• Published 9th Jul 2019
  • 5,216 Views, 568 Comments

Brighter Horizons - Destiny Chaser

A Human raised in Equestria by Pegasi. Oh, and he has their inherent magic. Have fun!

  • ...

The Ties that Bind

Four years earlier.

The pink mare sat alone on small rise under a grey, overcast sky. The normally vibrant grass had similarly dulled as winter continued to tighten its icy grip over the land. Bright Skies remained motionless as she stared out over the rows of headstones, her red scarf drifting slightly as a small gust of wind cut by, causing her to shudder slightly despite the natural resistance to extreme temperatures that she and the rest of her race enjoyed thanks to their flight magic. She finally moved a hoof to brush a violet lock out of her eyes as she drew in a deep breath of the chilled air in through her mouth, holding it for a moment before letting it out slowly through her nostrils. It never became any easier to come here, no matter how many times she visited over the years.

"Sorry it took so long for me to get here since last time, dearest. It's been such a crazy month..." Bright Skies trailed off as she stared out into the graying distance. The thick overcast made it almost impossible to make out Cloudsdale in the distance as it nearly blended in against the clouds. "So much happened this year, so much change in Equestria." She gave her head an incredulous shake. "Apparently the Princess has a sister, can you believe that? She was the Mare in the Moon! It was so incredible, and nopony ever even knew! Well, except for young Twilight Sparkle, she had figured it out."

The mare paused for a beat as if waiting for a reply. "It's practically the only thing Flash talks about in his letters home since this Princess Luna returned last spring, he's such a fancolt." She chuckled slightly at the thought of it. "He's made so many new friends, you know. Especially with our own little Rainbow Dash now being a national hero and all. Little hometown mare, who'd have guessed? She never let's us hear the end of it of course...drives Flash crazy." Bright Skies shook her head slowly, remaining silent for a beat as she swallowed past a lump that kept trying to build within her throat.

"It's going to be Hearth's Warming this weekend...and Flash will finally be coming home tomorrow evening!" She managed to smile at the happy thought. "He still gets so excited for the holidays, he's been that way since he was a foal. Oh you should see him now, he's gotten so tall!" She began to laugh. "He, he doesn't exactly fit under my wing anymore like he did when I used to cuddle him." The mirth continued to rise warmly in her heart as the memory of him lifting her off of her hooves for the first time in a hug popped into her mind. "Now, he's the one holding me!" She said as she now laughed freely at the ridiculousness of how much her tiny colt had grown.

Bright Skies laughter began to fade from it's crescendo as she wiped a tear away from one eye. "Oh he used to be small, so small..." Her head drooped as she stared at her hooves, "Though, not quite as small as you, dear...I remember..." A choked sob finally escaped from her throat, "...I could hold you with just one hoof..." She whimpered, her voice cracking. "You were so little...so beautiful..." Her strength finally left her as she collapsed forward onto the ground, sobbing openly into her hooves as her hot tears soaked into the stiff, lifeless grass.

The tip of one hoof dug into the hard ground as she seemingly reached for him with untold longing. "I miss you, I miss you...Oh, All-Maker...Source of all...please watch over my little one..." The pegasus stayed that way for some time, muttering the little prayer over and over again until her crying finally subsided. Slowly rising to her hooves, Bright Skies wiped her face off of the few bits of dead grass that now clung to her tear-stained fur before leaning down to place a gentle kiss on a small headstone. "Happy Hearth's Warming, my little Light." And with that, she spread her wings and took to the air. She passed in a deliberate, slow circle over the headstone with her left wing angled down before she straightened out, winging her way back home to Cloudsdale.

May Harmony Be Always With You

The night sky over Canterlot was clear and beautiful, sparkling with the brilliant light of a million stars which shone like bright gems embedded within a dark, cave wall. Even the moon seemed brighter as it bathed the streets of Canterlot in its pale light, giving the white stone of the capital city's many houses and shops a luminous appearance. At this time of night, the streets of the city were mostly empty. Empty, save for a pair of cadets walking side by side on the cobblestone streets alongside a high retaining wall that separated the current street from another level of the city.

