• Published 26th Mar 2022
  • 2,628 Views, 278 Comments

Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

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Running the Gauntlet

When the BakuFighters stepped into the lobby of Dark Industries, they were expecting an attack at any moment.

But to their surprise, there was no attack. In fact, there was nobody there at all.

"Well this is unexpected," Lyra frowned as they made their way through the lobby. The place looked rather normal considering it was the home base of an evil tyrant, with multiple stone columns lining the room, a single large marble desk at the back and a bunch of doors and elevators leading to different sections of the building.

"Weird that Sombra would just let us enter like this," Soarin stated.

"Maybe he thinks we can't do anything," Heath pointed out. "Since our Bakugan are back in ball form, it's not like we can fight him ourselves."

"I don't think that's the reason," Garuda told him. "Don't forget, he was able to suck the Attribute Energy out of Ragnaroid and apparently, he got those devices installed into the battlefield overnight. I'm willing to bet he has them in here somewhere too."

Flash frowned at this. "Well just because he has them, that doesn't mean he's gonna get to use'em." He marched forward, "come on." He headed for the stairway, not expecting the elevators to work. But before he could open it, he heard a loud clicking noise coming from it. "What?" He tried to push it open, but the door wouldn't budge. "Come on!"

The others tried different doors, some leading to other staircases and another leading to a hallway, but they all had the same result. "They're locked tight!" Bonnie cried. In that moment, a dinging sound filled the air and they looked over to see one of the elevators beginning to open.

"I think Sombra's inviting us up," Wukong guessed.

"I don't like this," Leonidas growled. "We're playing into Sombra's hands."

"He's right," Flash began to head for the door. "Let's get out of here and figure out another way to Sombra." They all nodded but as they got closer to the door, the automatic machinery activated and the doors slammed shut. A moment later, a metal cover on the outside began to descend and locked to the ground as they reached the door. Flash and Heath tried to pry it open, whilst Soarin grabbed a trash can and threw it as hard as he could. But the can simply bounced off the glass.

"Bulletproof," Lyra guessed before they all turned towards the elevator. "Sombra really wants us to go into that elevator."

"We're not that stupid," Heath frowned before looking around. "Your little games aren't gonna work. Let us out of here, right now!" But as he said that, a new sound filled the air. A hissing, which was coming from the walls.

"What's that sound?" Nimue asked, only for Gaia to spot something.

"Look!" They turned to the spot where the walls met the ground and spotted a bunch of white smoke flying out of vents, which slowly began to fill the room and get closer to them. "He's trying to gas us!"

"Ahhh!" Flash covered his mouth, looking between the smoke and the elevator. "Come on!" He ran towards the elevator and the others followed suit, the lot of them managing to get there before the gas could affect them. As soon as the last was in, the elevator closed and began to move upwards. "Where the heck-"

"-did you get poison gas?" Lucifer asked as they watched the teens disappear into the elevator, he and Sombra keeping an eye on them as Lucifer continued to synchronise his body with the Darkus Energy.

Sombra chuckled, "it's not poison. It was the building's fire suppression system. Amazing what people will think when they see an unknown substance." Lucifer laughed at this as they continued to watch the lobby, which the gas now completely filled. "They're on their way." He got up and moved over to a safe he hid behind a portrait of his parents.

Opening it up, he saw a strange looking device. A strange metal glove with a tube connecting it to a strange looking backpack.

"What is that?" Lucifer asked, as Sombra placed the glove on.

"A device my father built a long time ago. It can absorb and store energy." He hoisted the device onto his back. "You're having trouble synchronising with one attribute. So suddenly getting a second before you're ready could be dangerous." He moved over to his desk. "Once those fools are weak enough, we'll take the attribute energy and place it in here. Then when you're ready, I'll unleash the energy into you."

"I like your thinking," Lucifer smirked. "But can that device hold the Attribute Energies?"

"I see no reason it shouldn't," he then reached for a cord connected to his desk and attached it to the device. "As soon as they're weak enough, we'll steal the energy from them." He hit a button on the computer that changed to show the teens in the elevator. "That's right my little friends. Enjoy the ride. It'll take you to your end."

Everyone in the elevator was constantly on edge as they rode it up, expecting it to stop or even drop them at any minute.

But it didn't and eventually, the elevator's light indicated they were at the top floor. But as the doors opened, they saw they weren't in Sombra's office any more. By the look of things, they weren't even in a building anymore.

"What the heck?" Flash asked as they stepped out into a large marshland, their shoes instantly soaking as water flowed into the elevator behind them. "How the heck did we get out here?"

"I don't like this." Lyra frowned, only for Nimue to gasp. "What is it?"

"The field that was suppressing our ability to take our true forms," she explained. "It's gone." That was a surprise, but they quickly caught on and realised what this meant.

"It's a battlefield," Soarin cried as they made their way through the swamp. "Sombra's set up a battlefield."

"How?" Heath asked, "and why?" None of them had the answer to that last question, but they all guessed the elevator only went this high up. From the outside, the skyscraper looked to be about fifty stories. They assumed they had only travelled ten or so.

After a minute or so of marching through the marshland, they suddenly felt it getting very hot. And they realised why when suddenly, they stepped out of the swamp and found themselves in a field full of lava pools. "What the?" Bonnie asked, the lot of them heading down a path between two pools of the molten rock. "What's with the sudden biome change?"

Soarin looked ahead and when he did, he spotted another swampy area a ways ahead. In another direction, the lava continued but in another more marshland could be seen. "Weird," he told them, "it's like someone cut up two completely different battlefields and stuck them both together in a random way."

"What's Sombra thinking?" Flash asked as they continued through the lava field, eventually reaching a rock bridge over a river of the stuff. "Careful guys. This lava shouldn't be dangerous, but who knows what Sombra could have done to the safety features." They all nodded and began to carefully go over it.

However, as they they approached the halfway point, the Bakugan sensed something. "Huh?" Leonidas looked down at the lava, confusing the humans. "What was that?"

"You sensed it too?" Nimue asked, the others all nodding as their partners looked worried. "For a brief moment, I thought I sensed another Bakugan."

"It was weird," Wukong stated. "I thought I sensed some Pyrus Energy, but it was in a flux."

"Same," Gaia nodded, "but I thought I sensed a Subterra Energy." Everyone was confused, but kept moving. But as soon as they reached the top of the bridge, the Bakugan sensed it again. Before any of them could call out, the lava exploded upwards on both sides of the bridge.

They all gasped as the molten rock began to fall towards them. "MOVE!" Soarin yelled, the lot running forward as the lava splashed down behind them. They ran and ran and ran and ran, the liquid flames hot on their heels...literally. Eventually, they all got off the bridge and kept running. But as they did, something began to pull itself from out of the lava.

"What is that?" Wukong asked as he sensed it, the lot of them looking back to see a large humanoid figure beginning to rise from the lava lake. They couldn't make out what it looked like, since the lava was still covering it but was slowly falling away.

"Let's not stick around to find out!" Lyra told him, the BakuFighters continuing to retreat from the creature. They headed for the marshlands area and disappeared into the trees, though the lava creature was slowly marching after them.

"This is nuts!" Heath panted, "what the heck even was that thing?"

"A Bakugan," Gaia told him. "I could sense a Subterra Energy within it."

"How could a Subterra Bakugan survive in lava?" Nimue asked, "Only Pyrus Bakugan have that immunity." Nobody had the answer to that, as they continued through the marshy mud-lands. And as they did so, they eventually came across a giant lake full of swampy water. They all stuck their tongues out, not wanting to even touch that water. But as they began to make their way around the lake, the Bakugan sensed it again.

"Another Bakugan!" Nimue cried, "an Aquos one!"

"No," Gaia shook her head, "it's Subterra. But it's coming..." She pointed towards the lake and once again, everyone was confused about a Subterra Bakugan being underwater. But before anyone could say anything else, the lake exploded as something big emerged.

"RUN!" Garuda yelled, the lot of them attempting to run around the lake. But as they did, the figure that had just appeared fired something at them. It slammed into a tree next to the lake, making them gasp as the wooden structure was obliterated. The projectile had been a giant mudball, and another ones was coming their way.

Seeing no other choice, they rushed back the way they came and the monster pulled itself from the lake and began to follow them. "Nimue," Gaia called out, "do you sense it?"

"Yes," Nimue nodded, "that thing has Aquos energies."

"But it also has Subterra energies," Gaia stated.

"How can a Bakugan have two attributes?" Flash asked, as they reached the border between the swamp and lava-lands. And as they did, they saw the creature from before appearing in front of them.

It was a large humanoid Bakugan, roughly on par with pre-evolved Gaia size-wise.

It was made entirely out of red and orange rock segments, with yellow liquid earth running around between the segments. its head was a giant fireball exploding out of a hole in its rocky torso, with a stone mask-like face sticking out the front of it. Its shoulders were like a pair of mini volcanoes, which were spewing out small streams of fire whilst its arms were entirely tube-like with three long rocky claws sticking out the end of the tube. Finally, its feet were magma-like and had a pair of stone boots keeping it upright.

The BakuFighters gasped at the sight of it, then looked back to see the other Bakugan approach in all its horrible glory.

