• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,016 Views, 230 Comments

Split Personality - Darravan

A Cozy Glow has made a twin with her conscience trapped inside and now it's all alone in a world that hates it.

  • ...

Canterlot Troubles

Rarity glanced out the window of the train she had been riding for the past eight hours and took in the wonderful glistening white city of Canterlot. Even after all this time seeing the capital still fills me with wonder, Rarity thought with a smile as she waited for the train to come to a screeching halt at the Canterlot train station. Despite everypony bustling to leave the train and go about their business Rarity waited as the other passengers departed before she got up from her seat and exited into the winding streets with her luggage trailing behind her in her magic.

Before she was to go over to her establishment Rarity had a craving for some tea, after all she hadn't had time this morning what with all the outfit plans she had to collect and the orders she had to fill. Talk about taking your work on vacation with you, Rarity thought to herself as she trotted down the street and looked at the various places she could go for some tea before a young orange Colt selling newspapers caught her eye.

"Step up and get a read on the latest Canterlot gossip!" the young colt shouted as Rarity came up to him and gave him a bit for the latest news on the big city. Well now I should have something to read while I drink.

After acquiring her newspaper she made her way into a nice outdoor restaurant with white tables set up outside with pink umbrellas over them to keep out the sunshine and oh what an absolute gorgeous day it was, besides a poofy white cloud or two the sky was open and as blue as Rarity's eye color. After a moment of soul lifting bliss Rarity stopped taking in the view and took a seat at a vacant table before she ushered a waitress over to serve her.

"Good morning, what can I get for the Element of Generosity?" The waitress asked.

Wow that's the first time a pony's referred to me by my element ooooh I love recognition, Rarity mentally cheered before she asked, "Oh good morning to you too darling some sweet tea would be absolutely wonderful."

The waitress gave Rarity a smile and nodded while she wrote Rarity's order down afterwards she turned to her other patrons and left Rarity alone. While she waited for her refreshment Rarity glanced about the city as ponies went about their day to day lives, and to her happiness some of the city's folk were wearing her previous line of outfits. Wait until they see what I've got planed for my newest line, Rarity thought with inner glee. After a minute of watching the streets for more of her work her Tea arrived in a pink teacup with her waitress hanging around her table for some reason instead of just going about her normal duties.

"So not trying to be nosy or anything but are you here about the latest headline?" The waitress asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What about the headline?" Rarity asked as she took a sip from her tea before she pulled up her paper and read the tittle, Princess Twilight's Rein of Terror Begins? as soon as Rarity read it she spit her tea out all over the waitress's face in shock as she shouted, "W-what is this about?" to the now really annoyed waitress who wiped her face clean with a white rag she carried around in her outfit's front pouch.

"You haven't heard yet? There was a riot over the Villain's statue and then the princess threatened to turn the rioters to stone?" The waitress explained as she squeezed some tea out of her hair.

Turning citizens to stone that didn't sound like Twilight at all and what was this about a riot over the statue!, Rarity wondered as she started speed reading through her paper to find out more about the incident but it basically just stated what the waitress had already told her. Rarity took another sip of her Tea as she tried to relax and get her Barings before she went to Twilight to investigate the news. After all there was probably a reasonable explanation, Twilight was always taking charge if she felt she had to so she probably had a really good explanation.

"Oh and I've heard she's released Chrysalis." the waitress said as she whipped tea off of her uniform only for Rarity to spit the tea she currently had in her mouth out right into the waitresses face for the second time.

"SHE DID WHAT!?" Rarity shouted as she ran past the now soaked and fuming waitress with her luggage and paper flying after her in her magic.

What is Twilight thinking... no maybe there was a changeling still loyal to Chrysalis and the changeling was now impersonating Twilight or something. Rarity ran towards the castle as fast as her hooves would carry her as the buildings around her turned into a white and gold blur. After making it to the large royal palace Rarity walked past the front gold clad guards and found a large line of city's folk in front of the royal throne room. Rarity huffed, she was in no mood to wait, Twilight or whoever this thing was had to have an earful over releasing Chrysalis, so Rarity said "Pardon and excuse me darling." as she shoved her way past the crowd and towards the throne room.

Twilight almost slouched in her throne as Peppermint Bliss who was the thirteenth pony who had asked wanted to know if the rumor's about Chrysalis were true.

