• Published 24th Jul 2012
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A Very Happy and Sunny Life - Wearin Hat

A diary, much like any other, containing the strange story of the oddest resident of Ponyville.

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Entry 17 - Kharma, What Exactly Did I Do To You?

Booky, I’m scared that I’m growing a conscience. I know it’s a farfetched idea if I ever could imagine it, but I’m scared that it’s true. And you know what? I don’t like it. I’ve never really cared for the well being of somepony else and I never intended to start doing so, which is what has made the events of my second day at school practically damning.

The day started out as the previous one had. I arrived shortly before any of the foals started to show up and I took my spot in the corner while V patiently sat in the desk nearest me and doodled to distract herself. Blossom, of course, was there before we were and greeted us kindly before sharing her breakfast with us…well…more so she shared it with me as V was too busy drawing to notice the food…which is kind of cool I suppose as she ate most of what I made for us to eat before we left.

Ever being efficient with the managing of her time, Blossom took this opportunity to tell me that Twilight had been hoping to talk to me at some point yesterday and hadn’t been able to do so for whatever reason. She told me that nopony had yet to come forward declaring V as theirs and that nopony so much as recognized her. That was disheartening for me to learn as I had been hoping to get the poor girl back to her rightful home.

There’s your first clue.

No longer is my desire to rid myself of the brat a product of my dislike to her presence or to the idea of paying for her food. I found this incredibly disturbing as I was ACTUALLY WORRIED about her.

Let me put this into perspective for you; the last pony I even had half a crap of care for was killed by a swarm of pissed off bees. So, for me to suddenly feel my heart wretch in the slightest of ways hurt my mind terribly. Also, a bit more disturbingly, I was a bit relieved when she said that nopony had claimed her yet. You see, I’ve diagnosed myself as having some sort of attachment issues or something of the sort. To be blunt; I do not like being abandoned or left behind. Not. One. Bit (And you know how much I like bits.). So, as you can probably tell, I was frightened by the feelings I was feeling. And no, I didn’t reveal any of that to Blossom. You can’t trust mares, Booky. Not even the ones that you want to.

Luckily she failed to pursue why I was so affected by what she said. Why, you would ask if you had a mouth (A problem I hope to solve at some point and time.)? Well, you remember that collision I had yesterday? The one that made me bleed my own blood? The one with the retard? Well, it turns out my nose decided to go and swell up noticeably. Not too bad though, just enough for somepony as observant as Blossom to point out.

I managed to satisfy her curiosity by stating that Derpy Hooves hadn’t been watching where she was flying. To be honest, I was in no way surprised by how well she took that explanation. I’ve long since assumed that retard to be a public menace and thus notorious for her buck ups.

Shortly afterward, the students started to arrive. They all greeted Blossom with sickeningly cheerful nuzzles and hugs. I’m super happy that they mostly greeted me with waves from across the room. I say mostly because V’s three new friends came over and said hi to her happily. This was essentially my introduction to the Cutie Mark Crusaders (Ugh, the corniness of that makes me want to vomit.) and it actually went quite well. Despite the sincerity of their happy greeting, I paid little mind to the three of them. Thankfully they seemed more interested in taking V with them to sit next to each other in a square.

What surprised me was that V accepted their invitation excitedly and disappeared quickly after making sure it was cool with me. The only reason I’ve noted this little moment is that I felt that same pang of emotion in my heart from before. I’ve been confused as to what emotion I had been feeling and I still don’t have a clue.

The only other ponies not to greet me with a wave were my two targets for vengeance. I was happily distracted from my emotions when I noticed how depressed Diamond Tiara looked. It’s unfortunate you couldn’t see the look on her face whenever anypony would ask her where her precious tiara was. BUCKING PRICELESS! What really attracted my attention was how down and out she appeared to be. I’ve lost treasured belongings before (In fact, I lost a whole house full of them.) and the grief she was feeling was obviously not entirely one born out of loss.

To my horror, there was to be very little actual teaching today and a lot of mental trauma for yours truly. You see, Booky, Blossom hushed everypony up once they were all present and alerted the class to the fact that today was the shared birthday of three of the students: Truffle Shuffle (A fat colt with a fork and knife for a cutie mark.), Rumble (A pegasus who apparently has wings. Freak.), and (Conveniently enough.) Sweetie Belle.

You may be wondering why I mentioned that I endured any form of mental trauma. Well, just give me a second. You’ll see what I meant.

Blossom apparently does this for all of the foals whenever they have birthdays and she was excited to have a day where she did no teaching. I was at first confused as to why she would rather deal with a bunch of crazy foals trotting about having fun while she tried to keep an eye on all of them. The answer to my query came in the form of a certain pink maned demon that my Annoysense failed to warn me about again.

Yep, that’s right; somehow I had overlooked how Ponyville’s party pony would obviously be in attendance at a party for three foals.

So there I was, cowering in the corner whilst everypony played party games and the like. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves. Obviously, the Cutie Mark Crusaders (Ugh, that damn name, I hate it.) were having the time of their lives. What made the experience slightly enjoyable for me (Your second clue.) was that V was constantly at their side. Once or twice I even managed to overhear them talking about making her a member of their group, which is something I have been having mixed feelings about. Featherweight wasn’t able to hang out with me at all during the day as he was kept busy by taking pictures of everypony (Excluding me. Little prick. What, am I not pretty enough for your pictures?) enjoying the party. Blossom was kept preoccupied with all the games the kids were playing and pretty much kept her eyes on the proceedings. Despite her business, it was clear to me she was enjoying herself just as much as her students. Unfortunately, the mass of foals running around like mad ponies kept me from getting a constant view of her body, which meant spending the day checking her out was not an option. Pinkie Pie…well…she was everywhere at once. There wasn’t a single pony that was there that managed to avoid having to endure her presence, I included. Luckily, the retard quickly realized her mistake upon speaking to me and darted to the other side of the room to keep a good distance. Crap, even Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were enjoying themselves. I was the only one who wasn’t.

The reason I even bother mentioning any of that (Beyond the need to vent about Pinkie’s painful inclination to appear when I don’t want her to.) is because of something that happened during the festivities.

Being the bitches they are, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon decided to mercilessly make fun of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, namely Sweetie Belle. None of the foals said anything so I assumed it was just the norm that they got bullied. Everything changed when they set their eyes upon V. I don’t know what it was that made them feel the need to accost her, but they did and they didn’t hold back.

Orphan. Daughter of a loser. Blank flank. Mute idiot. No-brained idiot. Those and many other really bad insults were ones I can barely recall hearing through the noise. I don’t know how long it took, but eventually, I noticed that they had V crying.

Yeah no, I didn’t let that go on for too long.

Here’s clue number three, my feelings upon seeing all of that. Of course, I didn’t even bat an eyelash at anything they said towards Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, or Scootaloo, but I couldn’t help but feel very warm at seeing them berate V.

I know, warm isn’t a good descriptive word to use. All I can really tell you is that my ears throbbed, my eyes felt really hot, my chest was hot enough for me to start sweating, and my eyes were twitching a lot. I don’t believe I’ve felt anger like that since I was little. It was so pure, so very potent. And I felt all of it.

What does that mean, Booky? Am I starting to care for that filly? I would rather that not be the case considering her eventual departure back to her original family, but I can’t shake the feeling that something has changed. Some dynamic about my life has altered beneath my very own damn nose and I don’t like it.

You may be wondering how I’m not in jail or something after feeling that much anger and having my amazing track record at self-control. Well, that’s very simple my bookish friend, my mind wanted to see Diamond hurt. I wanted her to cry and cry and cry and cry and cry and cry and cry and cry over what I would do in retaliation. However, somehow I retained my wits and thought of some way that I could do that and remain free.

You see, I had brought the tiara I had found with me to school in case I thought of a way to use it to make the bitch feel like crap and I remembered that quickly. I’m actually really surprised I went with the course of action that I did.

Pay attention, Booky. The next paragraph holds your next clue that something dramatic and weird is happening to me.

I made my way over to the group (Being made up by Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, V, Apple Bloom, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and some other unicorn filly.) with my saddlebag containing what used to be Diamond’s tiara. They’re taunting ended pretty quickly as the two bitches tried to save face with an adult being present. I ignored them entirely and told Sweetie Belle that I had a surprise for her. Breaking every code of honor I’ve ever sworn by, I reached into my saddlebag and gently grabbed the tiara before hoofing it over to the white filly. I told her that it was a gift from both me and V. To put forth an air of innocence and to calm V, I wrapped a foreleg around the little quiet thing and hugged her close.

Sweet Celestia’s royal booty…I feel like vomiting even thinking about it.

The hug. I feel like vomiting because of the hug. Not the booty.

Everypony in that little grouping knew exactly what the tiara was and who it had previously belonged to. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, the unicorn filly, and Silver Spoon were all struck silent by my gift whilst Diamond Tiara was so pissed off that she could hardly speak. I explained to them that V and I had found it while I was working and that she figured it would make a great gift for Sweetie Belle.

