• Published 24th Jul 2012
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A Very Happy and Sunny Life - Wearin Hat

A diary, much like any other, containing the strange story of the oddest resident of Ponyville.

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Dear Princess Celestia

Dear Princess Celestia,

I’m sorry this reply is reaching you so late but the situation down here has only just settled enough to allow time for a report. If there was any way this could have been handled differently then we would’ve done so. Unfortunately, Ipsa forced the issue into the public eye and I’m afraid that has resulted in a hostile atmosphere. There have been no further incidents of criminal physicality and I am pleased to say that the ponies of Ponyville have, for the most part, maintained their calm enough to prevent a mob mindset. So, while I understand how seriously you’re taking this, there is no need to send a detachment of guards to maintain the peace.

As much as I’d like to address the elephant in the room, I think it’d be better for me to go over some things first. Namely the health of those involved, my friends’ personal opinions on the matter, and some very interesting and disturbing information that has only come to light in the last few hours. As a preface to all of that I’d like to note that this situation is far more complicated than I had initially thought and that you should take that into consideration before reading on.

Again, I am so sorry for my handling of this mess, but the Ponyville legal system, and potentially Equestria’s, are inadequate to provide guidance here and that care must be taken to prevent this from truly eroding into a disaster. Also, I’m sorry if I come off as rude or disrespectful towards your wishes in this letter but the task of navigating this issue towards an overall beneficial end is far more stressing than I ever thought it would be. Again, sorry.

Derpy’s burns aren’t as bad as we first feared and she doesn’t appear to be suffering any mental or emotional trauma, which is a weight off my mind. Thanks to her efforts, no others sustained any serious injuries and I’m pleased to say that she helped prevent the actual confrontation itself from devolving into undo violence. She asked me to inform you that she and her daughters are very appreciative of your well wishes.

Ipsa’s condition, however, is nowhere near as positive, as I touched upon in my last letter. His previously sustained burns have become infected and will require daily checkups and applications of antibiotics to prevent them from further worsening his health. The scratches he sustained vary from minor to major, with the worst requiring similar observation and medical attention as his burns. I’m told that, of those, only the ones across his left flank and his back will leave scars. As I noted before, the bite at the base of his neck looks the worst and, though not deep enough to warrant fatal concern, its severity is to the point that there are worries of blood loss. Not helping things is the fact that there is shrapnel from a shattered fang stuck in the tissue. After all of that, the puncture wound on his side is the most worrying due to the recent revelation that it is a sting from a manticore, one obtained at some point during the night, which means the venom has gone untreated for far longer than the doctors are comfortable with. It’s feels odd to admit that his broken bones are of the least concern.

After today, however, there are A LOT of things that I will be feeling odd about in the future.

You can rest assured that the doctor I spoke with is certain that Ipsa will survive his injuries. I attempted to inform him that you’re as worried for him as you are for Derpy, but I’m afraid that the affects of the venom and the apparent poison joke affliction have left Ipsa mostly unconscious until further notice.

Once we were fully informed on his condition, an internal debate began between my friends. While Rarity and Fluttershy agree that what Ipsa endured whilst in the Everfree more than made up for his attack on Derpy, the others have been arguing that there should be some form of reprisal for his actions. Applejack believes that a restraining order should be given to keep Derpy safe from anymore violent outbursts. Rainbow Dash added on that Ipsa should face official punishment, a demand AJ isn’t sure about. As per usual, Pinkie Pie’s suggestion takes the cake. She thinks that the pains he’s suffered are enough and that he needs somepony to teach him how to put smiles on faces instead of frowns.

I, personally, somewhat agree with Pinkie. She’s got the right idea at least. Judicial action would only serve to further embitter Ipsa at this point. Likewise, if we were to simply allow this incident to speak for itself he would take advantage of the leniency. The best response to what happened today is to give Ipsa some form of psychiatric help. Although, anything overt would have an adverse effect due to his mental state. Any course taken must be more subtle and gentle.

Don’t get me wrong, Princess, Ipsa needs therapy more than anypony I’ve ever known. In fact, after reading his diary I can confirm that his mental state is MUCH worse than I thought. Making matters more complicated is that he’s so far sunken into delusions that any attempt at direct help from somepony else would result in derision, manipulation, and, ultimately, rejection.

