• Published 10th Nov 2018
  • 1,419 Views, 58 Comments

Pokemon the Movie: Total Eclixie the Heart - Banshee531

Meeting a young girl sends our heroes on an adventure of a life time.

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Chapter 1

Author's Note:

Hey everybody. You're probably wondering why I'm doing the movie now instead of waiting for the end of the original story. Well the fact is that what I have planned for the end of it, wouldn't gel with what I've got planned of this story. So, I've decided to put this story out in the halfway point of the series.

Hope you enjoy.

Welcome, to the world of Pokémon. A spinning globe of wonderment and home to an infinite array of creatures too varied to comprehend.

Hundreds, maybe thousands of meticulously fashioned beings are in this world. And no matter what corner of the world you find yourself, rest assured that you will find Pokémon there as well. Soaring overhead, skimming the clouds, riding the currents undersea, sharing the mountain's majesty, or animating the many lush green forests. The Pokémon will be there, even happily making their homes in fields of grass, or even the sprawling cities.

Both humans and Pokémon have lived side by side for generations. Some simply live together as friends, keeping each other safe and are never alone. Others join forces to train and compete in Pokémon battles, all in the hopes of one day being known as Pokémon Masters.

But there are others out there, those who wish to use the power of Pokémon for their own meretricious ends. This is the story about one of them, and the efforts of several young trainers who stood against him.

Deep in the night, a single figure ran through a forest. It was a girl with golden skin along red and yellow hair. She was wearing a light blue dress with dark blue pants and leather boots, a black leather jacket on top of her dress. Her hands were tightly clutching a bag, long weary pants escaping her breath as exhaustion started to consume her.

As she rushed through the forest, three figures were rushing after her. She then looked back over her shoulder and saw them coming, making her panic as she increased her pace. The trio soon leapt out of the shadows to reveal themselves to be Pokémon.

The first was a large stag Pokémon, standing at about six and a half feet. Its body was mostly dark green, with brown running from the end of its nose to its lower mouth to the front of its neck and its underbelly. It was also at the end at its flank and had a pair of brown spots on its back, one on either side, along with a large brown spot on its rear. A large patch of grass could be seen sprouting out of its chest, growing up and around its neck and around the shoulders and down its front legs. From its rear was a whole bushel of leaves and a pair of brown antlers growing out of its head, complete with leaves as well.

The second one was a long cobra like serpent Pokémon, whose total length was about ten feet. The top half of its body was crimson red, with its lower jaw being dark yellow. There was also a dark yellow line running down the front of its body and had several black circles running in a line from the back of its head to the end of its tail. Finally, it had a large yellow tube shaped appendage on the very end of its tail.

The last one was a humanoid lizard like Pokémon, whose head to toe height was about six feet. It had light blue skin with a dark blue belly and light blue long arms, but his hands and three fingers were dark blue. Its tail was as long as it was tall, being entirely dark blue and connected to the dark blue patch on its stomach. It had a pair of strong light blue legs with dark blue feet, and it also had three white fin like appendages on its head, two coming from either side of its mouth while the third was a foot and a half long dorsal fin that ran from the tip of its nose to the back of its head. It also wore a blue eye visor that went from one eye, over its head to just above its nose, then to the other eye. It looked like it was made of water, giving it a bubble-like appearance. Each of the fins had a bright red tip, and with the fin on its head, it's height was increased to about seven and a half feet.

The three Pokémon continued to chase after the girl, the stag galloping and serpent slithering along the ground while the lizard leapt from tree to tree. The stag's horns then glowed, a sphere of energy appearing between them before it flicked it towards the girl.

It hit the ground near her and exploded, the force causing the girl to stagger away. "Ahhh!" She cried as she clutched the bag even tighter. The serpent then coiled itself around a tree before it opening its mouth, fire blasting out of the black spots on its back before creating a long fin made of flames. It hissed before taking a deep breath, then launched a flaming rocket. The missile flew above the girl, exploding into a rain of fire. She saw this coming, soon leaping behind a tree to shield herself. The fireballs then struck the tree, catching it on fire instantly, making her start running again.

The lizard then leapt after the girl, bringing its hands together before pulling them apart like it was unsheathing a katana. As it did, a construct of water appeared in its right hand and took the form of a four foot long blade. It leapt past the girl and slashed the trees infront of her, all of them falling and blocking her path.

