• Published 10th Apr 2018
  • 8,405 Views, 327 Comments

Kulaas Ahrk Dovah - SkarinOfAtmora

While studying the Tree of Harmony, Princess Twilight Sparkle stumbles upon and releases an ancient evil hidden deep beneath the tree itself. Luckily, she also releases the only one who can stop it...

  • ...

14 - The Wolven Storm

Even though the Canterlot Gala was happening that night, Luna did not shirk her duties. After her conversation with Skarin she enjoyed the festivities for a while longer until she bid her farewell and retreated to her chambers. The fact Skarin and Celestia disappeared shortly after her departure didn't escape her so she secretly enchanted her Moon to shine on the pair, wherever they may be.

Taking off her dress and putting on her light blue pajamas, Luna got into position and entered the Dreamscape. It was a rather calm night as not many nightmares had to be dispelled and come sunrise, Luna descended into the so called family dining room. It was rather small compared to the dining room they used when having guests, but no less comfortable and it emanated with the feel of home. The staff knew of their little gathering spot and the table was already set and filled with food every morning before Luna arrived. Like almost every time, Luna arrived first and poured herself a cup of coffee. Taking a deep inhale of the aroma she sighed in content and took her first sip, enjoying this moment of silence before the others arrived. Luna sat down on her usual spot on the table and awaited the first arrival. After a couple of minutes the door opened.

"Morin'..." Cadance yawned upon entering, followed by her husband Shining Armor.

"Good morning, dear niece." Luna chuckled at her niece's tired expression." Good morning, Shining Armor."

"Good morning, your Majesty." Shining was wide awake and ready to take on the day with newspapers in hand. "Seems our friend made the news. Again." Shining handed the newspapers to Luna as Cadance fell into her chair, head on the table, and awaited for her husband to get her some coffee. Luna looked at the cover and a smile split across her lips. The cover featured a picture of Celestia and Skarin dancing with the headline The Princesses new robes.

"I will be keeping this." Luna tore out the front page and folded the picture before placing it in her pocket. "Did you two have fun at the gala?" Luna asked the married couple just as Shining sat down with two cups of coffee.

"My hooves still hurt." Shining replied.

"We haven't danced like that in a long time." Cadance smiled at her husband and downed her cup of coffee. Shining took the empty one and placed the other in front of her. "Thank you, honey."

"It always lifts my spirits when I see you two." Luna commented and took a sip of her own coffee. "Gives me hope for one more love to prosper."

"Why are you so convinced Princess Celestia and Skarin are meant for each other?" Shining Armor asked and was met with compassionate looks from the mares. "What? I don't see it."

"Oh honey." Cadance stroked his cheek gently. "Thank the stars I made the move on you." Luna chuckled at the jab and Shining looked confused.

"What? What'd I say?" the captain looked between his wife and Luna, clearly confused on why they were pitying him.

"Call it a mare's intuition." Luna said.

"Or a hunch." Cadance winked at her aunt who smiled in return.

"Speaking of..." Luna looked to the door and sure enough Celestia walked in, still wearing her dress from the Gala.

"Oh." Celestia stopped in her tracks when she saw the three looking at her. "Good morning." Celestia greeted curtly and wide grins spread on Luna and Cadance's lips. Ignoring their teasing grins, Celestia acted like everything was fine and sat down at the table. "How is everypony this fine morning?" she got no reply, instead Luna and Cadance grinned wider while Shining was trying to deduce what was going on. "Well, I fell great, thank you for asking." Celestia took a piece of toast and some butter. "The Gala was lovely."

"Aaaaaaand?" Luna asked and leaned forward, as did Cadance.

"I also happened to talk with Skarin." Celestia spread the butter on the toast and reached for some jam. She was craving cranberry today for some reason.

"Aaaaaaand?" this time Cadance leaned forward, eyes wide with excitement.

"And we had a nice chat." Celestia replied. "We almost kiss-" the alicorn almost choked on her words and Cadance was trembling, barely able to contain her excitement. "I mean, we took a walk to a secluded lake-" the princess of love squealed loudly. "Oh my..." Celestia finally gave up on trying to act all coy as her cheeks flushed and she covered her face in embarrassment. Cadance couldn't contain her excitement any longer and practically jumped on her aunt.

