• Published 1st Aug 2012
  • 14,350 Views, 429 Comments

A Day With Dad - MyOpinionIsSuperior

Life is full of wonderful surprises. Our family can sometimes be one of them.

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Story Time

“Stabilize your wings and… YES! Atta’ boy!” Soarin’ called out, pride resounding in his voice. Rainbow Blitz finished his routine and promptly landed on the cloud. Exhaling, Blitz was convinced that he had looked undoubtedly cool throughout the entire performance. Soarin’ smiled warmly down at his son, whose eyes were darting from side to side, searching to make sure they were truly alone. Convinced of his privacy, Rainbow Blitz jumped up and wrapped his father’s neck in a hug.

“Thank you so much Daddy! I had a lot of fun and learned SO MUCH!”

Soarin’s eyes widened in pleasant surprise.

Daddy huh? I haven’t heard that one in awhile, unless you’re buttering me up for a prank. It’s always ‘Dad’ or ‘Paps’ now.”

Rainbow Blitz dropped back down the cloud, scuffing a hoof in embarassment, a slight blush on his cheeks.

“I-I’m growing up Dad. It’s not cool for grown boys to say ‘Daddy’ in public; that’s filly talk!”

“You don’t always have to do what ponies think is ‘cool’ Blitzy,” Soarin’ responded. A sad smile formed on his muzzle. “I just want you to enjoy being little while you can so that you can enjoy growing up as it happens, not because you think acting grown up will make you cool. Besides,” Soarin’ paused. Grabbing Blitz, he blew a raspberry into the colt’s tummy, smiling as he heard his son squeal and laugh. “I’m not ready for you to grow up just yet. It’s happening too fast!”

Catching his breath, Rainbow Blitz tidied his main and gave his father a cocky grin.

“But I like being cool Dad. Just you watch, I’ll be as big news as Mom some day.”

Soarin’ chuckled. “You were bigger news before you were even born kiddo.”

Blitz’s eyes dilated at the news. “Really!?

Nodding rapidly, Soarin chuckled again at the memory.

“Didn’t Mommy ever tell you that story?”

Blitz crossed his arms, tapping the side of his head with a hoof as he searched the few memories he had accumulated in five years of living. Pinning his ears back, he came to a conclusion. “No…”

“Pfff, figures. Your mom has no problems telling multiples stories where I goof up, but she wouldn’t tell you the best story where she goofed up!” Soarin’ scoffed, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

“But Daddy,” Rainbow Blitz said. “You goof up all the time! Wouldn’t there be more stories of you goofing up if you goof up more?”

“Hey! That’s um, well, um, you see,” Soarin fumbled with his words. Well he got you there. Collecting himself, he continued. “Yes, Daddy messes up more. But this was a good one. It almost got your mom kicked out of the Wonderbolts.”

Rainbow Blitz’s jaw was agape, his pupils shrunk in shock. Soarin’ picked his son up, setting him directly in front as he lay down to make eye contact with him. Clearing his throat, Soarin’ began.

“It all started around six years ago in the dead of winter when your mother and I still lived at the Wonderbolts’ headquarters…”

Rainbow Dash sat on the bathroom floor. Eyes bloodshot, heart pounding, she shook uncontrollably. An empty box and its used contents had been thrown in the trash. I’ll get kicked off the squad for this! Nopony can find out. Nopony will find out! But I can only hide it for so long before it becomes obvious….

Rainbow Dash knew she ruined her career. Wonderbolts were required to maintain a certain body fat percentile; there was no way being pregnant would allow her to continue serving the team. Any Wonderbolt who wanted to start a family had to wait for an early retirement. She covered her eyes with her hooves, fighting to hold back tears. She refused to cry. Rainbow Dash doesn’t cry. How was I supposed to know the stupid birth control wouldn’t work? Heck, we’re given the stuff so that this DOESN’T happen!

Grabbing the trashcan, she sped into the hallway, passing by some of her very confused teammates as she left a rainbow trail in her wake. Reaching the furnace room, Rainbow Dash opened the door and entered, walking up to the fiery machine. Tossing, the trashcan’s contents inside, she watched them smolder in the heat, wiping away all evidence of her condition.

“I have six months of vacation time saved up,” Rainbow Dash thought aloud. “If I can hide it for the first five months, I’ll be in the clear. Simple right? I just gotta tell Spitfire I wanna take my trip to the Griffon lands a year early.”

“A year early?!”

Rainbow Dash turned around instantly, panic in her eyes, to be met face to face with Soarin’. The stallion did not look happy.

“And what exactly made you think you could keep something like this from everypony?”

Rainbow Dash was shaking, a cold sweat on her brow.

“I-I…. But I-“

“But nothing Dashie!” Soarin’s frown bent upward into a kind smile before giving Rainbow Dash a kiss on the lips. “I told you we didn’t need an eight month vacation! Spitfire probably won’t be happy about our change of plans being so… soon, but at least we’ll get that much needed break as soon as possible.” Soarin’ paused, giving his wife a hug. “Besides, you’ve seemed super stressed for like, no reason the past few weeks. A vacation is just what you need.”

Rainbow Dash exhaled in relief, hugging him back.

“I’m glad you understand, Soarin’.”

“But Daaaaaad! You said this would be a good story about Mom goofing up,” Rainbow Blitz whined, his face set into a comical pout. “It sounds like her plan worked just fine; she fooled you didn’t she?”

“Blitzy, let Daddy finish the story,” Soarin’ retorted, annoyed at the outburst.

“You clearly don’t know much about pregnancy. And boy, let me tell you, neither did any of us….”


Spitfire’s commanding shouts sent shivers down Soarin’s spine. She knew the answer, and he knew her reaction would be far from pleasant.

“She wasn’t feeling good, so she-“


Spitfire turned around from the arranged formation of Wonderbolt members and stormed off towards the headquarters building. Soarin’ broke formation and trotted forward.

“But Spitfire! She-“

“But NOTHING Soarin’! Now back in formation; that’s an order!”

Spitfire’s stern expression softened as she saw the crestfallen stallion’s face.

“I know she’s your wife, but you can’t keep covering for her. I won’t suspend her- yet. I’m just going to put an end to these free days off.”

Spitfire turned back towards the building and closed the distance with a few flaps of her wings. Entering the building, she made her way towards Soarin’ and Rainbow Dash’s room. She stopped and paused as she heard a sound coming from the restroom. Is that somepony… coughing?

She walked into the facility, anticipation in every hoofstep as the coughing echoed throughout the room. Pausing at the stall door, Spitfire took a deep breath and opened it to reveal the source. What she saw left her speechless.

Rainbow Dash lay curled up on the floor, shaking from the physical excursion her morning ritual had taken from her. Vomit floated in the toilet bowl, trailing from the floor towards the seat, evidence that she didn’t quite make it. Tearstains adorned her cheeks, only to be compounded as more tears fell with each painful cough.

“Rainbow Dash…”

Rainbow turned her attention to Spitfire, wiping the tears off her face.

“I-I’ll get into uniform boss. Just had a bit of an upset stomach.”

“You’re going to bed and I’m calling the hospital. Look at yourself! I can’t believe Soarin’ let you stay in this condition without any real medical attention!” Spitfire said, her voice stern and her expression betraying her disbelief at the situation.

“No!” Rainbow Dash yelled. Spitfire raised an eyebrow, causing Dash to cringe. “No… you don’t have to. It stops after about an hour or so. I think it’s the new detergent we bought for the sheets. I hate the smell, doesn’t quite agree with my stomach, hehe. I may just be allergic.”

Spitire squinted. Rainbow Dash swallowed the lump in her throat.

“Oooookay then. Come out to practice after you feel better and clean yourself up Dash.”

Rainbow Dash sighed in relief. “Sure thing, Cap’.”

With a fiery blur, Spitfire flew down the hallway, annoyed and confused. That pony is lying through her teeth. Whatever you’re hiding from us Rainbow Dash, I can guarantee you we will find out.

“So Captain Spitfire was a bad guy?! I thought she was our friend!”

