• Published 9th Jul 2019
  • 5,216 Views, 568 Comments

Brighter Horizons - Destiny Chaser

A Human raised in Equestria by Pegasi. Oh, and he has their inherent magic. Have fun!

  • ...

Brighter Horizons

Flash stumbled through the front door of his Canterlot apartment, his head buzzing pleasantly. He didn’t know how, but after his meeting with Celestia, the Nightguard had somehow already learned of his new promotion, because of course they had. He hadn’t made it but a few steps out of the Castle before he found himself blindsided by a bunch of thestrals who wasted no time in dragging the human to the nearest bar to celebrate his new commission, the eager bats plying him with alcohol and questions about his latest ascension in rank, trying to gain whatever insider details they could about his new position within the guard.

Looking down, he noticed that his hands and forearms were pock-marked with several small red welts caused by the sharp teeth of his furry friends from their constant grabbing and tugging at him whenever they either pulled him to the latest bar or desired to get his attention; and his shoulders felt sore from the many friendly cuffs he received from their hard hooves.

Due to his special friendship with Princess Luna, Flash had always been something of a celebrity with the night-loving ponies who had all but adopted him as one of their own, despite his official status as part of the Day Guard. He could have continued to wonder how they already knew about his promotion before the ink was even dry, but he had long since resigned himself to the fact that the ever-curious night ponies always seemed to be on top of the latest developments in Equestria. Now finally free for the evening, Flash wanted nothing more than to get a good night’s rest, as well as some quiet time to process all that Celestia had tasked him with.

Setting Shadowbane's case down on the small table at the vestibule, Flash felt his way along the wall of the dark apartment, reaching for the light switch. He had just about reached it, when the slightest creak of a floorboard reached his sensitive ears, causing him to pause where he stood, his heart racing as he now felt the presence of somepony in the darkness with him.

As fast as lightning, Flash snatched a small boot knife that he kept concealed around his ankle, immediately cocking his arm back in preparation to hurl the blade at the dark silhouette he could now make out in the center of his living room, when he discovered his arm to be suddenly frozen in place, a green aura of magic firmly gripping his wrist. The sweet scent of honey on clover finally touched his nose,

"Easy Michail, it's just me."

Another glimmer of green magic flicked on the light switch behind him, revealing the presence of Chelicerae laying on his couch, her forelimbs crossed casually one over the other; she smiled, flashing her fangs at him while releasing his wrist.

"Chel?!" Flash exclaimed, shock coloring his voice and features. "What do you think you are doing breaking in here?!" He hissed, sheathing his knife, "I could have killed you!" The changeling chuckled in amusement,

"Not with dulled reflexes like that you couldn't have, I could have had you at least three times since you opened the door, you really need to be more careful, Michail. Having a bit of fun, were we?"

Flash uttered a frustrated grunt before he instantly shot around the apartment, closing all of the blinds in the blink of an eye. He spun around as Chelicerae slowly rose to her hooves and stood to face him. She looked to be in good health, her black chitin smooth and glossy, with no trace of her previous injuries. But best of all, she looked happy, with none of the rage that drove her before anywhere to be seen in her emerald eyes. The changeling shook her head slightly to get a lock of her teal and red-highlighted mane out of her face, a movement which Flash thought made her look kind of cute.

"You know, you could have knocked Princess," Flash said.

"Oh? A strange mare that no one has ever seen before knocking on your door late at night? No one would ever think that suspicious," she replied with a smirk.

"Eh, good point, still, you could have at least given me some sort of warning, Princess."

"Please Michail, call me Chelicerae, or Chel, I think you've more than earned that with me." Flash finally allowed himself to smile and nodded as she stepped forward to examine the new rank on the collar of his uniform. "Well, well, I see that congratulations are in order, 'Captain.' I'm glad to see that Celestia has some sense." Flash sighed,

"You should really just meet her already Chel, it would make things a lot less complicated than all of this sneaking around,"

"Sneaking's half the fun," she said with a wink, before her eyes narrowed, "Besides Captain, I don't trust her yet."

"Chel, be reasonable," Flash pleaded. She stared hard at him a moment, before her gaze softened,

"In time, Michail, in time; please, be patient with me, old biases die hard, and I haven't survived for as long as I have by trusting others. You were the first exception to that for me, and frankly, it's still a very novel experience. Besides, there are still a few things that Telson and I must attend to that, as you know, might not make us so popular with your precious Princesses. Also, I cannot let the Queen see that I've been associating with her enemies, not yet."

Flash didn't like it, but he nodded in understanding, remembering all that Telson had explained to him about the pair of exiled changelings' future plans on one of the many return trips the two of them had taken to earth. Together they had begun the necessary process of dismantling his father's old criminal empire, a lot of which simply involved making sure the right evidence fell into the right laps.

Telson had at that time told him that he and Chelicerae could never accept Thorax as their leader, that they still saw Chrysalis as their queen, and that they had every intention of placing her back on the throne, but of course, only after they had helped her to reform. They had no interest in being Equestria's enemies, nor going back to their old ways, but neither could they accept the present situation, not unless Chrysalis herself gave her approval to it.

Flash for his part had agreed to keep this information to himself for the time being, as he knew the pair of exiled changeling's trust in him was still a delicate thing, and that it was this mutual trust that stood the best chance of bringing total harmony back to the hive while eliminating a dangerous enemy. He had learned enough from Celestia over the years of when to be prudent with knowledge, and that there were some things that deserved to be kept secret for the sake of future relationships; he trusted that in her wisdom, Celestia would understand why he kept this information from her at first when the time came to finally tell her; Telson had said to him that he would know when that moment arrived.

"So, why are you here Chel?" She gave him a sad smile,

"Two things, first, I came to say 'goodbye,' just in case I never get to see you again, Michail."

"Why wouldn't I get to see you again, Chel?" Flash asked, feeling a bit alarmed. The changeling sighed,

"Well, let's just say that when I find mother, she might not be so happy to see me, in which case, it will likely go very poorly for me."

