• Published 12th Jan 2021
  • 11,044 Views, 576 Comments

That One Time: Celestia and Luna Married the Mane Six - TheCrimsonDM

Have you ever gotten so drunk you forgot you offered the princesses' hoof in marriage to whoever brought your sister back? And how many 'es' there are in 'Princess'?

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Chapter Twenty Four: When Appletrees See the Moon

Chapter Twenty Four: When Apple Trees See the Moon

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Applejack was just about fed up with this. Sure she’d take any chance to ogle her marefriend’s behind any day, but this was absurd. So far Celestia, Rainbow Dash and even Twilight had seen this spectacle and this was about where she drew the line.

Fluttershy walked in. “Oh um… is everything okay Rarity?”

Applejack looked back at her. “Run!”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “I’m not going to do anything to Fluttershy, Applepie.” She looked at Fluttershy. “Darling, could you be so kind as to compliment my butt?”

Fluttershy’s cheeks went from yellow to red faster than an apple falling from a tree. “Oh um… it’s big.”

Rarity’s eye twitched. “Excuse me?”

“I um… I like big butts. S-sorry… I can’t lie.”

Rarity’s eye was still twitching. “Please, leave, now.”

Fluttershy nodded and walked away. Applejack laughed. “Well you can’t deny.”

Pinkie Pie finished. “When you see that itty bitty waist and that big thing in your face.”

Rarity glared at her. “One more word about the size of my rear and I will find a way to punish you.”

Pinkie Pie bounced in. “Oh are we getting to stare at Rarity’s butt now? YES!” She bounced in and took a seat next to the very tired looking servant. “I’ve been wanting free access to stare at this thing for ages. Can I touch?”

Rarity smiled. “Of course, darling.”

Applejack interrupted. “Now hold on a second, Pinkie. You can’t just walk up and-“

Pinkie didn’t even hesitate to slap Rarity’s left flank causing the surprised mare to yelp and jump forward. For the first time in hours Rarity turned around and glared at Pinkie. “I said you could touch, not spank!”

Pinkie shrugged. “You’ve been naughty, forcing these poor fillies to stare at your butt. You probably need a good spanking.”

Applejack cut in. “Pinkie, just cus we’re all getting hitched to each other does not mean you get to just do whatever you want to mah Rarity.”

Rarity glowered at her. “I especially don’t appreciate being spanked… but thank you for trying. Now it’s time to make Luna and Celestia notice me.”

Pinkie Pie grinned. “Yeah, Luna’s a great kisser. You should ask her to do that with you.”

Rarity’s eye twitched again. “Is everypony going to get attention before me? I am the pretty one!”

“No, Fluttershy is the pretty one. You’re the sexy one.”

Rarity marched up to Pinkie, stuck out her muzzle and shoved it into Pinkie’s. “Excuse you, me?”

“You’re excused.”

Rarity’s ear flopped and her eye twitched. A blue aura surrounded her horn but Applejack couldn’t’ see what kind of spell was being cast. It took a moment but she saw a vase covered in a blue aura slowly drifting ten feet above them and heading toward Pinkie. She had to know that wouldn’t work on Pinkie, the pinkie sense would jump in. Applejack waited for it to kick in. Pinkie pie sat there. It didn’t kick in.

Pinkie Pie blinked a few times, put both of her hooves on either side of Rarity’s face, and somehow an extra pair on the back of Rarity’s head and started to kiss Rarity. The vase fell to the floor and shattered harmlessly next to Pinkie. The moment Applejack saw tongues she knew the mood had shifted and she was not happy about it. Still who was she supposed to be mad at, Rarity for being completely insane and technically kissing her fiancé, or Pinkie Pie for initiating said kiss.

Rarity pulled back and blinked a few times. One of her hairs popped out of place. “Applejack, you’re a great kisser.”

Pinkie Pie giggled. “I’m not Applejack silly.”

“Of course you are darling. I would never kiss anypony besides Applejack, maybe Luna but only Applejack.” Rarity walked past Pinkie and into the hall. Her steps were a little unsteady as she moved. “Now I’m going to go lay down, I’ve had a busy day my, Applepie and I think I need some alone time and some ice cream.”

Applejack knew who to be mad at now. “Pinkie Pie… we need to talk.”

Pinkie Pie was already gone. Where she went and when was beyond her. The servant was following Rarity and asking, “What flavor of ice cream do you need, Lady Rarity?”

“Apple flavor, and as much as one pony can carry.”

Applejack lowered her hat. “Well… this day keeps getting worse.”

She wondered where and what Fluttershy might be up to. If anypony was likely to be having a boring day it was probably her. Not like the mare was ever too crazy… well usually too crazy. In fact she decided to not think about what Fluttershy was currently up to. She instead chose to go walking around the castle some.

Normally she might be interested in chasing Rarity’s hind quarters into a room but the mare had been forcing ponies to stare at her butt for so long Applejack’s sex drive was as dead as the trees in the fruit bat infested parts of Sweet Apple Acres.

Thinking of home only made her feel down. What she wouldn’t give to just go home and be with family right then. A warm day doing hard work on the farm and enjoying the shrieks of Applebloom running around like crazy, or the soft singing of Big Mac as he was bucking trees. The creak of Granny Smith’s rocking chair. The way the wind rustled through the leaves on the tops of the trees.

Was she ever going to really get to enjoy all that again?

Wondering the lonely halls of the royal quarter all she really saw was empty space. Sure she would catch the sounds of her friends once in a while or see a guard or a servant walking down the halls. Anything else was quiet and lonely. Just leaving the royal quarter for a moment to go into the east wing she noticed there were significantly more ponies there. A lot more servants, nobles, visitors to the castle, heck there was even a tour going on that Applejack might have slipped into and watched as the tour guide, a stallion wearing a fancy suit, was explaining a piece of the artwork.

It was a painting of a white tree with pink leaves, with a smaller tree wrapped around it that was a blue-gray with dark blue leaves. The sky was dark and rumbled with storm clouds as these two trees stood together in a vast plane of barren rock and stone.

“This piece was a gift from the famous Vincent Van Goat, he saw the return of Luna and how troubling the times could be ahead and made this piece as a metaphor for the strength of our two Princesses and their strength to fight any evil.”

One pony in the crowd raised a hoof. “Is that going to be updated, because there’s going to eight princesses soon.”

Another pony pointed out. “There were three princesses when this was made, all in Equestria I might add.”

The tour guide let out a sigh as a torrent of similar questions hit him. One pony even dared to suggest, “Isn’t this Von Goat’s idea of Princest is Wincest.” To which half the crowd nodded in agreement the other half stared as if they weren’t sure what that meant.

Applejack could easily feel how awkward this was getting and slipped away. The poor tour guide was shaking his head slowly with eyes closed tight. It seemed like he was used to this kind of thing. Maybe they should move this painting out of the tour.

Slipping back into the royal wing she instantly felt the cold and lonely atmosphere hit her again. Did Luna and Celestia really like it so quiet? That dinner last night must have been a problem for them. Too much noise for quiet ponies Applejack figured.

Moving through the halls Applejack eventually saw Luna’s door. The door opened up and the princess herself walked out of it. She turned just long enough to look inside, smile and then gently close the door as if trying to not make too much sound. Applejack walked over to greet her future wife.


Luna stared at her with a smile and put a wing to her lips. “Shhh, she’s sleeping.”

Applejack whispered. “Who?”

“Fluttershy. Poor dear, she’s been awake most of the night and I so often forget that most ponies are not used to those hours.”

Applejack nodded. “Ayep.”

“Walk and talk?” Luna suggested.

Figuring why not she followed Luna as they walked away from the door. As much as she really didn’t want to know she also really wanted to know. So it was only natural when applejack asked, “So… Fluttershy and you been tussling much?”

Luna stared at her. “Tussling? What is that?”

“Uh, sex.”

Luna laughed. “Oh ho, well, maybe. I’m fairly certain I would say it is not very much at all, but my appetites are quite voracious compared to those of a normal pony. But keep in mind I’m still holding back with her.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “You are?”

“Well I wouldn’t want to ruin her body before marriage.”

Applejack flinched at that. “And uh… what about the rest of us.”

“Even I know restraint. Of course… I could ruin all of ye…”

Applejack didn’t like the sound of that. They turned into a small antechamber with purple curtains lining it and a window that showed a nice view of Canterlot far below them. A long couch lay against the walls and Applejack climbed up to take a rest. “Should Ah even ask?”

Luna grinned and trotted in place. “Of course you should!”

“Okay… how?”

Luna’s horn lit up. “Like this!”

What Applejack expected was Luna to show her some kind of weird spell, or even a sex toy. What she did not expect was for Luna to go from Princess to Prince. The muscle bound stallion looked at her, rough, rugged, his every bold feature was tapered only by a look of age that made him seem far more mature than Luna ever had. The worst part was the thing between his legs and it was at full attention.

Luna cleared his voice. “Ahem, so Applejack, my love. What do you think?”

Applejack stared, her mouth suddenly felt very, very wet. It wasn’t the only part of her feeling that way and by golly if her tail didn’t go back down and stop moving on its own she was going to cut it off. That voice was the last piece of the puzzle. So deep, strong, yet gentle. It was the kind of voice that gave mare’s orgasms.

Luna smiled. “I see you enjoy this form. I knew it was a good idea to deal with this. Now tell me.” His wing reached out and brushed the side of Applejack’s face. Hot lines of pleasure went soaring through her face and down her body. Applejack knew she was blushing something fierce but she couldn’t stop it if she wanted too… and she didn’t want too. “Do you want to try me out?”

Applejack couldn’t speak. She couldn’t move. All she could do was lean into those feathers as Luna leaned over. His breath fell gently upon Applejack’s lips, even his breath smelled like pure masculinity. Oh by Celestia’s shining flanks, she wanted him to take her then and there, on that couch. Rarity be damned this was their wife/husband.

Their lips met and Applejack felt herself going crazy. Her eyes closed tightly and she felt her body going numb. Luna’s face began to shrink and when she pulled away Luna was a female once more. Applejack stared dazed for a moment. Luna looked at herself. “Oh… that’s harder to keep up when I’m. I promise I shall practice it for thee.”

Applejack moved her lips slowly and then her brain began turning. When she tried to sit up she realized this couch cushion was going to need a wash. “Uh… right.”

Trying very hard to ignore the mess she made Applejack focused on something else. Anything else. The one thing that kept coming back to her mind today was here once more. “It’s uh… quiet here isn’t it?”

Luna sat down. Her smile faltered a little. “It… is.”

“Don’t you and Celestia like that?”

“I don’t know about my sister but I have lived on the moon for the past thousand years. I am so done with quiet.” Luna smiled but her eyes looked sad. “The life the six of ye have brought here is more than I can ever thank thee for. The dinner last night… twas the first time I’ve felt full since my return.”

Applejack hadn’t considered that even if Celestia liked the quiet and the distance, Luna needed attention, activity and love. In fact wasn’t that what brought her to become evil in the first place. Wasn’t it the reason why Celestia and Twilight and anypony who was still sane were terrified of breaking Luna’s heart?

Putting herself in Luna’s horseshoes for a moment Applejack realized that this was probably the worst place imaginable without her friends here. Just quiet servants that acted like ghosts. A sister that slept all night long. A world where ponies slept during the night and few were brave enough to really talk to her…

Applejack sat up and reached out with a foreleg wrapping it around Luna’s neck. She brought her in, not for a kiss but for a hug. A tight hug with all the strength she could muster. Luna froze for a moment and then returned the embrace with those wings that swallowed Applejack whole. It was dark in that embrace. Dark, but it was warm, and safe.

Applejack whispered. “Ah never knew you were so lonely. Yer welcome on the farm anytime you want. Ah’d be honored to have over fer dinner.”

Luna rubbed her face into Applejack’s back. “That means… so much to me.”

Applejack pulled back a little and watched as Luna did the same. She leaned over and kissed Luna on the cheek gently. “Now don’t go tellin’ anypony that Ah’m soft like that okay?”

Luna smiled. “It will be our secret.”

“Good, and if’n yer looking for noise. Pinkie’s a good bet.”

Luna’s wings flared and that warm loving embrace left her. With a turn Luna began walking away. “I shall find Pinkie immediately then, she is the pony of fun after all.”

Applejack watched her leave. “Hmmm… not as good as watching Rarity walk away, but close enough.” She then remembered she needed to find a way to clean the mess she made on the couch cushion… would anypony really be upset if she just flipped the cushion over? It wasn’t like anypony was ever going to come to this couch again or on it for that matter.

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