That brings me to his diary. Since Ipsa has been unconscious since Applejack’s brother knocked him out this morning, I have been forced to refer to his journal to learn what has been going on. I initially intended to only read the last entry or two, but when I saw what he had written on the last page alone I had to read the whole thing.

To put it bluntly, I’ve never been so disgusted, revolted, and insulted before in my life. To the point that I have legitimately considered passing this matter over to you entirely to avoid allowing such a twisted pony to continue walking amongst us. There is no exaggeration when I say that this book contains some of the foulest things ever put to print. I know such an observation should be expected when looking into the inner thoughts of a stallion, especially with me being a reasonably feminine mare, but not when it goes so far as to be horrible. Shining Armor has always been very open to me and I’ve never known him to have a mind as nightmarishly vile as Ipsa’s, so it isn’t just gender difference.

Although, I must remind myself that not ALL of his diary entries are as bad as the worst. Not only that, I have reason to believe that his nature isn’t entirely something he chose to develop. Ipsa’s been almost entirely on his own since he was just a colt, his ignoring positive influences doing nothing but adding fuel to the fire.

I’m not sure how much of the situation you are aware of, Princess, but Ipsa’s father, a salespony named Sale Barter, fell ill only a few years after the death of his wife and was eventually forced to seek treatment in Canterlot. Even for the average pony that would be an unbelievably sad experience. If Ipsa’s diary is any indication, though we mustn’t overlook the possibility that everything written in it could be untrue, after his father left for Canterlot his already fragile psyche collapsed.

Princess, I’m not even sure there is anything that can be done for somepony so far gone into mental illness, but we have to do something. He needs help; our help. I never thought it even remotely possible, even for villains like Sombra, but harmony has somehow failed a pony who did nothing to deserve it. Ipsa may have made horrid decisions, done terrible things, and planned many more, but his becoming such can’t be held against him. In a sad way he never had a chance.

Again, I’m very aware that the pony we’re dealing with here is a compulsive liar who suffers from complex delusions and thus nothing he’s said or written can be taken totally at face value. For all we know he has concocted this whole mess simply to make all of our lives that much more inconvenient. Worse yet, it is possible he orchestrated everything to give himself an exscuse to attack poor Derpy. There is ample evidence to support his incredibly deceptive nature and his habit of coming up with hair raising schemes to harm others.

I disagree with that possibility, however. I’ve seen Ipsa interact with Shimmer Shade and you can’t fake the smile he gets when around her. I’ll never forget seeing that same look on my face after I met the girls. He’s been so lost in whatever world was behind that closed door, gone in a similar way that I had when I hid away from friends in my studies. As little as he does everypony else, Ipsa truly cares for her. She’s his first real friend since he allowed his friendships to wither away.

As much as I fear what he could be capable of, I think helping him through his illness could do far more good than simply locking him away. I’ll even take personal responsibility for his rehabilitation.

Of course I’d understand if you disagreed, Princess. His actions are reprehensible and the possibility that he’ll target Derpy for another attack is a very real one, though she has pleaded that what he did was merely a misunderstanding. There is the matter of his mental health to consider, but I feel that he shouldn’t be punished for it.

I’m so sorry if I’m coming off as rude, but enough mistakes have been made and the last thing anypony here needs is anymore stress.

Though I have read through it, I will not be sending a copy of his diary with this letter. Instead I’ve included a few key passages that have been heavily paraphrased to protect Ipsa’s privacy. In the same spirit I have written two copies of this message, one for you and an edited one for Ipsa. I feel that if he knew of what has been written in the omitted portions of his letter he would have an adverse reaction, one that could easily derail any attempt at healing his mental wounds.

In case you’re worried for Spike to have overheard the above contents, I have taken the liberty to personally write the two missives. He’ll never know what has been said. All I’ve told him is that I have a letter for you and one for Ipsa. His only involvement will be in the delivery of both. I know you’d never think I’d intentionally expose him to such material, but I felt the need for clarification.

With Love,

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle

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