• Published 2nd Mar 2020
  • 3,808 Views, 70 Comments

My Little Ninja Turtle (Part 1) - MlpTmntDisneyKauane

The turtles went on an adventure in another world called Equestria to saved it from the evil Kraangs, but for that, they needed to learn more about this new world, but luckily they meet the Mane 6.

  • ...

The mutant attack (part 2)

After transforming the mutants back to normal, the ponies turtles and the Mane 6 deal with a mutant Timberwolf, but then they discover that that mutant wolf was their honest friend, Applejack.

"*Gasp* Applejack?" Twilight asked shocked.

But rather than Applejack answers it, she just snarls and almost claws at Twilight, but Twilight managed to dodge the claw.

"Applejack, no!" Twilight pleaded.

Applejack advances on its own friends, but the group leaves the advance.

"Quick, Donnie! The retro-mutagen!" Twilight asked.

"I'm sorry, but we use everything else on the other mutants." Donnie said.

"But there were eight, and we hit three mutants, how can it be over?" Twilight asked.

"That's because two fools didn't know how to throw a retro-mutagen." Donnie frowned, turning his eyes to Mikey and Pinkie.

"Don't look at me, I know how to catch my Nunchakus with my hooves, but a smooth and slippery bottle is kind of difficult." Mikey explained.

"And I admit that I accidentally dropped the others." Pinkie grinned nervously while Twilight groaned and frowned.

"But I think I can go back to the castle and do another one." Donnie said.

"Then go and quickly." Twilight ordered.

Donnie runs back to the castle, when Twilight looks back, she is almost hit by the mutant Applejack blow.

"Applejack, please listen to me..." Twilight pleaded.

And before the mutant Applejack delivers another blow, she is stopped by Mikey who hit her with his Nunchakus.

"Take this, Timberjack!" Mikey mocked her and baptized.

"Timberjack?" Pinkie asked confused.

"It's a mutant name that I named her." Mikey explained.

"It's always like that, when there is a new mutant, Mikey baptizes them." Raph explained.

"That's because I'm the master of names." Mikey bragged.

Returning to the fight, Timberjack snarled and tried to attack the others.

"Applejack darling, try to remember, you are not a Timberwolf." Rarity pleaded.

But Timberjack didn't even care what Rarity said, instead she beats her with her claws, Rarity is throwed to Spike.

"Don't worry Rarity, I'll catch you." Said Spike raising his arms ready to catch Rarity.

But Spike didn't catch Rarity exactly the way he wanted, Rarity bumps into Spike knocking him down with her.

"Thanks for the attempt, Spike." Rarity thanked him

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash and Raph fly around Timberjack trying to make her stay dizzy, but it didn't work and Timberjack stopped this spin with his claws, making the two pegasus fly away and fall, and instead of Timberjack getting dizzy with that one it turned, it turned out that it was Rainbow and Raph that got dizzy.

"Oww, I see a lot of stars." Rainbow said, dizzy.

"Are you okay Raph? Say something so I know that you're okay." Mikey asked.

"I love cupcakes and rainbows." Raph said completely dizzy and clueless.

"Okay, he's fine." Mikey said.

And then, Timberjack snarled at all of her friends.

"Applejack, we are not going to hurt you, we just want to help." Said Leo.

But then, Timberjack just snarls and pushes Leo, pinned him in his claws.

"Oh, or maybe you wanted to hurt us, didn't you?" Said Leo.

Timberjack was already ready to bite Leo's head, but suddenly...

"Applejack, no!" Applebloom cry.

Timberjack turns back to Applebloom, Timberjack growls, leaving Leo, and going to her own little sister.

"Applejack, I know you're still in there, fight it." Applebloom pleaded.

Timberjack growl louder at Applebloom, leaving her scared, but Applebloom doesn't let this scare stop her to continuing to talk to her mutant sister.

"Applejack, it's me, Applebloom, your little sister, don't you remember? You're from the Apple family, with Granny Smitch our grandmother, and Big Mac our older brother. With our Family"

Applejack's growl subsided a little, but she still snarled at Applebloom.

"And you are the most honest and strong pony I know, you are a great friend of your friends, and a great sister that I could have. I love you, sister." Applebloom ended smiling.

Timberjack stops growling, she looks sad and shocked whining, Applebloom knew that her older sister was remembering, but it didn't last long, Timberjack resisted those memories and growled against her little sister again.

"Applejack?" Applebloom asked startled.

Timberjack pushes her own little sister, when she was ready to devour her, Timberjack is prevented by Twilight, she gave the same pounced she gave on Leo when she and he were training.

"Quick, help me hold her!" Twilight ordered.

The rest of the group (except Rainbow and Raph who were still dizzy) held Timberjack, and Timberjack struggled to get out.

"Very good, Applebloom, we are close to recovering Applejack." Twilight thanked her.

Timberjack was still struggling and growling to get loose.