"Your highness this may seem quite impossible but I glanced in the royal gardens this morning and the statue seems to be missing um... what's the right term, it's main snarling attraction." Peppermint Bliss stated with a careful tone probably because most ponies didn't know how Twilight differed from Celestia when it came to situations.

"Ugh... your right Chrysalis has been re-" Twilight stopped as the throne room doors flew open and Rarity trotted in with a raised eyebrow and a suitcase. Oh no, I'd hoped I could explain all this to the girls at the next friendship meeting, Twilight mentally lamented.

Rarity approached and wound up standing next to Peppermint before she said "Get out darling I need to speak with her royal craziness."

"But-but I'm not done yet..." Pepperment said towards Twilight's disgruntled unicorn friend.

"I said get out!" Rarity stated with huff and an unamused glare at Peppermint which got the Canterlot noble to back away from Rarity with her tail tucked sadly between her legs in fear.

After Peppermint left and closed the palace doors behind her Spike asked "What's wrong Rarity?"

Rarity took a deep breath and let it out slowly before she replied, "Spiky-wikey please tell me Twilight's not doing any illegal drugs." Rarity asked in a calm casual tone much to Twilight's shock.

"What, why would you ask that!?" Twilight retorted in her defense as Rarity rolled her eyes and slowly held up today's newspaper in her magic. Twilight squinted her eyes and read the headline before she let out another sigh, of course that would be in the newspaper, I better expect another one for Chrysalis tomorrow morning too.

"Okay... look I can explain that." Twilight said pinching her nose with her hooves.

Rarity closed some distance between them as she made her way in front of the base of Twilight's throne and said "Oh please do darling." with a decent amount of sass in her tone.

"I had to threaten them otherwise the citizens would have destroyed the statue and killed Chrysalis, Cozy, and Tirek." Twilight explained.

Rarity rolled her eyes, "Twilight I agree with stopping them from destroying the statue but I've heard you've released Chrysalis, I mean my word Twilight are you trying to start Armageddon? Honestly sometimes I think you're part Discord or something."

Twilight had been aware of the outlook most ponies would have on her decision to release Chrysalis, heck even her friends were bound to criticize the decision she'd made on the fly, especially after the Battle for the Bell but this had to happen otherwise she was no better than her enemies for letting Chrysalis suffer in perpetual agony.

"Rarity Chrysalis was severely injured in the riot, she needs at least a couple of months to recover." Twilight explained somberly.

Rarity seemed taken aback as the glare she'd been giving Twilight diminished over the situation. "What do you mean she was injured?"

"Her shoulder was fractured in several places and she can't even use one of her front hooves for anything until it heals." Twilight answered as she recalling the surgery she'd witnessed in the palace earlier this morning.

Rarity's eyes widened, "Oh my... that's horrible even for her."

Twilight nodded in agreement and was happy to see that Rarity was with her on this, "I plan on letting her heal before taking any further actions about her imprisonment afterall turning her to stone in the state she's in would be just as cruel as she is."

Rarity took that all in for a minute before she yielded completely on the subject, "We'll um... I'll be in town if yo-" Rarity about to finish but was cut off as a portal appeared behind her with Discord's long mismatched body fling out into the throne room. You know for once I'm actually glad to see him, Twilight thought hoping he'd taken care of the Evil lair's destruction.

"Discord you're back did you get what we talked about yesterday." Twilight asked in joy as the draconiques pulled out a small brown sack and flew above her. Twilight didn't get to see much after that because the bag he emptied was much fuller than it looked with books and contraptions raining down all over her. Twilight used her hooves to move some of the treasure trove away as she broke the surface of her new mound of odd doohickeys and glanced around to see artifacts and books covering her throne area. Glancing down Twilight saw that Rarity was staring up at her with her mouth open in shock as Discord looked around the room before he landed right next to the stunned fashionista. Twilight was about to ask him what some of the devices around her did but before she could a muffled grunt right next to her caught her attention.

Oh right I keep forgetting about Spike, Twilight thought as she levitated some of the books and other doohickeys off of her green friend before he flew out of the pile and hovered above her.

"Wow and I thought Dragons horded stuff." Spike stated in bewilderment as he gazed down at Twilight who was sitting with glee in her new throne of relics.

