• Published 2nd Mar 2020
  • 3,811 Views, 70 Comments

My Little Ninja Turtle (Part 1) - MlpTmntDisneyKauane

The turtles went on an adventure in another world called Equestria to saved it from the evil Kraangs, but for that, they needed to learn more about this new world, but luckily they meet the Mane 6.

  • ...

First pony training

The next morning in the Twilight's castle, the pony turtles and Mane 6 were in the dining room waiting for Pinkie to bring the breakfast Mikey ordered (and that breakfast was none other than Pizza)

"I can't wait for the Pizza to arrive, all that cheese, peperoni and..." Mikey is interrupted by Donnie.

"Mikey, the pizzas in this world don't even have peperoni." Said Donnie.

"Huh? But why not?" Mikey asked.

"Because the ponies are vegetarian." Donnie explained.

"So?" Mikey asked again.

"So peperoni is meat." Donnie explained again.

"Oh." Mikey finally get it.

"Don't worry, Mikey, i'm sure you will like the pizza here." Twilight guaranteed.

"I hope so." Said Mikey hoping.

"I bet he will, Mikey likes any pizza anywhere, even pizza in the trash." Said Raph.

"Ew!" Said Rarity disgusted.

Pinkie arrives at the dining room with 5 pizza boxes.

"Who wants pizza!?" Pinkie Pie asked happy.

"ME!! me, me, me, me, me, me, me!" Mikey answered so much happy.

"What types of pizzas did you order, Pinkie." Applejack asked.

"I ordered five types of pizza. Cheese, tomantes, olives, chocolate and hay." Pinkie aswer

Mikey licked his lips. "Hmmmm, it looks delicious." He said.

"Look, the other three pizzas look good, but the chocolate and hay pizzas? They don't look good." Raph argued.

"How do you know if you haven't tried it yet?" Donnie asked frowning.
So Mane 6 and the ponies turtles ate their pizzas and Raph and Rainbow fought over the last pizza that was left, and it turned out that neither of them got the pizza, cause Mikey had already eaten while the two pegasus fought over it. And after that, the group talked about their lives in their world.

"So, did you all become friends by defeating Nightmare Moon with Elements of Harmony?" Donnie asked.

"Man, I can't believe this dark alicorn was stuck on the moon for a thousand years, it must have been a big very boring and torturous." Raph said.

"And I still can't believe you didn't want to be friends with the girls, Twilight." Mikey argued.

"I was very studious and the girls were very different from me and I always thought they and the Ponyville ponies were crazy, I was very arrogant and just as Rainbow calls me, i was egg head." Said Twilight who is feeling bad with this.

"Yes you was, darling." Rarity agreed.

"But you are no longer, and even today we are your friends." Said Pinkie positived.

"And we will never leave you, no matter what.” Said Rainbow.

"And I'm still happy to still have friends like you." Said Twilight feeling happy.

The Mane 6 hug each other in a group.

"AAAWWWW, this is so beautiful and cute!" Said Mikey who is almost crying. "I wish the four of us would always be like this." He said.

"Yeah, but we never will be." Said Raph and he slap Mikey on the head.

"But you all should." Said Fluttershy firmly and she continues: "Cause the four of you are brothers, you should take care of each other and not hit each other on the head or laugh when one of the brothers gets hurt, you all should be more loving to each other as brothers and family should be."

"Wow, I've never seen Fluttershy speak so firmly." Said Rainbow suprised.

"Yeah, she is rarely firm with anypony." Applejack agreed.

And Fluttershy continues: "I never thought I'd say that, but I'm disappointed in the four of you, disappointed in the family that you all are."

All the turtles (except Raph who didn't care what Fluttershy said) were ashamed of themselves.

"Guys, Fluttershy is right." Said Leo.

"Yeah, and very right." Donnie agreed.

"I bet Master Splinter would have said that to us." Said Mikey.

"Absolutely." Donnie agreed.

"Pff, I don't care." Said Raph unsympathetic.

"But you should care, Raphael!" Said Fluttershy firmly to Raph and she continues curses Raph: "As a brother, you must love and protect your brothers, especially Mikey, he told me that among the other brothers, you are the one who treats bad him the most. So if I were you, I would treat Mikey very well if I don't want to see my stare again!"

Fluttershy gives that stare to Raph, Raph at first, he wasn't scared by the stare, but when Fluttershy forces the stare, Raph seemed to be sounding a little and he was a little nervous and now he was like fear with the stare.

"Aaah! okay, okay, i'll be good to Mikey, i'll never be cruel again, but just stop looking at me like that!" Raph beged while other brothers were surprised and confused when Raph was startled like that.

"Great" Said Fluttershy stops staring and comes back with her smile and cute face.

Fluttershy leaves Raph, and Raph's fear soon becomes confused.

"What the? What happened to me? Why was I so scared because of a simple stare?" Raph asked himself.

"That's what the Fluttershy's stare does to anyone who looks at it." Rainbow explained.

"It's like a type of hypinosis." Applejack explained.

"I see, cause I really felt hypnotized by that." Said Raph.

"So, what are you four thinking of doing here in Equestria? Catch some bad guys, catch some Krangs, or what?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Actually the first thing we are going to do is to train, and we really need it now we are ponies here." Leo explained.

"Cool, can we watch you training? Or better yet, can we train with you?" Rainbow asked happy.

"Uh, that's a great idea Dash." Rarity agreed.

"Oh, I don't know if it's a good idea for me, I don't like to hurt other ponies." Said Fluttershy worried.

"Fluttershy, being a ninja doesn't always hurt others." Donnie explained.

"It's also about protecting yourself and defending yourself." Leo explained. "

"Besides, there are some ninja techniques that can take down an enemy without hurting him so much, I can teach you these tricks if you are interested." Mikey suggered.

"Well, if it means not hurt anypony and not hurting me, then I want to do that." Fluttershy acepted.

"Soooo, what are we waiting for? LET'S BE NINJAS!" Pinkie scream happy.
Meanwhile on the other side of Equestria almost close to Canterlot and Ponyville, there was a mysterious figure, what appeared to be a tall male alicorn accompanied by his robot ponies soldiers, the mysterious figure who was a long way from Ponyville and Canterlot, he look at Canterlot with hate in your eyes.

“There is our target, my soldiers” Said the mysterious alicorn. “I want you to attack Canterlort and capture as many ponies hostages as you can, and if you see Princess Celestia, tell her that her former student and enemy ... Is back!” The mysterious alicorn ordened.

Robot soldiers do what he tells them and go to Canterlot to attack.
Meanwhile in Ponyville in outside the Twilight's castle,
the ponies turtles were training while the Mane 6 watched and then they also trained.

"Wow, they're really good at that, it's amazing how good Donnie is using just a stick." Said Rarity.

"And it's funny the way Mikey fights, and that rallying cry he says, Booyakasha!" Said Pinkie while she giggled.

"And it's amazing how Leo leads your team like as I lead." Said Twilight.

"I say again what I said yesterday, I take my hat off." Said Applejack.

"Raph isn't too bad either, but it looks like he still hasn't figured out how to get his weapons with his hooves." Said Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah." Said Fluttershy.

In training, Raph again drops his Sais as he did yesterday, but when he was going to pick it up again, Leo drops him as in all training sessions.

"it looks like Leo won." Said Spike.

"As always." Said Mikey.

The girls give a little applause to the ninjas.

"YAAAAAAY! BRAVO LEONARDO, UWU!! YEAAAAH!!!" Twilight was very excited and exaggerated in her applause and whistled very loud.

She soon realizes that everyone was looking at her, and she soon blushed with embarrassment.

"I mean... *whispering* Yay." She disguised.

"Now you look like Fluttershy when she cheers." Rainbow joked.

"Yay." Fluttershy whisped.

"Now girls, it's your turn." Said Mikey.

"I wanna too" Said Spike.

"You too, Spike" Said Leo.

"Great." Said Spike happy.
in Mane 6 training, Rainbow Dash try to take down Twilight, but Twilight defended itself very well.

"Come on Twilight, do you know do another thing besides defending yourself?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well, I was expecting you to ask that." Twilight answered.

