• Published 10th Nov 2018
  • 1,403 Views, 58 Comments

Pokemon the Movie: Total Eclixie the Heart - Banshee531

Meeting a young girl sends our heroes on an adventure of a life time.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Inside Mechano's flying airship, it's master was sitting on his throne, staring at a barrage of computers while his three underlings stood around him. Once the Barrier that trapped them had disappeared, they had returned to the ship before any authorities could arrive.

Pyron turned to him. "Anything?"

Mechano frowned. "Not yet. Now that the egg's hatched, its no longer radiating the energy for us to track."

Forest then spoke up. "We've got the Klink and Klang investigating every route that river takes. We'll find them."

"Don't be absurd." Cecelia added while fixing her makeup. "Those guys were probably miles away from the river by the time they started their search. Looking around there would just be a waste of time."

"She's right. We need to be smart about this." Mechano hummed as he started typing, the screens now showing overhead images of buildings and cities. "These are the towns closest to the river, and each of them have some form of surveillance. After their little dip, they're bound to need to find new supplies."

"So we hack into the cameras and try to spot them," Forest commented with a tiny smirk, "Nice."

"We'll have the Klink and Klang head there as well," Mechano finished as more computers appeared, all showing different images.

"So what's the plan for when we find them?" Pyron asked as they began watching the screens. "Rush them again? They won't get away this time."

Mechano shook his head. "That won't be necessary. Once we locate them, we will remain at a safe distance and monitor them. After all, we're all going to the same place. Constantly chasing them may cause us to miss our deadline, so we'll hold back our move until the very last moment."

The three grinned at this, all understanding the genius of his plan. And as they did this, Mechano sat back in his throne with a low sigh. "You won't get away from me Sunset. I'll have what I want, just you wait and see."

The next morning...

In one of those towns, people were getting ready to celebrate the eclipse just like the other surrounding cities. They were preparing the festival, streets filled with people helping each other for the event.

Among these people, two cloaked figures slowly walking through the streets, both carrying supplies that they would need on their long journey. These two were Twilight and Doc, all trying their hardest to not be noticed or stand out as they made their way back to their friends. That is, till they got the Flash.

"Took you guys long enough," Flash called out when he spotted them. "What's with the get up?"

Twilight frowned as she threw three more cloaks at them. "I thought they might help us avoid being noticed."

Spike glared at her as he put it on. "You think no one's gonna notice a bunch of hood wearing teens with a Riolu, Terragon and a one of a kind legendary Pokémon?"

Doc let out a laugh as he pulled out another cloak and handed it to Springer. "That's why we got one for you too."

"Ri," Springer put the cloak on, pulling up the hood.

"Perfect." Twilight then turned to Peewee, "But you might have to go in your Pokeball."

"Terr!" Peewee cried before crawling off Spike's shoulder and into his cloak, latching onto his back and poking his head out from under the boy's armpit.

Twilight sighed at this. "Guess that'll work." The they then turned to Eclixie, who in turn gave them all a confused look. "Now, what to do about you?"

Sunset held up her bag. "Come on, in you go."

Eclixie's eyes went wide before it crossed its arms and shook its head three times. "E...clicks...E!"

Sunset frowned. "Come on, I'm not kidding around. Get in the bag Eclixie!"

"Ecli!" It shook its head again. And before Sunset could grab it, Eclixie flew up and blew a raspberry, "Eclixie!"

"Eclixie, this is serious! We can't have you being seen!" She held up the bag again, "Eclixie…I promise, it'll only be during the day. At night, you can fly around without a care in the world." She placed her hands together, "please."

Eclixie looked down at Sunset, seeing the serious worry in her eyes. Upon seeing that, the little pixie let out a sigh before flying down to her, "Eclixie."

"Thank you," she then opened her bag with a big smile, "I promise you, this is for the best.

"Eclixie..." was the only reply she got as she zipped the bag up and placed it on her back. She then put her cloak on, completing the illusion that she was just a hunchbacked traveler.

Flash turned to Twilight. "Alright....you get everything else?"

"Yup," Twilight showed him the bags she was holding. "Plenty of food and drinks for the next few days. I calculated it and everything."


