• Published 10th Nov 2018
  • 1,419 Views, 58 Comments

Pokemon the Movie: Total Eclixie the Heart - Banshee531

Meeting a young girl sends our heroes on an adventure of a life time.

  • ...

Chapter 6

Twilight, Doc, Spike and their Pokémon continued their mad dash after the giant robot, though it was proving difficult considering how large it was. Soon it would reach bottom of the mountain, where they would no longer be able to follow. What was worse was that the eclipse was ending as a quarter of the sun was now uncovered.

"What do we do? How do we stop that thing?!" Spike asked as he hopped over a batch of rocks. "That thing's too fast!"

"I don't know," Doc replied as he scanned the mech over. "I doubt any attack we throw at it would be much use. And if it uses that laser...I don't know what we could do."

Twilight frowned at the sight, "Sunset...Flash...be careful."

"Aura Sphere!"

"Rio...LU!" Springer threw an energy ball at Klinklang, the orb exploding on contact.

"Klang!" It cried as it slammed into a wall of the robot while Springer landed dangerously close to a hole Klinklang's Hyper Beam had carved earlier.

Flash and Mechano watched this, the mad scientist growling, "Give up brat, you can't win!"

"That's what you think!" He pointed at Mechano, "Force Palm!" Springer ran to the scientist, paw ready to strike. But as he tried to land his attack, Klinklang flew between them, taking the full brunt of the palm.

"Zap Cannon!" Klinklang fired off its own energy sphere, blasting Springer into the stomach.

"RIOLU!" Springer cried as he went flying, Flash leaping and catching his partner as both were knocked back.

As they landed, Flash let out a moan as he helped Springer up, "Uggghh...you okay bud?"

"Ri..." Springer nodded as they both got up.

"You fools need to learn your place," Mechano grumbled as he touched the part of his metal mask where his ear would be. He then chuckled before pressing a button on his computer. It was here that a screen behind him flickered, soon revealing the image of Sunset.

Back in the room connected to Eclixie's cage, the bacon haired girl continued trying to wreck havoc on the machines. But no matter what she did, the barrier keeping her from Eclixie remained as it was.

"Ohhh...its no use!" She panted as she looked back at the cage, flinching as she saw her friend still yelling in pain. She then looked up and saw that half of the sun was now poking out from behind the moon. "No. What do I do?" Her question went unanswered as the door to the room broke open, followed by Klink and Klang flying in.

"Oh no," Sunset gasped as she tried to backpedal, only for a stream of electrical energy to shoot out of the Pokémon, the lightning forming into a cage around her. The next thing she knew, she was being lifted off the ground. "Magnet Rise..." She moaned as she struggled against the electromagnetic force, but there was no escape.

"NO!" Flash yelled as he saw Sunset struggle.

Mechano laughed, "Now you see?! No matter what you do, you can't stop me! I've come too far and risked to much to allow a load of children to stop me!" A beeping sound made him look back at his computer and press a button, causing the screen to once again change. Now it showed the image of a far off town, one that Flash recognised as the town they had passed through only a few days ago. "Perfect. My first target."

"No..." Flash whispered as the memories of what had happened to that mountain flashed in front of him. "YOU CAN'T!"

Mechano turned back to him, anger burning in his human eye. "Why can't I?! I have the power, so why shouldn't I use it to show the people of this world my might and genius?!" He started typing once again, the robot now aiming its arms at the town.

"NOOO!" Flash and Springer rushed him, only for Klinklang to appear between them again.

"HYPER BEAM!" The mechanism Pokémon fired it's super-powered death ray at the two, hitting the duo dead-on.

"AAAHHH/RIOLU!" The two were blasted off their feet, both slamming into a piece of the wall that had been previously damaged. The force alone caused the wall to break, flinging the duo out of the robot. With this, they fell down the back of the mech, sliding down several feet until Flash managed to grab a part of the metal monster.

"Augh!" Flash panted as he held on for dear life, his other arm grabbing Springer. "Oooohhhh...that hurt." he moaned as he looked down, now seeing the way down would sling him away from the machine. "That's...really high. Not doing that."

A humming sound then caught his attention, followed by the pained cries of Alicormony and Dischaos. This made him look up, now seeing that the machine was beginning to power up. "Oh no...the town! He's gonna-"


The sound of an explosion pierced their ears, causing him to look down as see a familiar duo flying to them.

"Scor!" Viper, carried in Skyler's grip, was now flying up to Flash. The fire Pokémon then launched another flamethrower at the mech, causing a small metal hole of damage.

