• Published 20th Apr 2018
  • 5,459 Views, 120 Comments

Kirby: Equus Defender - QuartzScale

The young Star Warrior falls out of the sky landing on Planet Equus where he goes on adventures with new friends he makes over the course of his stay.

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07. Acrobatic Aerial Assault

Author's Note:

Short chapter but I think having a small serious moment followed by Combat and a boast of dealing with things should work out well for pacing issues.

In truth I'm blending a lot of Dream Land 1, and Spring Breeze from Super Star which is a remake of the original Dream Land only shorter. Next time though we have the climactic encounter between two rivals of Kirby and King Dedede. Also Twilight and Spike will help out.

It had taken an hour of rest and a bit of small testing for Twilight to finally restore her crumbling sanity from batshit crazy to mentally disturbed. Spike called it an improvement overall though he did admit not wanting to be around Twilight when they got back home if only because that glint in her eyes held the need to experiment on things.

“Poyo!?” Kirby called out as he saw Twilight messing with a small portion of the clouds. Her magic laced off her horn weaving into the small section trying to figure out why the cloud had such viscosity.

The clouds were solid enough to step on and hold weight yet her magic raced through it like water. It was a fascinating look at the cloud formation over Dream Land since there were no cloud factories. Even with their extensive work on the environment around Equestria, ponies didn't create weather for other races. The sun and moon moving through the sky was the only thing the ponies were known for… at least as far as Twilight knew.

“So there is a difference in cloud and these are more in tone with sand rather than water. There are small air pockets which seem to keep the shape constant yet fluid. I have left hoofprints in the cloud though they disappear soon after. Hm…” Twilight buzzed about looking over the cloud.

“Poyo!” Kirby shouted as he jumped on her back freaking her out.

With a whinnying cry she rushed around like a chicken with its head cut off. She partially yelled about brain sucking parasprites.

“Hey? I thought those weren't real.” Spike groused unsure whether her panic was making her tell the truth or proving she was a closet conspiracy theorist.

“Poyo!” Kirby shouted as he held on to the bucking Twilight who had completely forgotten her magic at that point and focused completely on what she called the ‘Applejack method’. It didn't work very well since Kirby proved to be stronger than he looked while his little beam cap waved around in the wind.

Twilight fell over exhausted once again as Kirby did a quadruple spin through the air before landing in front of her. Somewhere in Ponyville, even frowning like a madmare, Pinkie held up a small scorecard with the number ten on it. Realizing who had been on her back she shook her head and looked over the scene of the crime.

“Was I getting into research mode?” Twilight innocently stated chuckling to herself.

“Yeah. I was worried you were gonna ruin the clouds. Y’know, the clouds we are standing on that are our only barrier between life and death. But overall you're fine.” Spike snarked slightly giving her a cheeky grin.

“Heh heh… sorry. Just… y’know… needed to know.” Twilight blushed as she scrunched up a bit smaller.

Now that Kirby was satisfied that everything was fine at that point he point at the three sparkling stars. Twilight and Spike had been trying to remain aloof about the floating stars mostly because Twilight hadn't been able to affect them with her magic. Now that they were forced to look at them they needed to figure out what to do.

“Well… I got nothing.” Twilight finally admitted after scanning them with her magic.

“What? But Twilight you're the smartest mare I know. Surely these stars can be figured out.” Spike voiced his disbelief.

“Ugh… that's not the problem Spike. These stars are obviously holding magic and I can feel it but they aren't affected by my magic. It's almost as if only alicorn magic could hold them. Even with my connection to the Element of Magic I haven't been able to do much more than push magic into the star and take it out. There are no detrimental effects and I haven't been able to do anything else with them. So frustrating…” Twilight growled at the stars trying to intimidate them to reveal their secrets. They remained sparkling through her darkened glower unphased by it.

“Poyo!” Kirby jumped and touched the sparkling stars.

Twilight and Spike gasped and face faulted at how careless Kirby was being as the three were lifted into the air against their will and thrown off the large cloud formation towards the large castle atop the mountain in the distance. The two screamed in horror and Twilight was too drained to actually teleport them back to safety. Kirby laughed the entire time childishly riding the roller coaster of life to its smashing end.

As they fell through the air once again they realized that their lives were flashing past their eyes. Twilight saw books and friends she once had way back before anything had happened with Nightmare Moon.

‘Wow… I was a jerk to my fellow classmates…’ Twilight surmised as she thought of Minuette, Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine, Lyra Heartstrings, and especially of Moon Dancer. ‘If I survive maybe I should go apologize…’

Spike thought back to Rarity and came to the startling realization about their relationship. He mentally looked over himself accepting the age gap between the two knowing that no matter how far he aged there was no way for him to actually be with her. Time and Rarity’s own pursuit for a relationship to show off her status at this point was the only thing on her mind at this point. The other problem was that he had no idea about dating in the slightest and the two of them only shared gems in common and not even in the same way.

‘Maybe I should actually try dating somepony else…’ Spike growled out mentally realizing that he would move on from his crush to something more substantial only after he was about to die. It was just his luck.

As acceptance finally reached their hearts and they stopped screaming the sparkling stars spun under them keeping them from falling any further as a large ship appeared beneath them. It was made of metal and coated in silver with the appearance of a shooting star. The three were comfortably sat down while Kirby took the pilot seat.