"Oh my goodness, Twilight what is all this?" Rarity asked as she picked up a dusty book from the pile with her magic and opened it up to glance at some of the writing. However Discord quickly teleported the item away from Rarity and stated, "Let's leave the worlds destruction to the princess shall we."

Rarity huffed and gave Discord a glare that would have killed a normal pony then she turned to Twilight and asked, "Destruction, what does that mean and where did all this come from Twilight?"

"It's all of Grogar's stuff Discords been collecting behind our backs." Twilight answered as she picked apart some of the pile and started sorting all of her new books. I have to read at least two of these before bed.

"About that... it may not be all of it." Discord said sheepishly while rubbing the back of his mane.

"Wait there's more?" Twilight asked in amazement, how much did he horde!?

"Well you see when I got there a book was well you know... missing." Discord answered with a shrug.

Oh no not another problem, "What do you mean a book was missing?" Twilight asked in dread.

"Well I checked the whole place through and through and it seems as if some pony really tiny was there before I was." Discord explained with his hands held apart to show the ponies tiny height.

"Wait, what do you mean a tiny pony?" Twilight asked.

"I spotted some small tracks leaving the area and going into the forest that's all I know." Discord said waving his claws in his defense.

"I don't know what this is all about but it sounds bad." Rarity said as she started dusting some of the pile's books and put them in a nice little stack for Twilight.

A tiny pony, Twilight wondered. If it was a foal then why take a book from an evil lair most foals didn't want to read books if they didn't have too? the only foal Twilight knew of that had been at the evil lair had been Cozy Glow and she had wings so it didn't make much sense for her to walk out of the lair and besides she didn't have a book with her when she'd been trying to take over Equestria. Hmmm... maybe she'd hid it somewhere to keep it safe but that didn't explain why? Cozy was an Alicorn before she'd left surely she didn't need an old book from an evil lair...

A fearful thought entered Twilight's mind as she remembered these were Grogar's books, "Discord what was the missing book about?"

Discord seemed to get even slightly more nervous before he answered, "Oh you know... how to create evil creatures and all that."

"Oh no.", Twilight whispered, that would explain the Mimic... but what kind of a pony would willingly summon one?

As if on cue with her thoughts the palace doors swung open with Luna entering the throne room, behind her Twilight could see Peppermint huff and stomped a hoof on the floor as Luna pulled the doors closed in peppermint's face.

"Discord? Rarity?" Luna asked with a raised eyebrow in wonder as she came to stand on the other side of Rarity.

"Oh hello darling" Rarity said giving the former princess a small curtsy.

Discord just acknowledged her as he normally would "Well isn't this just convenient, I thought you wanted to get away from the palace moonbutt." Discord stated with an eye roll. Luna matched his eyeroll as she ignored him and focused her blue piercing eyes on Twilight's pile.

"What's all this?" Luna asked pointing a hoof towards the covered throne.

Twilight looked around herself taking in all the horde before she answered with, "Oh this? It's just some stuff Discord got me."

"Not like I had much choice you're worship." Discord whispered just loud enough for Twilight to hear him.

Yep I'm gonna ignore him and pretend that he was happy to help, "Sooooooooo... Luna what brings you back so soon, have you had any luck with the mhh-mhh?" Twilight asked hoping to change the subject away from the horde she'd just gotten, Please say yes I need some good news.

"I have, and it appears things may not be as bad as we originally thought." Luna answered much to the surprise and curiosity of Rarity.

Twilight watched as Rarity tried to decipher what was being unsaid between the two before she gave up and asked, "What Business?" Luna glanced at the white unicorn mare next to her and then back up at Twilight.

Twilight got the unasked Question Luna was meaning, and answered, "It's okay Luna Rarity might be able to help with finding it and I'm pretty sure Discord's already figured it out."

"Wait what can I help find?" Rarity asked getting more invested as she usually did when a secret was revealed to her.

Luna turned to face Rarity and Discord as she explained to the two, "I've learned that a creatures that can conceal itself in a different form has been unleashed on Equestria and despite it's frail appearance it can inflict a great amount of damage upon those that encounter it."

Rarity looked fearfully between Twilight and Luna before Spike landed in front of her and explained, "Don't worry I'm sure we'll find out whatever it is before anypony gets hurt."

"Actually I've already learned exactly what it's mimicking and where it could possibly be." Luna stated with a smile, catching everypony's attention.

