• Published 12th Aug 2020
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Colonel Hooves and the Empire of Crystal - KarmaSentinal

Idol Hooves is tasked with rebuilding the Crystal Guard.

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Chapter 28 Part 1: When Harmony gifts you a broken heart...

“I believe I just found the culprit.. right here.”

Following the hoof of Mr. Print led me discovering the area in question to be severely lacking any noticeable answers, but the unicorn came highly recommended by Luna, so I would trust his expertise. All it took to finally send my long overdue letter to Luna was the discovery of an unnaturally discomforting room, yet my description had stoked her highness’s curiosity enough to say she corresponds enough with a pony that could be of some help.

His arrival was greatly appreciated for how short of a notice it had been, but also upon learning of his proximity to their highnesses- Colleague of Luna, partial Student of Celetsia. Still, for all of his achievements (what had been disclosed to myself), the stallion appeared overwhelmed by the Grand City more or less the same way I’d been with Canterlot many years before.

“I would agree with your assessment if I knew what I was looking at.”

“That’s the thing, I don’t see anything on this wall. The castle in the Everfree Forest, even in its decayed state still had the faintest traces of runework along its base, near the stone floor. Luna informed me this was an early form of enchantment used in various applications, but notably simple lighting. Do you know when this castle was built?”

“Your guess would be as good as mine Mr. Print. I immigrated here with my family only two years prior, making my knowledge of the Empire limiting, and nowhere in that time had the age of its construction been brought up. The one thing I can assure you is the Crystal Legends suggest the Castle has been around for a good many centuries, with one legend making the claim its origins dating pre-founding of Equestria.”

The parchment colored stallion looked up from the floor base with eyes that spoke of a pony currently away for that brief moment, yet the vacancy was quickly filled. A flash of blue flared behind his eyes in a similar way we changelings would to alert another of our origin before returning to their normal brown selves, and with two blinks the stallion appeared to have regained his senses. I didn’t feel the need to be too critical of his oddities, and that stemmed only from his connection to her highness Luna, and with some restraint kept my questions unspoken.

“What did you…sorry, your lordship? I was just thinking about the.. Uh.. could it be possible that the Crystal Castle predates the creation of rune work itself?” I stood back to allow the stallion a chance to stand, and myself the ability to ponder this question.

“During my service to Equestria, and now The Empire, I’ve come to learn a great many things are a possibility in this world. Harmony and Order work in a way many ponies like ourselves can not fathom without extensive study, or a considerable investment of resources. In short, the Crystal Castle could very well predate the creation of rune working as it’s said the Castle stood prior to the late Crystal Princess Amore.”

“There’s another princess? I thought there were only three in Equestria?”

For the sake of Princess Luna’s honor, I agreed there would be no questioning nor prying into the stallion’s private life as the individual guarded himself better than most changelings. Yet, Lapis Print made it difficult to uphold my agreement because of his inability to control his fears, and the near desperation he so casually emitted already betrayed himself carrying a possible secret. Still, I held my tongue out of respect for the night princess in favor of answering his questions, as her existence is still relatively unknown outside of Equestria, and deserved more notoriety.

“Indeed. The late Princess Amore ruled The Empire since her ascension a great many centuries ago until her unfortunate regicide at the hooves the Mad King Sombra. I will spare you the details unless you wish to know them, but it was this stallion their Highnesses Cadence and Shining Armor fought during the first months of the Empire’s return-they’re also the current rulers.”

“No. No. That won’t be necessary. History isn’t really my expertise more than it is a simple curiosity at this point in my life, though I appreciate the offer. I’m more of an engineer in my spare time working in my lab when I’m not trying to fix everything back in Ponyville. You’ll be amazed how often something needs fixing in a small time like that.”

“I’m afraid that I might have that understanding already, Lapis Print. During my early years of service in Canterlot, I was fortunate enough to watch the young Element of Magic, Twilight Sparkle, so I’m more aware of the unintended mischief she often stumbled upon. The one time I did visit Ponyville was also the last for reasons I don’t want to reveal, but the pink one is a big factor.”

“You mean Pinkie Pie?” He asked unsurely while trying to appear he wasn't looking around the room as a sudden chill gripped us. I nodded.

“That mare holds domain over Chaos itself to appear so suddenly…” I stopped as I swore there was a mareish giggling coming from within the room.

My companion either noticed my distress, or had heard the mysterious laughter as well, for he was already fidgeting in place, trying not to make it obvious he was looking at the door. Seeing a valid reason to leave the strange feeling room, I motioned for us to leave so we could continue discussing some of the finer details- the strange stallion agreed eagerly.

We wasted no time after that, and proceeded down the sparsely visited wing of the castle, greeting the sole guard that patrols the area until the next shift change. Lapis Print still didn’t appear at ease, though his overall mood did seem more relaxed leaving me to assume the unicorn is just overwhelmed by the Crystal Empire. I didn’t comment on this, but kept it noted as we continued our slow walk toward the main hall where I would lead him back to the sixth floor.

Feeling our previous conversation was best left buried for good, I broached the subject of fixing the supposed runic scripture for the room. Lapis Print shrugged.

“Honestly, I’m still new to the process myself even with Luna helping me whenever she can. I couldn’t have done it without Luna, or my friend's help, so they deserve the credit more than I do.”

“You do yourself a great disservice Lapis, for her highness doesn’t waste her time with any pony. For the princess, especially Luna, to take an interest enough to tutor you speaks volumes of your talent, even if you don’t fully trust yourself just yet. Trust me when I say the princess can be a great ally, and equally wondrous friend if you open your heart to the possibility.”

As per normal, I didn’t want to openly pry into his emotions, and could only watch his muzzle contract and flinch with the sheer volume of his feelings being experienced; his horn did faintly glow for a moment, but it quickly simmered out before I could point it out. Lapis and I continued our pace, abit much slower to allow the stallion time to process whatever it was he needed to process. Twice I nearly forgot my manners, and wanted to interject myself into his struggle only to catch myself and retreat a step to prevent this course from happening.

Thankfully Lapis Print came to terms with whatever he was struggling about, for the relief washing over him left the stallion noticeably more relaxed than he had all day.

He walked with a new sense of purpose, or discovered another reason to get out of bed much like myself these past few years, and this rejuvenation covered the stallion with an aura like confidence that was hard to ignore. When he turned to meet me, I almost looked away to avoid its brightness.

“That doesn’t sound too bad..friends in high places?” He was smiling, but it wasn’t malicious in nature. Oddly enough, I chuckled at the statement/question.

“Most ponies really enjoy that part unfortunately, and while I’m aware you’re only joking just remember the princesses are ponies like you and me. Order above, I’ve known them for over a decade, and I still struggle ignoring their status as an alicorn, so please do me a favor, and do the opposite. Luna and Celestia unfortunately don’t have many ponies they can turn to like you and I do, so treasure this opportunity to be included in their limited circle.”

“I think I’ll do just that, thank sir.”

“Idol. Idol Hooves would do just fine.” I corrected the stallion, before offering him a hoof. He blinked, looked at the hoof before reaching out with one of his own-we shook.

“It’s a strange feeling, but I can relate to them a little better now. Moving from my country took a toll on me, and if it wasn’t for a few persistent friends of mine, I might be that cranky old hermit living down the lane.”

He was joking, and I smiled loving how much of a chance had enveloped the stallion.

“Where I am today was all thanks to my friends and family not giving up on me. If it weren’t for the kindness of ponies, I likely would have perished roaming the deserts south of Equestria. Even now, their persistence inspires me to continue working on myself to become a better pony than I am now. From one displaced to another, treasure your friends- each and every one. Be the supporting rock they need just like the one they’ve been to you.”

“I…” Lapis went silent. The smile, and jokes were gone as his earlier melancholy was slowly carved into his mouth and just below his eyes; not to mention his entire body would fidget in some form starting with his ears, then his left hoof, both rear hooves, his right shoulder and then repeat the process over with some variation.

I had enough of his self pity, and that moment could have ended a lot worse looking back.

As I’ve done with Topaz on occasion, I placed my left hoof on his right shoulder to steady the poor stallion before targeting the negative emotions brewing just under his skin. He froze, eyes wide with what I’d assumed was recognition as his body went limp, nearly collapsing to the floor. That extra helping of love from the Crystal Heart yesterday helped dilute some of his anxiety, and fears, but ultimately he carried too much for me to safely remove without endangering myself.

Lapis was incoherently stammering as I side stepped him, earning a terrified look as I did, so that I positioned myself to be standing with my back toward the stairs. I noticed the lone guard had been making his return trip when he noticed both of us, and after motioning for him to come over, he did without hesitation.

“Sir?” The Crystal Pony asked, trying to keep focused on me and not the stallion on the floor.

“Lapis Print collapsed during our conversation, and I’m worried for him. Would you be willing to escort us to the Medical Wing?” This time the guard hesitated before giving a firm nod, and began trying to help up Lapis, who rightly began trying to resist his efforts.

“Trust Princess Luna.” I tried reminding him as his efforts grew more wild, “I’ve known her since her return, and was trusted in providing care during her recovery.”

Somehow, it was that statement that slowed the unicorn’s struggles enough for the guard to wrap his hooves under the shoulder, and with a little patience , managed to help him back onto his own four hooves. He still seemed shaken up by the ordeal, and kept trying to maneuver himself in a way to keep the Crystal Guard and myself in view, but couldn’t without breaking free of the guard’s grasp. Trying to make it easier, I scooted closer to the guard so I’ll be in Lapis’s constant sight.

I decided to resume speaking to give him a chance to process what must be a surprise for the foreign born unicorn, as Luna’s explanation of his arrival was vague enough for a creature to create their own assumptions. Similar to how Topaz snuck me across the Equestrian border.

“I mentioned the room during a letter, and she wrote back recommending you as a prominent figure in a mysterious area of pony magic- an artificer. That was enough for me to request your help. I would be overstepping my boundaries by publicly declaring the Night Princess a friend given my predicament; I will state she is a very trusted colleague of mine, who has helped my family and I more times than I’d wish to admit. Her opinion is very trusted, and I strive to pay that kindness back when I can.”

“Are..you..what did you do to me?” He stumbled over his words as he fought to regain control of his unstable legs, making me question whether or not I should use the Nega Drain (Cersus’s name, not mine) on ponies not constantly exposed to changelings.

“Nothing too invasive I hope. It was an ability I do sometimes for my wife after a particularly stressful day, that allows me to consume the negative emotions from a creature. Topaz generally feels better, and ‘refreshed’ to use her words, and to be up front, you permeate doubt and fear too much for a pony with good friends like yourself.”

“You ate my fears?” He asked with a restrained breath that desperately tried to hitch itself in the back of his throat. Lapis took a step back with wide eyes as he swiveled his head from the guard to myself with a look I recognized all too well from several months ago- terror.

I looked to the guard, and thank Order and Harmony he seemed to be aware of what I was, and held firm in his duties to abandon them now. With the comfort the guard would remain honor bound to his oath, I nodded a confirmation to the terrified unicorn.

“They are rather gut wrenching as my daughter would say, and is why I seldom eat them outside of emergencies. You are a stallion inflicted with doubts and fears for one reason or another I won’t even ask to clarify, but I do know if you keep looking behind yourself, sooner or later you’ll trip. A pony of your great potential should only be focused on progressing, and living your life in a way that would benefit others…”

“YOU KEEP REPEATING YOURSELF!” He took another step back while trying not to grab his head with his forehooves, but ultimately fell onto his flanks instead. “YOU AND EVERYPONY ELSE…”

Lapis Print was obviously over-stimulated from a wide factor of things (including that Nega Drain), and I wasn’t going to say anything more until the Crystal Guard broke his silence.

“Pardon my intrusion, sirs. I overstep my duties by speaking, yet I feel compelled to speak on this matter if I may?”

“You may, Private.” I nodded to the guard, and watched as he cautiously moved toward the panicked unicorn.

“The Colonel and yourself are not from the Empire, yet can understand better than most of our history.” Lapis looked up, still cautious, but willing to listen as long we kept our distance. “The citizens of this City don’t belong here no more than snow in the middle of summer; We can never return to our home from before, yet we’ve come to accept that. Ponies like the great Colonel Hooves, and the Royal Family have helped ease our plight in this strange era greatly, it remains challenging to completely forget everything lost to us. Still, we continue rising with the sun, trotting to our destination for the day, and coming back to the same bed the night before like we did years ago. You are young like myself, and have an entire life to experience, so don’t waste it fretting over the past when you could be preparing for the next adventure.”

To say Lapis and myself were speechless would be correct.

Guards like myself had generally always preferred the background to the forefront, especially when it came to the daily operations of the castle or city back in Canterlot- this carried over to the Crystal Empire as well. Even though I’m well aware of all that currently serve under my command, I can only recall interacting with a select few guards on a personal level leaving this guard’s ability to speak a stark surprise. The stallion sensed this as well, for he took a single step back trying to imitate what he’d been taught to do- disappear into the background.

