• Published 20th Apr 2018
  • 5,461 Views, 120 Comments

Kirby: Equus Defender - QuartzScale

The young Star Warrior falls out of the sky landing on Planet Equus where he goes on adventures with new friends he makes over the course of his stay.

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04. Twilight's Dream Land

Author's Note:

So since no one made any suggestions on which characters would adventure with Kirby I've already got who will go with him in Dream Land, Adventure, Dream Land 3, and Return to Dreamland.

‘How? How did it come to this?’ Twilight exasperatedly sighed as the chaos was going off around her.

She knew something went wrong that day when she couldn't find any sweets at Sugarcube Corner and Pinkie wasn't the culprit. It was even more surprising that Kirby hadn't done it either. Then it began.

Swarms of Waddle Dees raced in grabbing every single snack and raced off for Dream Land leaving nothing to chance as they skedaddled past any defenses the ponies tried to do. The sheer mass of them were able to break through any magical shield and with how many they were they immediately charged through knocking whomever got in their way out. There were several bumps but never anything more serious than that.

A part of her knew what this was all about… and unfortunately it was because Kirby ate the king’s food. She had caused an international incident without planning and was slowly becoming a tangled mess of nerves and neuroses. Kirby valiantly tried to pat her side but at this point not even Spike could calm her. Nothing short of Celestia could calm her down.

“Twilight, I came as soon as I heard how wound up you got.” Celestia appeared, considered her words and got her attention. Twilight began bawling.

“I'm so sorry! This is my fault! I should have done better!” Twilight rambled on from whatever Celestia could make out which admittedly wasn't much.

Kirby waved at her lunging at her as the two fell into a hug pile. It was refreshing when thing unexpectedly happened and Celestia returned the hug to Twilight’s horror and chagrin.

“Ok… now that you have calmed yourself how about you tell me what is wrong Twilight.” Celestia calmly stated as Twilight composed herself to the best of her abilities.

“It all started yesterday when a lot of ponies noticed that several Waddle Dees had made their way into Ponyville. At first nopony made any fuss about it because they were adorable. Though as night fell there were a few reports of Waddle Dees taking as many snacks as they could from the town… especially places where Kirby decided to be. Before long there were no snacks left and even cake had gone missing.” Twilight quickly explained to that point where Celestia went paler than usual.

“T-t-the cake!? Are you sure?” Celestia growled out realizing that her beloved was in trouble.

“Yes. Everything was taken and several ponies are going crazy from the lack of sugar.” Twilight pointed over to the Flower Trio.

“The cakes!” Lily cried out.

“My pies!” Daisy moaned in sadness as tears fell from her eyes.

“The horror! The horror!” Roseluck finished off as the three fainted.

“It's been a rough time. Especially for Pinkie… she's almost gone cold turkey…” Twilight trailed off as a straight maned Pinkie slowly trotted by. Thunderlane accidentally brushed past her.

“Oh sorry Pinkie.” Thunderlane quickly apologized.

“Sorry? Sorry! I'll make you sorry!” Pinkie shouted as she grabbed Thunderlane and chucked him into the nearest wall. Her eyes were unfocused and she kept muttering to herself. When she realized where she was she continued to trot through town. She couldn't remember whose birthday it was today.

“My… she's looking well. I guess… “ Celestia muttered the last part under her breath.

“It's gotten bad. I need to fix this. I will fix this Princess. You can count on me.” Twilight tried to reassure her.

“I also trusted you with the diplomatic meeting Twilight.” Celestia pointed out causing Twilight to blanch and stammer. “But I will give you the chance to make things right. This is my fault as well for foisting too much responsibility on you when you are clearly not ready to deal with other beings personally.”

“I-I-I'm getting better. Honest!” Twilight protested.

“And I don't doubt that but you are still getting there. Take Kirby with you to have him apologize for his faux pas and see if you can get along DeDeDe to calm down.” Celestia informed the purple unicorn.

“Yes Princess. But the others… they are dealing with too much right now to go with me.” Twilight grimaced as she looked at her friends all attempting to stop the Waddle Dees.

Rainbow Dash had been stopped immediately from charging in because her actions would not only ruin the food but cause unwanted property damage. Applejack tried to corral them all… to no avail since they merely jumped over Winona and started to fly… somehow. Fluttershy had attempted to be diplomatic, but the few that didn't take food decided to incapacitate her with hugs and cuddles. They knew what they were doing. Rarity had been able to do the most as her mastery of her telekinesis allowed her to grab as much food away from them. Then a cake fell on her mane because she wasn't paying attention and she remained locked in Carousel Boutique rinsing and washing her mane.

