• Published 1st Aug 2012
  • 14,349 Views, 429 Comments

A Day With Dad - MyOpinionIsSuperior

Life is full of wonderful surprises. Our family can sometimes be one of them.

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Dear Princess Celestia

Princess Celestia turned to blow her lamp out for the night. As she drew breath, a knock on her door ceased the air and turned her head. Her horn sparked with magic, taking on its signature yellow aura. The door opened gently, revealing a tired, but happy cyan pegasus. Rainbow Dash pulled two envelopes from her saddlebags, allowing Celestia to take them with her magic.

“Sorry for being so late, Princess. I grabbed a bite to eat and…” she scratched the back of her head as she flashed a guilty smile. “I guess I sort’ve lost track of time. Hehehe…”

“That’s quite all right, Rainbow Dash,” Celestia replied courteously. “I’m in the mood for a good late night reading. Did your son enjoy his day as much as you had hoped?”

“That and more! Though I do wish Soarin’ had picked a different story for ‘story time’. One with less…” She flushed, spitting out the last word. “Hormones.”

Celestia fought back laughter, struggling to maintain a composed look.

“Oh! Well, you were the first mare in a long time to feel the full effects of pregnancy. It’s a good example that overdependence on unicorn magic can rob us of the miracles of nature.” She paused, giving Dash a coy smile.

“Or that excessive lying makes everypony involved miserable.” She waved a forehoof. “Go on, get a good night’s rest, you’ve earned it. I do hope to see you again soon. I’ve missed my Elements of Harmony quite dearly, but I’m so glad to see you all with happy homes of your own.”

Rainbow Dash bowed before taking her leave, allowing the Princess to unseal both envelopes and reveal the scrolls contained. She turned her gaze to the one closest to her, the beautiful penmanship drawing her attention.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned a lot about my Dad. I mean a lot a lot. I learned just how cool he can be in his own way, even if he’s a big goof sometimes. Or all the time. But it doesn’t matter. He’s a really good flier, a better teacher, and he’s even better at storytelling than Auntie Pinkie Pie! I guess what I learned today is that sometimes we don’t think some ponies can impress us at all, but when you give them a chance they can be better than whatever you wished they really were like.

I also learned that I can talk to my Mom and Dad about anything. Like how I miss them a lot cuz I don’t get to see them for most of the day. Or how I wait at home for them cuz nopony at school wants to me friends with me.

Celestia frowned at the information. She made a mental note to bring up the topic later and continued reading.

But it’s okay, cuz sometimes they get to stay at home with me, or pick me up when I sneak off to Ponyville.

Wanna know something? But you have to Pinkie Promise that you won’t tell. I had fun not being cool today. I had a lot of fun not being cool today. And you wanna know something else? I don’t think I wanna grow up fast anymore. I’m gonna listen to my Daddy and give hugs and kisses when I want to and cry when I feel like it. Well, maybe not in public. Ponies still gotta think I’m cool, even if I like not being cool sometimes. Or a lot of times. Whatever.

Rainbow Blitz

Celestia smiled and placed her hoof over her heart, making two slash motions before resting it on her eye. She placed the other scroll on top and began reading.

Dear Princess Celestia

Today I learned a lot about fatherhood. I don’t think I was ready for it when it began five years ago, but I guess nopony really is. A child isn’t something you can just feed, send to school, and come back to at Six O’ Clock and expect everything to be okay. A child needs to know he’s loved, and it isn’t always easy to tell when he’s suffering. Rainbow Blitz waits at home for FIVE HOURS while we’re at work, staying at home, and I never knew.

Celestia gaped in muted shock, but continued reading.

I never asked. I must be the worst father in the world to never even ask what he did for all that time. I just assumed asking how his day was and receiving “good” as an answer would be enough, just as I assumed he’d be really popular at school because of us.

Boy, was I wrong. They all hate him, just because they’re jealous of his heritage. Can you believe that? They won’t even give him a chance because his parents are celebrities. I’d like to request an amendment to the Wonderbolts code that requires complete seclusion during our practices. I want to bring Rainbow Blitz to work, or rather I’d like for him to come to our practices after he’s done with school. I don’t want him to be alone anymore, and if the kids in his class won’t make friends with him, then I just hope we can be there for him, even when we’re busy at work.

I also learned that not all problems can be bribed away. Sometimes the best, and only thing we can do to comfort our children is show them true love and affection. Everypony needs to feel loved, children especially. I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes as a father, but I can’t beat myself up over the past. Nopony is perfect, and there are plenty of ponies that are worse fathers than me. There are also plenty of ponies that are better fathers than me. All I can do is try and make Rainbow Blitz happy, and the only way to do that is to focus on the present. Thank you for your time, and with all due respect, I hope to hear a response to my request for an amendment.

