• Published 10th Apr 2018
  • 8,386 Views, 327 Comments

Kulaas Ahrk Dovah - SkarinOfAtmora

While studying the Tree of Harmony, Princess Twilight Sparkle stumbles upon and releases an ancient evil hidden deep beneath the tree itself. Luckily, she also releases the only one who can stop it...

  • ...

13 - The impression that I get

The clock was nearing midnight but the gala showed no signs of stopping. As the drinks flowed everypony got more and more relaxed and soon it turned into a real party. The band gave up on classical music and performed Equestria Billboard hits for the past two hours. Shining Armor was at his limit and his hooves hurt like all Tartarus but Cadance wouldn't let him leave the dance floor. Even Princess Luna joined the dance floor at some point and took turns dancing with the Mane 6. It was truly a gala to be remembered, even though Discord made a scene...

Skarin watched all of this from a bench on the large balcony with a bowl of snowberries, or rather cranberries as they were now called, in his hands. He was never one for dancing or fancy gatherings. Getting drunk with his friends at a tavern and sing songs of love, glory and battle was more of his forte. Oh how the Bannered Mare would warm them through the harsh Skyrim winters as mead flowed in rivers throughout the night. Skarin could still clearly remember Jarl Balgruff being dragged out by the scruff of his vest by his housecarl Irileth every time and Henrik's lute blessing their ears with the most beautiful notes you could hope to hear in Skyrim.

Still, the joyous song and dance that was happening now in Canterlot reminded Skarin of the old days. At times like this it felt like everything was right in the world. It was at a night like this in the Bannered Mare that he and Lydia stopped dancing around each other and finally acted on what was in their hearts.

But what was in Skarin's heart right now?

He only knew Celestia a couple of days whilst he spent almost two years travelling Skyrim with Lydia. Were these feelings of admiration something more? Celestia was a kind and benevolent ruler but also a great warrior. The way she handled herself against Alduin was enough to put the finest warriors of Skyrim to shame. Rising up despite the odds. Fighting until her last breath if need be. He liked that in a woman.

But Skarin also knew it could never be. Celestia was a princess, she lived in a different world than him. As a princess she fought her battles in court while Skarin took up the sword and stormed for the battlefield. Some say opposites attract but it was a similar case with Elisif and that relationship ended fairly quickly. Skarin needed to quell his growing feelings of affection lest he lost a friend in the process. It was a shame since he truly enjoyed her company but he needed a clear head with Alduin on the horizon.

All these thought plauged the nord as he slowly chewed on his cranberries. He was so lost in thought he didn't even notice Luna sitting next to him.

"Enjoying the festivities?" Skarin jolted and finally noticed Luna was there. "Lost in thought?"

"As much as I can I suppose." Skarin smirked. "And yes, you could say I am lost."

"Mayhaps we can be of assisstance to guide you back on the proper path." Luna offered and stole his bowl of cranberries, taking one and tossing it into her mouth. "So, what's up doc?"

"What's up doc?" Skarin couldn't help but laugh.

"I was reading up on modern speech and this phrase was mentioned." Luna said nonchalantly. "Come now, tell me what ails you." Skarin remained quiet but when his eyes caught Celestia being approached by some noble asking for a dance, his body stiffened a little. "Ah, woes of the heart."

"There are no woes of the heart." Skarin looked away from Celestia, missing the part where she turned the stallion down and then looked in Skarin's direction. "I assume this was your doing?" Skarin tugged on his sleeve, alluding to the fact that only he and Celestia wore black to the gala.

"Are you suggesting I asked Smooth Operator to see the design of your attire and then matched my sisters to it?" Luna guffawed. "Preposterous!" Skarin chuckled at Luna's antics.

"Well, for what it's worth, you did a good job." his eyes returned to Celestia who accepted a dance from Twilight Sparkle, the younger alicorn all giddy about dancing with her teacher. Or maybe it was the wine, who knows...

"I know." Luna tossed another cranberry into her mouth. "But thee art avoiding the question." she pressed on and Skarin sighed.

"Look, I know you think Celestia and I are meant to be, but we are not."

"And, pray tell, why?" Luna rested her chin on her hand, the arm propped up on her thigh.

"It's as I've said. She's a princess and I am a common warrior." Luna rolled her eyes at that cliche excuse. "What more could I give her than she already has."