"No!" She gasped as she skidded to a halt, quickly turning and running to the side. It was after making this turn that she arrived at the edge of the forest, only to pull herself to a stop again as now she found herself atop a tall cliff that overlooked another part of the forest. "Oh no...no!"

It was here that she began running along the cliff for several minutes, only to find herself at the end of the cliff. Below was nothing but a large raging river, complete with a waterfall. "No...this can't..."

"AHAHAHAHA!" laughed a sudden voice, causing her to turn around and see the three Pokémon. A small gulp followed as three figures jumped out of the treeline and landed next to one of the Pokémon.

Next to the stag was a teen boy with brown skin and green hair, wearing a green vest and brown pants. After that was a boy by the serpent, which was a teen boy with spiky fiery red hair and yellow skin, wearing a red shirt and yellow pants. Finally, next to the lizard was a teen girl with white skin and flowing dark blue hair, and she was wearing a light blue dress that went down to her knees. The three also had a wrist mounted device on their left arms.

The trio and their Pokémon stepped forwards, causing the girl to stagger back and almost step into the river below. "Its over Sunset," the green haired boy said first.

"Just give back what you stole," the redhead boy added. "Do that, and we can forget this little incident ever happened."

The girl shook her head back, "And let you continue to persecute this poor creature?! Never!"

"Oh, don't be such a drama queen," the blue haired girl hissed while sticking her tongue out in disgust. "Wouldn't you rather be on the winning team?"

Sunset grit her teeth at this, glaring at them."You're disgusting."

The green haired boy then let out a sigh, shaking his head at this while pointing at Sunset. "Alright, I've run out of patience. Stagrowth."

"Stag..." the stag Pokémon stepped up to her.

"Vipeacon," the redheaded boy did the same.

"Vip!" The serpent hissed.

"Reptidal," the girl mimicked her teammates.

"Rep!" The lizard growled before walking towards the girl.

Sunset's eyes shrunk, pure fear consuming her. Tears started to go down her eyes as she clutched the bag. And as she did this, she felt something.

The bag she was holding began to glow, the light radiating out from the zipper. She saw this and knew what was happening while the other three just raised an eyebrow at this. They then watched as she unzipped the bag, causing even more light to shoot out and engulf them all.

"WHAT THE-" The three screamed before shielding their eyes.

And then-


Pokémon, the Movie: Total Eclixie the Heart!

The next day...

It was a beautiful day in the Equestria Region. The sun was shining, the Flying-Types were singing and our main hero was relaxing on the branch of a tall tree. Flash Sentry sighed happily as he leaned against the trunk, his partner Pokémon Springer mimicking his actions from a branch over. "This is the life, huh Springer?"

"Riolu..." Springer replied softly.

"Nothing's gonna ruin this."


Flash's eyes shot open into a frown, "Except that." He looked down at the source of his annoyance and saw Twilight Sparkle, who was currently looking up at the two with arms crossed and a tapping foot.

The group was currently in a grassy field beside a gently flowing river, with the tree Flash was in being in the very center of the area. Halfway between the tree and the river was Spike, Doc and Peewee, all of whom were working to set up their lunch. Spike was preparing the table with Peewee passing him what he needed, while Doc was busy cooking a stew of some kind. Twilight on the other hand, was just staring at Flash with a twitching eyebrow, "Are you two gonna help or not?"

Flash and Springer shared a look, having a small mental conversation before looking back down at her, "Nah." And with that, they leaned back against the trunk.

"Excuse me?!" Twilight screeched, stomping her foot.

"Can't be bothered today," Flash said as he waved his hand dismissively at her. "Call me when lunch is ready."

"Who says you're gonna get any lunch?! Especially if you're not gonna make it..."

"What can I say? I'm just in the mood to sit back, relax, and leave the work for someone else to do."

"Flash..." Twilight growled as Spike and Peewee stepped up to her.

"Tell you what. You do my chores today, and I'll do all your chores tomorrow. Deal?"

Twilight continued to glare at him before sighing. "Fine."

"Cool....can I get in on this?" Spike asked with a huge grin, only to see Twilight turn to him with a death glare.

