• Published 10th Apr 2018
  • 8,405 Views, 327 Comments

Kulaas Ahrk Dovah - SkarinOfAtmora

While studying the Tree of Harmony, Princess Twilight Sparkle stumbles upon and releases an ancient evil hidden deep beneath the tree itself. Luckily, she also releases the only one who can stop it...

  • ...

7 - Dragon Slayer

Celestia's determination was at an all-time high after breakfast. After her conversation with Luna, the Sun Princess decided it was time to show Skarin that this world had so much to offer! Friends, places to see, things to do! Equestria had so much to offer and she was ready to show it to him.

So where the buck was he?

The first place she looked was his room but found that one empty. Next she visited the guard barracks but none have seen him. She even inquiered with her staff about his location but nopony knew where he was. Granted, the castle was big but it's simply not possible that nopony has seen him all morning. Could one of his Shouts render him invisible? After an hour of searching she decided to use her trump card: find him with magic and teleport to his location. She was once told by her sister how annoying that could be, simply popping in without question, and reserved that method for extreme situations. Having a Dragonborn roam around the castle qualified, right? Focusing on said warrior she disappeared from her location and reappeared in front of Skarin-

"Good morn-AAAAH!"

-who was mid-swing with an axe. Skarin barely managed to divert the axe and it embedded itself into the ground.

"What in Oblivion is wrong with you?" he yelled at Celestia who felt her heart racing a thousand beats per minute "I could've killed you!"

"What in the name of the Sun are you doing swinging an axe around?" she countered back with a yell of her own.

"Chopping firewood!" he pointed behind her and sure enough, firewood. She turned to him with a questioning gaze.


"To pass the time." Skarin simply shrug and removed the axe from the ground, putting it over his shoulder "Is there something you need? " a sly smirk appeared "Want to bathe me again?"

"As much as you'd like that-" Skarin chuckled "-I came here to ask you if you would like to accompany me on my duties today. " he looked at her in amusement and lowered his axe to the ground.

"Sounds delightful. " Skarin rolled his eyes and picked up a log ripe for chopping.

"After your little adventure last night I am sure word has already spread about you." Celestia explained and Skarin had to agree with her on that one "My little ponies will want to know who this new arrival is and as Day Court is about to begin it would be the perfect opportunity to show them."

"Show them what?" he asked with a raised brow.

"That beneath that gruff and hardened exterior is a kind, compassionate and proud warrior." Skarin thought her warm smile could melt ice "One which I would certainly like to know better myself. " the Dragonborn played with the log in his hands while thinking "Shining Armor speaks highly of you and my sister has made some valid points about your stay with us so I want to know my guest a little better. " she finished and waited for Skarin to answer.

"Alright." Skarin gripped the log tightly "Let's show them how kind I can be." and effortlessly split it in two before dropping the pieces to the ground.

"Such theatrics will not be neccesary." Celestia rolled her eyes at Skarin's macho display and walked past him "I would suggest you bathe but we both know it will do no good."

"I could always transform. The smell would be self-explainatory then." Celestia stopped dead in her tracks and shot Skarin a glare.

"You will do no such thing, do you understand?" Skarin crossed his arms over his broad chest and grinned wolfishly.

"Woof..." Celestia looked at him unamused and continued on her way to the castle. She saw Log Splitter, the old Royal woodcutter earth pony, relaxing on a bench beneath a tree, looking pretty happy.

"Good morning, Log Splitter. A fine morning, is it not?" she smiled at the old stallion who was observing Skarin with a smile of his own.

"Indeed it is your Majesty." he greeted back "Aaah to be young again." Celestia chuckled at the old stallion.

"You'd be surprised at his age."

"Whatever his age, the lad got here before I did." Celestia looked at Skarin who was putting his tunic back on. Luna must've shown her a memory of the dream since Log Splitter begins his duties at 7am sharp like everypony else and she slept until 8am.

"Truly?" she asked the old woodcutter who nodded in return.

"Found him already chopping away and he practically benched me!" he laughed aloud making Celestia chuckle as well "Then again, if you can break a log in half with your bare hands, why'd you need an axe in the first place?" the old woodcutter looked behind Celestia, the princess turning around to see Skarin with a sly smirk.

"So that old farts like you can keep their job." Celestia was about to give Skarin a piece of her mind when Log Splitter erupted in laughter.

"I suppose that's true. " Log Splitter got up from the bench and stretched his aching bones "If you ask me, you can come back anytime. My back appreciates it!"

"If Kulaas doesn't mind you slacking off." Skarin looked at Celestia who shook her head.

"Not at all. One must earn his keep at the castle. " she gave Skarin a teasing smirk to which the Dragonborn laughed.

"Well said, Kulaas. Now, let's see about that kindness." he cracked his knuckles and proceeded towards the castle.

"I'd hate to be on the recieving end of that kindness." Log Splitter chuckled and cracked his own knuckles, ready to get back on the job.

"He may not look like it but Skarin is a kind individual." just to prove her point, Skarin helped a young stallion with some crates that were way to heavy for him.

"Of that I have no doubt but to split a log of Equestrian Oak with his bare hands..." the old woodcuter's body shivered.

"What is so special about that?" Celestia truly didn't understand what the big deal was.

"Your Highness, I have never heard of a minotaur who could do that, let alone any other race. " Celestia raised an amused brow. Strength of the minotaur was known far and wide and Equestrian Oak was the toughest type of wood on Equus "Whatever he is, I'm glad the lad is on our side. " Celestia looked at Skarin who was calling for her to hurry up.

"As am I, Log Splitter."

Inside the throne room, Celestia sat on, well, her throne, and went over the list of today's requests that her assistant had prepared. As a surprise to nopony, most were concerning Skarin.

"So what do I do now?" Skarin asked from his chair to Celestia's right. The princess answered, eyes still glued on the scroll.

"You just sit right there and look pretty." Skarin scoffed and crossed his arms.

"That shouldn't be too hard." he looked around the throne room and noticed something odd " Are there usually so many guards present?"

"The nobility is corncerned for their safety around your presence." she said absentmindedly but noticed Skarin's look of confusion "The report does say you took down over a dozen stallions in The Bucking Bronco by youreslf."

"I'm a little fuzzy on the details." Skarin replied with a sly smirk.

"I'm sure you are." she gave him a look which only made Skarin feel even more proud about his last night endeavor "Remember, try not to antago-"

"Auntie!" Celestia's eyes shot wide open upon hearing the snobbish voice of her nephew.

"Buck..." the princess rarely cursed but this moment called for it. She loved her nephew dearly but this was not the right moment for Blueblood to meet Skarin. The Dragonborn looked at the source of the voice and found it belonged to a white unicorn stallion with amber colored mane that came through a side entrance. He wore a pristine white suit that would probably make him look naked to someone with bad vision. Blueblood had this high and mighty atmosphere around him that Skarin noticed right away Oh this should be good. the Dragonborn thought to himself. Blueblood approached the throne and bowed curtly "Good morning, dear nephew. What brings you to my court on this fine day?" like she didn't already know.

"It has come to my attention that there is a dangerous creature roaming around and by the Sun what is that awful smell?" Blueblood's nose schrunched up in disgust and he followed the smell towards Skarin "Is that the brute that started a fight last night?" he asked in disgust and Skarin looked back unnamused.

"His name is Skarin, dear nephew, and you will adress him so." but Celestia's words fell on deaf ears.

"What in Tartarus are you? A hairless ape?" Skarin's gaze narrowed at the young prince "Do you not have baths were you come from, creature?" Skarin leaned forwards in his seat.

"Blueblood." Celestia warned with a stern voice that went unheard once more.

"You allow such insolence in your presence, auntie Celestia? If it were up to me I'd have this, this brutish oaf locked up in the dungeons!" before Celestia could speak, Skarin rose from his chair, towering over Blueblood. The young prince didn't seem fazed in the least since dear auntie Celestia was here to protect him "Aren't you going to bow? You are in the presence of royalty!" Blueblood demanded and Skarin sort of bowed. He leaned forward to be eye level with the prince and spoke one word.

"Faas." as the word left his mouth, Celestia felt a feeling of dread wash over her, like she just witnessed her worst fears come to life. Her whole body shivered and her furred coat stood on edge. Blueblood on the other hand went stiff as a log. Skarin could smell a familiar scent in the air and looking down he saw Blueblood's pants getting yellowish in the crotch area. With a bloodcurling scream, Blueblood ran away, bursting open the main door of the throne room and running past the waiting ponies who were confused at what was happening And the weak shall fear the Thu'um... Skarin grinned in satisfaction and sat back down.

"What did you do?" Celestia asked with apparent anger.

"I merely said hello in the dragon tongue.
" Skarin replied casually as ponies began swarming the throne room. Celestia didn't believe him for a second but it was not the time nor place to push the issue as the gathering crowd bowed in respect. Taking a deep breath and focusing her thoughts, Celestia put on her best smile and addresed the arrivals.

"Good morning, my little ponies. " the crowd greeted back in unison "I assume you are here to inquire about our new guest?" the uproar that followed reminded Skarin of an angry mob rather than nobles, who made up most of the crowd.

"Everypony, please!" Celestia yelled over their loud shouting "One at a time!" she tried to calm down the situation but with no succes.

"NAHLOT!" Skarin's voice shook the very throne room to it's foundations and the crowd was silenced immediately. Celestia looked at Skarin dumbfounded and he merely nodded his head. The voice of the dragons was powerful indeed. Turning back to the crowd, she saw one hand was raised up, almost like the pony was back in school.

"Yes, Fancy Pants-" Skarin had to hold back from erupting in laughter "-your question?" the mentiond unicorn, white coat and blue mane, wearing a black suit and top hat, steps forward and adjusts his monocle to take a better look at Skarin.

"H-hello there... Friend?" he greeted, his voice still shaky from Skarin's own "I believe it is proper to introduce one's self before conversation begins. My name is Fancy Pants." he tips his hat in greeting.

"Skarin, at your service." the Dragonborn replies with a nod and small smile which seems to ease Fancy.

"A pleasure to meet you." and Skarin actually believed it "Now, I have some witnesses who said you claim to be a legendary dragon slayer from millions of years ago. Is that true?"

"Aye." Skarin's reply caused an uproar once more but this time Celestia managed to calm the crowd by merely raising her hand.

"I can vouch for Skarin's words." Celestia said, internally fearing what else he might've said. Fancy's face instantly lit up.

"Marvelous! " he clapped his hands in approval "Then would it be too much to ask of you to share some of your adventures with me at the Grand Galloping Gala?"

"The what now?" Skarin asked in confusion and looked at Celestia for an explanation.

"The Grand Galloping Gala is a yearly gala that anypony of importance attends. There is dancing, conversing-"

"Yeah I'm not going." everyone gasped in shock when Skarin cut off Celestia mid-sentence "If you want to hear stories, meet me later in a tavern so we can talk like men over a bottle of ale." Fancy Pants was taken aback by his behavior and looked to Celestia for help.

"He will be at the Gala." she said with a mischevious smirk.

"Hey!" Skarin protested but Celestia merely waved him off.

"Next question." She looked over the crowd and saw one of her guards had raiswd a hand. Well, anypony can partake in day court " Yes, Shatter Shield?"

"Is it true you can breathe fire?" the young stallion asked and Skarin looked up.

"Yol!" a stream of fire escaped his mouth and dispersed above the crowd.

"That is so cool..." the young guard said in awe of the display.

"I thought I said no theatrics will be necessary." Celestia said scoldingly and before he could answer, a bright light and a popping sound filled the room. In front of them, on his hands and knees, appeared an orange unicorn stallion wearing the Royal guard, looking like he just went to Tartarus and back. Celestia jumped on her hooves and the crowd gasped in shock upon seeing the guard's condition.

"Y-your Highness! You have to come quickly!" the guard raised his head, eyes filled with horror "A dragon is attacking Baltimare!" gasps and murmurs spread through the crowd but all quieted down as Skarin kneeled before the injured guard.

"What did it look like, soldier?" he asked with a stern voice but the guard stayed quiet and observed this new creature before him. Only when Celestia put her hand on Skarin's shoulder and nodded to him with a smile, the guard took a deep breath and spoke.

"Scales b-black as the night, sir. A-and eyes red as blood." by the way Skarin spoke and carried himself, the guard addressed him with sir. A soldier recognizes a fellow soldier "First f-fire rained from the sky a-a-and then the monster swooped down on us. It-it-it..." the strain in his voice was apparent and Skarin heard enough.

"You did a good thing coming here." he squeezed the guards shoulder firmly "You get some rest, I'll deal with the dragon." Skarin rose to his feet and turned to Celestia "Give me my weapons and armor. "

"Is it Alduin?" she asked in worry and Skarin clenched his fists.

"No doubt about it."

"I will gather the guards-"

"NO!" all eyes turned to Skarin with angry looks. Who dares yell at their princess?

"You're not facing that monster alone!" Celestia shot back with equal determination.

"And I'm not letting you send more lives to their deaths!" Skarin pointed to the downed guard "This one's lucky he survived!"

"And it's fine if you die?"

"My life doesn't matter!" Skarin's words cut the princess deep. How could one not care about their life? "All that matters is my blade piecing through Alduin's heart! If I die in the process so be it but none shall risk their lives for me ever again!" Celestia looked at Skarin with eyes filled with sorrow. She knew he had lost much but to simply throw his life aay like this? That did not sit well with the Sun princess "Give me my gear, teleport me there and then get as far away as you can! Do you understand?" Celestia remained quiet "Do you understand, Celestia?" he was running out of patience. The last thing she needed was for Skarin to plow through her castle to get his weapons and armor.

"I understand." she answered and Skarin nodded "What you need to understand is that I will not stand idily by while a dragon burns my land and slaughters my ponies." she had no idea how close to home her statement hit Skarin. Perhaps it was a little nostalgia, perhaps her determination he found admirable, maybe a little of both but Skarin smiled at the princess.

"Just get me my damn armor." Celestia smiled in return, seeing as she won this round, and with a glow of her horn, Skarin's gear appeared in the hall and fell to the marble floor, the tiles cracking under it's weight. Fancy Pants tried lifting one of the gauntlets but found it to be extremly heavy.

"My word! How do you move in this?" Fancy had trouble holding one gauntlet. He couldn't even imagine how much the entire set weighed. Skarin, who had already put on the cuirass and leggings, took the gauntlet from Fancy as if they weighed nothing.

"You get used to it." he put on the gauntlet, then the other and stepped into his boots. Making one final check, he sheated his sword, took hold of his shield with the left and the helmet in the right hand. Looking back at Celestia, he gave her a questioning look, seeing she was still in her ornate robes "Please tell me you don't actually-" before he could finish, Celestia was illuminated in a bright light. The ponies had to shield their eyes from the bright light as where Skarin merely squinted. Once the light disappeared, Celestia stood there in full battle attire. Her armor looked to be made out of gold but Skarin knew better, deducing it was some kind of alloy or simply colored that way. The chest portion had a large gem in the middle, looking like a bullseye target but it probably served some purpose rather than to just look nice. Her wings were free of any kind of armor so her flying capabilities were at it's fullest. Deciding to ignore the legendary sword and shield she was carrying, Skarin had one thing to say "Damn..." she looked stunningly beautiful yet deadly.

"Let's go. We have a dragon to deal with." Celestia said, her voice filled with determination.

"A warrior princess, huh? I can work with that." Celestia approached Skarin and offered her free hand which Skarin took firmly into his grasp.

"You're not putting your helm on?"

"You ever barfed inside your helmet?" Celestia shook her head "I did. It's not pleasant." Celestia chuckled while remembering how teleportation affected Skarin.

"Take young Apple Crusher to the infirmary. Make sure he rests well, he has earned it." the guards nodded as they helped their injured comrade to his hooves and Celestia and Skarin were gone in a flash.

When they appeared in Baltimare's suburban district they were greeted with death and destruction. Houses were still on fire, the able were helping the wounded and others mourned the dead.

"By the stars..." Celestia gasped in shock looking at the destruction Alduin had caused. Skarin put on his helm and reached inside one of his pouches.

"He's still here." he pulled out a pink gem and handed it to Celestia "Put it on the sword." Celestia did as instructed and a bluish mist left the gem and entered the sword, the gem turning to dust in the process "This should give you a few good hits."

"What was in the gem?" Skarin knew if he answered right now it would start a pretty heated argument.

"Later." he was scanning the clouds above, trying to locate the World Eater "Try to block with your shield as much as you can. You'll know when it's ready for bashing."

"How do you know all of this?" Celestia received the sword and shield from her father and knew how the shield worked but the sword remained a mystery.

"Later." he spotted a black shadow pass above the clouds "He's coming back! Run!" he yelled at the ponies just as a terryfing roar echoed through the area. Alduin burst through the clouds and went for Skarin who put on his helmet.

"Dovahkiin! Sul hi dir!" Alduin roared as he descended towards the two.

"Bo grind zu'u lir!" Skarin yelled back and drew his sword. Celestia didn't understand what they just said to each other but was pretty sure some insults were thrown.

"YOL TOOR SHUL! as both dragons shouted the words of power, Celestia had to shield herself from the inferno that burned as hot as the Sun. It was magic unlike any she ever felt before. It felt so ancient, so powerful like it could destroy the world. She was glad that Skarin was on their side.

Once the flames stopped, Celestia lowered her shield and saw Skarin was holding out against one of Alduin's clawed wings, that was trying to crush him, with his shield and it looked like he had a hard time doing it. She also saw that Alduin was about to swipe at him with his other wing and Skarin was wide open. Arriving at the last moment, she raised her shield and met Alduin's wing. The force of the impact nearly sent her to the ground. Even though she fought many battles against many races, beasts, monsters and even dragons, this was on a whole other level. The shield did absorb the power of the impact and deflected the dragons wing but her entire body shook from the force.

"My father's shield will not save you, joor!" Alduin snarled and reared his tail back to attack.

"HRRRRAAAAAAAGH!!!" with a mighty grunt Skarin pushed back the wing that was trying to crush him and took a deep breath "FUS RO DAH!" the entire area shook from the power of Skarin's shout and Alduin staggered back a few feet. The house behind him was not so lucky as it was reduced to rubble. And two more behind it as well.

"Your Thu'um is strong, Dovahkiin! But just like before, mine shall prevail!" Alduin reared back as well.

"Get behind me!" Skarin yelled to a stunned Celestia who was frozen in place.

"FUS RO DAH!" barely reaching her in time, Skarin shielded her with his own body, the unrelenting force sending them flying backwards into a wall and Skarin holding Celestia tightly absorbed the impact with his back. For the first time in her life Celestia was scared.

"Focus Celestia!" Skarin shook her shoulders but she was still shell shocked "Where's that warrior princess from moments ago?" out of the corner of her eye she saw her still remaining guards trying to hurt Alduin but ther spells and weapons simply bounced off it's tough scales "Hey! Look at me!" his words apparently reached her as she looked into Skarin's eyes "I know you're scared and that's okay. I'm scared too." she looked at him in confusion "Alduin is basically a god but you can't give up on me now! You can't give up on them!" he pointed at her guards who were being flung around like ragdolls "Your people need you Celestia! They need their princess to show them there is hope!" Skarin forcibly lifted her on her hooves "So get your head in the game and help me fight this beast like I know you can!" Celestia looked at Skarin, his features string with determination yet his eyes pleading for her to help him. It was just like Shining said, Skarin can't do this alone. And as long as there was breath left in her, he wouldn't have to. Summoning a power she repressed for a long time, Skarin had to let go of her as her armor grew hotter and hotter. Soon her mane and tail erupted into flames, her magenta eyes turned red and a whole new Celestia stood in front of him. She looked at Skarin with an expression filled with determination and rage.

"Let's end this." she said in almost a growl and held up her sword and shield. Skarin grinned widely and readied himself as well. Whistling to Alduin, Skarin got the dragons attention and spoke in the tongue of the dragons.

"Kulaas ahrk Dovah! Hin dinok Alduin!

Author's Note:

Leave your thoughts and questions in the comments below.

Per request by a reader, here's dovah language translations:
Faas - fear
Joor - mortal
Kulass - princess
Nahlot - silence
Yol - fire
Dovahkiin! Sul hi dir! - Dragonborn! Time you die!
Bo grind zu'u lir! - Come to face me worm!
Yol Toor Shul - Fire Sun Inferno
Fus Ro Dah - Force Balance Push
Kulaas ahrk Dovah! Hin dinok Alduin! - Princess and dragon! Your death Alduin!

See ya' in chapter 8 - Moonchild! :moustache: