• Published 26th Mar 2022
  • 2,627 Views, 278 Comments

Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

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Scorching Land and Heavenly Skies

At the top of the Dark Industries building, Sombra frowned as he watched the playback of the last brawl.

The man was barely able to believe a pair of hybrid Bakugan had actually lost to two regular Bakugan. Even if those two had Attribute Energies, they still shouldn't have stood a chance. "Useless," Sombra growled. "If I wasn't concerned about those kids getting their power, I would have let those two fools fall into their hands."

Lucifer remained calm. "They might not have been able to beat them, but they managed to slow them down. Now the ones coming after us are down to three. And that number won't last much longer. Patience. This is a marathon, not a sprint."

"You're right," Sombra nodded before typing in a few buttons and changing the image on the screen to show the boys and their Bakugan riding in the elevator.

Flash, Soarin, Heath and their Bakugan were constantly on edge, as the elevator flew higher and higher.

Eventually, Heath broke the silence. "The shaking and explosions stopped." They had been hearing those since entering the elevator, a byproduct of the girl's brawl, but now they were gone. "You think that means the battle's over?"

"Probably," Flash nodded, "or maybe we're too far away to notice them now."

Soarin agreed. "Either way, we have to keep moving forward. The girls gave us this chance and we can't waste it by going back. Though I'm not even sure we can go back at this point." As he said that, the elevator began to slow down. "I think we're here."

They turned towards the door, as the elevator stopped. "Be ready for anything," Leonidas told them as the doors opened.

When they stepped out of the metal box, they were surprised the find themselves in an area that you wouldn't usually find inside an office building. It was a giant landmass, which appeared to be floating on a large cloud. Buildings were built into this landmass, appearing greek in origin, with rivers running through it that fed large ponds. And as they stepped through it, they heard harp music playing in the distance.

"Another battlefield," Garuda growled. "Probably means those two Bakugan we met before weren't the only ones keeping this place safe."

"So what do we do?" Wukong asked, "they could jump out at us at any moment."

"We keep going," Flash stated before moving forward. "And we stay alert." They ran forward and continued to look around, expecting the Bakugan to appear any second. They made their way through the greek city, realising this was likely a replica of Olympus as they rushed over the bridges and through the streets. After a few minutes of this, they found themselves reaching the edge of the battlefield. And as they did, they saw it was just like the previous floor's battlefield.

The Olympus field had been cut into pieces and frankensteined together with another one, the other being a forest full of tall thin trees they realised where chard black. The forest ground had also been burnt and the air was full of smoke.

"Olympus and a burned forest?" Soarin asked as they looked around. "The last two battlefields were made to act like home fields for those Bakugan. What kind of Bakugan would feel at home here?"

"I'm not sure about the first one," Heath told him. "But I'm betting this area is meant to be for a Pyrus Bakugan. Or one with Pyrus attributes." As he said that, something suddenly shot passed them at incredible speed. The teens spun towards it, but it had already disappeared into the smoke before they could see what it was.

"What was that?" Flash asked, as another strong gust of wind shot passed them and they tried to spin towards it.

"I don't know," Leo told him. "But I doubt it's gonna be friendly." Another rush of motion flew through the smoke with them trying to see what it was. "Can you guys sense anything?"

"I'm getting a hint of Pyrus energy!" Wukong stated after it flew passed again.

"I'm sensing Ventus," Garuda added. "It must be another hybrid!" He tried to track the energy and managed to catch sight of something in the smoke. "We know you're out there and we know you work for Lucifer. Quit hiding and show yourself!" After a few moments, a form appeared within the smoke. It appeared humanoid, with two very long legs, and was getting closer and closer.

And as it did, it spread its arms to show they were a pair of long wings. And seconds later, they heard a sound one would only hear on a farm at sunrise before the shape shot out towards them. "MOVE!" Soarin yelled as they shot to the sides, barely avoiding getting crushed by the assailant.

As they rolled back to their feet, they turned towards the attacker.

It was a giant blazing chicken-like Bakugan. Its head and chest were mostly green but it had a red mask that surrounded its eyes and yellow beak. It had a pair of blazing red wings on its sides, that looked larger than a normal chicken would have, and the tips were bright yellow. Its waist was also yellow whilst its legs were red at the top and green after the knee with large yellow claws sticking out the bottom.

"Wow," Heath whispered in amazement as the Bakugan spread its wings again. This time, those wings burst into flames and when it beat them, a powerful wind blew the fire off and formed a flaming tornado.

"RUN!" Wukong yelled, the five turning to scarper back the way they came. The blazing vortex followed them and caused several of the already burned trees to catch fire. The teens hissed at the heat as embers rained down around them, whilst the Bakugan brought its wings back in and prepared to charge again.

As it did, the three finally reached the border of the battlefield and rushed back over to the greek city. But as they did, something appeared out of the clouds below them. For the briefest of moments, a white lump stuck out of the clouds. Atop that lump was a golden blade, which seemed to resemble a shark's fin.

