• Published 13th Jan 2019
  • 1,231 Views, 102 Comments

The Super Duper Awesome Life of the Party Pony! - -Pinkamena_Pie-

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Ooh, Hiya! I knew you'd come!

Welcome to my party! Here, I'll show you around!

So here's the refreshment table! We have punch, cake, cupcakes, ice cream, sweets of all kinds, and EVEN MORE CUPCAKES!

Ooh, look! There's Twilight!

Hiya, Twilight! Enjoying the party?

Of course, Pinkie. I always do. So... Why is there a screen with whatever I say written on it floating above you?

Oh, that's just a friend!

Hmm... Okay, Pinkie! Have AJ, Rainbow, and Rarity arrived yet?

Nope, but I'm sure they're coming!

Alright. I'll be here if you need me.

Okie Dokie Lokie!

Huh. That was weird. She saw you as a screen?

Oh well! Oh, here comes Dashie!

Oh, hey, Pinkie!

Hiya Dashie! Glad you could make it!

Me too!

So, I wanna introduce you to my new friend! Their name is... Oh, I don't know your name yet. You can tell me later! Or in the Coom-ends!

Oh, the screen? Um... Can the screen even hear me?

Yeppers! I think they're big fans of yours! They'll tell me in the Con-mends!

Oooo-kay. Well, lots of fun to have, great party!

Well. She flew off in a hurry. I wonder why...

Oh well! Here, take a look at the games I have set up! We have bobbing for apples, pin the tail on the pony, and - Ooh! There's AJ!

Hiya AJ!

Howdy, Pinkie.

How's the party? Do you like it, do you, do you???

Of course, ah do Pinkie! Ah always do! Everypony here loves 'em just as much!

Phew, that's a relief.

So, Pinkie. Who's that there friend of yours?

Oh, I'll tell you later. It's just that this is a story right now, but it's not, and they think it's a story, but it's not, and I'm gonna put it on a human web-sit, and they're gonna read it, but it's actually real life stuff and... Oh. She went to play pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey. Okie Dokie Lokie!

C'mon, there's more to see! Follow me right this way! To the dance fl-owie!

Oh dear, my apologies, darling. I must simply watch where I go!

It's ok, Rarity! I'm just happy you're here!

That is most delightful to hear! Say, what is that glowing blue thing above your head?

Oh, it's my friend! They can't come here because they live in a different world, so I opened a portal into theirs!

Ah. I see. I shall enjoy this party while I can, Darling. You should as well.

Okie Dokie Lokie, Rarity! :pinkiehappy:

Huh. She took it better than everypony else. But that doesn't matter! There's one more teensy thing I wanna show you!

And here it is! A present for you! But here's the super duper part - It's completely random! You can open it again and again, and it'll give you something different every time! Isn't that amazing?

Heehee, wanna know where I got it? I got it from Discord!

Um... Discord gave you something?

Oh, hiya, Fluttershy! Yeppers, I wanted to give my friend a present and I didn't know what to get them! So I asked Discord!

O-oh... But where is your friend?

Right there!

The blue thing? O-ok... If you say so...

Yeppers! They really want to meet you!


And she's gone. You DO want to meet her, right? Tell me, I guess! But I should let you enjoy yourself! It IS a party, after all! So HAVE FUN!

Afterwards, I'll tell you about a weird dream I had...

So until then, enjoy! :pinkiehappy: