• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,022 Views, 232 Comments

Split Personality - Darravan

A Cozy Glow has made a twin with her conscience trapped inside and now it's all alone in a world that hates it.

  • ...

Birth (Edited)

Cozy was absolutely overflowing with power and oh boy did she enjoy every second of it. I know this, Cozy thought to herself. She had read so much about what magic could do for years without ever having any of that power for her own and she was betting with all of these spell books Grogar had lying around one of them just had to be able to help her. The last thing she needed was her little conscience to nag her all through her new reign. Time to fix a few things, Cozy thought as she started trotting away from her two evil friends

"Just where do you think you're going?" Cozy heard Queen bug butt say from behind her.

"What?" Cozy asked looking over her shoulder to see not only Chrysalis but Tirek looking at her departure with a raised eyebrow.

"Now's not the time to go frolicking off, we have to get ready for Grogar when he returns." Tirek stated.

Seriously!?, Cozy thought as her anger almost broke through her upset glare, I have to get away from them for this, "Um in case you didn't notice you and our dearest most bestest Queen here already had horns and I just grew one out of the top of my skull, give me a minute would ya."

Tirek put a hand to his face in annoyance and sighed, "Ugh fine just hurry otherwise Grogar may find out what we've been up to before we can deal with him."

"Speak for yourself Centaur, I could take Grogar by myself with all of this magical energy." Chrysalis stated in defiance as she marveled at her new green armor adorning her exoskeleton.

Yep that's my cue to leave, Cozy thought with an eyeroll as she departed with a scowl down the hideout's cavernous halls. ("Well um... aren't you happy now? We always wanted our own magic."), Cozy heard it whisper again in her head although at this point she was just trying to suffer through it until she could get it out somehow with her newfound magic. Come on Grogar's got to have something around here that could help me.

("You're-You're happy now right, we can leave?") Cozy heard it say again.

("Ugh Shut up, I'm definitely not leaving until I find a way to get you out of my head.") Cozy stated matter of factly to her little no good angel on her shoulder.

("What!? T-think about what you're doing. You could give us both brain damage or something.") to which Cozy replied in her head ("Actually after this there won't be an us anymore, so pipe down already.") She honestly didn't know why she had these thoughts, it's just lately they would always disturb her in the process of plotting her conquest and her Revenge, for the life of her she couldn't get it to just stop. Why? Why can't I just tone it out?

("It's because deep down you feel bad about what you've done don't you.") the voice whispered, once again trying to talk some sense into her.

("Don't you mean you feel bad? Because I feel great.") Cozy inwardly exclaimed as she envisioned her enemies crushed beneath her with her finally claiming her destiny that she was yearning for.

("Look it doesn't need to be this way, we could go anywhere we want to. We could start all over-") her voice tried to say before she mentally cut it off mid sentence, "No! This only ends one way. I didn't come this far just to give up now, and I don't need some silly background noise like you messing it all up."

("But this isn't worth it.") it whispered.

("It is to me.") Cozy stated with a determined glare as she quickly made her way to Grogar's private room, earlier she would never have tried to sneak into this particular part of their hideout thanks to the fear she had of being disintegrated by Grogar but with her new powers she wasn't actually afraid of the old goat anymore. Charging up her new horn she blasted the door off it's hinges and sent it flying to the room's rocky floor with aloud thud. Cozy smirked at the power she now had as she blew some steam off of her new horn, her new abilities really were something to marvel at oh if only her father could see her now she bet she'd scare him to death before she blew him to pieces, but all good things come to she who waits, she would take her time with him and her mother dearest when the Princess of Friendship was a pile of ashes. Entering the room Cozy checked for any dangerous pets or traps Grogar might have added to his quarters to keep them safe, but everything appeared harmless. Stupid goat could have at least left a bear trap on the floor or something, Cozy thought as her eyes darted around the room while she began her search for a way to free her psyche from her pest problem.

Cozy scanned the row of books in Grogar's private room and wow oh boy did he sure have a lot of stuff, Cozy spotted several various torture devices and ancient artifacts scattered about the area, surely something in here had to help her, she didn't want to have to steal a spell from Twilight's library, no she wanted this thing out of her head now. Cozy started scanning the books that Grogar had collected or even written himself, either way Cozy didn't know or care as she read through the books on their respective shelfs on the rocky walls. Let's see Arcane History, Runes no I know all about those, basic spells no I'd seen those even in school... wait, Cozy stopped and stared at a large black book with the title Monster Creation and Dark magic, well at least she thought the book was black there was quit a bit of dust on it.

"Ha finders keepers." Cozy said with a smirk before yanking the book off of the dusty old bookshelf and blowing some of the dust away. Suddenly Cozy started coffing as the dust billowed into the air all around her, "ugh." Cozy let out as she began leaving down the hallway in a fast trot. Gotta hurry up before Grogar gets back, Cozy thought before suddenly bumping into Chrysalis after just turning a corner. Unamused the Changeling's yellow and green eyes locked onto her and her newest little bit of reading material.

"What's that?" Chrysalis asked with a sneer as her glare found the book Cozy had taken for her own purposes, oh no Cozy thought since the last thing she needed was Chrysalis getting nosey or even worse playing parent like she was her mother or something, yeash. Seeing as Chrysalis wouldn't leave her alone until she answered her Cozy quickly came up with an excuse, "Oh this... it's just something to read until Grogar gets here, you know so I can have a few spells down to deal with Twilight and her friends." Cozy answered sweetly and put on a big happy smile for good measure. Cozy really didn't want Chrysalis to know what she was going to do if she found the right spells to get rid of her little problem, for all she knew Chrysalis might want to eat the leftovers. Cozy's smile widened at the mental image. (That would take care of things.)

("What!? No!") her conscience said pleadingly.

("Fine but don't tempt me, I might just change my mind.") Cozy said threateningly in her head.

Seeing as how Cozy's story checked out Chrysalis stepped out of her way, although she still held her look of suspicion down on her, "Well you'd better hurry before Grogar gets back, we all need to be ready to start our takeover once he's dealt with, so don't doddle otherwise you'll incur my wrath." and with that final piece of advice the former Changeling Queen stalked past the pink filly. Sure thing log talker...

("Can-can we just leave?...Please.") the voice whispered again in her head, Cozy rolled her eyes as she made her way to her room, ("Oh don't worry I will be leaving just not you.")

("B-but why? I-I'm sorry alright. I'm just so scared.") the voice pleaded desperately, wow it was annoyingly still trying to get through to her! what a die hard.

("Hmm... let me put it to you this way, you're being let go, you're services are no longer required, I'm moving in a different direction, take you're pick.") Cozy replied with a smirk, happy that the tiny voice had finally gone dormant and didn't respond, maybe this time it's given up for awhile.

Cozy entered the room she had been staying in for the past couple months, despite it being a dirty brown mess it was big and it was about the same sized room that she had been given at Twilight's school only this time it was all just hers, admittedly it didn't have much just a warm fireplace, a dresser she could only reach while flying and her bed, which to be fair had the opposite of inviting written all over it, the old blanket not exactly doing it any favors. Knowing that her time was short Cozy flew onto her bed and went about her mission as she opened the dusty thing to the table of contents, there she found that half the book was dedicated to the undead and summonings, things which Cozy decided was worth a glance despite her short timeframe, however once she turned the pages past the monsters she found what she was most interested in since the second half of the book detailed the study of nightmares and mind magic, seeing this made her quite the happy filly as she deciding to mark her discoveries as she went about her read. Reaching under her blanket she found and quickly snatched up her favorite pink highlighter from underneath the bedsheets and started applying it to the ancient text.

After about an hour of reading various spells, Cozy found a combination that could work which basically detailed that all she had to do was concentrate on her goody four hooves personality and draw it out with a mind strip transfer, unfortunately for her the unwanted part of her psyche had to go somewhere and Cozy didn't exactly have volunteers just hanging around for her convenience, that's where the other half of Cozy's research came in handy, since thanks to her not skipping the first part of the book she learned of a spell that only required you to have a large amount of powerful magic (which now being an Alicorn, Cozy obviously had) and a sample of a creature so you could make a copy of it, on the bad end she didn't exactly know how well she could replicate a filly from a monster book but at least the new creation would give Cozy somewhere to put her problem. So flying over to her drawer Cozy set out to get her scissors and cut a small length of hair that hung loosely in the back of her head, but a strand she didn't need of course particularly one that wasn't one of her curls, never would she clip her curls Celestia only knew how hard she worked on those.

Finally with her spells in order it was the moment of truth as Cozy powered up her newly acquired horn with swirling red magic spiraling all around it as she shot a beam at her now snipped lock of hair, (following every instruction to the letter) and with with that a red blinding light encapsulated the room leaving another completely unmoving Cozy Glow laying on the ground as it fadded, a lifeless filly... but not for long, Cozy thought as her attention turned to her little voice in the back of her head and gave it full center stage, all of a sudden the voice spoke up, ("Wait! Stop Please!") it wailed. seemingly unheard however by Cozy and with her horn still raised she shot her magic into the lifeless body on the floor, with a bright white flash of light leaving her head and disappearing into the lifeless double on the floor. As soon as it was all over the voice was.... gone. It was gone!, finally gone!

"Yes!" Cozy shouted with glee but soon decided to test her success just to be sure the voice was gone for good, "Well since I'm getting my Revenge I might as well make those pesky crusaders my personal servants after they tried to stop me with their friends." and she waited... and waited... and nothing came up. I'm free! I'm finally free!

Cozy jumped up and down for joy on her bed causing it to creek and then without warning Cozy heard a loud knocking at her door "Cozy Glow what are you doing in there?" Tirek said from the other side of her shut door with his shadow soon appearing out from under her doorway, shucks Cozy had been so focused on freeing herself that she didn't even hear him coming down the hallway.

"Oh it's nothing, I'm just trying out a new spell, I'll be out soon." Cozy said adding a little extra sweet to her voice.

"Make sure you do Grogar could be back any minute so hurry up and get out here." Tirek said in annoyance and then marched off down the cavernous hallway so they could prepare their trap.

Cozy was about to follow him but soon remembered something she'd almost completely forgot about, soon Cozy's narrowed eyes took notice of the filly still laying on the floor completely unmoving, Golly it looks just like me. "Well just so you know I was going to blast you to kingdom come after we parted ways but seeing as how it looks like you're already pushing up daisies I think I'll just leave you here to rot. Isn't that nice of me?" Cozy stated with an evil grin before patting her new twin on the head, it was such a shame though, Cozy could have really enjoyed her new little toy as a servant or even better as a pet of some kind, oh well, Cozy thought to herself and flew to the door. Opening it she prepared herself, the time had finally come to take over Equestria and prove to every pony that had ever doubted her that they were wrong, she flew out without a care, leaving the door open behind her.

(Several hours later)

Cozy awoke gasping for breath.

Cozy coughed hard, her lungs felt sore as if even breathing was killing her. She couldn't move much and without any fight left in her she laid there for a while to drained to move and to lost for words...

What had happened? W-where was she? Cozy tried to remember but to her horror the mere attempt at remembering sent her head into an eruption of blinding pain. "Agh!!!" Cozy yelped before curling instinctively up into a ball and grasping her aching head into her hooves. She held firm for a while longer as the pain subsided and she seemed to fade in and out of consciousness...

"Mmm..." she whispered, "mmm..."


Finally her eyes fluttered open in a daze. Although from her point of view she could tell that she was on the ground. "Ugh." Cozy let out as she pushed herself up onto her front hooves into a somewhat sitting position, however doing so was physically taxing and every part of her wanted to go crashing back down... no, Cozy thought as she forced herself up and let out one wheezing breath after the other. Glancing down Cozy found her hooves shaking and her head still in a throbbing fit from earlier. Nothing about this made any sense to her, but this was a room in the evil lair that much she could tell... though it was a lot darker for some reason... and wait this was her room wasn't it... yes it was, it was hers in all it's dullfullness. Despite the undignified welcome however it was comforting that she was in a place she actually remembered otherwise she'd be pretty terrified, what had happened? How did she wind up on the floor?

She tried to concentrate but her head just kept erupting with more pain with each new attempt she made. Finally giving up she began scanning her surroundings and she suddenly realized to her dismay that there wasn't a fire going and the cold of the room was sending chills coursing up and down her spine, hmm, that's why I'm s-so cold. moving with slow wobbles Cozy dragged herself to the fire pit and found her personal flints by the fire that she used every night, grabbing them in her shaky hooves she struck them together, but barely any sparks actually erupted out of the stones since she was so weak and she could barely strike them. Not wanting to give up and freeze until morning she mustered her strength and struck them harder, with that last effort the fire burst into life with the orange and yellow flames causing the room to warm itself.

Pulling herself back over by the bed and a good safe distance away from the fire Cozy settled back down to recuperate and took a moment to gather herself, while doing so her eyes vexed on the shimmering orange hue that danced about the room from the fire's warm dancing lights, seeing them captivated her from her place in the barren cave, though as nice as they were she felt she was still too weak to find somepony who could tell her what had happened to her...

To tired..., she thought realizing she wouldn't be awake for much longer like this. And so she set about to get comfortable until she felt better, her body urging her to resign herself back to sleep. Before doing so Cozy checked her room's entrance but couldn't make out much past the doorway, it appeared to be completely nighttime outside. Seeing no way she would have enough energy to get up off of the floor and back onto her bed Cozy pulled her blanket off so she would at least have something she could cuddle up with, but to her immediate turmoil a large black looking book came crashing down on top of her head and caused a brand new wave of pain to fill her skull, letting out a tiny croak of pain and softly rubbing her sore head Cozy officially gave up as she gingerly laid herself back down onto the floor with her blanket now draped all around her. Pulling the blanket closer until she was completely snuggled under it, Cozy's head soon found it's way onto the large black book that had hit her as she used it as a makeshift pillow before drifting silently back off to sleep.

Stirring Cozy finally awoke from her dreamless slumber, her eyes cracking slightly open only for her to immediately shut them again thanks to the bright light hitting her pupils. Instantly she pull her blanked back over her head to keep the unwanted brightness away and let out an "Ugh..." in her swaddled darkness. Minutes passed and before long she stirred with her tiny hooves moving around until she finally peeked out from under her hideaway. Once her eyes began to adjust she could just make out that Grogar's evil lair was much lighter than it had been before she had dozed off and thus it must be some sort of daytime, But where was Chrysalis and Tirek? Hadn't they woken up yet or were they just ignoring her again? Wanting to find out Cozy stirred before bringing herself into a sitting position on the floor and letting out a tired yawn.

Mustering her strength she was about to get up and investigate when suddenly she realized that the book she had used as her very own makeshift pillow last night (a very dusty book at that) had the title Monster Creation and Dark Magic embedded on it. Cozy stared at the book and wondered where it had came from... having only the foggiest of memories start to emerge from the back of her mind. Wait I've seen this haven't I, Cozy realized as Images flashed in her head of her apparently stealing the book from Grogar's room and using a new... horn!? Cozy's hoof shot up as she searched the very top of her head but found only a bedraggled mess of hair... that didn't make any sense though she remembered a horn... right.

Suddenly it hit her, the memory of casting the spell from the book! Cozy looked down at it a fear soon taking hold of her. Something about all of this was starting to scare her inside, like the book had come out of some kind of a Nightmare. Maybe I should just leave it, Cozy though and even started to get up and leave entirely but then a whole new thought hit her. she was alone, unwell, and clearly had no idea what had happened to her, if there was even the slightest chance the book could answer any of her questions then it had to be worth a quick glance. Eyeing it up she lifted a slightly shaky hoof and turned the book to it's table of contents, there she could see two of the sections were previously highlighted pink, one on monster summons and one on a mind-strip-transfer. I must've highlighted these...

Cozy skimmed through it seeing the spells were for the far too magically advanced and would remove certain parts of a creature's mind... suddenly an image of the past came to her as she remembered being ripped out of her own head and everything around her going deathly cold... Cozy pulled her hoof away from the book in terror as she realized that it hadn't been her body she'd been ripped out of and that she was just a voice... a voice in Cozy's head... a single voice of reason that had been cast aside without a single care. She didn't want to believe it but glancing down there it all was staring back at her on the page, a spell completely full of all the details of her being cast out into this new body thanks to the original Cozy Glow's spell. But-I can't have a body....

I'm nothing... I'm just that voice in her head..., Cozy thought raising her hoof in front of her face and stared at it with a newfound wonder. How? c-can this be real? Am I real?

Cozy just sat there staring at her new body, only moving when she felt a slight tingling sensation cross down her cheek. Instinctively she went up to brush it aside but instead found her hoof getting slightly wet.What?... Am I crying?... I can't cry...

This had to be some kind of a nightmare, any moment now she'd be seeing what Cozy was seeing and be trying to give her her usual good advice. Instead a growl left her tummy much to her shock. Her sore eyes glanced down at her pink form. I'm trembling, I'm scared, and I'm hungry...

Had she really been that horrible that she had to be removed? Was it her suggestions? Did she do something wrong? she was at a loss not knowing what could have been done on her part to have prevented this catastrophe from occurring.What am I going to do now, Cozy wondered. As if to answer her stomach growled even louder and she recoiled from the emptiness she felt inside.

Okay if I'm really real then the first thing I should do is find something to eat, then I um.... uh then I'll figure something out, Cozy thought to herself as she shakily stumbled up on her hooves and made her way to the open door to her room, peaking her head out she checked to make sure the coast was clear before heading down the cavernous hallway intent on just surviving this living Tarturus she was in. She knew she had to keep to herself, if her creator found her then it would all be over, although if the real her was still here then she would have most likely run into her by now, especially since she'd come from her room. Wherever she was Cozy didn't know but one thing was clear she had to be careful.

Creeping around the jagged corners and rocky hallways of the evil lair, Cozy entered what she had dubbed the Rec room where she and the others would chat and group up to plan on taking over the world, the very place she and the others had started their Better Way to be Bad song. Images of the three filled her head... all they had been through together, their trip to Mount Everhoof, the Roadtrip back to her hometown of Canterlot, and all the shenanigans they had gotten up to in this damp and dirty evil lair, Cozy quietly sighed realizing that despite how cruel they all were she would probably still miss them if she ever managed to leave this place.

Shaking the thoughts away Cozy spread her wings and leapt to try and fly up onto the table... before all of a sudden coming crashing back down onto her rear with a thump, "huh what?" ...but that... wait, Cozy thought to herself before swiftly unfolding her pink wings and checking to make sure that they were actually flapping, yep her wings seemed fine... but still nothing happened. Oh no, she couldn't fly. Cozy's adrenaline kicked in as she tried again to rise but couldn't even get off of the ground despite how much she struggled. This... this isn't happening, first all of this and now I can't even fly...

Cozy started breathing heavily and put a hoof to her chest "Calm down Cozy you can do this... you do this." Cozy wanted to scream but knew despite her rising hopelessness she had to stay quiet, if somepony was still here and she was discovered she could still wind up getting destroyed.

"I... I have to get help, I have to find somepony, maybe there's a..." Cozy whispered but stopped as realization finally hit her like a train, if she tried to go to somepony for help and they thought that she was actually the Cozy who tried to drain all of Equestria's magic she'd be in a whole new heap of trouble, especially if word got back to Headmare Twilight... the idea of her cell in Tartarus still sent a chill down her spine. On the flip side if the other Cozy had attacked Equestria already with Tirek and Chrysalis and they had somehow found a way to succeed in their Conquest then there was little chance that they'd be gentle with Cozy's unwanted new double. Either way she was alone and nopony left in the world in their right mind was going to help her...

Twilight casually trotted into Celestia's old throne room, now her throne room after her coronation. Her evening had been a mix of extravagance and exhaustion but she had already said goodbye to her friends before they left back to Ponyville, having doughnuts with them was nice though and she was still looking forward to their day to meet up once a week from now on but even still she longed to be on the train ride back home with them, that though was something she would have miss out on just like a lot of other things. She wasn't completely alone however since Spike was following close behind her through the long room covered in glass depictions of all of Equestria's fallen foes such as Nightmare Moon, Discord, Tirek, Chrysalis, the Pony of Shadows, and the Storm King, each with their defeats immortalized on the palace walls. Twilight was still amazed that so many villains had been defeated in her time with her friends. A new one of the Trio would also be added soon, Twilight knew she would have to make the arrangements herself, and of course it was really easy since the castle had been rebuilt, this time it was even a little bigger for the new depiction of the trio's defeat.

Though Twilight and Spike were not alone for long as a royal guard came in swiftly at a brisk pace to catch up with them.

"Princess Twilight" the guard said while trotting towards her all clad in his shiny gold armor.

"Yes, what is it?" Twilight replied having stopped her trot to her throne to go over the damage reports of the last attack on Canterlot,... though she had an idea on what this guard wanted to ask about and it was important to get it over and done with. Ugh, when would she get something encouraging to make a decision on.

"It's the statue your highness, you said you wanted more time to decide on what to do with it, I'm here to ask if you've come to a decision?" the guard said standing at attention. As she suspected ponies were wondering if the trio would remain in the fields they were defeated in or if they would eventually be moved. Twilight at one point in her life would have been nervous about giving orders over such a thing but after all the orders she had recently given this was becoming quite casual to her. She really didn't know what to do with Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis but something had to be done and it needed to be soon. She supposed Discord was placed in the Gardens around Canterlot for a reason and that had worked for well over a thousand years, no need to fix what isn't broken, Twilight supposed.

"Have the landscapers add it to the royal garden." she replied in an empty tone.

"At once your highness." The guard affirmed and took his leave, leaving only Spike to stay with her.

Seeing nothing hindering her now Twilight made her way to her throne and sat down, sighing she thought about all the villains had done in their terrible yet short quest for domination over Equestria, Tirek had now as of his latest attempt attacked Equestria three times, same as Chrysalis who was even offered a second chance by Starlight, and Cozy Glow seemed devoid of any remorse, Twilight clung to the idea that the shocked expression on her stone face meant nothing and that the little filly would have attacked Equestria again if she ever had the chance. Twilight was snapped out of her thoughts as Spike put his claw on Twilight's hoof, causing her to look down at him.

"What is it Twi? Don't tell me dealing with those three is getting under you're skin." Spike said his expression one of clear worry for her, Twilight thought but in the end it didn't matter, they were too dangerous to ever be released. I guess some creatures just can't embrace friendship?

"Not anymore Spike, as of now they'll be a sign of what fate awaits those who threaten Equestria." Twilight said in a somber tone.

Spike raised an eyebrow, "Will they ever be... released, I mean they seemed pretty irredeemable. I don't wanna know what'd they do if they ever got out."

Seeing Spike worry like this never made Twilight feel any better about a situation, in fact it always seemed to make her more uneasy about something. She put a comforting wing around him, "Don't worry, If they ever get released it'll be when you're big enough to squash them with your feet."

Spike chuckled and visibly relaxed now that danger didn't seem like a possibility for the foreseeable future, then he shook his head in amazement, "It still kind of ruffles my scales that Discord pulled something like this. I mean I like Discord a lot and all, I mean he's my friend but... he really went way overboard with it this time."

"Well I did make him fix most of the castle and the part of the forest that was destroyed by the Villains so I guess that's something. We really shouldn't be so surprised he did something like this at this point, he's always finding some new way to start some kind of trouble." Twilight replied trying to rationalize the situation that was Discord. If only he could have just left things alone the Trio might never have come together. In the grand scheme of things Twilight would have to set some clear boundaries with the Lord of Chaos to ensure that no more invasions ever happened...

"Do you think he actually learned his lesson this time though." Spike said breaking her train of thought.

"I sure hope so Spike or that royal garden's going to get pretty full." Twilight said laughing at the thought with Spike chuckling along with her.

Cozy hung her head low as she moved as quietly as a mouse throughout the evil lair, It was much easier now that her grogginess had faded and she had even managed to find something to eat along the way to stave off her hunger. Stopping for a moment she finished licking the frosting off of her lips from some stale cupcakes her evil twin had made before her departure, She did say they were for everypony... Now Cozy was determined to find some supplies and get ready for her big journey to get as far away from this place as she possibly could.

Tirek's old room Cozy supposed was nothing but a workout room with a bed and Chrysalis if Cozy remembered correctly was in the basement of the lair and she most certainly wasn't going down there ever again, instead she headed for the bathroom despite the danger, after all she didn't exactly know when she'd get another chance to take a bath and it seemed at the moment anyway that all the villains were gone, gotta hurry before anypony gets back. Right now all she wanted was to clean up and get a good look at herself for the first time in her now one day old life.

Entering The bathroom Cozy rationed it looked exactly how it always did with a high sink with a mirror on top plus a large bathtub in the back by the toilet, yep all the same except for Tirek's towel he'd left on the floor, with a push she slid it out of the way and then produced her best pounce as she proceeded to pull herself up onto the sink's counter since her wings were out of commission. Scrambling up on top Cozy was finally able to see herself through the mirror although she found her appearance to be just a little more shocking than she had hoped, Her hair was everywhere and her bloodshot ruby eyes stared painfully back at her through the reflection. Wow so this is me... I really do look horrible...

Cozy raised a hoof and meet her reflection halfway with their hooves meeting up in the middle, for a second it seemed like somepony was there with her. Golly... ,Cozy thought as her new reality was coming into full view for her. Was this what it was like to be real? Or could this all really just be a dream? For the first time in a while she was completely baffled, she had never read anything about something like this before and that in and of itself scared her, she had read hundreds of books in her... well her combined past life with her original but none of them had anything about cutting out a piece of your mind. Even the Mysterious Black Book was vague although her maker and her had only really just skimmed it.

Shaking her thoughts away Cozy hopped off of the counter and back onto the floor. Well bathtime, she supposed as she came over to the large bathtub in the back that had been just large enough for Tirek's much larger body-frame to bathe in. From her perspective the bathtub made her feel even smaller than she actually was given it's enormous size. Pulling herself up over the rim and landing bottom first into the large porcelain area she quickly scooted herself over and turned both of the water knobs. Halfway through watching it begin to fill the area around her up with warm water she squirted out a bit of some bubble bath and observed as the bubbles grew and surround her on all sides, the icing on the cake was when she threw in the original Cozy's plastic duck. There everything normal ponies use for a bath, She thought to herself as the water reached her shoulders, glade that there was finally something going her way for a change.

Instead of cleaning up immediately though Cozy relaxed her muscles and lowered herself up to her nose in the water as the comforting bubbly warmth enveloped and soothed her. Sitting there her light blue hair drifted all around her in the bubbles and occasionally would brushed her cheeks, before long she started blowing a few tiny bubbles of her own and thinking about her and her creator's life from before all of this, their snobby unicorn parents, their sister at Celestia's school for gifted unicorns, their time at the Orphanage, the Theater, and their depressing days wandering the lonely streets of Equestria. Well Cozy supposed she was heading back to those lonely streets by herself pretty soon, before her Alicorn Twin comes back and she's turned into something that didn't exactly resemble a little filly anymore... or even worse she could be enslaved to do the original Cozy's bidding. Only a day ago she would have been more than happy to be of use to her owner but now... now that her maker could actually hurt her... she really didn't think it was safe anymore...

Coming back to her current reality Cozy's pulled her head away from the water as she began scrubbing herself down to make this new body of hers the very cleanest it could be. Once her scrubbing was done and she was squeaky clean she pulled herself up out of the water and slid her body back over bathtub's rim before landing soaking wet on the other side. Dripping from head to tail she soon created a small puddle on the bathroom floor before grabbing a towel out from under the cabinet beneath the sink and smothering herself all over to get dry. After her towel soaked up all of the remaining water she had on her body Cozy tossed it back over the wet mess she'd made in her wake.

Whew, now she was finally ready to freshen up and get to work on this new mane she had that poofed up everywhere like a bad serving of cotton candy. Grabbing a bundle of new goldish ribbons in her mouth from her ribbon stash beneath the sink she quickly did another pounce but didn't quite make it as she hung by her front hooves over the counter. A pullup later and she was back in front of the mirror, How did Tirek do so many of those? she thought to herself before letting the ribbons in her mouth fall between her hooves on the counter. She almost started going through her usual ritual of brushing and then arranging everything into a curly ensemble before something struck her, she already looked just like her original but why go all the way with it. There's no sense in us looking exactly the same is there she supposed, so instead of her curling her hair like her makers' she decided to get a little creative and have a bit of fun with it.

First Cozy started with a soft hum as she began giving her tail a good brushing until it was into a nice cone shape, looking in the mirror at it kind of reminded her of the back of a fancy dress even. Satisfied with her hoofwork she then tied a golden ribbon at the top of it in a bow to keep it nice and orderly. After that came her actual head hair which she separated and proceeded to braid most of before she also tied it in a ribbon on the top as well as on the bottom, giving herself a nice big golden bow in the back and a little ponytail on the side. Checking herself over in the mirror's reflection she could see that her eyes were a lot less puffy and her new hair style was to her liking, it even gave her cute bowtie vibes, (Actually it also kind of reminded her of professor Applejack a bit too), no more curls and no more world domination, She concluded with satisfaction, Now all she had to do was start all over somewhere very far away.

Seeing her fresh appearance in the mirror made her feel like everything was different now, new. A tiny smile grew on her face... she felt... free.

Author's Note:

The credit for the two Cozy glow pictures goes to Pony-Bases where I found the bases I needed for them the other images are from the show which belongs to Hasbro.