"I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" Cadance hugged Celestia tightly before jumping back on her seat and looked at her with excitement. "I want all the details!" Luna nodded in agreement, very much enjoying teasing her older sister but also genuinely happy for her.

"Nothing happened." Celestia defended and took a small bite of her toast. "We had a lovely chat under the moonlight-"

"You're welcome." Luna smirked.

"-and then we walked back to the castle." Celestia finished and took another bite of toast.

"I sense there is more to it, auntie." Cadance pressed on. "Your heart is all aflutter and your cheeks are red!" nothing escapes the Princess of Love in the matters of the heart. "We need details!"

"I concur." Luna added and took another sip of her coffee.

"We almost kissed a second time." Celestia smile sheepishly and Cadance was about to explode from happiness. "But then a butterfly landed on his nose and it was so funny I fell off him and-"

"Hang on! Fell off him?" Cadance gasped. "Why were you on top of Skarin in the first place?" this just got better and better.

"W-well, I told an embarrassing story about me and Skarin told me it was lame and said he'd ask Luna about a better one." Celestia shot her sister a warning glare but knew it wouldn't work. Skarin was bound to find out about her growing a beard at some point. "So I kind of tackled him to the ground and..." Celesta's cheeks flushed once again as she recalled the event.

"It's just like something from a romance novel." Cadance sighed dreamily and slumped in her seat. "Isn't that right, Shiny?" the stallion smiled at his wife and nuzzled her cheek.

"Whatever you say." Shining then looked at Celestia. "Where is Skarin anyway?"

"I believe he went to visit Steel Hoof, our blacksmith." Celestia answered. "He wanted to ask him if his armor was salvageable.

"Well that's not a romantic end to this story." Cadance huffed. "I was expecting something like a good night's kiss."

"Skarin was a gentlestallion and escorted me to my chambers." Celestia's words peaked Cadance's interest. "And you can't get a good night's kiss in the morning, now can you?"

"Then why are you still in your dress from the Gala?" Luna asked with a raised brow and the question made Celestia all bashful.

"It was already morning and I was too excited to sleep." she covered her face with her hands again. "By the stars I'm acting like a filly."

"Dawww..." Cadance cooed and stroked Celestia's red mane. "I think it's adorable." Cadance turned to Shining with puppy eyes. "Isn't she adorable, Shiny?"

"That's my boss." Shining deadpanned and Cadance stuck her tongue out. Just then a groggy looking Twilight came in.

"Good morning everypony." she yawned and sat down on the free spot next to Celestia. "Oh..." Twilight noted the black dress her mentor was wearing. The white alicorn blushed slightly as the rest of the table snickered. "A-anyway, I was told to deliver this letter to you." Twilight handed a white envelope to Celestia. "The mailmare asked me to deliver this since she's really busy today." Celestia inspected the envelope and saw it was from one of the guards Luna sent to retrieve the statues of Skarin's friends.

"Thank you Twilight." Celestia smiled and opened the letter. "Tell me, my dear student, how was... The... Gala..." Celestia's voice grew more distant as she read the letter and her expression soured. "Oh... I see." her sudden shift didn't go unnoticed by Luna.

"Tia? Is everything alright?" Luna asked with a worried tone.

"Yes." Celestia replied not so confidently and put the letter down on the table. "If you'll excuse me, I... I have to go." Celestia stood up and slowly walked to the door. She reached for the knob but hesitated to turn it.

"Let me see that letter." Luna reached out and Twilight handed her the open letter. "Dear Princess Celestia. We regret to inform you that... Oh. I see." Luna's brow furrowed before her gaze landed on her sister. "You should go tell him." Celestia nodded meekly and finally opened the door and walked out.

"What's going on?" Twilight asked with her head tilted in confusion. Luna sighed and began reading the letter from the beginning for everypony to hear.

"Dear Princess Celestia. We regret to inform that we will not be able to safely transport the statues to Canterlot."

Cadance and Shining immediately realized why Celestia became so distraught. Twilight still didn't understand what the fuss was about.

"Their extraction from the cave proved more difficult than expected and took much longer than initially planned. The tip of the sword of one statue was broken but the body remains unharmed. I strongly urge you to send Sir Skarin to Ponyville to inspect the statue and perform further studies there as well. Our specialist fears that moving the statues too much might cause them to crumble. With regards, Happy Trails."