"Oh no you don't," Twilight grabbed him by the hood and started dragging him towards the table. "I might not be able to stop him from becoming a lazy bum, but I can make sure you don't become one."


Doc laughed as he watched the scene. "I'm actually amazed you're not climbing up there and dragging them down to work."

Twilight smirked before speaking at a low tone, "He thinks he's so smart, but he's forgetting tomorrow was gonna be my turn to give all the Pokémon a wash."

Spike and Doc both flinched, knowing that almost all of their Pokémon hated getting washed. Completely unaware of his impending turmoil though, Flash rested once again the tree trunk, "Now, nothing's gonna ruin my relaxation."

"Hey!" Flash's eyes once again shot open, turning into an even more annoyed glare before glancing towards the source of the voice. "You, in the tree!" On the other side of the river stood a teen boy their age, with yellow skin and purple hair. He was wearing a blue vest, which was opened to reveal a bare chest and red pants along with a red headband on his head.

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah. I'm looking for a Pokémon trainer named Flash Sentry. You seen him?"

"Only when I look in a mirror. What do you want with me?"

The teen smiled before pulling out a Pokeball. "Let's have a match. You know, unless you're afraid the lose."

Flash smirked before swinging out of the tree, soon walking up to the river. "I'm afraid you're gonna be the one to lose this one."

"Flash!" he heard Twilight call out, "I thought you said you weren't in the mood to do any work today!"

Flash grinned back at her. "Yeah, I said that. But since when is a Pokémon battle work?"

"He's got you there Twi," Spike replied, only to get another death glare from Twilight. He took a step back as Twilight turned back to Flash, soon seeing him pull out a Pokeball.

Cue epic Pokémon music.

Flash enlarged the Pokeball before tossing it into the air, causing it to reveal Flash's Thawn, Prongs. The grass deer shook its head and prepared itself for battle. Flash's opponent threw his own Pokeball in the air, releasing a large Golem that looked down at Prongs before scrapping its foot along the ground. The two stared at each other, only for Prongs to rush towards it opponent. The Golem then curled into its shell and started spinning, soon charging towards Prongs.

The two Pokémon clashed, Golem's greater strength causing Prongs to be knocked into the air as it rolled through. As Prongs crashed into the ground, the Golem turned mid-roll and bum-rushed again. The Thawn was hit again, smacked into the air once more. But as it went flying, Prongs opened his mouth and began charging an Energy Ball.

The Golem then reached the river and came to a stop, the trainer ordering it to perform another Rollout. It nodded before curling up again, prongs now landing. And as Golem drew closer, Prongs fired his Energy Ball, hitting the Golem dead-on. The force of the attack caused the Golem to be blown back, soon stopping as its rollout was cancelled. This was all Prongs needed as Flash gave him a command, rushing and turning to slam his back hooves into the Rock-Type. The force of the attack sent it rolling backwards, right into the lake. The trainer gasped as he watched his Pokémon sink like a rock, no doubt knocked out from the two previous attacks.

Flash laughed before rushing towards Prongs, kneeling down to scratch him behind the ears. Prongs let out a happy tune, rubbing up to his trainer in happiness. The trainer then returned his Golem before replacing its Pokeball with another, this one revealing a new Pokémon. It was a Mienshao, which spun around before performing several martial arts moves.

Flash then gestured to Prongs, telling him to go to their friends as he threw up another Pokeball. This one revealed the Aquana known as Riptide, which charged at Mienshao, the Pokémon spinning and clashing Riptide's attack with its sleeve. Mienshao proved to be the stronger of the two, knocking Riptide back, which made him land at Flash's feet. The trainer knelt down to check he was alright, Riptide nodding before turning back to his opponent. Flash quickly gave an order and Riptide opened his mouth, unleashing a powerful sonic wave that caused Mienshao to cover its ears.

This was the opening Riptide needed, allowing him to slam a Rock Smash attack into Mienshao's stomach, sending it flying. The trainer watched as his Pokémon hit the ground, spirals in its eyes from the blow, which made the trainer start to pull at his hair.

Riptide jumped for joy as he went up to his trainer, who quickly hugged him and tossed him up into the air several times in congratulations.

The trainer then returned Mienshao and pulled out another Pokeball, tossing it in the air and releasing his Hawlucha. Seeing this, Flash sent out his next Pokémon, revealing it to be his Hisscor, Viper. The Hawlucha attacked first, trying to perform a Hi-Jump Kick on the fire snake. But as he tried to hit Viper, the snake leapt aside, dodging the attack. The failed attack caused the Hawlucha to take major recoil damage, giving Viper the time he needed. His tail then ignited before it flicked it forward, sending the fireball at the luchador Pokémon before consuming it in a flaming tornado.

As Viper landed, Flash ordered him to use Flamethrower, Viper nodding before taking a deep breath. As the Fire Spin attack faded, it revealed a severely burnt Hawlucha, only to get hit from a stream of fire. Hawlucha was sent flying, sailing right over the river and landing by its trainers feet with swirls in its eyes. The trainer let out a yell of rage at the sight as Viper slithered over to his trainer. Flash knelt down and held out his fist, which Viper pumped with his tail.

The trainer returned his Hawlucha and turned back to Flash before pulling out his last three Pokeballs, which he tossed into the air, soon revealing a Dusclops, Mothim and Houndoom. Flash frowned at this, only for Springer to leap out of the tree and run up to the trio.

"Rio..." Springer leapt into the air, a large Aura Sphere in his paws, "LU!" He tossed the attack, an explosion following as it destroyed his opponents.

Everyone gasped as the smoke cleared, revealing the three Pokémon to be now knocked over, spirals in their eyes. "What!?" The trainer screamed, "HOW!?"

Flash and his Pokémon just laughed at this as they watched him return his Pokémon before running off. As he disappeared into the distance, Flash and his Pokémon walked up to their friends, all of them now done setting up the table and now serving out the stew. "That was awesome Flash!" Spike cheered as he served out the Pokémon food.

"But did you have to humiliate him so much?" Twilight asked in a low growl.

Flash just shrugged as he sat down. "His own fault for trying to cheat. Besides, can I help it that Springer's so strong."

"Ri!" Springer cheered as he and the others sat down beside their bowls.

The rest of the team's Pokémon were brought out and together, they began to enjoy their lunch. As they did, they began to talk, laugh and enjoy each others company. Eventually, the last of the food was gobbled up and the group prepared to clean up.

But then-

"Ri?" Springer's head shot up as he suddenly felt something, causing Flash to look down at him.

"You okay bud?" Springer didn't answer, instead turning towards the river, causing the rest of his friends to follow his gaze. "What's up?"

"Oh my gosh! Look!" Twilight called out as she pointed to the middle of the river.

Flash raised an eyebrow at this, only for his eyes to go completely wide when he realized what she was pointing at. The gang soon ran up to the river, Flash jumping in to reach what was floating in the river. And as he reached it, his worries were confirmed when he saw it was a person, a girl to be exact, completely unconscious and floating face up in the river.Acting fast, he started dragging her towards the shore, the others soon helping him lift the girl up.

"Is she okay?" Spike asked.

"I don't know," Twilight replied as she and Doc looked her over.

"She doesn't seem to have sustained any major injuries," Doc added as he put his hand over the girl's forehead. "We should get her to a hospital, just to be safe."

Flash turned to Twilight. "Isn't there a town not too far form here?"

Twilight nodded and pulled out her journal, soon opening up the mapping section, "We can be there in about an hour."

Flash nodded before crouching down. "Put her on my back. I'll carry her there."

They put her on his back while Twilight picked up the girl's bag, soon noticing how heavy it was. Despite this, she decided to not look inside as she glanced back at her journal. "Come on, follow me."

With that, Twilight started leading them towards the city. And as they made their way, the group wondered who the girl was, why she was in the river and why she was unconscious. Despite this, they knew they would need to wait until she awakened to get their answers.

Meanwhile, across the river and hidden within the foliage of the trees, three figures stood watching the group.

The three looked almost identical, all being around the same size and similar equine shape. The only differences were in the finer details, such as one having a horn on its head and another having wings on its back. Their line of vision followed the teens as they packed up and rushed out of the clearing, their focus on the bag Twilight was carrying.

It was here that the horned one gave off a quick neigh before turning away and disappearing into the forest. The second one did the same, leaving the winged figure to continue to watch. But unlike the other two, its focus was not on the bag Twilight was carrying...but on Flash.