"Alright," Doc held up a compass, "Eclixie told us the temple was to the west, so we need to head there."

"Right. Let's get going." The others nodded as Doc started to lead them out of town. They soon arrived at the western exit, only for Flash to stop them. "Get back," he commanded as he pushed them around a corner before glancing back at the exit.

"What's wrong?" Doc asked as he looked around the corner as well. Flash didn't reply, and instead pointed in the direction of a Klink that was floating near the gate. "That could be a problem."

Sunset sighed at the sight, she knew the cloaks might not be enough. It was here that she spotted a couple, both of which were loading up a truck with many heavy looking boxes. The man was blonde and had brown skin, wearing a Hawaiian shirt and green shorts. The woman had green hair, pink skin and was wearing a yellow summer dress.

"Everyone, follow me." Sunset whispered as she moved over to the truck. "Let us help you with that." She grabbed the box the woman was trying to lift, the two easily picking it up and placing it on the truck.

The woman smiled at her, "Thank you."

The others saw what she was trying to do and started helping, the man's face soon mirroring the woman. "Mighty kind of you. You heading west too?"

"Yes, we are," Flash replied.

"What about you?" Twilight continued.

"He's delivering these supplies to a village a day's ride from here. If you want, we could give you a ride."

"That would be great."

As they loaded the last box, the five teens and Riolu climbed up into the truck. And as the trunk began to drive thru the gate, the Klink watched the vehicle, only to just blink at the sight before floating away. The teens all sighed in relief as they drove away from the town, knowing they had barely managed to get out unnoticed. Now, their journey could truly begin.

Cue montage song.

Four days until the eclipse...

Not long after leaving the town, the truck found itself going off road. Inside the truck, our heroes found themselves bouncing around, the boxes mimicking them. One of the boxes then fell off a pile and broke open, sending Pokémon masks flying all over. Some of them landed on our heroes, making Twilight into a Clefairy, Doc as a Meowth, Spike as a Dratini, Sunset as a Charmander, and Flash as a Pikachu, which made Springer laugh until he could barely breathe.

A few hours later, the truck got stuck in some mud. The teens all then jumped out and started pushing, but the vehicle wouldn't budge. When the truck eventually came free, it shot out like a rocket, causing them to lose balance before flopping into the mud. And as they all pulled themselves out, the stared and started laughing at each other's states.

That night, Sunset and the couple they were with got to enjoy some of Doc's delicious cooking. Eclixie also got to try Pokémon food, eating so much that it ended up with a stomach that was three times its normal size.

Three days until the eclipse...

The truck had now arrived at a town situated next to a large lake. In order to keep going west, our heroes would need to cross that lake, which caused them to say goodbye to the couple before getting a boat. They soon sailed across the water, spotting several Water Pokémon inhabiting it.

Flash had an idea here and stripped down to his swim trunks immediately, causing Sunset to blush and cover her eyes. She was disturbed as Twilight told her that that was normal with Flash. Flash and Springer soon leapt into the water, Eclixie liking this before joining them. The others soon follow suit, with Sunset being the only one not wanting to go swimming. That is, till Eclixie declared it was having none of that, and pushed her in.

After a few hours of fun swimming, they returned to the boat and made their way to the western shore of the lake. That night, they camped on the river's edge, Sunset sitting on the sands with Eclixie while watching Flash show Spike how to skim stones. He demonstrated and managed to get it to hop along the water three times before Spike gave it a go, with his rock hopping almost ten times.

The look on Flash's face was priceless as the others all laughed. Sunset herself giggled as well, Eclixie clapping at the sight.

Two days until the eclipse...

The gang were now travelling through a dense forest. Eventually, they came across a gorge that was to big to circumvent, which made Flash get an idea. He climbed up a tree that overlooked the gorge before pulling a long piece of ivy free, soon hopping down and showing the others. He then let out a Tarzan yell as he swung across the gorge with Springer on his shoulders.

Landing on the far side, he turned and swung the vine back. One by one, the teens and their Pokémon swung across, until the only one left of the other side was Sunset. The girl stared down at the gorge, seeing how high up it was. Fear consumed her as she started backpedal, only for her ears to hear the others screaming words of encouragement to her. Eclixie then hopped onto her shoulder and nodded, causing her fear to go away.