Celestia dragged her hooves across the marble floor. She knew Skarin had to go.

Celestia didn't want that. She wanted him to stay with her for a while longer. It was a selfish and foalish desire but her heart ached at the thought of him leaving. The option to follow him to Ponyville was also out of the question, there was too much work in Canterlot and she couldn't leave Luna alone. Celestia knew of the burden that ruling alone brings, she carried it for a thousand years.

So wasn't it time to be a little selfish? Did she not deserve some happiness in her life? Even if this pursuit turned out fruitless at least she would not regret it.

"Better to love and lose, than not to have loved at all." Celestia said to herself and even though she didn't love Skarin, the words resonated with her. She was drawn to him and liked to spend time with him and if last night proved anything it was that there was something more between them.

With a heavy heart, Celestia accepted the fact that Skarin has to go and that he will go without her. But by the stars she will give him something to think about before he leaves, consequences be damned! She will make him want to come back to her!

Stopping in her tracks Celestia closed her eyes and concentrated. Her horn began shimmering and her body was slowly covered by that same light. The glow quickly faded and Celestia stood there in a new dress that didn't leave much to the imagination. Taking a deep breath Celestia steeled her resolve.

Skarin and Steel Hoof stood in front of a table and deep in thought. Two experienced blacksmith stared at the pieces that littered the crafting surface with furrowed brows.

"Tis' bucked up." Steel Hoof stated and picked up a piece of the broken bone armor.

"It's not that bad." Skarin did the same only for the piece to fall apart in his hand.

"I've seen shattered glass in better condition." Steel grabbed the handle of the sword with a broken blade. "And butter knives."

"A world eating dragon tried to eat me. Give it a break." Skarin rolled his eyes and looked at the fractured helm.

"S'a miracle ye' lived." Steel Hoof tried to lift the heavy shield but his old back said no.

"Can you fix it?" Skarin looked at the old blacksmith.

"Me? Yer' the one that crafted the bloody thing!" Steel Hoof picked up a piece of ebony metal that held two pieces of dragon bone together. "Ebony? Dragon bones? Are ye' mad?" he threw the piece back on the table. "These things don't exist here!"

"Don't you have something similar?" Skarin crossed his arms and the blacksmith sighed.

"No. Closest we have is miles away in durability." Steel Hoof crossed his arms as well. "Wish ye' had more of these materials. Would'a love to work with 'em."

"Hmm..." Skarin's brow furrowed. "I may have some..." Steel Hoof's ear twitched. "I had a vault, let's call it that way, where I stored materials and treasure. And before you ask, it's enchanted so nothing can decay inside."

"Do you know where it is?" Steel Hoof asked with anticipation but Skarin shook his head.

"The land changed so much over the millennia that I don't even know where to begin looking." Skarin cracked his neck, making the old stallion wince. "The vault was in Whiterun, my home. Gods know where it is now." Steel Hoof wanted to ask something but then he suddenly bowed and Skarin knew who was behind him.

"Good morning, ancient one." he said without even looking back.

"I am not that old." a different voice giggled behind his back and Skarin turned around.

"Celestia?" Skarin looked at the smiling alicorn and did his best to keep eye contact. She's doing this on purpose.

"Good morning, Skarin." she greeted him before turning to Steel Hoof. "And good morning to you as well, Steel Hoof."

"Good morning, Your Majesty." the old stallion said without raising his head, lest he looked somewhere he shouldn't.

"I thought you would be sleeping by now." Skarin said and Celestia's mood shifted.

"Steel Hoof." the old stallion finally raised his head. "May we have a moment alone, please?"

"Certainly." the blacksmith excused himself and went to another room. Skarin looked quizzically at Celestia who was fidgeting.

"Celestia? What's wrong?" Skarin asked in concern. Was this about last night? Was she uncomfortable about the whole situation?

"Skarin. I..." Celestia played with her hands, not really sure how to begin.

"Just tell me what's wrong. Is it about last night?" Skarin's question caused the princess to look up suddenly.

"No! No, last night was amazing!" she blurted out before blushing. "I mean, I had a wonderful time last night."