She just stands there with her eyes closed and Rainbow was about to kick her, but suddenly, Rainbow is stopped when Twilight uses her magic to grab Rainbow's tail, so Twilight starts spinning Rainbow and hurled her, almost hit Fluttershy it had she ducked when she saw Rainbow coming in the her direction and ended up just hit Applejack who didn't notice Rainbow coming.

"Nice trick Twilight." Leo praised.

"Thank you Leo." Twilight thanked.

"And this is another technique to take down an enemy without hurting him Flutters, to have reflexes." Mikey explained and praised to Fluttershy.

"Well, that's a good technique for me." Said Fluttershy.

Returning to training, Pinkie played with Rarity and Rarity tried to knock her down, but Pinkie always managed to deviate, each deviation was crazier than the other.

"Wow, she's fast." Said Mikey suprised.

"That's because Pinkie has what she calls the Pinkie sense" Applejack explained.

"Huh, I wish I had one of these too, I would call it the Mikey sense." Said Mikey.

Back in the training of Rarity and Pinkie, Rarity was still trying to catch Pinkie, and Pinkie continued to deviate.

"Hey Rarity I'm here, now I'm here, now here, here, now I'm everywhere" Pinkie joked while she giggles.

"Ugh, how do I catch this Pinkie Crazy!?" Rarity thinked and a light bulb goes on in her head (that means she had an idea), Rarity takes a cupcake that she had kept.

"Uh! Cupcake!" Pinkie stopped dodging it takes the cupcake.

Rarity uses her magic by throwing Pinkie straight at Spike.

"Oops, Sorry Spike Wikey." Rarity apologizes.

"No problem Rarity." Spike forgave Rarity.

"Huh, distracting a opponent using his weakness? Very smart, Rarity." Donnie praised Rarity.

"Thank you, darling" Rarity thanked smiling.

Pinkie gets up from Spike.

"Are you okay Spike?" She asked to Spike

Yes, just..." Before Spike finished, he made a gesture that looked like he was going to throw up.

"Spike?" Pinkie asked.

"Ugh, guys, I think Spike is going to throw up." Said Mikey disgusted.

"Anybody there have a bucket for him?" Raph asked.

But then, Spike belches fire and loose a letter from Princess Celestia, Twilight takes the letter, opens it and begins to read.

"Ew, I didn't know that dragons spew cards." Said Mike while Donnie just rolls his eyes and frowned.

"But how Spike threw out this?" Leo asked.

"And how does he do that?" Raph ansked.

"It's his custom, when someone magically sends us a message, and Spike is like our magic mailbox, get it?" Rainbow Dash explained.

"And whose message is it from?" Leo asked.

"It's from Princess Celestia, and it's an emergency!" Twilight answered.

"Emergency? What she say?" Applejack asked.

Twilight start read the letter: "Dear Twilight Sparkle: I really need your help and your friends, Canterlort is being attacked by a lot of soldiers, they invaded my castle and took down all the guards, Canterlort's ponies are panicking, and some of them were kidnapped by the soldiers, my sister and I are not unable to handle this alone, we need help from you and your friends. From, Princess Celestia." Twilight finished read the letter.

"Oh my Apples!" Said Applejack shocked.

"We need to help them!" Said Fluttershy shocked.

"So what are we waiting for!? Let's go!" Rainbow Dash suggested.

"We are going with you too, you will need our help." Leo supported.

"Yeah, did you hear the letter? These guys even took down the guards." Mikey reminds.

"Only 6 won't be able to handle it." Said Donnie.

"Yeah, to solve this, you need 10." Said Raph.

"11, I'm going too." Spike joined.

"Thank you boys, but my magic is not enough to teleport 11 of us all." Said Twilight.

"Well, I'm glad you also taught the teleport spell for Donnie and me." Leo reminds.

"Yeah, and that's magic enough to teleport us all." Said Donnie.

Twilight smiles happy to have taught that too.

"Okay then, get your horns ready, get everyone together, and get ready to go to Canterlort." Twilight ordened.

Everyone gets together, Twilight, Leo and Donnie blow their horns and all are successfully teleported.