Taking a massive gulp of air, Sunset ran and swung over the gorge, only for the vine to snap. And as she fell, her friends grabbed her hand, all of them pulling her up. Before she knew it, she was on solid ground again, but also on top of a large dog pile.

Everyone looked at one another at this before bursting out laughing.

One day until the eclipse...

Our heroes continued their trek through the forest, soon arriving atop a large hill. It was here that they spotted a mountain several miles away, which Eclixie stared at in wonder. Quickly coming to the same conclusion, they realized that the mountain was where the Eclipse Temple was hidden. Nodding to each other, they started climbing down the hill towards the mountain.

As they did this, the failed to notice the figure hiding in the leaves behind them. It was a Klink, which had a square box strapped to its body.

That evening...

The group had set up camp near the base of the mountain, knowing they would have to get up early tomorrow to get to the base of the temple. Flash was working on a fire while Doc and Twilight were busy preparing dinner. Spike was playing with the Pokémon and Sunset was simply sitting against a tree, looking up at one of the branches. Eclixie was sitting on this branch of the tree, staring at the mountain.

It was here that Spike spoke up, "So...any ideas on how we're gonna get up there?"

"I'm sure there's a path we can take," Twilight replied as she pulled out some bowls. "Don't forget that we're not the first people to enter it, so it must have a hidden route leading right up to the front door."

"I guess you've got a point."

Flash then got the fire started, the heat now filling the air, "Finally...you think Mechano is still looking for us?"

Doc shrugged at this. "We haven't seen any Klink or Klang, so its likely we've managed to evade him."

Sunset shook her head, "That might be true, but we won't be certain until the eclipse is over and Eclixie is on the other side of the portal."

They all nodded, knowing she was right. Soon enough, the food was ready and everyone sat down to enjoy their meal. And as they finished and the sun began to set, Eclixie changed into his night form before washing up to go to sleep. Eclixie had chosen to sleep beside Springer and Peewee, he and the Riolu laying side by side with the Terragon curled up around them.

An hour or so after that, Sunset was still awake. She rolled around in her sleeping bag, trying several different positions to go into slumber. But no matter what she did, the limitless lands of the dream world refused to allow her entry. Eventually, she let out a sigh and sat up, soon looking at the sleeping forms of her friends.

Sunset smiled at the phrase that had entered her head. "Friends..." She had never really had friends before now. The kids at the orphanage were never chummy with her, and socializing wasn't something she did when she traveled around. Even when she was still with Mechano, Forest, Pyron and Cecelia, that felt more like a working relationship than anything else. But during these last few days, she felt like she had forged a real connection with this group. They were loud, silly and at certain points...annoying, but also caring, understanding and had gone out of their way to help her when they didn't need too.

Deciding to see if a walk would make her tired enough to sleep, Sunset climbed out of her sleeping bag and began to walk around aimlessly. After about a half hour's hike, she soon came across a small lake that was being fed by a waterfall. The sounds of the rushing water filled her ears and relaxed her, allowing the red and yellowed haired girl to sit on a nearby log in pure calmness.

"Peaceful, isn't it?" Sunset's head spun around to see Twilight standing a bit away. "Sorry, I didn't mean to spook you. I woke up and saw you were gone, so I got worried."

Sunset shook her head at the bespectacled girl, "No problem. Its actually nice to hear that someone was worried about me."

Twilight smiled back before sitting on the log beside her. "You've really been alone a long time, haven't you?"

Sunset sighed and nodded. "I always thought that's how my life was supposed to be. Even after Mechano found me, I always felt he wanted the egg more than he wanted me."

Three years ago...

Mechano and Sunset were in his lab, standing at a window that showed the egg on a cushioned table.

"Now Sunset, do it like I showed you." Sunset nodded and started typing on the computer in front of her, which made several mechanical arms go up to the egg, scanning it with a series of lasers. A mere second later, the computer beeped as it showed the results. "Readings normal. Energy levels unchanged."

Mechano groaned as he looked through the window, his mechanical eye buzzing, "How much longer do we have to wait? We have the egg and its guardian, so why won't it hatch?"