Flash and Slipstream walked slowly along the path which gently curved and rose as they followed it towards their destination. Both of them were dressed in the standard, khaki uniform and garrison caps worn by all academy cadets, Flash's uniform of course being molded to his unique form and included a pair of polished, black dress shoes. Though it was cold out, Flash opted not to wear a jacket over his short-sleeved uniform shirt; his flight magic always seemed to be enough to keep him warm in all but the most extreme temperatures.

"You're staring again, Flash." Slipstream said, smirking slightly as he glanced at his friend. The human blinked as he snapped his gaze away from the night sky. It was true, he did find himself staring more often at the night sky during the last several months. But who could blame him? The changes and enhancements the newly restored Princess Luna had continued to add to the night sky were indeed, breathtaking. Flash cleared his throat.

"What? I love what she's done with the sky is all, it's beautiful." He said as he stepped up his pace slightly.

"Yeah?" Slipstream said. "You sure her sky is not the only thing you find beautiful?" He asked while waggling his eyebrows. Flash glared at him.

"Oh, knock it of you pervy pegasus." He growled while adjusting his cap. "That's the last thing I need added to the Canterlot rumor mill." Slipstream laughed while nudging Flash with the edge of one wing.

"Hey, you're the one who got summoned by her Lunar Highness to a private meeting. How can I not wonder what that was all about? And you have to admit," He said while shuffling his wings, "She is pretty easy on the eyes." Now it was Flash's turn to give a bemused grin.

"Well, now look who has a crush." Slipstream surrendered a guilty chuckle as he adjusted his cap in a poor attempt at hiding his blush. Flash laughed to himself but decided not to push it. "But yeah, she is beautiful," He paused for a beat before adding, "For a pony." The pegasus' ears suddenly folded back as he regretted his tease, remembering how Flash had confided his loneliness to him on more than one occasion.

"Hey, look bro, I'm...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"It's alright," Flash said, giving his friend a reassuring smile. "It is what it is so let's just drop it, yeah?" Slipstream nodded gratefully.

"Yeah." The walked along a few minutes in silence before Slipstream spoke up again, "So, what did she want to meet about?" Flash shrugged.

"Nothing important."Flash replied, but the truth was that the small gestures he had made to make Princess Luna feel welcome had gone much further than he had anticipated. The Night Princess, who was already curious about him, took an instant liking to him, and he to her. The conversation they had enjoyed during their first meeting had been a long and meaningful one and with the exception of his mother, Celestia, and Twilight, Flash didn't want anypony else to know about his budding friendship with Princess Luna that had begun to take root over the last nine months since her return. He had enough attention as it was and the last thing he wanted was the appearance of even more special treatment or favor. Flash continued, "She just wanted to see how I was doing, asked me a few more questions about my upbringing here; thanked me for the letter I sent her welcoming her back to Equestria." Slipstream smiled.

"Yeah, you were almost the only guy not freaked out by her. Seems you got on her good side."

"Maybe," He said with shrug. "She just wanted to make sure I wasn't having any trouble is all." Slipstream's ears swiveled forward as they suddenly caught the sound of a familiar voice; Flash's immobile ears caught the same. "Speaking of trouble..." The pegasus grumbled under his breath. Sure enough, as they rounded the bend, they caught sight of a white unicorn with a silver mane who was also wearing a cadet's uniform: Lumen Dawn. The proud son of a Canterlot noble, he was a painful stereotype of the typical, insufferable elite who looked down on everypony else. It was almost as if he relished in playing to that exact stereotype as he always made it a point to rub his noble status into the face of every lowborn country or Cloudsdale 'peasant' such as themselves.

His arrogant attitude wasn't helped by the fact that the horse's ass was actually, in fact, quite skilled in offensive magic and one of the top in his class at the academy. Of course, he was quick to add these facts to his endless list of 'proofs' as to why he and other noble-born ponies were the only ones worthy to serve the two Princesses. The sad reality was that Lumen did in fact possess the strategic talents that could make him a fine officer someday, provided he could find anypony who could stand to serve under him.

Slipstream bore a particular animosity towards him due to how he always targeted and tormented Flash for 'contaminating', as he put it, the prestige of the Royal Guard with his 'alien' presence. Slipstream knew that Flash's species was only part of it. It was perfectly obvious to him, and most everypony else in their division, that Lumen was extremely jealous of Flash due to how he was personally connected to the Princess, both of them now. And ever since Luna's return, his bullying had gone from being merely intolerable to downright toxic.

The unicorn's gaze snapped to them as they came into view; he offered them a very unfriendly looking sneer. "Well, if it isn't the 'peasant patrol' and his pet alien. I thought the law was you had to keep your pets on a leash in Canterlot?"

Slipstream snorted angrily to himself as he glared daggers back at Lumen. Just give me a reason you stuck-up, son-of-a-mule... He suddenly felt Flash's hand on his shoulder as the human shook his head with a sympathetic look.

"Let's just play it cool, and keep walking." He said under his breath. Slipstream snorted again.

"I honestly don't know how you put up with it." He grumbled. "Please don't tell me I was anything like that to you back in the day?"

"Okay, I won't tell you." Flash whispered back causing his friend to cringe and grit his teeth in irritation. Lumen had two of his insufferable sycophants with him: Star Tail, a red unicorn with a white mane, and Platinum Trim, another unicorn with a dark grey coat and green mane. They were also sons of lesser nobles and were always paling around with Lumen. All three unicorns now moved slowly into a position to block their path; Flash and Slipstream slowed to a halt just a few feet from them. The human sighed, "Is there a problem Lumen?"

"Why yes," He answered, "Your very existence." Flash raised an eyebrow as he looked down at him, he was more than a foot taller than the average pony now.

"Well, a happy Hearth's Warming to you as well." He said as he attempted to step around him only for Lumen to step into his path again. Flash let out an exasperated breath, "Yes Lumen?"

"I didn't say you could leave, freak." He said, his voice dripping with condescension and from what Flash could sense, pent up frustration. He knew that it was likely due to the fact that he had never once given into Lumen's goading. Flash understood perfectly that the young stallion had made it his personal mission to get him thrown out of the academy and undoubtedly thought that if he could just get him to lose his temper and lash out, he might succeed. So far, no dice; and Flash intended to keep it that way no matter what he said or did. And with all of them about the graduate from the Junior Academy at the end of the next semester and move onto full training, Lumen knew that he was almost out of time and had been redoubling his efforts as of late. Slipstream moved up closer to Flash while Star Tail mirrored his movement to stay between him and Lumen.

"You know you got a big mouth Lumen..." He said in a warning tone. The unicorn snapped at him in disgust.

"I'm sorry, but did you just speak peasant?!" He spat with obvious disdain. Flash's mouth opened slightly in shock as Lumen continued, "When I desire to tolerate the grating noise of your inbred braying, I'll ask for it but until then keep that hole in your muzzle shut!" That tore it. Slipstream's eyes widened and his nostrils flared with fury. His wings sprang open in outrage as he leaped forward at Lumen only to collide and bump chests with Star Tail who had instantly moved to cut him off, his horn flaring with silver magic. Flash shot out his arm in front of his friend as he managed, with no small amount of difficulty, to hold his enraged friend back as he attempted to keep himself between the two ponies as they both screamed at each the other.


"Mind you're own business you snivil-"


"ENOUGH!!!" Flash bellowed as a few sparks of bright-blue electricity snapped off his body in loud pops. Both sides shut up as the unicorns now eyed the human warily. Slipstream was breathing hard through his nostrils as he continued to push against his friend's shoulder and outstretched arm. Flash glared at Lumen before saying, "You know one of these days you're going to have to grow up Lumen!" The unicorn's jaw dropped in shock before curling into a hateful scowl. It looked as if he were about to retort when Flash continued, "When are you going to finally pull your head out of your perfumed plot and realize that we're on the same. Bucking. SIDE?!!!" Lumen Dawn's yellow eyes widened in astonishment before narrowing as he shook with utter rage that this alien, this thing would dare to speak to him in such a crude manner. For the span of a few heartbeat's, nopony spoke. Flash angrily held his opponent's gaze before he finally broke away.