"And what can she do with all she has if there is nopony to share it with?" Luna retorted.

"Then may she find someone who is suited for castle life." Skarin rose from the bench and rested his hands on the balcony railing, his gaze admiring the dimly lit Canterlot streets. "My place is out there." Luna stood up and placed a hand on Skarin's shoulder.

"And it can also be here just as well." Luna smiled. "Skarin, you may think you will never be enough but trust me, you are, and so much more."

"I'm sure there's someone better."

"Somepony better?" Luna laughed once again. "You gifted a kingdom to Elisif and made her queen! If that's not husband material then we do not know what is!"

"Celestia told you about the crown?" Skarin asked with a raised brow.

"We're sisters. We talk about everything."

"Then she also told you Elisif ended things shortly after." Luna waved her hand dismissively.

"That is her loss." she leaned on the railing and looked at Skarin. "But Tia doesn't need a kingdom, nor riches or titles. She needs somepony she can be herself with." her gaze then trailed off in time to see Celestia turn down another noble. "These snobs know nothing of our sister. All they care about is their gain should they wed my sister. Fortunately Tia is too smart to be fooled by all the lies and false smiles but with you..." Luna looked at Skarin again. "With you she let's herself be Celestia, the same mare she is with me. No princess facade or diplomatic answers. She snorted while laughing in your presence for Moon's sake!" now both of them chuckled.

"It was pretty cute."

"Cute?" Luna placed a hand over her heart in shock. "I didn't think you knew the meaning of the word."

"I'm full of surprises." Skarin smiled brefly before looking back to the horizon.

"Don't let this slip away." Luna said somberly. "As much as I would like to see thee parade through Canterlot in a lace dress I truly do wish for my sister's happiness." Luna pushed off the railing. "And as your friend, I wish for yours as well." and with that, Luna rejoined the festivities, leaving Skarin alone with his thoughts once again. Thoughts that told him not to pursue this further, to focus on Alduin and freeing his friends and most importantly, make sure nothing happened to Celestia-

"Huh." the way Celestia sneaked into his mind as a top priority told Skarin how much he already cared for her. But in order to do that he needed to let her go. It was for her own good.

"A wonderful night, is it not?" this time Skarin didn't startle. This time the voice calmed the storm in his heart. "My sister truly outdid herself tonight." Celestia joined Skarin on the balcony railing and together they admired the night sky.

"Aye." his eyes glanced at the goddess to his right. "That she did." they stood in silence after that, just enjoying being near each other. A cold breeze suddenly washed over them and Celestia shuddered. Before she could say anything, Skarin's jacket was already draped over her shoulders, her wings flattening on her back on instinct.

"Thank you." Celestia blushed slightly at his wonderful gesture.

"So." Skarin was not sure how to start the conversation so he decided to go with the most overused topic ever. "You never explained the Weather Control department." Celestia blinked in surprise, thankful that Skarin started the conversation since she had no idea what to do! Why was she even out here?

"Oh! I apologize." Celestia replied as other thoughts raced through her mind. "Well, you see, the Weather Control department controls the weather!" she chuckled nervously and mentally slapped herself. It was in the name! What else could they possibly do? This is not how she imagined it to go. Celestia just wanted to talk to Skarin alone but why was it this awkward? They never had trouble before so why now when the scene is picture perfect? The two of them on a moonlit night, standing on a balcony overlooking the city and the Grand Galloping Gala behind them.

"I see." Skarin also felt the awkwardness of the situation. He did feel joy when Celestia arrived and chased away any thoughts other than her. Suddenly the insecurity and fear was gone and Skarin lived in this moment with her.

"And you never told me about that gem." Celestia just casually mentioned it but to her surprise Skarin stiffened.

"I... Don't want to talk about that." if Celestia didn't know him any better she would think Skarin is hiding something. But if these past days proved anything it was that Skarin wasn't hiding anything and was an open book. Celestia concluded that she would probably not like the answer to that question at all so Skarin spared her the details. For now, at least.

"And the sword and the shield?" maybe the weapons would fare better.

"Oh, that I can answer and it won't scar you for life." Skarin chuckled and confirmed Celestia's assumption about the gem. "The sword is called Dawnbreaker. Made by the daedric prince Meridia to aid their chosen one in slaying the undead." Celestia smiled when the conversation finally felt normal. "And the shield is Auriel's shield. Seems like it was stolen from my home after my imprisonment."