Flash grimaced at the thought, but knew she was right about that possibility. He had hoped that she would let somepony go with her when she finally sought Chrysalis out, but of course, Chelicerae said that she had to do this alone.

"Won't you, at least, you know, go through the metamorphosis before you do? You'll be stronger that way, I know you have the love to do it."

Chelicerae smiled sweetly at him, a sad longing in her eyes, but she slowly shook her head, "No, not yet Michail, not until mother does first. I need for her to see that I'm still loyal to her, and that I'm willing to wait for her."

Flash shyly glanced to one side, unsure of how to feel about possibility of never seeing her again. "Well, just be careful Chel, yeah? I'd hate to find out that you'd gotten yourself killed, because then I'd have to hunt Chrysalis down myself, and I don't have time for that."

Chelicerae's eyes widened slightly at that before giving him a friendly smirk, "Thank you Michail, for everything, and may you succeed in all of your undertakings as well," she said, and after a short pause, she surprised the human with a quick hug, kissing him on the cheek before placing her lips to his ear, "And you be more careful as well little Equestrian, I mean it. Don't let your guard down ever, even for a moment," she whispered.

Flash felt himself flush a little before hesitantly returning her embrace, "Don't worry, I won't," he said with a nervous chuckle. "So, uh, what was the other thing you wanted to see me about?" He asked as they separated. The sly smile that crept across the changeling's face in response to his question sent an unexpected shiver up his spine, the hoof still resting on his shoulder tightened ever so slightly,

"I understand that you're taking Ella to the Gala tomorrow evening, yes?"

"Uh, yes, yes I am," Flash nervously replied. Chelicerae nodded, taking a step back. Her horn shone with green light, and all the furniture in the center of his living room suddenly moved to the perimeter, leaving a wide open area.

"Good, because before I go, I'm going to make certain that you know how to properly dance." Flash felt his stomach suddenly start to sink,

"That's, very kind of you Chel, but I already know how to dance!"

Chelicerae raised an eyebrow at him, "You know how to dance with ponies, my little human, but Ella," She paused as green flames burst around her, revealing her human disguise of the incredibly beautiful woman, but now wearing a long, dark and magnificent evening gown, "Is a woman, and for her sake, I will see to it that you know how to dance properly with her. Bright Skies, if you would?"

Flash gaped in astonishment as his mother stepped out of the shadows of the hallway leading to his bedroom, realizing that she had successfully concealed her presence from him; she grinned at him.

"Mom?! What are you-" His words faded as she opened her mind to his, sending a cascade of thoughts and recent memories pouring into his consciousness. In them, Flash saw how Chelicerae had visited his mother in Cloudsdale earlier that day in the afternoon, to offer an apology for all of the pain that she had caused them both. The two of them had then had a long, and meaningful conversation, with his mother not only granting her forgiveness, but also giving some kind words and motherly advice that helped ease the changeling's sorrow, giving Chelicerae some hope in approaching Chrysalis. The image of his mother then holding the changeling princess in a long, loving embrace, even going so far as to feed her, and the warm sensation of comforting compassion that his mother had given to her former enemy during that beautiful moment nearly brought a tear to his eye.

Bright Skies fluttered off of the floor, hovering in front of him as she gazed proudly at his new rank and decoration. "Oh my splendid son, I'm so proud of you!" She said, kissing him on the cheek. "Chelicerae stopped by earlier today," she said, glancing fondly back at the changeling, "We had a nice long chat."

Flash swallowed, nodding in understanding, "I...see. But, uh, what are you doing here now?" He asked, the mischievousness he could feel in her spirit and see in her eyes doing nothing to ease his nerves. His mother grinned at him,

"Like I was going to miss this!" She exclaimed, flapping over to the wall where his record player stood. "Chel told me about her little idea, and well, I wasn't going to let her do it without a chaperone being around, so, just pretend I'm not here, honey!"

Bright Skies set the record player into motion, and a sweeping, classical tune shortly began filling the room, "Take it away, Chel!" She joyfully cheered. Chelicerae gazed fondly at the pony, before locking her eyes on Flash, her countenance not unlike a winter-starved wolf that had just spotted a fat, helpless rabbit; the human involuntarily shrank back.

"Now, this first dance is called a waltz, step over here, take my hand in your right, and place your left hand on my waist."

Flash's pupils narrowed to pinpricks, his stomach going from slowly sinking, to cratering through the floor. His throat constricted fast, the objection he had attempted to form dying with a whimper on his lips,


Ella set down her latest book, entitled The Virtuous Mare, taking a moment to stretch her arms over her head before reaching for her wine glass for a sip, the rich taste of the fine vintage spreading delightfully across her tongue. Soft classical music drifted through the peaceful atmosphere of Twilight's library, adding to the sensation of total comfort, enhanced by all the more by the luxurious pink-silk pajamas she was presently wearing which felt as soft as a summer cloud.

It was late, and Luna had long since raised the moon, the heavenly sphere lending its gentle light through the small, arched windows high up on the interior wall of library. Ella closed her eyes, taking a moment to savor her delightful surroundings, reflecting on how blessed her life had become in the last four months since arriving in Equestria, at complete odds with all the pain she had ever known, which was increasingly turning into an evermore distant, unpleasant memory.

Lord, if you're making up for all of that hell, you're doing a bang-up job, thank you.

Her happy thoughts were interrupted by a faint tapping that she heard coming from a window high above her. Grinning with anticipation, Ella quickly set down her wine glass on the violet crystal table, tying the belt around her nightgown as she rose from her seat, eyeing the window at least twenty feet above. Tensing her legs beneath her, Ella sprang on light feet, her enhanced strength easily arcing her through the air so that she landed on the crystal wall just below the glass, sticking to it like a bug on a wall. Still thrilling at the sensation of accomplishing the ordinarily impossible, Ella effortlessly crawled up the last few feet before reaching out to undo the latch, opening the window to the cool night air and the white dove that flew in with it.

