• Published 12th Aug 2020
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Colonel Hooves and the Empire of Crystal - KarmaSentinal

Idol Hooves is tasked with rebuilding the Crystal Guard.

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Chapter 24 Part 2: A meeting decades in the making.

Thorax smiled at everypony as they walked by or approached his table where he’d greet them with his selection of free refreshments.

The disguised changeling was enjoying himself tonight and was thankful he’d volunteered the moment he learned of the opening, for the music and emotions were pleasant. He bobbed his head to the music as he continued to be awed by the display of power the Royal Family was enacting with their party, and expensive decorations.

“And none of it terrifies me!” Thorax thought.

Many of the staff, both regulars and temporary workers like himself have been nothing but friendly and hospitable to a point he considered looking for a way to join them permanently. That was only wishful thinking because the idea of working under the Princess and Prince was utterly terrifying; even though they’re a lot nicer than the Queen, he couldn't bring himself to ever live under such authority again.

He was starting to enjoy his life out of the hive despite the loneliness he often felt, but it was a small price in his eyes to enjoy the freedom of the world.

So, Thorax stood by his table smiling and even talking to some ponies that made the effort to learn more of the server watching the table until the music went silent. He and the other gathered ponies looked around curiously until the ponies by the entrance began clapping and cheering for some reason he didn’t understand. The strange music pony made an announcement that the ‘Guest of Honor' had arrived, more clapping, and then the party carried on much like it had before the pause…

“...and then Flurry began giggling so loud that she cracked the wall which got everypony scared and some even started panicking…”

…with the exception of the disguised nymph standing next to him.

Thorax had just resumed his duties when the strange queen called to him, and was happy for him! Him! A lowly deserter being recognized by royalty for simply existing made his weary hearts beat a little faster (mostly from nervousness), but nonetheless took the gesture in stride. If he were to be a little bold, he might even go above his caste, and say he enjoyed her company as he found it refreshing to chat with someling about topics that weren’t about invasions, or enslavement of ponykind.

So, Thorax stood greeting guests as the little nymph continued on about her foalsitting adventures which surprised the ling for he never considered ponies to share the changeling custom of leaving their young with another to raise.

“She was disciplined for her needless destruction of property?” Thorax asked during the lull in beverage seeking ponies, and was more startled when she shook her head no.

“Na. They never really do anything like that since she's the princess and all. If anything, I’m the one that would get in trouble first since I’m supposed to be ‘setting the example’, but they don’t really act on it.”

Thorax had to bite his lip to keep from speaking, and once he made sure nopony was watching or approaching his table spread, quickly made himself a drink of this fascinating drink called ‘Jungle Juice’. He offered the nymph a cup, but when he was unable to answer what was in the drink decided a glass of water would be the better choice.

“Excuse myself, Cersus…”

“Redshock. We’re in public.” She quickly corrected him, and didn’t notice him flinch.

“Lady Redshock, I find it...difficult. Difficult that you’ll be punished and not the one causing the disruption. Back home, no young is spared from punishment if it's justified. To excuse one from rightful punishment creates a weakness that will only endanger everypony else.” Thorax recited having grown up hearing it all his life, and perhaps one of the only sayings he found true if how the foals at the toy store acted suggested anything.

Thorax watched his little companion try buzzing her wings, but stopped after two quick flaps before dropping onto her flanks in a posture the ling assumed was her pouting.

“How strange, but very pony.” he thought, noting how this strange proto queen continually acted nothing like a normal nymph.

She flapped her wings once more for no purpose then to flap them, like an act of defiance for some hidden rule or…

“You’re like Idol and mom, but more Idol than anypony.” Thorax couldn’t breathe as he almost choked on his drink. Cersus continued either ignoring the choking changeling or didn’t notice. “Idol believes a solid foundation is important not only for the development of young nymphs, but more so for the progression of society. He compares it to our old home, but I'm not a builder so I don’t follow.”

“Idol? MOM!?” Thorax managed to wheeze out, finally understanding that of course she had to have come from somewhere, and suddenly found himself very exposed next to the refreshment table.

His little companion only nodded more enthusiastically when he brought them up again, enough to let her fangs slip from behind her lips.