Sunset tilted her head at this. "What does having me here have to do with the egg hatching?"

"The legends I've researched explain that the egg will only hatch while in the presence of the one chosen to be its guardian. That way, those wanting to use it's power for their own ends can't just steal it away."

"Oh," Sunset then thought for a moment before looking down. "So, you only wanted me because the egg will only hatch around me. If I hadn't been chosen as its guardian-"

"I wouldn't have even bothered with you," Mechano bluntly replied as he turned and saw the frown on her face. "But you were chosen Sunset." He placed a robotic hand on her shoulder, "That's what's important. As long as you're here, the egg will hatch into Eclixie, and we will be able to find the Eclipse Temple."

"So we can send Eclixie home?"

Mechano's face morphed into a fake smile, a nod following, "Of course. What else would we do it?"

The Present...

"I was just another piece of machinery to him," Sunset pulled up her knees and rested her chin on them. "Something to be used, abused, and tossed aside."

Twilight didn't know what to say. Her mind went through several scenarios, only for instincts to kick in as she put a hand on Sunset's shoulder, "Well...that's definitely not how we do it." A big smile appeared on her face as Sunset turned to her, "We....we're friends, and friends stick together, no matter what."

Sunset smiled back, tears filling her eyes. "Thank you." She then looked up at the moon, realizing it was only twelve hours away from blocking out the sun. "I wonder what I'll do when the eclipse is over and Eclixie is back home..."

"You could keep travelling with us. We'd love to have you."

"Thanks. I'll think about it."

"That's all I can ask," Twilight looked up at the moon as well. "Sunset?"


"What'll happen if Eclixie is still here when the eclipse passes?"

Sunset looked shocked at the question, wondering what had made her ask it. But as she thought about it, she knew that Twilight would be the one to ask, causing her to answer, "Eclixie...Eclixie isn't built to survive in this universe for any longer than it has too. If the eclipse passes and its still here, it'll become sick and grow weaker and weaker until..."

The two girls shivered at the next thought, Twilight grimacing as she then asked, "Why...why was it even sent here then?"

"I don't know. Maybe the eggs can't hatch in their home universe. Maybe its a test, a way for the newborns to prove themselves."

"I hope its the first reason."

Sunset sighed again. "Me too, but we'll never know for sure."

After that, the two sat there in silence, soon finding themselves finally growing tired before returning to camp. But as they fell asleep, they remained completely unaware that they were being watched. The Klink from before was still hiding, just outside the camp and in the bushes.

Mechano and his underlings watched the team sleep through the monitor, the other screens showing images of the mountain. "It has to be there." Mechano turned to the others. "Go ahead and see if you can find anything. If you do, stay hidden and be prepared for when they show."

The three nodded and turned to leave, allowing Mechano to look back at the screens. The image changed to the sleeping teens and their Pokémon, which then zoomed in on Eclixie. "Soon, you'll be mine."

The next morning...

Despite being the last ones to sleep, the girls were the first up, soon kicking the boys out of their sleeping bags. "Get up, up, up lazy bones," Twilight repeated as she continued to nudge Flash with her foot. The boy let out a moan as he rolled over to glared up at Twilight.


"Just get up before I decide to pour cold water on you."

Sunset laughed at this as she picked Eclixie up, the little guy rubbing the sleep from his eyes while changing into his day form. Sunset then looked up at the sky and spotted where the moon was. "Best guess, the moon and sun are gonna overlap at noon."

"That gives us three hours to get to the Eclipse Temple," Doc added as he finished putting up their camping equipment. "Let's get going everyone."

Flash got out of his sleeping bag and threw on his jacket, "Alright."


They had a quick breakfast before making their way to the base of the mountain. It took them roughly an hour to get there, only to come to a halt as they themselves staring at a forty foot wall. "Oh great," Spike huffed as he nudged Flash, "How the heck are we gonna get up there?"

Flash scratched his head in confusion. "That's a good question."

Sunset was also stumped, only to glance at Eclixie, seeing the fairy freeze in place, "Eclixie? What's wrong?"