"Applejack, listen to me, this is not you, you are not a Timberwolf." Twilight said.

And then, Twilight uses the same spell that she used on her friends when they were spellbound by Discord, she touches her horn that was shining on Applejack's head, and the memories were coming back. All the old and new memories of Applejack with her friends, with her family and even with her new friends from another world. The memories finished, the Applejack eyes that once were Timberwolf's eyes have returned to being her true eyes.

"Uh ... What?" Said Applejack still recovering, she looks at Twilight who was on top of her. "Twilight?" Applejack asked with her normal voice.

"Yes, Applejack, it's me and all of your friends." Twilight said.

She and everyone get off Applejack, Applejack gets up, she looks at all her friends.

"Guys. Thanks, for bringing me back." Applejack thanked.

"We are happy that you are back." Said Rarity.

"I hope I didn't hurt any of you guys." Said Applejack.

"You didn't hurt, but you made Rainbow Dash and Raphael super dizzy." Pinkie points to the two pegasus who were already recovering from dizziness.

"Wha ... W-What's going on!?" Rainbow asked confuse.

"W-Where's Timberjack? Did she run away?" Raph asked also confuse.

"Nope, she's still here, and she's back to being our Applejack." Mikey explained.

"Applejack? Applejack!" Rainbow flies over to Applejack and hugs her head. "I'm glad you're back, friend." She said.

"I say the same Dash." Said Applejack.

"Huh, strange. Timberwolves are always stinky, but you don't look so stinky." Rainbow said, and Applejack just frowned.

"It must be because she is not a normal Timberwolf, Rainbow." Said Rarity.

"And Fluttershy, Applejack, do you know where she is?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I remember when..." But before Applejack start explaining, Donnie had finally arrived with the retro-mutagen.

"I'm here guys, and here's the retro-mutagen." Donnie said.

"Just in time, Donnie. Alright Applejack, now you're going to be back to normal." Said Rarity.

"That's great." Said Applejack.

"Okay Applejack, it's just a drop of that and you're going to..." But before Donnie finishes speaking, the group hears a few more screams.

"Ugh, seriously? Again?" Raph complaited.

"I guess it is better to change me back later." Said Applejack.

"Somepony else is in danger." Twilight said.

"Is it another mutant?" Rarity asked worriedly.

"There's only one way to find out, come on guys!" Leo ordened, and the whole group runs from where the screams are coming from.
After the group reached where the screams were coming from, they came across another mutant, they didn't even have to think twice to know who that mutant with pink hair was, it was Fluttershy that had turned into a pony half bat like when she it became a bat pony the first time, only now it was even more monstrous, she had two claws and each hoof, it had a long thin tail with hair on the end, she had horns pointeds on the head and back, while the rest of the body was the same as what she had changed when she had become a bat pony in the first time.

Mutant Fluttershy was chasing Applebloom, giving her a bat growl.

"Fluttershy, don't do this, you are not like that!" Said Applebloom a little scared, while she ran.

But Fluttershy just grolwed again and continued to chase the filly.

"Ugh, why does everyone just want to chase the foals!?" Rainbow asked complaited.

"Donnie, now we need two retro-mutagens." Said Rarity.

"No ploblems" said Donnie, using his magic and doubled the retro-mutagen in two.

Applebloom was still running, when she had nowhere else to run and Fluttershy was about to attack her, but suddenly, Fluttershy is stopped by Mikey's chains.

"Stay there, Flutterbat!" Mikey said and baptized her.

And Applebloom is taken from there by Applejack.

"Got you Sugar Cube, you're safe now," said Applejack.

"Applejack? Is it really you?" Applebloom asked.

"Yeep" Applejack answered.

Applebloom smiles and hugs her mutant sister who now had her mind back to normal, Applejack hugs her back.

"But you will stay like this forever, I mean, I don't care if you stay forever, because..." Said Applebloom and is cut off later.

When Flutterbat lets go of the chains, causing Mikey to be tossed away from her.

"Don't worry little sis, I'll be back to normal, but now I need to stay like this for this fight." Said Applejack and leaves her little sister.

Flutterbat gave her bat growl, until Applejack appeared.

"Fluttershy, listen to me, this isn't you, you had a mutation and it messed up your mind, I know you can fight it, you just need to remember." Said Applejack.

Flutterbat just growls and almost hits her claws at Applejack.

"Oh, or not." Said Applejack.

Flutterbat flies to Applejack to attack her, Applejack was faster, and she lashed out at Flutterbat keeping her on the ground, Flutterbat trying to break free.

"Can anypony throw a retro-mutagen?" Applejack asked.

"I throw, is it for you or Flutterbat?" Mikey said and asked.

"First at Flutteshy, and stop calling her Flutterbat." Applejack ordened.

"That's right!" Said Mikey, ready to throw retro-mutagen.

