• Published 2nd Mar 2020
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My Little Ninja Turtle (Part 1) - MlpTmntDisneyKauane

The turtles went on an adventure in another world called Equestria to saved it from the evil Kraangs, but for that, they needed to learn more about this new world, but luckily they meet the Mane 6.

  • ...

The origin of the creatures in Equestria

After a day of patrolling, the ponies turtles and the Mane 6 stop patrolling today.

The gang was at the Twilight castle, and the others told Leo and Twilight everything that had happened in Ponyville and Cloudsdale, including what happened to Applejack and Fluttershy, who were captured by the Kraangs.

"They WHAT?!" Twilight asked shocked.

"Yes, first they took Fluttershy and then Applejack." Rainbow Dash explained.

"Not to mention other ponies they captured." Said Rarity.

"And we found out why the Kraangs are kidnapping the ponies." Donnie said.

"Really? And why?" Spike asked.

"They are doing new mutation experiments with them." Donnie explained.

"WHAT!?" Twilight and Spike were shocked.

"And I thought they just wanted to do that with those three fillies." Raph said.

"But why? Why this? Why here? Why now?" Spike asked.

"Because that's what they always wanted." Said Twilight, who was reading the book she had found in the castle of the two sisters.

"What do you mean? What are you talking about?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yeah, because the Kraangs always wanted to make our world their dimension, not yours." Raph said.

"You are mistaken, Raph, the Kraangs don't just want to transform their world, they also always wanted to transform our world into their dimension." Twilight explained.

"So, it must be for that other reason that the Kraangs are invading this world." Donnie reasoned.

"But that still doesn't explain why, I mean, why are they going to do it in such a wonderful world?" Mikey said.

"It must be because they don't like rainbow too much, like me." Raph joked.

"Hey!" Rainbow Dash complained.

"No offense Dash." Raph said.

"Anyway, the Kraangs have always wanted to transform Equestria since they discovered the magic that is inhabited here." Twilight explained.

"Dude, they only discovered Equestria a week ago and are already looking to transform it." Mikey said.

"You are also mistaken, Mikey, the Kraangs found out longer than you think." Twilight said.

"Really? But then when they discovered Equestria." Donnie asked.

"A thousand years ago, long before Celestia and Luna were born." Twilight answered.

"A thousand years ago !?" Mikey said shocked.

"Before Celestia and Luna were born !?" Said Pinkie shocked.

"Jeez, but how do you know that?" Raph asked.

"I found this book in the castle of the two sisters, it tells the whole story of the Kraangs in Equestria." Twilight explained.

"Well, then, I think we should hear it now." Leo suggested.

"Yay, time for the story!" Pinkie said happily.

"I love stories." Mikey said.

Mikey and Pinkie sat together ready to hear the story.

"Let's start. A thousand years ago, long before Celestia and Luna were born ..." Twilight started to read.

And Flashback begins:

"Equestria was ruled by two alicorns, King Cosmos and Queen Galaxia, the parents of Celestia and Luna." Twilight narrated. "At that time, there were no dragons, griffins or any of these other creatures that were not ponies or any another creature normal."

"Correcting, nothing in this world is normal." Raph interruped.

"Look who's talking, our world doesn't have a lot of normality either." Donnie said frowning.

Twilight reads again: "As I was saying, Equestria did not exist any of these creatures, but then the Kraangs arrived, it was at that time that the Kraangs placed their hooves in Equestria for the first time, some of them were discovered by some ponies and by the guards of the King and Queen, unfortunately, the Kraangs were not detained. After the Kraangs were discovered, Queen Galaxia told all guards to keep an eye on these Kraangs and keep the Equestria ponies safe. Some time later, no one saw any Kraang in Equestria, but began appear were a lot of creatures that nopony had seen before, some of these were dragons, griffins, cockatrices, manticores, timberwolves, chimera, cerberus, centaurs, gargoyles, changelings, and any other creature that was not pony or other normal creature."

"Wait, so do you mean there were really none of these creatures before, except ponies, unicorns, pegasus and alicorns?" Donnie asked.

"That's right" Twilight answered

"So how did these creatures come about?" Rarity asked.

"I'm going to tell you that part." Twilight said as he turned to another page in the book.

Twilight reads again: "Nopony knew what those creatures were or how they came about, but one day, they discovered everything thanks to the other droids called utrons."

"Utrons? What are these utrons?" Raph asked.

"There is not much information about these utrons in this book, some pages are torn, but it says here that they come in the same world as the Kraangs." Twilight explained.

"Well, whatever those utrons are, I hope they helped a lot at that time." Mikey said.

"And they really helped, without them, nobody would have found out about those creatures." Twilight explained and went back to reading:

"When the utrons arrived, they told everything about what was going on, the utron agent explained that all of these were new mutations that the Kraangs were experiencing, with the help of the mutagen and the magic of Equestria that the Kraangs used in their experiences of mutants, all of those creatures I mentioned were mutants created by the Kraangs."

"Wait wait wait, so does it mean that all these mystical creatures that we know today as myths and legends, were mutants created by the Kraangs!?" Raph asked, shocked and confused.

"So, do you mean, the griffins are mutants? Are dragons mutants? Spike is a mutant!?" Pinkie asked as she picked up Spike after mentioning it.

"Did you really have to mention me?" Spike asked frowning.

"That's right, all of these abnormal creatures or non-ponies are mutants." Twilight said.

"But what happened next?" Leo asked.