Twilight had attempted a shield… but they all knocked on it incessantly until she was drained of magic from maintaining it. It was mortifying that they were this insistent of a foe for how adorable they looked. Kirby had taken to comforting his friends and not fighting the Waddles Dees though nopony was certain why he didn't fight. His reasons were his own.

“Then I suppose it will only be you and Kirby, and perhaps Spike if you decide on it.” Celestia quietly nuzzled Twilight who managed to compose herself. Celestia quickly teleported back to Canterlot where she rushed to her Cake Vault and secured everything I there making absolutely certain no one could break in.

“Spike! Kirby! We have a mission from the Princess. Are you two ready to save Equestria?” Twilight valiantly informed the two.

“Poyo!” Kirby raised his hand up.

“You got it Twi!” Spike shouted out holding his own hand up.

Before they could leave Twilight carried them back to the tree house as she gather their supplies for the trip. She was going to be prepared.

Two saddle bags and three checklists later the three were ready to head out on their grand adventure. Spike was especially excited since he was involved from the very beginning. The library was closed due in no small part because everypony was concerned when Twilight started to looked like an escaped asylum patient complete with cringe like twitches and disheveled mane.

Kirby had nothing with him on his journey seeing as everything he owned was eaten to the chagrin of Twilight’s inquisitive nature. Kirby didn't mind as he happily ambled to and fro while Spike was bogged down by a small backpack. He had tried to carry more than he could only to be stopped by Twilight. Only the essentials were going with them… which for some reason included a few books.

Spike sneakily tossed the books out instead packing the few snacks that they had managed to hide carefully wrapped so the smell wouldn't attract anyone.

“Ready you two? We've got to head out and make this right.” Twilight bravely stated as they all struck an adventuring pose as they walked out the door.

Unfortunately, the rest of her friends were busy dealing with the Waddle Dees invading the town to notice the three following the few who were leaving the town already. Fortunately, they knew where they were going already and traveled that path on foot since the trains were overwhelmed by Waddle Dees walking along the tracks.

“Looks like we're gonna have to go on foot and hoof.” Spike brought up as Twilight was still too tired to use her magic fully.

“Poyo, poyo poyo.” Kirby explained as he pointed out towards the horizon.

“You just want to rush out there! Are you crazy!?” Twilight exclaimed.

“Poyo!” Kirby shouted as he rushed off while Spike followed and Twilight growled out before racing after the two.

The three races off facing the sun as they galloped across the fields towards the direction all the Waddle Dees were running for and from. Twilight luckily wasn't wheezing as bad as she did when she first chased Kirby. Still it was a tough trek until they hit a dense forest.

Kirby immediately slowed down making certain to keep track of his surroundings while Spike managed to get to a good vantage point while they waited for Twilight to catch up to them.

“Good work Twilight. That's more than you've run in your entire life.” Spike praised her though in Twilight's ears it stung a bit.

“Spike… I run… a lot… already. You don't need… to rub it… in.” Twilight breathes in heavily managing to catch her breath as Kirby jumped around looking at the foliage around them.

It was certainly different than any other forest that she had read about. The trees were natural and wild like those in the Everfree but they didn't menacingly close off most light through the tree boughs. In fact if she didn't know any better the trees seemed almost… alive.

“Poyo.” Kirby stared up at all the surrounding trees.

“I know. There’s so much going on with this forest that I don't even know where to begin. Still, we should get going and head for Dream Land. We need to get all the snacks back from that King DeDeDe.” Twilight explained.

“Poyo!” Kirby rushed ahead through the trees while Twilight picked up Spike and galloped after him.

As the pair chased Kirby the notes that several of the animals started attacking them. A random assortment of birds swooped down and tried to peck at their faces which Kirby stopped by sucking them in. With a little hop he shot a large star bullet out as the swarm sending them flying with a single shot.

“What the buck?” Spike called out.

“Spike! Language.” Twilight warned as she managed to get a small healing spell on them to cover up the small peck wounds.

“Poyo?” Kirby wandered closer looking over his friends.

“We can't just attack them like that Kirby. They are living beings that should be dealt with more gently.” Twilight chided though her expression wasn't one of confidence on that matter.