“YEA! They've been my permanent guardians since I came to Canterlot years ago. The Crystal Empire is really neat, and stuff…” Thorax noticed the disguised nymph’s ears pinning back in another pony mannerism he found odd. “I miss my friends a lot, but Idol says he wouldn’t mind working on a way for me to see them.”

Thorax's attention was fully on the disguised nymph now as a plethora of concerns and questions began swarming his mind. The nymph had divulged she’d migrated to the Crystal Empire recently before, but to hear from Canterlot made him very nervous at its implication.

“Did the Queen invade Canterlot for their hive? For her?” He thought as the nymph was beckoned by a pony couple who recognized her from the paper he overheard them say.

Thorax watched the two ponies as they asked their questions until the answers became short phrases or single word responses before the couple finally left satisfied. Happy to be rid of the ponies; like nothing had happened, Cersus resumed talking about her life in Canterlot.

A strange sensation to hear the perspective of a nymph living in the Pony Capital before the attack; he listened as she spun her tales of mischief with pony foals as if they weren’t food or tools to be used later. Yet, the more she spun her tales with a simple foalhood nativity to them, one question caught his attention enough he felt the need to interrupt the nymph.

“Do your caretakers…”

“Permanent Guardians.” Cersus corrected, making the already nervous ling flinch at the attention.

“Permanent Guardians, right...uh.. do they know of your, hmm, condition?”

“Condition? OH! Yep. Topaz and I even came up with this wing, and hoof thing to tell me if I messed up the colors , but sometimes she jokes saying I should just paint them on. Idol sometimes makes these embarrassing jokes that always getting on mom’s nerves for some reason or another, but she loves him all the same.”

‘Love?’ He asked himself, more confused than before.

Thorax’s original concern for the young queen was her closeness to the pony foals, but that changed when Cersus admitted to her crippling disability, and recollections on how she dealt with it over the years. This worry was only exacerbated after hearing about her ‘loving guardians’, eliciting an entire other cave of mites to deal with.

“Love?” The ling asked himself, but Cersus perked up having heard the question and nodded.

“When you’re the foalsitter for the Princess of Food, and Snacks, you learn a few things about preparing food. She would tell me stories about my guardians before they let me stay with them. Like there was this one time at the palace when Auntie Celestia tried tricking Idol into taking a promotion by having him sign some paperwork for her… he ended up having Luna sign for it, and she became a Corporal, supposedly having to go somewhere that doesn’t exist, but it conflicts with her Royal Duties…”

Thorax nodded along as he meekly scanned the party once more trying to make sure nopony was listening when he spotted an unusually well dressed unicorn approaching his table, and by how he carried himself the ling knew this stallion was above the rest. He fought the urge to gulp as a rising trepidation crawled along his back, and up his spine in an attempt to make the ling cower before his superior. An action he hadn’t done since leaving the hive for the pony lands of the north, and had only ever done when the hive guards would make their way down into the excavation tunnels, and even those visits were rare.

Thorax had barely opened his mouth to greet the approaching pony to keep up his disguise when the nymph next to him cried out toward the pony.

“Hey Idol! This is Crystal Hoof from the toy store!” The pony turned to the disguised nymph who was pointing at him. Looking from the nymph, Thorax found the well dressed pony looking him up and down before extending his hoof.

“Idol Hooves. I do indeed recognize you from the store, but never learned your name until now. Redshock speaks often about your store, and fellow co-workers- your store is a gathering place of joy and love.”

‘There was that word again.’ Thorax thought as his hoof made contact with this mysterious creature known as Idol, and as he brought the offered appendage back something clicked.

“Idol? Are you her father?” He asked, almost biting his lip in punishment for drawing more attention to himself. The pony’s head retracted in a manner one would do in shock or smelling something bad, but did nothing else.

“That I am. Though we’re not of blood, she is under my guidance all the same. I hope she isn’t distracting you too badly?” The pony asked as he eyed the disguised nymph…

‘Her colors are different!’ He noted with a renewed sense of dread.

He looked at the pony wondering if he too was a changeling or a pony tricked into raising the heir apparent? That thought alone made his earlier fear of the strange pony return with an impact greater than the love magic that flung him out of Canterlot, and this time took a step back. The concern didn’t go unnoticed either.

“Are you feeling well Crystal Hoof, you seem anxious.”

‘I can’t read his emotions!’

Now Thorax was feeling terrified. The pony before him had to be a changeling from the Soldier Caste given his cold and assumed demeanor, and ‘joining’ the pony equivalent made perfect sense. As the all but confirmed changeling stood watching him, Thorax couldn’t help but recoil with terror as his time in the hive started to surface yet again- the urge to cower and raise his head fin was beginning to consume his instincts.

“I..I.. yes! I thought of her guard escort during the Sto…” He snapped his mouth shut quickly in case he revealed too much, but fortune deemed him safe for the moment.

“Ah. You speak of Unstoppable Force. A fine guard that my charge strongly adores, as he is foal-less to my knowledge with no current romantic attachments at the present.”

“WOOOOW. Good job making Force sound like a loser.” Both turned to ‘Redshock’ at her statement, and Thorax used the opening to breathe.

“That was never my intention, Redshock, for I do enjoy the stallion’s work ethic and sense of duty. He reminds me a lot of Luna.”

And once more Thorax nearly choked to death at the casual use of a pony ruler’s name.

“He’s really sweet, and always saying mysterious things like those ponies in my Daring Do books, but every time I ask him about the prophecy he just points to the sky and laughs!”

“It sounds like Unstoppable has a fondness for spitting words…”

“STOP! STOP! Don’t even finish that! It’s embarrassing!”

For all of his trepidations, watching a proto queen and possible changeling soldier casually discussing the mental development of another (possible) changeling soldier made Thorax unsure if he should even be afraid at all. He had to stop and think for a single second to realize what he was saying.

‘OF COURSE I SHOULD BE AFRAID!’ Thorax internally screamed.

He shifted his gaze to the crowd and frowned when he noticed ponies appeared to be avoiding the table ever since the pony known as Idol Hooves appeared. Whoever this ling was, he must have spent many months playing the part well if he’d worked himself up to be so feared. Yet, if these ponies feared his power as a pony, then what was a changeling deserter like himself supposed to feel?

“Mr. Hoof. I’m sorry for keeping you from your duties for so long, but thank you for looking after Redshock. It’s refreshing to see such kindness.”

“I..it's..not a problem Mr. Hooves?” Thorax asked unsure how to address the stallion before taking his offered hoof.

“ARRGGGGHHH” Cersus cried before running under the table only to appear on the other side next to Idol before bolting into the crowd.

Thorax and Idol watched until they were sure the filly wasn’t coming back before turning to each other with different looks- one unflinching, the other nearly crumbling like a wet paper house. Idol spoke, and Thorax nearly fainted.

“I know what you are, but only sense Redshock and yourself.” His eyes narrowed. “The hive is quiet on your mind, yet I still smell it upon you.”


“This is your only warning Crystal Hoof, for if I should discover your treachery there will be grave consequences. Goodbye.”

What should have been a relief seeing the disguised soldier walking away only left Thorax feeling worse than seeing the ponies fleeing in the streets during the attack, for unlike those helpless ponies, this one could fight back. Idol, as he was introduced, knew about him, and in a truly terrifying display of his power could even sense he wasn’t a part of a hive anymore. No changeling save the Queen ever knew if a changeling was part of the hive, and this lone soldier could without assistance.

He was not only powerful, but well connected if he could casually mention a ruler of ponies as one walked. Thorax was thankful no other ponies came to the table for the rest of the night as the party seemed to be reaching its end, for the pony on the speaker had gone around passing out slices of cake to each guest. He looked down at the table to find he had been given a slice of cake wrapped in the pony product called foil with a clean fork laying next to it. When had the pony stopped by? He couldn’t recall ever seeing the yellow stallion, but hoped to never see the scary soldier ever again.

No creature should hold that kind of power, yet here was a soldier, and proto queen from an unknown hive intermingling with ponies without too much concern. Either by arrogance, or assurance, these strange changelings left Thorax unsure what to do for now they knew about him, yet didn’t outright kill him, or force him to join their hive as a ling expected. He was still free for now, if under the watchful eyes of this strange hive, and that was good enough. Thorax had grown to like the Crystal Empire and would prefer to not be exiled again.

So, the tired changeling had a lot to think about for the foreseeable future, but of everything that had happened tonight he was certain he would never take another job at the castle ever again.

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