Twilight reads again: "After this discovery, the King and Queen knew that now they should stop the Kraangs from transforming Equestria into their dimension later, and then get rid of these creatures they created. It wasn't easy, it almost caused a war in Equestria, but after so much effort and struggle, King Cosmos and Queen Galaxia finally succeeded in stopping the Kraangs and expelled them out of the world of Equestria forever with the help of the Utrons, but unfortunately, some of the Kraangs' creationists were not expelled, many of them were spreaded for all Equestria and some ended up in other dimensions, the search and capture of these mutants was completely tireless. But a few years later, Celestia and Luna were now the new rulers of Equestria, times changed later on over the years, and the mutants too, although some of the mutants were spreaded for all Equestria, some they learned to civilize in their lands finds and governing it too, while some still continued to live as savages. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna met many of these creatures and their leaders, some were good and some were evil, so evil they even wanted to be able to dominate Equestria, but none of those evil creatures got thanks to princesses and other good creatures, and even today, there are still these creatures living in Equestria."

(End of story and Flashback)

Twilight closes the book, many who were listening to the story were shocked and surprised.

"Wow man, so were all these mystical creatures created by the Kraangs?" Mike asked shocked.

"And everyone thought they were myths and lies." Raph said.

"And I bet they were actually seen by humans in our world many years ago." Donnie said.

"Surely you haven't heard the story? These mutants went to many dimensions, probably our too." Mikey argued.

"Good point." Rainbow Dash said.

"Thanks." Mikey bragged.

"So, are the Kraangs really looking to make our world their own?" Rainbow asked.

"But was it not enough to create those horrible creatures in our world !?" Rarity criticized, but she feels bad about saying that in front of Spike. "No offense Spike, you know you're cute" said Rarity, patting Spike on the head making him blush.

"That's because at that time, the Kraangs only made experiments on animals, but it says here that they did only one type of mutation in some ponies." Twilight said.

"And what did they become?" Mikey asked.

"Some have become changelings, and others I don't know, this page is a little torn." Twilight said.

"Typical of old books." Raph said unsympathetic.

"Anyway, what are they trying to do with our world now?" Rarity asked.

"As I had said, they had only mutate the animals and in a few ponies, now that they are back, they are wanting to mutate just the ponies, and then transforms our world into its dimension" Twilight explained.

"So, is this what they are going to do with Applejack and Fluttershy?!" Rainbow asked shocked and worried.

"Oh no, this is terrible, we need to save them!" Said Rarity worriedly.

"We can't, we don't even know how to open the portal to where the Kraangs are." Donnie said.

"And even worse, we still don't even know how to get back to our world when this is over." Raph said.

"And I don't have a book to open portals." Twilight said.

"So it means that we have no idea of ​​anything!? We already lost !? Are we going to be stuck in this world forever?!" Mikey asked worried and shocked. "I mean, I don't care if we are stuck here forever." Mikey smiled, while Donnie frowned and Raph hit his hoof in their face.

"But then, what do we do now?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, Twilight, we need to do something." Rainbow said.

"What are we going to do?" Pinkie asked.

Twilight looked nervous, she tried to think of everyone doing something, but she had no idea what to do, so she just thought about saying something else.

"Nothing." Twilight said.

"What!?" The girls were shocked.

Twilight started: "But don't worry, tomorrow we will find a way, we will rescue our friends, we will stop the Kraangs, and we will also find a way for you boys to go home. But now it's getting late, we need to rest, and don't worry about Applejack and Fluttershy, even if they’re mutated, I’m sure we’ll find a way to get them back to normal. "

"But there really is a way to turn someone mutated back to normal, retro-mutagen." Donnie said.

"This is great, Donnie, now you can go home and rest, girls." Twilight said.

The girls were already leaving, but they were still worried about everything that was going on, and Twilight was feeling really bad about it.
It was already night, the ponies turtles were already in their roons in the castle, Leo was not yet, he was about to enter his room, when he then heard sounds of canter that didn’t stop, so Leo decided to check why these canter and where were they coming

Leo follows these sounds coming from the Twilight room, when he looks, he saw that it was Twilight that was galloping from side to side, like her hair a little messy and with some wrinkles in her eyes for not sleeping, Leo started thinking that Twilight was really worried about something, so he walks into her room to talk.

"Twilight?" Leo calls her.

Twilight takes a scare.

"*Sigh* Leo, you need to knock on the door before calling someone like that in surprise." Twilight informed.

"Sorry." Said Leo.

"So, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked.

"Well, you look very worried about something, and I was wondering what it was." Said Leo.

"Worried? Me? Oh no, I'm fine, very fine." Twilight disguised it while forcing her smile.

But Leo didn't let that smile fool him.

"Twilight, I know you are worried about something, and I want to help you." Said Leo.

Then Twilight stops smiling and decides to tell.

"* Sigh* It's just that I am so nervous about everything that happened today, especially when I had no idea what to do when my friends asked me, and now because of that, maybe my two friends may be mutated, maybe the Kraangs will dominate Equestria and everything will be lost because of me! " Twilight gets a little sterile, but takes a deep breath and talks again. "The problem is that being a princess and a leader is not easy, and your friends always count on you to think or do something, even when you have no idea what to do."

Leo felt sorry for Twilight, and didn't want to see his friend feel that way.

"I know it is difficult, I understand perfectly what you are going through." Said Leo.

"You understand?" Twilight asked.

"Perfectly, because I am also a leader of my team, and I know how difficult it is sometimes to command them or think about what to do when they depend on you, but we can always find a way to think of a plan and to be a good leader. " Leo spoke.

Twilight started to feel a little better about it.

"Well, and I have to say, you are a really great leader." Twilight praised.

"And you too, and also a great princess." Leo praised.

"Thank you Leo, you really are a great friend." Twilight praised.

"You too, you better rest now, I'm sure we'll think of something tomorrow." Said Leo.

"Good night Leo." Twilight said.

"Good night Twilight." Said Leo.

Twilight goes back to bed and Leo leaves her room.