The birds had purposely attacked them. She could see that and Spike meandered in place unsure whether to agree with that sentiment. Twilight was certain that friendship could solve this… but if the other party didn't want to speak… well, what could be done at that point?

“Poyo! Poyo poyo poyo.” Kirby eloquently explained detailing a minutiae of details that caused Twilight’s pride to swell.

“You're right. We have to be firm on this matter otherwise somepony would just walk all over us. C’mon Spike. We're getting the food back!” Twilight announced as she charged ahead, Kirby running at her speed so she wouldn't be left behind.

“Hey, Twilight.” Spike whispered into her ear.

“Yes… Spike?” Twilight breathed harshly as she tried to remember all the time she chased after Kirby when trying to learn about him and bring it to the forefront. She needed to be prepared for saving Equestria.

“What did he say that got you all fired up?” Spike intoned as he waiting for his answer.

“He explained how the need to safeguard the sustenance of the ponies outweighed my personal feelings and that should I fight, I fight for the common ponies and their snacks. He also mentioned how someponies don't understand each other with trading blows or fighting first. He was very verbose using words I had to stop and think about.” Twilight summarized to a stunned Spike.

“He said all that? Are you serious?” Spike incredulously asked.

“Yes. Surprisingly yes. It was very moving.” Twilight nearly fell over trying to wipe a tear from her eye but managed to right herself as she kept running with Kirby.

Several more enemies attempted to stop them from chasing after the food including more bird swarms and several Waddle Dees. Each tried a different method to stop the pair. The swarms all tried to peck at the three only for Twilight to grab them in her diminished magic and use them as projectiles against each other. Kirby merely sucked them up and in some cases swallowed them.

Twilight's curiosity wanted to know where they went since Kirby was no different than he was before but the constant barrage of things in their way stopped her from focusing on that aspect. They needed to get through this.

The Waddle Dees merely rushed for the pair jumping at them in a futile attempt of slowing them down. Kirby decided against sucking in his enemies and slid into them causing them to explode into smoke. It was a surreal moment when the pair saw that.

“How did that happen!? Is he okay!?” Spike cried out… until he saw the Waddle Dee off to the side knocked out with a cross shaped bandage on his head. It would be comical if the pair wasn't still freaking out.

“Spike breathe! You need to calm down. Even if I want to research how this happened I'm controlling myself from doing so and you need to too!” Twilight nearly screeched out as her own instincts to understand warred with her need to please Celestia.

“Poyo!” Kirby yelled as he rushed ahead causing the other two to stop freaking out long enough to know that it was time to keep moving.

Kirby and Co. managed to reach a small grove after a few minutes of running thanks in no small part to his boundless energy. Twilight, on the other hand, not so much. Even with Spike rushing through on his own, even taking down some of the Waddle Dees chasing after them, Twilight wasn't an athletic mare.

“Jeez… Applejack makes… this look… so… easy.” Twilight wheezed out falling to the ground from fatigue.

“I told you that we should have made a workout program before Twilight.” Spike chided his caretaker and friend.

“Buck… you… “ Twilight managed to wheeze out though she flinched because she clearly didn't mean to say that. “Sorry… just… frustrated… “

“I know. You get really belligerent when tired. I've dealt with it all before. Now here. Drink some water so we can keep going.” Spike ordered as he produced a water bottle from his backpack.

“Fine… “ Twilight reluctantly agreed and sat down drinking the water beneath a wild… apple… tree.

“Poyo? Poyo!” Kirby pointed up realizing that there was fruit above him.

“An apple tree? That's weird. I didn't know that the apples grew out here as well.” Twilight muttered as she looked up.

“I don't think… that they do.” Spike warned as he started stepping away from the tree.

On the tree were three large knotholes. Two that acted like eyes and one that acted like a mouth. Twilight, still tired, managed to amble away from the tree to get a better look as Kirby joined them at their side.

Before any of them could voice their confusion the tree violently shook and the eyes blinked. The tree actually grew slightly and looked at the trio before releasing a large roar.

Vs. Whispy Woods

Twilight immediately shook herself and Spike out of their stupor as the living tree shot out several bursts of air that slammed against the ground leaving sizable impact craters. Kirby had wasted no time getting in close to keep the tree focused on him while his friends came to grip with a living tree.

“Twilight! Move!” Spike cried out as another barrage of air bullets came hurtling towards them.

