• Published 13th Jan 2019
  • 1,231 Views, 102 Comments

The Super Duper Awesome Life of the Party Pony! - -Pinkamena_Pie-

  • ...

Oh buck...

Oh Celestia help us they're dead... They're all dead... I'm the only one left, they slaughtered them while I was gone...

Buck, I'm a psychotic serial killer and even I'm disturbed by what they did...

Have you ever seen ponies chopped into pieces on the ground, scattered everywhere? Pinned up against walls with stakes... Disintegrated into piles of ash...

This place is like a nightmare from the GrimDark...

I don't understand. Why am I not in a new world? We failed, I failed, the rules state that when that happens, I switch worlds...

I need to check on the Princesses.

They're not here... Where are they?! They specifically said they'd set up a command tent he-OOF!

"Heh. So you're that one survivor. Good job on escaping, not so good job coming here."

Is that a... Kirin?! What's a Kirin doing here? And why is she... Oh. Oh no. This has to be the Admiral of the NHR... the Firestorm, as she's nicknamed.

"Glad to see you recognize me. You're gonna want to make sure you know who I am when we toss you in the brig. General, if you would?"

GAH! Didn't expect that hit... I think he... I think... I...

The Kirin, Admiral of the Nighthawk Rebellion, takes a good look over the now-unconscious mare. She smirks, nodding at the cyborg-like Kirin who was her General.

"Get her to the brig. Always good to have leverage. And that Scarlet King guy might want her anyway."

"Yes Ma'am."