"Really what is it?" Twilight asked, this is great we can locate this thing before anypony runs into it then we can destroy it and I can go back to just having two major problems. Twilight felt like cheering, now all she would have to do is rule Equestria and see to the villains.

"Well it's actually a mimic of Cozy Glow." Luna stated before everypony in the entire room shouted in unision, "What!?"

"It's true from what I learned in the dream realm it appears Cozy hated something about herself so much that she sealed it away in a mimic to get rid of it, and if I'm right she just left it at Discord's evil lair before she tried to take over Equestria with Chrysalis and Tirek." Luna explained.

"Wait you mean there's another Cozy Glow running around!?" Spike shouted in fear as Rarity let out an, "Ugh." before she fainted and fell on her back behind Luna.

Twilight sat in shock and racked her brain as she tried to figure out what to do, she had to act fast before the situation got out of hoof. A Clone of Cozy Glow that was full of Dark Magic!? oh Celestia this was bad I have to find this thing quick.

"Nopony panic I need to contact Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Applejack so we can all make this an organized effort." Twilight stated with worry as she pranced in place to work out some of her anxiety.

Luna held her hoof up getting Twilight's attention, "Wait that might not actually be necessary."

"What do you mean not necessary? This is bad she could be scheming right now." Twilight stated, for all I know she's on her way here for round two.

"I just want everypony to know none of this chaos is me." Discord stated as he took a step away from the situation.

"Oh don't even get me started with you, none of this would be happening if you'd just-" Twilight didn't finish shouting at the chaos lord as Luna cut her off with, "Please just let me explain... sigh* this new Cozy wherever she is, she seems... and I can't believe I'm saying this but she seems like a completely different pony from the one that attacked Canterlot."

Twilight stopped as Luna's words sunk in, Not like Cozy Glow... "Wait wait wait Luna you said Cozy got rid of apart of herself right? How is that even possible?" Twilight asked hoping Luna was somehow wrong.

"I'm not sure but the mimic actually talked to me and when I struck it with a blast of my magic in the dream realm it didn't attack back, it didn't lash out or anything and even more interesting is it actually was the mimic's dream I was in, that's why it had so much dark energy around it." Luna explained.

Twilight was taken aback, that didn't sound dangerous at all in fact if what Luna was saying was true this new Cozy Glow seemed more submissive than anything. But... wait that actually does make sense if Cozy got rid of a part of herself that might explain why she had been so murderess in their last battle.

Twilight slouched down on her new book and relic throne as she thought about all the ways this scenario could play out, on the one hoof even if the Clone was peaceful they still couldn't take the chance of it getting away and turning bad later, not with that much dark magic coursing through it's veins but on the other hoof what if the creature was just pretending to be gentle like the real Cozy Glow and was secretly just a rabid monster in disguise.

Twilight took a deep breath and let it out before she asked, "Luna I trust your judgement do you think this creature can be contained peacefully or not?"

"I think we can capture it if that's what you want to do, Celestia's still out looking right now and I know it's not been flying otherwise Celestia and I would have seen it by now. I believe the creature's been on hoof to keep a low profile and I also believe I know which road the creature's been traveling on. It's a road that leads from near Discord's Evil lair to well... Ponyville."

A chill ran down Twilight's spine as she heard the name of her friend's hometown, "What do you think we should do?" Twilight asked wanting to know what actions would be the best in this scenario.

"I think you should dispatch guards to search Ponyville and the roads leading out of it until we have the mimic in custody." Luna stated with a side ways glance as she saw Spike waving one of his wings over Rarity's unconscious body as the mare lay on the marble floor of the throne room with a twitching backhoof.

Find and capture, That sounded like a sound strategy to Twilight, "Spike cancel my hearing's for today I'm taking a quick trip back to Ponyville."

Twilight leapt from her mound and trotted up to Discord, " And Discord I want you to search the roads leading out of town for the creature."

"Ugh I just did something for you your highness, this better not be an everyday thing" Discord stated before continuing, "Oh one more question before we start the crusade how exactly are we supposed to capture this little lost filly of yours hmm... oh let me guess you want me to make her into another garden Noam for easier transport right." Discord said as he grinned with a claw cupping his chin.