"They were both yours?" Celestia turned fully towards Skarin and he did the same to her.

"Aye, a long time ago." Skarin could feel his breath hitch as he observed the goddess in front of him. Her red mane gently swaying in the breeze and eyes watching him with a mix of curiosity and excitement. "I gave the sword back to Meridia since it's their's anyway and I stopped using it once I met Serana."

"The vampire?" Celestia asked and moved just a bit closer. You know, to hear him better.

"The sword tends to explode from time to time. " without noticing it, Skarin moved closer as well.

"I can see how that could be a problem." an inch closer once more.

"I also prefer my sword be the same as my women." and again.

"And how's that?" their faces just three inches apart, feeling the other's breath on their skin.

"Only mine." almost there...

"I see." Celestia stared at his lips.

"Want to do something fun?" Skarin did the same.

"Yes." Just take me already!

"THIS IS NOT WHAT I HAD IN MIIIIIIIIIIND!" Celestia screamed and held on for dear life to Skarin's white fur as he raced through the forest on all fours like a wolf. Her wings were still not at full strength and Skarin made her promise not to use magic. "NO! NO! NO! NO!" against her protests, Skarin made his way towards a large tree and began climbing it. Celestia pressed herself againts his back as hard as she could to avoid any branches but Skarin made sure that not even a leaf would touch her as he made his way up. "AAAAAAAAAH!" Skarin's guttural chuckle reverberated throughout her body and she would be lying if she said it wasn't a pleasent feeling as her body vibrated from the sound.

"Relax." Skarin's growl reached her ears but she didn't care. She wanted off this ride!

"Just put me down!" Celestia yelled into his fur but Skarin would have none of it. They soon reached the top of the tree and Skarin jumped off towards another tree top and then another and so on. "Please put me down!" Celestia begged him once more and suddenly felt they were descending rapidly. Her heart was pumping like crazy as wind rushed around her ears. Even though they jumped down from at least 60 feet, Skarin landed without so much as a hitch. Celestia was still clutching his fur and wouldn't let go until she felt ground beneath her hooves.

"We're here." once again, Skarin's voice went through her body like a shock and Celestia felt herself shuddring at the sensation. Feeling that Skarin was now walking at a slow pace Celestia dared to open her eyes.

"It's beautiful." they were at the little lake Skarin and Luna visited yesterday. The stars reflected perfectly in the calm water making it appear like a mirror. The water was crystal clear as Luna made sure to clean it the day after their visit. "Luna never told me about this place." Skarin continued to walk at a slow pace before reaching a place on the grassy field that seemed suitable for him. He lowered himself to the ground and Celestia finally let go of his fur and slid off. "Good boy." she teased him and scratched behind his ear. Taking a few steps towards the water, Celestia knelt down and scooped a little water out with her palm. Taking a drink from it she felt the water refreshing her parched throat and soon she took another.

"You like it?" Skarin, who was now back to human form, sat down a few feet behind her.

"I do." Celestia admitted and joined him. "We could have walked, you know." she shot him a look which made Skarin laugh.

"I apologize. It's just..." he scratched his head in thought. "The conversation on the balcony felt strange and I thought perhaps a change of scenery was in order." Skarin decided to completely ignore the part where he had to use all his strength to keep himself from kissing her.

"It was strange, wasn't it?" Celestia did pretty much the same and now both were looking away from each other. "But I do admit this place is beautiful."

"It is." Skarin nodded. "About the running..."

"Yes?" Celestia's head snapped to Skarin and she looked alarmed. Did he feel her shudder on top of him? Did he mind?

"When we reached the forest I remembered how Lucia liked to do that." Celestia's naughty thoughts moved away instantly and she took Skarin's hand in a comforting manner. "Guess I thought you might enjoy it too." Celestia smiled at the mention of his daughter. She could tell he loved her very much and was a little embarrased that a filly wasn't scared to ride on Skarin's back while she screamed like one.

"Well, next time it would be nice if you warned me and not just scoop me up from underneath." she finished with a giggle and Skarin nodded.

"I'll keep that in mind." he turned to Celestia. "Soooo wanna' do it again tomorrow?" Celestia laughed and punched his shoulder playfully.

"Not even in your dreams!" okay, this felt more natural. They were finally joking and laughing. "But be serious now, why did you bring me here?" Please say you had ulterior motives.

"Well I brought us here to have some privacy." Skarin answered and Celestia felt her heart skip a beat.

"Y-you did?" she felt a heat rise to her cheeks.

"Aye. Because now is the time for you to tell me an embarrasing story about yourself!" Celestia blinked in surprise Horsefeathers! "And I didn't want the whole gala to hear you." And maybe I also wanted to finish what we started on that balcony.

"What?" Celestia laughed and shook her head. "I will not be telling you an embarrasing story about myself! I have an image to uphold!"

"Come on! I can't be the only one to embarras himself in this relationship!" Skarin laughed and Celestia's ear twitched. Relationship? "It's only fair." Celestia sighed in defeat.

"I suppose so." she then poked Skarin's chest. "But then it's your turn!" To take off your shirt... No! Bad Celestia! Very bad...

"Deal." Skarin fully turned towards Celestia and sat crosslegged. By the Divines she is gorgeous...

"Alright... Ahem." Celestia was already blushing. "Promise you won't laugh too hard!" Skarin nodded, a goofy smile on his face I could get used to this side of her. "Alright, so..." Skarin's full attention was on her. "While I was studying magic under Starswirl the Bearded, he asked me to answer a question. But I wasn't paying attention because I was thinking about a delicious cake I had the day before. I got startled and got up so fast I knocked over my chair and said chocolate cake." by the end her face was so red she covered it with her hands.

"That's it?" Skarin said disappointed and Celestia removed her hands and looked at him in complete shock.

"That's it! I was the laughing stock of the university for a week!" Celestia crossed her arms under her chest and huffed. "It was very embarrasing, so there." Skarin chuckled to himself and tried not to stare at her ample chest.

"Fine." Skarin's answer made Celestia nod quickly. "I'll just ask Luna." Celestia's eyes suddenly shot wide open and she tackled him to the ground.

"No! Please don't!" oh yeah, that was the face of pure embarrasement. The fact tha she had him pinned down by his shulders and was basically stradling him did not help matters. Still, they didn't move from their position, Celestia even inching closer and closer. "Skarin..."

"Celestia..." his arms were already rasing themselves to hug her and press her against him as he kissed her with all the passion he had. But it was just not meant to be because a butterfly decided now was the right time to land on Skarin's nose. Skarin went cross-eyed and Celestia couldn't help herself but laugh. She fell to the side and continued doing it as Skarin shooed the butterfly away from his nose.

"I-I'm sorry." Celestia said through fits of giggles. "For tackling you, I mean."

"Stupid butterfly." Skarin said to himself and rubbed his temples. Luckily, at least in his opinion, Celestia didn't hear him and slowly her giggles died down.

"Well? I shared a story, now it's your turn." Celestia laid on her side and propped her head on her hand. Skarin decided to do the same and looked at her beautiful red eyes. He could just stare at them for hours.

"Alright, alright. My stories are better anyway." this earned him a playful kick from Celestia. "And before you say anything, yes, this story also starts with mead."

"As all the good ones do." Celestia teased playfully.

"Did you know that I got married while I was engaged to Lydia?" now this was not what Celestia expected to hear and recoiled slightly.

"I'm sorry, what?" Celestia truly tought she heard wrong.

"I know it sounds bad, trust me, I was there." Skarin tried to calm her down as she eyed him suspiciously. "So, it was my bachelor party and at the bar I met this guy called Sam..."

And as the story went on, Celestia's worries were washed away and replaced by ever growing laughter as Skarin told her the story of how he married a lovely hagraven. Soon the lake and forest echoed with Celestia's laughter as Skarin told of even more of his crazy adventures. It was the right call to come here. It was peaceful, quiet and the scenery was breathtaking. If you looked across the mirror-like clear lake from the other side, it would look like Celestia and Skarin were floating in the stars, the Moon suspiciously shining a light only on the two of them...

Author's Note:

Don't know about you, but this chapter flowed so easily for me I wrote it in no time! If only every chapter could be like this.

And the sexual tension is too damn high! :trollestia:

There's also this gift I received :pinkiehappy: Big thanks to the person who made it! You know who you are :raritywink:

Well, see ya' next time! :moustache: