching things made her think twice.

One particular experience made her shiver with a grimace. All because she touched a simple little frog, she was rendered ill at home with the flu for five months. It was a very horrible experience with all the vomiting and everything.

Still having a grimace on her face she looked at the baby who momentarily stopped his blabbering. “Yeah, I’m in no mood to pick you up and see what I get from you if anything at all.”

The mare watched as the creature put down its arms to rub its little eyes and gave a cute yawn. Said act made a tiny grin come to Yearling’s face as she looked at the little thing before her.

“Even so, your pretty adorable for a weird creature.”

The baby only yawned in response again which made the mare chuckled quietly at the tired little guy or girl. Bringing a hoof to her chin she began to think on what to do now that she’s discovered a brand new creature that, as far as she knows, has never been seen before.

“I think it would be a good idea to bring you home with me. After I gather some harmless information on you and whether or not you could be carrying something that could give a minotaur the flu for five months. Then take you to a friend I know and see if she knows anything about you.”

Having liked her little plan that she came up with, Yearling reached a hoof behind her to grab her stuff...only to feel nothing and have realization hit her in the face as her ears fell.

“Right, I left my stuff at the house because I would never think that something like this would ever happen.”

She definitely didn’t want to pick up this creature with her bare hooves nor with any material that has made direct contact with it in fear of catching a sickness worse than that flu. Of course one would say that she just bit into the blue blanket but that didn’t even touch the little thing and it was the side where it was in open air so that doesn’t really count.

Such thoughts made her wince at how it sounded harsh, treating the thing like it was contagious, but she just wanted to take precautions. Turning her head toward the other end of the alley she began to come up with a new plan to get the little baby out of the alley.

“Well my house isn’t far away so if I just quickly grab my things and come back, it probably won’t make a commotion. Because as far as I’m concerned, I’m the only thing that it’s seen today so it might have gotten attached.”

Looking back at the baby who somewhat looked tired but made no action to rest as it wanted to continue staring at the strange but pretty creature in front of it.

“Okay little guy...gal? I’m gonna be right back, I just have to make a quick stop at my house and then I’ll be back to grab you okay?”

Her face and ears fell as the only response she got was a slight tilt of its head and a pronounced ‘eh’. She blew a strand of hair that came out of her bun away from her face as she started to walk away from the box.

“I’ll be right back, don’t cause a-”

Her words immediately died as a sharp cry came from the child as it saw its only companion beginning to walk away. Not wanting it to draw unneeded attention she quickly trotted to its side and motioned for it to quiet down.

“Shh, shh, don’t make a fuss now. I promise I’ll be back okay?”

Her heart panged a little as the creature made little whimpers with a pouty lip with tears threatening to spill from its eyes. It was quite clear that it was starting to get a little fussy from not having any contact from her whatsoever.

“Okay I’m gonna have to be quick about this. Look I’ll be back, I just need to get a few things and I’ll be right back I promise.”

She started to leave again which triggered another wail from the baby which cause her to move a little faster. She started to sprint a little as the child started to cry from losing sight of the pretty creature it saw.

Her ears tried in vain to pin themselves against her head as she tried to drown out the sad crying from the creature as she made it out of the alley and into the one that would lead to her house. No matter how hard she tried she couldn’t drown it out as she could still here it’s crying and screaming for her. It actually hurt her heart to leave it behind but it was for precaution.

“At this point I don’t see how it’s worth it when the poor things wailing can be heard from a mile away. Last thing I want is somepony else finding it and having authorities take it away and celestia knows what they would do to it.”

That little thought cause her to full on sprint out of the alleyway and across the street towards a small, two story white building that was her house. Her nerves began to calm as she couldn’t hear its crying anymore which meant not many ponies should be able to either.

“Like I said, this will be easy.” She inquires as she climbed the cement steps to her front door and raised a hoof to open it. Her hoof froze as she felt something deep within her begin to feed her some thoughts that she particularly didn’t want to think about.

The mare shook her head as her hoof touched the doorknob. “No, it’s probably fine, definitely not been found by some other creature that wants to dissect it for-”

She froze in place as she stopped herself from finishing that sentence. It was to late however as other cruel thoughts like it creeped their way into her mind. What if it was already found by somepony else? What if it was already taken? What if a griffon found it and killed it for meat?!

“No! It’s fine! Everything will be fine! I just need to open the door and get my stuff and then I’ll be back, just like that!”

But what if it was already taken? What if because I was being cautious on getting something from it that I let the poor thing get killed?

Puffing out her cheeks, Yearling began to blow out air with frustration as she banged her head with her hooves and her wings twitched with the constant thoughts running through her head as well as some sort of thing that demanded to go back to make sure that it was ok.

We should go back!

We should make sure it’s ok!

What is it I’m feeling right now?

Is it dead?

Did something happen?

What’s happening to me?!

At this moment, a unicorn mare came out of the house next door and saw her neighbor sitting at her door with her hooves in her head like she was having an internal war with herself. Gaining concern for her next door friend, the unicorn mare got on her hind hooves to lean on the railing that was on her stairs.

“Yearling, is everything ok over there!”

The neighbor was suddenly startled as the archeologist gave a loud cry while flaring her wings high. What also made her flinch was the almost feral look she had on her gaze as she blew steam from her nose.