"Only if you have to Discord for all we know the creature will probably come with us peacefully if we corner it." Twilight stated before she moved over to stand over Rarity and told Spike, "Spike I want you to go get Flash Magnus and tell him I want Four battalions in Ponyville asap to look for Cozy's clone."

Spike saluted her and said "Got it.", then he flew out the palace's front doors to rally the troops.

Discord snapped a portal to Ponyville to life and hoped through the large portal but held it open for Twilight and Luna to follow.

Twilight turned to Luna and said, "Go with Discord I'll stay behind and make sure the guards are coming as fast as possible then I'll meet you both in Ponyville." Luna nodded and followed Discord out through the portal before it closed completely leaving Twilight alone with her very unconscious friend. Twilight shook Rarity to try and wake her up but she didn't budge so instead Twilight levitated some cold water out of her throne's fountain and dumped it on Rarity's face which caused the fashionista to jump up on her hooves with drenched blue-purple hair.

"Ugh noooo... my mane." Rarity lamented as Twilight held some of Rarity's hair out of her face so she could look at her.

"Rarity long story short I'm going to Ponyville to look for a clone of Cozy Glow." Twilight explained wanting to keep the interaction as brief as possible so she could hurry along with the search.

Before Twilight could run out of the room though Rarity asked, "Well what should I do?"

Twilight sighed she really didn't want to add Rarity to her list of worries, "Umm... I'm not sure maybe you should just stay here."

"Oh no Twilight I insist, it's bad enough we have another brat trying to stir up trouble without you forgetting to trust your friends to help you." Rarity stated in a matter of fact voice as she eyed Twilight.

Hmm... Twilight wondered what she should do, Rarity could help her but maybe it didn't have to be in a way that would put her in danger. An idea came to Twilight as she teleported a notepad and quill in front of them both.

"Alright I've learned that there's this maid named Rosie that knew Cozy from before she was evil... If you really want you could go and speak with her to find out how Cozy became evil, who knows it may actually help with possibly reforming her later." Twilight said as she jotted down the address she had found with Spike's help earlier that morning.

"So I take it you plan on releasing the other Cozy Glow to right?" Rarity asked with a raised eyebrow as Twilight ripped the note page free from the notepad and hoofed it over to Rarity with her magic.

"I'm not so sure anymore I came up with a plan for Cozy but from the sounds of things the Cozy in the statue right now might actually be worse than the mimic Cozy on the lose." Twilight answered.

"Really? but I thought-" Rarity stated before Twilight cut her off. There's no time to explain everything.

"Sorry Rarity I have to go good luck finding out what you can." Twilight said before she got up and ran out of the throne room and into the line of ponies waiting to speak with her.

"Oh um I'm sorry everpony but I don't have time to get to you today there's been an emergency." Twilight said to the gathered crowd as Peppermint shouted "ugh!!" and trotted out of the room. I should probably apologize to her later, Twilight thought as she went to leave with the group but to her surprise a guard ran in front of her and said, "You're majesty you told me to come get you at once when the prisoner-" he didn't get to finish as Twilight put her gold slippered hoof in his mouth so he didn't let out to much information to the leaving ponies.

"Ugh I don't have time for this." Twilight lamented as she ran past the hushed guard and towards Chrysalis's dungen cell.

Chrysalis stirred as she tried to form thoughts in her head. Ugh... what? Chrysalis felt something soft and warm all around her, this definitely isn't stone, she thought to herself as she dared to crack her eyes open only for her to slam them shut again when a dim light stung her eyes. Definitely not stone, Chrysalis felt something restraining her... some kind of shell held her left forehoof to her barrel. What is that? Chrysalis wondered as she tried to move and free her forehoof, then to her surprise an overwhelming pain racked her to the core which caused her to crack her eyes again and grit her fangs.

"Stop, you've been injured!" Chrysalis heard somepony shout on the other side of the room. Chrysalis tried to charge her horn but her reservoir of changeling magic had been depleted. That's right that swine stole it when she freed me, Chrysalis recalled as she remembered what had happened earlier before she had been put under.

"Wait there and don't move until I come back." Chrysalis heard whoever it was say before she heard hoofsteps leading away from her.

