• Published 1st Aug 2012
  • 14,349 Views, 429 Comments

A Day With Dad - MyOpinionIsSuperior

Life is full of wonderful surprises. Our family can sometimes be one of them.

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Wake Up

Rainbow Blitz crept down the hallway, his back pressed to the wall to avoid being spotted by his unconscious prey. A scraping sound emitted from the wall as his feathers brushed against it, taking small bits of cloud with it. Dad can fix it later.

Details didn’t bother Blitz. If he wanted to pretend that his victim to be was merely distracted and couldn’t use any of his natural senses, then by Celestia he would. Tapping his chin with his forehoof, Rainbow Blitz pondered; something felt missing.

Blitz’s face lit up as an idea struck home. He decided that stalking and pouncing just wouldn’t cut it if he wanted to entertain himself properly. His legacy needed to be narrated. Daring Doo’s stories were narrated, so why shouldn’t his be?

“Daring Blitz begins his journey to awaken the growling beast. Trekking through the dark storm clouds, Blitz skillfully avoids the horrible dangers of the weather. Will he- Sweet Celestia, is that lightning?!”

Blitz jumped into the air to avoid the imaginary lightning, landing on the soft cloud floor with a tumble.

“That was a close one.”

He could hear the deep sound of snoring coming from down the hallway. His mischievous grin returning, Blitz continued his journey of stealth.

“Daring Blitz, avoiding the deadly holds of the lightning gods themselves, must now prepare himself as he closes the distance between him and the sleeping beast. To do so requires only the utmost courage, bravery, good looks, and steal- Oh Luna, a hailstorm!”

Rainbow Blitz weaved down the remainder of the hallway, avoiding imaginary hailstones the size of buildings and crushing the ones that got in his way with his vicious buck. Panting, Blitz opened the door slowly, creating a slight creaking sound that became lost under the volume from his father’s snoring. Forgetting his game for a moment, Blitz thought about how to wake up his father: the right way. Cold water? No, then Mom would come home to wet sheets. The whipped cream and feather trick? Na, he’d like that. Need something with no stains or sugar, but what?

Rainbow Blitz tapped his forehead repeatedly with his front hoof.

Come on brain! I don’t get to do this often; don’t fail me now! ….Maybe I’m thinking about this all wrong! Maybe I don’t need to prank him. What if…

Blitz cackled quietly as an evil smirk spread over his face.

“Daring Blitz prepares to wake the vicious beast!”

Rainbow Blitz closed the distance between himself and the bed, leaping at the perfect time.

Soarin’ hadn’t slept as well or deep in ages. His strict regime with the Wonderbolts meant being shaken awake by his wife at six a.m. every morning after sleeping through his alarm clock. How did he ever manage to wake up before her?

The soft, cotton sheets fell up and down in a steady, relaxed rhythm that matched the loud snoring escaping Soarin’s throat. Fantasies of bright sunny days and exquisite banquets haunted his dreams. He could almost taste everything. The chocolate éclairs, their doughy material flaking away with each bite and melting perfectly with the chocolate icing on top, only to be accented by the creamy custard filling. The cheesecake, so perfectly tart, creating a sharp contrast to its sweet, creamy nature, allowing two very different flavors to battle for control of the dominant flavor, finally to coexist perfectly in the end once the consumer realized neither one could truly have dominance. Or the lemon meringue pie. So simple. So sweet, but not too sweet. The creaminess and fruitful taste completely satisfying as they slid down into his belly to give him the complete sensation of…. extreme pain?

Rainbow Blitz landed squarely on his father’s belly. Soarin’ woke up immediately with an audible ‘Oof!’, that unfortunately for him, went unheard of by his son. Blitz began to jump up and down, using his father’s gut as an organic trampoline.

“Wake. Up. Dad. Today’s. The Day.” Blitz cheerfully yelled, each phrase in rhythm with his malicious bouncing. “Wake. Up. Wake. Up.”

“Blitzy -OOF-! Stop -OOF-! You’re -OOF- bruising -OOF- Daddy -OOF-!”

Rainbow Blitz landed on his own belly with a smile. Soarin’ groaned; he hadn’t expected the start to his day off to be so painful. Sensing his father’s discomfort, Blitz crawled up to Soarin’s face and planted a kiss on his cheek before wrapping his tiny, blue forelegs around his neck. He dismissed any thoughts on how ‘uncool’ he looked right now. It’s not like anypony can see me right now, and Dad likes lovey dovey stuff. You’re cool Blitz, you’re cool. Just as long as he doesn’t embarrass you in public… again…

Rainbow Blitz felt his eye twitch as he flashbacked to his first day of school. As if the overbearing amount of hugs and kisses from Soarin’ weren’t embarrassing enough, Rainbow Dash had to drag her weeping husband away from a classroom full of laughing children because he didn’t “want to see his little Blitzy grow up too fast”.

Soarin’ smiled, his pain temporarily forgotten. He could never stay mad at his precious little son, no matter how agonizing his mischievous side was. Hugging Rainbow Blitz back, Soarin’ spoke in a playful tone.

“Somepony must be super excited for his very first flight lesson from a Wonderbolt!”

Rainbow Blitz immediately snapped out of his flashback trance and jumped down to the floor.

“Let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go! Come on Dad, hurry up!”

Soarin’ chuckled. Blitz was always in a rush to get somewhere. Just like his mother. I wonder how long it’ll take him to make the Wonderbolts. Or do the Sonic Rainboom. Dear Celestia, I wish he’d grow up slower. It seems like only yesterday I was bringing him and Dashie back from the hospital. So many diapers, and the crying…

Rainbow Blitz’s frown interrupted Soarin’s train of thought. Smiling sheepishly, Soarin’ tried to appease his son’s growing temper.

“I know you’re excited kiddo, but we gotta eat some breakfast first. A well-fed Wonderbolt is a successful Wonderbolt. Can’t have you runnin’ on empty, can we?” He finished with a wink.

“Fiiiiine,” Blitz sighed. Without further word, he zipped out of his parent’s room. Soarin’ rolled out of bed and followed suit, pausing briefly to look at the little hoof-shaped bruises adorning his gut area. That’s what I get for asking her to let me sleep in…