• Published 12th Aug 2020
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Colonel Hooves and the Empire of Crystal - KarmaSentinal

Idol Hooves is tasked with rebuilding the Crystal Guard.

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Chapter 14: The young royals.

The princesses’ surprise visit was both a surprise, and memorable all in one because it demonstrated their near omnipotent ability to sense major shifts in the Harmonic Order. Why else would the princesses come to the Crystal Empire when Shining and Cadence had yet to even disclose their pregnancy, let alone Flurry Heart’s birth?

Their power was unquestionable, and reflecting on my time serving under their stewardship made me miss the magnificence of their presence. So, it was a great surprise to literally run into Princess Luna on my way from my assigned quarters, and promptly enlisted in escorting her highness to a ‘safe place’ from prying eyes and ringing ears.

I found the roof of the castle to meet most of these demands, and having never been up here myself found it the perfect reason to become familiar with the space.

“It could have been worse, your highness. You could have angered the little bundle of joy…”

“Are you deaf, and not show it? Her cries of anguish were shrill, and laced with a guilt no mortal should possess. That power still grips our limbs as we speak.” Princess Luna raised one of her forehooves so I could examine it, and to my observant eyes detected no visible trace of trauma.

“I fail to see any difference from today than the previous time I saw you, highness. Their health is unquestionable, and leaves little room to speculate.” I could feel a whirl of emotions mix within the princess, and as I considered retracting the statement, she spoke.

“And what of my sister’s legs, Idol? Are they not equally as flawless, and capture your breath with ease?”

I almost agreed out of habit even though I considered Celestia’s healthy appearance a Highmark of Equine beauty, you have to live with a mare to understand what was appropriate. Here I felt the need to tone down my answer would be better for my health, and her highness’s mood.

“They are as reliable as a guard’s manual, looked to and trusted.” I relaxed when a smile pulled her lips upward.

“We shall accept the compliment, but please watch your tongue dear Idol, else the compliment may be mistaken for fairer words of another kind.”

“I shall strive to watch my tongue now and later. No pony shall mistake my intent.”

“Noted, fair Colonel. Now, perhaps you could enlighten us to the events leading to the miracle down below us.”

“The foal's conception was never my prerogative, but gestation puts her…” I stopped when Luna batted a wing against my head. I looked up to see Luna’s smile was gone, but her cheeks puffed out in a way I’d seen some animals do to appear bigger- attempt to intimidate. It worked.

She saw me wilt before her power, but continued to assault me as she huffed.

“Stay thy tongue of matters retaining my niece’s bedroom! We mean to discover how an alicorn was born instead of a normal foal.”

“Ah yes.” I nodded, thankful to avoid exposing my friend’s inappropriate behavior. “We’re in the belief she was made with lots of love.”

Another smack from Luna’s wing forced me to retreat out of her range.

“We said cease! As in enough! Halt this line of topic! Refrain from further explanation! ”

“A poor choice of words..” I muttered as she tried to deliver one more swat of the wing “... we have no real idea how the young princess happened.”

The statement was untrue as little Flurry Heart contained more love than Cadence or the Crystal Heart alone, but as she grows I expect her to hold more love than both combined. I barely could stand being in the same room as the precious bundle of joy without feeling the sickening side effects of over eating. I’ve done well since the wedding to watch the amount of love I consume to casually dismiss the work to hug the foal.

I’m still trying to convince myself that is the right decision, but I've found Topaz’s enjoyment from hugging the foal contagious.

“I suppose nopony ever will, dear Idol. Let us enjoy our sister's morning sun before we depart.”

The view on the very top of the castle allowed a pony to see the entirety of the Crystal Lands while allowing a select few the privilege of seeing the sun from the point it crosses the horizon. I suggested installing one back in the Canterlot, but the idea was shot down until a proper location could be scouted. My second suggestion to use Lady Twilight’s old quarters earned me a hearty laugh and lite jab from Luna's wing this time.

Soon we’ll be dealing with a cranky newborn able to pierce the ear’s drum, and I can assume replacing the musical instrument would be a challenge.

“How is young Cersus doing these days? Is the young foal adapting to the city well?”

I looked up from the sunrise to find Luna still watching the horizon, and after briefly pondering if I heard anything at all returned to watching the sun as instructed. I answered when a commanding huff to my right informed me that in fact was a question.

“She misses her friends, and rightly so given the abruptness of our move. Shining and Cadence have been generous enough to watch her when Topaz or myself become busy.”

“That is unfortunate for little Cersus, but nice to hear of my niece and her husband’s noble nature. It seems they were practicing before their own foal could be born.”

“Possible, your highness…Luna. She really enjoyed the idea of meeting a real princess in Canterlot, and to spend an entire day with one has improved her mood these past few months.” I stopped wondering if I really wanted to announce my intention before properly speaking with Topaz…

“A break from the…”

“I’m considering enrolling Cersus into the local school.”

There was a pause that followed. A familiar pattern I should be used to given the frequency this happens, and yet, I can’t help but worry if I had said or done something that might have offended the princess to some degree. I always waited with baited breath to hear their confirmation of my actions just so I could know, and not have to worry.

“We see merit in socializing young Cersus with peers her age, but are hesitant to agree with your decision Idol. Would it not be easier, and safer for Scholar Topaz to school the foal herself?”

“We've considered resuming her lessons as before, but our responsibilities have grown considerably since our arrival, making consistent schedules troubling. Topaz’s promotion as a Department Head leaves her strained for time while my own duties require my attention during the day and night. I’m ashamed to say her learning has been neglected as a consequence.”

Luna’s response was mild, but firm as it should be given my failures as a parent, but her lenience upon certain matters could be too relaxed. Instead of delivering an appropriate level of accountability for my failures, the princess appeared lost in thought as I remained seated watching and waiting for the sun to fully breach the horizon when she began humming.

My experience with humming mostly pertained to the Night Watch, and my time spent in the company of Mothchasher helped identify certain tunes they would use to communicate amongst their order in secret. While the low pitch Luna was using was unfamiliar to me, I recognized the structure, a tune similar to one I’ve heard them use to request silence from their peers.

I remained silent anyway as I watched her highness watching the sun finally break the horizon to hover just over the barrier the Crystal Heart provided- she ceased humming.

“I’m wary, but ultimately as the parent you know best Idol. I fear what would happen should her secret become known, or who would leap at the chance.” Luna turned to face me, and I could taste the acclimation of everything bothering her. “She is a young queen after all, and ponies may resent young Cersus for it.”

“I.. a queen?” I couldn’t process what Luna was implying, and before I could move away to deny the absurdity of her claim she had already grabbed me by the shoulders.

“Do you truly not see it? Do you not remember the letter you wrote me back in Canterlot about young Cersus, or your plans of continued care for the nymph?”

I remembered of course. It was right after my confrontation with Viridian, and how I realized my own role in their lives.

“I do, but how does providing care make an exiled nymph a queen?” I hated using that word, but unfortunately there was no other substitute I could use as the understanding had finally taken root she would never return to the hive.

“If your memories are correct, and your own admittance accepted, then she is free of any imposed geas is she not?” I nodded, and she smiled. “It’s speculation of an old mare Idol, but you should ask your mate, or that Bee mare about hives without a queen.”

Without a queen, the hive is nothing. Unable to function in the most basic of tasks save for lawlessly wandering around in search of any direction that could save them from a wasted life. Everyling knew this, but what did it have to do with Cersus? Could Luna be implying she was a lost soul?

“Idol! Cease your rambunctious thoughts, and ponder the notion no further.” Luna commanded as she vigorously shook me. “It was just a suggestion, nothing more. We meant for thee to be aware of your foal’s potential, and trust us when we say there is great potential.”

“I should feel some excitement to have a princess praising my foal, but I’m more apprehensive than relieved. Maybe it’s nothing, but I can’t help worry Cersus will catch something on fire or properly rebel against the established order in the next several years?”

“Worry not of the if more so than the now. You should still consider seeking advice from your landlord and warden before working yourself up again, but I have a hunch young Cersus may surprise us in the future.”

I took the princess’s suggestion and bit my tongue, harder than I intended to do, but enough to keep me from voicing my concerns any further until Topaz had a chance to add her own input. With the sunrise over, and the possibility that young Flurry Heart decided crying was a waste of energy, we left the roof of the castle for the bedchambers below.

The young princess had indeed fallen quiet by the time Luna and myself reentered the nursery. Shining Armor and Cadence had relocated away from the crib to limit the chance of waking her up once more, but Celesita was more reluctant to move too far from the sleeping foal. I was of the latter party and moved toward them with Luna following suit, and it was only when we crossed a point along the ground did their unheard conversation become understandable.

My personal experience with unicorns remains narrowed to Shining and his sister Twilight, but neither of them have demonstrated an ability to cast silencing spells as an area of effect. To my immediate knowledge, a unicorn had to focus on an object or pony for the spell to latch onto, but that doesn’t seem to be the rule all the time…

“...happened… Oh Auntie Luna, Idol!”

“It’s good to see you again Idol, and you too sister.” Celestia’s eyes narrowed as she addressed Luna, but this was missed as the night princess offered her greeting.

“We could extend the same heartfelt love back to thee sister of mine, but we are more happy for your success niece and nephew. To produce an alicorn is an unnatural feat thought impossible without the selling of souls or enacting dark rituals. This is worthy of celebration.”

“Ah..thank you Princess?”

I didn’t even have to taste Shining Armor’s awkwardness as he proudly displayed his unease with shifting eyes and by rubbing his forelegs together. I might have felt a similar emotion, but to be praised by a princess for producing an exceptional offspring is worthy of sharing with everypony. Shining Armor, for all of his achievements, was still a shy, and humble pony, so his unease was excused in this circumstance.

Cadence appeared more horrified by the admittance of dark magics than the actual praise. She’s the Princess of Love for a reason, and to hear life being created from anything other than love might be of a shock to those who don’t have the necessary training or Catacombs and Spider experience Shining and myself have.

In enduring fashion, Princess Luna ignored their discomfort and continued praising the pair for their contributions to Equestria until Celestia put a stop to it coughing loudly.

“We were discussing the implications of Flurry’s birth when you decided to return…” she blinked and then looked at me as if she just noticed my presence. “... Idol.”

“Princess Celestia.” I bowed by tilting my head down. “Your timing is impeccable as always.”

“Thank you, Colonel. Luna and I were planning on making a stop here for…”

“Royal matters dear Idol. Our arrival for baby Flurry was purely by chance, and nothing more.” Luna cut Celetia off, but strangely she didn’t seem annoyed by it, but pleased.

“We were asking auntie Celestia if such a birth has ever happened before, when you two showed up.” Cadence informed Luna and myself before turning to Celestia with expected eyes.

It was Luna who spoke again.

“Even before our departure, no other alicorns besides ourselves had been recorded, but that never failed to stop the persistent rumor now again over the years. Truly, we had assumed you were our sister’s own offspring kept hidden before learning the truth.”

“Really? Celestia didn’t tell me that.” Cadence turned to Celestia who had covered her face with a wing. I looked at Shining who appeared equally amused, but shrugged off his understanding of the issue.

“I’ll tell you another time Cadence, but Luna speaks the truth. Until your ascension, we didn’t know if there would be another alicorn let alone one born. But please don’t take this the wrong way Cadence, for her birth is extraordinary.”

“Paper Weight did give the young princess a clean chart of health.. She’s the acting royal physician.” I clarified for Celestia and Luna before continuing. “By your earlier encounter, we estimate her lung capacity is on par with a loudspeaker, and she might be capable of using the Royal Voice indiscriminately.”

I saw their shock and surprise before I even tasted the off flavor, but it was Cadence’s own surprise that startled me the most. Wasn’t she informed by Paper Weight or Shining Armor prior to this?

“You jest Idol! Right?” Luna shouted as she looked at me, Celestia, and Cadence in one quick motion before settling on me once more. “Your words are true, and not fiction?”

“That is correct your highness, Flurry Heart has ‘some lungs in her’ as the good doctor put it. Paper Weight suggested a strong pair of ear protection, and a vocal coach at the earliest convenience Cadence.”

“Idol wa…”

We went quiet when Flurry Heart began to stir in her crib.

“I’m going to write a letter, and I suggest you two do so as well.” Celestia shot a look toward the royal couple who in turn shared a look before shooting one back.

“Why do we need to write a letter?” Shining asked when his eyes went big with understanding “We forgot mom and dad!”

“And one other, but she’ll be here once I write that letter.”

It was in that moment I realized I too still had an unfinished letter sitting on my desk for the past several days. My forgetfulness was unbecoming of a pony in position.

When did I start referring to myself as a pony? In any case, it wasn’t a pressing matter given my need to finish the letter to the princesses…


My outburst might have been too out of character for me, since Luna and Celestia seemed most surprised by it.

Author's Note:

And We're back people! I'll be off for the next two weeks form work and to start off the vacation right, I already started on the next chapter.

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