Where am I, Chrysalis wondered as she turned her head away from the light of the room and opened her eyes again, letting them get acquainted with the rooms glow before she did anything further. Chrysalis was staring at a grey wall, a cell Chrysalis guessed knowing the ponies of Equestria were to afraid to put her anywhere else except back in her stone prison. Wait her shoulder didn't hurt nearly as bad as it had earlier when those fools had attacked her while she had been defenseless, first thing I'm going to do when I get free is rip every ponies hooves off in this accursed city and watch them all bleed out, Chrysalis decided as she turned her head to see she was in a bed... a pink bed, Eeeewww who did they think she was Cozy Glow?

Aside from the humiliating bed she was tucked into Chrysalis saw a set of bars preventing her from freedom, well that was expected after all it's what she would have done with her prisoners, no sense in being to naïve to consider that you're prisoners may not care how much trust and good will your willing to show them before they stab you in the back. Aside from that there was a bookshelf filled with books and a toilet for her convenience, yep their not letting me out unless they have too. Chrysalis had to get out though, she had to figure out a way to regroup and find some more allies so she could enact her revenge on the ones responsible for her imprisonment.

Chrysalis moved her backhooves under the covers to check their condition, seeing that they were fine she moved her right front hoof and found it to in fine condition. So it's only one hoof... I guess I could fly out of here if I can get past the bars, Chrysalis concluded as she went to pull herself up but stopped when she heard hoof steps approach from where the guard had disappeared earlier. Chrysalis shook her head and started to sit up anyway, well that's fine I'll just drain the guard and use the magic to break out, Chrysalis decided but didn't get to move her restrained hoof more than an inch before the pain caused her to shout "Aaaghh!" in pain.

That apparently did it because the hoof steps she heard turned into a sprint as the Princess of Friendship herself appeared on the other side of the bars to her cell, ugh I think I'm going to throw up I can't deal with my most esteemed kick in the flank enemy that was Twilight Sparkle. "Wait don't move I'm coming in." Twilight said as she pulled a key out from under her gold chest piece and popped it into the bar's only door. Then with a screech it flung open and Twilight entered the cell much to Chrysalis's disdain.

"Get...out." Chrysalis managed to get out as Twilight moved closer to her, coming close enough for Chrysalis to smell her, hmm... is that fear or stress... ugh I can't tell, Chrysalis thought as she glared up at Twilight.

"Your in no condition to tell me what to do Chrysalis, believe it or not I came in here to check up on you and see how you're doing." Twilight stated down at her. Pfft.. that was rich the pampered princess wants to help me, Chrysalis decided that Twilight might be useful after all sense she didn't have the foresight to stay away from her. Chrysalis opened her mouth and was about to drain Twilight dry when the pony princess said in a cold tone, "Do it and I'll have you turned to stone right now."

Chrysalis couldn't decide if she was more infuriated that this wannabe ruler was trying to threaten her or impressed that she had the gall to come right up to her to say it. Chrysalis snapped her jaws shut in anger, she knew all to well how much pain she had been in after the riot, Chrysalis hadn't felt anything that bad since... Chrysalis pushed the thought away as she kept her eyes trained on The Princess of Friendship.

"Good I'm glad you're not making this difficult." Twilight gloated as her purple magic encircled Chrysalis and gently leaned her slowly back into bed.

"You can't move that much otherwise your shoulder may need another surgery." Twilight explained.

Another surgery... Chrysalis wondered before she glanced at her forehoof in concern, "How bad is it." she asked.

To Chrysalis Twilight took a terrifyingly long moment to respond, "Your shoulder had six fractures and if your not careful it won't be able to heal right."

Six!, Chrysalis's eyes widened, how could a rock cause that much damage? Chrysalis tore her glare off of Twilight and inspected her wound, There's no way I can fight like this, Chrysalis concluded as she deduced her situation had very little in her favor at the moment.

Twilight stayed silent as Chrysalis tried to formulate a plan of action that would both free her and keep her safe until she healed. It's not like I can get back to the forest I was in and lay low, not like this...

"What are you... going to do with me when I get better?" Chrysalis asked with her head turned away from Twilight.

"I'm going to be completely honest with you, mostly everypony besides your doctor will more than likely want me to seal you back up in stone." Twilight answered somberly.

So I don't have a choice, Chrysalis thought to herself as she went to move into a sitting position again only for Twilight to hold her down with a forehoof.

"Wait despite all of that I've decided to give you a choice." Twilight said stopping Chrysalis in her tracks.