"Let's go, Slipstream." He growled as he stalked around Lumen and his cohorts to continue on his way; Slipstream gave a huff but stomped after him. Flash shook his head, feeling hot under the collar; his previous good mood now spoiled by a wave of stress and irritation. He had only made it a few steps when he felt a tingling on his forehead as he heard the telltale whine of a spell charging up. Slipstream heard it as well as they both spun around just in time to see a bolt of yellow magic shoot off from Lumen's glowing horn and straight at Flash. The pegasus moved to shove his friend out of the way but wasn't quick enough as the bolt caught the human square in the chest.

Or it would have, if it hadn't struck a translucent barrier of crimson magic that had suddenly materialized out of nowhere in front of Flash. The spell created a sharp bang as the barrier neutralized it. Flash blinked in astonishment, shocked that Lumen had actually attacked him while all of the ponies gaped silently in disbelief at the blazing outline of a red and yellow sun that was now glowing in the center of the his forehead. A few strands of crimson electricity curled and crackled around his body before the image and magic faded slowly from sight. Slipstream snapped his head towards Lumen who was still gawking in disbelief at what had just happened.

"You slimey, BACKSTABBING-"

"What is going on here?" A calm but strong voice interrupted. All of the cadets snapped to attention as they caught sight of the armored Lunar Guard now standing in their midst. Flash's eyes went wide with surprise as he stared in awe at the night sentinel who had managed to drop in next to them unnoticed, as silently as a shadow. He was a thestral, a mysterious race of pony that Flash had never seen up close until now. Ever since Princess Luna's return, they had begun a slow reemergence and reintegration back into Equestrian society after their self-imposed seclusion. And from what Flash could see, the descriptions of their fearsome appearance he had heard and read about hardly seemed to do them justice.

The pony was clad in the dark, curved armor of the Lunar Guard. His muscular physique was covered with a dark, heavy fur that was far thicker than the coat of any other pony he had ever seen before. Leathery, bat-like wings folded with a dry rustle against the pony's barrel. Curved white fangs gleamed in the moonlight beneath large, crimson eyes bearing slitted pupils that shone faintly with an ominous glow. Those predatory eyes now flicked back and forth from one group to the other with a steely, neutral expression. Flash could not recall ever seeing a more intimidating kind of pony. He now understood why most ponies were wary of these night creatures who loyally served the Lunar Princess and Equestria. The cadets all noticed the two black chevrons on the collar of his breast-plate, the rank of a corporal.

"Well?" The pony said more firmly when nopony answered, causing them all to flinch. Lumen was the first one to speak up.

"Oh thank goodness you're here, sir." He said with feigned exasperation. Lumen pointed an accusing hoof at Flash and Slipstream. "My friends and I were minding our own business when these two brutes began harassing us for no reason!" Slipstream balked, puffing up like a sitting hen.

"That's ridiculous you-"

"Cadet!" The thestral barked as he glared at the pegasus, instantly silencing him. Slipstream held his tongue but appeared fit to explode. The guard looked back at Lumen. "Go on." Lumen smiled, now a bit more confident.

"Yes sir. You see, they wouldn't leave us alone no matter how much we asked them." Flash grit his teeth but remained firmly at attention, not wishing to receive a sharp rebuke himself.

He's just getting both sides of the story. He's just getting both sides of the story. We'll get our turn... Meanwhile Lumen had gone from confident, to downright smug in his appearance as he continued to speak.

"That's when this," The unicorn regarded Flash distastefully as he searched for the proper word, "Foreigner began to get violent, forcing me to reluctantly unleash a stun-spell in order to defend my friends and I." Star Tail and Platinum quickly nodded their agreement. "But he used some sort of counter-spell. If I may say, sir, I think he has some sort of unlicensed artifact with him." One of the bat pony's tufted ears twitched as he stared impassively at Lumen Dawn for a moment.

"I see." He said before looking over at Flash.

"I'm sorry sir, what was your name?" Lumen inquired.

"Crimson Star." The pony answered without taking his eyes off of Flash as he studied him; he seemed to have come to some kind of internal decision. Flash and Slipstream would not have known it, but Lumen recognized the significance of Crimson's name. The Star family was one of the oldest noble clans, dating back more than twelve generations. To get an 'in' with a member of such an influential family would be a highly lucrative move on his part; he could hardly believe his luck. "And what is your name, cadet?"

"Lumen Dawn, sir." He answered proudly, sticking his chest out. Crimson nodded slowly in acknowledgement.

"Well Cadet Dawn, thank you for your clear explanation of the situation. I'll take it from here." The color drained from Slipstream's face as something appeared to die inside of him. Flash could hardly believe what he was hearing as well. "In fact," The bat pony continued, "I would like the helpful assistance of you and your two companions on an important matter tomorrow morning." Lumen's face twitched as he struggled to suppress the enormous, gloating smirk that was attempting to break out across his face. The other two unicorns also shuffling in their barely contained excitement.

"Of-of course, sir! It would be an honor!" Crimson turned towards them.

"Very good. Meet me at division headquarters tomorrow at 0600, building three. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir!" The three unicorns answered in unison, snapping to a salute which Crimson returned before saying to them,

"Dismissed." The three ponies turned and began to trot away, but not before Lumen shot Flash and Slipstream a particularly venomous look which clearly said, 'I win.'

Crimson Star waited until the three unicorns were well on their way before turning back to the two remaining cadets who were still at attention. He turned his gaze on Slipstream. "Name?"

"Slipstream, sir." He responded as he swallowed past a lump in his throat. Crimson nodded,

"At ease cadet." Slipstream relaxed his stance. "Were you on your way home to visit family?"

"Yes sir."

"Very good, on your way then." The pegasus blinked in surprise as Crimson smiled at him.

"You heard me cadet, dismissed! Happy Hearth's Warming." Slipstream glanced nervously with an unsure expression from Crimson to Flash before saluting the guard, spreading his wings, and shooting off into the night sky. Flash stole a glance upwards as he watched his friend depart, equally as confused has he was. Crimson's voice snapped him back to attention.

"Cadet Skies, I'd like a word, please."

"Sir?" Crimson chuckled as he waved a hoof at him.

"At ease cadet." Flash relaxed as he met the thestral's gaze. Crimson's eyes flicked up and down as he considered the human. "Were you heading anywhere in particular this evening?" Flash nodded.

"Yes sir, I was actually headed for a cafe nearby before this...incident."

"Perfect." Crimson said while flashing him a toothy grin. "I just got off shift so let's go chat there."

The inside of Doughnut Joe's cafe was as warm and inviting as ever, the smell of fresh dough and sugar clung heavily to the air. The relaxing atmosphere made all the better by the hot cup of freshly poured coffee that Flash now rested his hands around in order to warm them. Crimson Star was sitting across from him at the booth they shared, a platter of freshly assorted doughnuts sitting on the table between them. The cafe was one of Flash's favorite stops in Canterlot, the perfect place to either begin or end one's day.

Twilight had taken him here for the first time a long time ago as a reward for him being such a good and patient 'lab specimen' for her that week. Flash smiled to himself at the happy memory. She's such a good mare. Crazy, but good. It was funny because it was thanks her obsessive experimenting and study of him that had led them not only to becoming friends, but also allowed him to finally learn how to fully control his magic. He was so proud of her for all that she had accomplished, especially in the last year. Added to that joy was the fact that she had finally connected with other ponies after all these years; and of all ponies, his own childhood friends! It's like they were meant to meet and save the world.