“Spike?” Twilight coughed out.

“Yeah?” Spike answered.

“Was I a bad friend?” Twilight groaned as she looked away not really wanting to know the truth.

“In Canterlot?” Spike wondered and Twilight nodded. “Then yeah. We need to go back and say sorry, especially to Moon Dancer.”

“Oh…” Twilight sighed as she came to grips with what happened.

“Twilight?” Spike twiddled his claws uncertain how to ask the question.

“Yeah?” Twilight composed herself ready for Spike’s revelation.

“Is Rarity too old for me?” Spike questioned as he looked down at his feet.

“Oh Spike… “ Twilight held a hoof to her mouth ready to lie… but the near death experience wouldn't let her. “Yes… yes she is.”

“Ah… maybe I should move on then, huh?” Spike groaned as he held his head in his claws. “Jeez, I didn't expect to have a moment like this so out our depth.”

“Yeah… Kirby? Was that on purpose?” Twilight finally addressed the elephant on the ship.

“Poyo?” Kirby turned his chair about and looked deep in thought. He didn't say anything more than that though quietly returned to the controls to steer the ship. Twilight and Spike were left with their thoughts as the ship lurched forwards towards Mount Dedede.

Before they could try to coax more out of Kirby a large blimp appeared with a large cannon underneath it. The blimp appeared to be completely autonomous and floated in the air before them.

“Poyo!” Kirby called out switching on more controls.

“What do you mean we're gonna fight that thing!?” Twilight was broken from her revelry and realization and Spike went wide eyed as the ship finally started zooming through the air.

Vs. Kabula

The star ship pitched left as a cavalcade of cannonballs were shot out of the turret from the bottom of the ship which moved almost unnaturally fast. Kirby was forced into aerial acrobatics rolling through a hail of cannon fire.

Twilight only had a bit of magic left and used her focus to fire lasers at the ship attempting to disable the turret from firing but with it zooming around like a large Rainbow Dash and the ship being forced to pitch, roll, and yaw to escape she could get a bead on it. Even leading her shots didn't seem to help much as her timing was off when she aimed for the turret. Spike had attempted to blow flames but the wind pressure surrounding them nearly blew the flames back in their face.

“Twilight! I can't do much here!” Spike cried out feeling a bit useless due to this.

“I'm not doing much better!” Twilight cried out back. The two were screaming again at this point due to the sheer amount of combat and near death experiences that they had over the course of their adventure.

Kirby slapped a button and two controls appeared in front of the pair. They were simple buttons in front of them that hooves could easily press. Glad with the simplicity the two pressed them and stars shot out from the front of the ship.

“Woah.. “ The two were stunned by the display until the ship tried to fire on them.

Kirby rolled the ship as Spike and Twilight pressed with wild abandon shooting stars at the ship which seemed to be doing damage. The ship seemed to notice as it released gordos, sharp spike balls with eyes, in their path. Kirby was forced to yaw the ship changing heights as the ship kept in front of them and firing off more cannonballs and gordos.

The stars seemed to be taking their toll as the ship started to receive more structural damage as smoke and fires broke out on the blimp. Still it wouldn't take that lying down. The blimp spun around like a tip before hurtling into the trio.

The star ship was knocked off into the distance forcing Kirby to grab the wheel for all he was worth. Twilight and Spike, while terrified, helped Kirby with the wheel trying to force the ship back up before they crashed. Harrowing seconds turned to minutes as the ground came closer.

“Twilight! Spike! Poyo!” Three random cries called out as Kirby finally got the wheel straightened out.

The ship managed to climb once again returning to battle the damaged blimp. Twilight and Spike shakily took back their positions and immediately button mashed the firing controls.

The blimp was seemingly made as it furiously shot out triple cannonball shots and several more gordos. The star barrage took its toll and now that Kirby knew about it he wouldn't fall for the charging move again. It started to spin once again like a top and rushed forward.

Kirby immediately dove down dodging the first pass and by sheer luck the second pass as it made an arcing return trip. Taking advantage of the lull the two held the buttons unknowingly charging the star shots.

Two purple stars zoomed out bisecting the blimp as it fell down to the ground covered in roaring flames and billowing smoke. The trio sighed as things finally calmed down and Spike and Twilight hit the floor of the ship. Fatigue washed over them alongside a bit of pride.

Pride from accepting their flaws and short sightedness. Twilight needed to show she wasn't a one trick pony with friends and she could restore friendships before it could get any worse. Spike was looking towards a new him… looking for a new pony to maybe find his affection for. They also accepted that they were alive as they zoomed off for Mount Dedede.

Kirby was ecstatic otherwise since he was finally close to saving all the snacks of the world… his world at least. With a small giggle he pushed the ship faster.

King Dedede was a lot of things. He was a King, an innovator, a connoisseur, and a shrewd ruler. His mouth was wide open in shock staring at the destroyed Kabula. Meta Knight was beside him appraising the situation and Bandana Dee was freaking out.

“What? What just happened?” Dedede gasped out.

“Seems we have heroes coming to stop you. I shan't be involved though.” Meta Knight announced before flipping his cape and disappearing into it.

“Sir! We’ll have intruders soon!” Bandana Dee cried out though no sound was heard.

“I heard! Get ready! I'll deal with these upstarts.” King Dedede announced before grabbing his hammer and trudging away towards the ring he made specially for these situations.