• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,022 Views, 232 Comments

Split Personality - Darravan

A Cozy Glow has made a twin with her conscience trapped inside and now it's all alone in a world that hates it.

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Prologue (Edited)

Deep down in the dark tunnels of Grogar's lair... past the cascading waterfalls and jagged pointy rocks littering the chasm there was Cozy Glow, the former student of Princess Twilight Sparkle. The pink filly hovered near Tirek's massive shoulders and despite their coming victory she was just so... bored. watching Tirek read with nothing to do was the absolute worst Keep it together Cozy we're almost there she inwardly thought to herself, and then her other inner voice, her conscience started up again as usual.

("Why are we still doing this we could have been on the other side of Equestria by now.") she heard it whisper, her conscience was such a pain. Running to the edges of Equestria? for what? How would she get her kingdom then?

Cozy had always had this problem with herself and No she wasn't crazy it's just sometimes a mental fight was inevitable at this point, always with the that's wrong and don't do that mumbo jumbo that her good side would always nag her with as if she had gotten anywhere in life by just being good.

("You know why.") she mentally responded ("I didn't climb Mount Everhoof with these two numbskulls to go running away now, so how about you shut up and bug off.") Cozy wanted to roll her eyes but didn't so as not to look annoyed for no reason. The last thing Tirek and Chrysalis need to know is that I argue in my head...

("But we could lose all over again, I bet Headmare Twilight wouldn't even know we were out of Tartarus until we were on the other side of Equestria.") you'd like that wouldn't you, Cozy imagined her pest with a frown on her face and a halo hanging above her head.

("No way in Tarturus would I do that, If those six Buffoons would have just stayed in line I would have won, I'm not about to go giving up when I'm so close to getting my crown.") Cozy looked up to see Chrysalis walk in, cutting off her argument in her head as Tirek welcomed their wicked companion, "Ahh Chrysalis another successful field trip I presume" Chrysalis grew smug at the comment, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Indeed spreading discord among the Unicorns and Earth ponies is almost to easy." Chrysalis responded with that I'm sooooo much better than you attitude of hers. "We could take down Twilight and her little friends a hundred times but so long as they have the love of Equestria behind them they crawl back to defeat us not any more", Cozy thoughts whirled at the bug Queen's words, the image of them all cowering before her with all of them begging for her mercy, the sight of Twilight on her knees and in tears with her school in a shamble of ruins.

("Would that really make you happy?") the voice asked saddening it's tone to Cozy's daydream in her head.

("Of course you fool they defeated me and ruined my perfect plan!") Cozy inwardly yelled at herself.

("No they didn't, the Tree ruined our plan.") this is when Cozy hated her little voice the most how dare she or no it think it could hold this over her, it was bad enough with Tirek and Chrysalis constantly being stuck up and acting like they always knew better than her, she didn't need her conscience to try and correct her too. If only I could get my hooves on it...

Ignoring the voice Cozy decided to participate with a conversation actually worth having "No friendship no magic it's so obvious when you think about it I did my part freaking out the Pegasi." and oh boy did she, she even convinced one filly that some rich unicorns considered Pegasi a delicacy, she was sure to have nightmare's of Cozy's lie for sure.

"And Grogar's long absence has given me time to prepare the next part of our plan." Tirek said retrieving the bell from their hiding spot. "Grogar's bell, this artifact can steel any creature's magic, it holds on to that magic until it is released by this spell." Tirek said and then pointed at the open book they had stolen from the Canterlot, showing of the ancient spell inside.

("I wonder how much trouble we would get in if Headmare Twilight knew we helped steal that book?")

("Would you pipe down already!") she inwardly shouted at herself.

"Which means all the magic inside is ours for the taking." Tirek said in a much to happy voice for even Cozy and then the worst thing, he started kissing it! Cozy snatched it away "You're drooling on the bell." Getting it away from him Cozy started caressing it thinking of all the power inside.

("That things nothing but trouble.") it whispered in the back of Cozy's head.

"Let's try the spell before Grogar gets back." Chrysalis said while yanking the bell from Cozy with her magic and continuing her rant. "I'm sick of waiting for that old goat's master plan."

Suddenly Tirek raised his arms and said "Take my hands", wow... Cozy didn't think he had been that invested in learning friendship from her but apparently he must have snapped at some point.

"So we can all be apart of the spell, unless you'd prefer I take all the magic myself" he continued as Cozy put her hoof in his hand at the same time as Chrysalis.

"Our deal stands what we do we do together once we defeat the protectors of Equestria we can claim these land and rule our kingdoms alone once more." Chrysalis said obviously annoyed that Tirek would even consider such a scenario, if Tirek though of betraying them now Cozy only hoped that Chrysalis could defeat him and still see the sense in an alliance. The thought of Cozy's own kingdom sent a chill through her entire body, she could practically see her parent's shocked faces. Tirek's horns ignited as he activated the spell during which Cozy's counter part decided to be annoying yet again "What are you doing you know this won't end out well for us." but Cozy didn't care to indulge it this time, the bell raised and let out a ring as it poured magic into their very being and settled back down on the book. Cozy had never felt this way before, it felt as if the power of the sun had been absorbed her little body all at once, her wings grew and a horn found it's way on her head as the transformation with this new power was completing itself. Cozy didn't care how the others were taking all this as she let an evil laugh echoing throughout the cavernous lair. As for her conscience the voice remained silent, too afraid as it witnessed Cozy's transformation...