"You can either stay in this cell and be well looked after or... sigh* if you want I'm willing to give you a second chance if you reform like the rest of your hive." Twilight explained much to Chrysalis's surprise.

Of course Twilight wanted to reform her with the magic of friendship, if Chrysalis was correct there'd probably be a song with it and a party or something, yeah been there done that. Chrysalis could stay in the cell though maybe she could find a way out once she'd had time to heal and recover.

"I'll... stay here" Chrysalis decided which got Twilight's eyes to dim slightly. Wow I bet she thought I'd learn my lesson and submit like everypony else.

"Okay Chrysalis... if you need to use the bathroom just tell the guard to come get me until I can figure out some other way." Twilight said before she indicated the book shelf behind her. "I also got you some books in case your bored, you can have the guard levitate one over to you."

Chrysalis blushed in embarrassment at the mere idea of Twilight helping her relive herself. "I think I can get to the toilet on my own... you cow."

Twilight didn't appear to get offended to Chrysalis's insult as she replied with "Don't be stupid you're going to need help otherwise you might hurt yourself."

Chrysalis's blush intensified as she realized she didn't have much choice in the matter what with her wounded body in the shape it was in. Ugh why was this happening it's like her worst nightmare multiplied and they were all attacking her at once.

Chrysalis watched with half opened eyes as Twilight moved away from her and towards the door but stopped before she left completely. "Do you want anything for your room... is everything in it alright?"

Oh Chrysalis knew what she wanted, "Actually I want a different bed... you know one that isn't pink."

Twilight seemed taken aback, "You don't like pink."

"No I can't stand pink, it's a complete waste next to red." Chrysalis answered.

"Soo.. do you want a red one?" Twilight asked.

"Royal red not cherry colored." Chrysalis confirmed before she looked from side to side of her feeling exposed despite the warm blanket. "And about five pillows." Chrysalis finished seeing Twilight raise an eyebrow.

"Do you need anything else?... What about some thing to eat?" Twilight asked.

Ugh Chrysalis hadn't had anything since Cozy made those Conquering Equestria Cupcakes she had baked them before their attack. "Just bring me something with some sugar in it." Chrysalis said feeling the last bit of fight she had left in her dissipatate.

To Chrysalis's surprise Twilight conjured up a note pad and wrote something down on it with a quill before she said, "Okay I'll have somepony bring you some cake."

"Wait don't bring me cake, that's far to much effort just bring me some tiny cup cakes." Chrysalis interjected.

Twilight seemed puzzled, "Um this is going to sound weird but what's the difference?"

What's the difference who raised this fool, Chrysalis thought to her self before she indulged the moron, "one's easier to eat you toad."

"Are you going down a list of animals to insult me with or something?" Twilight asked.

A list of animals insults, Chrysalis couldn't help it she started snickered over how her insults lined up with Twilight's assumption, though to Chrysalis's realization her shoulder started throbbing in pain when her body slightly moved with her chuckling. "Ow it hurts to laugh." Chrysalis whispered.

Twilight shook her head with a smile and closed the door to Chrysalis's cell then she locked it back in place. Chrysalis was ready to see Twilight leave the mere sight of her filled Chrysalis with anger but she still needed to know something.

"Wait how long until my shoulder heals?" Chrysalis asked.

Twilight quickly poofed the notepad away and answered her with, "Unfortunately it'll probably be about six weeks to two months before you're walking on all four hooves again."

Two months in this bed! ugh why was this happening to me. "You know I can probably heal a lot faster with my magic." Chrysalis said with a small flicker of hope that Twilight would be dum enough to fall for her death trap.

Twilight shook her head, "I'm sorry Chrysalis you're to dangerous to have any magic, you'll just have to heal the natural way."

Well at least it was worth a shot, Chrysalis supposed as she watched Twilight disappear out of her sight and a stone faced guard came back into her view outside the cell. Well it could be worse... I could still be a rock, Chrysalis thought to herself as she brought her good hoof out from under the blanket and moved it back and forth in front of her. It really is the little things Chrysalis supposed before she rested her good hoof on her chest and closed her eyes, then she drifted back off to sleep.

Author's Note:

Hello again sorry for the wait I've had a lot of school work but I'm back on track.

Like always the picture's are owned by Hasbro.:twilightsmile: