• Published 20th Apr 2018
  • 5,435 Views, 120 Comments

Kirby: Equus Defender - QuartzScale

The young Star Warrior falls out of the sky landing on Planet Equus where he goes on adventures with new friends he makes over the course of his stay.

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08. Mount Dedede Rumble

With an explosion of epic proportions Twilight, Spike and Kirby all landed at the gate of Castle Dedede. Twilight and Spike still faltered on the landing though, falling straight on their backs from the sudden stop while Kirby looked no worse for wear. Kirby looked up at the large door that seemed to loom over the three though Twilight was still frazzled.

“Why? Why does it explode? It was made of stars! It should have done more than that but it didn't!” Twilight rambled as she fixed her mane up just to get it out of her eyes. Spike was the one combing it for her with his claws. At the very least she wouldn't have knots in her mane later.

“I don't think this is the time for that Twilight. We're here.” Spike pointed out forcing her sights up at the large palace doors that gave Canterlot Castle a run for their bits.

“Oh… right. The snacks of Equestria are at stake. Y’know… now that I say that out loud it doesn't feel as high stakes as I was making it out to be, does it?” Twilight looked back to Spike who merely shrugged.

“I don't know anything about that but we certainly fought some epic things didn't we?” Spike countered before he turned to Kirby who nodded back.

“We did, didn't we? I don't think anypony is gonna believe we fought a sentient tree, two fairy like creatures, a sentient cloud and a sentient blimp. Saying even that out loud makes me wonder if I'm dreaming everything up. Would make an interesting dream, right Luna!” Twilight called out her eyes twitching slightly. Her nervous tic remained since the fight with Kracko. Spike pinched her ear. “Ow… what was that… for. Oh… “

“Sorry Twi but this isn't a dream.” Spike consoled the now broken purple pony as she had to accept that this was her reality.

“Poyo. Poyo poyo poyo.” Kirby patted her leg.

“Thanks you two. Spike for the hug and Kirby for that eloquent soliloquy on the nature of dream and reality. It really puts things into perspective.” Twilight breathed in managing to keep herself calm from all the things going on that last couple of days. Her manic behavior from so many new things had made her go a bit… crazy and she need some normalcy eventually. It didn't help that the clouds moved on their own whenever she tried to stargaze for some serenity of mind.

Kirby broke into a sprint as he pushed against the door… revealing a smaller door for everyone else to use to get through the larger door. Twilight groaned as she realized that the door was merely an overcompensation analogy. She also wanted to bleach her mind but that was for an entirely different reason altogether. Spike surmised it was probably physics based if he knew what was going on within Twilight’s mind.

The three rushed through passing the same halls they had wandered down when they were meeting with King Dedede that fateful day. Several Burning Leos and Mr. Chillys attempted to stop them sending a cavalcade of fire and ice to stop them. This forced Spike to step up.

Spike rushed ahead and used his natural resistance to fire and burned up the frigid snowman guards that were stopping them from progressing. Twilight not wanting to place too much of a burden on him used her telekinesis to knock the Burning Leos into the ceiling knocking them out of the fight. Kirby, without a care in the world, rushed through as if there was nothing in his way.

Hall after hall the three were attacked by all manner of monster. Sir Kibbles and Sword Knights had banded together using their blades to slice at the would be intruders for it Kirby into action. Sucking up a Sword Knight he disappeared in a flash of light only to reappear with a new look.

Atop his head was a long green conic cap with a bright yellow band around the rim and a yellow cotton ball at the tip that he proudly wore. Raising his nub Kirby showed off a golden sword that glistened as he held it aloft. Before the foes could rouse themselves to the challenge Kirby swung his weapon and a beam of energy flew straight and true. Piercing through several Sir Kibbles and a few Sword Knights forced into the path by overeager challengers.

Twilight balked at the sight completely floored by yet another ability Kirby had. Also with its own hat to match as well. She briefly wondered if the hats were referential to something or meaningful to the ability he wielded. When she got home she would write a book about it and research it fully.

Spike snapped his claws getting Twilight to focus on the battle at hand. His fire breath could only go so far when she got in her pondering state and the boomerang blades flying towards them weren't helping in the slightest. Shaking her mind clear, Twilight grabbed as many blades that were flying as she could sending them back with double the force knocking out even more of the enemies in their path. It was a miracle in of itself that the three reached the end of their journey without too much of a scratch on them.

The throne room… was completely bare. No guards and no king were left to see. The only thing before them was a large door with three yellow stars atop it shining against the darkness. Kirby rushed forward… only to be stopped by a frantic Twilight.