"Mikey, don't throw, just go over there and give, you're bad at..." Before Donnie was finished, Mikey throws the retro-mutagen, but instead of the retro-mutagen having hit Flutterbat, it ended up hitting to Applejack who soon started to groan and scream get of on Flutterbat.

"Aiming." Donnie finished and frowned.

"Oops" said Mikey smiling nervously.

After Flutterbat gets up, Applejack was back to normal, Applejack looks at her whole body.

"Mikey!" Applejack curses him

"Sorry, AJ." Mikey apologizes and smiles nervously.

"Well, at least it's good to be back to normal." Said Applejack.

But then, Flutterbat approaches Applejack, giving her bat growl.

"Oh! but we still have a bat problem!" Said Applejack.

"I got this." Donnie said with another retro-mutagen. "And I think is better I do this." He said, frowning at Mikey.

Donnie walks over to Flutterbat, but when he was about to give her the retro-mutagen, Fluttebat hits the retro-mutagen Donnie was carrying, and the retro-mutagen rolls away.

"Oh crap!" Donnie complained.

"See, that's why I throw things around." Mikey said, frowning.

"Relax Don, I'm going to catch it." Said Rainbow flying away looking for the retro-mutagen.

Donnie looks back, and soon realized that Flutterbat was about to attack him, but then she is stopped by Twilight who shot her with her magic.

"Fluttershy, stop it, this is not you." Twilight said.

Flutterbat growls, flies up to Twilight and pushes her, Twilight gets stuck on the ground with Flutterbat's claws holding her.

"I know you're still in there Fluttershy, and I'm going to help you get out of there." Twilight said.

Then Twilight's horn glows and touches Flutterbat's head, Twilight uses the same memory spell she used in Applejack, when she finished, her horn stops glowing. Flutterbat opens her eyes and was now her normal eyes again.

"Twilight?" Flutteshy asked in her normal voice.

Twilight smiled, happy to see her true friend, but Fluttershy is scared of everything she had done when she was still out of mind, even when she was clawing at her own friend.

"Oh my god! Twilight, i-i'm sorry, i'm so sorry!" Said Fluttershy feeling really bad about it while takes her claws out of Twilight.

"It's okay Fluttershy, it wasn't your fault." Twilight said.

"But I almost hurt you, I almost hurt the girls and the boys, I almost hurt Applebloom, I'm a monster!" Fluttershy stay on the ground whimpering.

"Seriously? Is she always that dramatic too?" Raph said dryly.

"Raph!" Leo curses him.

"Fluttershy, you are not a monster, you are our friend, and as I said: that was not your fault, that mutagen messed with your mind, the one that was attacking us was not you, but the one we are seeing now is yourself." Twilight comforted her.

Fluttershy sniff a little clean her tears "So, am I still friends with you?" She asked.

"Of course yes." Twilight answered.

"Even though I'm a mutant?" Fluttershy asked.

"Of course it is, no matter what you are, you are still our friend." Twilight said.

Fluttershy smiled now felt better.

"I'm really lucky to have friends like you." Said Fluttershy.

"Me too, and besides, you won't be like this forever, Rainbow Dash will be arriving soon with retro-mutagen." Twilight said.

"I'm coming!" Rainbow shouted.

"And she is coming." Twilight said.

"Look the retro-mutagen!" Rainbow said dropping the retro-mutagen.

"No, don't drop it like this, Rainbow! This will..." Fluttershy is interrupted when the bottle of retro-mutagen falls and breaks on top of Fluttershy's head. "Oow, hurt." Fluttershy completed this.

And then Fluttershy starts groaning and screeches.

"Look, you needn't have thrown the retro-mutagen this way." Twilight said, frowning at Rainbow Dash.

"Sorry, I thought she was still out of control." Rainbow said.

And then the little squeals and groans stopped and Fluttershy went back to being the same fluffy pegasu from before.

"Oow, no, I take it back, this hurt even more." Fluttershy moaned.

Rainbow helps Fluttershy to get up and then hugs her.

"It's nice to have you back, friend." Rainbow said.

"Me too, Rainbow." Fluttershy hugs back.

Applejack joins the hug. "And me too." She said.

"Hmmm, but something is still missing something from you AJ." Said Rarity, using magic levitating the Applejack hat and putting it back on the Applejack head. "And voilá" She said.

"Huh, thanks Rarity." Applejack thanked her.

"And from now on guys, no one else will leave another one alone, we will be together no matter what, right?" Twilight declared and asked.

"Right!" The girls answered.

"Now the group hug!" Said Pinkie.

The Mane 6 embraced as a group.

"I also want to participate in this hug." Mikey said.

"Maybe not now Mikey." Said Raph frowning, while Mikey made a dog sad face.

"Now there's one thing I don't understand, why did Shredder send the mutants to attack Ponyville? Why is he planning these attacks?" Donnie asked.

"And another question: what will he do next?" Leo asked.