• Published 26th Mar 2022
  • 2,628 Views, 278 Comments

Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

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The Final Challenge

The Bakugan Battle Stadium was in an uproar, as everyone had heard the news.

"Flash and Soarin of the BakuFighters are gonna battle it out!" A brawler cried as he and his friends ran towards the stadium it was happening in. Said stadium was full of brawlers who had been wondering for a while, which BakuFighter was actually the best. Now they would get to find out.

Scootaloo, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were there, having gone to the stadium to battle only to learn about the match. Now they were pushing their way through the crowd until they reached the front of the stands, spotting the rest of the BakuFighters along the the Rainbooms.

"Guys!" Scootaloo cried as they turned to her, the three rushing up to them. "Flash and Soarin are really brawling?"

"Yup," Twilight nodded, "and if Flash wins his Leonidas will evolve." The girls were amazed to hear this, as the announcer began to speak up.

"What's up Baku-fan! We've got a seriously special event right here today. Two members of the team that won the first Bakugan Battle Tournament, facing off against one another. It's Soarin Skies, V Flash Sentry!" The crowd cheered at this, as Flash and Soarin continued to stand in the centre of the battlefield. "According to our records. Flash Sentry has already battled and defeated the other members of his team. If he wins this match, he'll claim the title as the strongest member of the BakuFighters."

Everyone was surprised to hear that, the girls turning to the BakuFighters as they nodded.

Flash and Soarin continued to stare one another down, both looking serious. "This is it Soarin," Flash told him before smirking. "Let's have some fun."

"Oh I intend too," Soarin smirked back before getting serious again. "But I'm playing to win. I want Garuda to evolve again and if beating you has even a one percent chance of that happening, I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen."

Flash got serious as well, "well I'm not gonna hold back either. I won't insult you by giving you anything less than my all. I'm gonna come at you hard right from the start." Soarin nodded, liking the sound of that.

"By special request, the battlefield will not be random. Now, let's see where our young brawlers will be battling it out!" In that moment, the battlefield below them powered up and began to shape the field. And it was a field many of them recognised.

"Cloud City!" Bonnie cried, seeing the many buildings and street lamps made of clouds.

"I should have expected this," Lyra smirked as she turned to the others. "This is the field they battled on when they first met."

Twilight nodded. "Their attacks were so powerful, they shorted out the whole stadium and forced their battle to end prematurely."

"And now their Bakugan are even stronger," Heath frowned. "I hope they don't blow the system again. Or have these two hold back for fear of doing it."

"I don't think we have to worry about that," Lyra assured them. "Those two are gonna totally throw everything they have at one another. This battle's been a long time in the making."

"You ready to do this!" Soarin cried.

"Bring it on!" Flash yelled.

"I'm ready when you are!" Garuda squawked.

"Hit me with your best shot!" Leonidas roared before the four all screamed the same word. "BRAWL!" The teen's BakuColars beepered, showing the start of the battle.

Flash: 100%
Soarin: 100%

"Gate Card!" Soarin threw the card towards the ground, "SET!" As it exploded, he and Flash grabbed their partners. "Bakugan," they both threw them, "BRAWL!" The two Bakugan flew through the air and shot passed one another before landing on the ground. "Bakugan....STAND!" They popped open and exploded into tornadoes of wind and light.

"Let's do this!" Flash cried, "Haos Omega Leonidas!" The light vortex exploded to reveal the dragon, who roared a roar that shook the stadium.

"Take flight!" Soarin announced. "Ventus Storm Garuda!" Lightning surged through the tornado and it suddenly exploded, Garuda appearing from within and letting out a high pitched squawk.

Garuda: 700Gs
Leonidas: 650Gs

The battle had begun and both Bakugan charged at one another, locking hands and feet as they tried to overpower the other. Garuda then let go and started slashing at Leo, who used the armor on the back of his arms to block as best he could.

"Not bad," Garuda smirked as they continued to struggle against one another. "I really am impressed with just how powerful you are."

Leonidas smirked as he tried to slash back at him, "you've grown much stronger too."

"But you also surprise me," Garuda smirked as Leonidas gave him a look of confusion. "Once, you were a ferocious brute that only cared for finding and defeating powerful opponents. But now look at you. Bowing to the whims of a human like a cute little lap dog. Oh, how the mighty have fallen."

"Don't try and trick me into losing my temper!" Leonidas told him. "I'm just as powerful as I ever was before I met Flash. Even more so even. And I'll prove it...BY DEFEATING YOU!" Leo then let go of Garuda's feet and swung around, slamming his tail into the birdman. But the stronger Bakugan was able to take the hit and beat his wings, pushing Leonidas back before flying straight up.

"Ability, Activate!" Soarin held up a card, as Garuda's body sparked with lightning. "Sky Spark Surge!"

Garuda: 950Gs
Leonidas: 650Gs

Garuda shot towards Leonidas and tried to slash at him, Leonidas barely managing to avoid this but feel the static burn the tip of his wing. "Ahhh."

"Double Ability, Activate!" Flash cried as Leonidas spun around, his mouth and claws both glowing. "Shining Roar, plus Dragon Slash!"

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Leonidas bellowed as the light shot out of his mouth and slammed into Garuda, the birdman hissing as his feathers were roasted.

Garuda: 800Gs
Leonidas: 800Gs

Leonidas then shot forward and slashed at Garuda, making him cry out in pain as he was sent hurting back towards the cloud-covered ground. But before he could crash into it, he managed to open his wings and save himself. He skimmed along the ground and then shot up, as Soarin held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Garuda spun around, cupping the air in his claws as he flew passed Leonidas. "Aero Bomber!"

Garuda: 950Gs
Leonidas: 800Gs

Garuda brought his hands together, forming the spinning air sphere between them before turning to Leonidas. "Take this!" He threw the sphere and before Leonidas could dodge, the sphere exploded and sent of wave of powerful wind flying towards him.

"Augh!" He cried as the wind slammed into him, knocking him flying back whilst Flash was almost blown off his feet.

"Wow!" He cried, barely managing to keep his footing. "LEO!" He saw the dragon falling, but was beginning to regain control. But as he did Garuda charged down ready to strike. "I don't think so!" He held up a card, "Ability, Activate!" Leo's body glowed and seconds before Garuda struck, he shot out of the way. "Dragon Flash!"

Garuda: 950Gs
Leonidas: 900Gs

The next thing Garuda knew, Leonidas was in front of him and spinning around to smash his tail into him. But Garuda managed to grab it in his claws, as Soarin held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Garuda began to spark, "Storm Booster!"

Garuda: 1100Gs
Leonidas: 900Gs

The next thing Leonidas knew, he was being pulled around at speeds he didn't think were possible. "YAAAAAH!" He cried as he was constantly swung it multiple different directions, Garuda eventually throwing him with enough force to make the entire stadium shake.

"LEO!" Flash cried, and Soarin wasn't letting up.

"Gate Card...OPEN!" The ground glowed and unleashed multiple tornados, "Ventus Reactor!" The power of the many blustering winds made Garuda sigh as he powered up, whilst Leonidas was picking himself up.

Garuda: 1300Gs
Leonidas: 900Gs

Garuda shot down, Leonidas gasping as he knew getting hit now would likely mean defeat. Using all his strength, he leapt backwards seconds before Garuda could strike him and into one of the tornadoes. The wind blew him straight up, allowing him to avoid Garuda's attack as Flash held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" His mouth sparked, "Omega Eraser!" Before Garuda could attack, Leonidas fired a laser towards the ground. It struck the Gate Card, destroying it and causing the tornadoes to vanish.

Garuda: 1100Gs
Leonidas: 1150Gs

Leonidas then swung the beam around and slammed it into Garuda, making the birdman squawk as he was thrown backwards. "Augh!" He crashed into a cloud house, Leonidas smirking and preparing to fire again. But before he could.

"Ability, Activate!" Garuda's body began to spark, "Blitz Bolt!"

Garuda: 1250Gs
Leonidas: 1150Gs

He fired the lightning bolt towards Leonidas, who gasped and barely managed to avoid it. If that attack hit, he would be in serious trouble.

As Garuda charged up another one, Flash held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" The lightning bolt fired and shot straight towards Leonidas, whose body glowed. "Reflector Prism!" The energy gem appeared around Leonidas and the lightning bolt bounced off it, harmlessly dissipated as Leo's power rose.

Garuda: 1100Gs
Leonidas: 1250Gs

"Raaaah!" He dived down, hoping to end this battle now. But Soarin had the same idea and as Leonidas got close, he held up a card.

"Fusion Ability, Activate!" Flash's eyes went wide at this, as Garuda shot straight up and avoided Leo's attack. As he did, his body exploded with enough electricity to power a city. "Storm Striker!"

Garuda: 1500Gs
Leonidas: 1250Gs

Garuda dived down with incredible speed, so much so that Leo had no way of dodging. Flash tried to activate his Fusion Ability, but before he could the attack struck and exploded. "AAAAARRRRRHHHHH!" Leonidas cried as he was blasted back and returned to ball form, falling to the ground as Flash's life gauge dropped.

Flash: 50%
Soarin: 100%

"Soarin Skies takes the first round!" The announced as Garuda returned to Soarin, the crowd cheering at this whilst Flash's friends frowned.

"This isn't good," Twilight stated. "Flash needs to get the led out, or he's never gonna pass his test." The others nodded as Flash picked Leonidas up.

"Good thing we agreed to a full battle," Leonidas moaned. "That would have been a fail right there."

Flash nodded, "Soarin has the advantage because we haven't seen everything his newly evolved Garuda can do." He turned back to Soarin, "but that's not gonna stop us." He took out a Gate Card, "you haven't won yet pal!"

"I know," Soarin smirked. "But where's the fun in a one round victory? I think I'm gonna take my time with you before finishing you both off." Flash knew Soarin was only saying that to get him riled up...and dang it it was working.

"Gate Card...SET!" Flash threw it to the ground as as he did, both he and Soarin began leaping up clouds until they spotted some power-ups. "BAKUGAN!" They both threw their partners, "BRAWL!" They flew towards the cluster and Leonidas managed to hit one more power-up then Garuda before landing, "BAKUGAN," the popped open, "STAND!" And it a burst of light and wind, the two Bakugan appeared and let out their cries as they powered-up.

Garuda: 800Gs
Leonidas: 800Gs

Both Bakugan flew as high as they could, Flash taking out a card. "Alright, let's do this Leo! Ability, Activate!" Leonidas' mouth sparked, "Omega Eraser!" He fired the beam before Garuda could react and it slammed into the birdman, making him squawk in pain as he was blown backwards.

Garuda: 800Gs
Leonidas: 1050Gs

The laser pushed him towards the ground, but Garuda managed to barrel-roll out of its path and regain control. He shot up as Soarin held out a card. "Ability, Activate!" Garuda's wings began to spark, "Feather Shock!" He beat his wings and the electrofied feathers shot off, slamming into Leonidas.

"Augh!" He felt his whole body be zapped, negating his Omega Eraser and causing his power to drop down further.

Garuda: 800Gs
Leonidas: 700Gs

Garuda flew towards him with his claws primed, but Leonidas managed to throw the electricity off of him and dive. "Ability, Activate!" His claws began to glow, "Dragon Slash!"

Garuda: 800Gs
Leonidas: 850Gs

Leonidas slashed at Garuda, his claws flying down his chest and making him flinch. Leo tried to slash him again, but he dodged and flew straight up as Soarin held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Garuda began to form the sphere, "Aero Bomber!"

Garuda: 950Gs
Leonidas: 850Gs

As he was preparing to fire, Flash pointed at the ground. "Gate Card...OPEN!" The ground began to glow, "Haos Reactor!" The light shot into Leonidas, right as Garuda threw the sphere. It exploded, the wind flying towards Leonidas as the dragon's power rose!"

Garuda: 950Gs
Leonidas: 1050Gs

He flew forward and into the wind, pushing through it without much trouble as he prepared to attack. But Soarin held up to cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" Garuda's body sparked, "Storm Booster, plus Sky Spark Surge!"

Garuda: 1350Gs
Leonidas: 1050Gs

As Leonidas tried to slam his tail into Garuda, the birdman vanished in a flash. "Huh?" He asked, only to feel a presence behind him. He spun around and saw Garuda, whose claws began to spark as he swung them around and struck his chest. "AUGH!" He was thrown backwards and Garuda prepared to attack again, but Flash held up two cards before he could.

"Alright. Double Ability, Activate!" Leonidas glowed, "Dragon Flash!" He shot up and barely managed to avoid Garuda's attack, instead flying right above him.

Garuda: 1350Gs
Leonidas: 1150Gs

"Plus, Shining Roar!" Once Leo was directly above him, he let out a mighty scream and the light that appeared in his mouth slammed into Garuda.

"Augh!" He cried as he was blasted downwards, his power dropping.

Garuda: 1200Gs
Leonidas: 1150Gs

Before he could hit the ground, he once again barrel-rolled and flew out of the light. As he did, Soarin held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Garuda's body sparking with lightning, "Blitz Bolt!"

Garuda: 1350Gs
Leonidas: 1150Gs

Garuda fired but Leonidas managed to move out of the way of it. And as he charged up another, Flash held up his card. "Fusion Ability, Activate!" Garuda fired his second Blitz Bolt as Leonidas took a deep breath, his mouth filling with light and energy. "Roaring Omega!"

Garuda: 1150Gs
Leonidas: 1450Gs

Seconds before the Blitz Bolt struck him, Leonidas unleashed a mighty roar and the energised light exploded out and deflected the attack. It then flew down towards Garuda and slammed into him, Garuda letting out a might squawk as he was blasted backwards and eventually crashed down on the cloud street. "Augh!" He bounced off the ground and as he did, he reverted back to ball form and fell to the ground as Soarin's life gauge dropped.

Flash: 50%
Soarin: 40%

"Flash Sentry now takes the lead!" The announcer cried, as Leonidas reverted back to ball form and flew over to Flash. "This is anyone's game now. Will the next round decide it all?"

The crowd cheered as Flash took a deep breath, trying to steady his heart. "That battle was tough."

"Really tough," Leonidas agreed. "Soarin and Garuda weren't kidding when they said they were gonna throw everything they had at us." They looked over at Soarin, who picked Garuda up and turned to them.

Both brawlers knew their next round would likely be the last. There was no room for mistakes this time. They had to go into this match with everything they had. No matter what, they intended to win this battle here and now.

Within the Doom Dimension, Phantom and Derpy stared one another down. Derpy had the lead as Phantom was down to only ten percent. But they all knew anything could happen in this brawl.

"This is it, Regulus!" She stated as she took out a Gate Card. "One last win and Phantom is down!"

"Then let us not waste a single moment," Regulus roared from within his ball form. "Let's end this!" Derpy nodded and threw the Gate Card, Regulus then flying into her hands as it exploded along the ground.

"Bakugan...BRAWL!" She threw the Darkus Bakugan and hit the ground, the card opening up and exploding with dark light. "Bakugan...STAND!" The Darkus Guardian appeared, letting out a mighty roar as he did so. "Darkus Regulus!"

Phantom smirked as he turned to his partner. "No mercy, Ragnaroid!"

"Don't worry," Ragnaroid chuckled. "I have none in my heart to give." Phantom smiled and grabbed him before throwing the Darkus beast forward. "Bakugan...BRAWL!" He hit the ground and opened up, the purple mist exploding outwards and taking form. "Bakugan...STAND!" The mist vanished to reveal Ragnaroid's form, "Darkus Dusk Ragnaroid!"

Regulus: 700Gs
Ragnaroid: 700Gs

The two Darkus Bakugan stared one another down, raging burning in Ragnaroid's single eye whilst Regulus' eyes were those of disappointment. "What a shame," the guardian spoke. "All this power and you choose to waste it."

"Waste it?" Ragnaroid asked, "I've never wasted it!"

"Power used for anything except the betterment of others is always wasted," Regulus stated. "You may have be created by Lucifer, but you were never his servent. You could have done so much good, but instead you chose to follow in your creator's footsteps. Are you really so weak willed that you allowed him to influence you so much?"

"Enough!" Ragnaroid roared as he slithered forward and slashed at him, only for Regulus to take to the air. "I won't be lectured by an old fool like you! Phantom!"

"Ability, Activate!" Phantom held up a card, hoping to end this with one blow as Ragnaroid's chest opened up. "Evil Eye!" The eye appeared and began to shine, heading straight towards Regulus. But before it could reach him.

"Ability, Activate!" Derpy held up a card as the crystal orbs on Regulus' body began to glow a dark maroon colour. "Ebony Guard!" The light shot out of the gems and surrounded Regulus, forming a protective barrier that deflected the Evil Eye's effect and powered Regulus up.

Regulus: 850Gs
Ragnaroid: 700Gs

"Phantom growled seeing this, as Ragnaroid's check slowed and Regulus dived down. The lion tried to slash at Ragnaroid, but the serpent scorpion was able to duck and weave around them.

"Ability," Phantom held up a card, "Activate!" As Ragnaroid ducked under a slash, he swung his tail around. "Deadly Slash!"

Regulus: 850Gs
Ragnaroid: 850Gs

The crescent blade struck Regulus and knocked him away, allowing Ragnaroid to slither forward and attempt to slash at him with his claws. But before he could, Derpy took out her other two Bakugan and two cards.

"Double Ability, Activate!" Regulus' tail sparked as she threw the Bakugan, "Curse of Darkness-" The lightning exploded off the tail and struck the Bakugan, Sylvee and Wormquake appearing on the field and being sealed within the black orbs.

"Come my brothers and sisters!" Regulus roared as the pair began to give off light that flew into his shoulder orbs, "lend me your strength so that I may defeat the evil one!" He roared again as his power spiked.

Regulus: 1250Gs
Ragnaroid: 850Gs

"Plus, Phantom Predator!" Regulus charged forward and his claws were drawn, ready to slash at Ragnaroid. But as Ragnaroid prepared to retaliate, he suddenly vanished and disappeared into a shadow on the ground.

Ragnaroid growled, "I won't fall for that trick like last time." He remembered back to his first battle with the Guardians, Regulus pulling this same trick to knock him off balance and allow the others to hit him hard. "Phantom!"

"Double Ability, Activate!" Regulus suddenly shot out of Ragnaroid's shadow, attempting to slash at him. But before he could, Ragnaroid exploded into his own cloud of darkness. "Shadow Divide!" The cloud split apart before Regulus could hit him and they began to fly around him like a bunch of insects, the lion roaring as he fought against them. Then, one of the shadows formed a body behind him. "Plus, Terror Constrictor!"

"Look out!" Derpy cried, but it was too late.

Ragnaroid's tail slithered forward and wrapped around Regulus, the mechanical sounds filling the air as he tightened his tail around him. "Augh!" He cried, feeling the life being squeezed out of him and his power dropped.

Regulus: 1100Gs
Ragnaroid: 1000Gs

However, it didn't make him so weak that he was unable to escape from Ragnaroid's clutched. He pushed his legs and wings against the tail, slowly pushing it open.

Phantom growled at this and prepared to use another Ability Card, but Derpy was faster.

"Ability, Activate!" Regulus' mouth filled with black mist, "Dark Roar!" He let out a mighty cry as the mist shot out of his mouth, hitting Ragnaroid square in the face.

Regulus: 1350Gs
Ragnaroid: 1000Gs

"AUGH!" He cried, being pushed backwards and forced to completely uncoil his tail from around Regulus. The Darkus Bakugan leapt into the air once again, glaring down at Ragnaroid as the scorpentine regained his balance.

"This is your last warning," he stated. "Surrender yourself, or face the consequences."

Ragnaroid started up at him and growled. "Even if I believed you could defeat me, I would never surrender to you. I would rather die with my pride than survive as your whimpering prisoner." His claws snapped open and closed as his tail slammed the ground, "I WILL NOT BE MADE WEAK!"

"Then you leave us no choice," Regulus stated. "Derpy!"

"Gate Card...OPEN!" She cried as the ground began to glow, unleashing a bunch of ghost-like entities made of purple smoke that were shaped like the heads of crown wearing lions. "Imperial Shadows!" The ghost flew towards Regulus, linking him to the ground as they swirled around him. "This is a special Gate Card that only works for Regulus, granting him an extra five hundred Gs."

Regulus: 1850Gs
Ragnaroid: 1000Gs

"Time to end this!" Regulus roared as he shot down, "RAAAAAAAAAAH!" He tackled Ragnaroid with so much force, the snake-like Bakugan was slammed into the ground.

"Augh!" He cried Regulus pinned him down, his front paws pushing on his chest and neck whilst his wings pinned his arms by the elbows. "Raaah!" He tried to slash at him with his tail, but Regulus' tail deflected it.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Regulus roared as he fired the dark mist at Ragnaroid, making him cry out in pain.

"No!" Phantom cried, watching as Regulus continued to fire his dark mist at point blank range. "I won't...let it end this way."

Flash and Soarin continued to stare one another down, whilst the crowd watched and waited for them to brawl their final battle.

"This is it," Lyra stated. "I get the feeling this is gonna be the final round. They both know their opponents pretty well now, so they're not gonna hold anything back." The others agreed, everyone looking concerned that the battle might get so intense, the stadium would blow again.

"Come on Flash," Heath whispered. "You can do this."

"You've come this far," Bonnie told him.

"Leonidas and Garuda will fight with everything they have," Nimue stated as Soarin took out a Gate Card. "This is the moment that will decide which of them is the best candidate to battle Ragnaroid."

"I don't think I can watch," Wukong wiggled.

"Why not?" Gaia asked, "this Brawl might be the best one you ever get to see."

"Huh," Wukong nodded, "good point!"

"Gate Card...SET!" Soarin threw the card towards the ground and as it exploded, he and Flash rushed off. They started leaping up and up and up, jumping from cloud houses or lampposts onto the many clouds that filled the air. They went as high as they could before leaping into the air.

"Bakugan...BRAWL!" They threw their partners towards the ground, both of them flying through two cluster of power-ups each before landing on the ground. "Bakugan...STAND!" They both popped open and the tornadoes of light and wind exploded upwards. "Haos Omega Leonidas/Ventus Storm Garuda!"

The tornadoes exploded and from out of them, the two Bakugan appeared. A roar and squawk filled the air, as they opened their wings and took flight whilst the power-ups took hold.

Garuda: 850Gs
Leonidas: 900Gs

The two Bakugan watched one another as they flew around, waiting to see which one would take the first move. "This is it!" Leonidas told him. "Winner take all."

"And that winner shall be me!" Garuda stated as Soarin held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Garuda's body sparked as he shot forward, "Sky Spark Surge!"

Garuda: 1100Gs
Leonidas: 900Gs

He slashed at Leo, who tried to block using his arm guards but the lightning from it shot off and into him. "Augh!" He pulled away, shaking the lightning off as Flash held up a pair of cards.

"Double Ability, Activate!" Leonidas glowed and began flying around and high speed, as his claws glowed with him. "Dragon Flash, plus Dragon Slash!"

Garuda: 1100Gs
Leonidas: 1150Gs

Garuda's eagle eyes followed Leonidas as he watched Leonidas fly all over the place, zigging and zagging in random directions until he finally shot forward and slashed at him. "Augh!" He hissed, then pulled back and spun around to try and slash Leonidas with his feet talons.

Leonidas pulled back, the claws barely missing his face as Soarin held up a pair card. "Double Ability, Activate!" Garuda's wings sparked and with a power beat of them, the feathers were sent flying. "Feather Shock!"

"Raaah!" Leonidas roared as they stabbed into him and the lightning flew through his body, causing his claws to stop glowing.

Garuda: 1100Gs
Leonidas: 900Gs

As this happened, Garuda spun around and gathered the wind. "plus, Aero Bomber!"

Garuda: 1250Gs
Leonidas: 900Gs

As Leonidas was throwing off the lightning, Garuda fired the attack. It shot forwards and Leonidas gasped as it exploded in his face. "AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH!" He roared as the wind slammed into him with tremendous force, throwing him downwards towards the ground.

"LEO!" Flash cried, rushing over to his Bakugan as he slammed into the ground. He struck with such a force, that the entire ground shook. And then he began to slide along the ground towards Flash, creating a wave of air that Flash couldn't escape. "AUGH!" He crashed into the ground and rolled for several seconds, eventually stopping and being laid out along with Leonidas.

"Flash!" Scootaloo cried, gasping at the sight of her brother apparently unconscious.

"Is that it?" Bonnie asked, as Garuda flew down.

"Leo hasn't returned to ball form," Lyra stated. "So what does that mean?"

"I didn't think a Bakugan could stay like that if they're knocked out," Heath frowned. "Does that mean there's still a chance." Everyone else remained silent and watched, wondering what this meant for the battle.

Flash and Leonidas continued to remain on the ground, looking like they were out for the count. Many were starting to say they should stop the brawl and get an ambulance. Soarin wasn't one of those people, as he and Garuda stared down at their opponents.

"I think this battle is over," Garuda told Soarin.

Soarin frowned, not wanting it to be this way. "COME ON FLASH!" Everyone was surprised by this, "is this really how you want it to end? I thought you were better than this, but I guess I was wrong!" This didn't get any reaction from Flash, "don't you get it. This is your destiny. It's you who's meant to take Phantom down and you know it. Dragonia trusted you with this task. You and Leonidas are our best bet for beating Lucifer. But I guess something like that's too much work for you. Are you gonna prove me wrong, or are you gonna get up and fight like a man." Flash continued to remain quiet, "FLASH!"

"Come on Flash!" Twilight called up.

"Get up!" Applejack and Rainbow cried.

"Please get up!" Bonnie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie prayed.

"You have to win this!" Lyra told him.

"Come on man!" Heath called out.

"FLASH!" Scootaloo and her friends cried.

Down on the ground, Flash's eyes began to flicker open and he let out a groan. Everyone gasped as he began to push himself into a sitting position. "Alright," he groaned, "you don't have to yell." He began to push himself to his feet, "but you're right. It is my destiny." He staggered for a moment. "I'm gonna beat Phantom, and Lucifer too. But not because Dragonia wants us too. We're gonna do it because we're the best and we're gonna prove it." He turned to his partner, "get up Leo. We can't afford to lose now. Our world, Vestroia and who knows what else. So you have to get up. Get up and fight with everything you have!"

Leonidas had heard every word and started moving again, letting out a pained moan but rolling himself onto his front and pushing himself up. "I'm...I'm here for you, Flash."

"Hahaaa!" Flash cheered, as Leonidas got onto one knee. "Come on. Give me all the power you've got. Everything you have, or we'll never win."

Leonidas shook his head. "You're looking at it all wrong. Our strength has always come from deep within you." He pushed himself to feet feet. "Garuda said that I'd grown soft by partnering with you. But he's wrong. It is you who gives me strength. You're the one giving your power to me."

Flash smirked and shook his head, "no. You've got it wrong. Our power comes from the combination of you and me and feeds off of our friendship." He punched his fist into his palm, "and that's why...we're the ultimate team!"

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" Leonidas spread his wings and prepared for takeoff, Flash quickly running forward and leaping up until he landed on his head.

"Now let's show the world that's what we are!" Leonidas shot into the air so fast, he caused a little wind wave. Everyone was amazed to see Flash go from being unconscious to leaping onto his Bakugan in just over a minute, his friends all just smirking as if they were expecting this.

Garuda landed next to Soarin, "shall we?" Soarin smirked and began parkouring around the cloud street until he was able to leap onto Garuda's back, the birdman shooting off into the sky. Everyone in the crowd realised, the true battle, had just begun.

Back in the Doom Dimension, Phantom continued to watch as Regulus pinned Ragnaroid down. "There has to be a way to stop this." He held up a card, "Ability, Activate!" Ragnaroid's claws opened and the barrels folded out, "Shadow Blast!" He fired the lasers at the ground and caused the Gate Card to shatter, the power of Imperial Shadows vanishing. But Regulus was still stronger.

Regulus: 1350Gs
Ragnaroid: 1250Gs

Ragnaroid tried to points his blasters at Regulus, but they were still pinned by the wings. "It's useless to resist," the lion told him. "Give up and spare yourself more pain."

"Never!" Ragnaroid roared. "Phantom...do something!"

"I'm working on it!" Phantom growled, "but what can we do?"

"Give up," Derpy told him. "If you're a true brawler, you won't put the life of your partner above your own victory."

"Be quiet," Phantom growled. "I don't need someone like you lecturing me. If I wish to become the ultimate brawler, then I have to be willing to risk everything to win. Because that's what it truly means to be the best."

Derpy frowned, "you need help."

Phantom took out his Fusion Ability, but knew Regulus likely still had his up his sleeve. He needed to find a way to weaken him. Then he spotted it. Regulus' weak spot...two of them.

"Ragnaroid! Aim for the Bakugan he's sealed!" Regulus and Derpy's eyes went wide as Ragnaroid lifted his claws as much as he could, then launched a laser right at the sphere holding Sylvee. They gasped as the laser shot through the orb and hit the robotic insect, making it cry out as it was blasted back and reverted back to ball form.

Derpy's life gauge didn't drop, but it did weaken Regulus. "Ahhh!" He cried as his power dropped.

Regulus: 1150Gs
Ragnaroid: 1250Gs

Ragnaroid swung his tail up again and though Regulus tried to deflect it with his, Ragnaroid's greater strength allowed him to overpower it and slam him in the side. "Augh!" He was knocked off Ragnaroid, allowing the Darkus Bakugan to lift his claws and fired at Regulus. "Gyah!"

Ragnaroid then lifted himself up and pointed his claws at Wormquake's orb, firing a pair of lasers that entered the sphere and hit the burrower. The beast roared as well as it too was reverted back to ball form, weakening Regulus even more.

Regulus: 950Gs
Ragnaroid: 1250Gs

Ragnaroid smirked at Regulus, "I told you. I don't waste my power. It allows me to be the most power Bakugan that ever lived."

"You're not the most powerful Bakugan yet!" Regulus growled before charging forward, "and I won't let you become it!"

"Fusion Ability, Activate!" Derpy held up a card as the orbs on Regulus' shoulders glowed again, "Beast King's Roar!" The lights exploded off and began to form a shape around Regulus, that shape being of a giant lion made entirely or dark maroon energy.

Regulus: 1300Gs
Ragnaroid: 1250Gs

"IT'S OVER!" Regulus roared as he shot towards Ragnaroid, the avatar mimicking his movements and thrusting its claws forwards.

Ragnaroid thrust his claws out and blocked the avatar's, the force of the attack sending shocks into him. "Augh!" He roared, as every fibre of his being was being electrocuted and telling him to return to ball form. But he would not. He refused to lose. Not now.

"I...I..." His eyes shot open and were filled with rage, "I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED!" He managed to open his claws and fire a Shadow Blast from each of them, hitting the avatar and actually pushing it back.

"Fusion Ability, Activate!" Phantom held up the card as Ragnaroid's chest opened, "GAZE OF THE ABYSS!" The eye was revealed and it unleashed a bright light, combining with the Shadow Blast and flying into the avatar.

It burned away the energy and struck Regulus, making him roar as his power was severally dropped.

Regulus: 900Gs
Ragnaroid: 1250Gs

"RAAAAAH!" Regulus cried as he was pushed backwards, the light growing stronger and stronger with every second. "So much power. I...I can't hold on!" He fell towards Derpy, the girl's eyes going wide. "I'm sorry."

Derpy gasped at the sight of this, then slowly turned towards Phantom. The pair locked eyes and as they did, Phantom smiled. "Too bad this ends here," he told her. "Because you were pretty good." With that, Regulus slammed into the ground with enough force to send out a shockwave as he reverted back to ball form.

Derpy gasped as the shockwave flew towards her, the realisation that she had failed sinking in. "Flash," she whispered, "everyone." The shockwave struck and she was blasted backwards, "I'M SORRY!" She screamed in pain as she was blown backwards, becoming engulfed by the dust wave that was kicked up around her.

Derpy: 0%
Phantom: 10% (Winner)

When the cloud faded away, Phantom was still standing with Ragnaroid next to him. They looked over at where their opponents had vanished too and found they were gone, the only thing left of them being a strange streak of light Phantom realised would return him to earth.

He looked up at Ragnaroid, then at the Darkus Attribute that they had just won. Seeing this, Phantom began to laugh. He had done it. He had won.

Flash and Soarin continued to ride their Bakugan into the air of the stadium. As soon as both Bakugan were high enough, Flash quickly launched the first attack. "Ability, Activate!" Leonidas' mouth filled with an extra bright light, "Shining Roar!"

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" The light exploded outwards and flew towards Garuda, slamming into him and causing him to lose control.

Garuda: 1100Gs
Leonidas: 900Gs

"Wow!" Soarin cried, barely able to hold on. But he did and Garuda quickly spun out of the way of the light, he and Flash holding out cards and speaking at the same time. "ABILITY, ACTIVATE!" Both Bakugan summoned the power, though Garuda's ability was faster. "Blitz Bolt!"

"Raaah!" He fired the lightning bolt from his mouth and it shot towards Leonidas, but before it could land the Haos Bakugan's Ability kicked in.

"Reflector Prism!" The gem-shaped shield formed around Leonidas, causing the lightning bolt to be deflected and powering him up.

Garuda: 1100Gs
Leonidas: 1000Gs

"That was close," Twilight sighed.

"But Garuda still has more power," Lyra pointed out. "And I think that difference is about to get a whole lot bigger!" Sure enough, she was right.

"Gate Card...OPEN!" Soarin watched as the ground beneath their feet began to glow, the light then exploding upwards in a single beam. "Ansamon Judgement"

Before Leonidas could try to escape, the laser slammed into him. "AUGH!" He roared, as he felt his energy being zapped away. Flash was also caught in the light, his entire body freezing in place.

"What's happening?" Scootaloo asked, as Leonidas' G power got lower and lower.

"Ansamon Judgement!" Rainbow told her, "it sends all non-Ventus Bakugan's G power down to zero." Scootaloo and her friend's eyes went wide hearing this, as they turned back to the battle.

Twilight frowned. "Flash has to do something, fast."

"Errrr," Flash groaned as he pulled out a card. "Ability...Activate!" Leonidas forced his eyes to open as his mouth filled with energy. "Omega...Eraser!" Leo pointed his head downwards and fired, the laser exploding from his mouth and hitting the ground. The Gate Card shattered and Leo's power level shot back up.

Garuda: 1100Gs
Leonidas: 950Gs

He swung the laser around towards Garuda, but the birdman Bakugan summoned some electrical energy and swung it around like a sword. It knocked the beam away, as Garuda shot forward and Soarin held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Garuda's body sparked again, "Storm Booster!"

Garuda: 1250Gs
Leonidas: 950Gs

He shot forward and flew passed Leonidas, slashing at him with a burst of lightning that zapped both he and Flash. "AUGH!" They cried, Leonidas barely keeping himself from falling to the ground. Garuda then spun around and charged again, shooting passed and shocking them again. "GYAH!"

Everyone on the ground watched with worry as this continued, Garuda moving too fast for Leonidas to stop him. "Come on Flash," Twilight whispered. "You can do it."

"Go guys!" Heath yelled.

"We believe in you!" Bonnie cheered.

"I know you can win!" Lyra screamed.

"GO FLASH!" Scootaloo screamed, whilst the rest of the crowd cheered for them as well. It seemed Soarin's earlier words at gotten the crowd really stirred up. They continued to chant the pair's name into the air, the two beginning to hear this as it echoed through the stadium.

"You hear that Leo?" Flash asked, "everyone is cheering for us. Lending us their support. We can't let them down!"

"You're right!" Leonidas nodded. "No matter what, we will be victorious!" As Garuda flew in for another charge, Leonidas spun around and grabbed him. "NOT THIS TIME!"

"WOW!" Garuda cried as Leo threw him away, Soarin barely able to hang out.

As they did, Flash held out a card. "Fusion Ability...ACTIVATE!"

"ROARING OMEGA!" Leonidas bellowed as the light and energy filled his mouth, the dragon letting it explode outwards as Garuda managed to stabilize himself. It slammed into him, the bird and Soarin letting out a mighty cry as their power dropped.

Garuda: 1050Gs
Leonidas: 1250Gs

The attack finally ended Garuda managed to hold on, Soarin trying to take out his Fusion Ability. But before he could, Leonidas shot down towards him with his fist pulled back. "IT'S OVER!" He yelled, throwing the punch downwards and slamming it into Garuda's chest.

"AUGH!" Garuda squawked as he was thrown backwards and eventually smashed into the ground, bouncing off it as Soarin was thrown loose.

"GARUDA!" Soarin cried, his Bakugan reverting back to ball form as he landed on the ground and his life gauge dropped.

Flash: 50% (Winner)
Garuda: 0%

Everyone was amazed as the battlefield disappeared, through Leonidas remained in his ball form. They couldn't believe what had just happened.

"Garuda...Soarin..." Rainbow whispered, "they...lost."

"Yeah," Heath nodded, "and...and that means..." He could barely get the worlds out, but Wukong was happy to end the sentence.

"It means Flash and Leonidas win!" Those words echoed through the stadium and it broke the silence, as the crowd all exploded into cheer for the victors.

Flash and Leonidas flew down as Soarin began to pick himself up, Garuda rolling around and jumping onto his shoulder showing he was okay. "Looks like we lost," Soarin sighed.

"Yeah," Flash smirked as he heard everyone cheering for him and Leonidas, "that means we did it." He turned to smirked at his partner. "We beat everyone! You did it, Leo"

Leonidas couldn't help but chuckle. "You're right!" He held his head up proud, "we won!" But as soon as he said that, his body began to glow.

"Wow!" Flash was surprised by the light and lost his footing, falling to the ground and Leonidas' entire body was encased by the light. He quickly managed to right himself and looked up at his partner, unable to believe what he was seeing.

"What's going on?" Pinkie asked, as Twilight smiled.

"Leonidas is starting to evolve," she explained to the others. "Which means Flash finally passed his final trial." Everyone smiled at this and continued watching, as Leonidas' body began to shift and change within the light. Then, finally, the light faded to reveal Leonidas' new form.

He was a little bigger than his last one, with his neck, chest, waist and under-tail being purple like before. But now he had chest armor that was mostly white with a yellow V along the front. He had two short yellow spikes sticking out above each shoulder, said shoulder being covered in a white armoured pad with yellow trim. His arms were also covered in a white armor with the same yellow trim, whilst his claws were the same as his last form. His legs were also covered in white armor with yellow streaks on it, whilst his feet were also white with yellow claws. His wings were larger and about the same in design, with the only difference being a section of them were rounded and had the Haos symbol within it. Finally, his nose and head horns had grown and merged into a single double tipped horn whilst the others had grown larger. The trident on the end of his tail had been replaced by a star-shaped arrowhead

Leonidas looked himself over and liked what he was seeing. But he liked what he was feeling way more, as new strength filled every fibre of his being.

He looked down at his partner and smirked. "Thank you, Flash." Flash smiled back and gave him a thumbs up, as his friends all rushed down into the battlefield. As they did, Soarin stepped over to him.

"Flash," the teen turned to him and Soarin held out his hand, "well done. You beat me fair and square." Flash smiled at this and shoot his hand, Garuda nodding.

"Congratulations Flash." He then turned to the dragon, "and you too, Leonidas."

"Thank you Garuda," Leonidas nodded as the others reached them.

"You did it Flash!" Rainbow cried, "I guess you really are one of the best brawlers out there!" Flash smirked at this as Twilight stepped forward and gave Leonidas a good look over.

"You should both be proud. You've come a long way from the disfunctional team I met all those months ago." Flash and Leonidas smirked at this, Flash turning to his partner.

"Now that you've evolved, our next goal is clear."

Leonidas nodded, "take down Ragnaroid and Phantom. Then we turn our attention to Lucifer!" The others all nodded, knowing that they couldn't rest of their laurels yet. The true battle had only just begun.

Within the Doom Dimension, Phantom watched as Ragnaroid held the Darkus Energy in his claws.

He crushed the orb and unleashed the energy, sucking it down his gullet like it was hot chicken soup. And as soon as he did, his body started to glow and change.

Phantom watched the process and smiled. "Out with the old and in with the new," he told Ragnaroid. "It's time to show the world the true power of my evolved Ragnaroid." The light finally faded, revealing Ragnaroid's new appearance.

He looked practically the same, except now his scorpion claws had been replaced by a long black metal spikes. The ends of those spikes then split into three and pulled back to reveal their were triple claws, the part between the claw's hinges having a large hole in it that looked ready to fire something out of them. His tail was now longer and and tipped with a metal end that had a black drill. His chest was the same, though a little bulkier with the opening having four triangular doors that form an X pattern, but the most noticeable change was on his back. A set of large mechanical wings could be seen, allowing the beast the power of flight. The horns on his head were larger and looked like that could cut through anything, which only added to how deadly he looked. [AN]

Phantom smiled at the sight. "Another step forward, to you becoming the ultimate Bakugan."

"Yes," Ragnaroid chuckled, "now anyone who faces me will meet their doom." The two began to laugh, now believing that they were truly unstoppable. But before they decided to go after Lucifer again, they would need to test out their new power. And they knew the perfect bunch of fools to take on.

Author's Note:

Flash and Leonidas managed to win, but so did Phantom and Ragnaroid. Now they'll have to face one another's evolved forms. Man, that's gonna be a major fight. Hope you enjoyed.

For those having trouble imagining Leo's new form, look up Chibi's adult form from Dragon Drive and give it Leo's head and colour scheme. His ball form is like Viper Helios

AN: Look up Gigadramon to better understand the wings and claws.

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