“Kirby, wait! We need a plan. Who knows what the King has in store for us if he did all these jerkish things to us. Please be patient.” Twilight pleaded with the super tuff pink puff who nodded and sat down.

“Twilight… what exactly are we gonna plan though? He has home turf advantage here. The moment we go through that door we're probably gonna be in a trap.” Spike advised his friend who was pacing around now.

“I know! I know. I just need a moment to think. Only the three of us are here and our friends are trying to keep order in Ponyville. Dedede’s hammer is the most dangerous thing I've ever seen and if he uses it against us I wouldn't be able to lift it. It was far heavier than anything I've lifted and if he uses it with any momentum we’ll be knocked out hard.” Twilight rambled on completely lost in her pace. “Not to mention that he's faster than he looks and probably will fight us to the bitter end.”

“Poyo.” Kirby slapped Twilight albeit lightly. His nub barely grazing the unicorn but making its point anyways.

“Kirby?” Twilight held where he hit her… there was no mark and felt like a marshmallow had smacked against her but for some reason it stung all the same.

“Poyo! Poyo poyo poyo! Poyo! Poyo poyo. Poyo poyo poyo poyo.” Kirby explained before pointing at the door.

“You're… you're right. We just have to do this and teach the bully a lesson.” Twilight raised herself back to her confident stance.

“You know… one of these days I will understand what he's saying and I'll bet it isn't as eloquent as you make it out to be.” Spike deadpanned as he got himself situated on Twilight’s back.

Kirby readied his sword and the three rushed into the door leaving the throne room behind and a cowardly Escargoon to watch.

“Sire… they've entered the arena.” Escargoon whispered into the headset he was wearing.

“Good… heh heh heh ha ha.” King Dedede laughed as he grabbed his hammer ready to show that Kirby what for.

The three felt space warp as they were deposited into a dark room in what seemed to be a platform suspended in the middle. There were cables surrounding them in the square arena which was worrying Twilight. It was a trap but to what end was uncertain. As the three spread out slightly a flick of a switch reverberating throughout the room.

The lights turned on as a procession of cheers and jeers roared through the arena. A mixture of dream landers and equestrians poured through the stands finding seats and getting snacks.

“Welcome! Welcome one and all to the first and only throw down between these three schmucks and the sultan of slam, mallet of wham, and poobah of bam, King Dedede! Tonight and for this night only he'll be taking on the being who took all his food, Kirby, the one who stood there and did nothing to stop it, Twilight Sparkle, and her capable assistant, Spike! This is your MC of the fight Escargoon with my co commentator, you know her, you love her, Princess Celestia!” Escargoon announced as the regent of the sun raised her wings for the crowd below.

“Thank you! Thank you one and all for joining us for this momentous occasion where these two ideals fight one another. Friendship versus Decorum in a no holds barred match to the finish.” Celestia finished as she sat back down adjusting her headset. It was clearly not meant for an alicorn head.

“What!” Twilight screamed as she noticed her mentor, regent of the sun, actually agreeing to this fight.

“Did not see that coming, that's for sure.” Spike gasped slightly though he was feeling far too overwhelmed by the praise when his name was called.

“Poyo!” Kirby shouted out.

“Bandanna Dee, if you would head down for the interview.” Escargoon ordered as the spear wielding Waddle Dee rushed to the arena. When he made it he waved the mike in front of Kirby who declined, then Spike who couldn't find his words, before settling on a livid Twilight.

“What the buck is going on!?” Twilight cried out as she looked up to Celestia. “Why aren't you stopping the stealing of snacks when you are right there!?”

“Twilight, I love you like a daughter but all reports from the meeting told me you allowed Kirby to devour the entire banquet without even trying to stop him when you know how he is around food if your letters are anything to go by.” Celestia announced causing Twilight to step back with a bright blush on her face. “Not to mention how much you wanted this diplomatic meeting to show me you were ready for this sort of responsibility and nearly caused an international incident that would have resulted in a horrible war that would have left all of Equestria and Dream Land in horrible positions but you know… no big deal right.”

“Well… I mean… but I… “ Twilight blustered as the steam behind her sails died out just as quickly as it had exploded.

“So now you are dealing with the consequences of your actions and you will make it right through your own power because I believe in you.” Celestia finished. “And even though I must remain impartial because if I solved all your problems for you then there would be no point for you to do anything if I'm solving everything for you… even though I can.”

“But… but… “ Twilight stuttered out completely floored by this revelation.

“Also this was your test… would you have rather failed?” Celestia quirked her eyebrow at the young mare who she fixed her stare on.

“Never! I'll succeed, you can count on me!” Twilight shouted to the cheers of the entire crowd.