"You sense something?" Sunset's question went unanswered as Eclixie started flying around the side of the wall. "Hey, wait up Exclixie!" The group raced after it, running for about ten minutes until Eclixie came to a stop and stared at a part of the wall that seemed no different from the rest.

Spike turned to Twilight, "Why'd it stop here?"

Twilight and Doc both stared at the stone, only for two bulbs to go off. "A hidden entrance!" The others caught on and started tapping at the wall, trying to find anything that might lead to an entrance.

Flash eventually noticed a small indent in the wall, whose shape looked familiar. He turned to Eclixie and pointed at the hole, "Hey Eclixie, put your hand here."

Eclixie nodded and flew over before placing its hand in the slot.


Following the sound, several sections of the wall cracked apart, all of them traveling up and down until they joined together to create an archway of stone. It then split in two, forming a door-like entrance. Everyone looked inside, seeing a dark tunnel within. Doc pulled out his Pokeball and unleashed Tockwork, "Tockwork, use Flash."

"Tock," Tockwork's clock face illuminated and filled the tunnel with light, revealing a stone staircase.

Flash walked in first, gesturing to everyone to follow, "No going back now." The rest nodded, all soon climbing the stairs inside. And as they started to make their way inside, a figure flew in behind them as the stone doors from before closed. As such, the group climbed for over an hour, taking several breaks along the way as the stairs spiralled upwards into the mountain. Eventually, the stairs stopped, allowing them to spot a speck of light that signalled only one thing: The end of the tunnel.

Picking up the pace, they got closer and closer until the light consumed them. "Wow..." they all gasped as the light dissipated, revealing a lush meadow, filled with trees along a path from the tunnel. "Incredible..."

Flash raised an eyebrow at this. "Does anyone remember seeing any trees on this mountain?"

"We could be on the other side of the mountain," Twilight suggested.

Sunset nodded at this. "Or maybe something was hidding this forest the same way the temple's hidden." Eclixie took this moment to fly up into the air, "Hmm...what are you doing Eclixie?" Eclixie didn't reply, instead floating away before the air around the Pokémon suddenly started to wobble. Everyone watched in amazement as the air began to warp around Eclixie, causing them to glance at each other in confusion as Sunset looked up at Eclixie. "Eclixie? What's wrong?"

Eclixie went through the wobbly air again, this time looking back and was amazed to see that the forest was gone. The mountain was also as bare as it had been the first time it saw it. It flew back, soon seeing the mountain and forest back to normal. The Pokémon then floated down to Sunset, trying to talk to its guardian.

"What's Eclixie trying to say Sunset?"

"Hmmm...I think its...Oh!" Sunset turned to Twilight, "There's something that's shielding what's really on the mountain from view."

"Interesting. No wonder no one's ever found this place." Twilight commented as she stared up at the floating Pokémon, "After all, it looks like a standard mountain to them."

Spike's eyes glowed at this. "That's so cool!"

Doc nodded in agreement. "Indeed, though I wonder what it is that's causing it to do that."

"No time to find out," Flash pointed up at the sky, all of them now seeing the moon and sun getting dangerously close together. "We've gotta get to the temple."


With that, they raced down the path and into the trees, all while a figure followed them. They continued on the path for twenty more minutes, only to pull themselves to another stop. Their eyes were wide as they came to a halt, all staring at a new sight.

It was a giant stone building which looked like it had been standing since the dawn of time, all made of many different kinds of stone. Cracks and plants covered the outside, and on the top of the doorway was a carving of the sun and moon symbols that they had seen on Eclixie's stomach.

"The Eclipse Temple..." Sunset whispered.

"Its amazing..." Twilight added.

They quickly make their way to the temple's steps and began to climb again, only to arrive at the top to find they were not alone. Standing in the doorway were a pair of almost identical Pokémon, both being four foot humanoid females wearing different coloured dresses.

The first was wearing an fire patterned dress and had white skin with orange hair that was done up in a regal style. It was also wearing a sun shaped pendent with a hole in the center. The other was wearing a dark blue dress and silver skin along with black hair in a similar style to the other's, though this one had twinkling sparkles in it. It was wearing a crescent moon shaped pendant with a hole in the center as well.