It cut through the clouds for a moment before diving back down into them, only for another one to appear out of the clouds behind it a moment later.

As they did, Garuda sensed something. "Down there!" He leapt off Soarin's shoulder and landed on a bridge, looking over it into the clouds. "I sensed something. Ventus Energy."

"Another Bakugan?" Leo asked, only to sense something himself. "I sense it too. But it's Haos Energy." As he said this, the giant chicken arrived at the edge of the field. As it did, it let out a loud clucking and the six of them got ready for a fight. But as they did, the energy from below spiked before something exploded out of the clouds.

That something was a tornado of yellow wind, which flew up from the clouds and curved so that it shot down and slammed into the street behind them. It then exploded, revealing the creature within it.

It a large white snake with yellow stripes and patterns covering its body. On the top of its head was a bright green line of hair whilst it also had a pair of large green wings right behind its head, with a bunch of golden blades sticking out along its back that resembled dorsal fins. On the end of its tail was a golden pyramid trident that had a green sphere at the base of it.

The beast let out a melodious cry similar to a whale noise as it stared down at them, then at its fellow Bakugan. "So," it said in a feminine voice, "these are the ones we are charged with stopping?"

"Guess so," the chicken squawked in a male voice. "But they don't look like much."

"True," the snake pointed the tail lance at them. "This shall not take long!" The orb in the lance glowed before it unleashed bright light that morphed into a tornado, the twister shooting towards them as the teens leapt away from the bridge as it quickly shattered.

"Who are you?" Garuda asked, "if you're going to attack us, the least you can do is tell us who you are?"

The chicken squawked as he spread his wings, "I am Scorch Roaster!"

"And I am Heavenly Quetzal," the snake stated. "We are two of master Lucifer's great protectors. And you will not leave this place!" She pointed her tail at them again and fired another tornado, only for Garuda to leap off of Soarin's shoulder.

In an explosion of green electrified wind, he took his true form and drew a sword of lightning that he used to deflected the tornado. "Garuda!" Soarin cried, as Roaster beat his wings and launched fireballs at them. But Wukong leapt off Heath's shoulder and transformed, summoning his staff that he used to knock the flames away.

"Wukong!" Heath cried as the two Bakugan stared their opponents down, Flash and Leo getting ready to battle as well.

"No," Soarin told him. "You have to go!" Flash looked at him in surprise, "you and Leonidas have the best chance of beating Lucifer. You've gotta go." Flash gave the others a look and they all nodded, Flash and Leonidas sighing but nodding back.

"He's not going anywhere!" Roaster cried as his claws caught fire. But before he could do anything with them, Wukong thrust his staff forward as it extended and slammed into the hybrid's stomach. "AUGH!" He was knocked far back and Flash quickly ran forwards, Heath and Wukong covering him whilst Garuda kept Quetzal from advancing.

As Roaster got up, Flash ran off and the Pyrus BakuFighters stared him down. "You're not getting anywhere near them!" Heath cried, "it's time to brawl."

"Unless you're scared you can't beat us!" Soarin smirked.

"You think you can scare us?" Quetzal asked, hissing in anger. "We'll make you sorry you ever said those words!" As she hissed this, lights appeared below the brawlers and started flying up their bodies.

The boys were surprised by this, but then the lights shot off them and hit the ground next to the hybrids. In a flash, a copy of Soarin stood beneath Quetzal and a copy of Heath stood besides Roaster. "That's just weird," Heath told them as he stared at the version of him with inverted cloths colours.

"We will defeat you," Quetzal stated. "Then your friend will be next." She and Roaster both glowed before turning into their ball forms, Garuda and Wukong doing the same and all shot towards their brawlers.

"Sorry," Heath cried as he held up a Gate Card. "But you're not winning this fight. We're taking you down, then dealing with your boss. Gate Card...SET!" He threw the card before he, Soarin and their clones threw in their partners. "Bakugan...BRAWL!" They shot into the air and landed, all for rolling to a stop, "Bakugan," they all popped open, "STAND!"

With that, a quartet of tornados appeared on the battlefield. One of normal fire and electrified green wind, whilst the other two were either a mix of red and green flames or shining golden wind.

"Rise, Ventus Storm Garuda!" The birdman exploded out of the green wind, lightning crackling as he squawked.

"Scorch Roaster, blaze!" The other Heath announced as the green and red fire tornado exploded, the chicken spinning on one foot as wind blew embers around.

"Ascend, Heavenly Quetzal!" The other Soarin called out as the winged serpent spread her wings to knock the golden wind flying.

"Turn up the heat, Pyrus King Wukong!" Heath cheered as the apeman began breakdancing out of the flames. The four Bakugan got into a battle stance, ready for the fight of their lives as their brawlers prepared themselves.