Celestia grimaced at her playing Twilight’s insecurities but needed her prodigy to have the confidence in fixing her mistakes and learning from them before anything got out of hand. She hadn't even decided to endorse this course of action until she had received a special report from Meta Knight. Several strange circumstances were occurring around the Fountain of Dreams. Luna had also made mention of strange dark spots appearing on the moon. This needed to happen sooner rather than later.

So with a heavy heart she endorsed the plan to get this over with. A couple loud stomps later and King Dedede landed within the ring making the arena and entire building seem to shake though that could have been the trio’s collective imagination.

“Poyo!” Kirby shouted as he took point.

“Now we’ll settle this. For the crime of taking all my grub I'm gonna clobber that there Kirby!” King Dedede announced.

Vs. King Dedede

Jumping into the air the trio were forced to scatter as his stomp released several stars that cut the fighting ring. Without wasting a second he raised his hammer high up and slammed it down on Kirby.

Twilight lit her horn grabbing the hammer but it wasn't enough. The hammer was far heavier than anything she had ever tried to carry. At the least she managed to give Kirby enough time to slide out of the way. Mitigating for the sudden decrease in speed Dedede spun around smacking Kirby into the ropes. His marshmallow body pulled the ropes taut as he fell to the floor without his sword ability.

Spike gasped in horror until he noticed King Dedede rushing for them. He slipped but the momentum he built managed to push him into Spike and Twilight at full force knocking them to the canvas. Twilight gasped for breath while Spike was knocked out cold.

“Ooh… looks like the King employed his patented body weight against the bookworm and assistant. Looks like he ain't getting back up anytime soon.” Escargoon commentated to the roar of the crowd.

“Quite.” Celestia seethed at the sight. As much as she wanted to stop things now she was torn with getting her ponies to grow stronger and more capable. Without conflict they would remain sedentary and unable to face changes. With what was coming the lesson needed to be learned. Her hooves disagreed as they pulverized the small metal stress bar she had brought into dust with her earth pony strength.

As a courtesy King Dedede got Bandana Dee to carry Spike off to get treated. As much as he wanted to treat him like his own man he wasn't quite ready for that responsibility. Kirby got back to his feet and faced down the large Dedede who menacingly held his hammer out ready to strike.

“Ugh… that smarts… “ Twilight groaned as she got back to her feet. Seeing that Spike was off the mat both relieved and incensed her at the bully King. With his back turned to her she started to formulate a plan.

“Sorry bout this boy but you made a mistake when you took old Dedede’s food. And there are consequences for doing that.” Dedede warned the pink puffball.

“Poyo!” Kirby defiantly yelled.

“What did you say about me!?” King Dedede turned red as he steamed up from the scathing insults he just got.

Charging forward with hammer raised high Kirby backed up managing to dodge the large hole created from the impact. A star was created from the attack which Kirby took advantage of sucking it up and shooting it back sending the portly king skidding backwards.

Twilight, finally figuring something out, ran to one of the corners out of his eyesight and rapid fires several beams of magic as the king. He fell over from the sudden barrage causing Kirby to laugh at the sight. It would take some magic and she couldn't do it constantly but her plan was set.

King Dedede roared as he got back to his feet and jumped into the air. Twilight noted he was coming straight for him and pushed magic into her horn. With enough effort she disappeared and reappeared in another corner confusing him. Kirby jumped in at that moment sucking in the two stars he created from the impact before running up to the king. With a small puff of breath Kirby shot King Dedede point blank from above sending the wayward king into the canvas.

Rushing off Kirby rejoined Twilight who looked at the small star warrior noting that he looked far more tired than he was during the last few fights they had. Ever since he lost the sword ability Kirby actually looked injured. Forcing herself to look forward the two notes how tired the King looked. He still stood strong against them.

“I'll hand it to you two… you got guts. But I gotta show you why it's a bad idea to mess with the King’s brunch.” Dedede claimed as he pointed one of his gloved fingers at them.

“They could have made more for you!” Twilight countered mostly exasperated by the turn of events.

“It's the principle of the matter Sparkle!” King Dedede roared back clearly not backing down. “If I let anybody get away with stealing my lunch then what next? My bed? My throne? My subjects!? I have to dole out the hard decisions and if you think I'm extreme then what does Celestia do when her cake stash is at stake.” Dedede pointed out growing more incensed as his topic became more involved.

Twilight peered up to her mentor hoping for an answer that wouldn't gratify his point. Celestia couldn't look her in the eyes. Fearing she wouldn't win the argument she decided it was time to meet him on his terms.

