• Published 24th Jul 2012
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A Very Happy and Sunny Life - Wearin Hat

A diary, much like any other, containing the strange story of the oddest resident of Ponyville.

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Even Angels Fall

Look at her sleep, Booky. Isn’t she precious? Seeing this reminds me of her sleeping in Carty. It sucks that the doctors want her to go back to her room, but I understand she needs bed-rest.

When I woke up this mevening, I didn’t think today was gonna be worth it. After the screw up with the balloon last night, I honestly had very low hopes for anything good happening. And sure, I had to talk to the Derptard, get scared by the Pinktard, have a bucket of acid be dumped on me, wind up in the hospital again, see the Derptard again, hear the Pinktard whine, have the Pinktard break into my house and touch my things, and be otherwise miserable (Although that one’s not so unusual.), but look at me now. I’m sitting here watching V sleep with a small smile. I’d say my luck has really turned around.

What makes this moment sour is that I have the Derptard to thank for it. She had the presence of mind to drag Pinkie away from me and then go grab V so she could visit me. Making things a bit more unbearable is that she’s been out there in the waiting room sending away anypony who would dare interrupt this. She’s provided these beautiful hours and maintained their privacy. And that makes my skin boil…uh, I mean, it makes me angry.

The one good thing to happen to me in days and I have the bane of my existence to thank for it.

Anyhay, despite the knowledge that my time with V was granted by my enemy, I can say for certain that it has been sorely needed. You saw me laughing. When do I laugh like that? I haven’t genuinely laughed in ages.

Hehe, Princess Snailbutt, I’m gonna remember that one.

Don’t worry about me telling her about what happened, she knows. Fucking Pinktard caught me off-guard while I was holding a bucket of acid. I also added on how sorry I was for not being able to grant her wish of removing Diamond Tiara’s cutie mark. As you’d expect, V’s response was quiet. She gave me a sorrowful look before giving me the most painful hug I’ve ever had in my life. Worth it, though.

I’ve had to cover up her hind-legs, however. I simply cannot stand (Ha, see what I did there?) to see them. It’s hard enough to see her in a wheelchair.

There is good news about her legs. V told me that the doctor who looked her over told her that her legs would eventually heal back to normal in about two months or something. He also (As doctors are wont to do.) told her that her legs will never be as strong as a normal pony’s legs, but that with enough exercise she’d be able to run and walk just fine. I, of course, told her not to listen to that bastard and that she’d perfectly fine in no time.

Take a wild guess as to who she believes?

Alright, now that the good news is out of the way, I have some not so good news that V had to overhear. My fur is gonna grow back in about a week or two, but the skin underneath is damaged. You know what that means! Scars! He also said some crap about the fumes having done untold damage to my brain, but I didn’t pay attention to him.

I suppose that me wearing those bowtie things isn’t going to just be a fashion statement from here on. You see, according to the jerk, my scars will be partially visible through my coat, which is wonderful.

Aw, she’s dreaming. Must be a good one cause she sounds like she might be giggling or something. You think she’s dreaming about me? Heh, that’d be pretty cool if she was.

She looks a lot like her mother, you know. V’s coat is darker and her mane, tail, and eyes are a different color, but I can easily see the resemblance.

Her mother, Starlight Glimmer (Sounds epic.), is a unicorn who I cannot give a good opinion on. I met both of V’s parents a bit earlier after the Derptard wheeled her in. Starlight seems to be in a constant state of panic, which absolutely pissed me off within five seconds. I don’t like high strung ponies. If somepony gets too intense then I get intense. What caught my eye was that she is absolutely obsessed about V. Every little worry she sets about to freaking out about is about her. She loves her daughter, Booky, and I can’t hate her for that.

The father is where I found a problem.

Hidden Glade is a stallion who either doesn’t care about his daughter or thinks that having one is too much trouble. When Starlight had what seemed to be her fifth panic attack of the day, Hidden Glade sort of just stood by the door, idly watching me with a blank expression on his face. V introduced me to both of them, of course, but all that bastard could spare was a curt nod. At least her mother had the decency to start a very awkward conversation about how grateful they are that I took care of V after I found her.

I believe I’ve made it quite clear how I feel about bad fathers.

I can see why V likes me better than her parents. They’re more of a bother than a blessing. And I will go on record as saying that if something happens (I don’t mean that in an ominous way.) to her parents then I would gladly take V in. She deserves a good upbringing, something I doubt she’s gonna get from those two.

Oh. It’s time for V to go. Give me a minute.

Wow this is sad. Alone again, huh? Well, she’ll be back tomorrow and then…oh for fucks sake, why did I just tempt fate? It’s okay. Nothing bad will happen. I’m certain of it.


You know, just cause you’re an insane royal bitch doesn’t mean you have to be a bitch! When I said I was sad to be alone, I didn’t mean for you to send the fucking Derptard back in!

Oh look, she’s made a genius observation. It’s obvious that V is a lucky filly. What this reject doesn’t get is that V isn’t the only lucky one. I’m lucky for even getting to know her. I mean, crap, how often do I meet a pony I actually like?

You know what? I’m gonna tell her as much.

Booky, why’d I do that? I mean that, why the fuck did I just open that door? The last thing I want to do is talk about my feelings. You know the very second she gets going she’s going to want to talk about – that. It really is a wonder how this bitch functions if she actually thinks I want to talk about him.

Oh sweet fuck, bitch, I know these things. Can you hear her? I got his fucking letter, bitch.

I hate my father. It would literally make me smile if I knew his last moments were terribly lonely. That’s something other ponies will never understand. Too much harmony being passed around for anypony to see the cracks that let monsters like him slip through. I know harmony, Booky. Mom was the best thing to ever happen to me and Dad was the worst (It isn’t a competition, though you might not be able to tell that by looking at my life.). How much more harmonious can you get?

She didn’t like that one. Haha, yeah! I’ve finally gotten at least some victory against her! Look at that stupid little frown! Give it a minute and I’m sure she’ll start crying! Ah, it feels good to win for once.

OOOOOOOWWWW! Why would she hug me? Why would anypony hug me? Can she not see the fucking bandages? Does she think I’m dressed like a mummy for fun?

If she doesn’t mean to keep hurting me then why the fuck does she keep hurting me! For fucks sake, bitch! It really isn’t that fucking hard NOT to hurt me!

Oh great and there’s the tears.

How is she not getting this? Of course I’m amazing! I’m the most amazing pony to have ever lived! I eat, sleep, and BREATHE amazing! And, if I have any say in the matter, V’s gonna turn out just like me!

And it appears we aren’t done yet! For whatever reason, I have two more visitors!

At least the Derptard seems done for now. Stupid bitch.

You know what? I’m glad the Lesbian came to see me. I could really use somepony as chill as her right now. The Nerd didn’t have to come with her, but I guess that’s part of that harmony thing I touched upon earlier.

Oh you have got to be kidding me. Starlight told me I had more visitors out there that Derpy wouldn’t let in, but all six of the Elements of Harmony? Why did they all feel the need to show up? I mean, I understand why some of them would, but that does not explain why the others tried to see me.

Flutterguy’s the real mystery. She literally had no reason at all to want to see me. I hardly even know that bitch. Beyond turning my broken mind into a warzone, I have had zero contact with her. I mean, yeah, it was one of her little rodents that raided my damn kitchen, but that still doesn’t explain why she would want to see me.

I can somewhat understand Applejack wanting to visit. She’s delusional and believes that I’m her friend. So you can see why she would try. Does it mean I wanted her to? No, no it does not. Unless she brought alcohol (Which, again, I’m not certain I should get so excited about due to my tendencies to go gay whilst drunk.) then she needs to not bother trying again.

On the subject of not trying again, the Pinktard really does not learn lessons. She’s the reason I’m in here in the first place and I pointedly ignored her presence when she was here. Why she would feel the need to push the envelope further is beyond me.

Rarity’s the only one that I both understand and wouldn’t entirely have minded. She and the Lesbian are the closest things I have to friends out of this bunch and both at least off some measure of comfort. So, it is a bit unfortunate that she missed her chance, but I got to spend time with V instead.

Yeah, yeah, I get it. All of their friends are worried and blah blah blah.

Wow I don’t care.

Yes, I figured it out myself, Twilight. All of your friends went home cause it got too late to stay. Though I am curious as to why the Nerd and the Lesbian are persisting.

Haha, oh wow is she missing the mark on that one. I am NOT the Nerd’s friend. She can tell that bitch in the castle whatever she wants (Though I’d prefer it’d not have anything to do with me.), but that does not change the reality of my apathy. The Nerd pays me money that I eat with. That is all.

I said none of that, of course. Last thing I need is another emotional crapstorm like the Derptard tricked me into starting.

And there goes the Lesbian. She really needs to work on getting more sleep if she’s literally tired all the time. I mean, isn’t this at least the fifth time she’s bailed on me cause of that? Eh, I suppose it’s a little late for regular ponies.

Which means I’ll be awake for the foreseeable future. Damn it. Hehe, unless those nice nurses want to give me some yummy pain medication.

Aw, isn’t that sweet? The librarian said she’d bring me a book or two tomorrow to help pass the time by while I’m here. Poor dear, I don’t want her going so far out of her way for me. I mean, honestly, who can expect her to find a book when she lives in a tree filled with them?

Now, if I can get the reject to leave I’ll be set.

Uh, I have a bad feeling about that look she has on her face. Kind of thoughtful, serious, and sad, which doesn’t bode well for me. Nor does the fact she’s been silent since the Nerd and the Lesbian came in.

Oh crap, she has a point.

I’m miserable. I hate my life with every passing breath. Unhappy really doesn’t do it justice. And if any of that describes me, then…if V becomes just like me…uh oh.

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