Enchantments or some other form of magic in the Crystal Empire made it seemed the guards were capable of performing this strange feat, unless they were actively trying to be noticed. His sudden disappearance left Lapis and myself alone again even though we could recall the guard, it suddenly felt like he’d left some time ago…

“I wish he’d hadn’t taken off so quickly as I wanted to personally acknowledge his brilliant speech. He is right. Unless you’re incapable of going back to your country by your choice, or an external force beyond your control, you should consider the sort of life you have right now..Lapis Print?”

Lapis print was looking at the spot to my left with his mouth wide open while wearing a strange pair of glasses I didn’t know he’d been wearing. When he heard my name, he looked to me and the spot to my left prompting me to look at this empty spot with some confusion.

“You can’t see him!?”

“See who?” I asked, not sure who he was referring to.

“That..never mind Idol.” He signed while getting back on all four hooves once more. “This world surprises me so much, I sometimes feel like there’s too much for me to grasp.”

“Are you happy?”

“I’m sorry?”

“I asked, are you happy with your life, Lapis Print?”

The unicorn was searching for the words, stumbling over them until he sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

“I’m not sure anymore. Everybo…pony has been wonderful to me for little reason then to be friendly, yet I can’t..won’t allow myself to accept it. Why should they be kind to me? What did I do to garner this response other than simply existing?” The fears and doubts were back now, voiding everything I’d taken from her moments ago, but it was easier to see why they found the stallion so alluring.

‘He reminds me of Princess Luna.’ I thought, finally understanding one of her big reasons to sponsor the stallion.

“Does any creature need a reason to be nice to one another? My time living in Canterlot exposed me to a world I never knew could exist, and now my time amongst the Crystal Empire has shown me another. Ponies are unusually kind to a fault, and sometimes that gets them into trouble, so it has been beneficial to them to look after their neighbors. Regardless of how you see yourself, they see you as a part of their lives, and will treat you accordingly. Should you decide to return home, don’t scorn their kindness, but instead carry it back to your home. Plant those seeds by showing your home that same kindness back.”

Lapis Print looked to my left once more, and then to myself.

“You know, Idol.. uh, Colonel? That speech was something else, but it was a good one nonetheless. It kind of reminds me of this show I knew about back home where this guy would talk to animals about being a good per..pony. Not a bad thing by any stretch, but growing up I’d always just brush it off as a show for children with no understanding of the real world…”

His smile was less expressive now as it appeared he was fighting his emotions once again, and this time I wasn’t going to take any to avoid further provoking the stallion. So, I watched and waited for him to finish going through the whatever stages of grief he was experiencing for another moment before he sighed once more and looked to my left before turning back to me.

“This place reminds me of that show, and I’ve been wondering if I truly belong here at all.”

“Most plays often have some sort of message to tell, at least the ones back in Canterlot did. This play of your Lapis Print, I would suggest following its message of being a good neighbor. I can’t tell you what to do with your life as your goals align differently from mine, yet they may match in due time. You’ll wonder why you ever waited so long to stop and smell the crystal dandelions.”

He snorted, but not out of irritation.

“I doubt that. Lyra has told me very similar whenever I talk about going home. Bon is more understanding, but that might be because she knows how I get talking about having to stay here.”

“Sounds like you have friends concerned about you.”

“Yea…” He kicked the floor for some unknown reason. “...and that’s where it gets complicated for me. If it was just me I wouldn’t be worried about leaving anything behind, and now I worry what they would think if I just up and leave, you know? They really are good friends, and I don’t want them to worry.”

“As I said before, if they really care for you they’ll be happy as long as you're happy. There might be a little sorrow now and then, and that is to be expected; treasure your time amongst them and use those experiences to grow into a better pony.”

“Perhaps. It would be difficult to pack up my workshop and start over back home wouldn’t it?” Lapis Print cracked a smile, and even half heartedly chuckled. ”I know I need to return home eventually, but I like it here and that scares me. What if I don’t want to leave? What about my family back home?”

“I can’t speak from my own experience, but from general observation and witnessing my own companions, I can mostly say your family would want you to be happy. To live your life without sorrow, or regrets. In the end, only you can reach that decision.”

I meant every word spoken today, and with the guard from earlier suddenly appearing next to me to remind me of my schedule, I had to bid Lapis Print a farewell. Proudly, we left with a hoofshake, and a simple promise to speak again in the future should our paths align once again.

Ultimately, my consultation with Lapis Print ended roughly 2 hours in total.

We’d discussed a possible course of action, and other recommendations should the decided plan not work. I thanked the stallion for his time, and quick response with a generous tip, and all of his expenses paid for the duration of his stay in the Empire. That stallion was everything Luna said he was, and desperately tried to turn down my offer, but rescinded his hesitation after a ‘threat’ of visiting the dungeon. I would later discover that the stallion ended up donating most of the bits into several scholarships, and while investing the rest into the new field of magical application he’d been working on: artificing.

His in-depth explanation intrigued me, and left me wondering if the Crystal Empire had a similar craft once before. Nothing so far suggested that was the case, but should Lapis progress further in his craft, and hadn’t departed for his home country I offered the stallion a place here as a teacher.

Of course, he declined the offer. I tried appealing to our shared history of being two displaced ponies in a land full of ponies, but that only earned a chuckle.

I smiled.

He smiled.

After securing a promise from Lapis Print that he would take a couple days off (schedule permitting), and after putting in the work order for the requested materials, I quickly made my way back to the courtroom. Twice in a single week I’ve been requested to mediate a ruling while Cady and Shining barely had four in the past year, but alas duty required me and until my eventual expiration I was bound to serve.

Accompanying me once more was Corporal First Class Sentry.

“...great tragedy.”

“Perhaps. Perhaps not.” I replied as we reviewed the criteria for today. “What is the probability the entirety of this is false?”

“False? The odds vary greatly from highly unlikely to improbable. The Crystal Guild before Sombra’s reign were known for their honesty to a near fault, and if this newly revived iteration follows in its predecessor's hoofsteps, then we could expect the same thing.”

“What if they don’t tread the same path Flash, and why am I only now just learning of them?” I asked, and he blinked. Almost as if he’d never considered the possibility until I asked.

“I..I can’t rightly say sir. Anything I can offer would only be assumptions at this point, so with your permission I will skip the speculation? “

I nodded. “Please.”

“The Crystal Guild of old was the economic backbone of the Empire’s financial might, and was often considered its own nation given its influence, and revenue it generated. Princess Amore granted them many privileges because of this, and this led to the saying ‘a guild with a country’.”

“A guild with a country?” I repeated, not entirely sure if what I had in mind was correct.

“You have to understand they were enormous to the point several higher standing nobles started spreading that phrase as a way to weaken Princess Amore’s power and influence. That it was the Crystal Guild running the city using the good Princess as a spokesmare for them.” Flash Sentry said that last statement with literal disgust.

“In my opinion sir, it was their open disdain for her that led to Sombra’s eventual coup. By his arrival, the nobles were already looking for openings to further expand their power while limiting Princess Amore’s own. So, when this dark coated stallion comes along claiming to have a way to give them everything they ever wanted for practically nothing? Their greed won.”

By my command, we halted the discussion until we could properly keep bored ears from overhearing us, and the orange coated pegasus agreed on the condition a chronicler could attend to scribe the truth. I saw nothing wrong with the request, and countered with the possibility of recording the interview with one of the newer amethyst recorders. Even with a brief explanation of its design and purpose, the Corporal reluctantly held his answer until a future date…

“There is one additional matter you should be aware of, Colonel. As previously mentioned, this isn’t the same Crystal Guild I interacted with before. They were eradicated sir. So, please trot with caution.”

“I will keep that in mind.” I confirmed my understanding, but failed to further elaborate my own concerns brought up by this information.

For a past entity to suddenly be revived, and wait nearly two years to make their presence known to the crown doesn’t install much faith in this group. I’d sooner trust Thorax than this lot, and I expect he'll turn into a rock and hide at the first sign of danger; this Crystal Guild, regardless of their previous legacy, are an unknown with nothing to keep them in check, and that makes them a possible threat. Thorax’s motives are still a mystery, but I’ve learned enough from our first encounter during the party to gauge him well enough- he’s too nice.

Sure he might turn into a rock, but at least he would not seek to benefit from our misfortunes should the metaphorical scales tip enough into his favor. I sighed.

All of this bothered me greatly, but not as greatly as cave mites between the chitin, yet nearly enough for me to want to exercise the power given to me if it would help remove this problem quickly.

“Do you know exactly who would be representing them today Flash?” He shook his head.

“I’m afraid not, sir. They’re too secretive for my comfort. Their request for a meeting only came by letter that had been dropped off by the Crystal Heart’s pedestal. None of the night patrols heard or saw anything, and for a minute I thought they might have been friends of yours, sir.”

“No friends of mine, but can we be sure I hadn’t forgotten any over the years?” I knew what the Corporal was implying with his statement, and given the strangeness of the meeting couldn’t blame the pegasus.

“Unless they approached us with a sign, I’m afraid not. What few unicorns the Empire has can’t cast the spell needed to make a difference. It would be like asking everypony if they were who they claim to be, and taking their world for it. A great waste of effort and time.”

“Were it so easy…” I couldn’t recall where I heard the quote from, but found it appropriate.

The scheduled time came and went.

Nearly 15 minutes late, and with no word I was about to call Court over when a frantic knocking raptured upon the throne room’s doors, parting to reveal an earth mare hurrying down the carpet. Stopping only 4 trots away from the throne, she gave a remarkable salute before revealing the nature of her interruption- they arrived.

“Are you sure?” Flash Sentry asked on my behalf, and the mare gave a single nod.

“Affirmative Corporal. My lord. Their garbs are old and tattered with age, but you can still see the Guild’s emblem upon their backs.” I looked toward Flash, who said nothing as he thought about something before giving me a nod.

“I don’t like it, but we have little choice that doesn’t involve possibly shunning the once economic backbone of the Empire. A lot of the Crystal Ponies, while positive of Equestrian intervention of the past several years, would be quick to curse it should they view the crown actively targeting their institutions.”

I turned to the mare and asked what she thought of the representatives, and regretted it almost immediately. She straightened just enough to give Flash and myself her opinion before being dismissed to retrieve them. Nothing could hide my anguish as I momentarily slumped into the Crystal Throne to vent before correcting my posture as the doors suddenly opened again…

“ANNOUNCING THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CRYSTAL GUILD!” It wasn’t the mare from before, but a stallion with a booming voice much like a stallion back in Canterlot I met before. It was deep, and nearly brooding each word before hiding behind the door to allow the representatives access into the room.

The most evident observation was there was more than ponies serving in the Crystal Guild.

The two trailing behind the large representative were ponies: one crystal, one Equestrian. It was their broad leader that wasn’t a full pony. The cloak he wore was like the others: tattered and faded. Yet it did little more than to cover the large hump on his back as he stumbled forward more. His massive legs carried his long shaggy body toward the throne; upon his head wasn’t a single horn, but two with one growing out of each side of his head until it eventually curled up into the air.

Judging by his stoutness, I’d assume the strange hybrid was a stallion as he shared a similar broad muzzle like his Equestrian, and Crystal counter parts; this large snout cautiously sweep from the left to the right in what I’d assumed was to scan the room, but discovered it was his way of keeping his long bangs out of his eyes. Only when his party finally stopped at the predetermined distance did his great size become apparent, and his appearance resembled one of the few yak bulls I’ve seen before.

“Greetings. I am Colonel Idol Hooves, acting regent for their Highnesses Prince Consort Shining Armor, and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. I am afraid you have me at a disadvantage for until now I’d never known there was a Crystal Guild.” I admitted, and watched as the strange pony hybrid said nothing, yet noted how the emotion coming from him was a mixture of distrust and restrained vexation.

His massive head raised a little, yet his long bangs still covered the entirety of his face preventing me from seeing it. He spoke much how a pony his size would with a deep, almost forced voice that sounded like two stones being scraped together.

“Esteemed Colonel, it is a pleasure to finally meet the one we have heard much about during these past two years.” He bowed his head slightly to allow his horns to be pointed at me, which could be taken as a challenge if I wanted to push the issue. “Your reputation is far reaching.”

“Thank you for the kind words…” I intentionally left that statement open to allow the mysterious pony a chance to properly introduce himself, and judging by the emotions coming from Flash Sentry I might suspect he knows the Guild Representative.

“Brashford Tak is my name. I am heir of Crystal Guild, and inheritor of my father’s legacy though little remains.”

“The nobles of Canterlot only have the legacy of their ancestors…” I started, but was quickly cut off as the large hybrid stomped his hoof.

“BRASHFORD TAK IS NO NOBLE! BRASHFORD TAK WILL SOONER START FROM NOTHING THEN BE SEEN AS ONE!” He stomped his stubby, but thick hoof again, this time with a terrifying display of earth pony power that shattered the crystal tile under him.

His aggressive display didn’t bother his two companions as much, leaving me to wonder if this outburst was common for the massive hybrid pony. Flash Sentry was another matter, and appropriately responded ready to intervene if necessary, but a quick wave was enough to affirm everything was under control. Besides, Brashford’s companions appeared ready to step in as well, only heightening my suspicions of this ‘New Crystal Guild’.

Thanking Order and Harmony, my dismissal of Corporal Sentry seemed enough to soothe his ruffled fur.

“Then I apologize for my earlier statement, Brashford Tak. I mean no ill by it then to point out my only familiarity with a family legacy has been through the nobility. My upbringing had been more focused on the continued success of my tribe than myself as an individual. If you would forgive my ignorance, I would be grateful to learn more of your tribe given I’ve never seen a pony of your size, or characteristics.”

My honesty worked as the massive hybrid’s posture became less tense, and the aggression I had been sensing shifted to what I would consider an uneasiness: a mixture of acceptance, and trepidation. Brashford’s two companions also stood down seeing their master, and my subordinate not escalating the matter any further.

The hybrid said nothing at first as he regained control of his breathing while he listened to his Equestrian born companion whispering in his right ear. After another moment passed, did Brashford seem content with whatever had been discussed before giving one final loud snort to demonstrate the matter settled. Much like the Minotaurs of the Eastern Continent.

“Fair Trade speaks well enough. Says much of your speech holds truth, and no hidden clauses, so Brass Tack will accept apology on condition we proceed on the same path, deal?”

I wanted to say yes, but given merchants worked in legal contracts, I’d sooner give Thorax a position in the guard than accept the offered hoof without thought. Seeking Flash Sentry’s input proved the wiser move as the pegasus moved to my side to whisper his suggestion in my ear, and by his recommendation directed me to counter the offer with a condition of my own.

“My counselor for this meeting, Corporal First Class Sentry, advised me to accept your offer…”

“HA! Pony is wise as his Colonel…” Brashford started, but quickly changed his mood when I continued.

“...only if you accept one of my conditions as well.”

“...And what might that be, Colonel.” As predicted, his mood shifted to a state perhaps worse than his outburst only moments before. His voice was strained with every uttered word marking strange hybrid’s will to keep his anger in check: tightening of the muscles, erect posture, hooves slightly dug into the floor, clenched teeth, and focused eyes.

Unwilling to react to his obvious display, I proceeded with a bold plan to potentially earn the stallion’s trust just enough to establish a working relationship. All of this while praying for Luna’s protection I’m not making a mistake that would harm Topaz or Cersus.

“On the condition, your family would join my family for a single dinner? One where politics will not be discussed, and simply act as an introduction to base any and all future interactions.”

This time I stood up from the Crystal Throne I’ve been borrowing since the Royal Couple’s departure for nearly a month, and for reasons I can’t explain felt conflicting feelings watching the three Crystal Guild members reacting defensively. Before I would have felt appalled provoking a reaction from any creature, yet now I’m only conflicted on the matter instead of against it. Cady had joked one time I was getting too comfortable around royalty, and if I wasn’t careful might end up as one…

I’ve had no luck establishing if alicorns like Cady herself had the ability of foresight, even if all the evidence concludes their predictions are nothing short of statements derived from years of experience, the coincidences are staggeringly tilted against their claims.

So, as I thought about my best friend’s wife, and how everything seemed to push me to some purpose greater than a simple guard, Brashford Tak finally made his choice known.

“Brashford know not what pony plans, yet everything my ears have heard tell me you are not one to deceive. Therefore, I will accept this odd request on the condition I be allowed a party of 5 including myself.” There were some murmurings from his two companions, but they were quickly silenced with a sharp stomp of his hoof.

“I see nothing wrong with the request, and would I be correct to assume the condition applies to myself?”

“I see no problem.” He replied, and I might have detected some good feelings coming from him at that moment.

I nodded, and motioned to Flash Sentry.

“Corporal First Class Sentry will be one of my party, including my wife, foal, and myself. He will be permitted to bring a guest, if he desires. If not, I will find another to be the fifth member.”

“Excellent! Mother will be disappointed, but she old and cranky. Needs to leave little cave she calls home instead of brooding all the time.” His cheer was now apparent, and the ease he insults his mother alarmed me. Flash Sentry didn’t seem bothered by the giant hybrid’s words though, but found them amusing. “We leave castle on friendly hoofing now. Perhaps we can trade openly once again. Goodbye, Colonel. Goodbye, friend.”

“Goodbye as well Brass Tack. It was a nice surprise to see you yet again.” The pegasus dared to break formation, startling the two cloaked ponies behind the hybrid, but were stopped when Brashford grabbed the pegasus, and nearly crushed him with a hug.

“Mother may be old, but she will remember her favored caravan guard’s son. Until the next gathering, friend.”

“Until the next brawl, friend.”

The two companions, and myself were left watching the interaction unsure what to do, or say as the seemingly two polar opposites treated the other as a lost sibling before realizing the hybrid and his companions needed to leave. Upon my command, I allowed the pegasus to ‘escort’ the three Guild representatives to the throne room’s doors before seeing them off, and once the doors closed did I remove my flank from the throne.

Flash Sentry was already making his back when I met him halfway.

“Colonel, I feel an explanation is required.”

“Indeed it is, Corporal. You made the Crystal Guild out to be almost criminal in nature- almost sinister.”

“There is a reason for that, Idol.” He admitted while using my name meaning our conversation will be serious. “As you might have heard, my father was the Captain of their caravan guard. My mother had me around the same time as Brass Tack, naturally making us the only foals around the same age. We grew up together like brothers.”

“And you failed to mention your connection to them before, why?” I was already questioning what I truly knew about the guards under my command when he kicked the ground with a forehoof.

“Because I didn’t think they were around anymore after Sombra took over. I was already out of the empire escorting one of their caravans when he took over, and the reason it took so long to realize that was because every caravan or pony coming to the Empire was ambushed along the road. We were very fortunate that one of the wagon wheels forced us to spend a day trying to fix it, and during that time we sent one of the guards to seek help…”

“They never came back did they?” Flash nodded.

“He was a young drake we picked up only the year prior, and while his addition wasn’t seamless, we made it work. Good flier, and one of our better fighters. After the day passed with no signs of help from the Empire was our first clue something was wrong. This time we sent another two, and when they didn’t return we cut our losses and galloped back to Equestria. I joined the Equestrian Guard when we learned what happened to the Empire.”

I couldn't say more than to acknowledge his lost, but fortunate circumstances that ultimately lead him by my side.