“Fine! I'll fight you on your terms!” Twilight screamed clearly done with everything.

“Poyo!” Kirby added though in all honestly he was lost completely on the political machinations that were the undercurrent of the entire fight and decided it was best just to focus on getting the snacks back.

“Finally taking responsibility! I like this even more.” Dedede stomped closer and opened his beak as wide as possible.

Twilight’s eyes widened as an impossibility appeared before her again. Kirby tried to move her as a sweeping vortex pulled them into the waiting maw of King Dedede. The gasps and cries of the crowd were drowned out by the sheer screams coming from Celestia.

King Dedede had eaten Twilight and Kirby in one gulp.

Then he spat them out against the turnbuckle covered in spit and woozily stumbling around from the sudden impact. Dedede laughed as he posed with his hammer. Kirby managed to get to his feet first standing defiantly. Twilight managed to regain her senses and quickly used her magic to get all the sick off of her mane. It was disgusting.

“Gross. Gross. Gross. Gross.” Twilight mumbled ad nauseum as she did so. It was indeed gross.

Before she could fully get her bearing she heard the familiar grunt of a jumping king while Kirby used his own momentum to push Twilight out of the way of the stomp. Kirby turned around sucking up another star and shooting the king back against the ropes.

“What the buck!” Twilight shouted while King Dedede charged against the hapless duo hammer raised high into the air.

The two rushed around the ring, Twilight more so than Kirby, to avoid being smashed by said hammer. Kirby kept close egging the king on with his little exclamations of hi to goad him into striking before he had Kirby trapped. Dedede slammed his hammer down creating more stars only for Kirby to suck it up.

Twilight managed to get behind the wayward King and charged up her horn in tandem with the stars creation. The two released the magic they held striking King Dedede at the same time.

The sudden explosion rocked the entire castle as the king was flung up, and up and eventually through the roof of the building. The crowd went silent taking in the sight of the purple bookworm of a pony and the pint sized pink puffball who won against one of the strongest warriors in the entire world. The cheers were deafening.

King Dedede landed bruised but no worse for wear than usual. His hammer was busted though so that was a bummer. Taking a deep breath he decided that maybe he needed a new hammer and to take some time to assess how things went so wrong.

“Your majesty.” A deep Spanish voice rang out from the darkness.

“Meta Knight!? Where were you!? When I went to clobber Kirby he clobbered me!” Dedede spat out as the masked knight slowly wandered closer keeping his cape around his shoulders.

“I see… so I take it your grudge is settled for now?” Meta Knight changed the subject clearly unwilling to go along with his whereabouts for the moment.

“I guess… I will have my revenge. Some day… anyways what's got you so serious?” Dedede growled clearly unsatisfied with how his subjects were so candid with him but enjoyed the banter if nothing else.

“The Fountain of Dreams. There have been more shadows and we must deal with them soon. We must talk to Celestia and keep her sister out of this mess.” Meta Knight responded in the most serious tone while his eyes glow a deep red.

“Fine… as soon as I get back to my castle. I gotta think about some things.” Dedede muttered as he turned to start the long climb up.

“As you wish sire.” Meta Knight agreed before wrapping his cape and disappearing from sight.

“And there we have it! The end of the match and in an upset victory the winner is… Kirby, Twilight and Spike!” Escargoon called out from the commentator box. “Now Celestia I know there were some moments of uncertainty but I see you've at least taught your subjects to fight for what they believe in.”

“Yes… I wish they didn't have to fight though.” Celestia responded as she looked at her student getting treated by the Waddle Dees. She had a few scrapes from all the death defying stunts while Spike was sleeping at this point. Exhaustion had tuckered the poor boy out. Kirby was still a bundle of energy and healed up by eating food.

“Now, now don't say that. Adversity is the only thing that keeps us moving and if we didn't fight then someone would come down and walk all over us. Dedede keeps a standing army so that everyone can defend themselves when need be.” Escargoon commentated though it was clear he was reading flash cards underneath the desk. She didn't have the heart to tell him she had found out.

“I suppose. If you'll excuse me I must go meet with my student now.” Celestia gave a small bow which Escargoon waved off casually. The small chuckle made it clear that he wasn't so stuffy about decorum. Celestia was glad and trotted off while Twilight and Kirby were taken backstage from the wild crowd cheering for the match of the year.

It hurt to sit. Twilight’s flank was sore from hitting the turnbuckle and while it hadn't turned red yet it had started the moment she made it backstage. Bandana Dee brought a tub of ice which she gingerly sat in to cool off. Kirby was still eating large tomatoes and Spike was sleeping on a comfortable looking mattress.