Garuda: 700Gs
Roaster: 750Gs
Quetzal: 750Gs
Wukong: 650Gs

"Let's do this Soarin!" Heath cheered as Wukong charged. "Ability, Activate!" Wukong summoned a line of fire and when he swung it around, his staff flew out of it. "Ruyi Bang!"

Garuda: 700Gs
Roaster: 750Gs
Quetzal: 750Gs
Wukong: 900Gs

The staff slammed into Roaster and knocked him backwards, whilst Garuda shot towards Quetzal. "Ability, Activate!" Garuda's body sparked with energy and he slashed at Quetzal, "Sky Spark Surge!"

Garuda: 950Gs
Roaster: 750Gs
Quetzal: 750Gs
Wukong: 900Gs

The attack struck, the hybrid flinching as she was knocked backwards and smashed into one of the greek buildings. At the same time, Wukong continued swinging his staff at Roaster.

"Ability, Activate!" Other Heath held up a card as Roaster leapt back. "Inferno Dash!" Roaster then started slamming his feet into the ground, smoke explosions occurring that formed a cloud around him. Moments later, he shot out of the cloud covered in flames.

Garuda: 950Gs
Roaster: 950Gs
Quetzal: 750Gs
Wukong: 900Gs

"Look out!" Heath cried, as Wukong swung his staff around to try and knock Roaster away. But being consumed by flames seemed to boost Roaster's speed. He sidestepped the staff attack and swung his wing around, slamming it into Wukong and knocking him back.

At the same time, Quetzal had jumped off the building she had crashed through and dove into the streets below. Garuda tried to keep track of her as she slithered between the buildings, but the serpent was just as fast on the ground as she was in the air.

"Where are you?" He flew above one of the buildings and as he did, Quetzal leapt out as the other Soarin held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Quetzal took a deep breath before firing out a blast of air, "Tornado Impact!" The air spun around and formed a tornado, which struck Garuda before he could react.

Garuda: 750Gs
Roaster: 950Gs
Quetzal: 750Gs
Wukong: 900Gs

"AUGH!" He cried as he was pushed flying backwards, falling towards where Soarin was standing. At the same time, Roaster dashed towards Wukong with everything he had.

"GYAH!" The ape cried as the chicken slammed its head into him, knocking him backwards towards Heath.

Both teens gasped at this and turned to run, managing to get out from where their Bakugan would have fallen. However, the force of them slamming into the ground sent out a wave of air that knocked the pair flying.

They both cried out as they were thrown over the edge of the battlefield, the two soon finding themselves in midair above the clouds. "WOW!" Heath cried, flapping his arms to try and stay aloft. It didn't work however and the two boys began to fall.

"HEATH/SOARIN!" Their Bakugan cried as their opponents laughed, the two leaping up and down towards the boys.

Soarin and Heath saw this and quickly took out a card. "Ability, Activate!" They both cried, with Garuda exploding forward and catching both of them. "Storm Booster!"

"Flaming Nimus!" At the same time, Wukong creating a cloud of black smoke that he stood upon. Garuda threw Heath towards him and once the boys were on their partner's shoulders, they shot up.

Garuda: 900Gs
Roaster: 950Gs
Quetzal: 750Gs
Wukong: 1050Gs

As this was going on, the hybrids had moved towards the edge of the battlefield. Quetzal was about to fly down but before she could, Garuda shot up and swung his claws at her. "AUGH!" She was knocked backwards, whilst Roaster looked over the edge of the battlefield only to be uppercutted by Wukong's staff.

"GYAH!" He squawked, falling backwards as Wukong flew up and hovered above them. The BakuFighters glanced back at one another, smiling as they nodded.

Flash and Leonidas continued to rush through the greek city field, the sounds of explosions filling the air behind them as they arrived at another wooded area.

"You think Soarin and Heath will be alright?" Flash asked.

"They'll be fine. Garuda and Wukong are tough. They won't let anything bad happen to their partners. We need to focus on finding a way to Lucifer."

"Right!" Flash nodded and as he did, he spotted something in the distance. "Over there!" There was yet another rock sticking out of the ground. And in the side of that rock were the doors of an elevator. "We're one floor closer to them." He reached the doors and stepped inside as soon as they opened, the teen looking back in the direction of the field. "Good luck guys." The doors closed.

Garuda and Wukong charged towards their opponents, both of which got up and took evasive maneuvers.

Quetzal shot up into the air as Roaster dashed around the battlefield, leaving a trail of smoke in his wake. He ran in circles around the pair and the smoke flew up, creating a wall of black air around Wukong and Heath. The teen covered his mouth, not wanting to breath it in as Roaster leapt up and tries to slash at them with his claws.

"Nice try!" Wukong blocked with his staff, pushing him back.

At the same time, Quetzal had dived down under the greek city with Garuda and Soarin flying down after her. She quickly disappeared into the clouds and the pair soared above them, watching out to try and find her. As they did, a pair of metal fines appeared out from the clouds behind them.