Crimson Star removed his helmet, setting it next to him on the bench which allowed his thick, dark red mane to tumble free. He shook his head back and forth to loosen it up, causing his large ears to flop against his head. Flash suppressed a snicker, as the sight gave the fearsome night pony the appearance of a rather large, adorable dog. He probably wouldn't appreciate it though if I tried to scratch his ears. He mused to himself. While feeling a bit relieved, Flash also had to resist the urge to crush the mug he was gripping between his hands. Still, why did he let those jerks off? What does he even want to talk about?

Crimson eyed the human over his mug as he took a sip of his coffee before setting it down. "You're upset with me, aren't you?"

Flash looked up and met his gaze. "Permission to speak freely, sir?" The thestral laughed, revealing his pointed teeth.

"Always so formal! We're on break cadet, say whatever you'd like." Flash sighed as he paused to consider his words.

"It wasn't fair, sir. You deliberately heard only one side of the story. You didn't even give me and my companion a chance to explain what had happened and as a result, you let those jerks get off scott-free." Crimson swallowed the entire doughnut he had been chewing on before washing it down with another swig of coffee.

"Hey, I'm on your side; but I never said I was fair. That's the princesses' territory." He said before snagging another doughnut. Flash cocked his head to one side, even more confused now.

"If you're on my side, why didn't you let us speak?" Crimson paused mid-bite and raised a curious eyebrow.

"C'mon kid, I was told you were smart!" Flash stared blankly at him; the bat sighed as he put his pastry down. "I didn't need to hear your side of things because I saw the whole thing! I just wanted to hear those brats incriminate themselves further." Flash rested his face in hands as he let out a frustrated sigh.

"Of course...bucking horsefeathers..."

"Language!" Crimson chided gently as he chuckled at the human's 'no duh' moment. Flash sheepishly looked up over his fingers.

"So, the 'important matter' you wanted their assistance with?" The thestral's eyes narrowed as he grinned savagely, giving him a positively sinister appearance.

"If by important, you mean scrubbing every latrine at division headquarters with a toothbrush and polishing my armor? Then yes, very important. Too bad they won't be able to use their magic though. Disabled for security reasons and all that for those who don't possess full security clearance." The thought of Lumen and his pals showing up the next morning expecting special treatment only for them to be put on latrine duty caused Flash burst out laughing. He held his head in one hand while pounding the table with the other. Crimson smiled quietly to himself as he finished his doughnut.

"Oh Celestia, I'd pay bits to see their reaction!" Flash said as he wiped away a tear from his eye, his mirth finally subsiding.

"I'll see that you get a full report on their performance, written by them of course." Crimson said with a wink as he leaned back in his booth. "By the way Skies, what was that magic you used back there to deflect Lumen's spell? Looked like powerful stuff. You aren't actually carrying an unlicensed artifact, are you?" Flash got serious again, his eyes taking on a distant look.

"No sir. That was a gift, an enchantment placed on me a very long time ago, by a very dear friend." Crimson Star's eyebrows rose in surprise as he nodded slowly in understanding.

"I see. That's quite the gift. I don't know of many mages capable of placing permanent spells on living beings, especially ones that powerful. Your friend must be quite gifted." Flash smiled sadly.

"Yeah, she was something special." He murmured as he methodically rotated his mug in his hands, lost in thought. Flash was quickly brought back to the present by the clatter of bits being dropped on the table. He looked over at Crimson who was now standing with his helmet under his forelimb.

"It's on me, kid." He said as he replaced his helmet on his head. Flash immediately slid out and stood next to the booth.

"Thank you, sir. For everything." Crimson smiled warmly at him.

"No, thank you Flash. Thank you for showing kindness to our Night Mother." He then surprised Flash by saluting him, which after a second of shock, Flash snapped to and returned. Crimson turned to leave before looking back, "You know, it's not too late to consider a transfer to the Lunar Corps. I know for certain that all of us there would be happy to have you, including a certain Princess." Flash laughed, caught off guard by the offer.

"That's, very kind of you sir. I'll certainly consider it." Crimson smiled again.

"Please, call me Shaggy. All my friends do. Happy Hearth's Warming Flash Skies." The human grinned from ear to ear, touched by the Lunar Guard's kindness.

"Happy Hearth's Warming, Shaggy."

Bright Skies paced nervously in the living room of her home in Cloudsdale. The place was tastefully decorated for Hearth's Warming, a fire was crackling away merrily in the fireplace, and the delicious smell of savory food filled the air. She had spent all day preparing a welcome home meal for her son. Celestia's sun was just beginning to set and Flash would be there soon, she could feel his approach. One of the many things they had learned about themselves over the years was how just how strong and deep their connection with the other had become.

It happened one day, almost two years back. Flash had been working the stove when he had accidentally burned himself. She had been outside, working in the garden when she too, recoiled, as if burned. Bright Skies had instantly realized that she had felt her son's pain. With Twilight's assistance, they soon discovered that their bond went far beyond a connection of magic, but that she and Flash were in fact soul-bonded, with the strength of that bond increasing with each passing year.

It was to the point now that they could each sense what the other was feeling: physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. The connection weakened with distance, such as the distance between Cloudsdale and Canterlot, to the point of being nearly imperceptible. But one sense that did not fade was the ability to know if the other was in pain. Even if it was not physically felt, the other simply knew. The ability carried with it many benefits, and more than a few drawbacks. For one, it made it practically impossible to not know when the other was upset about something when they were in range of the other.

One pony's foul mood could easily spoil the good mood of the other or vice versa as their emotions bled over from one side to the other's. Twilight had suggested they practice trying to conceal their feelings from the other to see if it were possible to control it, which was met with limited success. They learned that it was indeed possible to restrict their emotions from the other if they really tried, but that it was too easy to let it slip if they lost focus.

And right now, with Flash coming home, focus was the last thing Bright Skies had. There would be no hiding the distress she was now feeling over what she discovered, quite by accident, while preparing his room for him. Apparently, Flash had forgotten to take his journal with him from his last visit. While she had been dusting the shelves, she had accidentally knocked it to the desk below where it had promptly opened to his last entry. She should have just immediately replaced it, but no. She just had to give into temptation. A decision she immediately regretted. Not only for the invasion of her son's privacy, but also for what she had discovered. And thanks to their bond, she would not be able to hide what she did and would have to fess up to it. What Bright Skies had read continued to run through her mind over and over again:

Dear journal, today Princess Celestia invited me to tea with Princess Luna and Twilight. They were so kind, but I could tell that they had something serious to tell me. Celestia began by apologizing to me, which nearly caused me to drop my saucer. She explained to me that she has known for some time now that it may be possible for me to return from wherever it is I first came from, but that she did not tell me right away because she didn't want to distract me from my current pursuits. But with midterm break approaching, she said that she could not in good conscience keep this discovery from me any longer. Apparently she had asked Twilight to look into this matter for her a while back. I was shocked to hear this news, of course. This is something that I've always wanted to know. I told her I was not upset that she kept it from me because she's right, I would not have been able to focus on the academy if she had. But then she also confessed that part of the reason she withheld the information from me was selfishness. She was actually afraid that if I knew this, that I may leave Equestria. (She's probably thinking of Sunset Shimmer as I was, xo.) I must admit, this shook me a little. That said, I could see the genuine hurt in her eyes, and to see her in pain was more than I could stand. I gladly accepted her apology and we shared a nice hug. She's so warm. Luna and Twilight joined in soon after, hehe. But now what? What should I do with this knowledge? I think I need to sit on this for a spell. Till next time then.

Bright Skies reversed direction as she continued to pace. That was almost three months ago, and he didn't tell me? He managed to conceal news like this for that long? Why? Oh Harmony, my baby wouldn't leave me, would he? She was so lost in thought that she didn't realize that Flash was now standing right outside until she heard a sharp knock at the door. "Eeep!" She squeaked as her wings popped open, she flushed slightly in embarrassment as she took a quick moment to compose herself before charging at the door to yank it open. Bright Skies moved back as Flash stepped inside the house, dropping his green duffel bag to the floor as he shut the door behind him; he was wearing his cadet uniform and garrison cap.