“Poyo.” Kirby asserted.

“I know… let her explain first.” Twilight sighed. After seeing her mentor sit there and watch the fight questions were abound in her mind. Still she needed to hear her side of the story before making a judgement call. Like it or not what she had said was the truth.

Kirby was an eating machine. Pinkie’s party had proved that unequivocally without a doubt. The moment the banquet was revealed she should have done something to at the very least get Kirby to pace himself. At the same time Celestia hadn't given her all the information to the trade deals… though that might have been for the best seeing as Dedede didn't really pay attention to the administration and things would be explained to him in front of an audience. It was a very deep mixed bag.

“Twilight… may I enter.” Celestia knocked at the door of their room. Hyperventilating but keeping as silent as possible she braced herself for her confident answer.

“Whoisityescomein.” Twilight humbled her words together as the golden glow of magic opened the door. In her humble opinion on greeting Princess Celestia she nailed it… though in truth she failed horribly.

“Twilight… I'm so sorry you had to get involved in this. I knew that sending you out for a diplomatic meeting was far too soon but you were so adamant on proving you could do so. I just… I just didn't want you to think I didn't trust you.” Celestia stepped closer getting all teary eyed as she did. That opened Twilight’s floodgates as tears streamed down her cheeks.

“I'm sorry for nearly causing a war and not expecting things to go south so quickly. I just wanted you to be proud of me for being able to help you for all the years you've taught me!” Twilight sobbed as the two mares cried and hugged.

Kirby remained blissfully unaware eating his tomatoes as the two forgave each other for expecting the world but receiving scorn for it. Spike woke up but remained lying down due to the little reunion between teacher and protege. Far be it from him to break up a touching reunion plus… he was far too comfortable on that mattress to want to get involved.

“Princess… I got to ask. Why did you have me do all this? There has to be a reason for all this, isn't there?” Twilight finally worked up the nerve to ask the question that had been bothering her all that adventure.

“Twilight… yes there was. Things might get dire in the next coming months and I needed you to be ready.” Celestia took a deep breath and calmed her nerves. “As you know our world has always had dark things come into our life and we have managed through harmony and friendship.”

“Yes. It's the entire basis of our society as I've come to learn. Why are you so tense?” Twilight shuddered. Nothing usually phased Celestia.

“Because Twilight… just because Equestria’s enemies could be handled by harmony doesn't mean that all enemies could be. Dream Land has also had its share of enemies and they couldn't be dealt with with harmony as our only means. These enemies show no mercy and like our bruised friendly king are determined to use as much force as possible.” Celestia admitted.

“You make it sound like… friendship might not be the answer.” Twilight gulped as she felt a shiver up her spine.

“In these cases it might not be. You will have to have the conviction to fight back for your friendships to succeed against what we might be facing.” Celestia grimaced biting her lip as she did.

“W-what are we facing?” Twilight shuddered as she could feel that chill become a deluge of frost building up in her soul.

“A Nightmare…” Celestia finished as the room went quiet.

It took a while but the three heroes and all the food that was stolen was returned back to Ponyville. Luckily, thanks to Applejack’s management of their rations the snack shortage was barely a crisis since ponies could handle a few missing snacks.

Pinkie was still in her Pinkamena funk but the sudden arrival of cakes and cookies restored her puffy mane back to normal. Everypony breathed a sigh of relief since laughter hadn't been heard in Ponyville for three days and that was one too many.

Celestia left Twilight to her thoughts as she teleported back to Canterlot. Their conversation on the trip home was… an enlightening view on the world around them. As she looked towards the sky she felt smaller than ever.

Creatures like Kirby who came from the stars, Dream Landers who handled their world without the meticulous schedules constructed by pegasi weather makers, and monsters hidden from the sight of ponies. It was enough to make anypony scared. Twilight looked towards her companions who each had listened to the truth as well.

Spike hadn't taken it as well looking positively terrified that worse things were coming. With the revelation that he was going to fall in love with somepony else his entire world had been shook. Twilight was sure he would recover.

Kirby was the complete opposite. Blissfully smiling he wandered around saying hi to as many ponies as possible. It was infectious but there were moments he would look seriously up at the sky as well. He was ready to fight.

Twilight wandered around town smiling and making sure that ponies were feeling better. She knew how to make the best of any situation. This was just another one of those moments. Whether she was going to be the one charging into danger this time was beyond her at this moment. She would step up but more likely that not…

Kirby would be first one to rush in.

Author's Note:

And done with the first Dream Land game.

Announcement coming up about partners that will pay off once I get to Star Allies that is meant for you, the reader. Details soon.