"Yes! Go Viper and Skyler! Way to-"


Another explosion made them turn to see Prongs and Peewee, doing the same as the others by firing Energy Balls and Dragon Breaths. "Aquana!" Flash then saw Riptide and Owlicious fly by, the Psychick using Sky Drop to toss the Aquana as he used Rock Smash. The force of the combined attacks made a large dent in the contraption while Owlicious caught Riptide once again.

"Alright!" Flash and Springer cheered, "You guys are awesome!"

Mechano growled as he watched his ultimate weapon be more and more damaged, "You little brats!" He pressed a button, the robot's arms now swinging around to try and swat the three away groups away. "Get lost!"

Back on the ground, Twilight, Doc, Spike and Tockwork watched in worry. Doc was using his binoculars to spot Flash and Springer, whose location he quickly regretted giving out.

"What?!" Twilight screeched as she grabbed the binoculars, her breath becoming ragged as she saw Flash. "What is that idiot doing?!"

"And where's Sunset?" Spike added.

"Augh!" Sunset moaned after failing to escape the electro-cage again. She then saw Eclixie still getting absorbed, its face now one of absolute exhaustion. "No...Eclixie!"

The humming sound increased at this, Eclixie's pained yells increasing at the same time. The sound now making the girl cover her ears. Tears filled her eyes as she cried out, "Eclixie!"

"Eclixie?!" The little pixie screamed as she turned its head to Sunset.

"Eclixie...please, you're stronger than this machine. You have to fight it. If you don't, then Mechano is gonna keep using you like a weapon. You...you have to stop him!" She stopped speaking when the Klink and Klang intensified the electricity, shocking the girl as she started to scream.

"Eclixie!" The mythical Pokémon cried as it watched as its protector was hurt, the pain it had been feeling before all but forgotten as it stared at the sight. But those eyes turned to anger, fire burning in them before closing them, Eclixie using all its focus to retake control of its power. "E...clicks...E!"

A beeping sound went off in Mechano's room, causing him to turn to his computers, only for his jaw to drop. "What?! What is....why is the power dropping?!" He started typing, but to no effect. "WHAT?! What's going on?!"

At the same time, the group outside watched as the light that had been shining out of the gun arms suddenly disappeared. They all glanced at one another in confusion. "What happened?"

Twilight scratched her head. "I'm...not sure Spike."

"Possibly some kind of malfunction," Doc suggested.

"But how long is it gonna last?" Spike asked next.

Sunset watched as Eclixie reabsorbed its energy, only to let out another groan of pain. Seeing this, Sunset grimaced as she said, "Eclixie, you have to get rid of that energy. If you don't, Mechano's just gonna take it again."

Eclixie nodded, but didn't know how. It was then that it heard yelling coming from above, the yell originating from a voice the two knew all to well. "Eclixie!" It cheered, now realising what it needed to do.

As the robot lost power, it began to sway from side to side. This made it hard for Flash to hold on, the wind now blasting the trainer while Springer clung to him. "Urgh...this isn't good bud." Flash commented as he felt his fingers start to lose their grip. "We gotta...huh?"

Flash and Springer blinked as a sudden warmness overtook them. Springer felt the energy he had depleted in the battle against Klinklang was being restored, power now coursing through him. It was here that he saw that his body was now glowing as well. "Ri..."

The glow made Flash blink again, looking down and seeing Springer's injuries disappear. "Whoa..." The light of the glow then touched his skin, Flash recognising it instantly. "Eclixie..." It was here that he saw the curved area below him, making him gulp. "Springer," the Riolu looked up at him, "Get ready to use an attack on my signal." Before Springer could ask, Flash released his grip on the robot and the two began to slide down the metal surface.

"Ri?" Springer gasped as he then saw the curve coming up, now realising what the plan was. "RIOLU!"

"Don't worry about me," Flash commanded as they hit the curve, knocking them up into the air. He then took Springer into his hands, pulling every bit of his strength as he threw Riolu up. "Springer, GO!"

Springer shot up, now seeing Eclixie's cage above him. He then directed all the power he had been given by Eclixie into his paws, an Aura Sphere appearing between them. It soon grew, starting to grow even larger than any Aura Sphere he had ever made. Flash's eyes went wide as he saw the ball, Twilight, Doc and Spike all gasping at the sight as well. Sunset also saw the oncoming attack and smiled before bracing herself.