It had happened about two months prior, Ella had been in the library one afternoon with Ocellus, when the young changeling had nonchalantly walked up the wall to reach a book up on a high shelf. She seemed befuddled at the human's flabbergasted reaction which was quickly followed by Ella blurting out loud in wonder, "Can I do that?"

Apparently, changelings could stick to walls and ceilings. Did you know they could do that? Ella certainly didn't, and after some brief experimentation, the young woman discovered, to her utter delight, that she could as well. The experience could almost be compared to her first cloudwalk all over again, except unlike the cloudwalk, this event had ended with a concerned Twilight trying to gently coax a hysterical Ella down from the tallest spire of her castle, all while the delirious human joyfully screamed something about her being 'friggin' Spiderwoman' for all of Ponyville to hear, much to the perplextion of the many pastel residents who had all gathered to stare at the strange sight.

The white dove landed on the library floor far below, a burst of golden flame revealing Telson's true form. Ella smiled over her shoulder at him before kicking off of the wall with thrilling sense of exhilaration, flipping over backwards with ease before landing gracefully on the balls of her feet in front of him.

"Haha! Oh, I am never going to get tired of being able to do that!" Ella exclaimed while giving Telson a quick, tight hug, the tall changeling embracing her as well,

"You certainly are getting good at that my dear, and I must say, it gives me great relief to see how well you have taken to your new nature, Ella." Telson said, causing Ella to frown slightly as they separated. Even though he was not showing his aura to her, she sensed some trepidation, some worry in his voice. Her eyes narrowed as she looked into his,

"Why wouldn't I Telson? What, were you worried that somethin' might go wrong?" Telson turned his head slightly, avoiding her gaze for a moment, before turning back to her with a sigh, a slightly sorrowful look in his golden eyes.

"I was worried, that you might resent it, this unforeseen change which I have wrought upon you. That I burdened you with my former curse, that curse of hunger," he bitterly grumbled, "And the likelihood that you must now feed on love for the rest of your days."

It was true, that Ella and Twilight had both noted that unlike other changelings, because of the human part of her nature, that Ella would probably never undergo any kind of metamorphosis, and that she couldn't go much longer than a week without feeding before things started to become very uncomfortable for her. Not that this was really much of a problem as the love that Ella received from all of her new friends almost always kept her sated, so much so, that she could actually forgo physical food if she wanted to. Nevertheless, Telson was still surprised when Ella suddenly began to laugh,

"Burdened?!" She exclaimed with another joyful giggle, "Telson, I was starving for love long before I ever met you, I've been starving for it ever since my mother died! And now? Now that I actually get to enjoy it as the very food that sustains me? That I can literally see, smell, taste, and experience all of the love my new family and friends' have for me?" Ella reached up and softly cupped the side of his face with her hand, touching her forehead against his and gazing into his eyes, "It's not a burden, Telson, it's a blessing! I couldn't be happier for the way that I am now; I wouldn't trade it for anything, and I thank you for it."

Telson stared at her, at a complete loss for words, his mouth slightly ajar as he couldn't believe what he was hearing. A blessing? He thought, She's...thanking me for it? But it was impossible to deny what he had heard, as he could clearly see that she wasn't simply saying empty words to make him feel better. Fragrant waves of joy, gratitude, excitement, and love radiated through her aura, tingling his senses; Telson dropped hard on his haunches, the strong changeling feeling suddenly lightheaded.

"Hey, hey!" Ella said, cradling his large head against her shoulder, "It's fine Telson, everything's going to be alright, you'll see! My life has only gotten better since meeting you, really." She gently gripped one of his leathery ears for a few gentle scratches, feeling him tremble with emotion against her.

A purring chitter escaped Telson's throat as he savored her touch, the burden of anxiety on his heart slowly easing into a sense of peace.

"I...don't deserve you, small one," he whispered after a few pleasant moments. Ella smiled as she continued to hold his head against her, scratching his ear,

"Well, ya got me, so you might as well accept it big guy." She replied in a teasing tone. After a few more moments, she decided to ask him, "So, tell me, why did you want to meet me here tonight?"

Telson reluctantly lifted his head away from her shoulder, his expression serious, "Because the time has come, Ella. The time for me to go to my hive-mates and announce my intention to them, it is my duty."

"Chrysalis?" Ella asked, remembering what Telson had confided to her and Flash before. He nodded,

"Yes, and I know that many will not understand nor accept this, and this means that I will likely have to remain hidden for some time. It may be a good while before we ever get to see each other again, so I have come to say 'goodbye' for now, small one."

Ella glanced down nervously, her hands opening and closing in anxious tension, before looking back up at him, "Could you please wait? Just for a bit longer?" She whispered.

Telson cocked his head to one side, "Why do you want me to wait, Ella?"

She glanced to one side in hesitation, before saying, "Because then you wouldn't be able to walk me down the aisle at my wedding." The changeling's golden eyes went alarmingly wide with shock,

"...What?" He murmured, Ella smiled,

"It doesn't take a genius to see where my relationship with Flash is heading. He's going to ask me soon, I just know it, I can see it in his spirit. And, I want you there, Telson. I want you to be the one who walks me down the aisle. You're the closest thing to a father I've ever had, and frankly, I wouldn't want it to be anyone other than you."

Telson was glad that he was already sitting down, feeling like he might topple over if he wasn't; his heart was practically bursting with emotion. "It...means that much to you?" He said, almost unable to hear his own words.

"Yes, it really does Telson...will you? Please?"

If she had been the Mistress herself, he could not have felt more honored. Telson swallowed, trying to loosen his constricting throat while his eyes threatened to betray his true feelings with tears; but with an almighty force of will, he managed to hold them back. "Y-yes," he began, clearing his throat, "Yes dear Ella, yes, I will wait. I will inform my Mistress, I am certain that she will understand. It would be my supreme honor to do this for you...thank you."