It was just as big as the other Bakugan, being a series of shapes made of mud that were stuck together with mud and seaweed to make a humanoid form. Its main body was a sphere made entirely out of mud, with a face sticking out the front and two mud spheres sticking out the sides to form shoulders. Many muscle like vines of seaweed flowed from the mud shoulders and ended in large mud spheres that resembled hands, as five muddy fingers stuck out of them. Below its mud body was a mud waist, which has seaweed legs sticking out of it connected to mud squares that resembled booted feet. Seaweed could also be seen draped over the top of the giant's mud body.

The BakuFighters and their Bakugan all stared at the two creatures in shock, as Wukong sensed something. "That Bakugan's got Pyrus Energy," he stated whilst looking at the magma Bakugan.

"Two Bakugan with two Attributes?" Nimue asked, "how is something like this possible?" Her question was met by a large round of laughter, coming from the two Bakugan.

"You can thank our master," the lava Bakugan stated. "He has given us life."

"Hail," the mud Bakugan announced. "Hail, master Lucifer!"

"So that's it," Leonidas growled, "Lucifer created them and somehow bestowed them with two Attributes." As he sad that, the lava Bakugan raised an arm and pointed at them. They had a feeling they knew what was coming and so, they ran away. Seconds later, the Bakugan's claws retracted into its arm as the end of the tube split into five pieces that moved apart.

Then, super heated air exploded out of the tube towards them. Had they not already been running, they likely would have been cooked. At the same time, the mud Bakugan raised its hands as holes appeared in the palms of its hands. From them, dirty water exploded outwards and hit the ground to morph into a large wave.

"Look out!" Nimue cried, the lot of them trying to outrun the wave. In that moment, Gaia closed up and leapt off Bonnie's shoulder.

"GAIA!" Bonnie cried as her Bakugan hit the ground and opened up, exploding into a burst of orange light that split the tsunami in half. From that light, Gaia appeared and shielded the others from whatever the two Bakugan would throw at them next. "Thanks Gaia."

Gaia's focus remained on the two who attacked them. "Stop this. Lucifer might have created you, but you are your own Bakugan. You don't have to follow him."

"We know that," the magma Bakugan stated.

"We choose to follow him," the muddy Bakugan replied. "Because he is our creator and the one who will give us positions of power after he conquers this world."

"What kind of fools believe Lucifer will give them any kind of power?" Nimue asked, this question being heard by the two.

"I am Magma Gigant," the lava Bakugan announced. "Wielding of fire and earth."

"And I am Swamp Muddion," the other Bakugan proclaimed. "Master of earth and water."

"And together-" Gigant continued, "we will protect master Lucifer and destroy anyone who tries to stop his plans." As he said that, he raised his arm cannons as a sphere of flames appeared on the end of it. He fired it, but Gaia quickly summoned her log cannons and fired back, the two attacks colliding and exploding.

Everyone flinched at this, the explosion pushing some of them back. As this happened, Muddion raised his hands as holes appeared in the palms. But instead of water, dust exploded out of them and struck Gaia. "Ahhhh!" She staggered backwards, the BakuFighters needing to rush to the side in order to avoid being stepped on. A they did, Gigant and Muddion prepared their next attack.

"Lyra!" Nimue cried, Lyra nodding and taking her partner in hand.

"Bakugan...BRAWL!" She threw Nimue towards the battlefield and as soon as she hit the ground, the Aquos Bakugan exploded into a tornado of water as she took her real form.

"Raaaaaaah!" She cried as she shot out of the water and swung her staff around, slamming it right into Gigant's chest. This knocked Gigant back, forcing Muddion to move to the side to avoid being slammed into.

As Nimue landed, Gaia managed to clean the dust from her eyes. "Go!" Nimue told the others, "we'll handle these two and catch up."

"Are you sure?" Flash asked, turning to Lyra and Bonnie. The two nodded with a smile, telling the boys they would be fine. "Okay, just be careful." The three and their Bakugan ran off, leaving the girls and four Bakugan to stare one another down.

"So," Gigant asked, "you wanna brawl. Fine then." Suddenly, Lyra and Bonnie found a light surrounding them. It started at their feet and moved up their bodies.

"What's happening?" Bonnie asked, as the lights completely enveloped them before shooting off. They flew passed the Bakugan and landed behind the behemoths, hitting the ground and taking shape. In a flash of light, another Lyra and Bonnie were standing there. Only the colours on their cloths were swapped and their eyes were blank. "They copied us?"

"Not again!" Lyra moaned as the Bakugan all reverted back to ball form. "Whatever." She took out a Gate Card. "Let's end this quickly and get back to the others." Her friends all nodded before she threw the card towards the area that split the volcanic and swampy lands. "Gate Card...SET!" As soon as it exploded, the four brawlers threw their partners. "Bakugan...BRAWL!" The four Bakugan hit the ground rolling before popping open, exploding into orange light, lava, and a pair of watery vortexes. "Bakugan...STAND!"

"Aquos Lady Nimue!" The Bakugan exploded from the tornado and swung his staff around.

"Swamp Muddion!" The other Lyra stated as the Bakugan broke free of its tornado.

"Subterra Grand Gaia!" Gaia appeared and was ready for battle.

"Magma Gigant!" The other Bonnie cried as the lava pillar lowered and the walking volcano stood tall. The four Bakugan all prepared themselves for battle, knowing this was gonna be one heck of a fight.

Gaia: 650Gs
Nimue: 650Gs
Gigant: 750Gs
Muddion: 750Gs

"Your ready?" Bonnie asked her best friend, Lyra stepping up so they were shoulder to shoulder.


Sombra smiled as he watched the brawl begin, typing away as he did so.

"Once their Bakugan are weak enough, I'll activate the drainers and take their Attribute Energies from them." He smiled as Lucifer continued to glow, the former White One getting more and more in sync with his powers by the second. It wouldn't be long before he had complete control over it. And then he could focus on absorbing the other fool's energies.

"Ability, Activate!" Clone Bonnie held up a card, as Gigant raised his arms and retracted his claws. "Heat Blaster!"

"Take this!" Gigant roared as he fired a blast of superheated air towards the two opposing Bakugan, Nimue jumping back whilst Gaia reached down to grab the girls and lift them out of harm's way.

Gaia: 650Gs
Nimue: 650Gs
Gigant: 950Gs
Muddion: 750Gs

Gaia placed Bonnie on her shoulder and handed Lyra over to Nimue, who allowed Lyra to jump onto her own shoulder. "You okay?" The Aquos Bakugan asked her.

"I'll live," Lyra assured her. "Let's focus on the fight." They turned back to their opponents, as Muddion moved forward and the other Lyra held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Muddion raised its hands as the holes appeared within them again. "Wild Flooding!" Water exploded out of the holes and hit the ground, transforming into a giant wave that flew towards Nimue and Gaia.

"Look out!" Bonnie cried, as Gaia raised her foot before slamming it down. This caused a shockwave that struck the wave, pushing it away from them.

That wasn't the case for Nimue, who tried to leap up over the wave. But the best she could do was get her upper body above the water, as it slammed into her. "Augh!" She cried as she and Lyra were pushed back.

Gaia: 650Gs
Nimue: 450Gs
Gigant: 950Gs
Muddion: 750Gs

"Hold on!" Lyra cried, quickly holding up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Nimue swung her staff through the water and took control of it, "Hydro Sphere!" The water formed a bubble around them, protecting Nimue and powering her up.

"Time to go one the offensive!" Nimue cried as she swung her staff again, causing the bubble to explode. The force knocked the water flying back and even slammed into Gigant.

"Augh!" He cried, feeling his power being put out. This also caused the boost he got from his Ability to vanish.

Gaia: 650Gs
Nimue: 750Gs
Gigant: 750Gs
Muddion: 750Gs

"Yes!" Lyra cheered, as she spotted Gaia rushing forward. "Bonnie!"

"Nimue's right," Bonnie cried, "it's time to go on the offensive." She held up a card, "Ability, Activate!" Gaia glowed along with the field around them, "Heart of the Earth!" The light on the field exploded off and flew into Gaia, powering her up.

Gaia: 850Gs
Nimue: 750Gs
Gigant: 750Gs
Muddion: 750Gs

As Gaia's power rose, she reached Gigant and threw a fist towards his chest. The magma Bakugan cried out at the impact, feeling himself being knocked backwards. Gaia didn't stop and threw another punch, then another and another. "Augh!" Gigant cried, as the other Bonnie held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Gigant's claws returned and came together to form the shape of a long pile driver spike, the Bakugan thrusting it towards the ground. "Fissure!" As soon as the spike struck the ground, a massive crack appeared and shot towards Gaia.

Before she could try and escape, the crack reached her and flew open. "Augh!" She fell up to her waist, her arms breaking her fall.

"WOW!" Bonnie cried, losing her balance and fall off Gaia's shoulders. She slid down her back for a few feet before managing to grab onto an area, but she soon found herself hanging over the fissure.

"Bonnie!" Lyra cried, Nimue trying to rush to their aid. But before they could, Muddion got in their way.

"Ability, Activate!" The other Lyra cried as she held up a card, Muddion raising his mudball hands. "Dirt Duster!" The holes appeared and unleashed the stream of mini rocks, which slammed into Nimue and forced her on the defensive in order to protect Lyra.

Both Bakugan struggled, their power beginning to drop.

Gaia: 650Gs
Nimue: 550Gs
Gigant: 750Gs
Muddion: 750Gs

Gigant and Muddion both chuckled, as they slowly moved closer ready to deal some serious pain to their opponents.

Flash, Soarin, Heath and their Bakugan continued to hear the sounds of battle as they ran through the swamp field, the lot of them worrying the girls might be in over their heads.

"Maybe we should have fought with the girls," Heath suggested. "There's no way those guys could take on all five of us together." The boys were thinking the same thing, but Garuda shook his head.

"That would take too long." As he said this, they arrived at the border between the swamp and another magma field. "We're on a time limit, remember. Fighting against those two all together would slow us down way too much. And I doubt they'll be the only Bakugan Sombra's placed between him and us."

"So you think there might be more?" Flash asked, Garuda nodding.

"That could be a problem," Leo frowned. But as he said that, he noticed something in the distance. "Over there!" They looked around and spotted large rock across a lava pool. That rock had a pair of metal doors within it, making them realise they had found another elevator.

Luckily, there was a bridge and they were able to cross without any more incident. And as they approached the elevator, it seemed to sense their presence for it began to open up. "Sombra wants us to ride this thing," Flash frowned.

"Well it's not like we have any other way up," Soarin told him. They stepped inside and as the elevator doors closed, they all glanced back in the direction of the girls. Each of them prayed they would be okay.

Gaia was still struggling to stop from falling into the fissure, made even worse with Bonnie holding onto her back threatening to fall off.

"Come on!" Bonnie groaned as she tried to pull herself up, but was having trouble. In this state, she couldn't activate any Abilities and things couldn't seem to get much worse. But she was wrong. "Huh?" Bonnie noticed a light below her and looked down, gasping when she saw something hot and glowing fill the fissure. It was then she realised they were currently in the volcanic section. "We have to get out of here...now!"

At the same time, Gigant and Muddion were walking forwards. Muddion was still firing the Dirt Duster attack at Nimue, who had just fallen to her knees. Lyra was hiding behind her neck, a few specks of dirt hitting her in areas and causing a few cuts to her clothing.

"I gotta do something!" But she wasn't sure Nimue could activate an Ability whilst being struck by a hundred tons of dirt. Then she remembered something. "That's right." She pointed to the ground. "Gate Card...OPEN!" The ground glowed and the light shot towards Gigant and Muddion, both of which suddenly finding themselves getting weaker "Power Dip!"

"What?" Gigant asked, as he felt his power leaving him. Muddion was the same way, as the light sucked out more of their power and forced him to stop his Dirt Duster attack. It then shot towards Nimue, surrounding her and giving her the power taken from her opponents.

Gaia: 650Gs
Nimue: 950Gs
Gigant: 550Gs
Muddion: 550Gs

"Hahaa!" Nimue cried before leaping to her feet. A nearby pond of dirty water was near them and with a swing of her staff, that water shot out and struck Muddion's feet

"Augh!" The hybrid Bakugan fell to the ground, allowing Nimue to focus on her teammate.

The lava was close now. So close Gaia had to lift her feet up. But nothing she did allowed her to get enough traction to push herself up. All the while, Gigant had recovered from the Gate Card's drain and got close enough to attack. Luckily, Nimue was there to save them.

She summoned some more water and threw it at Gigant, the wave striking him with enough force to knock him backwards and even put out his head flames. The water then flowed into the fissure, hitting the lava and rapidly cooling the top layer.

Gaia looked down and quickly saw a new platform. Not wasting the chance, she planted her feet on it and bent forwards. This allowed Bonnie to get onto her feet. "Alright!" She held up a card, "Ability, Activate!" Gaia began to glow, "Gaia Spirit!"

Gaia: 900Gs
Nimue: 950Gs
Gigant: 550Gs
Muddion: 550Gs

As the lava began to flow around the platform, Gaia leapt up with amazing strength. This allowed her to just clear the top of the fissure, Bonnie having run back onto her shoulder and hanging on as Gaia hit the ground and caused the whole place to shake.

Gigant saw this and charged, attempting to blast her with more heat. But Gaia swung he fists around and slammed him in the chest. "Augh!" He staggered back, whilst his head flame finally reignited. As he did, the lava veins surrounding his body began to glow.

The other Bonnie held up a pair of cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" Gigant summoned both his arm cannons, holding them up and pointing them at Gaia. "Flame Sphere, plus Rock Cannon!" In one hand, a large ball of fire appeared and began to grow. In the other, dust particles were sucked it and compressed to form a round boulder.

Gaia: 900Gs
Nimue: 950Gs
Gigant: 850Gs
Muddion: 550Gs

Gigant fired both attacks at the same time, but Gaia didn't look at all worried. "You hybrids might have the power of two Attributes!" She cried before swinging her arms around, dispelling the fireball and shattering the rock. "But it'll take more than that to get an advantage over us!"

"She's right!" Nimue turned to Muddion, who had finally picked himself up. "Maybe now you'll realise working for Lucifer is working for the wrong side.

"I don't think so!" Muddion cried as the other Lyra held up two cards herself.

"Double Ability, Activate!" Muddion's fingers retracted back into both hands, as a stream of spiralling water flew out of one and formed a whip-like structure. Meanwhile, the other hand solidified as a much of spikes stuck out of it. "Hydro Whip, plus Rock Mace!"

Gaia: 900Gs
Nimue: 950Gs
Gigant: 850Gs
Muddion: 850Gs

Muddion charged and began to swing his arms around, the two weapons twirling around him with incredible speed and force. But Nimue didn't appear scared. She swung her own weapon in front of her, forming a shield that deflected the two attacks.

And as they bounced off the staff and flew back, Nimue leapt up. "HIIIIII-YAAAAA!" She swung the staff around and slashed through the seaweed, making Muddion cry out as his hands were sent flying off and landed behind him.

"What have you done!" Muddion cried, with Nimue smiling.

"We haven't even started yet!" Lyra cheered before holding up a card, "try this on. Ability, Activate!" Nimue played a tune on her harp before swinging her staff around, causing more water to explode into the air. "Whirlpool Trap!"

The water shot towards Muddion and swirled around him, forming a vortex he was unable to escape. As the water slashed at him, his body began less and less solid.

Gaia: 900Gs
Nimue: 950Gs
Gigant: 850Gs
Muddion: 750Gs

Muddion groaned, but then began to laugh. "Big mistake." His body rapidly began to melt and he smirked as he disappeared in the water, shocking the girls.

"Where'd he go?" Lyra asked, but then noticed the mud and seaweed flowing through the water towards the base. "There!" But before they could get to it, the mud and seaweed escaped out the bottom and slithered along the ground towards where the hands had landed.

Once it connected, they merged together and formed a giant mudball that started rolling around the swamplands. In doing so, it got bigger and bigger and bigger by the second until it was twice the size as Nimue. Then, the mud split apart with seaweed connecting the pieces. Muddion had reformed.

"No...way," Lyra whispered, as Muddion laughed. But even so, Nimue still had the power edge.

Over with Gaia, Gigant was still firing rocks and fireballs at her. But again and again Gaia was able to deflect them. "Ability, Activate!" Bonnie cried before shifting, as the cannons on Gaia's back moved upwards and pointed at Gigant. "Gaia Cannon!"

Gigant gasped and fired his Heat Blaster attack, but before as he did the Gaia Cannons fired the twin beams of nature energy.

Gaia: 1050Gs
Nimue: 950Gs
Gigant: 750Gs
Muddion: 750Gs

They combined before hitting and cutting through the superheated air, flying faster then Gigant to react before it slammed into his chest. "AUGH!" He screamed, being knocked backwards into a pool of lava.

"USELESS!" Sombra growled at the pair, "how are Bakugan with two elements losing to Bakugan with only one?"

"Relax," Lucifer told him. "Those two are only just getting started. They should start to unveil their true power right about now." Sombra raised an eyebrow at this and turned his attention back to the screen.

Gaia and Bonnie moved towards the lava pool, wondering if Gigant was still up but being ready he he tried anything. And sure enough, he did.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Gigant roared as he exploded out of the pool, causing lava to fly everywhere. Gaia gasped and fired her cannons, destroying any lava that got too close to her and Bonnie. But this meant they were distracted as Gigant charged forward and the other Bonnie held up a card.

"Hybrid Ability, Activate!"

"Hybrid Ability?" Bonnie asked, as the volcanoes on Gigant's shoulders suddenly exploded.

"Magma Flow!" Before Gaia or Bonnie could react, streams of lava exploded out of Gigant's shoulders and flew towards them as a giant wave.

Gaia gasped and fired her Gaia Cannons, hitting the wave and pushing it back. But the heat still struck her. "Augh!" She cried, whilst Bonnie hid behind her neck. If she hadn't, he skin might have been melting at that moment with how hot she already felt.

Gaia: 850Gs
Nimue: 950Gs
Gigant: 950Gs
Muddion: 750Gs

Nimue and Lyra saw this and as they did, the newly reformed Muddion stood tall as the other Lyra held up a card. "Hybrid Ability, Activate!" Muddion brought both hands up above his head, as dirty infused water began to shoot out of them and form a ball between them. "Muddy Vortex!" Before Nimue could react, he threw the mudball.

"Look out!" Lyra cried, as the ball hit the ground at her feet. And as soon as it did, it exploded and formed a mud puddle below her. A mud puddle that quickly began swirling around and flying upwards.

"Augh!" Nimue cried, as the mud flew up to her waist.

Gaia: 850Gs
Nimue: 750Gs
Gigant: 950Gs
Muddion: 950Gs

Nimue tried to escape, but it was like the mud around her legs was actually physically holding her. And with each passing second, the vortex grew larger. Lyra saw it coming and tried to activate an Ability, but it wouldn't work. Nimue couldn't get the focus needed to use one.

Back with Bonnie, Gaia had managed to deflect the lava but the heat had still done a number on the Bakugan. So as she staggered back, Gigant charged forward. "Raaaah!" He slashed at her with her claws, making Gaia his and stagger back some more. Then he prepared to use his Heat Blaster attack, aiming his arm cannon at her.

But Bonnie chose this moment to look behind herself and saw Nimue was in trouble. It was then she had an idea and as Gigant fired his Heat Blaster, she called out to Gaia. "Dodge it! Let it pass you!" Gaia heard this and sidestepped, the stream of superheated air flying passed her. "Lyra, watch out!"

Lyra heard this and told Nimue, "shield your upper half!" Nimue swung her staff around and summoned the last of the water in the pond, which flew between her and the Heat Blaster. This caused the water to be evaporated whilst the rest of the air struck the mud and heated that up.

Nimue felt this and realised the mud was going solid, the Bakugan smirking as she held up her staff and slammed it into the solidified mood. A loud smashing sound filled the air as the mud broke away, Muddion's eyes going wide before turning to Gigant.

"What did you do!?" He cried, stomping over to him. "I had her right where I wanted her."

"It's not my fault!" Gigant told him.

"Oh boys." They turned to the girls and saw Nimue and Gaia now standing side by side, "did you forget about us?" Bonnie shook her head, "that'll cost you."

Lyra held up two cards, "Double Ability, Activate!" Nimue leapt into the air and hew up the bottom of her staff, a sphere of water appearing on it. "Overflow!" She thrust the water ball down and it exploded upon hitting the ground, creating a wave of water that she controlled so as to not hit Gaia.

The wave shot towards the pair and slammed into them, both Bakugan crying out as their powers were cut in half.

Gaia: 850Gs
Nimue: 750Gs
Gigant: 475Gs
Muddion: 475Gs

"Plus, Maiden's Fury!" As Nimue landed, she started playing her harp and glowed as the difference between her power and the Hybrids' doubled.

Gaia: 850Gs
Nimue: 1025Gs
Gigant: 475Gs
Muddion: 475Gs

Nimue charged forward with incredible speed, reaching Gigant first and leaping up to slam her staff into his extinguished head. She then leapt over and thrust her foot into Muddion's face, knocking him backwards.

"AUGH!" They both cried as they were knocked backwards, allowing Nimue to leap away as Gaia moved closer.

"Alright," Bonnie held up a card. "Fusion Ability, Activate!" Gaia brought her shoulder cannons up as nature energy flowed into her, powering them up. "Infinite Gaia!"

Gaia: 1250Gs
Nimue: 1025Gs
Gigant: 475Gs
Muddion: 475Gs

"FIRE!" Gaia cried as the cannons fired the beams towards the Hybrids, but Gigant wasn't going down so easily.

"Fusion Ability, Activate!" The other Bonnie held up a card, as Gigant's flames reignited and his shoulder volcanoes began unleashing a bunch of lava into the air. "Volcanic Devastator!" The lava formed a sphere that Gigant leapt behind before firing a Heat Blaser into, causing the orb to explode into a lava stream that shot towards the Infinite Gaia attack.

The two collided and whilst the Infinite Gaia cut through the lava at first, it slowly weakened as Gaia felt her power drop and Gigant's rise.

Gaia: 850Gs
Nimue: 1025Gs
Gigant: 875Gs
Muddion: 475Gs

Muddion also chose this moment to attack, the other Lyra holding up a card. "Fusion Ability, Activate!" Muddion fired muddy water from his hands once again, which struck the ground and formed a wave even bigger than the last one. "Swamp Tsunami!"

Nimue gasped as she swung her staff downwards, trying to cut the wave in half. But this barely worked and a lot of the water still slammed into her and pushed her backwards. "Ahhh!" She cried, barely managing to stay on her feet whilst Lyra hid behind her neck.

Gaia: 850Gs
Nimue: 625Gs
Gigant: 875Gs
Muddion: 675Gs

Gaia and Gigant were still locked in a near stalemate, with Gigant's slight advantage causing Gaia's attack to slowly lose ground. Bonnie couldn't activate another Ability, for Gaia would need to kill her attack to do so and that would leave them vulnerable. She looked over and saw Nimue and Lyra were having just as much trouble, with Lyra doing the same.

"Nimue," Lyra cried, "we have to do something." She took out a card, "stay strong."

"I'll...try!" Nimue could feel her strength waning with every second.

"Okay. Ability, Activate!" As she said that, the wave completely overtook Nimue and her.

"NO!" Bonnie cried, as the Volcanic Devastator got closer and closer to them. As this happened, Muddion smirked seeing Nimue disappear below the waves.

"Gotcha," he chuckled. But as he did, something appeared at his feet. "Huh?" He looked down and saw the swampy ground begin to rise and bubble. Then, the next thing he knew that bubble exploded and launched a powerful jet of water right at him. "AUGH!" He was knocked backwards, causing his attack to die down.

At the same time, another crack appeared in the volcanic land before it exploded and launched a blast of water at Gigant.

"GYAH!" He cried, being knocked back as his attack fell to the ground. This allowed Gaia to continue firing as she suddenly felt a great surge of power. "What's happening?" He cried as he barely managed to avoid the Infinite Gaia's attack

In that moment, the Swamp Tsunami finally faded and revealed a rather soaked Nimue and Lyra. Nimue pushed herself back to her feet and panted as she pulled the water off of her. "That was my Geyser Burst!"

Bonnie smiled seeing Lyra was okay, then looked down at her BakuColar.

Gaia: 1450Gs
Nimue: 1125Gs
Gigant: 75Gs
Muddion: 275Gs

"Wow," she whispered as Gigant and Muddion both roared.

"This isn't over!" Gigant bellowed as the other Bonnie and Lyra held up cards.

"Ability, Activate!" They both cried, as the two Hybrid Bakugan glowed. "Diagonal Correlation!" The light flew out of them and connected, powering them up.

Gaia: 1450Gs
Nimue: 1125Gs
Gigant: 275Gs
Muddion: 475Gs

They both growled, seeing they still did not have enough power. As they prepared to attack again, Nimue stepped over to Gaia.

"You mind?" Lyra asked Bonnie as she took out a card. "I've been waiting to use this." Bonnie smiled and nodded, Lyra holding the card up. "Fusion Ability, Activate!" Nimue started playing her harp, the music forming energy that flowed out of the instrument and started spiralling around her. "Maiden's Heart!"

Bonnie looked down at her BakuColar and was amazed by what she saw.

Gaia: 1450Gs
Nimue: 2250Gs
Gigant: 275Gs
Muddion: 475Gs

"Incredible," she whispered as Nimue swung the staff towards the two Bakugan.

"it's...OVER!" She screamed, the light exploding off of her and flew towards the hybrid Bakugan. As it got closer, the light began to transform as droplets of water appeared within it and merged to become a large wave.

The two Bakugan could do nothing but brace themselves, as the wave slammed into them and they were both sent flying back and screaming out. The fake versions of Lyra and Bonnie were also swept away by the wave, both silent as they exploded into specks of light.

The wave then exploded into a burst of light, blinding the girls and their Bakugan for a few moments before it faded away.

They slowly opened their eyes and when they did, they saw that Gigant and Muddion were gone. "We did it!" Bonnie cheered, leaping down from Gaia's shoulder.

"Bonnie!" Lyra cried as the girl practically tackled her, the pair hugging as they almost fell off Nimue's shoulder.

"Careful," Nimue told them. She grabbed the girls and placed them down on the ground, Lyra and Bonnie still hugging.

"We won!" Bonnie smiled.

"You bet we did," Lyra nodded as they looked around. "And hopefully the guys were able to find a way up to Sombra." The others nodded, hoping so too. They had a feeling Sombra wasn't going to be too happy.

In a dark area, the ball forms of Gigant and Muddion were floating in a cage of energy.

"Ahh!" Gigant growled as he popped open, "I can't believe we lost by so much!" He turned to Muddion, "how are those foolish little girls be so strong?" Muddion remained silent for a moment, "aren't you angry?"

"Of course," Muddion told him. "But there's nothing we can do about it now. Let's just be thankful that Master Sombra saved us before the full effects of that attack hit. If he hadn't, we would have been in the clutches of those little girls." Gigant growled even more at this. "For now, we have to wait until Master Lucifer has need of us. Until then, let's recover and be ready."

"Fine," Gigant told him. "But the next time I see those fools, I'll melt them to a crisp."

Author's Note:

Well, the first obstacle has been overcome. Now, what will our heroes face next?

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