Your faithful subject,


Celestia smiled lovingly at the letters, tucking them away with the friendship reports from past years that she had grown fond of rereading. Pulling out a blank scroll with her yellow magic, the ancient alicorn began scribing official decrees. She chuckled at her writing.

“Spitfire’s going to throw a fit, but I do know that little colt will love watching them fly.”

The End?

Next Time...

Soarin’ broke into a cold sweat and looked at his wife, paranoid that she overheard their son.

“What do you want?” he whispered back.

“Longer flight lessons,” Blitz murmured. He tapped his chin in contemplation. “And mini-golf. My friends said it was fun.”


“I was born ready,” Rainbow Blitz barked. “Now let’s quit yakkin’ and start snackin’!”


“In a second, Mom,” a gruff voice responded. “I’m casting a spell that hypnotizes these snakes into thinking they’re rabbits. Hehehe, you should see the looks on their faces when they see each other, hahahaha.”


“Surprise isn’t a girl,” Capricorn grumbled. “She’s a demon in filly skin.”


She walked up to him and got dangerously close, her eyes half-lidded in determination.

"Well hellooooo there, mah delicious zap apple cutie. Did ya'll come all this distance just to visit me?"


A Day With Friends

Comments ( 73 )

A very touching end, and really looking forward to the sequel :pinkiehappy:

A day with friends huh? Not a bad idea I would guess, I imagine it would star the infamous children of the Mane 6? Either way, a nice end to the story. Good job man, it was a nice read. Best regards :eeyup:

Can not wait for sequel. This was d'aww overload at its finest!:rainbowkiss:

Good to know Soarin shouldn't bribe his child. It seems that he himself is growing as well as Rainbow Blitz.
And what is this nonsense!? The End? You tease.:pinkiecrazy:

He is friends with Surprise at least (that little white demon). This was a well written slice of life story.

O.o A sequel? Oh dear sweet Celestia, Luna, and Discord, we're all screwed, aren't we?

I concur with Cloudhammer, this story is both amazing and needing of continuation. As the story is marked as "incomplete" at the time of me posting this I believe we shall indeed receive more amazingness, but I do hope this will include a sequel in the future rather than another chapter or two. This story is just so great and adorable :twilightsmile:

Great job by the way with the "Dear Princess Celestia" letters by the way! Very well done, if a bit bittersweet in their recounting of the poor colt's loneliness. Still, it might pave way to him having a better time later on so one cannot be too :pinkiesad2:, right?

Keep up the great work, MOIS!

I updated it in class, but now that I actually had time to sit down, I remarked it as complete.

And thus, a wonderful story ends. And a new one will soon begin.

So, Blitz has better penmanship than his old man? :rainbowlaugh: Ouch.

Okey doki loki! Well then, here's hoping for an equally amazing sequel! :twilightsmile:

I think it will be. My writing was still rusty at the start of this story (maybe I'll fix it up later). There's also more to work with, considering some of the kids are even worse behaved than Blitz.

:rainbowhuh: Worse behaved...than...
Everypony, duck and take cover! Serpentine movements ponies, serpentine! Do a barrel roll, just escape!

Sequel with mane6 progenies?


Awwww, how sweet. Blitz is gonna be one heck of a flyer, between instruction from his parents and a private audiencey for the Wonderbolt training sessions, he'll know every trick in the book...and all the ones that aren't in the book.:rainbowwild:

So much looking forward to the sequel.:pinkiehappy:

Such a wonderful story; I will be waiting eagerly for the sequel. :twilightsmile:

This is AWESOME!!:rainbowkiss:

Great story.:pinkiehappy: Can't wait for the sequel.:raritywink:

1504168 a few days he says it wont be long he says... it took you over 2 weeks!!!!!!:flutterrage:

Something tells me that the other kids of the mane 6 are at least as weird and unsettling as Blitzy is.

Oh boy, SEQUEL!!! SEQUEL!!! I can't wait for the sequel this is going to be awesome! heck, I can't wait to find out Spitfire's reaction to the royal decree.

aaaw.... that was really cute... ER I MEAN UH.... well fuck it. It is a cute story :pinkiecrazy:... then again i SHOULD try to be cool... gah i'm just going to run away and never return now. DAMMIT BADASS REPUTATION RUNINED... EVEN THOUGH I DIDN'T HAVE ONE TO BEGIN WITH...:facehoof:

It's not completely over? Woohoo!

A lovely and heartwarming story :pinkiesmile::rainbowkiss:

Wait, there's a problem... I appear to not be watching you... Let's fix that real quick :rainbowderp:

Work decided that I should be able to handle 22 hours in 4 days on top of my 15 class units. I've been pretty slammed, and any free time I've had has been going toward relaxing. I probably won't post the first chapter for the next story until I finish coloring the cover art for it. The first 2/3 chapters are already done, and it's already looking like it's going to be much longer than this story.
They are, but some of them are even worse.