Jumping out of the way, Twilight managed to dodge the brunt of the attack making certain to keep Spike ahead of her. The tree seemed to be focusing on them because Kirby couldn't do anything at the moment.

“Twilight, look out!” Spike yelled as the tree stated to shake dropping several apples on their collective heads.

Wasting no ammunition Kirby sucked in as many apples as he could and spat it out at the tree. Whispy whipped back slightly from the sudden strike as he turned to focus on Kirby.

Twilight sensing her chance struck the tree with a few magical laser beams. While they hit they didn't do as much damage… though it did get its attention once again. It immediately shook once more only to release several wriggly caterpillars which Kirby tried to suck in.

Kirby coughed up nearly throwing up on the spot causing Twilight and Spike to stop fighting and rush over to him.

“Are you okay?” Twilight muttered as she picked up the diminutive Star Warrior. They couldn't stand still for long as the tree grew larger of its own accord.

“What now!?” Spike cried out as the tree shot out several mini tornadoes which raced for the trio.

Twilight lit up her horn and teleported the three of it the way leaving them covered in ash with a charred mane for Twilight. The tree turned and fired several more tornadoes which forced Twilight to react to forcing another teleport.

Kirby pushed himself up from the disgustingness that filled his mouth looking more determined than ever as Whispy released more items from his boughs. Several more caterpillars and an iron ball covered in spikes with two eyes, called a Gordo, fell atop them forcing them to jump out of the way.

By sheer chance an apple also fell which Kirby sucked in and shot at the crazy tree. Whispy Woods reeled back from the sudden attack. From this point on the he was stuck in a pattern of firing either air bullets or mini tornadoes followed by shaking his boughs over the trio.

“I didn't sign up for this!” Twilight screamed as she dodged a Gordo and tossed the fuzzy caterpillars aside which were almost as large as Applejack’s dog, Winona.

“This is nuts!” Spike called out as he used his flames to push back the Gordos slightly. They were far too durable to do anything more than deflect them.

“Poyo!” Kirby shouted over the mayhem as he sucked in some more apples.

“What do you mean lift you up!? Spike, cover me!” Twilight complained as she worked her horn to pick Kirby above the mess around them. Spike used his flame to incinerate the strewn about caterpillars and rogue apples that tried to attack them. The Gordos remained difficult to stop so Spike used his breath to knock them off course at least a little.

With Kirby floating around he shot out the multiple apples he had taken firing them incessantly as Whispy kept reeling from the barrage. As quickly as it began it soon came to an end as Whispy stopped trying to move and a large glob of sap dripped out of its eye.

A sparkling star appeared from the tree floating above the trio. Twilight took a deep breath finally able to relax from the sudden shift in fighting. Spike looked up at the sparkling stars wondering what that actually meant.

“Weird… this is just like the phenomenon that Kirby does whenever he eats something and spits it up.” Twilight pondered aloud wanting to touch them with her magic… only to realize that she was burnt out from the excessive teleportation.

“I don't know Twilight. Last time I was influenced by the stars to dance. I don't mind busting a move but I'd like to do so under my own power, if you get my drift.” Spike mentioned as he looked at them floating in mid air.

“Poyo!” Kirby jumped at the stars and instantly split into three kirbies.

“Uh-oh… “ Spike muttered as he felt something come over him. Twilight was about to cry out due to the loss of a research topic… only to feel something come over her body.

The Kirbies all began to dance identically shuffling around and spinning like a ball before jumping into the air and raising a single arm up in victory. Spike had moonwalked and shuffled in place before doing a full spin into a disco pose. Twilight managed to do a cartwheel in place, land on her back hooves standing up doing an impromptu wave before spinning back on all hooves holding her head up high in elation.

“What!?” Twilight screamed out when the sensation left and the extra kirbies disappeared.

“Huh… I did dance better that time.” Spike muttered under his breath clearly find with what happened.

“Poyo!” Kirby cheered as he sat beneath Whispy Woods, who finally calmed down, kept quiet vigil over the area.

As a peace offering three fresh apples fell from his boughs and Kirby handed one to each of his friends.

Twilight groaned before taking the apple and just accepting that this would be that kind of trip. The kind of trip that didn't have time for exploration. Spike took the apple and ate with Kirby beneath the shade of the living tree clearly already fine with whatever was going on.

It was still a long journey to face the king but they would do so together.