Inside his cockpit, Mechano was still trying to get the power back when another alarm went off. "What now?!" He pressed a button, switched a screen to show Springer. "What the heck?!"

On the screen, Springer was flying right at the camera. Above his head was an Aura Sphere so large, its size rivalled the cage holding Eclixie.

"No....No! NOOOO!"

As Springer fell into range, he gripped the Aura Sphere before slinging it into the cage. "RIO...LU!" And with that, the spinning ball of aura crashed into the barrier, destroying it in an instant. Sunset watched as the metal bars gave into the pressure, all of them ripping apart as the shackles fell apart. The shock instantly let Eclixie escape the contraption, the pixie then fleeing to safe distance before its exhaustion made it fall to the floor.

The Klink and Klang had become terrified by the attack and released Sunset before fleeing the room, allowing her to run over to Eclixie. Soon holding it in her arms, she smiled down at the tired little pixie. "You...you saved us all with that. You were great."

Eclixie looked up at Sunset and smile, "Eee..."

Outside, Flash saw the cage's destruction and cheered in joy. That is, till he remembered he was falling at break neck speed. A loud scream followed as Twilight and the others saw the falling trainer, "FLASH!" Twilight cried as they tried to increase their speed to catch.

But as they saw they were too far away, something suddenly leapt out of the nearby treeline. It was like a blur as he caught Flash, his savior soon landing. Flash let out a gasp as he felt himself land. He then opened his eyes, though the wind forced him to keep them squinted, and all he saw was a combination of white and sky blue.

"What the-" he tried to say, only for the figure to vanish, his butt slamming the ground the second later. "OW!" He yelped before rubbing his behind. "What was that?!"

"Flash!" He turned to see Twilight and the others approaching, "Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine." he groaned as he started to get up, only for a loud breaking noise to fill the air. This caused them to look up at the robot, only to see Eclixie now free. With this in mind, the power to subdue the two legendary Pokémon was also gone, allowing Alicormony and Dischaos to easily rip off their shackles and break the metal cages before flying out of the machine. They all smiled at seeing this, but those smiles quickly vanished once the legendaries turned back to the robot with anger in their eyes.

"They do not look happy," Spike gulped.

Doc let out a weak chuckle, "Would you be if you'd been captured and used as a generator?" They continued to watch as the two began to build up power, Alicormony's horn now glowing while Dischaos opened its mouth as dark energy pooled into it.

"Wait...STOP!" Flash yelled as he ran at the machine, "Our friends are in there!" But it didn't matter to the two, the duo now firing a Dazzling Gleam and Dark Pulse at the mech.


"NOOOO!" They screamed as the attacks struck the robot, a massive explosion following.

"AAAHHH!" Sunset held Eclixie tight as the room shook, pieces of the walls exploding around them. A sound from above made her look up in time to see a large hunk of metal falling, making her scream and clutch Eclixie to her chest. It seemed that this was the end for them.



Sunset opened her eyes at the cry, gasping as she saw a particular Riolu using Force Palm to knock the debris away. "Springer!" She yelped as he landed next to her, smiling with a thumbs up. A small smile tried to form on her face, Sunset now seeing the room fall apart, including the floor below them. "Thanks....but we're still trapped."

It was in this moment that Eclixie opened its eyes, the loud clanging sounds of falling metal waking it up. It looked up to see Sunset's terrified face, making it's heart begin to hurt. It then closed its eyes and began to focus with all its might, trying as best it could to block out the sounds of metal breaking and Sunset screaming.

And it was in that moment that the entire robot's structure finally gave out, the metal room now collapsing in on itself.


Flash and the others all stood petrified as they watched the robot crumble into scrap, all knowing that Springer, Sunset and Eclixie were still trapped inside. Twilight brought her hands up to cover her mouth, Spike and Doc simply stood where they were and Flash fell to his knees. The Pokémon also showed despair as they began to let out their cries at the loss of their friends.

"This...can't be happening." Flash mumbled.

"Sunset..." Twilight whispered as tears filled her eyes.

"Did someone say my name?"

The humans and their Pokémon's heads all shot up before they spun around, gasping as they saw Sunset walk up to them with Eclixie and Springer.

"Sunset?" Twilight gasped.

"Springer!" Flash cheered as he jumped back to his feet, his partner running up and hopping into the teen's arms. "You're okay!"

"But...but how?!" Doc asked as the others moved over to them.

Sunset just shook her head, "I don't know. One moment we were trapped inside the robot, then the next thing we knew, we were out here."

Eclixie smiled up at her, sweating after using the last of its energy to teleport them to safety.

Spike then spoke up, "Hey uh...if you guys escaped. What happened to Mechano?"

Everyone frowned at the question, all of them turning back to the pile of broken metal. Several blinks followed as Flash mumbled out to Sunset, "Um...could he have survived that?"

"I...don't know."

Mechano let out a long moan, rubbing his head as he opened his eye and saw he was in the forest. "How did I get here? I know I was trying to get control back for my mech, and....my computer exploded. So how did I-"

He was then interrupted as a twig behind him snapped. He turned to the sound, only to see a horned equine figure standing a ways off, their features hidden by the tree's shadow. "Oh, I see. You teleported me out." Mechano picked himself up before attempting to walk up to the Pokémon, only to feel himself walk into something solid, yet unseen. Touching the air, he felt something and began to feel around. Doing so made him realize he was trapped inside an invisible box. "Oh no..."

Memories of several days ago flashed before him, making him realize what was happening as he turned back to the Pokémon. Said Pokémon was now accompanied by two others, all who were glaring at the mad scientist.

"I guess we'll never know," Doc added.

"Eh, I'm just glad this is all over," Flash finished.

It looked like everything was going their way, that is till Eclixie suddenly began to change into his day form. "What?!" Sunset gasped as she looked up at the sky, now seeing the sun and moon were no longer touching. "No...the eclipse! Its over!"

"Maybe its not too late! Maybe Eclixie has just enough power to open a portal." Spike quickly suggested as they turned to the fairy, who only to see a frown while shaking its head.

"No...no!" Sunset fell to her knees and hugged Eclixie tightly, "I'm sorry Eclixie. I'm so so sorry! I was supposed to keep you safe, but I couldn't help you when it mattered. Now...now you're trapped and you're...you're going to...no!" Tears filled her eyes as the others watched in misery as she started crying. No one said anything, words seeming to be pointless at this moment.

It was only here that they found themselves in a giant shadow, making them look up and see Alicormony and Dischaos staring down at them. They the saw that the one they were focusing on was Eclixie.

"What are they doing?" Flash asked.

Twilight shook her head. "I don't know. Maybe...maybe they want to help."

Spike tilted his head at the sight, "How? Unless one of them has the power to move the sun, I don't think they can."

Sunset looked up at the two legendaries, an idea popping into her head as she got up and held Eclixie out, "PLEASE HELP US! Please...you two have the power to open portals to your worlds. Maybe...maybe if you give Eclixie a bit of yours, it can open a way home. Please..."

Alicormony and Dischaos both shared a glance, as if having a mental conversation with each other, until finally turning back and nodding. Sunset shined a huge teary grin before bowing, "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

They watched as the Pokémon of positive and negative energy flew into the air while beginning to glow, Eclixie following suit as she flew out of Sunset's grasp. The little fairy floated between the legendaries as their energy finally reached its peak. The duo's horns began to glow before unleashing a gold and black bolts of energy, both striking Eclixie as it charged its body. Specks of their power flew off and began to fall to the ground like snow, landing on the heroes as well.

The humans and Pokémon all felt their bodies begin to radiate heat, making them look down and see the injuries they had received slowly fade away. Doc's hands became un-burnt, the battle damage done to their clothes now disappearing as well. They looked back up in amazement, only to now see Eclixie change color as it entered its gray form while the sun and moon symbols appeared on its stomach. Alicormony and Dischaos then stopped the power transfer while Eclixie's body pulsed black and white.

The three looked up next, the trio now unleashing new beams of gold, black or a mixture of the two that hit the sky. The beams began to make a tear in the air, three gateways to other dimensions soon appearing. Alicormony and Dischaos flew to the two outer ones and passed through them, the portals quickly vanishing and leaving the central one alone. Eclixie turned back to the group, a sad look on its face. Sunset saw this, the tears she had before returning.

Flash stepped up to stand beside Sunset. "Well, I guess you'd better get going Eclixie."

Twilight waved at the fairy, "You be careful, alright? Who knows what's on the other side of that portal, so don't go doing anything stupid!"

Doc and Spike walked up next, Doc saying, "Not only that, maybe one day you can find a way to come back to this world."

"Yeah!" Spike nodded as he tried to keep the tears back. "And when you do, come visit us okay?!"

"Eclix!" Eclixie nodded before turning back to Sunset. The girl was looking down at the ground, trying to hide her sorrowful face. "Eclixie…" It flew up to her and gave her one final hug, stroking her hair as well.

"I know you need to go, but I can't help but miss you already." Sunset's eyes were still pointed to the ground, "Ever since your egg came to me, I felt like I finally had a purpose. You made me feel...special. When you're gone, I won't feel that way anymore. I'll just be...useless." She hugged herself as she cried louder, Eclixie pulling away from her.

"Sunset." The girl gasped at the voice in her head, making her look up to stare at Eclixie as it smiled at her. "Me coming to you didn't make you special. It was because you were special that I came to you. When I'm gone, you'll still be the special girl that was chosen to look after me. Never forget that."

Sunset once again started crying, the reassurance washing over her and filling her heart with joy. "Oh Eclixie!" She grabbed the little fairy and pulled it into one final earth shattering hug. They stayed like this for several seconds, only to feel Eclixie pull away. Sunset rubbed her eyes, whimpering out, "Well, I guess you better get going."

Eclixie nodded before flying back up to the portal, the others all beginning to wave and cheer out their goodbyes. The eclipse Pokémon glanced back at them, tears filling its own eyes as it started to say goodbye. And with one final wave, it flew backwards into the portal. "ECLIXIE!" Were its last words before phasing through the portal.

Seconds after Eclixie passed through it, the portal quickly shrank until it was nothing more than a speck. That single speck then suddenly exploded, the energy pulse filling the sky like a firework that signaled Eclixie's exit of this world. Our heroes continued to stare at the spot Eclixie had vanished, as if expecting something to happen. Sunset sniffed back her tears as she smiled, happy she had managed to finally fulfil her role as Eclixie's guardian. Though she knew she would likely never see it again, she could rest easily knowing her friend was now safe. "Eclixie...thank you and goodbye."

Several days later...

The whistle of the train filled the air, signaling the steam engines readiness to depart from the station. Standing in front of one of its carts, Sunset stared back at her new friends. After Eclixie had left, the group had retraced their steps and were now back in the town they had all first met in.

"Well...this is it. It was great to meet you all."

Twilight gave Sunset a glum frown, "Are you sure we can't convince you to come with us?"

Sunset sighed, but nodded. "Yes. I think I need to be on my own for a bit before deciding what I need to do next with my life."

Doc chuckled at this, nodding. "If that's what you think is for the best, then we won't stop you."

"We are gonna miss you though," Spike added.


Sunset laughed before bending down, ruffling the boy's head and scratching Peewee under the chin. "I'm gonna miss you guys too. Try and stay out of trouble, alright squirt?" Spike nodded as Peewee licked her, causing her to laugh as she turned to Doc. The two held out their hands and shook, smiling at one another.

"Until we meet again."

"You know it," Sunset added before turning to Twilight, the two girls then hugging each other tightly. "Thank you...for everything."

"I hardly did anything," Twilight said as she pulled away. "Just stay safe out there, alright?"

"I will."

Twilight nodded as an idea popped into her head. "You know, if you're ever in Canterlot City, I'm sure Professor Celestia would love to meet you. Tell her I sent you, and she'll love to talk about everything that happened."

"Thanks. I just might do that." She then turned to Flash and Springer, the three smiling at each other. "Well boys, you keep doing what you're doing. I know you'll become Pokémon masters one day."

"Thanks," Flash said as he scratched the back of his head. Springer simply gave the girl a thumbs up as she patted him on the head.

"Thank you Springer. Especially for what you did back then."

"Ri..." Springer cheered.

A second whistle signaled the train was about to leave. "Well, I'd better get going." She grabbed her bag and moved up to the train carriage, only to come to a halt. "Oh right, forgot about that." she turned back around and went up to Flash. As they all blinked at this, she got on her tip toes and pulled Flash towards her, pushing her lips into Flash's. It only lasted a second before she pulled away, laughing as she saw the shocked looks on everyone's faces. "See ya!" She back onto the train, jumping into the carriage seconds before the locomotive pulled away.

Everyone was still dumbfounded as she stuck her head out the window, waving at her new friends. They quickly recovered and began to wave back, saying their goodbyes as they watched the train pull away and disappear into the horizon.

Once the train was out of sight, everyone turned to Flash and saw he still had a huge blush on his face. "Oh, get over yourself romeo," Twilight grumbled as she slapped the side of his head, knocking him back into reality. "Don't forget, you still gotta do my chores. And after everything they went through, I think our Pokémon all deserve a half-hour wash...each."

Flash turned to give her a horrified look, "Half an hour each?!"

Twilight laughed at this. "And don't think I won't be inspecting them all. They'd better be spotless when you're done." She laughed again as Flash started to moan, the others following suit.

Yes, this had certainly been one heck of an adventure. But now it was time to get back on the road, as new adventures awaited our young heroes on their journey through the magical world...of Pokémon.

Cue awkwardly shoehorned in pop song that has nothing to do with the plot.

Voice Cast

Flash Sentry: Vincent Tong

Twilight Sparkle: Tara Strong

Spike: Cathy Weseluck

Time (Doc) Turner: David Tennant

Sunset Shimmer: Rebecca Shoichet

Doctor Mechano: Ryan Stadler

Forest: Tom Wayland

Pyron: Todd Haberkorn

Cecelia: Philece Sampler

Author's Note:

Well everyone, we have the end of the first Pokémon Movie. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. As for Sunset, tell me whether or not you want her to show up in the main series.

Starting next week, back to the main series.

Comments ( 16 )

This was an epic story, or should I say movie instead? Either way, well done. That ending was funny. I wouldn’t mind if Sunset appeared in the main series. It would give a chance to expand her opportunities, maybe give her a small rivalry with Twilight and make a love triangle between the two of them and Flash, though we all already know who he would end up with. Can’t wait for the second half of the first “season” of the main series.

A second whistle signaled the train was about to leave. "Well, I'd better get going." She grabbed her bag and moved up to the train carriage, only to come to a halt. "Oh right, forgot about that." she turned back around and went up to Flash. As they all blinked at this, she got on her tip toes and pulled Flash towards her, pushing her lips into Flash's. It only lasted a second before she pulled away, laughing as she saw the shocked looks on everyone's faces. "See ya!" She back onto the train, jumping into the carriage seconds before the locomotive pulled away.

That was actually cute, even if I prefer Flashlight. Sunset steals Flash’s first kiss yet again, this time in a good way.

Once the train was out of sight, everyone turned to Flash and saw he still had a huge blush on his face. "Oh, get over yourself romeo," Twilight grumbled as she slapped the side of his head, knocking him back into reality.

Twilight is jealous, adorable. Though she is probably just going to hide it with more attitude towards Flash.


I wouldn’t mind if Sunset appeared in the main series. It would give a chance to expand her opportunities, maybe give her a small rivalry with Twilight and make a love triangle between the two of them and Flash, though we all already know who he would end up with.

Amen, brother! Count me to vote.

That was actually cute, even if I prefer Flashlight. Sunset steals Flash’s first kiss yet again, this time in a good way.

couldn't have said it better myself

Twilight is jealous, adorable. Though she is probably just going to hide it with more attitude towards Flash.

I think she won't hide it, I think she'll have no idea that what she feels is jealous and it will eat at her

That was nice. The voice ideas for the villains seem pretty cool. And I can totally see Sunset in the main series as a new assistant to Celestia.

More sunset

Woo! What a ride! You know, I definitely would love to see more of Sunset. Dang! Twi can be such a killjoy sometimes. I'm saying this despite the fact that she's my favorite character.

I would love for sunset to appear in the series also do you think in the next movie we could get an ocean theme like pokemon ranger and the temple of the sea or do you already have a plan?

9352803 Already have a plan, but it does involve the ocean since the main legendaries gonna water type.

Okay then just wanted to know.

SunSentry is equal to FlashLight.

What a fun, um, movie! Looking forward to when you return to the main series, keep up the good work! 👍

I thought you usually preferred Flashlight and TwiSet?

I do, but I also like the other pairing.

Wait. What do you mean by that, Banshee? Are you hinting at something?

This is still a great climax to this story. Admittedly this isn't my favorite "movie" for the series, I think they each get progressively better. I wish we eventually got a reveal on what happened to Forest after he ran away last chapter, since leaving that unresolved just bothers me somewhat. I guess Mechano had a similar fate, though I think we can infer that whatever the Heralds did to him wasn't pretty.

The final battle here was certainly a great highlight, but I remember the chapter best for what happened afterwards. The scene of Eclixie leaving, everyone saying goodbye to it, and it assuring Sunset she's already special without it were all sad yet heartwarming at the same time. Also, I think this is the first time Twilight has shown open jealousy over someone else showing romantic interest in Flash. Too bad she takes it out on him by making him wash the Pokémon a half-hour each. She was pretty unratifiable in the early part of this series.

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