A gust of wind blew the neighbors mane back as her friend shot off from the ground, leaving a golden trail that lead to an alleyway from where Yearling first came from.

Other ponies who were simply passing by, stopped in their tracks to stare wide eyed at the mare that just screamed like she witnessed murder and shot off into a random alleyway. The neighboring mare still had a shocked look on her face as she stared at the alleyway with confusion and concern.

“Was it something I said?”

Meanwhile in the alley, the strange little baby was still bawling it’s eyes out as it was left alone in a scary dark place that smelled like something bad to it’s little nose. However a loud shout from outside of the alley was heard along with what sounded like a rocket taking off and heading towards the crying infant with great speed.

The strange infant suddenly ceased its crying as a blur shot right past its vision and into the trash making large bangs and crashes. Silence fell around the alley as the daredevil that crashed began to mumble curse words along with frantic clopping sounds coming towards the box. The infant wasted no time in raising its arms with a cry as the pretty face it once saw was back with something weird on its head.

Said pretty faced mare was in a bigger mess than she ever was as she stared at the infant who raised its arms out to her. She was quick to brush some of her mane out of her face and take the banana off her head before bringing her face closer to the strange creature while making shushing and cooing sounds to calm it down.

“Shhh, it’s ok I’m here baby I’m here. Don’t you be crying now.”

Yearling gave a little flinch as she felt the infant’s limbs touch her muzzle and exploring the feeling of her fur. It was very foreign to her to feel only smooth skin and not other fur, a hard hoof, or a sharp talon. Some part of her wanted to pull away from the strange feeling of its limbs but that same itching in the back of her head said to be close to the infant which kept her in place.

Before she even realized it, her hooves were beginning to go under the infant and bringing it close to her chest as it still felt around her muzzle. When the baby was secured in one hoof she used her other one to wipe away its tear streaks.

“Don’t be crying now baby, I’m here.” Yearling soothed. She began to slowly rock the infant back and forth as tiny sniffles and silent coo’s greeted her ears. Yearling wasn’t even worried about anything as she brought the infant close to touch noses like most mothers would to their child. Sparkling brown eyes met her light pink ones as she gave a bright smile.

“Hello baby, are you feeling- ow!”

The good feeling didn’t last long as the infant thought it would be a good time to grab a handful of the mares mane and tug on it. Meanwhile, Yearling was wincing in pain as the infant kept tugging the handful of her mane without letting up rendering her to keep hold of it with the one hoof and grab its hand hand with the other one.

“Ok that’s my mane, let go now -ow- it kind of hurts -ah- when you pull on it like that -ai- come on you little stinker let go of my- OW!”

Of course as the pegasus pony was busy trying to entice the infant to let go of her mane, she had accidentally tugged on it’s hand a little to hard which in turn caused it to tug a little more forcefully, taking a few thin strands from her mane.

Yearling winced as she rubbed her skull with a hoof to ease the pain of having strands of her mane tugged off. She was about to scold the baby for doing that until she saw it was reaching for another grab. Thinking quickly she snatched the little limb away keeping the creature from tugging her mane again. Although that didn’t keep it from grabbing her hoof and squeezing it a few times in curiosity.

“You are just a grabby little bugger aren’t you?”

The only reply she got was a soft yawn from the infant as it lost interest in her hoof and rubbed its eyes. On instinct, Yearling brought the creature close to the small turf of fur on her chest which the baby grabbed and snuggled into while closing its little eyes.

The mare continued to watch the baby with a sense of peace until a thought struck her. Was all of that, instinct?

“Was that a mother’s instinct that just happened?” Yearling said to herself as the infant slept against her chest. She thought about it for a few seconds until her ears fell and she gave a silent groan.

“Geez, Mom wasn’t kidding when she said that it would be quite possible for it to run in the family. Guess I'm going to be one of those crazy worrying-over-nothing type of moms for you aren’t I little fella.”

It didn’t take long for her to repeat to herself what she had said to the infant. Thinking those words over brought a little frown to her face.

Am I really doing this right now? I haven’t even gotten to know what this baby is and I haven’t even grown attached to it to say that I would take care of it. Especially when I’m going to be having one on the way.’

Still rocking the baby back and forth, Yearling’s face switched from a frown to a raised eyebrow.

Did I become attached or is that just the mother’s instinct talking.’ Her thoughts were running a bit wild at the moment as she continued to rock the baby. She continued to think until a shift from the baby brought her focus down to it to see that it was putting one of its digits in it’s mouth.

Yearling sighed as she looked in the box to see if the infant was put in it with anything only to find nothing. When she decided she had no use for it she got up and began to slowly walk out of the alley.

“I won’t worry about it right now. I have to much on my plate right now to be thinking like that or to even be considering it for that matter, right now I need to figure out some things about it.”

As yearling turned the corner of the alley to head toward her house she quickly covered the sleeping infant up with the blanket to conceal it from anypony who wondered by.

“And then send a letter to an old friend who could probably find out what you are.”

Making her way down toward the end of the new alley that would lead her to her street she tucked the infant closer to her chest.

“She should be able to do it since she’s over a thousand years old after all.”

Author's Note:

I’m gonna need to make a cover art of this soon.

Also in the first chapter I forgot to given a big thank you to Gravestone for helping me on names for Darings parents along with how to start the story