Up on the battlefield, the clones watched the fight and each held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Roaster spread his wings as wind swirled around them, whilst Quetzal broke out of the clouds and the yellow parts of her body glowed. "Whirlwind Cage/Radiant Aura!"

Roaster beat his wings and the wind shot of towards Wukong.

"Raaaah!" He swung his staff to try and dispel the wind, but it quickly swirled around him to form an upside-down tornado that was big at the bottom and small at the top. The tornado sucked in air from the top and pushed it down, "augh!" Wukong felt himself being pushed down to the ground, Heath also feeling it.

At the same time, the light around Quetzal shot off and flew towards Garuda. "Augh!" The light slammed into him and spread around around his body, freezing him in place.

Garuda: 700Gs
Roaster: 950Gs
Quetzal: 750Gs
Wukong: 850Gs

"Raaaah!" Garuda tried to fight against it, but he couldn't and Quetzal charged forward ready to stab him with her tail lance. But before she could reach him, Soarin held up a card.

"Ability...Activate!" He groaned as Garuda's wings sparked. "Feather...Shock!" Garuda used all his strength to beat his wings, sending feathers flying off his wings and hitting Quetzal.

"Augh!" She cried, as her ability was negated and Garuda powered up.

Garuda: 900Gs
Roaster: 950Gs
Quetzal: 650Gs
Wukong: 850Gs

Now able to move again, Garuda shot forward and swung his feet upwards and slammed it into his opponent. She screamed as she was sent flying backwards, the hybrid flying passed the battlefield where Wukong was still trapped.

"Heath!" He moaned from the force of the wind, "are...you okay?"

"I'll live!" He cried, whilst taking out a card. "But let's get out of here. Ability, Activate!" He leapt off his shoulder as Wukong's hair exploded, the ape swinging it around. "Backfire!" The flames began caught up in the wind and turned the tornado into a fire vortex, Wukong cupping his hands to shield Heath as he leapt through it and felt the flames boost his power.

Garuda: 900Gs
Roaster: 950Gs
Quetzal: 650Gs
Wukong: 1250Gs

"What?" Roaster asked as Wukong leapt out of the fire and swung a foot around, slamming it into his chest. "AUGH!" He was knocked backwards and crashed through several burned trees, moaning as he did so. "Ow."

Wukong smirked as he landed, placing Heath back on his shoulders, but then Roaster stood up as the other Heath held up two cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" Roaster's claws burst into flames and he charged at them. "Pyro Claw, plus Spiral Shredding!"

"Raaah!" Roaster leapt up and spread his wings, allowing him to hover above them before he started spinning.

Garuda: 900Gs
Roaster: 1250Gs
Quetzal: 650Gs
Wukong: 1250Gs

Wind swirled around him as he fell, picking up the flames and morphing him into a flaming drill that fell towards them. Wukong quickly spun him staff around, the fire drill slamming into it and pushing the pair to a standstill.

At the same time, Quetzal and Garuda flew around each other in midair. Garuda tried to slash at Quetzal, but the serpents ribbon-like body made dodging rather easy. She then spread her wings wide as the other Soarin held up a pair of cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" Quetzal started spinning, causing a powerful gust that blew through her wings. "Feather Storm!"

The wind shot towards Garuda and carried a bunch of feathers, which slashed against him and made him hiss and have to close his eyes.

Garuda: 900Gs
Roaster: 1250Gs
Quetzal: 800Gs
Wukong: 1250Gs

Garuda was so focused on the feathers, he didn't notice Quetzal flying towards him until she was too close. "Plus, Spiral Constrictor!" She swung her tail around and wrapped it around him, Garuda crying out as his arms and wings were bound to his body.

Garuda: 750Gs
Roaster: 1250Gs
Quetzal: 800Gs
Wukong: 1250Gs

Augh!" He cried, trying to fight against her grip. At the same time, Quetzal stared at Soarin and licked her lips before trying to snap at him.

"HEY!" He cried, as she tried again only for him to stop her nose. "Back off!" She hissed in pain and pulled back, whilst he pulled out a card. "Ability, Activate!" Garuda's mouth filled with energy, Quetzal's eyes going wide as she quickly uncurled herself from him. "Blitz Bolt!"

Garuda fired but Quetzal was able to avoid the lightning bolts, the serpent diving downwards towards the ground. Garuda dived down after her and as he did, he spotted Wukong and Roaster in a flaming martial arts battle.

Wukong's staff was burning at the tips whilst Roaster's feet were still aflame. Roaster swung his legs around, trying to claw at him whilst Wukong blocked with his staff before thrusting it at Roaster. Heath used this opening to leap off Wukong's shoulder, not wanting to ruin his plan if this didn't affect him too.

"Double Ability, Activate!" He cried as Roaster glowed. "Co-Side, plus Blazing Trickster!" The light flew off Roaster and into Wukong, whose body suddenly exploded into flames that shot off and formed an army of Wukong to surround Roaster.