Rainbow Blitz looked at Soarin’ with wide eyes, shocked at the turn of events.

Soarin’ groaned at his son’s outburst.

“Blitzy, I thought I told you not to interrupt story time, okay?” Rainbow Blitz nodded. “Spitfire is not and never has been a ‘bad guy’. It’s her job to make sure the team is doing A-okay, and being pregnant brought your mother and everypony around her more and more problems after a few months had passed…”

Everypony in the cafeteria was staring in disbelief. Jaws slacked, eyes wide, they watched in awe and slight horror at Rainbow Dash. Several food-stained plates were stacked high, a monument for the many meals she had put down. Rice was topped with ice cream. Chocolate was dipped in soy sauce. The most unusual combinations between food substances were invented before everypony’s eyes.

Soarin’ looked at his wife in disbelief. He knew she had always been a big eater because of her metabolism, but her feast had passed being gluttonous after the second peanut butter and cheese sandwich. What made it more unbearable was the small gut she had acquired after four months of heavy eating. Watching her finish with a belch, Soarin’ spoke up, anxiety crawling in his voice.

“Wow Dashie. Where did you put it all?”

In my stomach you idiot!” She snapped back.

Soarin’ reared back in surprise at her outlash.

Rainbow Dash stormed off towards their room, her husband following close behind.

“Tell me what’s wrong, Dashie.”

Rainbow Dash turned around, jabbing Soarin’ in the nose with every accented word.

You said we should eat breakfast with everypony today. You said I needed to socialize more. You thought it would be a good idea to let everypony in the Wonderbolts watch me eat!

MEEEEEEEEE?!” Soarin’ bellowed back. “I’m not the one who ate like a goat out there! I’m not the one who insisted on us eating alone for four months!”

Rainbow Dash cringed as Soarin’s lecture took on a louder and more serious tone.

“You’ve been yelling at everypony for two months now, and I’ve been getting the worst of it! You couldn’t hold down any food for a few weeks, then go on some gross eating binge! What's up with that? Have you seen yourself lately? Do you not realize you have to keep in shape? You’re the one who has been causing all the problems, so why blame me Rainbow Dash? Why-?”

Soarin’ heard and looked at his wife’s reaction and stopped immediately. Tears flowed from her face onto the floor as she sobbed uncontrollably. As angry as he was, he was even more worried than mad right now. Rainbow Dash doesn’t cry. This is bad.

“… Dashie?”

BECAUSE IT’S YOUR FAULT TOO!” She yelled, running into their room and slamming the door.

Soarin’ collapsed into a sitting position, mentally drained from the conflict. His eyes began watering; the fact that he made somepony like his wife cry felt too unreal. My fault… too? But I didn’t do anything, did I?

Hearing hoofsteps behind him, Soarin’ turned around to be met by Spitfire. Her face showed a mixture of concern and sadness.

“…You heard all that, didn’t you?”

Spitfire shook her head slowly. “No Soarin’, the entire cafeteria heard that. None of us knew what to do, so I decided to come out and offer my help. We’re all worried about your marriage and her physical and mental condition. None of us wants to see what used to be such a happy couple split up by misunderstandings. We also don’t wanna lose the Sonic Rainboom in our routine. You have to figure out what's wrong, or I'll have no choice but to expel her from the team, understand?”

Soarin’ nodded his head, wiping the tears from his eyes.

“Good,” Spitfire responded. “Now then, we both know this started about four months ago. Did you do or say anything to Rainbow Dash that would make her upset?”

“No! Spitfire, she’s always been so strong and unaffected by emotional stuff. I’ve never seen her cry without being in major physical pain before today! I don’t know what’s wrong with her. But I may know some ponies who might, and I’m gonna go talk to them as soon as possible. With your permission for the day off, of course.”

“Of course. Take the whole week off if you need to Soarin’.”

“Thank you, Spitfire.”

Soarin’ picked himself back up and headed towards the exit, determined to help however he could. Spitfire couldn't help but ask one last question.

“Where are you going, if I may ask?”

Turning around, Soarin’ gave Spitfire his answer.