Ella smiled broadly, relief coloring her aura as she wrapped her arms around him, practically melting into his chest. "Thank you, so much Telson, you don't know how much that means to me..."

Telson smiled as he embraced her in turn, marveling at the luminous spectrum of joy and relief in her spirit that made her appear as a star in the heavens, "No, but I think I might have an idea at the very least," he replied, causing the human to laugh against him.

"Yeah, I guess you do," she said. The record player which had continuously been playing softly in the background all the while suddenly switched to a new song. It was a soothing melody led by the slow, easing buzz of a muted jazz trumpet accompanied by the steady beat of a large base. The happy pair both glanced over at the source of the music, before looking back at each other, a knowing grin on both of their faces.

Telson stepped back, a swirl of golden flame revealing the appearance of the large, powerful man that was his human disguise, though now clad in a handsome tuxedo. He offered his hand out to her, "May I?"

Ella beamed at him, "You may," she said, taking his hand and settling into a slow dance with him, his powerful hand gently holding her slender waist. Ella knew a little about dancing, but was happy to learn more from Telson who had offered to teach her a while back as the date of the Gala drew nearer. After a few pleasant minutes of gently swaying to the beat, she allowed her head to rest on his large chest, a shuddering sigh escaping from her lips as powerful emotions nearly overcame her.

Telson glanced down in concern, "Ella?"

"I'm fine," she whispered back, "It's just, this...this is what I've always wanted..."

Ella and Flash sat together on a small cloud overhanging a part of the city of Cloudsdale, the sun dipping low on the horizon, casting a radiant display of colors into the atmosphere. The young woman could see Bright Skies at a distance, sitting on another cloud, the kind mare having answered her request to act the part of chaperone for her and Flash every time they were together. The two humans sat back to back, leaning their heads against the other; they had been chatting over various topics for what felt like hours. Their talk had fallen silent for some time now, and they had passed the last several minutes simply enjoying the other's presence. Ella finally broke the silence with another question,



"This world of yours is so beautiful, but, what is the one thing that it lacked for you? Somethin' that you've always wanted?" She could sense him smile, as she smelled his fragrant love for her filling the air; she scented, but would not taste it,

"That's easy," he said, "I've always wanted somepony else to share it with, to know that I wasn't alone, another human to be here with me." A few more beats of silence passed between them before he asked his own question, "And what about you, Ella? What is it that you have always wanted?"

Ella smiled, twisting her neck so that the side of her head rested against his, "Well..."

Telson cocked his head in curiosity, "You wanted a dance?" He queried; Ella shook her head against him,

"No...I wanted a family..." She said, "And now, I have one."

Telson said nothing to this, but only smiled, tenderly holding her small form against him, a tear finally escaping one of his eyes as they continued to turn and sway with the tune, surrounded by a glowing halo of love, lost to everything but each other.

Flash paced nervously in the foyer of Twilght's castle, trying but failing to calm his growing sense of anxiety as he waited for Ella to appear. He was clothed in his finest officer's dress, a red double-breasted jacket with golden buttons and shoulder epaulettes with matching red slacks and black shoes polished to a mirror finish. The collars of his jacket had been updated with his new rank and his left breast was affixed with his latest ribbons, including the Bronze Heart of Valor Celestia had awarded him the evening prior.

A luxurious carriage pulled by a team of four white ponies awaited him and Ella outside the castle, an unexpected gift made available to him by Gold Fleece, a high-ranking noble whom he had met while still in the academy who had taken a great liking to him and had been to him both a mentor and friend as well as an advocate for him against some of the more noisy Canterlot nobility who were still affronted by his very presence within the Royal Guard.

His good friend and fellow officer Slipstream stood next to him, the yellow-maned grey pegasus grinning in amusement at his human friend's anxious demeanor.

"Wow, I still can't believe it, a Captain already. What are you now, twelve?"

"I'll be eighteen next month thank you very much!" Flash blurted back in frustration.

The pony laughed in jest, "You know, you really shouldn't be so nervous, everything's going to be fine!" Slipstream said while brushing the red jacket of his own officer dress uniform.

"Easy for you to say, you don't even have a date tonight!" Flash countered in a fluster. Slipstream had tagged along with him as a kind of moral support, volunteering to be his wingpony, though Flash suspected the jokester also wanted to be there to enjoy watching him emotionally disintegrate.

"That was so I could be here to help you!" Slipstream retorted, "Here, the way to calm down is to just think of every little thing that could possibly go wrong, and then just imagine something much worse does!"

Flash paused in his pacing, the color draining from his face, "That doesn't help at ALL you boob!" Slipstream adopted a trollish grin,

"Alright, well, just think of all the wonderful dancing then-"

"AHH, ah...Let's not think about dancing," Flash said with a cringe, holding up his hands, his face turning as red as his uniform. "Don't think about dancing...We must never again think about dancing..." He said, his eyes slowly fading into the thousand-yard stare that told the terrible tale of some indescribable trauma.

Slipstream raised a curious eyebrow, "Ooookay, since when do you have anything against dancing?"

Flash's hand absentmindedly slipped into his pocket, his fingers touching and grasping the gold rope and Crucifix that Chelicerae had given him the previous night; she had told him that it had belonged to his father, and that it was only right that he should have it. He vaguely understood what it represented, as Ella had talked to him on several occasions about her own religious beliefs in their time together. He didn't yet fully understand it, but he found the object strangely comforting for some reason. He intended to ask her about it more later.

Flash shook his head as if slapped, "Huh, what? Oh, nothing, no, you're right, everything's going to be fine."

"Famous last words," Slipstream quipped with an antagonizing grin, causing Flash to glare daggers at him,

"Will you just stop that already?! You wisecracking-"

"AHem..." Came a clear voice from above. Both officers looked up the main, central staircase, only to snap to attention at the presence of Princess Twilight Sparkle standing at the top, smiling down at both them. She was wearing a beautiful dark blue gown with a white collar and a silver star broach. Her violet and pink-highlighted mane was styled in a fashionable updo with her bangs gently swept to one side.

