• Published 12th Jan 2021
  • 11,044 Views, 576 Comments

That One Time: Celestia and Luna Married the Mane Six - TheCrimsonDM

Have you ever gotten so drunk you forgot you offered the princesses' hoof in marriage to whoever brought your sister back? And how many 'es' there are in 'Princess'?

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Chapter Fourteen: When Hidden Romances Turn to Dinner Prances

Chapter Fourteen: When Hidden Romances Turn to Dinner Prances

Written by TheCrimsonDM

It was in all reality this was Celestia’s favorite time of the day, well her second favorite. Her first being breakfast/dinner. Dinner/breakfast was great as well. For Celestia the table was filled with all the delights a princess rightfully deserved. From select cuts of salted salmon to the creamiest of mashed potatoes. Cake was a must at every meal and this one was no exception with the cake in question standing in the middle of the table nearly as tall as any of the ponies here. More toward Luna’s side there were hay waffles, apple pie, pancakes, eggs and hay bacon.

It was only a more recent tradition that more of the succulent items had been removed due to cultural changes. She still recalled the favor of real bacon and fried chicken. It was three hundred, no three hundred and fifty years ago that those items became taboo in Equestria. This led to the loss of a lot of the more carnivorous members of Equestria, as they found new homes usually secreted away. With the return of bat-ponies the options might start coming back though, with luck it would only take another hundred years or so before meat returned properly. For now she still had fish, and anypony foolish enough to take that away would rue the day they were born under the rulership of the Princess of the Sun.

Of course there was one small catch with that; Fluttershy.

Thankfully the cuts of salted salmon looked nothing like a fish but the smell of fish was always unmistakable. She feared that the animal lover was going to have a heart attack once she noticed. Instead what happened was stranger still. The mare actually took a few slices for herself, smelled them, and then smiled. She knew exactly what they were. Of course she would, didn’t she feed salmon to her pet otters? And where would she get those fish from if not from the marketplace?

This made Celestia smile. What other oddities did the tiny mare hide? Perhaps she too enjoyed the flavor of the heartier foods. The taboo, and the strange. The wicked and the forbidden. Or was fish where she drew the line? At least they didn’t have caviar… actually that would be a mistake for the chefs. Fish eggs were particularly unwanted by Celestia and Luna. They both remembered the days where fish eggs as well as lobsters were considered peasant food before some noble thought it funny to serve it among his peers… to which those peers responded by passive aggressively serving it among more. The circle of passive aggressive food gestures continued until nopony remembered why they had caviar and the price of said item despite being so common was absolutely ridiculous.

Honestly, some days Celestia wanted to go to one of those higher class functions, and pour ketchup and baked beans all over the caviar just to watch the disgruntled faces of nobles as they watched her eat them. Only to then turn baked beans and ketchup into a rare commodity by the end of the century.

Luna had suggested the jest could become worse once they realized what effects baked beans would have on social gatherings. The noise and smell were both things the two princesses did not care for. So it was decided they would go with just the ketchup when they enacted the plan to eradicate caviar from noble dinners.

Everypony had at this point grabbed at least some food to place on their respective plates. Somehow Pinkie Pie had remained careful not to get caught eating any of the food on her plate. Though Celestia was sure that the mare was at least nibbling on it when not being directly looked at.

Since they were waiting for Luna, Cadance brought up a conversation topic that made everypony a bit quiet. “Celestia, who are we inviting for the wedding?”

Celestia let out a sigh. This was something she had thought about for some time and she already had her answer. “Not many. In fact, very few ponies are going to be at the actual wedding, considering the sensitivity of it. With that said, we will host a more public ceremony for our mutual wives families and friends. Twilight’s parents excluded.”

Shining Armor bit his lower lip and looked down at his plate, but otherwise said nothing. Cadance spoke up in his stead. “You’re not inviting Twilight’s parents?”

Celestia huffed. “And why should I? They’ve probably talked to me more times than they have their own daughter in the past ten years of her life. No, I’m the only mother she needs to be there.”

Cadance allowed a small smile to creep over her lips. “And yet you’re marrying her.”

Celestia met Cadance’s eyes with a glare that promised eternal torment if she pushed the subject further. Honestly it wasn’t just their distance from Twilight that made Celestia dislike them. It was the dread, the absolute terror they held in their eyes when they saw Twilight, the way they flinched around her when she moved too quickly forcing Twilight to move slow, and awkwardly, not at all like her usual free and awkward self. No parent should fear their child, and that was why Celestia wasn’t going to invite them.

Twilight spoke up and said something that surprised Celestia. “I’m okay if they don’t show up. All I need is Celestia, Shining, and Cadance.” She didn’t have to explain what she needed them for, they all knew she meant that she only needed those three for family. Yet looking around it was clear to Celestia that Twilight had so much more family than she ever did before, all of these loving mares, plus Luna.

For the first time since she’d heard about the multiple marriages, Celestia wondered if perhaps she should really be trying to stop it at all? Family… how long had it been since Celestia considered the idea for either herself or her sister?

Once Luna appeared and grabbed some food of her own the dinner could commence. Celestia had originally been somewhat concerned with what Luna would think of such a crowded dining room, but the look in Luna’s eyes, the smile on her lips and the relaxed nature of her body all told Celestia she was happy. Truly happy. In fact Celestia couldn’t remember ever seeing Luna so at home when having dinner or breakfast, or the varying combinations of the two.

Looking around herself she tried to figure out exactly what it was that had changed. The room was full of life, of laughter and of ponies talking. Whether it was Pinkie Pie telling some outrageous silly story that ended in a joke. Cadance and Shining Armor speaking of more mundane tasks in the Crystal Empire. A quiet conversation between Fluttershy and Twilight about animals. Rainbow Dash striking a heroic pose and proclaiming her awesomeness to the world. Or Rarity captivating Luna’s attention with a smile and a few modest words. The room was full.

For the first time in many, many centuries the lonesome room had broken away to a group of friends, potential lovers, and family. Warmth and laughter, love and light filled the air. There was not a single thing out of place here, nothing was strange or wrong. In fact, Celestia only came to realize it then, but every single meal before this one tonight had been the wrong one. Neither Celestia nor Luna had much experience with close friendly dinners. The only ones Celestia went to were political and always a game of cat and mouse or shadowed daggers, but this was just the opposite of any of those. Nopony here cared about the politics, none were trying to squeeze Celestia for a new law or for some funding. They were here, all by request, and simply having fun enjoying the atmosphere.

The way Luna looked in this setting, it was almost like seeing Luna happy for the first time since they were foals. Or at least since she was freed from the clutches of Nightmare Moon. The one and only other time Luna and Celestia had such a private dinner with these mares…

The feeling Celestia got in her chest was like being stabbed by a sharp jagged blade. Could it be that Luna had truly cared for these mares all these years, that she had hidden such feelings even from Celestia and wanting something as simple as a dinner with them? If that was true, was Celestia doing as she had always done and neglecting her sister’s needs?

She still wanted out of the forced marriage but perhaps she could invite these mares over for more casual dinners or breakfasts or both in the future. Surely that would help heal any wounds left in either of their hearts… as for Twilight, well… Celestia had to accept that eventually she was going to have to take care of that promise. When she did maybe that too would help Luna’s loneliness… or hers for that matter.

A warm nuzzle from her side revealed Twilight who was rubbing her face into Celestia’s side. Celestia lowered a wing around the sweet mare. “Yes, Twilight?”

Twilight nuzzled up and buried her face into Celestia’s side. “Mmm, n-nothing.”

Celestia let out a little sigh. It was surprisingly nice to feel somepony so interested in her. Nopony seemed to be staring either so maybe this would be okay… tonight she was going to… what was she going to do tonight? Her head felt like it was spinning. Thoughts of all the images Cadance had shown her were running through her head. She couldn’t get Twilight out of her mind.

Twilight pulled back a little and looked up. “Um, Celestia… you’re getting really warm.”

Celestia swallowed. “Yes, yes I am.”

From across the table she caught Luna’s eye. The mare had noticed what was going on and it felt almost as if Luna could read her mind. This would not do. She had to do something about this.

Applejack was finished with the main portion of her meal and had moved on to the slice of apple pie. She gave it a whimsical smile and rolled her eyes. She took one bite and her eyes widened. She chewed a few times and then swallowed. “This… this is as good as Granny Smiths!”

Luna called over to her. “Well, I did have your Grandmother teach me to make it. In her dreams I asked for directions and although it took some time I am confident in my skills to bake this one single dish.”

Applejack looked over to her. “You baked this pie? Not one of yer servants, but you?”

Luna grinned. “Even I can do my own cooking sometimes.”

Applejack looked down at the pie and swallowed. “Ah think mah family has a rule about having to marry a pony if they can bake this well.”

Rarity called back. “See, I told you that Luna would make the most wonderful wife.”

Celestia stared down at her. Oh crap… there goes that plan. Applejack finished the pie and stood up. “Excuse me fer a moment.” She walked over to where Luna was and stared up into those big bright eyes. “Do you think we could… have a talk somewhere quiet?”

Luna smiled down at her, and the smile was returned. “Of course my love.”

Celestia watched as those two walked away from the dinner table. Hopeful that should they return some kind of compromise was formed but after the pie, she was doubtful it would be. Her hopes for ending this marriage were being dashed one by one.

With Twilight continuously nuzzling her side, she was getting other feelings that she really, really didn’t want. She was trying her best to ignore them. Pinkie Pie was at least the only pony here to break Celestia away from those maddening thoughts. “So, Princess Celestia! What was the worst Gala you ever had? Was it the one we went to?”

A story, yes, an excellent distraction. Celestia rose and chuckled. “No, no, there was one that was far worse. One that has been stricken from any of the records but a select few speak of in hushed rumors to this day. The gala where everypony was turned into a frog.”


It was a challenge for Luna to keep her smile on her face when she was terrified. Hearing that her beloved apple wanted to speak with her in private had sent shivers down her spine. What if she had crossed a line? Would Applejack be angry with her? All Luna desired was to bring as much joy to these ponies as they had done to her. She thought making apple pie would be a gesture of love not an insult… perhaps this was one of the many things she misunderstood.

Once in the hallway and the door closed behind them Applejack turned to face her. There was a serious look in those eyes and it made Luna want to breakdown and beg the freckled cutie for forgiveness. Of course as a ruler of Equestria she couldn’t do that… just yet.

Applejack let out a sigh. “Sorry about dragging you out here like that, Luna.”

Luna shook her head. “It’s quite alright. There is much to discuss and not nearly enough time to do so.”

Applejack took a step forward. “Yer right about that. This here wedding… you seem to have done yer research on all of us.”

Luna smiled and nodded. “Of course I have. For many years now I have watched you, all of you, wishing that even one of you would return my gaze. Now all of you have taken notice and… Applejack, is something wrong?”

Applejack shook her head. “Nothing… Ah just was thinking. You know me and Rarity aren’t just friends right?”

“Of course not, you two share a bond deeper than any of the others, though you had secreted that bond for some time now. I fear I do not understand why. Rarity doesn’t seem the type to want to hide such things.”

Applejack lowered her had to cover her eyes. “She didn’t. Ah did…”

“But why? Doth thou not approve of her?”

Applejack shook her head. “Ah don’t know. Ah guess Ah don’t want others thinking Ah’m not as tough as Ah look. Listen, you know Ah’m kinda the head of the household. Ah’m in charge of the farm and mah family even if Big Mac is older than me, he’s too sensitive fer such things.”

Luna nodded. “I understand. It is a trait I most admire about you. How strong you are in the face of such hardships. How much value you hold for the ones you love.”

Applejack smiled. “Ah ain’t all that strong though… Ah’m weak, and Ah’m scared all the time of losing the farm. If we don’t make enough each year the farm could go into debt, if’n it does… well Ah reckon we might not recover.”

Luna nodded. “Once you are a princess those will no longer be concerns for you to worry about.”

Applejack lifted her hat. “Ah don’t want to marry you just fer money. Ah’m afraid… what if Ah don’t really like you, what if Ah am just using you and Ah somehow tricked myself into liking you? Makes me feel awful.”

Luna lowered herself to the ground so that she could look directly into Applejack’s eyes. “Listen my dear. I have seen your dreams, I have seen your nightmares. There were times that those Flim Flam phonies tried taking your farm and I have stood there to keep it safe with you by my side. Even if just a dream, I know of your hardships.

“I admit that I also know you feel more for Rarity than you do for me now. I would hope that in time, you begin to love me as much as you do her. We will have time for that to blossom, but I know this. I know you’d never use me for power or gain.”

Applejack’s smile wavered for a moment. “You trust me that much?”

“I do, and I love you. With all my heart and soul I love you. I just ask for thou to give me the chance to enter thy heart as thou hast mine.”

Applejack nodded. “Ah… Ah can do that. After all, ain’t nopony besides Rares ever try to learn to cook apple pie just for me. And Rarity even failed.”

Luna laughed. “Well, let’s not tell her that, now shall we?”

Applejack nodded. “Sounds good to me.”


They came back into the room and Celestia’s heart soared. At least until Applejack took a seat next to her and looked up saying, “She’s okay with me and Rarity.”

Celestia felt a cold shiver run down her spine as she looked at her sister. The sly smile growing over her lips told her that Luna knew exactly what she had tried to do, and the fact that Celestia failed only made her happy. Oh… tonight was going to be a long one.

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