“Why did you call him Brass Tack instead of Brashford Tak?”

“OH! It’s because that’s his pony name, Brashford Tak is his yak name. His father married his mother during a rare visit to Yakyakistan, but that’s all any creature really knows. The rumors for years after were nothing short of pure fantasy with the occasional plausible one mixed in; one claimed he won her during a bet, with another saying he dug up some rocks and fastened her together with rope and snow. She really liked that one the most because it made her sound strong.”

“Her? You mean Brashford’s mother, correct?”

“Of course. She’s a strict yak, but smart. Creatures think of Yaks acting like Brass Tak, but she was different as I mentioned. Slimmer than most of the other yak mares to the point some poor sap mistook her for a caribou, and nearly had his skull caved in when she found out. In Yak culture, to be seen as skinny means frailty and a burden in a society that needs to be strong to survive. My own father told me once she nearly threw a boulder at him because she misheard him, but he never said what it was though.”

“It sounds like you missed them.” Flash didn’t have to say anything as his frowning muzzle and the melancholy leaping off him told me everything. He looked up.

“Idol?” He asked.

This made the second time he referred to me so casually, but nonetheless, I motioned for the normally proper stallion to speak his peace.

“Proceed Flash Sentry.”

“Sir. It is improper to speak about a pony when their tails are facing us, but The Guild terrifies me in ways I can’t properly put into words. At least with the Mad King, I knew my enemy, but with them?”

“They aren’t so easily placed. To underestimate them would put not only yourself, but those you love in danger?” I added. Already understanding his confusion, and inability to properly categorize certain individuals I’ve met throughout my life.

“Exactly sir! When hearing Brass Tack speak, I wasn’t sure if I should be on alert, or be high in the sky with the clouds. I don’t like it, your lordship.”

“Then we are in agreement Corporal, but that can’t dictate our future actions because an experienced rubbed our fur the wrong way. We are professionals for a reason, and must strive to continue acting as expected of us…”

I made the move to leave the Crystal Throne, and this broke whatever mood Flash was experiencing since his training compelled him to follow my lead. I used this to my advantage to distract the frazzled stallion as we began making our way to the upper floor to retrieve Cersus and Flurry Heart for lunch, before attending my meeting with the other Crystal Advisors.

“...yet it's not inappropriate to be wary. So, for now make a note of your feelings, and be mindful of it until they can properly be placed. Is that understood?”

“Crystal, sir.” Flash said without hesitation, and unless he was learning to better hide his emotions, I couldn’t distinguish his exact mood without prying further.

“Will you be joining us for lunch, Corporal? Flurry Heart has grown used to your presence, and wouldn’t mind if you decided to have your meal with us in the private dining hall.”

After asking the question, did his emotions become clear enough for me to detect-a hint of worry mixed with pride.

“I must thank my lordship for the invite, but I wouldn’t feel comfortable enough to share a meal with royalty or other esteemed members as of yet. If permitted, I would have my meal in the dining hall with the other guards and servants?”

“Your choice is entirely your own, Flash Sentry. I only wanted to extend the offer.”

“Thank you sir for your generosity.”

“Yet, there is one thing I wanted to ask before we break for lunch, what is my schedule after my meeting with the Crystal Advisors?”

“Well sir, to my knowledge we left that time slot open in the chance the meeting required more than the allotted 2 hours. Do you want me to…”

“Don’t trouble yourself Corporal. If a matter of urgency comes up, I’ll deal with it then, but for now let us both make use of the free time. If you so wish, you may take the rest of the day off as a thank you. If not, seek out Shifting Winds or his assistant, Corporal Unstoppable Force, should you find yourself bored.”

“Thank you, sir.” He stopped to snap off a salute, and after stopping myself to return it. Our paths diverged once the stairs had been reached, and so we departed with Flash Sentry taking the stairs down and myself taking the stairs up to retrieve my charges.

As the servants cleared our dishes from the dining hall, the fillies were escorted back to our shared room(a guard placed outside of course), I made my way to the private meeting room we used the previous week. I should be the first to arrive given my close proximity to the assigned room, and it’s deemed punctual for the acting authority in the realm to not be late. With this allotted time, I tracked down a servant to request the proper refreshments even though my appetite for them was nonexistent, and quickly back tracked to my uncomfortable office to retrieve my compiled notes.

With so little written down I doubt its effectiveness, but Topaz being the educator assured me ‘some notes is better than none’. As I made the trip to the private meeting room, I was thankful for heeding Topaz’s advice as rereading some of my original points proved how much I’d forgotten over the past week.

Momentarily refreshed with these additional points, I began reformulating my argument for the upcoming meeting when I heard a voice calling out to me.

I didn’t notice any pony in the hall at first, but the commotion of hoofsteps mixed with various sounds of distress caught my ears, and as I turned to look behind me did the recognizable brown, string like strains of mane and ashen gray coat of Paper Weight hurriedly coming out of a room I’d just past. She spit out the clipboard she was carrying into her waiting hooves, where she quickly stuffed it into the pouch over her barrel- her name was embroiled onto it in red stitching.

“Good afternoon Paper Weight.”

“The pleasure is all mine Colonel! My morning might have started off stressful, but after hearing the news, I know this meeting will be wonderful.”

“And what news would that be?” I asked, genuinely curious after noting the unfiltered joy coming from the mare. She fell in step with myself as we made our way to the stairs.

“Dr. Smurtz won't be attending today’s meeting! OH CELESTIA! You couldn’t comprehend my immense joy to hear of this, for that stallion shouldn’t even be allowed near anything that requires safety protocols.”

“I can only assume how joyful you were to receive the news, but once more I’m stumped to discover why I’m last to learn of anything pertaining to The Empire.”

“Don’t worry too much about it Colonel, for that stallion doesn’t tell a soul because he fears somepony will try to interfere with his experiments, and rightly so. I only found out because one of his assistants felt it was prudent to inform us given his status as a Crystal Councilor.” Paper’s joy has not diminished at all, and only now did I wonder the extent of their ‘rivalry’.

My position as acting authority in the Crystal Empire meant my sway in all matters held great weight, and this rivalry was no different…

‘But who am I to interfere? I hardly know of their histories save for a few lines of dialogue spoken out of irritation, and spite.’ I thought as Paper Weight, spurred on by a need to vent her stress, began reciting everything the good doctor had done to stoke this rivalry.

Nothing further was said on my part as I listened to the overworked, and annoyed mare finally happy to find another willing to hear her out, even though I’m her superior. Not all of this was for harmony’s sake, but a need to further discover more of my peers, and whether or not they could continue performing their duties without compromising The Empire as a whole.

In the end, I think Prince Blueblood would be ecstatic to learn I’ve finally taken his lessons to heart, and began embracing the game of policy making.

“...and where was I when this happened?”

“You were still in the depths of your coma, Colonel. By week two, we’d already reduced the ponypower to a reasonable level despite Princess Celestia’s and Shining Armor’s request. Only Princess Luna was a firm no, with Princess Cadence standing on the divide, but the matter ultimately fell on Cadence given her Dominion over The Empire.”

Shining Armor’s decision doesn’t surprise me given the context of our relationship and what happened during their wedding. Cadence’s indecision, and Luna’s support are both a surprise and welcomed thought, but Princess Celestia’s choice did leave me baffled. The reasoning could be assumed from a string of disconnected factors, or beliefs that I might have agreed with, didn’t leave me completely immune to seeking out the curious feline if they were still around.

“By ponypower, you are talking about guard shifts correct?” I asked, and the mare just older than myself by one or three years shook her head left to right.

“Everything. Guards, Medical Staff, and maids/butlers. Princess Cadence couldn’t justify the redeployment any longer, and it was decided the less ponies near you, the better the potential recovery. I’m the one to have recommended that last part, sir.”
‘There’s that strange taste Cersus mentioned.’ I confirmed as the mare’s outer appearance conveyed a mature earth pony happy to have been recognized by the princess, yet her emotions were bland. I hadn’t been able to sample stale bread prior to this to compare the two tastes, but her emotions left much to be expected.

“Necessary. You had a better use of the allocated ponies than to wait for an aging stallion to wake up.” I threw that agreement out there hoping the mare would display any other emotion then wall paint- she didn’t.

Paper Weight’s mannerisms told me many things, but none could shake my confidence any more than watching with uneased eyes the performance next to me; all the muscle movements were perfect, yet the emotions were dull and colorless.

Hopefully, this matter can be cleared without dragging me away from my already limited time, but ultimately her uniqueness fell short on the list of concerns that needed to be addressed now.

As if the mare knew of my own feelings, her body tone shifted just enough to appear more in line with a tired mare being dragged out of bed, instead of the ‘excited’ mare that I’d seen moments before. I was already entertaining certain possibilities for this behavior when we finally left the stairs and turned onto the hall where the meeting was to be held; two guards were stationed outside as protocol demanded, and once they noticed our approach snapped their forehooves together to give off a sharp click.

“Attention!” The Crystal Guard on the right side of the door shouted, forcing both of them to click their hooves together. His large stature being a stark contrast to his brighter furred, but smaller squamate.

“At ease Gentlecolts. Corporal Force, it's been a while.” I offered the stallion my hoof, who after a second of hesitation reached out and shook my waiting hoof.”

“That it has Colonel, sir. How are the little princesses?”

“You were always one for the rules, so while the question surprises me, your concern for the fillies is commendable. Flurry Heart is a hoof full while Redshock is growing up before my very eyes- she asks about you every other day.”

It didn’t take being a changeling to see the difference in appearance and attitude, and I wouldn’t doubt if his new rank and subordinate standing beside him was the only thing that kept Unstoppable Force in sync with the Guard Protocol. This stallion did so much for Cersus, let alone Topaz, and myself above what was required, and that resilience had earned him a place within my enclosed group of trusted creatures.

“That is somewhat comforting. She has a way of breaking into her heart even when you close it off..”

“That she does.” I agreed, and not wanting to hold up our meeting, and further distract the guards with more chit chat, I offered the stallion and mare one final salute before bidding them a farewell.

“Thank you sir. You as well Head Physician Paper Weight. Allow us to open the doors.” Unstoppable then clicked his forehooves together, and as one the two ponies each grabbed their respective handles, and proceeded to pull the magically infused doors toward them.

Nothing else was said save for our unspoken thanks as we entered the private meeting room.

Unstoppable Force’s presence was a hint to who was here, and once we stepped into the room we found Shifting Winds was already in his seat on the right side. There were several seats available , but the one next to him was vacant, and was this all the motivation for Paper Weight to rush past me to claim the seat. She didn’t sit in the seat, but more likely collapsed into it while trying to keep her head up with the forehoof propping it up.

Her smile reminded me of the Threstals back in Canterlot, and I had to fight the shiver trying to run down my spine.

“I’ll just help myself..hello Sergeant.”

“Please give it a rest Paper, I’ve done my required physicals and I’m not doing anymore.”

“But Sergeant, your bloodwork is so interesting! I could tell you all about your family history, or what nutrients you might be lacking- it's not salt.”

“What’s that supposed to mean nurse?” The pegasus shifted his body so he was facing the playful mare completely amused by his reaction.

“Celestia only knows what I meant, but maybe if you were to swing by my office…”

I tuned them out after that not because of a possible romantic relationship between two associates, but solely because their own emotions were suggesting the conversation might actually be medical related. Not wanting to begin the meeting just yet, I took the opportunity to better review my upcoming arguments, I took my seat at the center of the table and began mentally going over what and how I would present my proposal. Its importance to the future of all changelings, (Cersus and myself included) rested heavily on my ability to convince the council a mutual relationship could be established for the benefit of all parties, yet with the stories of Canterlot and the aftermath trickling in through the protective barrier will make this a difficult task.

Another two minutes of inward reflection finished my preparation, and knocking my hoof on the table signaled my two compatriots our week long recess had ended.

“Thank you esteemed members of the council for your patience. I’ve been working with their highnesses in finding a solution to our missing bodies, and all I am allowed to disclose is the problem is being worked on. I’m hopeful we’ll be a council of seven by the end of the year at the earliest.”

“That is uplifting news Sir. While my duties usually don’t overlap with other members, I can understand the need for assistance. Unstoppable Force has been a big relief.”

“Medical Atlas has grown well into his role as my assistant. I’m considering propositioning their highnesses with the creation of a special title so he may ‘stretch his wings’ as the pegasi often say. If the request is granted, that pine tree might become the Crystal Empire’s leading medical professor someday.”

“Your student is a pine tree?” I asked, and the ashen mare happily nodded.

“Because he’s a pinhead, and has colors like a tree? Pine Tree. You can use that if you want Colonel.” Paper Weight stated, almost proud of her near offensive remark.

“You may keep your jokes Paper, for I’m afraid my daughter wouldn’t be able to handle the new material.” I lied. Paper Weight shrugged, and slunk back into her chair.

Shifting Winds tapped the table.

“The floor is yours Sergeant.”

“Thank you sir. If I may, I would like to apologize for my negligence leading to the cancelation of last week’s meeting. Paper Weight had informed myself that the task force Equestria sent confirmed none of Sombra’s books were jinxed. Still, my neglect could have put not only ourselves, but the Empire in jeopardy, and nothing short of my resignation could possibly amend my…”

“Shifting Winds, if you so much as drop a resignation letter on my desk, I myself will make sure you’ll be reminded of your failure for the rest until you cross that rainbow bridge. If you want resolution for your mistake, you’ll continue to serve on this council as my assistant until your lawful retirement. Is that understood?”

The whitening pegasus was only held together by his years of training, and following that discipline snapped his hooves together before giving myself a solid salute.

“Crystal, sir.”

I returned the salute, and after an awkward moment I got up to walk around the table, so I may offer the older pegasus my hoof. He seemed unsure for that following second, and reluctantly shook my offered hoof.

“We could discuss this further if you so desire, but at this very moment I need your continued assistance. Yours as well Paper Weight.” I added as the mare seemed taken back by my admittance.

“The Empire, though strong, is still teetering toward accepting Equestrian guidance. I can’t speak for their highnesses, but I can theorize their intent for the Empire would witness its rebirth in this new age. The city with a vibrant past would rather be led into a brighter future with the princesses by their side then to follow in their shadows. Will you continue lending not only myself, but the Empire your wisdom and dedication until this vision can be reached?”

“Uh..sure.” Paper Weight shrugged, and not wanting to push the issue any dropped the matter there and then.

Shifting Winds and myself turned to our fellow councilor leaning improperly on the table, still resting her head on her hoof as she stared back at us.

“I am glad for your continued support with any and all major matters concerning our Empire moving forward. Their highnesses’ duties already beckon their attention, and I’m hopeful a reinstated Crystal Council will alleviate enough of the responsibilities to insure a prosperous future.”

My two colleagues each offered their own forms of agreement before Shifting Winds and myself took our respective seats once more.

“With that matter settled, let us commence with our meeting. Sergeant Shifting Winds, would you wish to resume with your report or open the floor?”

“If I may, I would motion to open the floor for any new proposals, Colonel.” The experienced pegasus steered his gaze towards Paper Weight, who rolled her eyes before adjusting her posture to a more professional level of acceptance.

“Councilor Paper Weight- Head of Medicine and acting Head of Pony Relations has two motions she wishes to present.” Her statement was more forced than the common boredom she often spoke with, but it didn’t completely negate the legitimacy of her proposals.

With nothing to justify denying the motion, and with only the three of us being present, I motioned for the mare to proceed. She nodded. Stood up. Then made the effort to pat down her fur trying to straighten her appearance out before finally coughing into her left hoof to signal her readiness to begin.

“Thank you, Colonel. As the current Head of Medicine, and acting Head of Pony Relations, I would like to put forward a single motion derived from each field if I may?”

“You may Councillor Paper Weight.” I nodded as well for further clarification.

“Wonderful. My first motion to present will be related to my position as Head of Medicine, and that would be the sudden influx of the common cold making its way past the Crystal Barrier. With permission from their Crystal Highnesses, several tests were conducted early into the Empire’s reemergence that concluded the strong possibility the Crystal Barrier actively filters harmful pathogens.”

“The barrier acts like a modern medical spell?” I already had some understanding of how hospitals work, but knew nothing else below the surface.

“In a way, but on a grander scale of course. All of these tests were conducted before your command, so this data is out of date unfortunately as we never really questioned it beyond the initial tests. This recent influx of cold cases has the medical wing worried it could become an outbreak if we don’t figure something out; the current proposal by Medical Atlas is to begin a city wide vaccination effort to control its introduction, yet the cost and requirements to undertake such an effort will be strenuous as it is time consuming.”

“And how long do you think something like this might take to prepare?” Shifting Winds asked, the growing concern becoming evident as my own thoughts were starting to grow wild with possibilities.

“If we use the Crystal Guard, and everything goes well coordinating with Equestria we could begin by Hearths Warming.”

“Another four months? Isn’t there a way we could speed this up?” The older pegasus asked, understanding the gravity of a possible cold outbreak meant for the population of Crystal Ponies that haven’t experienced modern illnesses.

“If everything goes well, and Equestria puts everything into the production of the vaccines we could maybe shave a month off.” Paper grimly stated.

“And that’s excluding the understanding most of the Crystal Guard is composed of Crystal Ponies meaning either they receive the first dose, or we request a full legion to help with the operations.” I added, and noted how their emotions were a little more subdued.

Shifting Winds was the first of the two to speak.

“If the common cold was such a threat before, then how come it didn’t spread the moment we set hoof into the empire? One would think after nearly three years of established contact we would have experienced something like this sooner?”

“We don’t have much to work off Sergeant, we believe the constant traffic entering and leaving the Empire somehow not only brought the pathogen, but suppressed it. We were only made aware of this when several Crystal Ponies came in with the snuffles. A few tests revealed the ponies had been carrying the virus for an undetermined amount of time.”

“Celestia, and Luna. The whole population could be infected!”

“Exactly!” Paper Weight jabbed her hoof toward Shifting Winds. “It's why we need to act fast on the possibility this is true right now, wait until we get our flanks slapped!”

“What should I tell them?” The venerable pegasus asked me, but Paper Weight was the one to answer.

“Tell them a partial truth. The new scheduling will be practice in the chance ponypower is strained further than current levels. Maybe introduce the idea you’re trying to create the first squads that will become the future detachments or something? Whatever you do, don’t tell them about this meeting until we’re all in agreement. If a guard gets sick, treat it with urgency. I’ll tell them something if they ask.”

What choice did I have? Why do ponies do things the way they do? Is it because of Harmony guiding them, or an inert instinct to perform for the greater good? These were some of the questions I couldn’t answer back then, and even in my older age can only spare a good guess. Of everything, the one concern I could truthfully stand behind was no creature would want to see their own suffer more than was necessary to survive, and that went for exiles like myself trying to adapt to pony society.

Shifting Winds and myself shared a look, and while our own thoughts on the matter were skewed to taking different actions, the moment our eyes met we both knew the longer we wait the more trouble we’ll be in. He nodded.

“Take whatever measures you deem necessary Paper Weight. I will draft a Letter of Appeal to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna seeking their council and aid on this matter. If you need my notoriety, inform me immediately. Shifting Winds?”

“Yes Colonel?”

“We should start thinning out the guard patrols to lessen their exposure to the general populace. I don’t know how we’ll do it, but we need to keep them healthy for as long as possible until the first batch of vaccines arrives.”

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