• Published 13th Jan 2019
  • 1,231 Views, 102 Comments

The Super Duper Awesome Life of the Party Pony! - -Pinkamena_Pie-

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SCP Foundation: Day 5

They caught me.

I tried to escape them as long as I could. Almost got away, got shot with some kind of dart.

Haven't heard from Pinkie in a while, so it's just me now.

I swear, being locked in whatever room this is will make me go insane eventually. There's no colour, no change to the scenery, just a blank, white room.

Wasn't able to eat for a while, thought of attacking the next thing to come in here, I was so hungry. Thankfully, the next time someone came, it was with some form of food. Hated the taste, but it stopped the hunger pangs.

I'm treated like some common animal, I swear. Last orange-suited person who came here actually tried to pet me. I didn't trust it, so I kinda backed up real far away.

He looked disappointed, honestly. Felt a bit bad, wanted to let him. They took him out before I changed my mind.

I hate it here, I really do... Oh mare, I want sis to come back...