"At ease, gentlecolts," She said with a nod, "Ella is ready." Twilight stepped to one side to reveal the young woman walking up behind her with Rarity at her side, the pony beaming with pride; the fashionista continuing to make a few last adjustments to the human's incredible ballroom gown. The gown was composed of a white silk, toned in a brilliant, sparkling white gold, like the color of a new day. At the same time, the edges of the material seemed to fade with a shimmer into a deeper, almost midnight blue color that constantly shifted in tone as the material moved, giving the wearer the appearance of one stepping out of the night and into the rising sun.

The upper part of the dress modestly covered Ella's shoulders while lose, petal-like sleeves gracefully swept down her upper arms. The most eye-catching part of the beautiful ensemble however, were the pair of delicate, gossamer wings attached to the back of the dressed that stretched just above her head. They were styled with pointed, curved tips and colored in a see-through light blue, like those of a pre-metamorphosis changeling. Ella's normally wavy golden hair was styled up in a half-bun while a thin circlet of braided gold adorned with a small glittering emerald encircling her brow; a single lock of her wavy, golden hair cascaded elegantly down along the side of her shapely face.

Flash felt himself at a loss for words as Ella slowly descended the crystal staircase, smiling brilliantly at him, her small fangs catching the light. Flash had beheld many a fair sight during his life in Equestria, but nothing, neither in flower, star, nor pony, had he ever seen anything quite so lovely as the woman now standing there before him; she was once again the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.

"Well, uh..." He began, still struggling to take it all in. Slipstream smirked, and putting a wing against his friend's back, gave him a gentle shove forward so that he stood at the bottom to meet her.

Ella gave a graceful twirl of herself, her dress and wings sparkling in the light, "So, what do you think?" Flash stared at her, his face a mix of overwhelming joy and wonder,

"You look, amazing," he finally said, his eyes wide with delight. Ella smiled and dipped her head, blushing ever so slightly; Flash noticed that her rosy cheeks had been lightly dusted with a glittering of extremely fine gold flakes, making her appear all the more wondrous. Flash stared a moment longer before filling his lungs with air, an electrifying surge of confidence that easily matched the warmth in his cheeks quickly rose within his chest as he boldly offered out his arm to her, "Shall we?" Ella smiled and took his arm,

"Let's!" She eagerly replied. Together, the two of them stepped out into the evening twilight, eagerly awaiting the shared joys that the evening would bring.

Ella had had high hopes for the Gala, and had been looking forward to it ever since Flash had first told her about it, even though she really didn't know what to expect. She had never been to a formal dance before, let alone a State Event in the National Capital of an alien world with a species not her own. Her many pony friends had told her, based on their own past experiences, to moderate her expectations, reminding her that all that glitters is not necessarily gold, but none of their cautions seemed prophetic, because for Ella, the Gala was everything the young woman imagined it would be and more.

Nothing said by Flash, Twilight, or even her many conversations with Rarity could have fully prepared her for the sheer grandeur and spectacle of the night that seemed wrap the already magical City of Canterlot within an ever greater air of charm and enchantment, to the point that it seemed as if the very stones of the streets themselves took on a joy all their own, urging the pastel denizens on in a spirit of gaiety and bliss; and from the moment she and Flash were announced with great pomp by Celestia's Majordomo at the entrance of the Castle, Ella allowed herself to be swept up into the full experience that in her opinion, surpassed the imagination of every little girl who's ever dreamed of one day being a princess.

As the evening progressed, Ella found herself going from one joy to another. She marveled at the complex, elegant dress of the normally cloth-less equines, delighted in the stunning performances of the many skilled patrons like the Wonderbolts, and savored the various exotic dishes composed by both skill and magic, outdone only by the flavor of all of the love and excitement permeating the enchanting atmosphere of the Gala; and the best part of all, was the young man attentively at her side.

Flash for his part, seemed to be an entirely new person to her, exuding much of the confidence and free-spirited nature that had punctuated his behavior when she had first met him. No longer did he seem intimidated by her feminine nature or shy to her presence, but delighted in seeing to her every need and exhibiting to her with joyful enthusiasm all of the wonders the night had to offer. Ponies of every occupation and stature took time to introduce themselves to the alien couple, with the vast majority of them wishing them a heartfelt welcome with generous affection.

In a few instances though, Flash noticed that a select few ponies among the nobles were not as forthcoming as they appeared, showing a certain hostility towards them, to Ella in particular, all concealed beneath a thin veneer of courteous manners and propriety. Unknown to these nobles, was the fact that Ella could easily see right through these duplicitous ponies, few that they were, her senses allowing her to instantly pierce through their facades of politeness. What Flash marveled at though, was that no matter the contempt or backhanded compliments that she received, Ella remained ever gentle and kind, returning only sweetness to their veiled disdain; her humble patience leaving him speechless.

Fortunately, these moments remained few and far between, as the majority of ponies Flash had known since his infancy, had never borne any ill-will towards him or his alien nature, and largely persevered in the generous nature of charity that the majority of Equestrians were known for. There were of course, always exceptions, such as the one who had presently been berating them at their table for the last half-hour,

"I'm just saying, I wish you could have experienced the Gala as it was in my day dear child, only the most noteworthy individuals were allowed to grace its presence! It was truly a display of only the best Equestria had to offer. Ah, how sad that those days are now long past, as today, even the most common or absurd are invited to cavort among their betters, truly a loss of happier times..." The white unicorn with a glossy black mane gave the couple an uncomfortably smug grin over the rim of his wine-glass, which had already been refilled twice since he had stopped at their table.

Ella continued to keep her hand firmly gripped on Flash's forearm beneath the table, her reassuring touch the only thing preventing her beloved from angrily dunking the insufferable unicorn named Top Shelf face-first into the punch bowl.