"Who are they?"

Twilight gasped in response, "Suncess and Primoon."

"Do you think they're the guardians of the temple?" Doc asked next.

Sunset nodded again. "Looks like it."

The two Pokémon looked up at Eclixie and bowed to it. They then turned and motioned them to follow, all soon moving into the temple. As they walked inside, the group looked up and saw that the temple's walls were filled with carvings of different legendary Pokémon. Zapdos, Entei, Latios and Heatran graced the walls as they kept walking, soon making their way to the very back of the temple. There, they spotted a pair of tablets sitting on either side of a large stone table.

The first tablet depicted a large horse like Pokémon with wings and a horn. It also had a long flowing mane and trail, with lines running down them to depict different colours. The second showed a Pokémon that looked like a mash up of many different creatures, including a lion, goat, snake and dragon.

Twilight went wide-eyed at the sight, gasping, "These are...."

"The legendary Pokémon of positive and negative energy," Sunset finished as she crossed her arms. "Alicormony and Dischaos."

They all stepped up to stare at the tablets, Flash speaking up. "They look so...strong."

"That's what makes them legendary." Doc added.

Spike then asked, "Wow. I wonder if we'll ever get to meet them one day?"

"Maybe," Twilight replied, humming.

Sunset shook her head at this, "but not today."

It was in that moment that they felt the light of the sun, which was filtering through a hole in the back wall. Everyone glanced at the hole and saw the sun start to go black, showing the moon moving into place.

The Eclipse was beginning.

Sunset let out a long sigh as she turned to Eclixie. "Well...this is it."

Eclixie gave a sad nod. "Eclixie..."

Sunset slowly grabbed the Pokémon and brought it into a hug, tears soon following, "I'm gonna miss you." Everyone else was also fighting back tears, having gotten close to the little fairy over the last few days.

Eclixie hugged her back as its own tears began to form. "Eclixie..."

Sunset sniffed before pulling out of the hug. "No matter what happens, I'll never forget you. And I hope you'll never forget about us." Eclixie nodded as it flew out of her grasp, then over to the others.

Flash rubbed his eyes on his jacket sleeve, "See you around buddy."

"Riolu!" Springer was mimicking his trainer.

Eclixie nodded and flew to Twilight and Spike, "it was an honor to meet you."

"Yeah, you're awesome!" Spike added, shining a huge grin.

Eclixie smiled before going to Doc, who held out a hand. "Until we meet again." Eclixie shook his hand and then flew over to the temple guardians.

Suncess and Primoon stood on either side of the table, pointing to it as if to say what it had to do. Eclixie nodded and flew onto the table, landing on it as the sun was completely enveloped. Everyone watched as Eclixie began to change, transforming into its gray halfway form. But unlike the other times, it remained, the black sun symbol now having the white crescent moon appear within it. They watched in wonder as the two symbols began to glow, both solar and luna energies flooding into Eclixie's body. The rest of its body began to pulse between glowing white and black, which grew brighter and brighter each time it did.

But then-


Three bolts of electricity shot over their heads and struck Eclixie, forming a electrical cage that began to zap it. "ECLIXIE!"

Everyone gasped as they spun around, seeing Forest, Pyron and Cecelia on their Z.Z Flyers. The three were smiling at them while their vehicles fired the electrical beams that trapped Eclixie. "Fancy seeing you here."

"But...but how?!" Sunset gasped, slightly backpedaling at the sight.

"Simple. We've been tracking you." The three hit a button on their controls, causing Eclixie's cage to fly towards them.

"Hey! Let Eclixie go!"


The three just laughed as they pulled their Z.Z Flyers away, heading towards the exit. "Dream on kid!"

They all ran after them, the three shooting out the door and into the sky. And when they got outside, they gasped as they stared at the sky, now seeing Mechano's airship floating into view. It was here that the flyers made their way to the ship, showing only one fact:

They had failed.

Author's Note:

And thus the villain has his win condition. How will our heroes stop him. Stay turned to find out.


Name: Suncess
Name: Sun and Princess
Pronounced: Sun-cess

Name: Primoon
Name: Princess and Moon
Pronounced: Prim-Moon