1505596 it ok ii forgive you and i was joking anyways:derpytongue2:

Loved this story so much. It'd surprise you how much it takes for me to be "sucked" into something and reading the letters seemed to achieve that where most other things fall flat and I come away feeling indifferent to the events that transpired but this... it changed everything I used to know and I await the upcoming sequel!! :twilightsmile::pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss::yay::scootangel::twistnerd::moustache::eeyup::raritystarry::derpytongue2:

I loved your story, you make Soarin into a really believable father and Blitz is such a fun little ball of mixed emotions. I can't wait to see what you're gonna do in the future but I look forward to reading it all. :pinkiesmile:

D'aaaww~~!!! <3

The story is adorable!!

SEQUAL !!!!:pinkiehappy:

I know I commented before but I'm going to guess who the young fillies and colts belong to by what was said.

One that is casting the spell is Twilights
The one that said zap apple cutie is Applejacks
Surprise is of course Pinkie Pies

Those are my guesses:eeyup: Now send us the sequal NOW!!!:flutterrage:

Logical guesses, but did you ever stop to think that maybe more than one of the children was a part of the apple family?

1507697Ok then, wait a minute:twilightoops: could one of them be...know what I'm not going to say it:scootangel: I'll just wait and see.:eeyup:

*Cautiously reads each chapter, expecting horrible demons or humans or Discord or Nightmare Moon or Daleks or SOMETHING to suddenly jump out and start slaughtering ponies wantonly, or for Twilight to show up and accidentally cause the end of Equestria, or for Blitz to become morosely depressed and suicidal because he has no friends, or for ponies to just randomly pair off and start... uhm, nevermind. But none of that ever happens!! :derpyderp1:

Can it be?! A NORMAL STORY?! Where nothing freakishly awful happens to them?! HOW CAN THIS BE POSSIBLE!?!?!? :pinkiegasp:

It's so refreshing to see a story that is just a nice day for Dashie and family. :rainbowdetermined2:

Hah, most of the readers had to wait but I didn't!



You are right! I too find it refreshing when a Slice of Life tag is used correctly.

A truly incredible story ^^ Adorable, but still holding drama and humor. You're a good author, and I can't wait to see more.

I read the10th chapter and cried a bit. That bit about falling asleep together reminded me of my father. Thank you. :pinkiesad2:

I'M IMPATIENT, YOU KNOW :pinkiecrazy:

It's telling me it updated. What?

Wonderful, just amazing! I love this story so much. It goes at just the right tempo, gives me characters i can really latch onto, situations i can understand and reflect on, its great! Description was perfect, story was brilliant. Please, i cant wait for the sequel, it will be even better...id imagine! :pinkiehappy:

Aw, what an adorable little tale! Look forward to the sequel!

Awesomely written feelgood fic about RD's future Family... check.
Promise of an equally awesomely written fic about the Mane6's future families.... check.
+Fav and Follow? .... Check. :twilightsheepish:

Each of the Mane6 seemed to have a family of their own to consider, and there are six young fillies and colts to consider in the sequel... so ...
Let's see where the ships have sailed, gentlebronies.... :P

For this review i shall do it (pause for dramatic effect)...... In a Bum Reviews fashion! Dun, dun, duuuuuuun!!!!!!!! For those who don't know what Bum Reviews is "suck it." Now on with the review!

(Gasp) Oh my gosh this is the greatest fanfic I've ever read in my life! Son this is the story about "SPOILERS!!!" There's this colt named Rainbow Blitz! And he's like the greatest 5 year old I've ever seen in my life! And there's this dad named Sorin. That was the name of my cat! Before I ate him. And there going out flying! The end. But then Sorin tells Rainbow Blitz a story! Once there was a pregnant woman The End. And then they go to a fair! I wen't to a fair once! They do not except drugs as change. Now I know what you're thinking. So anyway Rainbow Blitz gets really hot, so he starts drinking sodas, going on Ferris wheals, hiding his mane, eating sugar, and pulling pranks on ponies. Y'know! Just like a real 5 year old! So anyway Sorin gets really mad at Rainbow Blitz for pulling a prank. And he's like: "Son shame on you. You didn't include me in on it!" And Rainbow Blitz is like: "Buy me more sugar!!!!!!!!!!!!" So then they go home eat waffles and have a good laugh! Ahaha! The End! So this is a really good fanfiction! Even though sometimes it doesn't make any sense. It was just like a crack fantasy! Only weirder. Chaaaange! Ya got change?!? Ah c'mon help a guy out will ya? C'mon change! I'll help make a sequel! A Day With Dad 2: now with more mom!

Serious thoughts "it was good. But it was no Avengers!"

You have such skill with writing, and I love this world that you have created in the beyond MLP. Its so captaviting, and I do enjoy Soarin. In my own Fic, he's going to play a big part, so I'm looking at how others are you using him, and your's is easily the most enjoyable so far. I'm definitely stealing his sweet tooth from you. Great story, I'll looking forward to the next installment.

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