Before anypony could properly react, Diamond practically erupted in rage. She probably would’ve hurt somepony had I not informed her that my contract as a town employee explicitly stated that any item I found during my duties (The exclusions being things belonging to Celestia and the Elements of Harmony apparently.) would come under my ownership and be subject to do whatever I want with. She left shortly after my explanation.

The fillies around me erupted into joyous clamor that’s starting to make my fur squirm at the memory. Sweetie Belle almost tackled me with a hug while Apple Bloom and Scootaloo climbed onto my back and sang praises to me. The unicorn filly at least had the presence of mind to make sure that V was ok.

Don’t worry; V was absolutely fine once Diamond and Silver left. They expressed amazement that somepony would stand up to that bitch (They used a different word.). I got out of there pretty damn quickly. Not that I don’t like being worshipped. I just don’t like having fillies use me as a jungle gym.

Though not of importance, I feel obligated to mention the awkward stares Blossom and Pinkie Pie gave me from across the room for the rest of the day. Using my ninja skills, I managed to remain alone in my sacred corner for the rest of that horrid experience.

Honestly, as much as I like staring at Blossom’s flanks, sitting through school isn’t something I’m incredibly fond of doing for too much longer.

When it was (FINALLY.) time to go, I was once more accosted by the Cutie Mark Crusaders (I die a little inside each time I write that.) and two of their friends (A filly with glasses and a terrible lisp and the unicorn filly from before.) I don’t know the names of. They once more thanked me and V for the gift and BEGGED ME (I am NOT kidding about that part.) to let V go with them to enjoy Sweetie Belle’s private birthday party back at wherever they were gonna do it. I honestly didn’t pay attention too well right there. They either said the party was at Carousel Boutique or Sugarcube Corner…not that I’d got to either event. To get rid of them, I told them that it was cool with me.

Here’s where the trail of clues ends. Though I didn’t consider it at the time, there should’ve been no way in tartarus that V would want to go without crying all the time. She’s bawled her damn eyes out over me being in the damn bathroom alone. It only occurred to me when I got home that she had not only spent the whole school day away from me but that she was now in a different part of town. I felt proud of her that she could be without me and not whine.


Even right now that brat is over wherever the party is being held. I haven’t heard a single word from anypony and so I can only assume that means that she isn’t making a scene or anything. Plus, I can take solace in the fact that Filthy Rich (Diamond’s dad.) hasn’t sent the authorities after me for one reason or another. That’s great news, as that means that he knows how the town charter freaking works. Maybe he can teach that little bitch of his something?

I’m still pissed over my decision over the tiara. Yeah, what I did was heartwarming and other disgusting traits, but I could’ve just as easily sold it to Rarity or Twilight for a high sum. Crap, I could’ve even sold it back to Filthy for an unholy amount of bits.

You seem confused; allow me to explain the situation to you.

I’m running out of money.

I checked my savings earlier when I got home from work and I’ve found a disturbing fact; V’s making me go broke. Spending money on food for both of us while also paying for our bowtie things, our saddlebags, and my blanket (That I still need to go pick up whenever I have the time or patience to do so.) has ruined my money pit.

As I mentioned previously, my latest paycheck barely managed to supply me with enough food for two weeks or so and I haven’t found anything of high value lately.

Sure, I found that sash thing that Twilight paid an obscene amount for, but that’s going to pay for the train fare, housing, and food. I’m not even sure if V can attend the Wonderbolts’ performance now that I think about it. There were only two tickets and the second one is mine.

I was originally planning on finding a nice looking hobo (Hahaha, what was I thinking? A nice homeless? What is this, a fairy tale?) to look after V during the show, but now I don’t think I can do that. I’ll have to buy her a ticket, which will probably obliterate any funds I’d have left.

I’m grateful Rose gave me money yesterday for the date….still confused, but grateful.

I’ll definitely have to kick it up a notch when I get back from Canterlot on Thursday or whenever.

Who knows, maybe Twilight will find V’s family during that time. That’d sure as tartarus set my money problem straight.

Well, that’s depressing to think about. Let’s focus on my nightday….never mind…I don’t have anything planned…until work that is. Work’s gonna suck daynight. I’ll have to start early to finish early so that I can be ready to depart on the Friendship Express at the time the lesbian told me to meet her there. I’ll catch some sleep on the train though, so no big deal.

I’ve decided to bring you with me…which might be something I’ve already told you about…I’m not sure as I’m very tired and annoyed.

That’s it for now…I’m gonna try and catch some sleep before V gets back. That way I can kind of be rested up for work.

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