"Well, I for one feel very fortunate to be here," Ella said with a smile, "The kindness of the Princesses and of all ponies I've met here in Equestria has been one of the best experiences of my life."

"Hmmph, how often propriety is pushed aside for the sake of so-called, 'kindness,'" Top Shelf dismissively remarked. "But tell me my dear, what was it again that you were up to in your world before our resident alien brought you here?"

Ella again tightened her grip on Flash's arm, pleading with him through her touch; she could feel his muscles tensing, "Well, I was in some...difficulties when Flash found me, but he was kind enough to help me."

Top Shelf gave a knowing smirk, taking another swig from his half-empty wine glass, "Difficulties you say? Rumor has it that you were the difficulty, child. Unable to keep a modest station was it? Though I suppose I can't fault that which is inherently troublesome. I must say, you do a remarkable job putting up such a pretty façade for us despite your less than reputable nature..."

Flash's brow furrowed into a scowl of such righteous indignation that it could have split stone, his temper reaching a boiling point as he prepared to eject the pompous noble from their presence, regardless of Ella's objections; but not before seizing him by the mane and rattling his very brains, demanding the arrogant pony apologize to her. He had always been able to deal with insults to himself, but not to Ella. He had tolerated this charade of polite conversation for as long as he was able, but now felt so enraged that he wanted to boot the arrogant pony so high up into the atmosphere that he would burn up on re-entry. But before he could make a move, a wonderfully familiar pony barged into the scene,

"Top Shelf you old rapscallion, what in Luna's name have you been up to old chap?!" Said the delightfully boisterous unicorn Flash knew to be his good friend Gold Fleece. The forest-green pony with a swept back golden mane wearing a simple white collar and red necktie threw a forelimb around Top Shelf's withers, giving the pony an almost violent shake,

"I hope my silly friend here hasn't been giving you and your lady-friend too much trouble tonight my boy, he can get so wordy when he's lost count of his drinks," Gold Fleece bombastically announced with enough volume for half of the planet to hear, delivering a hearty slap on Top Shelf's back.

"Goldie! I, uh, what are you doing here?" Top Shelf stuttered, his face blushing to match the wine in his glass.

Flash smiled, feeling his temper evaporate in the presence of his jovial friend, "Oh not too much trouble Goldie," he said, "Top Shelf here was just giving Ella and I a riveting history lesson of what the Gala used to be like before it's splendor was dampened by, well, certain 'troublesome' creatures lacking in culture and all." Gold Fleece's blue eyes twinkled with amused comprehension,

"'Troublesome' you say? Haha! Oh I don't know who you could mean Topster! I think the old Gala has only gotten more lively ever since dear old Celestia opened the doors to a wider, more interesting audience! Speaking of interesting, have you noticed the new rank on our honorable young officer's uniform?! Why he must be the youngest Captain in memory! Good on you my boy! And a Bronze Heart?! Dear Celestia, when did this happen?!"

Top Shelf's already white face seemed to grow even paler as he seemed to take notice of Flash's uniform for the first time; but Golden Fleece didn't let up, "Topster, weren't you the one going on last time about how society was crumbling due to a lack of proper recognition of honor and station? That ponies should recognize their betters and whatnot? I can't quite remember how you put it, but then again, the only thing I remember 'crumbling' was you as you stumbled out the front door at the end of the evening wearing your hat on your flank! HAHA! Oh you never fail to entertain my friend!"

Top Shelf immediately ducked out from beneath Gold Fleece's forelimb, taking a few shaky steps back, "Haha, oh, uh, yes, I just remembered Goldie, I, uh, promised my wife that I'd take her dancing, and the music is about to start! Please excuse me and uh, nice meeting you!" He shouted over his shoulder before scampering off into the crowd.

Flash breathed a sigh of relief, "Thanks for the save Goldie, any longer and I probably would have attempted to banish him to the moon with my foot." The shameless pony turned about and grinned,

"Think nothing of it my boy, but my word! I ought to banish you for the utter crime of not yet introducing me to this, enchanting creature at your side!"

Flash grinned as he rose from his seat and stepped out from behind the table, beaming with pride at Ella at his side, "Ella, this is my good friend Gold Fleece, the pony responsible for spoiling us with that luxury carriage tonight."

Ella smiled as she also rose to her feet, giving a small inclination of her head, "It's a pleasure to meet ya Gold Fleece," she said.

"Please dear, call me 'Goldie'," he said with a deep bow of his head, crossing a forelimb across his chest, "All of my friends do, and any friend of Flash's is a friend of mine!" He gently took one of Ella's hands and politely kissed it, "Consider my hearth and home always open to you my dear, and don't hesitate to call on me for anything I might be able to do for you!"

Ella couldn't help but focus her vision for a curious second in order to catch a quick glimpse of this pony's aura. It appeared perfectly well-rounded and healthy with warm hue of genuine kindness, curiosity, cheer, but tinged with a strange underlying tone of what appeared to be...grief? She couldn't quite tell...

Ella blinked, feeling as if she had zoned out for a moment, "Oh, uh, thank you Goldie, that is so very kind of you! It's so nice to finally meet you!"

"Ah, the pleasure is all mine, dear lady," he said with a warm smile. His ears perked up and the three of them looked across the ballroom at the sound of the musicians warming up their instruments.

"Ah-ha! The first dance!" Gold Fleece exclaimed, "Off you two go now, you shouldn't miss this!" The pony stepped aside, eagerly ushering the couple past him towards the dance floor.

A slow, rising tune, but one filled with passion and subtle energy began to fill the air, and as if beckoned by the music, dancers began to file out onto the black and white marbled ballroom floor. Ella gave a few curious glances to the various couples around her, fascinated to see how ponies actually danced with each other. The mares and stallions each circled the other, their barrels touching while they locked gazes with each other over their shoulders. At a predetermined step, they would separate, turn and resume the dances step in the opposite direction. Still others simply rested their necks against their partner, leaning into them in a kind of gentle, touching embrace.

Ella immediately withdrew her focus so as not to be overwhelmed by the strong emotions that were quickly filling the air with redoubled intensity, instead turning to focus on Flash offering his hand out to her, a placid smile on his lips while the barest hint of pink colored his cheeks.

"May I have this dance, my lady?" He asked. Ella smiled, once more catching the rich, smoky scent of his bold confidence, like fresh bourbon, that had been building around him all evening.

"You may," she said, taking his hand and allowing him to lead her around the floor. For the first few moments, they said nothing, though their eyes communicated an entire conversation's worth of words: joy, understanding, and a mutual gratitude of having the other there in that moment after all that they had both gone through together.

"Well," Flash began, "I did promise to take you dancing, didn't I?"

"Yes, yes you did, and I must say, you're actually pretty good at this." Ella replied; she saw a brief flicker go through his aura, almost like a shudder.

"Haha, yeah, well, I had a rather, insisitent instructor," he said. This made Ella a little curious about whom he meant, but she decided not to press it. After all, she could tell that there was something else he wished to talk to her about.

Flash gave an apologetic frown, "I'm so sorry you had to put up with all of those nasty things that pony said to you, Ella. He was way out of line, and I just wanted to thrash him for it." Ella chuckled softly,

"I could tell, felt like I was holdin' back a storm; but don't worry about it, Flash. That's not the first time I've ever had to deal with deprecatin' commentary comin' at me from a guy, and believe me when I say that Top Shelf was practically polite in comparison, real 'PG'," she said with a small laugh. "I think that mighta've been the first rude pony that I've actually met since comin' into your world; I knew it couldn't be all rainbows n' unicorns, even if that's what it literally is."

Flash sighed a bit in relief but still shook his head slightly, "Still, I don't know how you put up with it. I mean, my mom and Celestia always taught me to be kind, to give the benefit of the doubt and forgive. But you! You can actually see a pony's true intentions, what they actually feel about you! So, how do you still manage to be so sweet and patient when you can literally see and smell all of that hostility and condescension?"

Ella shifted her hands, placing them both on the base of his neck, the tips of her fingers lacing together behind him. "It's called 'turning the other cheek,' Flash. I can't control what others do, but I can control what I choose to do." She smiled as she sensed him overcome his hesitancy before joining his now free hand on her waist with his other one. "So I choose not to focus or dwell on the unpleasant stuff I can't control, I'd rather keep my eyes on the really good stuff that I already have right here with me." She said with a slow wink.

Flash swallowed, a thrill passing through him, but he managed to brush aside any nervous feelings as he stared into her beautiful eyes, "Yeah, me too." He whispered. Their steps had slowed, and now the young couple simply spun in a slow circle, oblivious to the world around them; but if they could have noticed, they would have seen that almost all of the other ponies had slowly stopped dancing, choosing instead to openly stare in awe at the two humans dancing in their midst.

The ponies murmured in wonder as the wings on Ella's dress began to shimmer and glow, projecting a bright spectrum of dazzling color that seemed to encircle her and Flash in an aurora of breathtaking lights. Twilight Sparkle gaped in wonder as she stood next to Rarity and Bright Skies, the former almost smug with satisfaction.

"How, how did you do that Rarity?" Twilight whispered, unable to take her eyes off of the glittering display of magical color.

Rarity casually flicked her mane behind her, "Do you remember Time Turner's flameless fireworks from Cranky and Matilda's wedding, and what it was that set them off?" Twilight's eyes widened in comprehension; Rarity smiled, "Well, let's just say that the good doctor was kind enough to share the trick with me." She said with a sly wink.

Rarity wiped a tear from her eye, recovering from another hysterical bout of laughter that had made her sides ache with glee, "Seriously? Bubble-gum and lollipops?!"

"With just a touch of wild-berry crazy, but yeah, that's Pinkie Pie's love to a 'T'." Ella said, unable to stop grinning at Rarity's giddy reactions. Ella was sitting on a low chair, gazing into a mirror as her pony-friend skillfully arranged her hair for her. Their conversation had turned to love, with Rarity discovering much to her delight, a facet of the subject that she had never before considered, the unique 'taste' of love from a changeling's perspective.

"Oh, do go on darling! Tell me mine, what does my love taste like?" She said with another giddy bout of giggles,

"Rich and refined, sorta like mint-chocolate chip ice-cream, but with a guilty dose of sprinkles."

Rarity rolled onto her back, clutching her sides, "Oh, I'm ice-cream?! HAHA-I get to be ice-cream?!" She exclaimed through another laughing fit.

Ella smiled, "Well, all love is sweet, but also, unique, different kinds of sweet, I don't know, it's kinda difficult to describe with words because there's a taste and a sort of, uh, I don't know, a sensation...a texture to it? Yeah."

Rarity rolled onto her belly, resting her cheeks on her hooves, her eyes sparkling, "Twilight's?"

"Freshly baked cookies and a hug,"


"Like hot-chocolate with marshmallows and a warm blanket on a cold day."


"Dark chocolate and wine but with a cool, soft pillow playfully thrown into your face."

"Oh my, this is just too good!" Rarity said with another laugh before stopping abruptly as if slapped, she slowly caught her breath as a serious look came to her glittering blue eyes, like she was struck by some profound realization. When she finally spoke, it came as a reverent whisper, "Flash...what does his love for you taste like, if I may ask?"

Ella blushed slightly, but shook her head, "I don't know."

Rarity's mouth dropped open, her head popping up in surprise, "What?! But-you mean you've never...?"

Ella shook her head again, "I've never fed from him Rarity, not once." She leaned in closer to her friend, lowering her voice, "And I'll tell you something else Rarity, since we've been together, Flash hasn't even so much as kissed me yet," Rarity uttered a small gasp, one more of wonder than shock, covering her mouth with her hoof, her eyes wide with surprise; Ella continued, "And its not because he's too shy, believe me; no, I'm telling you Rares, it's because he simply respects me that freakin' much!"