For a second, neither pony nor human, mother or son moved. They stared at one another in happiness before they both leaped forward, crashing together into a warm embrace. Bright Skies wrapped her forelimbs tightly around his strong neck, kissing his cheek several times as Flash wrapped his arms about her withers, and leaning back, lifted her clear off of the floor, causing her to squeal and giggle as she relished in the sensation of being small to him. Their hearts felt as if they were melding together as they smothered the other in a flood of affection and love.

Flash took a few steps over towards the couch, still holding her before collapsing backwards into a seated position. Bright Skies adjusted herself so that she was seated next to him, but with her forelimbs about his waist while resting her head against his chest. Flash kept an arm about her neck, his hand on her shoulder, resting his cheek against the top of her head as he soaked in her comfort. The mare sighed contentedly.

"I missed you." She whispered, causing Flash to smile.

"I missed you too, mother." They remained silent for a few minutes as they each quietly examined the other's heart. Finally, they both said to the other at the same time,

"What's bothering you?" They looked at the other in surprise before laughing out loud. "You first." They said simultaneously once more, causing them to laugh again as they each held the other more tightly.

"Alright then," Flash said as he then proceeded to recount to her the previous evening's events to her. Bright Skies smiled as she felt the tension leave his heart as he shared his concerns and troubles with her. After he had finished, she waited a moment before responding.

"Hmph. Well, I still think those three got off too easy. To think that brat Lumen took a shot at you..." She grumbled. "He's lucky I wasn't there!" Flash smirked to himself.

"Maybe it's better that you weren't, even Lumen doesn't deserve your wrath." He said while gently stroking her shoulder. Flash squinted as he tried to make sense of his mother's emotions. Beneath the euphoria of her joy at him being home with her, he could feel a twisted knot composed of fear, sorrow, concern, and guilt. "Your turn mom." He said as he felt her tense up slightly. Bright Skies sighed as she worked up her nerve.

"I, I read your journal." She said, her own words causing herself a pang of anguish. "I didn't mean to, it was an accident. I should have just looked away." Flash smiled as he continued to rub her shoulder.

"It's alright mom. To be honest, I'm glad you did. I was tired of keeping it a secret. I just didn't want to worry you is all, to make you think that I might leave." Bright Skies sat up so that she could look her son in the eyes.

"So you're not planning to leave Equestria?" She asked, her violet eyes shimmering in earnest. Flash shook his head,

"Of course not! Sure, I definitely want to visit someday, to see if there are others like me. But Equestria is still my home, mom." Bright Skies looked down nervously at her hooves before looking at him again.

"But, what if you find that you like where you came from more than Equestria? What if it's a better, more beautiful world than here, and you wanted to stay? I'd bet it is," She trailed off as she looked away. "After all, it gave me you. My wonderful son." Bright Skies felt his warm hand cup her cheek as he gently drew her gaze back to him as he smiled tenderly at her.

"Even if it were ten times better than Equestria, it could never be better than you, mother. I would never leave you." Tears of joy filled her eyes as she closed them, rubbing her cheek against his hand before she embraced him again, snuggling into his side as he put his arms around her again. Flash smiled as he felt the last of the tension empty from her heart. "No matter where I may go, no matter what happens in the future, I will always be your son, dear mother." He said as a few tears came to his own eyes. Bright Skies choked out a sob over his shoulder, sniffing as she took a breath.

"I love you Flash, so very much."

"I love you too, mom." He whispered back. "Happy Hearth's Warming."

Author's Note:

As you can probably tell, I meant to release this chapter before Christmas. But me being me, I'm always late haha. A special thanks to my friend Rushy for lending me his OC Shaggy for a scene.
Treasure those you know! Remember, God places in your life all the people, both good and bad, that are needed to help make you a saint. Peace to you all and a Blessed New Year!