Garuda: 750Gs
Roaster: 1250Gs
Quetzal: 800Gs
Wukong: 1550Gs

"What?" Roaster cried, looking around and seeing all the Wukong that encircled him. "What kind of trick is this?"

"The best kind!" The Wukong all yelled before charging forward. Roaster quickly found himself deflecting attacks from all sides, blocking the staffs with his wings before slashing at the monkies with his claws.

"Hybrid Ability, Activate!" The other Heath cried as Roaster leapt into the air, his wings bursting into flames. "Wildfire Cyclone!" As he landed outside the circle, he beat his wings and sent the flames flying off of him as the wind swirled them around into a flaming tornado.

It shot forward and zigzagged around, hitting each Wukong and dispelling them until only the real one remained.

"Augh!" He cried as the flaming vortex struck his body and burned away a lot of his power.

Garuda: 750Gs
Roaster: 1450Gs
Quetzal: 800Gs
Wukong: 1350Gs

Meanwhile, Quetzal avoided another Blitz Bolt as the other Soarin held up a card. "Hybrid Ability, Activate!" Quetzal spun in the air and shot straight up towards them, as the orb on her tail lance glowed. "Heavenly Cannon!"

As Garuda fired another Blitz Bolt, she thrust her tail around as the orb fired a beam of light. It struck the Blitz Bolt and completely nuffield it before continuing towards Garuda, hitting him in that chest as his power was greatly reduced and Quetzal's rose.

Garuda: 550Gs
Roaster: 1450Gs
Quetzal: 1000Gs
Wukong: 1350Gs

"AUGH!" Garuda fell towards the ground and tried to open his wings, barely managing to do so feet off the ground and stopping his sudden fall.

"WOW!" Soarin cried as he fell off Garuda's shoulder, the Bakugan seeing this swinging his claws around to make a strong wind that pushed him sideways to land on the roof of a nearby building.

As Soarin recovered from this, Garuda turned to Quetzal as she fired her cannon again. He took to the air and flew away, the lasers getting too close to Soarin for his comfort. As Soarin climbed down the building, the headed towards the other battlefield as Wukong was recovering from the fire tornado that had struck him.

"You okay?" Heath asked, Wukong nodding and pushing himself to his feet.

"He won't be for long!" Roaster squawked, rushing forward with his feet on fire.

"Ability, Activate!" Heath cried as Wukong swung his flaming ponytail around. "Wildfire Burst!" He swung it at Roaster and it slammed into the bird, knocking him back and burning away at his power.

Garuda: 550Gs
Roaster: 1300Gs
Quetzal: 1000Gs
Wukong: 1350Gs

Wukong then leapt at him with his fist pulled back, the ape punching the hybrid as hard as he could. All the while, Heath was staring at the ground. "Come on. Power yourselves up. Get as strong as you can." As he said that, Garuda and Quetzal flew passed with the serpent firing a cannon at him.

Soarin ran into the field and took out a card. "Ability, Activate!" Garuda shot into the air and spun, "Aero Bomber!" The spheres of energy formed in his hands and he brought them together, then thrust the sphere down towards Quetzal.

Garuda: 700Gs
Roaster: 1300Gs
Quetzal: 1000Gs
Wukong: 1350Gs

Quetzal fired her hybrid attack at the sphere and it exploded before it could hit her, Soarin frowning since all he had left was his Fusion Ability. He took it out and was about to use it, but then his eyes connected with Heath who gave him a look saying not yet.

"It's time to end this!" Roaster roared as the other Heath held up a card.

"Fusion Ability, Activate!" He cried as Roaster's entire body exploded into flames

"Fusion Ability!" The other Soarin called out as well, "Activate!" Quetzal's entire body began to glow brighter and brighter, the serpent flying towards Garuda whilst Roaster spread his wing.

"HYPER BLAZING HURRICANE!" He beat his wings and the flames shot towards Wukong, slamming into him before he could react and spiralling around him.

"DIVINE LIBERATION!" The light exploded off of Quetzal and struck Garuda, the birdman screaming as he felt his power being sucked away.

Garuda: 100Gs
Roaster: 1700Gs
Quetzal: 1200Gs
Wukong: 950Gs

"GARUDA!" Soarin cried, scared he was going to lose his partner.

"YES!" Sombra cheered, as both Garuda and Wukong began to weaken. "Activating the energy grabbers!" He started typing away as Lucifer watched, not thinking it was going to be so easy. And he was right.

"Just give it up!" Quetzal told thm, as the two of them were getting closer and closer to defeat. "Relinquish your power to our master."

Hearing this, Garuda growled. "I...I knew it." He flinched, but kept up. "You're trying to take our Attribute Energies." This scared the teens, not knowing what might happen if Lucifer got his hands on another. "Well it's not...gonna happen."

"Yeah!" Wukong cried, as he was continuously slammed by strikes of fire. "These Attribute Energies were a gift. We proved ourselves and they were our prizes. The Guardians rusted us with them, and we're not gonna let you guys just take them away!"

"What can you possibly do now?" Roaster asked, "there's no way you can beat us!"

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." The Hybrids looked over at Heath, who smirked before pointing towards the ground. "Gate Card...OPEN!" The ground began to glow, "Crazy Monkey Business!" The energy shot towards the pillars of fire and light, right into the Bakugan within them. And as Wukong and Garuda was just about to fall, they felt their power surge.

"Huh?" Garuda asked, as new strength flowed through him. He then beat his wings and in doing so, the light exploded off of him.

"YEAH!" Wukong cheered as he summoned his staff and swung it around, dispelling the fire tornado as the energy continued to make them glow.

"What?" Quetzal cried.

"How's that possible?" Roaster asked, as the energy their opponents were shrouded with suddenly exploded off of them and struck them both. "AUGH!"

"What's happening?" Quetzal cried, but then felt her power drop harshley. "Gyah!" The fake brawlers looked down at their BakuColars, surprise appearing on their faces.

Garuda: 1200Gs
Roaster: 950Gs
Quetzal: 100Gs
Wukong: 1700Gs

"They traded your G power," other Soarin stated.

"That's right," Heath smirked. "Crazy Monkey Business can trade the G Power of any Bakugan with their opponents, but only if Wukong is on the field and the difference is five hundred or more." The hybrids growled at this, then realised the biggest problem. They were almost out of Ability Cards.

"Double Ability, Activate!" Their brawlers each held up a pair of cards, as they both glowed. "Co-Side, plus Diagonal Correlation!" Wukong and the Hybrids both glowed, the energy flowing off into the single ball between them before splitting into two and flying into the hybrids. But it wasn't enough.

Garuda: 1200Gs
Roaster: 1250Gs
Quetzal: 400Gs
Wukong: 1700Gs

"Attack Garuda!" Quetzal told Roaster, he tried to charge towards the Ventus Bakugan. But before he could, Wukong got in the way.

"Not today!" He cried, swinging his staff and knocking Roaster back. At the same time, Garuda charged towards Quetzal.

"Stay away!" She cried, firing her Heavenly Cannon at him. But Garuda created a lightning sword that he swung around to deflect it without problem. "NO!"

"Our turn to end this!" Soarin cried, as he and Heath took out a card. "FUSION ABILITY, ACTIVATE!" Garuda shot into the sky, his body exploding with electricity. At the same time, Wukong began to breakdance as his hands, feet and tail-tip ignited. "STORM STRIKER/MONKEY KING INFERNO!"

The hybrids could only watch in horror, as Garuda dived down towards Quetzal and the flames exploded off of Wukong to slam into Roaster multiple times.

Garuda: 1600Gs
Roaster: 1250Gs
Quetzal: 300Gs
Wukong: 2150Gs

Wukong then leapt forward and called upon his staff, whilst Garuda got closer and closer to Quetzal. And there was nothing they could do to stop them. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" They both screamed before the attacks struck and they exploded, the force hitting the clones and blasting them out of existence.

Heath and Soarin were blinded for a moment, but the light soon faded and they looked over to see the Bakugan were both gone. "We did it!" Heath cheered, running over to Soarin and high-fiving.

"Yeah we did!" Soarin smirked, looking around to see any sign of the Bakugan. But there wasn't any. "Where'd they go?" He asked, looking worried those two might try and sneak attack them.

Within the dark area, Gigant and Muddion continued to hover until a flash of light caught their attention.

Looking around, they spotted two more Bakugan appear. "You lost too?" Gigant asked, as Quetzal and Roaster popped open. "Seriously? We thinned them out for you. How hard is it to beat what was left?"

"Oh be quiet," Quetzal told them. "From the looks of things, you didn't do any better than the pair of us."

"You have all failed!" The Bakugan went silent at that voice, as a screen appeared inside the void that showed Lucifer. "All you had to do was beat them once. Just once and the power they held would have been mine." The Bakugan flinched, fearing their master was going to get rid of them. "However, you were able to seperate the most dangerous target from the rest of his party. Now he's all alone going up to the final hurdle." He chuckled saying this, "no matter how strong he is there's no hope for him to overcome those two on his own."

Flash and Leonidas continued to ride the elevator up to the next floor, hating that he had no choice in where he was going. "Hopefully, this leads to Sombra's office."

"I doubt it," Leonidas told him. "There could be a hundred floors between us and them. If Lucifer's trying to buy time to synchronise with the power, he'd want to put as many obstacles between us and him as he could."

"I guess," Flash nodded. "But I think we've already passed floor one hundred. I just wonder why Sombra built a bunch of battlefields into his building to begin with. Dark Industries has existed since before the Bakugan showed up, so this building couldn't have had all these fields before then. How much did it cost to remodel this place?"

"I doubt he physically rebuilt the place. Best guess, Lucifer used his power to make these fields like he did the hybrids." As he said that, the elevator dinged. "We're here." The doors opened and they stepped out to find themselves in yet another battlefield, this one appearing a lot more whole then the last too.

This battlefield was made entirely out of black rock, looking like a rocky wasteland. Some of the rocks were huge, some being the size of houses whilst others were three times that size. And from a spot on each of those rocks, a strange purple liquid flowed out. That liquid oozed down the side of the rocks and either pooled into lakes at the base, or flowed along the ground into rivers.

"I don't like the look of this place," Leonidas growled. "Careful around that water."

"I don't think that's water," Flash stated as he walked towards a river which had a rocky bridge over it. As he stepped across, he got the strangest feeling he was being watched. "We're not alone here."

"No doubt," Leonidas nodded. "This place must have a pair of Hybrid Bakugan in it as well."

At the same time, two large figures were hiding behind some of the large rocks.

The pair were watching the two from a distance, chuckling at the sight of them. "Our prey has arrived," one said gleefully with a snap of his claws.

"Master Lucifer will reward us greatly for defeating him," the other stated. "They will regret coming here and attempting to oppose him. Come, we will use the element of surprise." He turned to walk away, the heavy clunking of metal boots filling the air.

Flash and Leo continued to make their way through the battlefield, hoping to find the elevator before they ran into the hybrids guarding the floor

But as they rushed passed another pool of purple liquid, that pool began to bubble and ripple. "Huh?" Leo turned to it and saw a figure beneath the surface. "LOOK OUT!" Flash heard this and his instincts kicked in, the teen leaping forward as the figure exploded out of the pool.

That figure turned out to by a Darkus Serpenoid, who hissed angrily as it surged forward to try and swallow them whole. Flash's actions had saved them from becoming a single course meal, but as they began to pick themselves up two more Serpenoid appeared.

An Aquos one appeared at the top of a rock and slithered down it, whilst a Haos Serpenoid broke out of the ground and hissed as it slithered out. And as the three charged, Leonidas turned to his partner. "Flash!"

"Bakugan," Flash grabbed and threw him, "BRAWL!" As the Serpenoid charged at the pair, Leonidas landed and popped open. "Bakugan...STAND!" The light tornado exploded out and as it did, the three snakes were knocked back before Leonidas exploded from it.

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" He roared quickly flying down and grabbing Flash before swinging his tail around to knock the Darkus Bakugan away as it tried to bite Flash. "Let's get out of here!" He began to fly off, but the Serpenoid began to fire blasts of water, light and dark mist.

"Look out!" Flash cried, Leonidas barrel-rolling to avoid the attacks. "We gotta take them out or they'll just keep attacking." Leonidas nodded as Flash took out a card. "Ability...Activate."

"Ultra Destroyer!" Leonidas spun around and fired the laser from his mouth, which struck the ground in front of the Serpenoid and made it explode. The three snakes hissed as they were blasted backwards and reverted back to ball form, allowing Leonidas to keep flying. But before he could get to far...

"OCEAN EATER!" From behind one of the rocks, a blast of water exploded towards them in the shape of a dragon head.

"AUGH!" Leonidas cried, the blast knocking him down and causing him to fall towards a lake of purple ooze. He spun out of control, but just managed to spread his wings and fly above the lake before crashing into the ground.

"Gyah!" Flash cried as he was thrown from Leo's claws and rolled along the ground. He let out a moan as he picked himself up, "Leo...you okay?"

Leonidas groaned as he pushed himself to his feet. "What was that?" He turned towards the area that attack had come from and when he did, a figure stepped out of the shadows.

"Welcome trespassers," a high pitched voice exclaimed with a snapping of claws. "To the last battlefield you'll ever see!" The creatures looked like the combination of a skeleton and a scorpion. Its entire body looked to be made out of purple bones with blue blades. It was standing on two large boney feet, which had three long blue claws, that were connected to a long spinal column-like body with large blue spikes sticking out of it that mirrored both ribs and extra legs. It also had a pair of boney arms that ended in a pair of blue scorpion pincers, whilst the end of the spine had a giant monster skull for a head. Finally, it had a long bone-tail that ended in a blue blade almost as long as Flash was tall.

"Who are you?" Leonidas asked, as the creature charged forward.

"I am Poison Skulpion. And I will destroy you!" He slashed at Leonidas, who growled as he dodged the attack. Flash had to leap out of the way to avoid getting stepped on, as Skulpion's claws glowed. "Shadow Slashers!" He swung his claws around and in doing so, sent out black energy blades that struck Leonidas.

"GYAH!" He was thrown backwards and crashed into a large rock, hitting it so hard he left a sizable dent within the rock.

"That was a Darkus Ability," Flash realised as Leonidas pushed himself out of the rock. "And that last one was an Aquos Ability. So that's this guy's Attribute." Flash knew there had to be another Hybrid around and as he thought about it, he realised that Lucifer had only used each attribute twice in his creations. And the last two Attributes to be used were... "Haos and Darkus." He spun around, trying to see a sign of the final Hybrid as Leonidas and Skulpion stared one another down.

"I know you're out there!" He cried, "show yourself. Haos and Darkus Hybrid." Skulpion was surprised to hear this and Leonidas smirked, the lot of them hearing heavy footsteps fill the the battlefield.

"Very good human," the source of the steps appeared from behind another rock. It was a humanoid Bakugan that resembled a medieval crusader. It was wearing black clothing with white armour on top of it that protected it chest, wrists and feet, whilst its head looked similar to a Haos Siege but without the eyes. It was wearing a black cape that flowed down its back and it was carrying a golden sword in one hand and a shield in the other that looked like a skull with a pair of large vampire fang. "You are correct. I am the Hybrid of light and shadow." He raised his sword, "Mayhem Rampager!"

"Wow," Leonidas said sarcastically, "scary." He quickly spread his wings and leapt into the air, "but you don't scare me!"

"Ability, Activate!" Flash cried as Leo's mouth began to glow, "Supreme Cannon!" Leonidas formed the sphere and fired it at Rampager, but the hybrid raised his shield.

"Vampire Shield!" The skull's eyes glowed as the mouth opened, creating a sucking motion that pulled the attack in and swallowed the sphere.

"No way!" Leonidas cried, only for the sucking force to increase in power and begin to pull him. "What?" He cried, doing his best to stay away. But then, energy began to flow out of him. "He nullified my attack and is draining...my power!"

"Leo!" Flash cried, as Rampager drew his golden sabre.

"Sword of Light!" The blade glowed as he swung it around, the light flying off and shooting towards Leonidas.

"Look out!" Flash cried, trying to activate an Ability. But it was too late. The blade slammed into Leonidas and he scream in pain, as the blast knocked him backwards until he crashed into the ground with enough force to blast Flash back. "Augh!" He rolled along the ground several feet until he finally came to a stop, right on the edge of what he now assumed was a toxic lake.

"Pathetic," Rampager chuckled. "To think, these are the fools master Lucifer is so afraid of."

Skulpion laughed as he snapped his claws together. "Let's finish them off and deliver the Attribute Energy to master Lucifer." As he said that, his claws began to produce a dark purple mist that completely surrounded the instruments. At the same time, Rampager's sword began to glow a mixture of purple and golden light.

Flash groaned as he pulled himself to his feet. "Leo," he moaned out. "Leo, you have to get up."

Leonidas began to move, a cry of pain filling his body as he did so. "Flash." He lifted his head and looked over at his partner, then felt the energy forming behind him and look around. "What?"

"Poisonous Tear!" Skulpion roared as he swung his claws around, the mist flying off and forming an X-shaped projectile that flew towards them.

"Shining Shadows!" Rampage swung his sword and the twin lights flew off, forming a crescent blade that they were the target of. The two attacks moved at incredible speed, too fast for Flash and Leonidas to avoid.

"LOOK OUT!" Leo roared as he reached down to shield Flash, right as the attacks landed.


A massive explosion rocked the entire building, worrying those below and exciting those above. Leonidas let out a scream of pain as everything went dark.

Outside the building, two figures flew towards it as fast as they could. Ragnaroid and Derpy were both staring at their intended location, ready to help their friends as best as they could.

Ragnaroid suddenly sensed something. "There's a battle going on inside that building," he told Derpy. The girl was worried about this, fearing the others had already began their fight against Lucifer. But then Ragnaroid opened his chest, allowing his Doom Vision to scan the entire building. "Lucifer's at the top, but the battle's taking place below him. That's strange."

"What is it?"

"I'm only sensing three Bakugan within the battle, but there are five attributes within it."

"How is that possible?"

"A hybrid," Ragnaroid assumed. "I've seen a few Bakugan like that. Evolving to gain a secondary Attribute. Usually the second one is weaker then the first, but these attributes appear to be in perfect equilibrium. Wait..."

"What's wrong?"

"I know that single Haos Attribute. It's Leonidas. He's fighting these Hybrid on his own. And it looks like he's being outclassed." Now Derpy was very worried.

"We have to help them."

"It'll be tough. I can see a field around the outside of the building. If I enter, I'll return to ball form."

"Is there a way around it?" She asked, Ragnaroid nodding.

"But it could be dangerous."

"We have no other choice," Derpy told him. "Flash needs our help." She stared back at the building, thinking about all the pain she had caused him. "I won't leave him to face his battle alone." No matter what the risk, she would help her friend. Even if it meant giving in too her demons.

Author's Note:

Four hybrids down, two to go. Now, can Flash pull through this final obstacle. Or will he need a little help.

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