"Then what is it?" Skarin pressed on, secretly happy Celestia wasn't here to tell him to stay away from her.

"A letter came this morning." she said meekly. "It was from the extraction team." when Skarin heard that he became immediately concerned.

"Did something happen?" he took a step closer and Celestia looked away. "Was a statue broken."

"Just a tip of a sword." Celestia answered and Skarin relaxed a little. Metal can be reforged, flesh and bone could not. "They say the statues won't make it to Canterlot and that you should meet in Ponyville." Skarin breathed a sigh of relief and laughed.

"You had me worried there for a moment, Kulaas." Skarin was about to pat her shoulder, like one would a friend, but he retreated in the last moment as it would feel awkward. "So what are we waiting for? To Ponyville!"

"I can't go with you." Celestia said quietly and Skarin's enthusiasm disappeared instantly.

"What?" the warrior looked at the princess.

"I must remain in Canterlot." Celestia looked back at him and Skarin could see it in her eyes. Celestia wanted him to stay.

"It's just one day." Skarin tried to reason. "We can even teleport there." both chuckled.

"I'm sorry, but I must stay." Celestia repeated herself even though she desperately wanted to go. She wanted to be there to see the joy on Skarin's face when his friends are finally released from their stone prisons. Maybe she'd even participate in those famous Skyrim parties Skarin always tells her about.

"Can't Luna handle things here?" Skarin pushed for her to come with him. He wanted Celestia to meet his friends and maybe even take her to dinner afterwards. But a more pessimistic part of him told him it was probably for the best. They're not to be and that was final.

"I have shouldered the burden of ruling alone for a thousand years." Celestia said somberly. "I wouldn't want anypony to experience it even for a day."

"I see." Skarin replied and both fell into a long silence. Thoughts swirled in their minds on how to travel to Ponyville together. It would be a short trip but Celestia truly couldn't pass this burden onto Luna. Skarin on the other hand was battling with the urge to simply walk away or to throw Celestia over his shoulder and walk to Ponyville. It's a shame he decided on the former. "How long is the walk to Ponyville?"

"You don't have to walk." Celestia felt her heart ache but this was the expected outcome. "We have a train."

"Train?" Skarin raised a curious brow.

"A steel carriage that runs on steam." Celestia explained quickly.

"Riiight..." then an awkward silence fell upon them. Skarin was scratching the back of his head and Celestia was staring at her hands. Why did they have to dance around each other like this? Maybe if they acted on their feelings sooner then this wouldn't be so hard.

"A guard will escort you to the station. He's already waiting at the castle entrance." Celestia suddenly blurted out. "The first train leaves in an hour and you should arrive in Ponyville come night fall."

"Thank you." Skarin nodded and shuffled in place. "Well, I guess this is goodbye." he smiled weakly.

"I guess it is." Celestia replied in the same manner and extended her hand. To her surprise Skarin hugged her and she immediately embraced him.

"Thank you. For everything." Skarin didn't know why he suddenly hugged her. He didn't care, it felt right.

"I look forward to meeting your friends." Celestia pulled back and smiled at Skarin. "Just don't let Serana bite any of my little ponies."

"Don't worry." Skarin chuckled. "Got her favorite drink right here." he tapped the veins on his wrist.

"That is disturbing." Celestia deadpanned, even though he told her that Serana fed on his blood on occasion. Guess mixing werewolf and dragonborn blood was a treat for vampires. "Take care."

"I will." Skarin said his final goodbye and walked past the princess. "I'll be back as soon as I can! You still owe me a rematch since you cheated!" Celestia laughed at his challenge.

"It. Is. On!"

Celestia didn't return to the dining room. Instead, she opted to take a walk through the gardens and calm her mind. Just as things were getting good, Skarin had to leave. It was like something from those cheesy romance novels her niece Cadance liked so much.

Her walk didn't take long though. Celestia still had to run Day Court and so with a slow and heavy walk she made her way towards her room to get herself ready for the day. Once she reached her destination, Celestia closed the door and leaned on it. She sighed deeply and tried to think of any reason to avoid Day Court today.

"What's that noise?" she looked towards her large closet where it appeared somepony was rummaging through her clothes. Guess that's a good reason as any to cancel Day Court, right? Celestia carefully approached the closet and saw her sister throwing clothes around. "Luna? What are you doing in my closet?"

"Packing thy clothing for your trip." Luna replied as select underwear, shirts, pants and dresses floated towards multiple suitcases.

"What trip?" Celestia raised a brow.

"To Ponyville." Luna replied nonchalantly.

"I am not going to Ponyville." Celestia replied and the levitating clothes stopped mid-air.

"And pray tell, why?" Luna crossed her arms.

"I cannot leave you to attend to both of our duties." Celestia argued and began pulling out the clothes from the suitcases.

"Please." Luna rolled her eyes and snatched the clothes from Celestia's hands. "We can handle the day to day affairs while you are away."

"Luna." Celestia snatched back the items from Luna. "I am not going."

"Don't make this harder than it has to be, sister." Luna repeated the process.

"Luna, I know what it means to rule alone-" and again...

"For a thousand years! I think we can manage a day!" Luna raised her voice and put an end to the clothes snatching by throwing them into a suitcase and closing all of them. "Now listen here, sister!" Luna poked Celestia with her finger and the older alicorn looked shocked. "We had enough of thine and Skarin's prancing around each other! This is the perfect opportunity to get closer and buck like wild-"


"Oh grow up!" Luna rolled her eyes. "Now I am telling you as your younger and much wiser sister." the dark alicorn got up close and personal. "Thou art going to Ponyville and thou are going to have fun. We shall handle Canterlot and niece Cadance and Shining Armor are here to assist us should the need arise." Celestia's resolve slowly crumbled. "Tia, thou hast literally worked for a thousand years. Consider this a mandatory and overdue vacation." Celestia looked away and tried to explain to herself that she indeed was long overdue for a vacation. "If thou just so happened to grind Skarin's pelvis into dust-"

"Again! Luna!"

"Thine posterior is superior." Celestia rolled her eyes. "So, do we understand each other?" Luna smiled and Celestia did the same.

"Yes, ancient one." Luna smirked at her sister's jab which she clearly picked up from Skarin. "Just one problem with your plan. The train already left." Luna rolled her eyes.

"Whorse please." before Celestia had the time to scold her sister for using foul language, Luna snapped her fingers and Celestia was teleported to the Friendship Express along with her luggage. "Now go make me some nieces and nephews!"

Author's Note:

This was supposed to be part of the previous chapter but I split it. Had this one in "storage" from last time but I didn't publish it. I feel if a story gets updated too often people assume they already read the latest chapter.

Also updated the cover xD

See ya next time! :moustache:

Comments ( 22 )

God, this Luna is hilarious. Great work!

Me too. I’m really loving this stories version of her.

"Whorse please"

The amount of snark this Luna has is fuckin fantastic lmao I love it

Would you like to borrow a couple of OCs?

It looks like Celestia is pissed about what that guy just said and ready to bring the hurt on him.

Luna 3, Celly 0


I love this version of Luna!

"Thee are going to Ponyville and thee are going to have fun.

Should be “thou art” both times. :twilightsmile:

"If thee just so happen to grind Skarin's pelvis into dust-"

If thou just so happens or happened, whichever you meant. :rainbowwild:

I don't know what I meant, but apparently LibreOffice thought it knew what I meant. I mean, I meant to mean that it ment. :pinkiecrazy:
But I fixed it! I think... Only got two hours of sleep :derpyderp1:

What would Luna do after she found out that she could have two moons instead of one?

I really like the new cover picture it makes me laugh every time

please make the next chapter soon this is getting so good i am really looking forward to the next chapter

I had to take a little break from writing. Kinda' burned out but I'll be back by the end of the week :twilightsmile:

Kool burnouts suck and take the time you need I know the feeling of them but in a different way being a security guard the works in a building PG&E bought and is putting there workers in so the burnout is going to be long and hard once they come in full

I really hope this is still alive, I'm lovin it.

Where's the next chapter dood?

"Whorse please." before Celestia had the time to scold her sister for using foul language, Luna snapped her fingers and Celestia was teleported to the Friendship Express along with her luggage. "Now go make me some nieces and nephews!"

luna is laying it on thiccc ( like Celestia's ass) and Celestia need a vacation seriously

This is indeed correct. It actually gives us an idea as to how big Alduin should've been.

To count how many guards there are in the dungeon

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