Rarity lowered her hoof, staring in awe at the revelation, "Sweet Celestia darling, it's like he's the very definition of a knight in shining armor!"

Ella nodded, "No man, no creature has ever looked at me the way that boy does, Rarity; he treats me as if I'm somethin' sacred...I want to treasure that. That kind of love is too special, too intimate to just treat like a casual snack. I want the first time to be something truly special, something fitting, something that I'll remember and honor for the rest of my life."

Ella tilted her head to one side, a teasing look in her eyes, "You know Flash, Top Shelf had a point, I was a woman of, how did he put it, ill-repute? And that's putting it politely," she said. Flash raised an eyebrow, knowing her well enough by now to catch onto her humor, but he could also see and feel something else as she looked right into his eyes,

"Yeah?" He said, "And what of it?"

"There's so many proud ponies who know you, that are suspicious of you, what would you have them say? That this was the best their adopted son could do? That he went off to his home-world only to choose some wild, low-class woman to be at his side?" Flash smiled, his eyes narrowing as a brilliant energy shone briefly through them,

"I would," said Flash. And taking her in his arms, he kissed her, he kissed her beneath the moonlit sky shining brilliantly above them through the glass ceiling of the hall, not caring that they stood in the very center of the ballroom, and in the sight of all who knew him. And the many ponies indeed saw them and the light that shone about them as the two humans separated, embraced, and then walked hand in hand towards their many friends and family who cheered loudly their approval for all to hear.

The rest of the night was formed by one splendid memory after another, but for Ella, none of them would ever equal that one singular moment on the ballroom floor that opened her eyes completely to the gift that she was being freely offered, the holy gift of pure, unconditional love.

Flash and Ella walked hand in hand down back the road towards Ponyville, the city of Canterlot silhouetted in the distance behind them, backlit by the rapidly approaching dawn. In her other hand, Ella held her white shoes over her shoulder, not worrying about the hem of her dress as it dragged along the street below, for like most pony-made clothing, it was enchanted to repel any staining or dirt as it touched the ground beneath her bare feet.

"Thank you, Flash. That was easily the best night of my life, I'll never forget it," Ella said, finally breaking the pleasant silence that had followed them for the last mile.

Flash gently squeezed her hand, "You're welcome Ella, it was the best experience I've ever had as well," he quietly replied.

Ella smiled, "But it's not over yet, is it?" She asked, casting a knowing look towards him.

Flash then paused in his step, and turned to face her, knowing that the moment he had been planning for weeks had finally arrived. "I guess, there was no hiding it from you after that kiss, huh?"

Ella giggled, a flicker of green light passing through her eyes, "Believe me Flash, I could see it coming way before then, you might as well of tried hiding Celestia's sun."

Flash smiled back, raising an eyebrow, "That's called cheating, you know?" He teased.

"All's fair in love and war, pony boy," she teased right back, causing him to laugh before adopting a more serious demeanor as he looked right into her sapphire, cat-like eyes,

"Ella, what is it that you truly want? What can I do for you that would make you happy?"

The young woman looked into his earnest spirit, still so full of shimmering, guileless purity; and loving him, said, "I want...the same thing that I know you want to do for me, Flash, what you've always done for me...I want to make you happy, would my hand really do that?"

Dropping to one knee, Flash pulled out a small, black velvet case from his pocket, "It would," he said, before opening it to reveal the magnificent diamond ring contained within.

Knowing that it was coming was still not enough to prepare her; Ella's eyes widened as she beheld the simple gold band, though adorned with a pure, white diamond the size of a small marble. The flawless stone was as clear as glass, but within its depths pulsed a ruby-colored flame of light that seemed like fire and yet was as cold as ice. She looked from the otherworldly ring and back into the face of the young man kneeling before her, his eyes those of a man who had finally discovered the treasure he had been searching for his entire life.

"Ella, will you marry me?"

Holding back tears of joy, Ella nodded, "Yes..." was all she could manage to say, holding out her hand so that her young man could place the ring upon her finger.

Then rising from where he stood, Flash once more took her in his arms, and kissed her, but now beneath the light of the rising sun, one that heralded the dawn of a new and ever brighter horizon.


Author's Note:

Greetings and God's blessings to you all!

Wow, the story that I began nearly three years ago has finally reached it's conclusion (though an epilogue is still on the way!).

When I first began this story, I did it not only as a hobby, but with a desire to see all that the good parts of this fandom had inspired in me, the beauty and creative potential of the God-given human spirit.

To answer the question some of you are now asking, do I plan to continue this storyline? Sequels? The short answer, is 'Yes'* I do indeed have some sequels already in mind, but it will only be by the Grace of God if I ever get to them, pray that God's will be done, whatever that may be!

Whether you have been reading this little project of mine since the beginning, or have just joined us, I thank you for your presence here which has meant a great deal to me, as do all of you. I never imagined that my little scribblings would reach such a relatively wide audience.

A special thanks to RushyFiction, the friend who first encouraged me to write this story, as well as to Antiquarian, for inspiring me with his own stories and whose wisdom at times I called upon to guide me in good decisions. Lastly, though certainly not least, to my good friend, the ever patient, ever creative Venerable Ro who's inspiration and enthusiasm helped me to write a far more developed, focused, (and timely delivered) story. Thank you for everything my friends, truly.

Finally, in a special way, I would like to dedicate this story to the Woman who has always watched over me and aided me (with endless love and patience) ever since our Blessed Lord gave Her to us as a Mother from His Holy Cross, the Blessed Ever Virgin Mary, under her title of Our Lady, Help of Christians. You're the best mom, pray for me!

As always, please let me know if there's ever anything I can help you with or pray about for you. Thank you all, and God love you!